Welcome to bonus stage! Today, we will be playing one mission of Advance Wars 2, in order to show off a small segment of the game that I love without committing to going through the whole thing. AW2 isn't long, and it's an incredibly strong game from a writing standpoint, but it's much more heavily focused on character and not on plot. I would recommend playing it- although there is a remake coming out in the near future (well, hopefully).
I won't go into much detail about the nature of level selection and what information this screen is sharing with the player, since it's not particularly relevant on this micro level, but this screen is the only way to tell what mission you've selected ahead of time (you may choose which levels you want to play semi-freely in this campaign).
Before we begin, a plot summary of Advance Wars 2: Black Hole is invading Wars World, and the four countries must chase them away. We will be in Yellow Comet for this mission- the other countries are Orange Star, Blue Moon, and Green Earth.
Missions usually begin with the villains discussing their plans. This is a faceless Black Hole soldier, as weird as his sprite might be.
And this is Adder, a moderately high-ranked member of the Black Hole army. He's only said two words and I expect you've gathered a great deal of his personality from his appearance alone. This is a pretty good mission for showing off what Adder is like as a character, but he'll need to say more than "Very well" for that.
This is Flak, the lowest-ranked Black Hole CO and the dumbest character in the trilogy. Although saying that, he's not actually as dumb as he is portrayed- he's certainly a bit of an idiot, but he's clearly got some braincells to rub together here, and AW1 has some true dunderheads running around...
Narrative-wise, Adder has mounted a laser cannon of some description, and he expects Yellow Comet to come marching in to get hit by it.
Flak doesn't see any reason for Yellow Comet to swallow the bait.
That's certainly an effective bait. Although I wonder whom "the world" is. At this point in the story, the other three known nations are Orange Star (which can and has freely lent aid to repel Black Hole from Yellow Comet by this point), Blue Moon and Green Earth (who are both in the middle of repelling Black Hole invasions of their own). None of these countries are going to think less of Yellow Comet for allowing cities to be taken over.