Friday 24 December 2021

Chapter 3-13 Boss Conversations: Greil Mercenaries

While we're being cornered by the Greil Mercenaries and the laguz, we can always have a few words with them!

Today's Conversations:

  • Ike
  • Soren
  • Nailah
  • Greil Mercenaries


Why would you seek me out? I won’t have any mercy on my enemies. That goes for former allies, too!


Ike: Micaiah, we have to talk. This is insane.
Micaiah: What’s insane about a people fighting for their country?
Ike: There’s got to be something we can do! Let us help, please!
Micaiah: Why would you want to help us, after everything we’ve done? No, after everything I’ve done…
Ike: We know you don’t want this fight. Isn’t there any way for us to avoid it?
Micaiah: …No. No, I’m afraid there isn’t.
Ike: Just talk to me! We can find a way!
Micaiah: You don’t understand. We can’t stop. I’m sorry, but I can’t explain it more clearly than that.
Ike: Micaiah, I don’t want you to die. I don’t want all of your soldiers to die. You have to let me help you.
Micaiah: Ike… Now I see it. Now it makes sense.
Ike: What makes sense?
Micaiah: Sothe always spoke so highly of you. Now I know the reason. You truly are a good person. It’s a shame…
Ike: Why is that a shame?
Micaiah: Because it makes what I have to do even harder. Please prepare yourself. Let’s put an end to this.
Ike: As you wish. Good-bye, Micaiah.
Micaiah: [The light of life! Shine a ray upon my path and] …strike my enemy!

This conversation really helps sell Micaiah's desperation getting in the way of her reason. Imagine if things went just a little differently, and everything could fall into place. It'd be really difficult to get an outcome where Lekain doesn't trigger the pact at all, though. Maybe if we got a message to Zelgius?

(The dialogue in square brackets is uttered in Ancient text.)


Sothe:  Commander Ike…
Ike: Are you prepared this time, Sothe? Are you really sure about this?
Sothe: Yes. Our battle has no justice. There is no victory in this war. Only pointless killing. But this is the path I’ve chosen.
Ike: Then stick to your chosen path. I’ll strike you down with one blow. That’s the least I can do for you.
Sothe: …Thank you, Commander.

Sothe has gotten quite the sense of nihilism from fighting on this side of a doomed war.



Soren: Our last battle, in the valley. Was that your strategy?
Micaiah: …
Soren: That was impressive. You killed thousands of beorc soldiers with your little ambush. Well done.
Micaiah: I…
Soren: The Maiden of Dawn… What are you? One of the Branded, that’s for sure. But there is something else about you… Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power.
Micaiah: Yes, and you would know. There’s something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so…ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common.
Soren: That doesn’t matter in the slightest. The only thing that does matter is that you are a dangerous adversary. You are also in Ike’s path, so it falls to me to remove you. It’s almost a shame. Farewell, Maiden of Dawn.
Micaiah: So, you fight for someone, as well. So very much alike… But I will defeat you. I will protect the ones I love!

This conversation seems impossible to view in-game, because Soren doesn't move, Micaiah can't cast any spells that reach his square from her position, and there's no way to manipulate Soren into being positioned closer (ie through Shoving). I think even the Sleep staff with capped Magic doesn't get far enough.

I think, overall, Micaiah has gone up in Soren's estimation, though.


Soren: …Ugh… What a terrible place… to die…
Ike: Soren, retreat!
Soren: But, Ike…
Ike: Aren’t you supposed to be my strategist? Use your head! I need your help.
Soren: …I see. As you command…



Sothe: Queen Nailah! Are you going to try to hurt Micaiah?
Nailah: No, silly boy. I’m here to talk to her. Since you know me, why don’t you take me to her? I would prefer not to kill all your soldiers if I can help it.
Sothe: I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I can’t let a laguz near Micaiah. Lots of people from Daein have issues with the laguz.
Nailah: We are not your enemy.
Sothe: I know that, but our troops wouldn’t understand. I’m sorry, Queen Nailah.
Nailah: …Very well, then.
Sothe: I’m… I’m ashamed it has to be like this.
Nailah: Try not to worry. Just…survive, all right? Watch after Micaiah, as well.
Sothe: I will. We’re fighting for our survival as it is. I don’t plan to let anyone go.

...Really, Daein? The JP script I first spotted this one in seems to be more "the Daein Army doesn't recognise you", which is a little more reasonable, but this? Damn, Daein.


Volug: [Your Majesty…]
: Let me hear it from you. Why is Daein involved in this war?
: [The Daein king was tricked into cooperating with Begnion.]
: What about Micaiah? And Sothe?
: [They haven’t changed at all. They fight for the continued survival of their country.]
: I see. They are our friends. We cannot let them fall.

(Volug, of course, speaking entirely in Ancient Language).

At least Volug's version of the story is very helpful for Nailah.

Greil Mercenaries:

Sothe: Get ready. Even if I have to fight my old friends, I won’t stop until I die!

Jill vs Mist:

Mist: Jill! Why? Why are you doing this?!
Jill: I’m sorry, Mist. There’s no way we can turn back now.
Mist: But, Jill…
Jill: Mist… run. I won’t be expected to kill you if you just turn and run!

I mentioned this in the main run, but, uh... is Mist supposed to initiate on Jill or what?

Ranulf (Defeat):

Ranulf: Arg! Like being hit… with a mountain…
Tibarn: Ranulf! Enough! Get back! I can’t let you die! What would I tell King Caineghis and Skrimir?
Ranulf: …I’m sorry, King Tibarn…

Titania (Defeat):

Titania: Ugh… They got me…
Ike: Titania! Retreat and don’t exert yourself. We wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t here. We need you.
Titania: Ah, I understand, Ike. … You’ve… grown to become a legend… Greil… are you watching? Be proud of your son.

Defeat quotes:

Mist: Oww! Hey, that hurts! Sorry, Ike. I’m going to pull back.

Boyd: Ugh! They hit me good. I hate to say it, but I have to pull back!

Oscar: The enemy uses good tactics. Sorry, Ike. I’m pulling back for now.

Rolf: I… I guess it’s over…

Shinon: Why do these softheads keep fighting?! There’s no chance they’ll ever win this battle! I’m pulling back for now. I’m not wasting my arrows on these fools!

Gatrie: Ugh! Hey, you’re pretty good! Better than I expected, honestly. Ike, I’m pulling back.

Rhys: Ugh! That’s it for me… I’m pulling back now, everyone.

Mia: They’re strong! I can’t defeat them! But I’ll be stronger tomorrow, and then we’ll see who wins!

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