Sunday 31 October 2021

RD Chapter 1-6: Rider of Daein

The Mad King's twin ambitions, the glory of the strong, and the desire to become the strongest warrior ever, came into conflict, and neither ambition came to pass.

It's hard to believe Pelleas and Ashnard share blood.

But we have a Prince, at least. Good news enough.

May Daein rise under the reign of Ashnard's father's grandson!

Accompanied by the heroine of the people.

May many more join our cause!

We start off in another area of Daein, to meet a new character. There's a lot of cool maps around here.

...Why do I get the unpleasant feeling that Faerghus might be liable to get like this for Adrestia?


It appears the thing they were discussing was that broken wall behind them.

How badly do you want to make sure that Daein doesn't try anything funny? Either to usurp your power or just because Ashnard was a pretty bad guy and we don't want a repeat?

Hopefully, the answer is not "enough to stab a guy".

Fiona up here doesn't seem particularly fond of this conduct.

More Jarod? The man's everywhere! It's almost sad, how much he's chasing us around.

So Fiona is to be Jarod's next ally.

She's not exactly an unwilling ally, but she isn't pleased with Begnion's conduct right about now. A potentially sympathetic character!


I... think the part where Fiona started accusing Begnion of being barbaric comes from the localisers? If so, good job, even if it does kinda slightly mess with the following part of the conversation.

This tells us the vital information that Fiona is actually openly Daein. Her faction didn't join Ashnard, which tells us a little bit more about Ashnard- he allowed people to stay behind, even if he probably considered them foolish/too weak to care about.

And if that isn't the smarmiest way he could've phrased that. Obviously his side is the wise side to be on! It's true that her people are endangered by her accusations, though, even if blatantly evil.

Jarod's hoping that'll be enough to keep Fiona in line.

But... there is now a call to arms for Daein. And her people would prefer her side with the liberators.

I feel like Fiona is telling Jarod what he wants to hear. You can almost fill in the blank that "I'm not joining you because you want to stomp out this prince".

Jarod: "I need a volunteer."

A Begnion soldier: Actually volunteers.

Apparently Jarod's methods haven't reached the whole Begnion army yet.

Jarod at least knows Fiona has showed more than the accepted level of insubordination.

(The volunteer is the topmost Begnion solider, who is now kneeling and one tile in front of where he was in the last screenshot.)

We'll now get plenty of establishing shots of campsites with tents if we're in a moving army, starting with this one.

Micaiah and Sothe are shown entering this tent. This won't become recurring.

"...operatives" is a funny way of describing them, but I'm not sure what kind of operatives might warrant the ... treatment.

Honestly, this is a pretty good line. The two best things in Daein right now, working together. Now all we need is ice cream.

The American version of this line is "Late King Ashnard's orphan surfaces". Many sources, including earlier in this game, use orphan freely to describe Pelleas, despite the fact his mother is clearly alive.

A cunning plan! I would never have thought of it!

Sothe asks if its an even remotely feasible one.

Nods politely.

Translation: "I threw a dart at a dartboard."


Izuka's actual plan of attack around now is to do something impressive to get the people of Daein's attention, and really prove they're an army you can trust: right now all they have is promise and hope.

We get a map scene. I'm not sure I agree with Izuka's argument here. What kind of organisation is Begnion running that we get absolute victory from one victory? Perhaps he just means locally or something.


He does mean locally. Daein will win the battle if they sortie in one of these places.

Pelleas, poor sap, couldn't tell sensible advice from his old shoe.

One thing I have to wonder is if Jill's presence in the army is a factor in this decision, as Talrega's nominal caretaker.

Micaiah disagrees.

Like Soren, I'm not sure I agree Micaiah appears to be a child. We have a lower bound on how old she actually is and a reasonable ballpark estimate of her age, but looking like a child?

I wonder what the damage is from the floodgate strat from three years ago is. Is Begnion still having that thing closed, anyway? I could believe them leaving it open out of spite.

If there's an argument for Izuka's decision to attack Talrega being outside Jill's juristiction, it would be this one. Jill does not appear to have been notified of this terrible plan.


Jill goes into more detail here. Basically, Izuka did account for the rain, but he didn't account for all the loose rock and sediment that will cause landslides due to being weakened by the rain and make passage through the mountainous Talrega terrain treacherous.

Although this is one of those annoying pop-ups, Izuka's model is acting. He turns around to start muttering about how perfect a strategist he is.


Izuka also seems to take being told he was wrong about Talrega better, simply saying that of course he didn't know, he's an introvert scholar. He'll just take Talrega off the list of options and invite everyone to choose an alternative.

Sothe asks for a better plan.

Terin is just "an alternative to Talrega", mostly. Perhaps calling it Marado might've been more consistent with the plot, but Tauroneo would recognise that name.


Zihark pipes up and says Terin is a good place because the terrain can help us with our numbers disadvantage. I think this is the only thing Zihark says in this event, and yet all versions of the scene put him at the table anyway.

Pelleas gives praise where it's due, at least.

Jill wonders how Micaiah saw that one coming.

Farsight. Lucky she got two visions about how Talrega was bad and Terin was good. Terin turns out to be a particularly good choice as opposed to the alternatives in-universe, although we, the player, don't know enough about Daein territories to care which one had that advantage.


Tauroneo comments that he, and possibly the Liberation Army collectively, believed that Micaiah's only magical powers were her Healing Hands. Incidentally, the text surrounded by【these peculiar shapes】is the name for Healing Hands- this site highlights a lot of key words and it's so helpful.

Izuka has a fit.

...Do your research, old man.

Not in that way you sick-

Always about you, isn't it? You bring disgrace to the good name of the "people with monocles" club!

Our preparations are ready- to begin.

Ilyana gets another MVP.

Two Base conversations today, both with prizes.

We're not sure who we're going to meet in "Outside the Village" initially. I wonder what "that light" is referring to...

Her Light tomes? Here's a generic lass from Radiant Dawn, just as cute as the Path of Radiance one. ...Actually, I think I prefer the Path of Radiance one. Either way, I don't actually have a reference list for all the generic portraits. All I know for sure is that the dummy portrait for women is a copy of this one.

We're famous among the common people!

They're really pleased to see us.

The use of the words "pigs" seems intentional, but I don't really get the connection to police brutality. I guess it's because they claim to be on the side of the law because they're reacting to Ashnard?

This old lady wheezes this line. She seemed all right in her last one.

The village has pitched in for our present.

Micaiah doesn't want to take it, but Sothe goes for it before she can get the refusal out.

We'll do you proud, random lass!

Micaiah's not happy.

Sothe comments on what Izuka's been up to.

So the villagers gave us money.

...What would it do to their economies?

Micaiah doesn't say what's bothering her this time.

To Sothe's chagrin. Seriously, Micaiah, if you have a problem, you've gotta tell Sothe, or nothing will happen.

...This small number says so much.

Meanwhile, Kurth is talking to... Almedha?

Almedha is also wearing a fancy headdress for this appearance. This is the only time her portrait does so- some official art also gives it to her.

Almedha is not going to leave Pelleas for any reason.

So Kurth gives her a gift. A sending stone? That's new!

Almedha seems to know how to use one. She's not keen on sharing for the audience's benefit, other than this is a rare item.

Someone wants to talk to Kurth.

And now Almedha makes herself scarce.

Micaiah turns up-

And Kurth turns to talk to her instead.

Micaiah did not spot Almedha, so this conversation is ready to move on.

Kurth recognises her duties.

Kurth is a pacifist. I'm not sure he'll be staying around much longer if we're going to become a war party.

Kurth considers violence in the name of liberation acceptable, if distasteful and something to be avoided if possible. Kurth just recognises the "if possible" part of that sentence. It's an important part!

And so he reaches into his bag of presents and pulls out another gift! Really, a lot of Base conversations with rewards and lore usually turn out like this: at the end, someone remembers there's supposed to be an item and pulls it out for X reason.

"I have to go now. My country needs me."

Yeah, Kurth is not only a pacifist, but completely combat-averse.

He doesn't hate Micaiah, he just has to move on to somewhere more pleasant.

May fate cross our paths again, mysterious stranger.

No Farsight?

A Renewal without having to sacrifice our dancer! Renewal would be a surprisingly good skill for Kurth himself, since it heals 5 HP on him. We'll have some general issues having high HP for the moment, so this skill is passable.

A very passe Bargain selection today.

Elthunders and Ellights are now available for sale, but not Wind or Fire. Ilyana is about to promote, and she would like access to Fire and Wind, but that won't be until Muston notices we have a Sage in our party.

Fun fact: Ilyana and Jill are the only PoR veterans to join RD in an unpromoted class. Sure, our Jill now can't hit as hard with her Steel Axe as PoR Jill could punch, but you can see in that statline that one day she'll be back to her old self and smashing the game with an axe while in mid-flight. Funny that her Luck is actually higher.

Wyverns in Radiant Dawn have two key differences from Path of Radiance. Firstly, they are primarily Axe users (Jill starts at B Rank in RD, so she needs a B Rank in PoR to autocap like she has here. I think mine had S). Secondly, they are now Dragon-type instead of Flying-type. This gives them the same weaknesses as dragon tribe laguz- Thunder magic, Wyrmslayers, and not Bows. Jill doesn't need to equip the equivalent of the Full Guard to have arrows bounce off her harmlessly.

Jill had no innate Skills and continues to lack them, but she now has the Canto Skill, which... does not give her the ability to give another unit a second turn. The PoR version of Canto was called "再行動", and the RD version of Canto is called "再移動". You'll notice it's the second character that's different- both of these skill names roughly translate to "Re-Movement", and in the broadest strokes, both of these skills do exactly that. What PoR calls Canto is instead called "再動" in RD, though, and this becomes a slightly unfortunate mistake (a canto, incindentally, is a principal division in a longer poem, and has a lot to do with galdrar and little to do with horse cantering).

This mistake has persisted into Fire Emblem Heroes and Three Houses, where this leftover movement has kept this translation error born from a weird combination of Tellius lore and mechanics and created a bit of an artifact word. The fact the word is so similar to the word "canter", the esoteric meaning of the word "canto" and the fact it's very difficult to describe this kind of additional movement in a single English word means I don't begrudge it too badly. Besides, it's probably stuck, like Jugdral (a modern translator might choose to spell the name "Yggdral" instead, but you try changing that name now).

On the topic of innate Skills our units do possess, Tauroneo has the Resolve Skill. Resolve isn't quite as busted as it is in PoR, where it also boosted your Strength, but it is a very potent skill while at partial HP. Like Wrath, the JP designers nerfed it to 20% HP and a chance-based proc (Strength%), and also like Wrath, the INT designers thought that was bollocks and put it back to normal. They did not re-implement Path of Radiance's helpful feature in telling you what your Resolve numbers mean- the combat forecast both before battle and in battle does not reflect your Resolve numbers (because they assume you're not going to get the proc).

Zihark also has an Adept. Adept has switched to Speed%, which is honestly a kind of weird change, since if you already have lots of Speed, you're probably getting a normal double. It pairs nicely with a swordmaster like Zihark in that he is going to hit the enemy four times.

(*This is not necessarily a compliment.)

Micaiah switches out Wrath for Resolve. It is vitally important that Micaiah has the Resolve skill at a later date, and I resolve to keep it on her until necessary.

Laura gets a BEXP level up, with Luck instead of Magic.

Ilyana doesn't Support with Meg like I'd like her to. This isn't a pair with a long-term future, of course, but it's strange that after a 52 turn map this hasn't happened. If I had planned on this from the start, Ilyana would've been standing next to Meg during the grind.

It turns out that Jill and Tauroneo standing adjacent to one another during that grind did actually give them Support points, and they can get started now if they want! I did not know this was a thing that worked.

We move out to Terin. We have been spotted. Of course we have been spotted.

Of course there is a trap waiting for us.

Fiona asks if she is needed.

Not yet, at least. I'm not sure what Laverton is getting at with "none of Marado's business."

This seems like another backhanded choice of words.

Here's the map. There are reinforcements, we don't have the enemy that evenly matched. Although... it is kinda close...

If we look at the enemy's fourth page, we notice a startling lack of Commander! Something is definitely afoot- this is a two-part mission.

These are our hidden items for the first map, a Coin and an Arms Scroll.

Time for our battle, and this map introduces a new jingle for the Daein faction! It's a little more bombastic than the Dawn Brigade's jingle, but honestly, it's still kinda weird that the devs saw fit to make the Dawn Brigade and Daein Army separate.

Another change to fliers in Radiant Dawn is that no flier can "hover" over tiles that infantry units cannot cross. They can cross them for one Movement, like a flier should, but they can't stop there. Not gonna lie, not sure why not.

Jill flies up here and deals with this guy.

Good to have Jill back.

Meg ORKOes a guy too, a first for her. We have more or less reached the point where Meg has stopped being a liability to feed kills and started being a frontline candidate. Which is good, because Ilyana is not really the best choice for that.

The rest of the front line proceeds at a miscellaneous pace, but Tauroneo, force-deployed as he is, will ride with Volug.

Some knights appear as reinforcements in this position. My intention is for Ilyana to match them.

The pegasus knight to the north and the thunder mage to the west also appear, each group nice and individually in gameplay. It wasn't intentional, but I think the highlighted square is directly west of the Thunder.

Jill flies down here and throws a Hand Axe at this archer because she couldn't reach him at melee. Notice the relatively low 7 damage- no Effective damage for him!

Not that Jill has to worry about arrows, effective or otherwise.

Jill is scared of these guys, to an extent, and it's important to make sure they don't harry her.

There's always the knowledge, in the back of your mind, that Spd/Luck is making your Def redundant. Meg isn't going to be a dodgy armour, but she will be tricky to hit.

Ilyana attacks this guy in melee. There really was no tactical benefit of doing this.

But there is a strategic one!

Micaiah's Sacrifice is pointless for EXP purposes, but it does allow Laura to heal from this square instead of adjacent to Ilyana. I was planning on building Laura/Meg Support, but ultimately don't commit to it, so a lot of my moves are going to be hilariously goofy with that in mind.

Good level, though. And a Speed cap, to boot. Laura is a poor woman's Mist. ...Really poor.

Sothe notices this square is uncontested and pinches the Coin hiding on it.

The armours approach. Ilyana will meet them on her terms.

The pegasus knight has met the wyvern knight. If the battle background looks different than usual, that would be because fliers meet in the air.

As awesome as it is as a visual effect, fliers dive off-screen and then resume their usual position after every attack.

Stronger, more Skillful, Luckier, let's bring Jill back!

Meg can't go through these thickets in one go... somehow she can get in the Healhedge, though.

Sneaking in to this formation. The enemy armours will no doubt be equally pressed by the thickets.

Here's a nice thicket for Ilyana to meet these armours in.

...That's a lot of her HP and a decent hit chance. Eh, it's a Sword.

That we get.

Ilyana dodged, and this guy is less accurate. Ilyana needed to dodge one of these hits, but other than that, she was content.

Which is good, because she didn't dodge this one.

Ilyana has accomplished our first Class change!

Class change in RD is... basically the same as it is in PoR. There are some differences, but we're not worried about them yet.

The sunlight shines brightly upon a new unit...


Not as big as the numbers in PoR, but a nice healthy +3 Str and +3 Def. The Def is nice, but she isn't worried about tome weight.

And she's out of Thunder, time to switch to Elthunder.

Oh yeah, Class Changes also fully heal you. That hit she took? Bye bye!

And now Ilyana has Elthunder, her crit chance has just gone up.

Ilyana is ready to crit everything!

Drop the Hammer! The Hammer is the Effective Axe, and the fear of Armours. It's the only thing Meg fears Effective damage from, and since she specialises in Swords and is pretty dodgy...

Speaking of Meg, just because her opposite number can't cross these thickets doesn't mean they can't throw over them.

This myrmidon challenges Jill to miss him.

She doesn't.

Ilyana cannot reach Jill to hand over her Hammer. Of course, perhaps if I gave it to Micaiah and had Micaiah hand it over, but hindsight.

And Jill can't kill this guy in one action.

So she goes for the wound. Of course, I have now attacked an armour knight in melee with a wyvern on my turn.

Fliers like to jump back a great distance after their swing, so when the armour knight comes to counterattack, they go clank, clank, clank, clank, clank

Jill flies to the Healhedge to prepare an offensive assault, while Meg ambles into a thicket to finish this armour.

And Laura heals her.

The armour challenges her to an even match where he has half the hit chance.

A new pegasus knight has appeared!

Meg can't reach her range, but I'd like her to get closer to those thickets to get through them faster, so she breaks out her Wind Edge for that extra square of movement.

...Yeah, she needs those.

Jill has her Hammer.

And flies down here, because of that Thunder mage.

Sothe can not get to the Arms Scroll this turn.

Both the archer and the mage have moved in. At least Jill deals with this one.

POWER! EVASION! Slightly more Res.

Meg can't make it to the enemies.

So Micaiah chooses a target to oneshot. This one is the oneshot.

Laura heals Jill to make sure she has the best odds.

So Jill has to break out the heavy artillery to make sure this guy doesn't sting.

Come on, Jill, it's a 98.8%.

Well, I guess this is more for Laura to do.

Sothe finds the Arms Scroll.

Laura heals Jill here, but Jill doesn't charge in. The highlighted Myrmidon has a Killing Edge. You might notice Meg is in range.

Fortune is the enemy of the Killer.

Myrmidons are the enemy of those with no Skill.

And this Healhedge robs Laura of work.

Micaiah can't scratch this guy. The Light tome is with Laura, so I need to manufacture a way for Micaiah to nick it back.

Jill flies up here to deal with this Javelin guy. He showed up as a reinforcement at some point.

And Micaiah gets her Light tome to weaken this guy.

It helps that Meg's hit chance has gotten better by Biorhythm.

That will do, sure.

And Jill gets a new Lance. We need someone to use lances, first.

Jill needs her Hammer at the ready for her next target, but no one can trade it onto her, so she cripples the clergy with it. This guy had to die anyway, this is a rout map.

Her Hammer comes down on this guy. More damage than Ilyana could do in one hit, just as long as she gets one of the hits! She does.

And Meg gets a good roundup of stats.

And we... save?

Time for the second part of this mission, just barely managed in one part! All we can't do is go to Base for Manage (EXP/Skills), Market, or Support. We can even choose different deployments (not that we will) and Reposition freely.

Now that is a map. Interestingly, the enemy is divided into Begnion's Occupying forces and the Marado battalion. Also interestingly, they spelled it "Maradan".

Here's our boss for Chapter 6, Laverton. A fairly solid overall cavalier boss, and he even moves to boot. That Paragon scroll is very coveted, but at least he'll drop it fairly. Those padlocked weapons mean that Sothe can not steal whichever one he doesn't have equipped, but not that I was going to do that anyway.

Laverton is the only boss in Part 1 with a Skill. Enemy Cancels are always frustrating.

Laverton has an Authority Star, too.

Oh, how adorable you look next to Laverton.

Two innate Skills, though. Imbue heals her for [Mag] health each turn, mages excepted, and her default 6 makes it a better call than Renewal already! Saviour allows her to keep her full stats while holding someone by Rescue. She'll need all the Speed she can get.

These seven guys up here are the Marado Knights. Everyone else is Occupying.

These Ballistae are the normal variety. Nice and conveniently, the Might is now displayed up in the top alongside the remaining uses.

There's a two by two tile including this square that has a Master Seal. I think it goes left.

A cavalier near the starting position has a Red Gem.

Jill flies over the ballista to kill its occupant.

And gets some Strength and Speed to charge up.

This is the guy with the Red Gem. He's also in a very inconvenient position.

Hahahaha, welcome back, Crittyana.

Don't remind me to sell this, I know what I'm doing.

The rest of the enemies can't be dealt with, so everyone files in this corner.

Laverton realises this battle could get tricky... on turn 1.

Resorts to hostages on the spot.

The fifth hostage is an old man that takes forever to get to his designated position.

This is not Nico.

Fiona's seen enough Begnion to know where this is going.

"Just because they didn't submit to being killed like good undesirables!"

Well, if Jill had another turn...

...Micaiah submits on the spot.

And Sothe realises exactly why.

I mean, first you need to recollect the weapons before you can say that. We're going to pick them back up, of course!

Fiona draws a line in the thickets, and picks up the hostage.

And declares Marado hostile to Begnion.

Four of her Marado knights seize the other hostages.

Already the Begnions are considering Marado a territory of traitors rather than a territory of wise decision makers.


Now we pick our weapons back up for Enemy Phase.

Micaiah two-shots another assailant.

I tried a lot of times to show off the Armour Knight dodge animation, where they shield the hit. I didn't get lucky often, but this still frame of a soldier attacking Meg is good enough.

The Marado Knights will flee in this direction. That myrmidon ahead of them will cause issues, but the other direction is worse.

Jill handles the soldier with a Hand Axe.

Meg stands here to finish off the soldier. The edge of the range she's standing in is for oncoming cavaliers.

This is one of the cavaliers that has already arrived. Another crit from Ilyana.

Everyone starts moving up to the bridge, while Volug, with Tauroneo on his back, starts a doggy paddle.

...How is this dog still alive?

This axe cavalier crits a Marado Knight. I don't know their crit chance, but I'm fairly sure it's a stupidly low one.

Meg stares cavaliers in the face and counterkills them.

To profit.

Fortunately, this was the last cavalier that stopped her streak. She's at the very end of their movement, so a failure earlier would cause a pileup, rather than the cavaliers bouncing backwards and letting her keep trying.

Ahahaha, perfect.

This myrmidon starts hassling the Marado in front. These Marados won't try to attack back on their phase, not that the ones holding hostages would do a good job of it.

Ilyana kills this cavalier so Meg can advance as far as possible.

And gets a solid level out of it.

Sothe considers how he's going to get the Master Seal, but I don't like his odds of it being a thing.

Jill gets revenge on Mr Crit.

And stands next to the myrmidon in the hope that he'll be convinced to take a swing at her.


That's a hostage open. No enemies can finish the job.

So a Marado comes up to seize it.

Jill deals with the myrmidon. That should get things settled.

More Res is nice for those mages coming up on her.

Sothe standing outside ballista range while Laura is inside it, what a world.


The mage goes for Jill and not the hostage. Thank goodness for that.

And the ballista goes for Laura. She can take it.

And a Marado has to come back to get the hostage on his back.

Now let's deal with this asshole. Iron Axe rather than Hand Axe to encourage that mage to make the wrong choice.

Meg comes up to stand here and start a westerly offensive. This guy is not on a ledge, because you can get combat animations.

Double Cancel.

Ilyana finds the Master Seal. That's good for Sothe!

Micaiah Sacrifices her HP so Laura can heal it.

And gets more Defence. And Luck.

Sothe goes to hide, now that he's done. Well, there's probably a Coin. I do not care about Coins.

The mage goes for Jill again. Marado is safe!

A bolt goes for Micaiah this time. This one, I think is a miss.

And Meg gets some more rounds with the neighbours.

Including Laverton, then!

Claiming that or behaving as if one is important or deserving of merit when such is not the case.

 Well, sure, if you're that mindnumbingly arrogant.

That does not look good for your horse, sir.

Oh boy, some reinforcements, and here Jill is having problems with her HP.

Jill stands here with a Hand Axe and a Vulnerary. She can attract the attention of the three ranged enemies. There's no overlap between the archers and the axe cavaliers.


And Meg attacked from this position.

And Ilyana attacks this guy from melee. And conveniently, gets the dodge.

Jill's doing just fine with her Hand Axes.

Laura gets hit by a ballista.

And Laverton came for her, that was a whoops. She dodges.

Jill gets this level while the getting's good.

Micaiah comes up here for Sacrifice Healing. I didn't notice until later, but Micaiah can talk to Fiona:

Micaiah: Are you all right?
Fiona: It’s really you… The Silver-Haired–
Micaiah: We’ll worry about introductions once we’re safe. For now, we have a battle to fight.
Fiona: So the rumors were true…
Micaiah: Please, there’s no time!
Fiona: I understand now. It will be an honor to fight by your side.

Ilyana, finish us off.

Of course you did.

Woo-hoo! (Strength capped.)


Micaiah: Making hostages of the helpless… Is that how knights of the great Begnion Empire operate?
Laverton: Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Laverton can not handle Micaiah.

Laverton: General Jarod will never, ever overlook this betrayal! Marado will be put to the torch, and your people will be put to the sword. You will rue this day!
Fiona: Empty threats! My fate lies in defending my country and my people. You don’t stand a chance against that kind of loyalty!

Good luck getting this conversation to proc, by the way. I'm not sure Fiona's counter-boast really holds water- but I'm sure we will make Begnion's life very interesting and unable to have the time to do this.


It sounds more like "you say that so much it's lost all meaning", which is so much more fitting/badass.

Oh yeah. This good. Want this.

Micaiah apologises to this boy, half because he's the one who got threatened, and half because he's the only one who survives for sure.

You have a lot of faith, boy. We'll see if we can't stop this going to hell next time.

And now for Fiona.

Tauroneo recognises Fiona. Well, not by face, but by relation to the setting.

I wonder what killed Lanvega. We don't know his age, but we can reasonably guess he's hovering around the 50-55 age range, which isn't... really old enough to drop dead. Was he killed? Sick? Just had an accident? And how long has Fiona been Marado's steward?


When Tauroneo brings him up, he implies "sickness" is the correct answer. And also that he has not been aware Lanvega finally kicked the bucket since they last met.

So who is Lanvega, then, incidentally?

The fourth Rider of Daein that served alongside Bryce, Tauroneo, and Greil.

"Not, like, some random dude with the same name? Or a man named after him?"

Tauroneo, of course, remembers him, and has nothing but praise and a comment on his stubbornness. Unlike Bryce, though, Lanvega sided against Ashnard and refused to lift a lance to help him.

I don't know who replaced him. I'm 100% positive that the new recruits to the Riders went Black Knight > Petrine > Bertram, with 80% certainty that the old Riders left in the order Gawain > Lanvega > Tauroneo, but I imagine there were temporary Riders in between.

Ultimately true rumours, but Ashnard only revealed that to Bryce before both of them died.

The thing Fiona is asking forgiveness for is not helping to try and prevent Daein from being defeated and conquered. When this is the same thing Gilbert did to start his stupid penitence...


Oh dear, that sounds slightly more serious- Lanvega and Fiona apparently welcomed Begnion into Marado rather than oppose them. A valid decision, but one not as likely to see forgiveness from Daeins.

Micaiah approves wholeheartedly of Fiona's choices in life.

But the time has come to act now or forever stay your hand. Begnion is a hard line.

New recruit! Fiona happens to be the final "permanent" recruitment to the Dawn Brigade.

Your army joins our faceless army that doesn't do any important fighting. You, on the other hand...

So what's going on with the enemies?

Ooh, this man is new. This man is Duke Numida, Senator of Begnion. He is the only named Senator whom we don't also learn the name of their governed land, but there is also a Duke of Seliora whose name we do not know and there is no explicit counterevidence to the theory that Numida might be him. Assuming there are still seven Senators, though (per Chapter 14 narration), one goes unaccounted for.

According to the map, the seventh Senator is the Duke of Salmo. Or possibly Telgam, but I think it's Salmo.

Dear goddess, I hope 'quelled' doesn't mean lethal. It probably does, but...


It does. Also, one of those (ダルレカ) is Talrega.


I think Numida is eating some kind of Daein confectionary while Jarod is attempting to deliver this report? I appreciate the extra layer of decadence the script went out of its way to slip in.

I'm no shepherd, but I feel like it's a good idea to fuss if your sheep are doing that.

Now this. This is an important bit. I bet you've been wondering how this Begnion terrorising Daein is the same one helmed by Sanaki.

Answer: Sanaki does not approve, she also happens to be unaware. She has... bigger problems, let's just say.

If Sanaki were to be made aware of this- and if Sephiran comes on inspection duty, she will be- this hostile occupation will be over faster than you could say Cymbeline. And Numida will almost definitely be out of a job...

Numida believes he is doing the right thing. Snorts.

The bigger we get, the harder it is for Numida to cover us up.

Without a rallying symbol, the people of Daein will return to their downtrodded, miserable lives while Daein finishes getting crushed into a fine paste.

Numida gives Jarod a blank check to get to work.

I think this sheep metaphor has gotten away from you two.

Both parts have separate Clear and Turn bonuses that sum up to those listed here, and I got the maximum Turn bonus. It's 200 BEXP per both Marado survivor and Prisoner survivor- I thought the prisoners had a higher value. Oh well. Perhaps I might've worked harder to save the Marados from those crits, but Jill still had her work cut out for her.

Next time: We break people out of imprisonment, and I know just the guy...

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