Wednesday 17 November 2021

RD Chapter 2-2: Crimea's nasty rash

The seeds have been sown. We have to reap them now.

We can't stop it everywhere. And even if we could, that wouldn't really solve the problem.

Maybe Elincia can help.

This feels like an existing expression, but looking it up got me a lot of results for this chapter. Possibly algorithms.

Now Elincia knows. I love how Brom and Nephenee can just walk up to her.

It could've gone better, but it also could've gone a lot worse.

Geoffrey and Lucia have had their eye on this mess already.

A fairly unremarkable shift in Lucia's appearance (kind of to be expected), but her costume has a surprising amount of minor detail changes.

There was a non-zero amount of evidence for this that Lucia was looking into.


They appear to have caught him constructing a fortress and training villagers in battle.

It was also not enough to convict, and Lucia didn't want to point fingers until there was an actual thing Elincia could do.

Lucia decided not to mention it to spare Elincia somewhat from the pressure.

Elincia admits that her faults have been opening a hole through which Ludveck has been able to form a platform.

Innocent on some side. There's going to be a lot of people jumping into this bloodbath, and while some of them perhaps don't count as innocent, most of them (including the non-innocents) are worth mourning.

"All you've desired is world peace and an end of poverty". When you put it like that...

Brom has something to add to this conversation.

Elincia, if not perfect, is still pretty damn competent.

And if that's where she stands on her first go, she's only going to get better!

And plenty of people like her now.

Well, not only just changing leaders, but doing so after a war. I guess Ludveck just felt Elincia ran out of slack in the rope.

Geoffrey wants to deal with him himself.

Unfortunately, the courts require a little thing called "evidence".


Apparently, the Felirae family has enough common blood with the Crimean royal line that they have significant sway. I wonder if Ludveck or his father was one of the people responsible for Ramon and Renning making the decision to hide Elincia from the public in the first place.

Lucia can handle finding a little of that.

And off we go to the Base!

Four conversations today, mostly to introduce which characters we have.

Heather has stuck around with us, and she's here for pretty much the rest of the game, perspective permitting.

She really wanted the chance to see a hot girl. Business as usual for Heather. All the girls on this continent are hot. She only actually has increased Support speed with Nephenee, Marcia and Meg, though.

Brom says there's nothing really stopping her from just ducking in whenever, even if Lucia might perhaps block the door.

...I wonder if Heather has tried to peep on Elincia and had Lucia put a stop to it.

The things you would do to him are not safe for polite discussion.

Brom and Nephenee go "ah, that's just Heather". As an actively gay character, the writing for Heather is... fine, but it can be a little questionable at times.

This is a line that has a lot of importance in the macro level of the story. "The goddess is perfect" is a statement that Tellius wants you to think about.

Lucia dips in to this establishment to check up on these three.

She wants help in Felirae.

Brom isn't quite aware of the political niceties of "gathering evidence before making accusations", but he can handle it when suggested.

...Well, you might want to use smaller words.

I wonder what Nephenee is confusing espionage for. I don't know any diseases that sound alike.

Lucia realises what happened.

Heather knows what espionage is!

"Friend" of Nephenee's. For now.

"...She doesn't happen to need a consort for something, does she?"

Lucia at least doesn't seem to recognise Heather, so either the two aren't familiar or Lucia doesn't recognise one petty thief from a perverted one.

Lucia is unintentionally gay, and has flirted with Ilyana, but I don't think she's as interested in Heather. I think Lucia just has a type, and it's very Elincia shaped.

The conversation with the laguz is with these two, who stuck around Crimea for... miscellaneous reasons. Probably mostly "being familiar characters that can reappear in RD."

The (slight) extension to her hair at the back does wonders- you can still see the tiny braid with the green accessory in her PoR art. I really feel like RD looks so much better aesthetically, but looking at them side by side... they're kinda the same picture.

This is establishing something Lethe can do here.

Lucia doesn't think it's a correct course of action.

This is a fairly important counterargument. This is a civil war.

Not that Mordecai quite grasps the significance.

At least Lucia gets that.

Besides, Gallia helping Crimea so much started the problem in the first place.

Bless his heart.

Yeah... we'd solve this war, but just get a bigger one later.

The shame is how this is all rooted in laguz prejudice. Some level of "Gallia is a foreign nation", but mostly laguz prejudice.

Lethe drops her suggestion.

Although she doesn't fully understand why Ludveck is behaving the way he is.

If a laguz had a problem with the way their king runs things, they would express their discontent by challenging the reigning king to single combat. Ludveck's plan is much more complex in comparison.

Lucia begins to explain the complexities of beorc society.

Lethe don't care. Just cut the damn knot.

Mordecai wishes there were more that he could do.

Well, hiring the Gallians for more soldiers is a bad, but having these two lend a hand seems kosher.

Lucia has an idea. This idea is presumably the plan she performs at the start of the mission, but she gets interrupted.

[I'll go too!]

...Leanne, please. One at a time.

Two laguz are company, but three is a crowd. Especially when you have Mordecai and bird tribe laguz in the same room.

Leanne wants to do lots of things.

Lucia has no idea how she's going to keep her safe while in the belly of the beast.

Can we go into another conversation now please? Before Lucia goes insane?

Elincia can help.

...When she's stopped being mysterious.


That was some elaborate needlepoint right next to a girl's neck.

Awwwww. She's just doing espionage!

Is this gay as hell? This is certainly gayer than I remember. To add fuel to the flames, Elincia/Lucia grows at the fastest Support speed in the game.

If you look at it the right way, it's impossible for her to. Either she comes back with a rebel leader on her hands or she comes back with no idea how to silence the dissent.

Another stat-up given as a personal treasure that's not likely to be invested in its recipient.

Geoffrey, what are you even thinking? (Why does Lucia make this assumption, anyway?)

Geoffrey decides if you can't beat 'em, give 'em goodies.

It's weird, having a Base menu when the characters don't expect a fight scene.

Brothers worrying about their sisters. Despite the fact Geoffrey is captain of the knights, Lucia is definitely doing the more dangerous work.

That's literally her job. And she failed spectacularly at it in PoR, but details.

I have no idea how Bastian is relevant to this conversation.

That, Geoffrey can do nothing but.

And yeah, we're up an Elixir. Still a full HP heal with 3 uses, but that's both more significant and less significant when Concoctions exist for the main body of the game. It won't be until near the end that a 40 HP won't do, while other games only had 10 HP heals, making Elixirs more tempting.

Well, Base is a lot more boring this mission. I can manage some things, though. Market will be available next mission, but Skills cannot be reassigned for the entirety of Part 2. Which is a shame, because Nealuchi has a Wrath we can't steal for a long time as a result.

How on earth did I manage to have Lucia at the exact level she would reappear in Radiant Dawn without planning for it? Every single one of her stats has been buffed except Magic (-3) and HP (0). Lucia is still a candidate for "Worst Swordmaster in RD" for certain reasons, but we'll be able to work around those and get a pretty solid unit out of her. Honestly, all the Swordmasters are pretty awesome this go around.

WEXP boosted her Sword rank, as expected. One relatively minor nerf to female Swordmasters compared to males is that male Swordmasters can reach the maximum Sword rank of SS, while females have to wait until promotion. Capped Weapon Ranks mean nothing other than allowing the use of special weapons, and Lucia won't have access to an SS Ranked Sword until long after she's had the chance to get the rank.

She still has her innate Parity, and thanks to the conversion to a command skill, it helps her out.

And she has two Authority stars to help us out. Kinda cool that the Delbray siblings chip in on this front.

How the mighty have fallen. We can see that laguz have switched to 40 total levels now that we're past Vika, but this screen doesn't tell the whole story about how bad cat laguz have it in this game. The adjustment to TP makes it nearly impossible for a cat laguz to keep their transformed state without a ton of Olivi Grass, and the new laguz bonus stat system means Lethe is incredibly concerned about her survivability when not transformed. We'll see what we can do about Lethe.

Lethe also has Strike Rank to muddle through. Part 2 will be our chance to work on that.

No Skills, but that's a lot of Capacity for later purposes.

One think we'll be doing is depositing the Silver Sword. It might be nice to have this sooner than we have Lucia again. Maybe.

Remember to Save before leaving the Base. This is important.

Oh yeah, and the last three MVPs. Jill, Marcia and Nephenee, who would've guessed? OK, Jill is a surprise.

Welcome to a map with ballistae on it. Yeah, we're coming back here.

Lucia has showed up with a pair of cute laguz girls. Also it's nice to have a face for Ludveck. I'm not sure if it's the similiarity to Jarod or a symbolic thing, but he looks pretty generic to me.


Lucia actually briefed Lethe and Leanne on what to say, to some extent, to really sell this charade.

Ah, good idea, a pretense for showing up here. I like how it involves the laguz when that's part of the reason there's dissent with Elincia.

Heh. Double meanings.

Yes, he has gotten closer.

Does Lucia ever get flirted at by a guy who isn't a massive creep? Is it any wonder this girl is gay?

Lucia steps back. I think Heather has a point.

We'll be glad to see the end of this man.

That night, in a cave in the mountainside...

Who does this guy think he is, having a stockpile of loot in a cave?

...What kind of order, and why does Ludveck keep a spare copy in a cave? I'm starting to doubt his qualifications as a supervillain. ...On the other hand, it's always the supervillains making these errors, normal villians make less stupid ones.

Non-lethally, but effectively all the same.

At least we came prepared.

That's a pretty good one to drop on beorc politics, Lethe.

Fortunate that Ludveck is this way, though!

Good point. Just do how we got in!

[Great! We found them!]

Well, at least it's Ancient...

Quiet, please, some of us are trying to espionage!

These two aren't actually in the Base menu. They just snuck in after us.

Lucia... sending them back to the royal palace would have been exceptionally suspicious.


Lethe spotted them sooner, she tried telling them to go back, and when they didn't listen, she decided not to mention it to Lucia to make this thing go as smoothly as possible.

Fair enough.


Well, that is something we can do.

...Leanne, did you remember to turn off your fluorescence?

Reinforcements appear in the starting position even on Easy. There's clearly another entrance.

Well, to battle.

Right away! No Preparations screen, so if you make a mistake, you have to go back to the Base and possibly redo all your initial work.

This is a Fog of War map, meaning this map is more or less useless. Good to know which characters will give us a Game Over on loss, though.

Nealuchi still has all his stuff from 2-P. Nephenee needs some more Lances after all those Steel Greatlance uses in 2-1, and this Steel Lance and Javelin will do nicely. We have no axe users in this party- Brom is the only one with all characters allowed.

(Our party, incidentally, is Lucia, Nephenee, Heather, Lethe and Leanne.)

Nephenee is as lethal with a Steel as a Steel Great.

Even if she's not actually getting moreso.

Lucia went north, but had an unfortunate bump.

If, while following the arrow you draw for them, a character will bump into a concealed enemy unit, their movement is stopped and their turn is ended on the spot. Radiant Dawn is the first game that doesn't randomly draw your arrow, but you can still manually path if you (somehow) know where an enemy is hiding.

Lethe eats some Olivi Grass.

Heather moves up next to Nephenee, but doesn't go on the offense. One thing to keep in mind is that Heather and Lethe have higher vision, but I also have issues with vision either by emulator or just weird mechanics. I just smile and nod at whatever the game tells me.

Brom gives Leanne the Spectre Card. Now the games can begin.

Leanne Galdrs Heather for EXP, and Heather Shoves her back, because I remember that enemies with 2 range exist.

Mordecai lights this torch. Torches illuminate what I believe is a three-square radius area for both sides. Since enemies cheat like Sylvain on Valentine's Day, there is no reason not to light these.

At least they kept the laguz backflip dodge. Lethe is being doubled by enemies.

Heather attracts an enemy because of course she can't counterkill.

...Oh yeah, Longbows. Good thing this guy can't reach Leanne.

Lucia gets to work on her armour. As long as she gets one crit in four, she deals with this guy in two rounds.

Lethe stands here and uses a Vulnerary.

This guy could make Leanne's day very unpleasant.

So Nephenee can't kill this guy.

Let's weaken him anyway.

Heather can get the kill.

And that lets Leanne give them both a boost. It's a good idea to note that since Heather moved, we can no longer see that Longbowman. Good idea not to forget he's there.

I want Leanne to get lots of Magic. For some reason, that means we'll be seeing this exact level a lot.

Nephenee deals with this guy, who would shatter Leanne like glass.

He does quite a number on Nephenee too, come to look at it.

Heather can't kill this guy, but she can harass him and make sure he can't shoot Leanne.

You think your range is so great?

Now come on, Lucia, you can do it.

She can't do it.

That's an uncomfortably high amount of Nephenee's remaining HP.

And the armour runs away.

Not far enough.

Now you crit.

1 damage never looked so badass.

Lethe has transformed, so she secures herself a kill.

Also with a crit. Annoyingly, on the first hit.

Reminder that Lethe got some combat EXP. I think Lethe might've managed to tick to 30, but still. Don't count on getting EXP transformed.

This guy had one of these. Yay?

The next opponent for these guys can choose either Lucia or Lethe. I hope it's Lethe.

Heather techs down in order to not kill this guy. What ranged enemies am I worried about?


Oh ho ho.

Lore-wise, this probably isn't good for herons, but I feel like the Cards were almost designed for two reasons: one secret bonus condition later, and getting herons kills so they can appear on the Unit Records. This is also one of the only good ways to get EXP for herons (herons get more Galdrar at higher levels, and good luck getting any but the level 15 one with just Vigour chanting.)

Nephenee stands here, to block as many units as possible from attacking Leanne, and downs a Vulnerary.

Well, that could've gotten ugly.

Nephenee got confused by the Killer Lance in this battle and thought she was supposed to be critting.

That seems to be it, though.

Very nice that Lucia's damage was exactly enough to facilitate this.

Cat tribe laguz also do the thing where they bounce back so far that knights have to clank, clank, clank, clank, clank on up.

OK, clearly not. Was that 6 EXP for a kill? I had way too much faith to think Lethe got up to 30 last time.

Well, that's convenient.

Defence is nice, too. She is our defensive unit.

Leanne does her normal Vigour this time. They can't all be killers.

Heather's going to visit this square.

A thief hiding in the corner! Now why would some guy do something like that?

For Leanne's safety, Nephenee stands here.

And Mordecai lights up another torch.

Yeah, probably for the best I didn't move in further with Neph.

The thief challenged Heather to a knife fight.

He loses.

Heather doesn't exactly look great, but Defence.

Heather occupies the tile the Thief was occupying, and finds another Discipline scroll. We can't equip this, but it'll be nice to have.

So down with this guy.

And of course it's a crit. Always is.

Someone standing behind Nephenee is holding a new kind of weapon! The Bowgun is a Crossbow, a very special type of bow.

Look at that Might! Look at that Atk. Crossbows do not take your Strength into account, but they are exceptionally accurate bows with high Might and 1-2 range. Very mild and won't cause much of a hassle to most units.

There's one thing Crossbows are good for, though, and that is flier killing. High Might, high Accuracy and 1-2 range means it is incredibly difficult for fliers to gain the advantage when crossbowmen are wandering about. And look closely at this unit: That's a Warrior. High HP and decently bulky units with these things? Crossbows are the flier denial that bows never really managed to be. Shame about wyverns not being fliers.

Lucia makes a start on him. Perhaps she'll get the crit this time.


Lethe moves over here and chews some Olivi. She needs the extra TP to get a few rounds of combat in.

Here's Maraj, the boss of this mission. He's not going to drop that Secret Book, so Heather needs to make an appointment with him.

He brings this army no Authority. I think this means Lucia has more of an advantage on him than Elincia had on Zeffren.

Leanne couldn't escape Crossbow range, so she enters it even further to Vigour Nephenee.

That's one way to elimnate a threat. Those armours don't move.

He surrenders his Vulnerary.

At least if the knight goes first, Lethe doesn't make him walk all the way up.

And there are the reinforcements in the starting position.

Lucia moves down here and Shoves Leanne one tile over.

Leanne has 5 Move, if Lucia didn't perform that Shove, Leanne would not be able to perform this movement and would be stuck on the south side of this rock barrier.

Heather has made it to the north side and is ready to resume looting.

Lethe gets some points in Strike against this guy.

Priest counterattacks continue to be adorable.

And Nephenee prepares to make a start on chipping down this General. In an ideal world, Lethe would chip down both for Strike EXP, but I want to keep grinding to a minimum (Laura and Fiona both scoff) and this guy is being protected by Maraj.

The dissidents seem fond of this "dog" rhetoric.

Yes, it is the same "犬" character that got thrown at Marcia in 2-P.

I believe curiosity killed the cat.

Yeah, good thing Nephenee didn't actually initiate on the general.

At least it was a Miss.

And these guys start their slow approach from the rear.

Nephenee gets a level up from battling the General and is now capped on both Skill and Speed.

And Lethe can finish this guy off, sure.

Laguz still seem beholden to feline instinct.

...Huh, 1TP. I could have her attack something if I wished. Perhaps I ought to have had Lethe attack from the south and used Leanne to make that something the boss. I only now notice how I'd go about doing that in an entertaining matter, though.

Nephenee comes up with another way to be entertaining- critting redundantly. I still love the fact there's legitimately a character in Three Houses whose personal skill is getting redundant crits.

Heather, yes swiping.

I contemplate having Lucia help out with the boss.

Maraj: Well, look what we have here… Lady Lucia and her pack of curs. How interesting. What cause could you have for roaming the grounds at night, hmm?
Lucia: Cause? Why, we’ve merely lost our way.
Maraj: Is that so? In that case, I will gladly escort you back to the castle.
Lucia: That’s quite all right. We should be going home. But please do give Lord Ludveck a message. Tell him that his revolt will never succeed!
Maraj: …Tsk tsk. I did try to warn Lord Ludveck, but it seems that he is quite fond of you. If he knew of your little discovery… I’m certain he would have no qualms about eliminating you.

Lucia gets an awesome boss conversation, by the way. If I had known while recording, I might've had Lucia swing anyway. Incidentally, the JP version of this conversation does not use the 犬 character- which means the translators added to the "dog" theme despite taking 2-P away.

I ultimately decide that she should get some dents in on these reinforcements.

What did I tell you about this exact level?

Heather scoffs at your wind.

And slaps him in the face hard.

...Doesn't kill, though.

A Knives already, and we haven't even seen a shop!

I decide that, to amuse myself, Lethe will get the kill on Maraj... untransformed.

Leanne helps Nephenee and Heather maybe get some of these kills.

Lucia rolls the dice and gets the kill on one of these ranged units.

Maraj, I could introduce you to thousands of people who vehemently disagree with you about the attractiveness of Lethe, but I don't actually know any of them.

Imagine killing a man without even being transformed. PoR Lethe would be lording this over beorckind for months.

Untransformed kills also have a bit of a cuteness thing going on with the victory animations. Not that "licking their paws" isn't cute in a cat way.

I will gladly take that.

I think "the guards of Ludveck's secret evidence stash" would be pretty disposable.

We're back in Crimea for the ending scene.

So that is what Ludveck's documents were for? I still don't understand what is being documented to begin with.

Geoffrey has noticed that this is the perfect time to slam Ludveck with force.

Elincia would like to do things the civilised way.

Civil war gets ugly.

...So much for diplomacy. Is it too late for Diplomacy?

はっ! 配下のフェリーレ軍、

The soldier specifies that Ludveck's rebel forces have roughly 3000 members and are growing rapidly. Aside from "oh dear, math has gotten involved", the next chapter will include numbers in the English version, too.

Elincia's only reaction is "you think this is funny, fate?"

I knew we shouldn't have left those last two guys alive.

We have to plant our flag now, though.

Geoffrey, your time to shine.

And off the Delbray twins go.

The last thing we need is this thing getting bigger.

Elincia hopes for the best.

So what about the hunt for Ike?


This is an unusual occurrence- something is up with the Greil Mercenaries, all right. And now, of all times...

[Sir Ike...]

That's not going to stop Elinicia. This whole "civil war" thing might, but you know... stiff upper lip.

Leanne speaks Modern!

Nealuchi and Leanne not being available in the main Base for this chapter might be partially to hide the surprise- Leanne's C Rank conversation involves her attempting to speak Modern to her partner, and if you made a C Support with Nealuchi, you would spoil this "twist". On the other hand, you would need to have Nealuchi Rescue Leanne for all 8 turns of Drifting Clouds to get enough points. Yes, even though Nealuchi has a faster Support speed. (Elincia also has the same speed with Leanne, so that's evidence we're not getting C Support later...)

Ironically, one of the changes the INT version made to a mechanic I have not yet touched on means this chapter is able to spoil a later plot twist through the gameplay mechanics.


Apparently, Lorazieh is on his feet and able to speak Ancient with Leanne, but few others will.

Elincia and Nealuchi are very supportive of Leanne's efforts. Although her doing it in her Supports leads to the hilarious interaction of "Leanne tries speaking a language she struggles with to someone who understands her native tongue just fine".

[Not at all...!]

Leanne's happy to rise to the challenge, though. And starts telling Elincia something... a bit more personal.

I feel like it's roughly the equivalent of a beorc reading someone's facial expression for them.

Elincia's diplomatic face won't work on Leanne.


Perhaps Elincia could have used a little bit longer with the training wheels.

[Don’t cry... you can count on me.]

Nervously pats Elincia on the back.

What do you mean, I lost time? Checks turn limit -375 BEXP for a single lost turn? Times like this, I really wish Serenes were wrong on the turncounts rather than suspect.

Next time: A bad time.

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