Friday 17 December 2021

RD Chapter 3-10 Battle: Catharsis at last

Today's map. This is a bit of a weird one in practice, since we're going to be spending a lot of time on the other side of the trees to the Royal Knights.

Huh, Crimea is led by Elincia and not Geoffrey. Same authority bonus anyway.

Elincia mounted her pegasus without picking Amiti up on her way up, and she is completely unarmed. Fortunately, once the fighting is over, she will be able to pick the sword back up.

Even if she did keep a hold of it, she cannot kill any enemies whatsoever- although Amiti's +3 Def/Res bonus is nice. This Skill being added to Elincia quietly between Part 2 and now is presumably why they put a blanket ban on Skill editing in Part 2- they didn't want to throw up a warning message if you filled Elincia's Capacity beforehand and didn't have any other way to make it not seem suspicious.

...That better not be our Brave Lance. I'm fairly sure it's not, but still, I don't know why he gets the Brave Lance as a generic weapon.

Danved also gets a Killer. Makalov and Kieran have generic weapons- I think it's Steel for both.

The boss. Two capped stats, completely normal so far, completely outclassed by us especially. He and his cadre of bow users are the one position in the map Elincia should not be allowed to wander over to. Elincia is set to a very strict "follow Geoffrey" AI, and Geoffrey's... well, let's just say the criticism of Elincia's gambit isn't entirely down to narrative.

He does have an Authority star, but both armies he's fighting today have three.

This guy has a Purge, although he's not fond of moving.

This guy has a Physic.

And don't worry, I checked- none of the archers have Crossbows.

Ike makes designs on talking to Elincia. As we'll see, this is a little... complicated.

Lethe got set up for a Blossom level. We are going to need to think about another tack for her soon, though.

Mist opens up with another weaken on the neighbour of Lethe's weaken.

Lyre has managed to score herself a two-strike kill!

And Heather can take the other kill.

And Ilyana is still on healing duty.

Aw, these two seem like they're going to work out together slightly better.

Titania comes up next to Elincia and unequips her axe. Her and Mia are on Crimea management duty.

Not that it's very effective. Elincia is at least survivable on her own.

That was fast.

Lyre may be taking a few dents, but now she's got her own SS Strike to accompany Lethe's! It's not one-rounding. She is half-shifted, but her Strength also has its issues.

Elincia can recover ~3HP with Renewal. I almost imagine it helps.

And there Elincia goes, following Geoffrey.

The rest of the Crimean Knights are also set to follow Geoffrey, but they will also do other things if they see targets of opportunity.

Makalov needs to learn better judgement.

Yeah, Calill, Astrid and Marcia are still using the inventory they had when we did 3-9. Nothing I'll miss, but it does kinda rankle.

The Crimeans have two Physic staffbots.

When the generics are more effective than the named characters, you know you have to reassess your life choices, Makalov.

The news that this battle is occurring has just made it to Zelgius.

Zelgius is shocked and appalled.

...Well, perhaps just appalled.

Levail asks if they're needed.

Zelgius does not care- they are not helping.


Zelgius asks Levail to report on the movements of the Crimean Army and Laguz Alliance before Levail gives them to him, and makes his decision to withdraw on that information. One gets the impression that his internal reaction to this information is "Elincia is covered, I don't need to help protect her".

This is not a pleasant thing to do politically.

Although Zelgius is willing to bear it. Do note that there are mechanical reinforcements.

Lyre charges bravely into the breach to claw at some enemies. Those two armours are of the "non-moving" variety.

And Ilyana tops up her HP.

Titania and Mia head further into enemy territory, separately to ensure maximum chaos theory.

More ironic conversations as Ike and Ranulf search for somewhere out of range of enemies to hide for a little bit.

Nephenee's just making sure she's still in range of Lyre. She could attack that Paladin, but she needs the extra square and I'm not burning a Short Spear for it. (She can't reach the square next to Ilyana.)

Mist trades Ilyana off staves, and accounts for this guy.

And Heather finishes him off.

Now she crits.

Lethe challenges her surroundings, and reverts, consuming a Vulnerary.

Titania is not worried at all.

Lethe is (this was a double, of course), but she managed a dodge.

I thought Swordmasters were supposed to be accurate.

This archer doesn't seme to be having a great day.

Lethe continues to show off her dodging skills.

As does Lyre.

Lyre gets even better at dodging. Considering how late in the Enemy Phase this was, I'll take it.

The Crimeans can still miss. Ah well, this is in my interest.

The paladins up ahead that aren't low on HP march to get themselves weakened.

Adept, second hit was Bane, third hit finished. As long as it worked, I guess?

These two guys get to work healing.

Purge guy is now active. Purge would be relatively nice for Micaiah and Laura, but honestly, it's not worth it, I don't care. Yes, I learned the power of siege tomes last blog, but I'm not even sure how one goes about prying this one out of this guy's hands.

Geoffrey gets to work with his Brave Lance. He's going to get a few of these as the first Crimean to move.

Lucia chips this guy who tried attacking the healers, but... this was after both hits. Looking forward to getting this character back in our hands yet?

Oh yeah, Marcia and Astrid can totally pull these stunts off. If the Crimean Army had a proper brain, there'd be no issues whatsoever.

Calill's got no Flare yet, but she can still punch with the best of them.

Danved is doing decent for an unused character, but not perfect.

Not sure why the priest healed him, though.

Her, I get.

Imagine not two-shotting a swordmaster.

...You guys. You guys.

And some reinforcements.

Well, step one is to get these two even more out of range.

And making sure not to get into range. I like how this guy has to loop around the enemy formation to reach Ike and Ranulf. Should've checked them first, though.

Lethe comes closer to this part of the map and heals up, hoping to get into some fights.

Lyre kills a Paladin near her, so she can finish off the generals on Enemy Phase.

Heather relieves the Purge Bishop of his Ellight. The Dawn Brigade actually got an extra for no clear reason, but considering later purposes, I may want some extras. Maybe I should've nabbed a second one, but Physic staff.

These guys should probably get lost, owing to the whole "Lyre is not killing a lot of enemies" thing.

Look at how fast Mist capped Swords with Discipline. She was at like bottom of S before this.

Nephenee manages to find a kill in range of Lyre.

And rocks that kill.

I like sending mages to kill priests when it turns out like this.

Especially with the whole "redundant Flare" thing.

Magic, Speed, Defence, that's an Ilyana level worth writing home about.

Time for Mia and Titania to break out the weapons.

Mia's getting pretty close to her caps.

...Actually, saying that, Mia is ludicrously close to her caps. She has 21 statups left to gain, 7 of which are in Magic. Lucia has some steep competition.

I have plans for this Steel Axe. I don't know if this is making them better or worse.

Poor that guy.

Damaged swordmaster runs for healing.

And some of these guys.

Lyre is at least finishing her general.

The ultimate reward: continuing to get hit by enemies!

These two Paladins up here had designs on the Crimeans. The position Mist chose to attract their attention means that they ultimately went right to the slaughter.

Although I'm not sure on how I feel about Mist's progress through Valkyrie.

Ah great, we're at this point.

That probably wasn't a killshot, I think this guy did 7 damage.

And cleaning up Elincia's general proximity.

So. Elincia is set to "Follow Geoffrey". Same as pretty much everyone else in the Knights. Ike can't Talk to her right now.

Mist finishes this guy, to prent the Crimeans in being interested in this direction.

Mia and Titania march in to make a start in cleaning the enemies up.

Lyre deals with this jerk.

And Nephenee occupies her adjacent square.

Using Physic from three squares away, why don't you?

Heather is taking on enemies, the Ilyana Support is appreciated.

The weakened Paladins behind us aren't going for attacks, they're going for heals. That Physic staffer and one guy with a Vulnerary are throwing this whole operation.

Also these guys.

At least some of the enemy force goes my way.

...8 crit chance? What are you, a Killing Edge for babies?

What have you found? ...Oh yeah, those kills I wish Lethe could get.

Look at this horde of low health units.

And Lyre goes for the Killing Edge guy.

Continuing to keep up with this.

As funny as a Heal staff counterkill spree would be, let's keep her on Thunder.

And Heather gets into position for Physic.

Titania knocks on the door of the armour wall, and then plays knock-down ginger with the other Short Axe General in line. The one in the middle has a Hammer.

Mia is the first one past, taking out this wyvern.

In style. Why does she still have Cancel and Disarm, she's beyond the point of those being helpful.

Mist uses her Support with Mia to finish this guy. And to think it took me forever to remember this was an option when Mia didn't move first.

Some more nice bonuses.

Ike and Ranulf want to say hi to Elincia!

Lethe hopes the cavaliers go for her.

No they don't.

Some of these one-hit cavaliers go for targets.

I like this one.

Vulnerary time! Hammer guy had that in his pocket.

Which is good, because he didn't have much else.

His buddy met the same fate.

Oh. Right. This has other consequences.

Where are you going?

Three Sols in a single turn! By different units!

This knife of Heather's is close to breaking, and so on this guy we break it.

Gets Lyre a kill.

On one hand, Strength. On the other hand, Defence.

It's been a while since Ilyana got a crit.

This guy has the Vulnerary. Now it is gone.

Titania switches to the Steel Poleaxe, half for the oneshot, and half to spare that Steel Axe for later use.

A nice solid level of the essentials. I think that Defence has worried me from a numerical perspective, but she's actually four points away from her Defence cap. I mean, yeah, I'd like more of it (she can cap all of her stats, but she needs ~6 points in too many of them to be realistic), but it's not like her gaining like none of it is impacting her.

Mia doesn't fight on her turn, she just forms a wall between the mountains.

Continuing to make sure Ike and Ranulf are out of range. That formation is especially unfortunate, since Ranulf helped form the gap.

Your master sucks.

And so do you.

This is still going on.

Gack. So yeah, Ike doesn't get in here.

Ike: Elincia!
Elincia: Sir Ike!
Ike: I’m glad you’re safe. That was one crazy move you pulled.
Elincia: It’s what I had to do to stop the fighting. However… my efforts have failed. I could not stop them.
Ike: But at least you made your point to the Laguz Alliance. I’m sure there are those in the Imperial Army who understand as well. You did the right thing.
Elincia: You’re always so kind. Thank you, Sir Ike.

Ike is a supportive fellow. I can live without this one.

Mist takes out a cavalier, and shuffles around.

Mia takes Mist's one use Steel Blade, and breaks it over Sergei's head.

If I'm not feeding a boss kill to a laguz, I'm honestly doing it wrong. They really need these.

STRENGTH! Also a Speed cap. I'm proud of having a usable Lyre on a recorded playthrough.

He dies begging for Valtome's help. This is about to get really funny, after the housekeeping.

Sergei: We are under the direct orders of senator Valtome! His words carry the weight of the entire Senate! Mercenaries! You know how war works. You know that Begnion can pay?
Ike: Save your breath. The Greil Mercenaries choose our employers. All the wealth in the Senate couldn’t buy us. Lay down your bow and surrender.
Sergei: What?! Wretched fool! You’ll rot in the ground next to that treacherous girl.

Ike has his principles and he will stick to them. You'd think Begnion would try this more often.

Oh yeah, this. Astrid'll like it.

This short dialogue exchange is actually dependent on the number of remaining enemy soldiers. The fact that I got it to trigger exactly on killing Sergei is coincidental and hilarious. claims the trigger is when there are five enemies remaining.

"What do you mean, we're completely safe! They can't hurt us as long as we're not on the grid."

Yes, Valtome has been standing there the whole time.

Look, I know you're a cocky bastard, but in no world were you ever a combat specialist.

Yes, how dare he have opinions.

And he walks off to go punish Zelgius for his own failures as a human being.

Nephenee really had something to prove today.

Continuing to heal up Lyre. She is going to make something of herself.

And Titania spotted a way to keep herself busy.

Heather continues breaking her Steel Knife on this guy.

Good idea, but not actually valid.

Nephenee gets one last kill on the enemy phase.

Leaving this guy to stop using his Physic staff.


Ranulf can't even pick these two up.

Ah well, least I got this.

And one last Heal for the road.

Forgot about this conversation. Lyre gets the last kill.

Honestly, the Crimean army required more effort to work with.

This tells us something we didn't actually know in-character yet: Zelgius and Valtome have different goals. As if the ability to have Zelgius be forced to obey a senseless order wasn't enough of a weapon against them...

Zelgius finally showed some initiative and rebelled against Valtome! Let's see if he's still alive to celebrate after the fact.

This is not a comment on our odds of winning the fight, this is a comment about how Elincia would feel about the conflict at all. Ike's learning! ...Slowly.

Honestly, Elincia was fine as she was. I'd be more worried about Makalov, but that was his last time on a battlefield.

Like hell Geoffrey "let" Elincia do anything.

Geoffrey continues this conversation assuming he had any actual say in the matter of what Elincia did. Admittedly, the plan did sorta count on Geoffrey not charging in on Tibarn, but still... Elincia had a pegasus and came down a cliff.

Ike is impressed Crimea has been doing fine since the last time he was here.

And Geoffrey points out the Greil Mercenaries are from Crimea too. Well, we say that, but we can't forget that Greil is a Daein and Ike and Mist were born in Gallia.

This line is one of the very limited instances in which Ike can be observed to have any degree of patriotism. His whole "everyone is a person with the same value" schtick kinda requires a man who isn't too patriotic, but Ike has also had a very critical role in the forging of Crimea into what it is today.

The way he's saying "you do have time to speak with her" is more about asking if Ike does have that time. He's a commander in an army that is currently at war, this is not necessarily the case.

ライもいっしょに… ………ライ?

It seems a lot clearer here. Ike is asking if Ranulf wants to come, which leads into a long but relatively inane conversation about whether he does. This also ties into a moment at the start of the map when Ranulf seemed the least certain about whether there would be time to talk to Elincia before Valtome attacked.

Meanwhile, in the Begnion army... they're raising the red flags.

You can't seriously mean to punish the entire Begnion Army.

Zelgius wouldn't change a thing.

Valtome says "admirable sentiment", but it's clear as day he hasn't the faintest clue what the words mean.

Excuse me WHAT

Zelgius is on his knee.

Levail, I don't think Zelgius would get a court that has less rigging than a sailing ship.

Under what law? I feel like I have a sudden urge to start rewriting some laws.


Valtome cites his position as a chosen of the goddess in order to get away with executing a man without trial. Levail points out there is a special rite for even this, and if Begnion found out Valtome did not perform this rite, the Senate's position would be shattered.

Despite attaching this thought to a lie, there is some truth here. No human being could possibly understand where Valtome is coming from here. This is dumb.

Levail, after all this time, still has faith in the apostle's word mattering in this conflict.

I'm getting madder by the word.

I just want to get out of this conversation.

What is with this landowning contest of yours, Valtome? I'm not even entirely sure where Kadohl is compared to Culbert.


...What was that? Did Ike seriously have another plan to have Shinon stop an execution?

Today, however, we have another set of big damn heroes. In-game, the screen cuts to black here, and there are about seven wingflaps, louder and louder, until...

She's here.

It's about time you showed up.

No longer has the sword in her portrait, but is otherwise fairly identical. Something about the face feels a little more masculine, though. I think it's a good fit for Tanith, but I wonder what the intent with the redraw was.

Who else?

Sanaki's back!

I don't think I could've handled much more of Begnion without Sanaki.

Sanaki's theme kicks in. The soldiers cheer in response to this line.

Sanaki is open about what's going on to Begnion to her people.

Well, we knew Sanaki had this in mind, but... they really wanted her dead, huh?

Time to blow the lid on this charade.

The Senate has the same theocratic claim as the apostle. To impugn them isn't the complete heresy of standing against the apostle, but it is a very serious accusation.

Valtome's counter-accusation seems like "the only one he can really make", especially with the "..." before it, but this is a lie the Senate came prepared with.

Sigrun calls it.

I don't think that argument is going to save you for much longer, Valtome.

This line inspires Zelgius to move closer to him. Although I'm not sure why Sephiran's arrest is supposed to be proof the false apostle answers to him.

Zelgius takes great offence to that line about Sephiran. Insult Zelgius at your leisure- insult Sephiran at your peril.

Valtome was spared. And sent home at some point, he doesn't die here. I guess that means we at least get a boss fight with him later, but still.

And Zelgius is back where he belongs: on Sanaki's side.

Time to talk about what's going on in Begnion. The Begnion soldiers cheer again. Apparently Valtome wasn't a popular boss.

Oh hey, the Crimeans give us a bonus. 200 per, and I lost one guy. Full turncount, too.

Next time: We bridge a few gaps.

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