Friday 3 December 2021

RD Chapter 3-4 Battle: Never a mountain you can't climb

Time to climb a mountain. Those 5 Gallians are worth BEXP if we can keep them alive. If I cared that much (which I probably should've, honestly), I would've brought that Physic staff I totally have. I think I just wanted Mist to fight.

Two Arrive squares, only one boss.

Oh man, that's a Killing Edge. And a Storm Sword, for the usual "Bait the boss into not using his Killer weapon" kind of boss.

No Authority Stars.

This is his buddy. Higher Luck, lower other things, fairly standard enemy all things considered.

These Ballistae are Irons, which have +10 Might over the normal kind and presumably more range. I usually just use the damage range.

Also, the tile just behind the ballista (two squares north of where I've highlighted) has a spare Ettard as a hidden item. We can't sell the one we have, so it's not worth my time.

And I commit to using Lyre by giving her a statup! She really needs some kind of boost.

We start this map blaring out Radiant Dawn's main representative tune: Eternal Bond. Known as "Ike's Theme" in Smash Bros Brawl and 4, this theme will play on every map for the rest of Part 3 where Ike is the protagonist. And although it's got tough competition for the title of "best map theme" in this game with Bearer of Hope and the two Endgame tracks, I can't say it doesn't deserve it.

Heather can slip past these guys, but only when she has enough Move to do so. Heather will just throw darts while she's waiting.

It doesn't stick.

This guy is easier is take out.

Mia/Mist gives a non-zero amount of Hit, which'll help Mist get this hit.

For what it's worth.

Lethe and Lyre nibble some grass.

Titania and Nephenee back up the kitties, and Ranulf picks up Ike. For some reason, only he starts with the TP to transform. I hate how inconsistent the game is on this topic.

These two Beasts are a lot harder to save without Physic and Haar.

So yeah, for people who are good at math, I want you to calculate how much damage this round of combat would do to Lyre.

For those who are less good at math, here's the answer. Without the Seraph Robe and/or a dodge, this would have been lethal.

That's a solid level up, though.

...Next time, you get Blossom.

No healers on this side. This is why I'm like "maybe I should've promoted Ilyana."

What is it with me getting crits on my BEXP saving targets?

The tigers take hits better.

And give as good as they get.

Also they steal a few of the kills for themselves.

Lyre got enough TP to transform (since she couldn't damage this guy, she got extra TP for untransformed combat), and she starts on this fellow.

...Ladies and gentlemen, Lyre.

Titania and Lethe want to proceed, so Titania takes on this one.

Well, that's nice.

Heather has slipped past, and gets started on thse dolts.

Mist swings twice to make sure she gets the kill.

Ilyana finishes this guy. Better deal with him than get him going places I don't want him.

Mia climbs the ledge. Always get the chance to get up there when you're can.

Ranulf can't escape that axeman I want Lyre to fight, so he goes this direction. There's a ballista up that side anyway.

I was kind of hoping the Thunder mage would make his way down here.

Well, this guy got to meet a Fire Sage.

Lyre's slowly working on this guy.

Nephenee's Provoke doing work for the laguz.

And the tigers fighting their way through these guys.

Complete with some more kills.

Lethe gets her shift.

Lyre moves to the exact limit of the warrior's movement and uses some Olivi Grass.

Titania can finally get these laguz out of danger.

...Her levels, on the other hand...

Crityana adds another notch to her belt.

And Mist knocks this guy out of the way.

...You can't coast on this one, Mist.

I have no idea what that laguz is going to do, but I can't even do anything better than this.

Ranulf is safe from interfering here.

How do you miss down a ledge?

Nephenee continues to be the ballista's target.

The tiger is taking a bit of a beating.

...Although this one moment gives him exactly enough of a good final stand.

Lyre's got her first kill! This is going to take a while.

...Kitties, please.

I can't save you if you hide at the bottom of a ledge held by enemies!

This is why I wanted this guy alive. I'll need a few spares for the laguz.

Ilyana has to bring out the Wind tome to get the accuracy necessary to make this a kill.

Sadly, a single hit didn't give her the level up.

Mist heals Heather on her way up.

Why is Ranulf going further? To escape the ballista range! I think this might have honestly doomed that tiger. Not sure he can jump down here.

Titania can at least take out this fellow.

Nephenee unequips to make herself even more of a tempting target to save the cats.

Lyre grasses up, while Lethe reverts to add herself to the list of targets.

This guy takes another ballista bolt.

...This guy, though, goes to attack Titania. Who can attack back.

Look, there was only so much I can do!

And another ballista bolt. This guy's on his last legs.

And this guy unshifts, and runs away.

...This guy, on the other hand...

Lethe climbs up and shreds this guy, at least.

Nephenee needs to kill this guy for Lyre to get up.

Unfortunately, there's no way to push this guy or Mist to heal him.

Ilyana uses the Master Crown.

Shoulder pads and cape trim. She already got her Swish last promotion.

Ilyana now has no more use for Strength- 19 is enough to hold the heaviest tome.

Also she can use Staves. At last.

...Well, drat.

Let's get him out of the way for Ranulf. Probably could've saved the other guy, but this cat just keeps getting in the worst places, and I can't finish until Ranulf gets to the end.

Imagine Mist had the Physic Staff here. I do have one.

Lyre uses a Vulnerary to take on this lot.

Because things hurt.

This guy has passed on. So long, loyal Gallian. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Lyre is... really pushing things down here. Especially with those hit rates.

Ilyana heals this Gallian. She needs as many Heals as she can for her Staff rank.

Well, let's get a start on this lot.

Mia can do that part a little better.

...A lot better.

Titania just blocks, so everyone else can get some EXP. Not that she has much of her own to grab.

Lyre needs to Grass up. With that low health.

This guy needs to die. Lyre won't survive him.

Sure, Nephenee, take that one.

...Oh, good, this ballista is out.

Lethe charges up and takes this position.

And Ranulf comes up here. It's safe for everyone but Lyre!

Heather gets to go before we found out how Lyre does.

It took. Way. Too. Long. To get this to happen. I needed a better plan.

And now there's wyverns!

Lyre is not holding her form much longer. She gets a player phase kill instead.

Lethe can't take this guy out. We have some... problems.

First of all, Ilyana has another Heal to cast.

Mist takes out this fellow so Heather can climb up higher.

And Mia can get a Converse in on the way up.

...OK, I could use some better targets.

Nephenee takes this position, and chips this fellow while she's here. He won't move, and I think this is the key to Lyre's survival.

So now I commit to this move. I'm not sure this will do the job, but...

Ranulf hides out of range and watches Lyre make her stand for him.

Dang, Mist, who taught you to crit? I say, with Mia on Mist's side.

Here's someone Heather can handle.

...Really handle. This'll make sure Heather has more sides for enemies to occupy.

Lyre goes a round with this armour. This gets her Strike, and thankfully, his accuracy has dropped due to Biorhythm.


At least Lethe gets some combat in.

...Doesn't double? Lethe, you need some stats, and quick.

Heather got her level up!

This is probably less Swish, to be honest. She's got a longcoat and scarf, but neither really have the swish of her old cloak.

You can never say no to these things, though.

Lyre is out of charge. She's done for the map. Probably.

Ilyana heals Titania for Staff Rank. Titania is done with this map, though- horses can't climb ledges, and there's no way further up this mountain without climbing a ledge.

Three Heal casts gives D Rank. Heal gives 3 WEXP and Discipline is supposed to double that... which should mean I need five casts for D Rank? Something doesn't add up here. Possibly Ilyana's staff rank from FE9 partially transferred in, possibly Discipline gives a higher boost to Ranks, or possibly Serenes is wrong in some other way. I don't know, and as long as it's in my favour, I don't care.

And Mist gets to finish the job her crit started.

And Mia climbs one ledge. Unlike Heather, she can't climb two. I think Rogues just have less of a movement cost to go up a Gap.

Our two new Masteries, while it's on the mind. Bane will, no matter what, drop the enemy's HP to 1, but doesn't work on anything the game considers a "boss" (which, to my understanding, is anything with the flashing "Shield" icon bosses have on the field). Do keep in mind that this can happen if your attack would otherwise be lethal.

Flare, meanwhile, nullifies Resistance and heals HP. Notice the lack of a damage multiplier. Flare kicks ass, but it's a skill that has a higher-than-usual chance of leaving the enemy alive. Not that high if you've got a solid Magic stat (since your Atk is your damage and by now it should be in the 40s), but tomes do have pretty low Might.

Lethe recharges and focuses on these generals.

Heather... could use a little more oomph.

Lyre heals up. Now we're in a bit of a better position.

I don't think the general moves, Ranulf can just edge closer.


Huh, no unique dialogue for laguz. This seems like a map to include that.

Heather denting armours as usual.

And Lethe gets this kill.

Oh, this could get ugly.

At least I got a dodge.

Why does this guy move next to a General?

Mia is supportive of Mist, it turns out. I guess what she knows how it feels to not be wanted on a battlefield.

Well, that's nicer.

Heather only had one use of this. Now just to choose someone to get the kill.

Well, there's some more healing. Ilyana's not getting up the ledge.

Ranulf drops off Ike, as they edge their way closer up.

...And Lyre comes in when I realise this is in range of the general.

Nephenee finishes this guy off.

And Lethe needs more charge.

The things I do for the purity of this challenge...

If anyone wants to count the number of dodges Lyre needed to make to complete this chapter, be my guest.

...You don't double the boss, either?

Lyre has enough TP to transform again! She two rounds this low health general.

So we pen him in.

And Mist heals her up this time.

Yeah... Ilyana's not moving around in a hurry.

Ike and Ranulf move somewhere where they can Arrive next turn.

...For TP reasons, I do not player phase this action.

He helpfully goes for his Killing Edge.

...Well then.

All right, time to plan how to win this.

Heather weakens him, successfully failing to Bane or crit. I would've liked the Concoction...

Lyre adds another kill to her belt.

And somehow gets another Blossom level. Fun fact, this was an exact job- so every battle she got into mattered.

Here's her final Strike rank for this map. I reckon I can wrangle S next time. Or, well, maybe the map after that, next map is kinda bad for Strike development.

Lethe secures the kill. Boss EXP is good for laguz, because of the whole "laguz EXP is terrible" thing.

Speed, yes, need more of this!

As I am told.

Callum: You will not gain the peak, nor shall I yield my position. You will wait for the duel to finish.
Ike: Duel?
Callum: Correct. The general does not wish to be disturbed during his duel. I’m certain that it will pass very soon. You may then pass and fetch the carcass of your general.

Callum: So sub-human. Are you worried about your general?
Ranulf: You bet I’m worried! Without us looking after him, who knows what kind of trouble that hothead might get himself into! You can see we’re in a big hurry. Get out of my way, or I’ll move you. Painfully.
Callum: Never! If you wish to reach the top, you must “move” me. Do your best, sub-human.

 Not the most interesting of generals.

Well, we've got Lethe on one of the squares the boys need to be standing on.

Ranulf cuts the knot by picking Lethe up.

"Just a second, let my sister heal up!"

Now we're done.

Ranulf: "We could've got here in time if you weren't so worried about your sister!"

Well... Skrimir's a big boy, he can take it?

See, he's doing just fine!


...Wait, is that a Bronze Sword?

Skrimir! We liked tolerated you!

Zelgius marches to the cliffside and poses.

...That was the one thing we had.

Well, Zelgius doesn't. The rest of his army...

Yeah, they have to be actively forbidden.

Yeah, that is pretty impressive...

Dude. Literally. The worst thing you could have said. Have, like... some decorum.

The Gallians are... a little more shaken.

They all start growling in response to this remark. Well... the laguz are nothing if not single-minded.

Ranulf orders the retreat. What are we supposed to do, match Zelgius and Levail? We only have five tier 3 units!

...Don't rub it in.

Zelgius sends everyone away.

Ranulf wonders what Zelgius's plan is.

He takes his orders from Sephiran, who reports to the apostle. Sanaki has a different plan to the Senate.

Zelgius asks the laguz to extend their hand to Sanaki, and let her grab hold.

Ike wonders what kind of peace talk this is going to be. I wonder what these circumstances are, precisely.

Damn. This is why we listen to Soren.

Soren (from offscreen): "Told you so."

Zelgius has declared a three-day ceasefire.

...And a promise that he won't hold back again.

Oh, and Skrimir's fine.

Zelgius is a good man at heart. Well, most of the time.

I wish that meant something, Zelgius...

One thing I want to bring up here in particular is a bit of a narrative issue inherent to Fire Emblem- and indeed, most video games. It's difficult to make the player army come off as the loser in an engagement when the gameplay requires you to actually succeed. A few games get around this by having the villain pull some secret trick out from their sleeve in the cutscene, while Fire Emblem in particular also has the Escape and Defend victory conditions when the player is supposed to be losing. Radiant Dawn actually does a pretty good job of making whatever army you're playing as feel like a loser when it needs to while still letting the player win using other victory conditions- for example, this battle was a loss despite using the Arrive victory condtion, and we lost because the situation was just too hard to salvage with our efforts. There are other battles, before and after this one, where despite a success on the battlefield, the narrative writes the encounter off as a loss because the battle itself was tangential to what we were trying to do in the first place. 2-3 and 3-9 are some other examples.

Cut to a map with ballistae on it.

We have a number of plans. Very few of them good.

So... we lost one General and now we have to give up entirely? And that man was the sort of person to charge bravely into danger? What kind of plan was this in the first place?


Oh yeah, morale. That explains it.

...You too, Tibarn?

So what's Tibarn going to do? I mean, it's his war.

Hey, lay off, it's Sanaki! ...Hopefully.


Ranulf would like to remind you that this war was started because Begnion murdered our messenger. The laguz do not fancy their odds of making it out of a peace talk without a knife in their back.

They made this exact joke in PoR. It doesn't work as great when Ranulf knows his secret.

So does Tibarn. She apologised to Reyson in front of him.

...He brings up a good point. How do we know we'll get to see Sanaki?

...He brings up a good point. Why haven't we done this yet?


...Apparently Tibarn doesn't like Sanaki all that much right now, too? The whole "being at war with Begnion" has kind of soured him on that apology Sanaki gave him three years ago.



I smell a rat. Or a fish.

Tibarn's going to stick around, but officially, we're disbanded.

Not that it means much to Ranulf. We made a lot of progress this war. We kinda have to backtrack now...

Oh come on, a full halving of the Turn Bonus for dawdling one or two turns?

Next time: They have us completely surrounded, we've got them right where we want them!

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