Wednesday 3 November 2021

RD Chapter 1-7: Liberation Army

Daein will stand by no longer.

Yeah, Jarod is still a bigger army no matter how many victories we have.

And they're getting bigger. That "blank check" seems to have been paid for by Daein and not Begnion, too.

People are lining up outside the door to join our army, but most of them are people who Begnion massively outclasses.

No offense, but we need real soldiers to fully match their might.

...If nothing else, I guess the gruelling labour is keeping their muscles in shape?

It is time for the gathering of Daein!

So it's time for the next war council. No Jill and Zihark this time, just the plot-armoured characters.

...And no Pelleas, either.

I don't like that.

...For good reason.

Even Micaiah can tell this is not a good thing to do.

But Izuka can distract us with planning.

So our plan is to take Umono, the largest prison camp. Tauroneo, the clock's honestly been ticking since we started.

So yeah, how do we take "the largest camp"?

Izuka's planned for that.


Izuka, get help.

Micaiah puts her foot down.

Which just... shocks Izuka.

I refuse to believe this is the case. You just decided on the spot for no good reason.

...Misguided enemy? I think Begnion is a little further than that.

奇麗事だ! 偽善だ!
ふん なんという女々しい感傷か!

This argument gets hugely expanded on, and I almost feel so at sea about what it includes that I just did (most of) the whole thing- just before this is a bit where Izuka mentions the poison takes half a day to kill people. The gist of it appears to be about hypocrisy and being a better person than our oppressors. Izuka's final insult appears to be gendered, calling Micaiah's hesitance womanly.

And yeah, if we poison the lake, the Daeins die before the Begnions ever do. The Begnions will just force-feed it to the Daeins.

And probably manage to blame it on us- because it is our fault, too.

You're speaking his language, Sothe!

So Izuka ragequits. I guess Plan B is ours again.

I think he lost all sight of reason long before that.

Everyone's apologising except the guy planning to poison hundreds of people.

Tauroneo assures Micaiah she was right.

But we do need a Plan B, then.

Micaiah has one!


The extended script doesn't state what Micaiah's plan is, but it does foreshadow elements of it. To help explain how they came up with it, Tauroneo mentions one of Begnion weaknesses he's familiar with and invites Micaiah to reason a counter-strategy that exploits it.

She's not telling us, though. Let's just prepare anyway.

Jill made an impression.

Two Info conversations today, one of which is just lore. It'll be the other one that's nicer.

Today, we're going to see what makes Meg tick.

She spends quite some time being all mumbly in front of Zihark.

She still hasn't covered her meekness.

Zihark is still very on top of who his sisters in arms are. This came up in his Support with Brom.

He even knew Meg was from Crimea!

This bit, though, is news to him.

Small villages are likely to be filled with people who know each other, so this is a reasonable guess. I'm not sure how much Meg looks like Brom.

In PoR, this was 'second-oldest'. And yeah, if you saw Brom/Zihark A, Meg is indeed the girl he brought up there.

And in this run, is living up to that reputation. ...Well, "lifting things" is a Con thing and not a Str thing, but you know, still more than most people.

"But him working feeds me, so, you know, it's for the best."

This conversation is just generally proving that Brom/Zihark is considered canon to the story of RD. Which leads to one point in particular...

The ending.

Brom setting up his daughter with Zihark.

As shallow as many of the Dawn Brigade appear because of the lack of appearances to properly flesh them out, Meg is, almost literally, a walking punchline to the joke that is Brom/Zihark A Support. She has conversations with Brom and Zihark later, the former of which are incredibly heartwarming on his part, but Meg herself is just...

At any rate, Meg and Zihark grow at the baseline Support speed. Meg has bonuses with a bunch of Ohma characters and also Micaiah and Laura, while Zihark has bonuses with Jill, Tauroneo, and a lot of laguz, but they don't get a bonus with each other. Nor do they get a malus, at least.

Zihark as open to the marriage now as he was three years ago: not at all. Honestly, Meg, if he hasn't gotten over his lost Lenore yet, he's never going to.

The way she says this, I think this is suggesting that "second-oldest" and "youngest" are both correct, in that Brom has two and only two daughters.

I wonder what Meg would think if she heard Zihark's story here. I'm also not sure how much of the story Zihark is willing to share.

Also some sketchy "I'll have to learn how to be the perfect wife" garbage, but Meg has bigger problems.

I don't think Zihark is into total badasses. His dead girlfriend seems very much like the daughter of Mordecai and Ranulf. Except, you know, in the same generation as them. I had once headcanoned it that Zihark's girlfriend was related to Ranulf, but considering Zihark is a Daein character, it would be very difficult to put her in his story if that were the case.

Well, I've heard of rushing it, but...

At least Zihark took it in good humour.

So anyway, onto Pelleas and characters who aren't written to be walking punchlines.

I don't know enough tea to make teatime preference jokes for the RD cast. I can just tell Pelleas would fail the tea minigame with Micaiah, though.

So what is the purpose of this conversation?

Micaiah is very concerned about this whole "Pelleas isn't showing up to war meetings" thing.

Of course it was.

Yeah. This. This is really important. You should listen to Micaiah on this one.

Well if that isn't a lovely position for a Prince to be in.

Despite Micaiah's lack of experience, she's honestly running circles around Pelleas.

Well, yeah, but...

Apparently, he's got a long way to go.

That's more useful. Not sure who these 'other senators' are, though- Zihark and Jill?

When you put it like that...

Izuka has done a lot to fulfill Pelleas's needs emotionally. Which has established perhaps too great a debt for one man, especially a prince.

Do not put this burden on your King.

I think that's a blink frame. It would be hilarious if it was intentional, though.

Micaiah tries to take it back, though.

She did kind of overextend on the matter, though. I'm not sure if this is "Micaiah has a magic power for this" or "Pelleas is that easy to read".

This... is one of those lines that reads interestingly.

Micaiah noticed a mark somewhere on Pelleas's body. It's certainly not somewhere where I can see it!

Pelleas is a Spirit Charmer, and he has made a pact with the spirits for greater magical power. I don't think we ever find out why someone as pacifistic as Pelleas might want to perform such a rite, but considering Calill's opinion on Spirit Charmers, I have to wonder if he isn't adequately informed of the dangers of signing something you haven't fully read...

Micaiah's "..." is very informative.

This is a bit of a bombshell, though.

To Micaiah too, apparently.

It's not really something you think about, since from our perspective, Micaiah has been wearing the same clothes all game, but Micaiah's gloves are by design. In universe, it's hard to catch her without.

And Micaiah is very anxious about the fact Pelleas spotted her mark.

Pelleas didn't tell her on the spot, though. That would probably have ended much worse.

This question might tip off an astute reader.

Pelleas is not an astute reader.

You can hear the record scratch.

I wonder if some of the Micaiah = Mary Sue complaints stemmed from just thinking about this line amidst later reveals and never reanalysing it too deeply. For the record, Pelleas is way off base with this guess. It does require future knowledge to recognise that, but fortunately, this is setup for a reveal that happens at the end of this chapter.

...Also, considering Spirit Charming is literally giving up your soul for magical power, isn't Micaiah being non-consensually entered into a pact from birth kinda... horrifying?

Although Micaiah sure is doing her best to downplay this suggestion.

And, because it is literally impossible for the game to mention Spirit Charmers without it, Spirit Charmers are often confused for Brandeds. And vice versa!

This line's to catch up the people who didn't play Path of Radiance, or perhaps those who didn't get Ike/Soren A, Stefan/Mordecai A or Tormod/Calill A.

Pelleas just casually being racist to laguz within fifty feet of Nailah. If killing this man didn't end Daein's hopes, he'd just have lost his throat right here.

Yeah... yeah... cries.

Not even a meaningful "..." explains things to you, Pelleas?

"And how they are different."

...This feels slightly condescending, although that's mostly because I know Pelleas is dead wrong.

"Oh yeah, this was a three star Info conversation."

Interestingly, this particular sword made its home in Daein in Path of Radiance. Maybe that implies the PoR crew didn't manage to seize it in that game?

...I guess that's fair, but...?

Oh. Izuka says.

Micaiah and Pelleas share that in common, at least!

Well, that's the Brave Sword relatively early! The only one in the game, unless some random mook can be persuaded to part with his (not particularly likely). Meg doesn't really need it yet, but it could be worth considering.

This is a Support doomed to not being finished, but I have specific plans for Meg's Support if it comes up.

Since Meg has capped Speed and Res, I feed her three BEXP levels to abuse the three stat system.

...I swear this system is broken.

Laura, you give it a try. (390 BEXP isn't enough for level 19.)

Now we're cooking with gas! +3 HP, + 1 Str, +3 Mag, +1 Skill, +3 Luck, +2 Def, +2 Res. Magic, Skill, and Speed are now all capped.

And because Jill was this close, she can promote with BEXP. Promoting to Tier 2 gives a boost to Capacity, and I'd like to edit her Skills.

...Go back, I preferred the tier 1 wyvern.

Bulking up on this, though.

I have these and have no reason to hold back on them, so might as well use it. I don't have one for Laura, but I will get one this map.

That giant wooden shield does a good job hiding her design on this screen. I like how it's still mostly wood. At least it's functional?

Meg needs the Strength and Defence more than usual for Armour Knights.

Meg starts with an E Rank in Lances and would like to be able to use some nice ones, so I get her a Discipline Scroll. Adept is bad for weapon rank development (if you proc Adept, you still only get WEXP as if you attacked once), but considering the skill setup of everyone else, it was a free option. Besides, Adept was Zihark's Skill.

...Javelins are D Rank. Of course they are. Meg gets a Bronze Lance. Bronze weapons are weaker than Irons and categorically cannot crit.

Jill picks up Paragon. I could use some Jill levels.

Reminder of Fiona's stats. She doesn't compare that well to the units I have now, does she? Let's compare her to someone she's closer in level to: Base Nolan.

-4 HP, -4 Str, +6 Mag, -3 Skill, +0 Spd, +0 Luck, -1 Def, +3 Res

I do not have the luxury of being choosy about my Dawn Brigade units. I will be training Fiona. And I'm going to have to do it a very particular way, because she sure as hell won't be contributing normally.

Another Wind Edge, and two statups I'm not that tempted by.

Still no Fire and Wind. Dammit, Muston!

I also give Wrath to Ilyana, because I looked at her and decided "she needs more crits" for some reason.

To the prison camp!

We're attacking! They should do something about that.

Djur sends his troops over in that direction.

This position seems nice and unguarded.

Tauroneo, you magnificent, overpowered bastard.

Let's get to work!

This is the first map in the game where a casual player might have to start choosing who to bench. Our run has less people than the available spaces.

Tauroneo is off being a Giant Armoured Distraction and can't come to the party right now.

The layout for this mission. We have to Seize the space Djur is standing on to win. There's a reason this map is Seize, but considering what we're here to do, Seize feels like a weird choice.

This is Djur. A nice solid wall of numbers and a second-tier ranged sword. Hope you have a good spearman. We have a Fiona.

The game's starting to have a few of these weapons in the enemy ranks! Remember Blades from Path of Radiance? Now Axes and Lances have them too- Poleaxes and Greatlances, all in Iron > Steel > Silver.

If you remember back to Chapter 6 of Path of Radiance, I mentioned that the translation bungled these things. These are of no relation to PoR's Poleax or the GBA games' Halberd, but do have something in common with FE8's Battle Axe. At this point, just smile and nod. Fiona is still scared of this one regardless.

Jill heads in this direction and throws Javelins at this guy. I'm not sure if Hand Axes could oneround, but if they could, I really should've done that instead. (Jill couldn't reach this guy in melee.)

Sothe had to sacrifice some of his movement to evade this armour. This kinda costs me? I don't know if I could've gone a turn faster without this roadbump.

Meg onerounds a dude with a Bronze weapon.

Adept still has a flash, but the clear labelling of Skills is so much nicer.

Fiona picks up Micaiah for some Support building, and stays out of range of anything resembling danger.

Laura does the same, but for different reasons.

Volug is just going somewhere. There will turn out to be reinforcements at the starting position, he can't stay here.


It doesn't look like much, but man, the tiny little details make Tormod look so much better over the timeskip. Also, that robe looks more official, with the collar and trim. Looks like Tormod's got a promotion! The official artwork for him is even better!


う~! なんかワクワクしてきたぜ。

Whatever Muarim is using to spot Sothe, he also spots Zihark, Jill and Tauroneo, and the pair start reminiscing about the Mad King's War before Vika snaps them out of it.

And they're coming to help us! I may like this boy way too much.

And a nice reference to his nifty Skill Celerity.


Vika asks if Tormod is Branded because of his Celerity. Tying in to the themes in Pelleas's base conversation and this chapter's ending, Muarim talks about the fact that the Brand hasn't manifested on him, and that he doesn't care about whether or not that is the case so long as Tormod grows up to be a healthy child.

"You wanted backup?

I like how Micaiah being Rescued means this conversation gets funky.

Sothe thinks he's going nuts. Even he's not sure which.

Zihark: “Time for the trusty hero to save the day, I see. Still quite the showman, eh, Tormod?”

Just because you three were in Path of Radiance together doesn't mean you know each other.

And the laguz transform.

And terrify the locals.

A reasonable Begnion soldier. HE MUST BE STOPPED!

This one is a bit more confused.

Clearly this Tormod escaped from the backup file.

They say that now...

Micaiah is completely confused.

Sothe knows what they're doing.

...Not that he can reach them on this turn.

Well, Jill presses on.

Where did this come from?

And already with a level up. Infinitely reassignable Paragon is awesome.

Sothe stops to talk to Muarim.

Because it's true!

Oh. Little.

Muarim is sick of Tormod going through this phase.

Muarim is probably taking the mickey.

See here.

Jill: Muarim, do you remember me?
Muarim: Indeed I do, Jill.
Jill: I’m glad. So why are you in Daein?
Muarim: You’ll have to ask the little one. I merely trail around after him.
Jill: I see. I will ask him. Thank you for helping us today.
Muarim: It is an honor.

Zihark: Muarim!
Muarim: Zihark, has it been three years?
Zihark: First Crimea, now Daein. Never a dull day! Still, it’s good to fight with you again.
Muarim: You can say that again.
Zihark: OK. It’s good to fight with you again.
Muarim: Beorc humor is so… odd. But you know I feel the same.

I'm not sure I get the joke, Muarim.

Fiona considers helping with this guy, but just look at these numbers.

This guy is more her speed. On a technicality.

It at least means Meg only needs to hit the guy once.

And Ilyana completely embarassed Fiona's damage output.

The Begnion soldiers decide to have a go at Tormod after all, and become cinders.

Poleaxe man takes a swing at Meg. For some reason, these early Poleaxe guys are also inaccurate as well as slow, despite weapon weight not actually affecting accuracy.

You got beat by an armour knight using WTD and the weakest weapon of that type to boot. Some elite guard.

Muarim came around here for some reason. Huh. I think the laguz are ordered to follow Tormod around, mechanically.

Sothe, what did you do between games?

...RD Tormod has a bit of a complex about his height. If he's actually 16, he's either not getting a growth spurt or is the latest bloomer I've ever heard of. I think Tormod still has time for a growth spurt to come.

Sothe doesn't have the time for this.

And changes the topic to Tormod's mission.

The report will come later.

Jill: Tormod!
Tormod: If it isn’t Jill!
Jill: Thanks for fighting beside us. It’s a big help.
Tormod: Ah, it’s nothing!
Jill: How did you happen to…
Tormod: An enemy! Excellent! Leave him to me!
Jill: There he goes… At least some things never change.

Zihark: Hey there, Tormod. You’re looking well.
Tormod: So you’re here too, eh, Zihark?
Zihark: Polished your mage skills over the last few years, I see.
Tormod: But of course! I’ll toast anyone who dares oppose me!
Zihark: Really? Well then, why don’t you take on the rest of the guards while I sit back and take a break?
Tormod: You know what I mean! Get back here and fight like you mean it! Zihark!

At least these two know how to engage with Tormod entertainingly. Dang, Zihark.

And we now have a female laguz! So how do laguz work in Radiant Dawn? The transformation gauge has been boosted to 30 TP, and all laguz types now get different amount of TP from turns and battles- although I think you only get TP from an untransformed battle if you don't hurt them back with a counterattack. All laguz start the battle with zero TP, except in special, story-driven cases where the laguz get given 30 TP to begin with. Once you get to 30 TP, you have to Transform as an action on your turn- it's no longer automatic, although you are allowed to transform and attack on the same turn. Reverting is still automatic, though, but you can choose to do it at any time during a Transform and conserve TP for later.

While untransformed, Vika's stats are the little numbers (HP and Luck are unchanged by transformation). Her weapon is not affected, despite not having a beak in her usual shape, but she's going to be pretty weak untransformed and the low Speed/Defence means it's not even a good idea to have her fight. Importantly, though, she can't initiate untransformed.

While transformed, Vika's stats increase- and they double compared to her bases. The problem with this, of course, is that your untransformed stats have to be a lot lower in order for beorc to not be roundly outclassed. One of the things we'll learn about untransformed laguz is that it's really bad to be untransformed, but also to some extent necessary, because transforming also decreases your experience gain. RD Laguz are just... worse than PoR from a usability standpoint.

Ooh, Vika has a weapon rank! Laguz weapons can now be increased in potency the usual way- there are A, S and SS ranks, and for most laguz, an additional weapon rank gives +5 Might. Some Strikes also give extra accuracy, but Vika is not one of them. 5 Might is a very powerful boon, especially for a weak-and-fast kind of unit like Vika. Strikes increase using the normal weapon rank rules, and because it's an A-S-SS sequence, that's 70 WEXP to go from A to S, and 80 for S to SS. Unfortunately, laguz Strikes only give 1 WEXP a swing (most beorc weapons give more in this game.)

Before you ask, Discipline and Arms Scrolls categorically do not work on laguz.

Bird tribe laguz have both Shove and Canto, which kind of dampens the amount of Skill editing they can do, but 20 Capacity is pretty shocking as it is. Laguz get more Capacity for reaching levels 15 and 30, so it's in our interest to get Vika to level 15 as soon as possible. The Shriek Skill has a Luck% chance of reducing the enemy's Luck to zero for one turn following an indirect attack. If it wasn't an innate Skill, I would sell it for the 1500 G it's somehow worth. Honestly, the money is probably more useful even then.

Sothe had some Vulneraries for Vika to nab. If she's going to spend time untransformed, she needs these things.

This guy is guarding a jail cell.

Ilyana wants in.

Some of these guys drop Door Keys. One of the enemies in 1-3 drops a Door Key too, and it's one of the enemies I didn't kill, so I didn't have a spare. Oh well, doors in RD are easier to break down.

Jill would like to get up here, but this is the only gap and these are its guards.

Get out of Jill's way.

Tormod and Muarim are going to run around out of trouble, and Muarim is going to lug Sothe with him while he's still transformed and with high Movement.

Fiona can't even throw a Javelin at this guy. Oh well, he won't move (he's guarding that door behind him), she can move closer.

Meg engages him on enemy phase.

Spares his life and possibly allows Fiona to feast on the kill. Unless she gets an Adept. Of course she got it once. This is why these sorts of Skills sorta evolved into Combat Arts that you manually initiated for SoV and 3H.

Ilyana just don't care about enemy mages.

Well, OK, she does hate how they take two hits to kill, and speeds up the process.

This guy wanders over to investigate what's going on in the north. He didn't count on an armour knight who could double him.


Fiona is incapable of killing this general with her Steel Lance.

So, after Meg moves on, she drops Micaiah and prepares to do the first hit on enemy phase. Always concede first strike in a tricky situation- it means you get two goes before the enemy gets their second. Three if you double.

Tormod is holding anima tomes other than Thunder! Ilyana can at last get to work on other kinds of magic!

Laura steals the Door Key and opens the Door.

There are four cells, each with Ex-Daeins in them to release. For some reason, they are wearing their armour. I don't understand this either.

Ilyana takes up Fire as she goes to take on another opponent.

It's always HP/Luck/Res. At least Ilyana needs Luck.

...Well, at least it's a second Strike.

Vika makes an excellent first showing.

Jill stands here to try and protect Vika from the archer.

It was a Longbowman. At least Vika literally cannot be hit by this guy.

It does cost her TP.

Vika's crits have her darting around like a madwoman.

Here's the other Door Key. These are good for two uses, and there are four doors.

Fiona got hit by the armour, but Imbue came in to boost her odds, technically. She will die on the next hit from this guy anyway.

You get that kill, Fiona!

Getting the kill opens this door. This is where the Ex-Daeins go in order to escape.

This is the C-Rank Support "conversation" between Meg and Ilyana. There's another version for the other way around. Honestly, there are some stinkers in more modern games that have about as much personality.

Meg uses a less traditional lockpick on this door.

Run, little man, and be free!

Laura has healing to do. Tormod took this from the two guys he fought as a green unit.

And Volug starts carrying him around again.

Ilyana burns down the door behind this knight.

The knight doesn't move and red units go before green units, so the knight will obediently kill himself on Ilyana and this guy can escape unmolested.

Jill opens the last door the traditional way. Please retire at some point, sir. Maybe after we've kicked Begnion out, yes, but I don't want you doing a Tauroneo.

Vika takes revenge for the zero alternate versions of herself who died to this longbowman.

Micaiah Sacrifices for Fiona so there's still some damage left for Laura to heal.

See? The knight disposes of himself.

These Daeins are on their way to the exit. The ones Jill rescued will be catching up.

Vika flies in range of the boss and kills this archer. These two don't seem interested in moving.

All of these stat bonuses are doubled while transformed, remember that.

...Well, we're not transformed anymore. And she's also standing right next to the boss.

I honestly find mismatches in these conversations amusing.

Muarim and Volug unload their passengers. Sothe is needed to find a hidden Master Seal, Volug is just bored.

Sounds like the words of the owner of a prison camp.

Vika's pose in this screenshot sums it up.

The Daeins are starting to get to the door and escape. This is worth BEXP.

Reinforcements come from here and here. This might pose a problem to the fleeing Daeins. Especially the first pair.

Sothe gets the Master Seal. This will be going on Laura.

Vika chews on an Herb, because I noticed that Djur could kill her on a hit.

Jill flies down to meet the south bunch.

The west bunch go to the Ex-Daeins. I honestly thought they'd wander east to face Jill. I think Jill needed to be closer to pull that off.

Oh yeah, Biorhythms. Good thing I healed, because...

Yeah. Now Djur is more likely to hit than not.

More escaping into the door!

At least Jill can kill this guy and get up the gap-

Why did I bother with the Javelin?

Fiona Rescues this guy and runs off with him. He may be up a ledge, but that's still a chance I'm not taking.

Laura heals Vika.

And Vika notices she can now transform. Let the continued striking at Djur's armour commence!

Like wyverns, ravens finish an attack a great distance from their opponents, and so armours have to slowly walk into position.

Micaiah Shoves Laura out from Djur's range. Mostly so Djur will continue to attack Vika.

Meg gets this guy.

Lance level up! Now Meg can use normal lances!

This guy got distracted by the promise of Jill! Not his friend, though.

From up a ledge, this guy is not a problem anymore.

And more Lance Ranks!

Vika continues to Strike at the boss! I'm in no real rush to kill him, really, the Daeins are worth BEXP escaped.

And enemy reinforcements! A fire and a wind mage, I believe.

Fiona drops her Daein passenger here. That soldier is going to be an issue if he moves incorrectly.

Laura heals Micaiah for Fiona's scratch damage at last.

Meg comes over here for the Wind mage.

And Vika pauses her assault on Djur to nibble on Fire mage.

Yep. This guy is in the way.

Vika is still going on Djur! Yes, Strike is serious rank business.

Well, that guy got away. Not sure about his buddy.

...Oh. Yeah, this is... I don't really understand what the devs were going for with Fiona. Like... there's bragging rights unit raising, like Meg and FE6's Wendy, but Fiona is just ridiculous. You should not be so soundly beaten up by join map enemies!

Jill picks up some EXP.

And gets her usuals. Some more Strength might be nice.

Meg notices that Vika's been at this for a while, and wants to lend a hand.

Djur proves just as incapable of hitting Meg as Vika.

And Vika scores the kill.

Micaiah: We are the Daein Liberation Army! We demand you free these hostages…or face the consequences!
Djur: Of all the ridiculous… All of you pigs from Daein will be our slaves ’til you die! It’s your destiny. What need have swine for freedom? Swine are happier being kept… and consumed.
Micaiah: If that’s how you really feel, then…

 I think we both know who the real pig is.

And gets this nifty level for it. I think she might want Strength more than Jill does, despite both having the same Strength stat when capable of attacking.

Dude, I was grinding off you.

Laura nicks some last EXP.

But I don't wind up throwing a Javelin at that soldier Fiona is struggling with. Fiona could probably level up off the EXP, too. I kinda wish I did it, but the level up Fiona gets next time is worth it.

Is that all you care about?

They'll be happy to help us, I'm sure.

But we are still a Daein army. Laguz aren't exactly... in good company here. Yeah, just because Ashnard isn't around anymore doesn't mean we've fixed that.

No one looks upon Nailah and lives to tell the tale unless they're willing to keep mum about it.

Izuka's sure he can handle it. Although I'm not sure I'm trusting Izuka.

Sothe has had enough of Izuka's wordless mumblings.

And yeah, doesn't Pelleas get a say?

*Breathes in*

Sigh. We're fucked.

Sothe coming to the same conclusion.

Yeah... we'd do that anyway.

Tormod had a job to do, and Sothe would like to know the result. I think this is suggesting Sothe/Tormod got some Support Ranks "canonically", although Tormod does have alternative employment.

Nice and conveniently answered both questions!


In the extended script, Tormod connects Micaiah to Sothe's "special one", and also compliments Micaiah on being a figure of authority despite being "a girl" (both age and gender). Considering he reports to someone who is also young, female and in authority, I wonder if Tormod is making any other comparisons right now.

I wonder what the party members from Ilyana onward are technically considered in the PoR Crimean Army. Apparently they're not officially Crimean Army members (well, that's also true in the sense that we weren't even the Crimean Army when these two joined), but neither were they Greil Mercenaries- then what were they?

Micaiah doesn't enjoy the reference.

But she can listen in on what Tormod has to tell.

Sothe had enough of an understanding of Sanaki that yeah, this isn't her idea. She might play with Elincia before she sides with her, but she's not going to leave Daein to the wolves.

Tormod has an in with Sanaki, it turns out. Persumably the two had a lot to talk about with regards to laguz slavery and its extermination, and Sothe asked Tormod to add this to a meeting.


Tormod mentions this in in more detail in the longer script. Presumably because it helps to have PoR knowledge to justify this thought- without, you'd have to explain Tormod's role as the head of the Laguz Emancipation Army, the whole deal with the Emancipation Act in the first place, and Sanaki's little tug-of-war with the nobles over it.

Sanaki isn't aware of what's going on, but that doesn't mean she's just letting it lie. She just hasn't received any reports telling her the truth.

And she noticed that the Senators have been the ones hiding what's going on in Daein from her- and thus guessed that they had a reason for it. If you're expecting fire and don't smell smoke, check who's wearing perfume.

Knowing it's the Senators is one thing. But she can't do anything resembling sanctions unless she has something she can throw at them.

The Apostle has the last word, but the Senate have enough of the vote to make it very difficult for her to do as she pleases. Somewhere between 51-49 and 65-35, perhaps?

But that's never stopped her before. The Senate will do the right thing or be made to!

And that gave Tormod an idealistic excuse to come help us on the ground floor.


Apparently, Sanaki's lot in life is easier if there's a child of King Daein around, and Tormod is partially here to verify this.

Tormod and co will be happy to help us for this ending stretch of Part 1.

へへ 照れんなって!

Since Tormod is so vehemently pro-laguz, he's only in this because he knows that, with Ashnard gone, Daein can become a more pro-laguz power in his wake.

And he and Sothe can go to backhandedly insulting each other.

At least he's happy.

Muarim is a bit of an adopted father for Tormod, and looks at the two boys having a rascally friendship with great fondness.

Micaiah comments that Sothe has usually tried his hardest to be Mr Serious, as long as Micaiah has known her. It's nice that he's got his chance to drop the act.

Micaiah's been at the job of Sothe's... mother? Sister? Girlfriend? Whatever it is, it's been a long time. Getting some friendships under Ike has done Sothe some good.

...So how long has Micaiah been babysitting Sothe, then?

Micaiah wonders how Muarim has twigged to her secret.

Remember that in Path of Radiance, I mentioned that laguz can spot a Branded from a beorc? It's an actual plot point now rather than "a background detail"- although Nasir using it on Soren was pretty plot-important.

And yep, Micaiah is a Branded and not a Spirit Charmer. Muarim has nothing against Brandeds, but if she wants to continue not being outed as one, she must tread carefully around laguz.

Which leaves us with one question, that won't get answered for a long time, but is worth considering: why didn't Volug and Nailah bring this up sooner?

So we got a -200 BEXP bonus since that Daein didn't reach the door. Could've been worse. Turncount did fine.

Next time: Begnion plays dirty.

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