Friday 12 November 2021

RD Part 2 Prologue: Set for Stun

In this Part, we'll be exploring the a country that should be at peace. "Should be" being the operative word.

We'll be moving on to Crimea entirely- I'm fairly positive no characters appear in both Parts 1 and 2.

That... probably feels incredibly horrifying to think about. Just... while the wounds are still fresh, you find out Daein is getting back on its feet with the same symbol of power. Pelleas is nothing like Ashnard, and Micaiah is more friendly to non-beorc... but that's about where the differences end.

It's not like Crimea has things great.

Remember how we restored Elincia to the throne and then just... left? Turns out she hasn't exactly been... beloved by the people with experience.

Zoom in on Crimea. Part 2 occurs entirely within Crimea.

Ramon, while doing pro-laguz things, was at least competent. It's hard to go from that to someone who is pro-laguz and... not?

Especially when she came out of nowhere! I wonder how the Leicester people who hated Claude felt when he appeared out of nowhere and claimed his birthright.

...(Give me a second, I need to laugh at these guy's "funny hats", as Ike put it. I believe the technical term is "mitre".)

The last thing Elincia needs is to be seen as weak. And pacifism, as noble as it may be, is not helpful to that aim.

Interesting that they use PoR artwork to show Ike. He's not the only character to appear using PoR artwork (Ashnard is another example, admittedly for obvious reasons), but the choice in image so clearly doesn't fit in with the RD portraits being used for Elincia and the nobles.

And if there's one thing more politically dangerous than being peace-loving, it's potentially usurping the existing power structure. Yes, I have my eyes on the Three Houses Lords, and which of these qualities they possess, display and hide.

Nah, he just really didn't want the title.

Didn't seem to help any.

Everything is her fault, she should do something about it, and they will not shut up about it. This is exactly like [insert literally anyone].

This chapter is more of a breather from 1-E, to introduce you to the perspective switching nature of the game, and has one very particular gimmick.

Are any of these people the random characters from PoR Chapter 23? We only find out one of their names, and it's an entirely new character.


Apparently, Elincia sent some kind of celebration, too. Elincia's heard good things about Pelleas.

Elincia hopes that, with Pelleas at the helm, she can move past their mutual emnity and forge a new path of peace.

Are you... sassing her?

When you follow it up with this line, it sounds even more like that.


Geoffrey says Elincia didn't want national interests from the war, and the aristocrats say she doesn't understand politics.

This is Gallia they're talking about. Crimea still has racist assholes stuck between the couch cushions.

I'm sure they will.

And Bastian has gone off to Daein to negotiate with them. Which is... perhaps not a great choice in terms of who's still in Crimea to lend a hand.

This is surprisingly relevant: Bastian asked to go to Daein. He has a few reasons in mind, given in no particular order.

Not that Lucia is allowed to hold the talking stick. I don't see why the rest of you get to talk as much as you like.

Lucia has done more than you assholes. I imagine the only reason Elincia hasn't appointed her is the fact it would be blatant nepotism.

Lucia bows out of the conversation.

Attack on character, I move this get stricken from the record! Or whatever the way you phrase this is in a legal matter.


Apparently he's more specific about this being a love affair. Wrong one, asshole.

Geoffrey is caught flatfooted.

I'm not sure what this conversation is supposed to mean, although perhaps Lucia is stamping on Geoffrey's foot so as to make sure Geoffrey doesn't waive the right to remain silent.

Well, this is true.

Well, I don't know, perhaps you assholes could do a better job? Put your money where your mouth is or shut up.

Well, that was the most depressing conversation ever. I'm sure there's more depressing ones in this game, let alone Three Houses.

A friendly face!

Marcia is here! Why is she here? She's a Crimean Royal Knight. Why is she a Crimean Knight? Out-of-universe, because they needed to fill out the Crimean cast and had no good place to put the Begnions and solved both problems like that. Their in-universe explanations... could use work.

The artstyle shift, new pose, face, armour redesigns, all of it, Elincia really loves her new design.

Marcia's a woman on a mission: to cheer Elincia up from her miserable time talking to a bunch of windbags.

I've never been one for short hair, so honestly, I think Marcia's slightly poofier hairdo looks so much nicer. Most RD redesigns also incorporate a little more trim, as seen here, because most PoR characters have promoted from where they were in PoR because of the new mechanics. Also, last but not least, she looks less like she's grabbing her crotch. Her hand is still there, but the new pose feels more like a natural position for it to be.

Elincia apparently comes out here often when she needs to relax.

Even if this might of been an issue for Marcia.

Elincia has done plenty for Marcia.

Look, I understand why Makalov might have been fired from all the Begnion positions. But why did Marcia need to follow him? She had a cushy job with the Holy Guard!


I'm told Marcia's been here for half a year.

If you're asking "why don't the nobles get mad at Elincia for this?", don't worry, they do. Or, well, they point it at Marcia this time.

あ! もしかして…

They call Marcia "Queen's dog". This is the same word Felix uses to call Dedue a dog, so I'm going to act as if it has the same meaning as that conversation and no more. The aristocrats need to come up with a better insult. Doing what Elincia says is Marcia's job.

From what we've seen so far of the Begnion senators and nobles, yeah, honestly, they make the Crimeans look tame.


Marcia goes into more detail about how Sanaki and the Senate's shenanigans are a massive mess to everyone outside that conflict and cause all that strife. Apparently, the Senate has taken to calling the Holy Guard "Empress's Dogs" (again, that same 犬 character), so Marcia is used to it in more ways that one.

Elincia insists on shouldering the blame for Marcia and Makalov having a hard time. Lady, you are in no way responsible for the latter.

"You're not a good Queen" is one thing. "You don't have what it takes", on the other hand, is too far.

Elincia has the right goals and, from a certain point of view, has been solid about the whole "knowing what her plan is" part.

This is just a particularly politically tense situation, and "recovering from a war" is a bad time to be having teething problems.

Also people are irrational.

This is one of the main messages of Part 2. And most JRPG storylines, in the end.

Elincia will do what's right in the end.

...Oh yeah, isn't there supposed to be a mission?


Apparently, this is some detour they're on to go say hi to Calill and buy some sweets. If Lucia gets mad/concerned about this, Elincia's plan is to bring home some for her. This woman...

Oh. Hello, Begnion.

I can almost imagine Nealuchi with a wooden broom or some other kind of non-combat stick, just bonking this guy's wyvern on the head.

[Why are these soldiers bothering us?]

Leanne's back, too!

Leanne's another character who I can't really point at anything in particular, but her RD design just works so much better for her.

He may be working on the title of "oldest character in Tellius", but he is still a competent unit! Male, though.

There's still slavers in Begnion? Well, as long as there's still a market...

I can't wait to kill you all.


Not strictly Extended content, but machines are flagging that as "husband", and I am really hoping that's a false flag. It might be "Lord".

Nealuchi remembers he's holding a Laguz Stone, and transforms. Yes, this actually deducts a use of a Laguz Stone from his inventory. Characters transform freely in cutscenes all the time, why does this one work different?

Well, if there's a market...

Let's do something about this.

ちっ 聖天馬騎士団か。

Zeffren appears to have confused us with the Holy Guard. Considering Marcia is one of them and Elincia was trained by one...

Marcia goes right back to the old standby: the most colourful set of insults I've ever heard. Why doesn't Marcia get to sass all the endgame bosses?

Uh... YES?

...Oh yeah, we're still technically a Begnion suzerain, right, this is a huge insult from a soveriegnty perspective, isn't it?

Imagine if the Queen had to discipline some wyvern knights?

...Actually, wait, bad idea, let's move on from that one.

Elincia tries talking her way out.


It seems to have bounced off this asshole.

The whole "confusion with the Holy Guard" has been resolved by Marcia and Elincia linking them to Crimea, which is why Zeffren is now less scared of them.


Time to do things the old fashioned way.

Please do not yell that.

You weren't even playable in PoR. (Although he and Leanne have the most leftover playable data out of all the leftover data in PoR.)

This map has another gimmick- the dracoknights aren't trying to kill Leanne, they're trying to kidnap and sell her. As a result, they will attempt to perform a "Rescue" on her and airlift her to the edge of the map. If they escape with Leanne on board, you lose. Nice little gameplay/story integration that adds a unique gimmick.

No battle prep, but if you look closely at this screenshot, you might notice this chapter's other gimmick. Well the third one- this is an air map in the most literal sense, with exclusively flying characters duking it out on drifting clouds. This is also one of, if not the only time, where flying units can be observed benefiting from terrain bonuses (the clouds are more or less thickets).

This map looks particularly bad on this screen. 9 wyverns in 8 turns with two units and a heron? We've got this.

A nice healthy list of Game Over conditions. I'm not sure if they can kill Leanne- well, I mean, if they swung an axe at her, they certainly could do the job.

Have you ever just...gotten better in RD compared to PoR? As a base unit, RD Elincia is better than my endgame PoR Elincia and didn't even get Transfers! Elincia is the first (permanent) example of RD's third-tier units, promoted second-tiers and the reason we're not going to ram into the 20/20 level cap halfway into the game. Growth-wise, Elincia is more or less identical to her PoR self, except for the whole "starting from higher up" deal as opposed to being underlevelled in PoR. No Magic Swords in this game, though, so her magic is purely for healing.

Even characters who didn't get to level 20 can Transfer WEXP bonuses. Elincia's high Staff rank from PoR gives her bonus Staff WEXP and gets her to S Staves. No SS for her, sadly, but the SS Staves have their issues. Also, she never got C Swords, so she's got no bonus to her Sword rank, but just because she doesn't have Amiti now...

In addition to Renewal, Elincia also has Stun, as part of the "all third tier characters have Masteries available" rule. Stun, in addition to leaving an enemy Stunned for a turn, deals triple damage. Thanks to having brought a Slim Sword to this battle, Elincia will be showing off the former for this battle and this battle only.

Elincia has three Authority Stars, too, so anyone in her command has +15% Hit/Avoid. I feel like, if I were designing this game, I would make Elincia have two Stars in Part 2 and four afterwards. I'm the same person who thinks Micaiah should possess some at some point.

...Admittedly, my idea involves giving Elincia a buff to something that has literally no impact on the game because Authority only applies if you're the commanding unit. Honestly, after Saias in Thracia, I'm OK with not getting party member authority, but still.

Marcia does as Marcia does best. Being a pegasus knight makes you very good at being fast and being annoying for the enemy to deal with. Being a pegasus on a Bethany save file means you also have a sword arm worth swinging as part of the deal. Marcia will be just as great here as she was in PoR.

No auto-capped weapon Ranks, but a nice healthy bonus to both. I think A Sword S Lance are her caps, so we're pretty done.

Leanne... honestly, I'd rather have your PoR version. And that's not necessarily because of PoR having better transformation mechanics, especially for herons.

At least Leanne has Galdrar. Also Canto, but that's a different skill now. Blessing heals adjacent units for her Magic stat, and is barely worth it. Also, scoffs at the idea that Leanne will ever Shove people.

Here's our boss, being all wyvern knight at the other end of the map.

He has two Authority Stars, cutting in to Elincia's advantage, but Elincia still has the advantage.

Elincia, a tier 3 unit, cannot ORKO these tier 1s.

Food for Marcia.

The thing about Leanne's Galdrar is that it enchants two people at a time, so long as they are directly opposite her (so two people at right angles don't get enchanted.)

So this counts. It feels good to have a dancer in an All-Girls context. You know how literally any other FE would only give us girl dancers?

Elincia bounces up here, tickling this fellow.

Marcia's getting all the kills because she can get actual EXP for it.

But she's heading up towards the top-left of the map. She's needed there turn 2. Elincia is attracting enemy attention.

The enemy certainly isn't in luck.

...Actually, wait a second, Elincia's suddenly standing in a cloud, how did that happen?

Well, Elincia's picking up a kill. What a crit.

Don't mess with the Queen.

Howdy, pardner.

He's sleep-talking to his lizard.

ふぁぁ… 眠いな。
ん? あれは…

Apparently, Haar's tiredness (and that of his wyverns) is related to too many Begnion deliveries.

And he's noticed he's wandered into a fight scene. Not a fan.

Well, he's a green unit, not a blue one. We'll need to work on that, but first...

...Why do you have the cloud now? Well, that would be because this chapter's title is literal. Not only are the clouds affecting our flying units, but they're drifting across the map, moving one tile to the west every Phase shift. Technically, leaving Haar as a Green unit makes the clouds drift further along, which might be tactically clever if you're really clever about where the clouds are, but I am not that clever.

Perfect how Elincia can heal Marcia and then bounce one tile back so Leanne can Vigour both.

Presto. Just because I'm not clever enough to plan the drifting clouds doesn't mean I can't do a good heron gambit.

Marcia can do a good enough Jill impression to get Haar over to our side.

Haar and Marcia get in to a sass battle.

Nothing gets in the way of a good Marcia line.

"Also, you don't even have to do anything!"

Haar's not in the business of being a mercenary for hire. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's got a package to deliver. Hopefully he's on his way back from wherever he's going.

...Actually, with Jill being in the war effort, Haar might actually be on leave.

...Actually, he might just be trying to leave this conversation. Tough call. If this is a real delivery, I hope he makes it.

Marcia tries her screaming trick. Worked on Makalov.

This conversation is so funny in the All Girls context.

Marcia is just pulling reasons out of a hat to turn Haar blue for two Info conversations (both with rewards) and making the clouds drift slower. Also getting an extra Javelin out of his inventory.

Haar calls her on it.

Marcia resorts to begging and pulling the Jill card. "Why do I have to make sense?" sounds like a quote I feel like might get a lot of use in other situations.

Legitimately, Haar doesn't have WTD, if you're using him, he's a good guy to have around.

Haar finally acquiesces.

Compared to the things you were saying?

...Oh my goodness, Haar is Grit. (Advance Wars joke, if you don't get it, he'll be in Reboot Camp.)

So about that free Javelin...

Haar also has a chat with Elincia while he's here.

"I am here against my will, Your Honour!"

Elincia apologises on Marcia's behalf.

Yeah, royals are supposed to be a little more... ideological?


Elincia has no idea what to say to that.

Haar is here for the chance to make the Empire's day miserable.

Haar actually gets the little things. He'll be a good advisor to a ruler someday.

...That may not be what you're expecting.

Yeah, Haar's that kind of soldier.

You do your thing in the corner.

And that includes surrendering your weapon to the bird. In the context of All Girls, this is actually a pretty pointless move, but I'm in the habit.

...Actually, I'm not sure what the point of it is even if you are using the other axeman.

Elincia comes over here to bait some more wyverns. I think this square lets her get two or three.

Including one with a Hand Axe.

But not this one.

I think he could theoretically have made it to Elincia's tile on the last Player Phase, but the drifting clouds slowed him down enough on his turn that he couldn't make the trip anymore. Clouds slow movement, so enemy range readouts can get unreliable.

Elincia introduces herself to this Hand Axer.

And triggers her first Stun.

Just don't even bother trying to screenshot this in action. Maybe if I had some kind of frame-by-frame screenshotter, but my hotkey is not one of those.

Double Stun, I guess I'm not benefitting from it.

I'm going over here now.

And Marcia attempts a finish. 79 is a little shaky.

Got it.  Also a nice passable level for it.

I guess Leanne either couldn't or didn't want to make it to Elincia's position.

Marcia will stand over here now, with a Javelin.

Take this!

Ha, Iron Poleaxe, these guys never hit.

Let's get off a Stun.

This is what the Poleaxeman looked like, in case you want to try and figure out some weird "triple Str versus triple damage". I'm fairly sure it's triple damage, but I get confusing answers. This is basically the only map where Elincia will be Stunning things non-lethally.

How the hell can you only deal 1 damage?

Quick demonstration, Stunned enemies won't counterattack, despite still having attack range readouts (that assume they don't move). Do you have the faintest idea how I don't know how Stun works?

...Yes. Daein did it.

Elincia pulls what weight she thinks she can.

Zeffren thinks way too highly of himself. Maybe we should've told him we're Queen.

"If you won't put down your weapon, I will make you."

She sure as hell isn't doing anything else.

Marcia's getting there, she's just held up over here!

Leanne stares a wyvern knight point blank as she Vigours.

She also heads backwards to make sure that first wyvern doesn't un-Stun and grab her. Although if that's her aim, this isn't far.

Here's what Stun looks like in the stats menu. It has a turn number, but I don't know when that deducts, so I just pretend I have to use Restore when it's my units.

Making sure this guy didn't take Leanne was moot, since I killed him anyway. No one said I was a good tactician.

Elincia heals Marcia's bumps.

OK, good to know, Zeffren is nice and vulnerable, but next turn that cloud will cover him.

Marcia breaks out the pummeling!

How about no?

...Zeffren has ascended the list of "the scariest disposable bosses" alarmingly quickly.

Elincia chips in!

And with help from Leanne...

Elincia makes sure he doesn't go anywhere.

And picks up a level off the trick.

Marcia gets another one from continuing the beating. This one's awesome, she'll need this.

So much activity on that enemy phase! The clouds moved more than the enemy!

Elincia got a point in Strength, but Zeffren's cloud has undone that extra point of damage.

Zeffren really hasn't gotten the message that he should stop moving, apparently.

Let's finish this off.

Str/Spd this time.

...Are these guys falling to their doom? Elincia, you might want to send some people to clean this mess up.

Haar: Well … If it isn’t Zeffren. What brings the dracoknights into Crimean skies?
Zeffren: Haar?!
Haar: Why couldn’t you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though.
Zeffren: Who do you think you are?! You’re a traitor, just like Shiharam! The dracoknights spit on your name!
Haar: …Do they now? Well, here’s your chance to try the real thing.

 Haar starts his collection of boss quote zingers anew. I don't think he gets another one until near the end of the game, but when he starts again, he just keeps going.


And some more healing for Elincia, since it's still worth the 12 EXP.

Do we really have to keep playing?

Marcia loads Nealuchi up with all the treasures she got, but keeps a Javelin for herself. She'll want this for later, but someone else will appreciate the Steel Lance and Javelin.

Leanne's been Vigouring every turn for her own EXP. Raising herons is dirty work.

...Who's running where?

Well, let's have these conversations on solid ground.

[Queen Elincia! Thank you for helping us! I'm happy to see you again.]



After Leanne's first line, Elincia says she can't understand Ancient, and Nealuchi explicitly jumps in to translate. For what it's worth, Ancient apparently does something directly to the language itself in JP, and the machine translations I'm using don't parse it. I'm going to pretend that nothing unique to the Extended Script is being hidden in Leanne's text. More than usual.

Especially once you lost shape.

So... why have they turned up?

[We came to see Sir Ike!]

We don't see this meeting once it's arranged, but we do learn the purpose of this visit- Leanne is delivering a message. The timing of this message gets particularly strange once you try to map this to a timeline, but with all that said, Part 2 is going to be a really short part from the perspective of in-universe time passage if you try.

Ike, unfortunately, can't come to the phone right now. It took him two and a half years to finally stop being a noble, that must've been painful.

And now no one has seen Ike. Also, poor GMs, that company meant way too much to some of them to have it be disbanded while Ike was busy rebuilding Crimea.


Elincia suggests that Leanne and Nealuchi head back to Gallia and ask Ranulf, since he's more likely to be familiar with Ike's movements as a close friend of his. Unfortunately, this isn't much help, and although the birds consider this course of action, Leanne is not happy about it.

So what do they do now? They could give the message to Elincia and go back home empty-handed, but that would honestly cause more problems at both steps. The last thing Elincia needs to hear is what Leanne has come to Crimea to tell Ike.

Perhaps they could stay in Melior.

Elincia can search Crimea more effectively than either of these two.

Nealuchi is flattered.

Elincia has been hearing things about Daein's restoration that Ike might find... well, let's just say there's one thing a certain jet-black general wants more than Daein's restoration.

Leanne makes excellent company for someone it is literally impossible to hold a conversation with.

Fair warning, though, this is a Fire Emblem game. Fight scenes may ensue.

Your protection? My lady, no offence, but Leanne has way better.

This ending part about civil unrest doesn't seem to be in the JP. Perhaps in the Normal script, in which case the Hard script saw fit to trim it as "unnecessary exposition".

No special BEXP for a map it is literally impossible to adjust the pacing of.

Next time: A real commoner Lord takes the field.

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