Friday 10 December 2021

Chapter 3-7 Boss Conversations: Daein Army 1

Now that we're the Greil Mercenaries fighting the Daein Army, the conversations have expanded dramatically. Would you believe me this gets even worse later?

Today's Bosses:

  • Micaiah
  • Sothe
  • Zihark
  • Jill
  • Black Knight
  • Meg
  • Dawn Brigade


Just as you have a reason to fight, so do we.


Micaiah: You’re…
Ike: Hello.
Micaiah: You must be Ike, of the Greil Mercenaries.
Ike: And you’re the Maiden of Dawn, Micaiah?
Micaiah: I feel like I know you already. Maybe it’s because Sothe has told me so much about you.
Ike: I hate to do this to Sothe, but if you stand before me as my enemy, you’ll get no mercy from me.
Micaiah: … Good. I prefer it that way. Prepare yourself!

Ike and Micaiah have a nice, healthy respect for one another despite their mutual emnity. I respect that.


Soren: …Ah, that explains quite a bit about the stories that surround you.
Micaiah: Who are you? You’re… You’re just like me!
Soren: Yes, they call our kind the Branded. As the years pass, I understand better and better how others see us.
Micaiah: You are so… cold. It’s like you’re cloaked in frost. Is there even blood in your veins?
Soren: There is. Blood very similar to yours, in fact. Blood that teaches us what it means to be rejected and alone.
Micaiah: Your heart is frozen, but I feel a warm core trying to melt through that ice. I see… You have someone you cherish very much. Someone you rely on.
Soren: Do not presume to understand me, you ridiculous girl. You have no idea who I am and what I can do. None at all. Daein has no business in this war. I will defeat you swiftly and send you and your army back to Daein.
Micaiah: I finally meet my own kind, and he is an enemy…… I will not retreat. I won’t let you go any further!

Soren is a little more hostile to Micaiah, but that works out differently for him because the rivalry between Soren and Micaiah is more personal than simply Laguz Alliance versus Daein Army.

Reyson (Talks):

Reyson: Micaiah, the Maiden of Dawn… Is that what they call you?
Micaiah: Who are you? Your wings look just like Rafiel’s.
Reyson: I am Reyson. My brother told me about you. That is why I’m here. Please pull back your troops. Our enemy is not Daein. This is not your fight. Am I not correct?
Micaiah: I know how you feel… Though I owe a debt to Rafiel, I cannot do what you ask. It’s not that I don’t want to! I think this whole war is madness! But I must keep fighting.
Reyson: Why is that?
Micaiah: This fight is my king’s will. I cannot stop fighting just because I don’t agree with him. If we don’t pull together under our new king, Daein will fall apart again, just as it did before its liberation. I believe in King Pelleas. I believe that our king will lead the people of Daein to happiness.
Reyson: …I see. I understand your position. Please accept my apology for asking the impossible.
Micaiah: What? What do you mean?
Reyson: You are fighting to protect your beliefs. I understand that now. But remember that we also cannot, and will not, pull back. We both carry a heavy burden. That’s why we’re here.
Micaiah: Yes…

This one doesn't come often, and it's such a good conversation for Micaiah. This changes my opinion on her a little, seeing it here- I almost think this might be my first time seeing it. Why does Reyson always get the good ones?

Ilyana (must approach Micaiah):

Ilyana: Oh…
Micaiah: Ilyana! I remember now… You said that you were a member of the Greil Mercenaries in Ashnard’s War.
Ilyana: Yes.
Micaiah: I’m sorry.
Ilyana: Let’s not do this. Please?
Micaiah: What?
Ilyana: Let’s not fight.
Micaiah: If that means letting the Laguz Alliance get by us, I cannot agree to it.
Ilyana: I see… That’s too bad.
Micaiah: How is everyone in the caravan?
Ilyana: They’re fine.
Micaiah: I’m glad to hear that.
Ilyana: Maybe… we should fight.
Micaiah: What?
Ilyana: We’re enemies now. We can’t stand here and try to have a normal conversation. It’s too strange…
Micaiah: Ilyana…
Ilyana: It’ll be all right. I’m really strong against your spells, and my magic is not powerful enough to defeat you. We’ll be fine.
Micaiah: But if we’re equally matched, why should we fight at all? It sounds… wrong.
Ilyana: Of course it’s wrong! The fact that we’re fighting is all wrong! We don’t even dislike each other!
Micaiah: …
Ilyana: Let’s just fight and pretend like this conversation never took place.

This is really cute for Ilyana's part, even if it's kinda concerning on a narrative level. Not really in the bad way, just the angsty way.

Zihark (must approach Micaiah):

Micaiah: Zihark…
Zihark: As you can see, I’m with the Laguz Alliance now. I can’t lie to myself anymore, Micaiah. I’m sorry.
Micaiah: I see…
Zihark: Tell me, Micaiah. Why did Daein become an enemy of the laguz? Daein has a new king now. Why can’t it escape the grip of Begnion?!
Micaiah: I don’t know, Zihark. I wish I did. I’m sorry…
Zihark: No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I know this isn’t your fault. It’s just that… now I wonder if the time I’ve spent fighting to liberate Daein was well spent. It makes me sad.
Micaiah: Will you cut me down?
Zihark: That depends on you, Micaiah. Will you try to kill me?
Micaiah: You are an enemy of Daein now. But… I… How could I? How could I possibly kill you?
Zihark: I feel the same way. I couldn’t possibly hurt you. However, fighting laguz is something I will not do for anyone. Where do we go from here?
Micaiah: I… I don’t know…

Micaiah and Zihark, too, are pretty respectful of one another despite their newfound opposition. This one's pretty cool for both Micaiah and Zihark.

Jill (must approach Micaiah):

Jill: Lady Micaiah!
Micaiah: Jill…
Jill: Lady Micaiah… I cannot continue to fight for Daein. It’s all gone wrong. I’m here to tell you that… This is good-bye. I must part ways with you.
Micaiah: I… see.
Jill: I am joining the Laguz Alliance. But it’s not because I want to fight the Daein army.
Micaiah: Jill, I don’t understand…
Jill: Please retreat! There is no reason for Daein to get involved in this war. You know that better than anyone, Lady Micaiah! This is madness!
Micaiah: I can’t do that.
Jill: …Very well. I will not give up hope. I’ll stand before you as many times as it takes. I will get you to leave this fight.
Micaiah: Jill…

Jill's feels a little worse than Zihark's, but it's still pretty neat. Jill being torn between Daein (Micaiah and Talrega, mostly) and her principles is a nice way to use Jill in RD after her PoR arc.

My wounds… They’re nothing! They’re nothing compared to what my people have suffered! We can’t lose! We’ll never give up!


Give up. You’ll never cross the river, no matter how many times you try.

PoR veteran: You should run. I’m not the weak child you remember.


Approach with Ike:

Sothe: Commander Ike!
Ike: Look at you Sothe. You’ve grown a lot. I almost forgot… You’re originally from Daein.
Sothe: I’m glad you remembered. I hope it helps explain why I’m here.
Ike: Did you find the person you were looking for?
Sothe: Yes. She commands this army.
Ike: The Maiden of Dawn?
Sothe: Please don’t call her by that ridiculous name. Her name is Micaiah.
Ike: I see.
Sothe: Commander, I… I didn’t want to see you like this.
Ike: But you don’t intend to retreat, do you?
Sothe: That’s right.
Ike: Sothe, before you challenge me, you better be ready never to see that girl again. Can you handle that?
Sothe: Wh-what?!
Ike: If you can’t, stay away from me. You’ll get no mercy, despite our past. I’m sorry, Sothe, but the choices we’ve made have brought us to this. There’s no turning back now.
Sothe: I understand, Commander. And to answer your question… Yes, sir, I can handle that. Whenever you’re ready, Commander.

Sothe's love for Micaiah won out over his appreciation of Ike, but the consequences of such haven't really sunk in.

Battle with Ike (mutually exclusive):

Sothe: Commander, we can’t retreat. We have to keep fighting, even if I have to fight you…
Ike: Sothe, you’ve already lost this fight.
Sothe: What do you mean by that?
Ike: You don’t think you can win against me, so you won’t. Going into battle with that kind of doubt, you’ll lose for sure. Just think of me as an enemy soldier to be cut down.

This is a bit of an important thought to bring in combat. Doubt yourself and you will fail. Even on opposite sides, Ike is looking out for Sothe.


Ilyana: Hello, Sothe…
Sothe: If you’re here with the Greil Mercenaries, does that mean the caravan is with you, too?
Ilyana: Yes. Everyone is back together. Why don’t you join us? You should bring Micaiah, of course. Everyone is worried about you two…
Sothe: I’m sorry, I can’t…
Ilyana: I see… I’m sorry, Sothe.

Short and sweet, but don't tell Ilyana that. She might think "sweet" means food.


Sothe: I understand. I thought that fighting against the laguz would set you off.
Zihark: I won’t make any excuses. I’m finished with the new Daein.
Sothe: You chose principles over country and comrades. I can’t blame you for that.
Zihark: But these people are my comrades! Look around you, Sothe! These people aren’t your enemies, they’re your friends!
Sothe: Let’s get on with this. I’m with Daein. You’re with the Laguz Alliance. There’s only one thing to do when enemies meet.
Zihark: I won’t go easy on you. I respect you too much for that!

Sothe and Zihark have their principles and they'll stick to them. Even if they disagree on where the line for your principles is.


Sothe: Jill! What are you doing?!
Jill: I’m sorry. I just don’t believe that Daein is in the right this time. Retreat now, Sothe. Daein has no business getting involved in this war.
Sothe: I can’t do that. Micaiah has made up her mind, and I’ll follow her no matter what. Even if I have to fight you.
Jill: Then I’ll be forced to stop you! Prepare yourself, Sothe!

Again, I feel like Jill's approach to persuasive argument is a little weaker than Zihark's equivalent, but I think that's on Zihark's general stronger principles than Jill's naturally more divided nature.


Sothe: Unh… Micaiah, I’m sorry.
Micaiah: Sothe? No! Sothe, please! Hold on, I’m coming over to you!
Sothe: Don’t worry… I won’t die so easily. I’ll stay by your side.
Micaiah: Thank goodness you’re all right! But, Sothe, go back and rest. You can’t fight with a gaping wound like that… Promise me that you’ll go back and get some rest.
Sothe: …Fine.


Please surrender now. I don’t want to kill you needlessly.

PoR veteran: I’m sorry. I didn’t want us to meet again like this. Forgive me.


Lethe: Zihark!
Zihark: Lethe…
Lethe: You defeated me last time, but this time it’ll be different. Prepare yourself!
Zihark: You won’t surrender?
Lethe: I am a soldier. I will fight to my death.
Zihark: … I knew you’d say that. Then I’m coming with you. I’m at your service, Lethe. Just like old times, yeah?
Lethe: What?! Why?
Zihark: The Daein soldiers call this war “the sub-human hunt.” You know I hate that word. I believed that Daein would change. Or at least I used to. But now… I just can’t stand by. This war is the last straw. I can’t fight for Daein anymore.
Lethe: … You may not have claws, but I think your soul is more laguz than beorc. Welcome to our tribe, Zihark.

I'm not really sure which I feel has the soul of a laguz: Ike or Zihark. Ike is more laguz-like, while Zihark is more like-laguz.


Mordecai: You, I know…
Zihark: Mordecai… I never expected us to meet like this, on opposite sides…
Mordecai: Ah! Zee… eehark! Hm… No, that not it. Sorry, Mordecai says your name not right. Not right yet.
Zihark: But…
Mordecai: Zeehork? Zeeehar-ack? Zi…hark? Ahh! That is good! Zi-hark!
Zihark: Mordecai… Don’t you understand? We’re now–
Mordecai: I know. Mordecai is your friend. Allies we are. It does not matter who we fight for.
Zihark: But–
Mordecai: You have no fang or tail, but you are a beast brother, Zee-hark! Hmm… No. Mordecai forgets again. Sorry.
Zihark: Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it! I’ll go with you. That way, you’ll get my name right in no time.
Mordecai: Ah! Good idea! Mordecai likes this idea.

I much prefer the Lethe conversation to Mordecai's, but I love the idea of Mordecai being so lovable that Zihark just decides to betray country and friend to make his life easier. Fire Emblem Heroes canonises the pronounciation of his name as "ZEE-hark"- myself and most people I've heard talk about him usually pronounce it "zuh-HARK".

If you get this conversation in 3-6, Mordecai's first line will be cut.

Brom (with Transfer):

Brom: Huh? Well, hey there, Zihark! Long time no see!
Zihark Brom…
Brom: Ah, it sure is great to see ya! You’re looking mighty fine. Seem a bit sad, though.
Zihark: Oh, I’m all right, Brom. How’s the family?
Brom: Oh, they’re doin’ great. We had ourselves some troubles, but Queen Elincia took care of it. Ah, speakin’ of my family! About your engagement to one of my daughters… Have you given it any extra thought? All my daughters are eager to marry. Just say the word, now!
Zihark: What? All of your daughters? You told all of your daughters about me?
Brom: Ah, they’re all such dears! I can’t favor one over the others, can I? So, what do you say? My second daughter is startin’ to look a lot like me! Nice, soft cheeks.
Zihark: Um, well, I thought I was pretty clear on this the last time we went over it…
Brom: She left for Daein to see you. Have you run into her yet? Her name’s Meg. Nice girl. She looks a lot like me.
Zihark: You haven’t changed at all, Brom. You’re still the same good man that I remember from three years ago. I’m really glad I ran into you, Brom. Now I remember what I was fighting for back then. And now I know what I have to do.
Brom: Hm? What’re you goin’ on about, son?
Zihark: I’m leaving the Daein army. My friends in Daein are dear to me, but I refuse to turn my sword against the laguz any longer.

I'm not really sure why this conversation would help Zihark change his mind, other than "knowing this is an easy way out of talking to Meg."


Strangely, in the JP version of this conversation, Meg is Brom's third daughter.


Talk (with Transfer):

Ilyana: Sir Zihark. It’s not too late. Let’s not fight.
Zihark: I can’t do that… Daein has just freed itself. I can’t betray it now.
Ilyana: Even if you have been ordered by Daein to hunt down laguz?
Zihark: I-I just…
Ilyana: But this isn’t you! When I met you, you were so nice, and you never doubted yourself or your friends. You even risked your own life to fight on behalf of the laguz. And now you’re throwing it all away…
Zihark: … Ilyana.
Ilyana: Yes?
Zihark: Thank you. You’ve opened my eyes.
Ilyana: Pardon?
Zihark: I will leave the Daein army. My friends in Daein are dear to me, but I refuse to take part in any “hunt,” or lie to myself any longer.
Ilyana: Oh, Zihark, I’m so glad…

Considering Ilyana tried to scam Zihark hard in the PoR Support, this is almost uncharacteristically helpful. Beats Brom in being a persuasive argument. 

Battle (Zihark will not attack):

Ilyana: Hello, Sir Zihark.
Zihark: Ilyana… You’re on their side, too?
Ilyana: And you stand with the enemy…
Zihark: I don’t know why, but it feels like you’ve been in my life longer than the others. I couldn’t handle it if you got hurt. Ilyana, please pull back before something awful happens. I beg of you.
Ilyana: Oh, Zihark…

Aw, despite the friction with their Support, Zihark really feels responsible for Ilyana. He really is the full package.


I use my sword for Daein… But am I really fighting for Daein here? What am I doing…

What am I doing? Why am I helping these bigots in their hunt for laguz?

I wouldn't say Zihark is out of character fighting for Daein against the laguz, but him choosing the laguz's side in the conflict is the more realistic outcome and if it wasn't for the nature of playing RD requiring you to keep your good units with the Dawn Brigade, I'd say you should recruit Zihark. He is even positioned in place that it is really easy to meet him- Jill was only so easy to bait because of Celerity.

I'm told Ranulf is the only laguz who can't recruit him whom Zihark will not attack. I wish I knew the "do not attack" flags better.


Zihark: Ike…
Ike: It’s been a while, Zihark. So, you’re with Daein?
Zihark: Yep. This is weird, Ike. I never thought we’d meet again as enemies.
Ike: It’s the nature of being a mercenary. No hard feelings, Zihark. Any chance you could convince the Daein army to retreat?
Zihark: I wish. It’s too complicated right now. Too many politicians playing around.
Ike: I see… I’m not much for politics. All I do is live by my principles, my sword, and my friends. What can I say? I won’t change who I am, even if it means fighting you.
Zihark: That’s fine by me. You’re still the man I knew from the Mad King’s War. It’s about time I also threw away my doubts…

Zihark trusts in Ike's personality, which gives me flashbacks to Nasir. It's really easy to have faith in Ike, regardless of your opinion on what he's doing.

The Greil Mercenaries… They really are here. There’s no way we can win this. Sorry guys. I’m turning back for now. I really suggest you all retreat as well.


Resistance is useless! Surrender now! The Daein army will never let you through!

PoR veteran: My friends… It grieves me to meet again under these circumstances.


Jill: Sir Haar! Why are you fighting for these people?!
Haar: Hey, you stole my question! Why are you fighting in the Daein army?
Jill: There was a war to liberate Daein while you were gone. So I joined the army again.
Haar: Well, it looks like you did a good job. Daein has been liberated. So why are you still with the army?
Jill: I can’t just leave! These people are my friends!
Haar: Oh, stop with the sentimental nonsense, Jill. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re fighting your friends, too.
Jill: What about you, then? How did you end up in this fight?
Haar: Well… Somehow, I got mixed up in putting down uprisings in Crimea. And then I ended up with the Laguz Alliance because… you know, being old friends with Ike and all that.
Jill: What?! That is hardly a cause worth fighting for!! You’re unbelievable!
Haar: All right, enough debating. What do you want to do now? Do you want to fight me?
Jill: Of course not! I could never…
Haar: Then join me.
Jill: Easy for you to say!
Haar: You’re full of doubt. How do you live like that all the time? Is that how your father wanted you to live? Afraid to trust your own instincts?
Jill: But…
Haar: Daein has no business in this war. You know that, right?
Jill: But… what about my comrades? What about my friends?
Haar: Is dying how you show loyalty? If you’re really their friend, then fight alongside us! Maybe that will get them to think about what they’re doing.
Jill: Oh, Captain…
Haar: Come with me, Jill. We both know that we should follow our hearts, even if it makes us traitors. We know that better than anyone. For the sake of your father, live your life without shame.
Jill: Y-you’re right, Captain Haar! I’ve been so foolish. Just as before. I would be proud to serve with you. And… Captain Haar? Thank you. Thank you so much.

This is the only way to recruit Jill out of the Daein Army on a normal playthrough, and I like the connection to Shiharam. It also ensures the connection to Jill's arc about trusting her own instincts rather than staying with the easy option.

Mist (with Transfer):

I choose not to reveal this one.


Ike: Jill? You’re back with the Daein army?
Jill: I know I owe you all so much… And Mist would grieve if you fell. But I cannot retreat. I must stand my ground!
Ike: Fine. Do what you have to do. Since neither side can retreat, we will fight. And Jill… I’m sorry it came to all this.
Jill:  …I am too, Commander Ike. Are you ready?

Aw, she brings up Mist. The whole "I'm sorry it came to this" works as an alternative for Jill's personality to Zihark's principles.

Ilyana (Jill does not attack):

Jill: Ilyana? You’re with the Laguz Alliance? No, I mean the Greil Mercenaries?
Ilyana: Yes. Muston and the others are with me, too.
Jill: I see… We fought together in Ashnard’s War, and in the war to liberate Daein. We didn’t spend much time together, but you were a trustworthy comrade.
Ilyana: Thank you… I wonder why we’re here. Why is Daein attacking us?
Jill: I don’t know. The occupation soldiers left Daein. But Daein still cannot refuse a request from Begnion. Liberation was only a dream.
Ilyana: Yet you continue to stay with the Daein army? Why do you do that to yourself?
Jill: Because I can’t abandon my comrades.

Jill brings up the confusing part about how readily Daein abandoned its independence to resume the state it was in back in Part 1. It must rankle her more because of her blind obedience in the past. Working with Daein is like blindfolded obedience. Probably not the most appropriate choice of words.


Lethe: Jill! We’re crossing the river this time!
Jill: I’m sorry, Lethe. I have to fight. I will do anything for my country…

Burned out in 3-6, apparently.

They’re so strong… Even stronger than three years ago. Lady Micaiah, I apologize. I must head back for now.

Black Knight:

Stand aside. You are no match for me.


Ike: So, you are alive. Somehow, I knew it wasn’t over yet.
Black Knight: Of course it wasn’t over. You were a boy trying to live up to the memory of the greatest swordsman in history.
Ike: And yet, I was the one who walked out of the castle that day.
Black Knight: You have your father to thank for that. When you told me that he had crippled himself, I realized that I had never fought him at all, merely his shadow.
Ike: What are you getting at?
Black Knight: I saw immediately that you were not your father’s equal, but that one day you might be. So I did the only thing I could to keep you alive… I let you win.
Ike: …You did, didn’t you? I’ve relived that fight so many times… How could I not have seen it before?
Black Knight: You were not yet capable of seeing it. But I had to let you live, so that you could continue to train and perhaps one day be worthy of Gawain’s legacy. My armor’s blessing is gone, let us see if that day is today.
Ike: I promise you that it will be. Begin.

I had how many words to say about this in the main post? I think you'll forgive me for not having saved for here. Don't worry, Ranulf's is cool. If you can get the BK kill with Ike, you get this exchange:

Black Knight: Impressive. You have indeed begun to walk in Gawain’s footsteps.
Ike: Do you admit defeat, then?
Black Knight: No, but I have finished taking your measure. You have made great progress, but still fall short.
Ike: The next time we meet, it will be for the last time. I will avenge my father!
Black Knight: Continue to train, Ike, son of Gawain. We will meet again.


Ranulf: Oh, I thought I smelled you earlier. We just have to stop meeting like this.
Black Knight: …
Ranulf: Back in Gallia, in Crimea… We just ran into each other recently, too. I don’t know about the others, but I can tell who you are. You have one heck of a stench.
Black Knight: …Enough talk. Prepare yourself.
Ranulf: Still won’t own up, huh? Fine. If that’s the case, I’ll just tear your mask off and show everyone myself!

This is something that's more plot-relevant later, but the laguz use smell to determine identity more than face awareness. Ranulf has, quite literally, sniffed out the identity of the Black Knight early. Why isn't he sharing with everyone else? He wants something a little more ironclad.


Black Knight: Impossible… I’ve been defeated?
Micaiah: Sir Knight!
Black Knight: Do not be alarmed, my maiden. I won’t die so easily…
Micaiah: I’ll heal you right now.
Black Knight: That won’t be necessary, though I am afraid I must retreat. I apologize, my maiden. I will pay back the debt another time.


Brom (Talk- neither will attack the other):

Brom: Meg? Is it you, sweetie?
Meg: Daddy… Daddy!
Brom: There, there. Don’t cry, darlin’. I’m just glad you’re safe! What a mess we’re in, huh? But, that’s war, I reckon. In any case… There’s no way I could ever fight my own daughter. You run along now.

Brom and Meg get a more expanded one later. I think they didn't want both encounters to have the same conversation, for whatever reason, and saved the meaty subject matter for the later one.


Zihark: Meg.
Meg: Sir Zihark? Wh-what’s wrong? What’s going on?
Zihark: I’m sorry, but I’m joining up with the alliance. I don’t want to betray you, but I can’t fight for Daein any longer.
Meg: No! Wh-what are you saying?
Zihark: I know this is a horrible thing for me to say, but listen. Please leave the battlefield. I don’t want to see you get hurt.
Meg: Sir Zihark! But… you can’t leave me here alone!
Zihark: I wanted to tell you that. I have to go. I’m so sorry, Meg…
Meg: Sir… Zihark…

Meg doesn't get a whole ton in the way of divergence from "Brom's daughter mistakenly engaged to Zihark". Honestly, it's almost impressive how Meg managed enough of a connection to the Dawn Brigade that she won't betray them for Zihark too. Or perhaps they just didn't want to stack recruitments.

Oww! Sorry, y’all. I’m turnin’ back for now.

Dawn Brigade:

Edward: Ugh…! My ribs… Sorry, Micaiah. I’ve gotta fall back!

Leonardo: We’re totally outclassed in this battle. This is insane. Micaiah, I’m sorry. I have to turn back for now…

Nolan: Blast! They’re better than I expected! I’m sorry, Micaiah. I need to turn back for a while.

Laura: Oh no, is this… blood? I’m sorry, Lady Micaiah. I must heal my wounds.

Aran: Be careful! They’re much stronger than any of the foes we’ve encountered! They defeated me, as well… I’m falling back temporarily.

Fiona: Most impressive! I cannot fight with a wound like this. I’ll be back shortly…

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