Friday 22 October 2021

RD Chapter 1-2: Spoonful of sugar

Deprived of homes, possessions, and security

As cool as it is to learn new words, I'm not sure I should be reaching for the normal dictionary to understand the chapter titles.

"Old Road", that's a new map name.

Also, they use "mark" twice in this chapter. I think it's a unit of time. How long it's supposed to be compared to our units of time isn't clear.

How long did it take for our wanted posters to get ahead of us?

Nothing a tough soldier would balk at, wouldn't he, Edward?

Of course Micaiah would say that.

Sadly, I think we just established we're not.

Wow, they're really laying it on thick with Begnion's dastardly deeds.

Micaiah leaps into action!

Sothe's got an unfortunate blink frame here, but it's remarkably apt. There is no reason I can think of that Sothe should recognise the layout except maybe if this manor design is a standard across Daein.


This appears to be a case of Sothe going scouting.

Except Sothe's apparently dropped by in the past.

It's a nice room to lock and guard one exit, if you want to deprive resources from the inhabitants.

持ち帰ろうって腹か。 くそっ

The Dawn Brigade gets a line each in the extended script, and this line from Edward guesses they're going to be sending these resources to Begnion at some point. On one hand, it's Edward...

We're happy to help all suffering people!

In the American version, this line is "Good luck". This more flowery turn of phrase is because Laura will actually be joining us.

Ooh, and a brand new gameplay feature that has, so far, never come back across the series.

"Gaps", or ledges. It takes an infantry unit 3 Move to cross a gap (plus a fourth to actually occupy the next space along). Ranged units may attack up/down a ledge (even if there is no gap to climb, as long as there are no barricades), but the unit with the height advantage enjoys massive bonuses to Hit and the unit with the height disadvantage suffers massive penalties to Hit.

Here is how much having to go down a ledge chokes this myrmidon's access to us.

This is Laura. She is a vitally important character in Part 1 because she is the only character who can use staves, but if she hasn't promoted by the end of the Part, Micaiah's ability to use Staves makes her veritably outclassed. And the fact that she needs to level up 9 times in as many maps to even be allowed a Master Seal means that usually doesn't happen. I'll see what I can do.

First thing's first, Micaiah is not able to climb this ledge on Turn 1.

Second thing's second, Micaiah is down to 17 casts of Light. And the victory condition is Rout. We're in trouble.

Well, here's something we can do- put both Micaiah and Laura adjacent to this ledge. Now, that myrmidon cannot reach us, because only ranged characters may contest a ledge. It is vitally important to remember that melee units cannot contest ledges.

Edward and Nolan stand in positions outside that soldiers' range. Leonardo traded Micaiah's junk away so she had some empty inventory spaces, so that's why Nolan is holding him.

This is the boss, Zaitan. I don't get a screenshot of his stats, for reasons that will become obvious when I fight him. Still a shame. I also seem to have forgotten to screenshot the map.

And sure enough, this soldier was forced to attack Micaiah. 7 damage, this Micaiah is bulky*.

And Micaiah doubles it, that's one problem dealt with. If this guy was still alive, I'd be in a lot of trouble.

Sothe has been opening locked doors for our convenience. In Normal Mode, the objective of this map is to have Laura Arrive on the square in front of this door.

Well, this is unfortunate. I can't commit to this attack, because the myrmidon would kill me on the next attack. I can't have Laura heal her first, because then I couldn't block the ledge. Maybe if I went up, healed with an Herb, and conceded first strike...

53% odds down here.

Still got the hit.

I think I just wanted Laura EXP.

Sothe decided stealth was for wimps.

And is ready to join us as a playable character. Sothe is the first Path of Radiance veteran that joins your party, and the way his Transfers work is completely unlike any other character in the game. Fortunately, we're not using him at all. Sothe is also the closest thing the Dawn Brigade has to a Titania, except he gets outclassed before Part 1 is even over.

Now we can climb this ledge uncontested.

More Defence!

Sothe cannot escape the attention of these enemies.

I still probably should've moved him down instead of right, here, because that archer is going to be an issue.

Micaiah zaps this guy, and- hey, that's suddenly a crit rate!

Now that we have Sothe, Micaiah's Bond and her A Suppport come into effect. I don't consider this to be too cheaty, but I'll do my best to avoid it.

Case and point, Sothe finds somewhere to stand outside Support range.

...Crap, this guy can reach Laura. I thought I found a safe space for her.

Oh well. At least Laura isn't doubled by this guy. Laura usually gets doubled if you're not trying to get use out of her- her Speed is actually one of her better qualities.

After a few turns, this conversation will trigger. When did Jarod get here- wait, is he tracking us?

Jarod zeroes in on his objective. This man means business.

This soldier recognises that silver hair is unusual in this setting, but does not realise that he is talking about "The Silver Haired Maiden" that is currently Begnion Enemy #1.

Jarod does not stab him. I wonder what his plan here is.

He wants Micaiah alive. I'm... not sure I want to know why.

New to Radiant Dawn and also largely exclusive to it, Staves are now Weapons outright, and casting a spell using a Staff now Equips it. Having a staff equipped gives some kind of positive bonus to the wielder to make up for how pathetic they are at combat (0 Might, but often high Crit), and for the Heal Staff, that is a 5HP passive recovery.

In other words, Yay?

Micaiah deals with this guy in melee for some reason. Possibly to avoid counterattacks, but Laura is right there.

Laura moves along, knowing that this guy will never move no matter what. This annoyed me in one challenge run I did that banned Micaiah, Leonardo and Nolan, because Edward and Sothe can't attack at 1-2 yet.

And now Laura is back to full!

We have Micaiah in this run, so down this guy goes. This guy is a nifty tutorial in ledge mechanics.

Now, he is Speed for Micaiah.

Sothe climbs down and spots a very nice treasure in this chest. This tome is prf to Micaiah, which begs the question what it's doing here, but more importantly, Micaiah really needs a new tome.

The archer lying ahead has 19 Atk and Laura has less bulk than that, so let's not have Laura be the one to attract its attention.

Sothe opens the other chest down here and finds a Wind Edge. One might be inclined to consider this an equivalent to the Sonic Sword, but that is not the case- the Wind Edge is the sword equivalent to the Hand Axe and Javelin, running on physical damage, at long last. For some reason, though, it is the least accurate of the three.

Micaiah gets in range of the Steel Bow archer-

giving her spare herbs to Laura so she can accept the item-

and nothing happens. Too many stationary enemies on this difficulty.

Micaiah has her iconic tome.

This is basically a magic Rapier. When most of her targets are famous for low Resistance.

And effective damage is back to triple Might in this game.

Leonardo empties Sothe's inventory. It's a good idea to keep your Thief's inventory as empty as possible if you're using him as a proper Thief.

Laura is slightly worried about the ranged units hiding in the boss's room, so she stands here.

An axeman misses a high hit chance.

And drops it.

Laura takes the Axe and Dracoshield, because I think there's more droppable loot up ahead.

Oh, wait, I still haven't got this guy moving.

So I'll be taking his Steel Bow after I've demonstrated the Thani bomb.

Micaiah is now fast.

Ed, Leo and Nolan have found a safe hideyhole.

This guy chose to move to take a swing at Micaiah.

He does not continue to do so.

After a heal, I decide to use Light on this guy. Sothe is in range, which helps somewhat.

Not that it changes our odds other than the dodge.

And Sothe gets even closer.

Not close enough to distract this guy. This is the one case in this battle where I believe the Sothe Support has allowed Micaiah to change how she approaches this map. Also note that no matter her avoid, she can survive these guys (Micaiah/Sothe doesn't give Def).

And that's good, because she didn't dodge. So much for Fast Micaiah.

And no Speed or Defence.

So yeah, this guy had stats to possibly care about?

He has a Javelin in Hard Mode. Micaiah only needs +2 Magic and Sothe Support to oneshot Zaitan no matter the difficulty. So much for his confidence.

I need my arms for Sacrifice! I don't think you thought this through.


Well, some more HP is nice.

Zaitan also has some words for Laura:

Zaitan: And what do we have here? A decent lady like you mixed up in such scurrilous company?!
Laura: You’re a fine one to talk! You Begnion mock the will of the goddess! Repent your sins!
Zaitan: How dare you preach at me, you ignorant little girl! Soon, you’ll be naught but rust on my lance!

Sothe takes the last chest- thank goodness I never bothered getting the myrmidon on the way up.

Extra Strength!

And Laura rigs it so Micaiah finishes on a Light spell. And fully heals her- I'm honestly used to Laura falling short from time to time.

I think Micaiah could've survived this guy without the heal, somehow. That's a bright light for an ordinary hit.

More Light ranks!

Hopefully he hasn't kicked it.

And cut to... the middle of the forest.

Where are we going and why? Does the abbot have his medicine?

Why are we bringing Laura?

"Let's split up and search the room forest."

Micaiah suggests splitting up even further.

And here's the other mention of marks. Considering the context, almost definitely time. Whatever a mark is, the Dawn Brigade has three of them.

ははっ 振られたな?

Incidentally, Nolan suggests Kunu because it's a place non-locals will be easily confused by.

Micaiah immediately walks into a trap.

Jarod seems to have planned on us leaving. Which seems odd, since he could easily trap us.

I wonder if Micaiah having agency in the decision not to get the other four involved made it easier for herself to come quietly. Jarod clearly didn't plan for that, but that's one heck of a gambit.

As it is, he has a hostage situation and he doesn't happen to be an armoured unit, despite appearances (he's a Halberdier).

And now Micaiah is a hostage too. But I wonder who Jarod expects to control with Micaiah in his grasp. The Dawn Brigade, most certainly.

This sounds like a plea for Micaiah to get the bird to keep its freedom-

But Yune took the chance to start pecking Jarod's face. Yune doesn't seem to like this tosser.

You know, in an All Girls situation, this is surprisingly accurate.


Jarod seems to be of the mind that the Dawn Brigade will come to Micaiah, so they don't need to expend effort hunting them.

Now you have a bad feeling. Laura has the right expression.

60 is the best turn bonus, at 10 turns. I seem to have lost half of it, but I'm not sure how. Serenes suggests it takes 5 turns to lose the bonus, but I have 30 left and not some other portion. If I remember, I should come back to this and see how this works.

Next time: We find some more women.

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