Wednesday 24 November 2021

RD Part 3 Prologue Battle: Charging blindly into fog

Welcome to Flaguerre, pronounced "Flag-AIR". And yet somehow, I don't think the narrator ever gives us an in-game pronounced Phoenicis.

Did we send a proper declaration of war to Begnion, or is this man just paranoid beyond all belief? I honestly believe the latter more, but I think the laguz would've sent a message.

To my understanding, "making the rounds" means going around and checking everything you need to. I don't really understand why this particular place might want to do this.

Septimus is very much not the general to send at a war party of laguz.

"You say this every evening." He must be very annoying.


Apparently, Septimus needs to be medicated. Suddenly I feel bad about that choice of words.

This time, he's right.

Now what?

Wow, the blood and bone aesthetic.

And the laguz all transform at once.

Ike's happy to be over here.

And there's no field prep, the battle starts now.

This tile has this map's Coin.

The boss is standing here, although we can't see him yet. Our goal is to get Skrimir to stand on his square.

Here's our map. Again, not that we can see it very well. No enemies on our side at first, though.

Ah, good to know, Ranulf is a fail condition.

Ranulf is over here. He's a pretty tough cat, he'll be fine.

This is Skrimir. He won't be dying. Unless he gets dogpiled while untransformed, but he'll be using those Laguz Stones as necessary. Unfortunately, that Laguz Stone is his starting inventory when we get him as a playable character, and any he uses as a green unit will cost us later, but such is life.

Resolve, he'd actually do a good job while untransformed. Earlier, I called Skrimir the weakest Lion. I stand by that statement- the other two are just that good.

Skrimir has two Authority Stars to call his own. That'll help his army out.

Titania plunges into the Fog and reveals two enemies. Her vision hasn't properly updated, for whatever reason, but I can see the enemies at least. Another thing I can do is highlight a square and, if the terrain is not listed as ???, I have vision on it and there definitely aren't enemies.

Mia is our opening sortie.

The Greil Mercenaries have a very bombastic battle theme called "The Devoted". It's a fan favourite and likes to pop up all over, including in Smash Ultimate. I certainly like it.

Mia doesn't punctuate that with a kill.

Eurgh, this swordmaster is going to be a pain.

Mist gets an indirect kill on this guy. Mist is so low level she gets lots of EXP from killing things.

In the American version, Florete's description claims that is uses magic for direct and indirect attacks. This is not true. The sword being described as "magical" still seems to be potentially confusing.

The boys go out of range of the swordmaster. This diamond formation is so they don't get Support points.

Tigers deal one hit, cats deal two hits, both usually can't one round enemies. Mages, possibly (cats are better at that).

Titania's Provoke putting in work.

It even attracts the attention of this swordmaster.

No kill on him either, but this is very cute.

Skrimir will kill whatever he looks at.

Ranulf doesn't always do it, but he's pretty good too. These kills count for Skrimir and Ranulf in the Unit Records, not that we have much hope of solving this.

The rest of the laguz can start on the enemies up here.

More laguz show up behind us. I think every laguz that survives this map is worth BEXP.

So yeah, if this guy went for Mist, he had a good chance of just murdering her on the spot. Power of Provoke.

This is fun, I can't see the square behind this armour. I'd like to occupy this thicket.

Mia opens the turn.

A lot of Mia's procs are redundant.

Spicy. There's plenty of fire mages on the right side to make the laguz hesitate.

Well, Titania pushes forward, bringing out the Steel Poleaxe for that extra bit of damage.

Nothing visible from this square.

Mist finishes off the swordmaster, and shows off an adorable victory animation.

...Also shows off on this screen.

Power of Provoke!

Ranulf opens the festivities over here.

They haven't made their way in.

This is a... well, OK, it's obviously a Ballista, but I can't show you what kind because I can't "see" this one. I'm fairly sure these are Killer Ballistae, and Rolf and Shinon are supposed to use these to help the laguz out by finishing off low health targets and attempting to assassinate fire mages. That won't be on our to-do list.

I suppose one of the downsides of the "roll the dice on how he's going to die" playstyle of Swordmasters is that you're rarely going to be doing it on Player Phases- if you're initiating on an enemy, you either know they're going to die or want them weakened for someone else.

In both cases, this is a rather disappointing outcome.

Bulk is good for now.

Another swordmaster. Mist is faster now, but I'd still like her to not die.

So Titania pokes him.

Don't quit your day job.

...Well, not that you'll be going back to your day job.

Short Axe guy. I don't treat this guy with respect later, but you can sorta tell where that came from?

This is going to be a tricky movement for these guys.

This crit is not a reason why. It was just a tink.

Fire mages stink, though.

They're working on this front.

...Although they don't really think things through.

Mia moves up, and collides with this Short Spear guy.

This is probably why the Short Axeman gets to live this turn.

Titania breaks out the Killer Axe to make this guy's life miserable.

Titania jumps up, slams down on the guy, and then jumps back magnificently. RD really has a lot of crit animations, depending on how the crit works, but some of the better ones are more likely to show up.

Titania's still a little passe level-wise, but she's at least getting her good stats.

The guy above him has a ranged weapon, but we might as well deal with this guy.

Ooh, Strength cap. A Titania that has Transferred Strength, Defence and Resistance will auto-cap those, but Skill and Speed are near misses and Axe Paladins cap HP too high for it. Titania needs 13/19 of her growths in Str/Skill/Spd in PoR to Transfer, though- and needs even more for Def/Res (you need the full 19 for Res!). Even if Titania turned out, it wasn't likely she'd Transfer actual stats to RD. Her RD stats are fine enough as they are- she's probably the character that I'm least concerned about.

Mist's Transfers were pretty important, though.

Just look at this. Crits.

And doesn't kill.

He goes and makes himself Titania's issue.

There are archers hiding in that top-left corner.

Well, this is going spectacularly.

It's always the case that, if you're waiting on a difficult matchup, everyone else goes first.

This was potentially lethal even if that wasn't a Horseslayer, honestly.

Not lethal in return, sadly.

The Gallians are getting some kills.

And our party members get kills in.

Wow, Ranulf's showing off. You know you're not getting on the team this time either, right?

Once the Gallians get this far, Skrimir challenges the enemy general to single combat.

General Septimus gets terrified.

...That's concerning.

You're far too tired and stringy.

Silvano's not as scared of us.


Not particularly different content-wise, I don't think, but I don't really feel Septimus's comically exaggerated fear of the laguz from these quotes. Maybe it's in tone.

The way the camera moves about, it looks like Septimus left his square to escape, and Silvano moved from this tile to the seize tile. I'm not sure if it's possible to get the Greil Mercenaries up here to get vision on these squares before the Gallians scare Septimus off. Septimus does show up later, at least.

Three fire mages coming up here, that's yikes for the Gallians. Not that we're in the best position to do anything about them.

Titania starts by picking up a Hand Axe and preparing to use the Power of Provoke.

Mist heals her.

Mia judges the archer as the most dangerous threat in range and breaks out the Wo Dao.

Murder him!


Well, Power of Provoke failed.

Bye bye, noble Gallian soldier. You will not be the last.

Skrimir doesn't care.

A fire mage notices Mist put down her sword and engages in melee.

Well, that was comical.

That was even more so. Counterattacking with staves giving Staff EXP is the most hilarious thing.

So yeah. Short Axeman hits Mist. This is not great.

And here's the other archer. He must not be allowed to encounter Mist.

Not that Mia likes him much better either.

Another Gallia dies.

Some of the Gallians are reverting.

Skrimir PUNCH!

And this Gallian's going just fine.

...Ranulf's unshifted.

These Gallians are working on this front. Now that we're working "together", we notice that really, they're just going to get in my way.


So then... Ranulf is standing right in front of the enemy formation. Untransformed.

Reminder that him dying is a fail condition.

Well, let's figure out this formation...

Oh hey, got the Coin.

So let's make sure this guy doesn't hit Mist again.

This will do pretty well. I'd like to get Strength, but this is the sort of level that would make me reconsider.

Well, I think the important thing is blocking this guy more than killing him.

Which is good, because that didn't turn out.

Ranulf dodged a hit.

Mia helpfully dodges.

And Titania attracts some attention.

Fire magic is only Effective on transformed laguz, so this guy goes for the laguz who's already in the right form.

Ranulf gets a good hit in.

But gets brought down to some disaster health.

Well, there goes that mage in one hit.

Two laguz wander up here and use the last of their TP to take out this annoying fellow. Well, I'm fine with that.

...Ranulf, whose death causes a Game Over, wanders untransformed into a fogged area with low health. It's actually pretty safe, all things considered- the Short Spear guy Titania is right next to is the only enemy I think is still active and chooses to move. But still, man, I thought you were the smart one.

Mist picks up another Heal. Some more passive healing might help, but probably not.

Titania picks up the Poleaxe in preparation for those Generals up ahead.

Yes, Speed, need that.

And Mia knocks this guy out.

This is for all the runs you kill other than this one. (The archers jumping out of the fog and ORKOing Mist is one of the major causes of resets even in non-All-Girls situations).

And for Strength and Avoid.

Speed cap. Mia can also autocap this with a Transfer. Mia's Transfers are... nice, and given the choice, I would definitely have picked her Transfers over Tanith's. I think I made the right call in judging I didn't have that choice, though.

Titania cleans up the Generals with ease.

And this guy goes down without a-

...What is it with me and generic criticals this run.

Ranulf picked up enough TP to transform and get a kill.

Titania challenges the boss. I didn't pick up his stats, because it's Fog of War, I'm not thinking about that, and Ranulf scared me. I'm told this guy is a Sniper, actually. I always thought he was a Warrior.

Nothing personal, it's just business.

Joy! Titania can handle this on the next turn.

...This can't be worth it.

I don't risk it.

Silvano shoots Skrimir and unshifts him.

Ranulf kills this priest, because of course he does.

This Gallian steals his Concoction and uses it himself, because of course he does. This costs me that Concoction later. Honestly, it gets worse later.

Skrimir uses his Laguz Stone. Figured.

And Titania scores the killing blow.

For great profit.

C-. There, marked your words.

Silvano: Who are you, swine? Why do you side with sub-humans?
Ike: I’m Ike of the Greil Mercenaries.
Silvano: I know that name. Have you forgotten the apostle’s kindness? Thankless fool! You shall pay with your life!

I like how one of these disposable Begnion bosses actually acknowledges Ike and Sanaki's connection. It's a neat touch.

神使様から受けた大恩を忘れ、 敵方にまわるとは……

The JP quote kinda feels like it's more talking about the fact that Sanaki actively spared Ike's life, which is... also neat.

I can't use Crossbows myself, so I'll get around to selling this later.

Mist heals Ranulf for EXP.

And Skrimir gets us victory. He doesn't stuff this up, usually.

Flaguerre is ours.

Skrimir is not satisfied.

At least Skrimir respects that this means neither of these groups are valid targets.

Yeah, honestly, if the war keeps up at this pace, we'll kick their asses in no time.

The Empire has, to use the technical term, a lot of dudes.

Two centuries, at least.

Before your uncle's, do you reckon?

Probably not.

Skrimir delivers this dramatic speech, to thunderous approval in the form of animalistic howls.

That was the speech? It was dumb, it was obvious, it was pointless, it was... short...


We've all got to start somewhere, don't we?

Although maybe we should've searched harder for a General.

Hm, not so much for me. I mean, how different is Tibarn, really?

Not what you want to be saying about your General.

...Oh, he's still going.

Titania brings up another concern that we probably ought to have.

Remember this thing?

The only thing standing between us and a dark god of unmeasured cataclysm? That thing?

The phrasing on this quote is a little bit off- it sounds more like the dark god's slumber is causing the state of world peace than the other way around. Not the worst thing ever, but still a little weird.


Titania says this in the extended script, and her question is why the war got started by Caineghis, who's normally pretty good about respecting this whole deal.

By "ancestors", she means "the Three Heroes", and not, for instance, Ike's parents, who gave their lives for the medallion's safety.

This quote makes it more clear that the state of world war is what will cause the dark god's awakening. Though this was something Soren had to guess in PoR. Funny there's more evidence now.

What are the odds Crimea and Daein would take sides in it, though? Goldoa, too- that's a country that wouldn't shed its neutrality if lives depended on it.

You know... think about how many different nationalites were represented in the Crimean Army in PoR. That was a really close call. Who knows how close?

Especially since "the known world" is an unknown quantity, ironically. To awaken the dark god through war, we need a sufficiently large war. But the game is, possibly deliberately, a little vague on "how" big. Do we just need a long war? A war with a lot of participants? All the countries participating? I think the answer is closest to Option 3, but really, from our current perspective, there's no real telling what the answer is and how to avoid it.

...Maybe if we actually asked Deghinsea what the wording was...


Huh, this exact argument is in the extended script. Ike is on team "all countries participating", Soren and Titania are on team "a war that reaches the scale of the continent at large".

Ranulf noticed we were talking about the medallion and dips in.

At least we actually... noticed the plot point.


Ranulf praises their eye for detail, since they serve under a commander just like Skrimir. Soren gets offended about Ike being compared to a beast, and resists Titania's scolding. Ranulf assures him that, although Ike is as blunt as Skrimir, he is tempered by listening to Titania and Soren and obeying their advice when necessary.

Ranulf knows what he's doing.

That's... a lot of faith in them.

Ike double checks the new one's name.

The main thing to think about with this claim is that we have no idea how Lehran pulled it off in the first place. Do the heron royals know the trick and feel confident they can repeat it, or are they just singing and hoping for the best? Do we really want to take that chance?

...I guess, if we get this done and dusted, we won't have to worry about it.

So let's just focus on the enemies in front of us and start worrying about the dark god when the situation changes. And hope this doesn't go pear shaped later.

That's a loss of half the turn bonus, and 25/28 Gallians survived. Just look at that bonus, and also a healthy packet for their effort.

Next time: Basically the same thing, except with an actual plan.

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