Sunday 21 November 2021

RD Part 2 Endgame Battle: The Bearer of Hope

Here we go. One hell of a map, and at least we have the generics to lend a hand.

Despite having the same name as the blue faction, they are not commanded by Elincia and do not benefit from her Authority bonus.

We have a Bolting sage. Nifty.

Here is Ludveck, bringing the most powerful throwing axe. He can be tough for most people, but he has his weaknesses. If you want to win this map quickly, bring a Hammer.

Ludveck also has the Vantage skill, giving him an 18% chance of getting a hit in even if you're landing the killshot. Calill at least blocks that.

And two Authority Stars, bringing Elincia's advantage to just +5 Hit/Avoid. Still an advantage, at least, unlike the fight with Jarod.

This guy has an Energy Drop.

The Bowgun is concern enough.

Reaper Card, actually. I was surprised too. You have to Steal it, too.

Nullify scroll drop. Want.

Dracoshield Steal.

These squares contain Olivi Grass.

And a square in this general ballpark has an Arms Scroll. I feel like the tile Serenes highlights is wrong, but I can never remember where it actually is. It's definitely in this column.

It's time to pull out all the stops. This map has one awesome soundtrack: Bearer of Hope. This happens to be my favourite song in Radiant Dawn, and it plays in two high-stakes Defend maps- this one, and one later on.

And one last surprise:

Marcia will be helping us after all! One more soldier to turn the tides!

So Ludveck did have a trap for the Royal Knights!


 Ludveck blocked the road with earth and sand instead in JP.

If there was one unit I really needed, it was Marcia.

"As many as you can."

Marcia has had no chance to reorganise herself from 2-3 and she's actually going to want to keep on her toes to make sure she can reap BEXP later, but we need her.

There are some times where you wonder why I am the goddess of pegasus knights.

Normally they manage 100 accuracy on you.

Calill needs as many kills as she can get.

Nephenee is our front line.

And Leanne gets Elincia closer to the front too.

Lethe wants this. Unfortunately, I forgot to use some on the first turn, but, well, live and learn.

Screw that guy in particular!

And the soldiers march down the stairs. For whatever reason, the two archers next to Calill will not move under any circumstances, even if Elincia gives a counter order.

The one durable door in all of Radiant Dawn, and it's on our side.

This is also something to be destroyed!

We better make sure Leanne isn't in range of an enemy when that goes down.

Some people try their luck with Marcia. Yeah, that won't fly.

And up people come.

Reinforcements! Those two halberdiers and thunder sage are new. There's a lot of reinforcements on this mission.

Heather showing off Pass boosting.

Let's get rid of this guy, though.

Heather helps herself to a Vulnerary.

And Nephenee gets a kill two spaces away.

Yes, of course it's a crit, it's Nephenee.

Leanne gives them a boost. Heather is needed on the west immediately.

Well, not immediately immediately.

Yoink! Leanne's smile looks less serene than usual.

Heather notices some spare stats in his inventory and helps herself to them while she's leafing through his pockets.

Marcia found plenty of her own.

This is a terrible defence from a "protect the objective" perspective, but Leanne does not want to be exposed to these enemies.

Lethe has the objective covered.

And Elincia tries to stick to the Mend staff where possible.

And stands here, for some cunning plan.

I think I wanted to feed this guy to unshifted Lethe.

The least you lot could've done was weaken the other one.

Well, I guess this fight made things an issue.

The door is down.

This looks very interesting.

...Lethe, you don't really have the ground for this.

I moved Elincia here to set up this chokepoint for an actual unit to take, rather than having Heather scramble something together and probably taking a few kills.

Also two Longbow arcehrs down here.

Don't worry about them. Leanne might worry, but whatever their accuracies are, they're suffering -80 Hit from using a Longbow up a ledge.

This side gets the reinforcements this time. These are the two main places reinforcements will arrive from.

Nephenee stakes her claim to this chokepoint.

This isn't actually a kill, though.

I'm not done disrespecting crossbows enough.

Heh heh heh.


And getting out of danger of anyone in that chokepoint with a javelin...

Calill has realised this wall is still here, and breaks her own way out.

Lethe transforms, and prepares to take on this chokepoint. Her job will be getting Strike rank out of the people down here. I think she doesn't actually level up again.

Marcia will help this side. And also the side a few tiles over.

Lethe will need a lot of this stuff.

This might help, too. It's EXP for Elincia.

Oh yeah, our Crimeans.

Bye bye, that guy.

Let's just... be careful in here. It's going to be tough to find places to stand.

Hey, Lethe wanted that!

Wow, our guys are hitting hard.

And this guy is almost dead...

There will be lives lost on our side.

As long as they don't kill that guy.

And this healer taking away a potential Leanne kill. I think that bothers me most out of what happened here.

Another one bites the dust. I needed somewhere to move to.

And Nephenee, after staking her claim to a chokepoint, actually gets to fight somebody.

She doesn't kill them.

I love these two losers.

More armour!

This fellow is the one that drops his Energy Drop. We need a plan to see him killed.

Pity about the no double, but Calill is still fresh out of the box.

Dangit, so close!

Nephenee takes out the guy with a Javelin.

...Resistance cap.

Mine now! Even if it is now in the Crimean convoy.

Heather gets the kill.

And Marcia takes on this guy, noticing both his Hammer and that she isn't close enough to do what I want her to do.

Pegasus knights aren't actually as flighty as wyverns and ravens, and knights don't have to clunk clunk clunk so far.

Yeah, we're not counting on Wrath today.

Leanne tells these two to press on.

Can do.

That's one less thing to carry around.

Lethe shores up her transformation gauge. She'll be seeing combat this round, since that General will move away.

So much for the helpfulness of this lot.

Priest: "Stop supporting Elincia!"

That looks pretty dramatic, but the number looks pretty normal.

No more healer, and I didn't even have to kill him!

He'll meet a Physic staff up there, but at least Lethe can fight.

She can't oneround, but that just means more Strikes.

They try so hard.

Well, this formation is getting pretty dang empty.

More swordmasters.

Calill is going to help Lethe out with this side.

Back to basics, are we? Magic and Speed before we worry about the rest.

Nifty, Lethe can ORKO this guy.

The important bit is that this guy can't get back in to this chokepoint.

Marcia comes down here to deal with this guy. He could cause trouble later on. Come to think of it, he's taking Marcia like a champ too.

Time to break out the Killer.

That's enough out of him.

Also stole this from him.

Marcia sends this back  to the convoy. Not that it really matters with Marcia compared to Nephenee.

And Marcia makes it back up here. Unfortunately, this square was a mistake.

Nephenee is ready for this chokepoint.

Yeah, uh, if Marcia wasn't standing where she is, Leanne could get this kill.

Elincia heals her one HP up.

And Directs her Crimeans here. I'm done having them get in the way, The one thing I don't want is for them to start attracting Ludveck's attention.

Well, at least Heather's making me feel better about not being able to give this to Leanne.

Good enough.

Leanne gives Marcia a boost.

I just love staring archers in the face and saying "no".

No combat animations? This counts as ledge combat? That helps!

Marcia comes up here, to flank the enemy while Nephenee prepares to press in.

The consequence of Direct is that these three move off their safety pedestals to come join the huddle.

Well, that's a nice and cleared out staircase.

Nephenee gets to be a chokepoint queen now.

And Lethe dipping in means she's attracted ranged attention. This is going to wreak havoc on her TP.

Another fellow she can't kill. This is going to get ridiculous.

And the Thunder Sage has been attracted with promise of targets. This guy is how the game discourages you from sending Haar down here immediately.

And another priest to worry about.

Why attack at 3 range? No need to give up 30 Hit for safety. I don't even think these guys have Javelins.

Sure, the rebels have Spears.

This one, Nephenee can chew on.

Neph really needs to get started on BEXP.

More armours.

Calill gets a kill, and... excuse me, I think she's doing the same pose as Ilyana does, but considering she wears heels, this has got to be more ridiculous.

Wow, that is a lot of TP lost. Lethe is basically going to be chowing down on Grass.

At least Nephenee can take on these guys easy.

Heather chips off an armour.

This is Ludveck's range. It is in our interest to stay out of it until we are prepared to complete the map.

Marcia is going to play the world's most high-stakes game of "Not touching you."

Leanne is in and out.

And Heather stands here, for better defensive wall management. Honestly, I feel like her original position was pretty solid on that front too.

Marcia takes out the other guy in style.

One nifty thing about certain crit animations is that, if the enemy gets knocked over while on zero HP, the animation of them dying is skipped entirely. This isn't much of a timesaver (if you're after that, just turn the animations off like a normal person), but it is amusing.

Elincia squeezes 12 EXP out of this guy.

Just come on down in whatever order you feel like!

What a matchup.

The still frames I get sometimes...

These things are always scary. 58% isn't a lot, but you don't want to get in the habit.

Cats are literally the worst type of laguz at holding their shape.

And Calill gets this guy.


And Calill gets her hands on this. I want it to stay with Astrid, Marcia or Calill, so this is exactly where I want it.

Marcia appears to just be adjusting position this turn.

Heather chips this guy down slightly.

And Leanne scores the KO.

Even darker arts await our delicate lady.

See what I mean about this level? I was tempted by a Spd/Def level that didn't have Mag in it, but Leanne really needs the Mag...

Elincia takes out this Short Axe General before he gets any funny ideas about hitting people.

Stun should do the trick.

And some more of the necesseties coming Elincia's way.

And Elincia stands here to ensure that the line is held. No one else has 1-2 range to hit Leanne.

Unnecessary but spectacular.

Everything a growing girl needs.

You can't mean to tell me Lethe can't kill this guy again? She needs the Strike badly.

Some Thunder mages find things so busy to shoot Lethe that they shoot Calill instead.

Their loss.

Marcia takes on some of Ludveck's guards who have slightly more range than him.

Plop. It's always Luck.

Heather needs to go another round with an armour.

Heroic reinforcements! Way too far away from any combat, but heroic!

Hold what line?

Elincia looks up from having Ludveck pinned down and cheers on for her rescuer from that one unpromoted knight back there.

We've found him! He hasn't moved in 7 turns!

I think the story is kinda acting like the Royal Knights' appearance is a big deal, but at the same time, narratively, these guys appearing doesn't actually do that much. It's an interesting moment.

Elincia: Geoffrey!
Geoffrey: Elincia! I’m relieved you’re safe. Leave the rest of the battle to us. Find someplace safe.
Elincia: No, this is my fight. This is my problem, and it will be resolved under my power!
Geoffrey: Very well. If that’s your decision, Your Majesty.

 The Geoffrey/Elincia Talk.

Ludveck gets his own dramatic reinforcements.

Leanne Blessings these two first.

So here's Astrid. About how we left her: Very close to many of her caps. Also prepared to promote into a sword user. Not in this game, dear.

Still has to break out the Killer Bow to kill things.

Still working on her stats. That's an HP cap, I'm fairly sure.

The rest of the Royal Knights ride up. This means Makalov and Devdan.

This guy is also another reason to avoid being in Ludveck's range. His range exactly overlaps Ludveck's, and means we can't have Marcia or Elincia stand in his range safely- especially since most squares have multiple positions the crossbowman can stand to shoot at them.

Nephenee takes out this general nice and cleanly.

This would have been hilarious as hell. Especially after pointing out the Crossbowman.

Elincia heals up Marcia.

And Marcia also comes back around here, too. For some reason. I trust my judgement.

Heather uses a Leanne boost to get onto this side of the map, preparing for the final push.

This side of the field does its basics- Olivi Grass Lethe, Thunder Calill.

These guys are also obeying Elincia's Directions- which, right now, are to target a position up in the main part of the field. So they'll be following the rest of us.

At least Marcia found some friends.

Ow. I'm too busy eating Olivi Grass to deal with this! I guess I have a Physic staff...

Venin Edge! Lethe can't double these guys, but at least she avoids the poison.

Some more lightning from both sides.

Oh yeah, I should've noticed this guy.

Heather isn't prepared for him.

At least she got the stats out of it.

This side really doesn't shake it up, huh?

Magic and Speed again.

All right, so which square is the Arms Scroll on...

This one today!

Nephenee keeps up the pressure.

Non-redundant crit!

And no more Steel Greatlance. Hope I wasn't planning on feeding that to Leanne! I don't think Thunder Sages are great for it.

Heather needed a heal.

So Heather prepares herself for the kill on this guy.

What a use for Leanne.

Got a crit, too.

As much as I scoffed at the Royal Knight rescue, Astrid is going to be pretty helpful, not going to lie...

Lethe really doesn't want to be poisoned, huh?

Some crossbowmen also take a shot at Calill.

-50 Hit is potent.

Still going at it.

So, Astrid's pretty close, let's start thinking about breaking this stalemate.

Let's start with you.

Astrid felt like Killer Bow crits were too telegraphed.

So, let's get started.

Need this.

Just boosting Astrid? I could've boosted Marcia too with a tricky movement, but I don't think it'd be that worth it. I could probably also get Leanne out of danger too... possibly?

Astrid: "I hate this guy in particular."

It translated to profit.

Compared to the last map, this Astrid position is just mad.

Now those are some green numbers. ...Now that I look at it, Astrid has exactly 18 stats left to gain- with 6 levels left, that's perfect BEXP conditions, so long as seven of those level ups have Defence.

...For some reason, I looked at that sentence and didn't realise that was an impossibility.

Nephenee Shoves Leanne out of danger entirely.

While Marcia takes out this sage.

With distinction.

Marcia also needs BEXP.

Well, at least Marcia gives Astrid a shielded side.

These two aren't going to clean up this side, are they?

Elincia heals Astrid, too, because she also needs that.

Generics protect me!

This close!

And one of the sages noticed Heather.

I'm sure that guy is being paid enough to listen to you.

Shame he doesn't get a hit.

Good thing I got the heal. Maybe Astrid not having Defence means she's not a frontliner yet...

I wish I could've at least had Lethe move one tile over.

Tch. Elincia can't get to Ludveck. I'll have to spend Leanne's turn giving her a boost.

Lethe forgoes Olivi Grass to kill this guy. We're finishing this turn.

Calill picks up this kill, too, while she's here.

Elincia at least manages to heal Astrid.

Yoink! We're done.

Leanne shows off and transforms before Vigouring. Double magic doesn't mean much on the final turn, and it's not like either Speed or Defence is good enough to get into a fight with her. She could take some magic, I guess.

This is hilarious, but necessary.

I wish I didn't lose a Tomahawk use, but that's the least of my concerns with this Tomahawk.

At least I got these.

Astrid gets one last kill for the road.

Well, so much for her Defence. I can deal with this later, at least.

And Marcia picks up a kill too. Less BEXP to spend later.

Marcia: Makalov, you lazy piece of shoe leather! What took you so long? The queen is in danger!
Makalov: What can I say? It’s not like I could fly or anything. I got here as fast as I could. Man… I think I overdid it. I’m bushed! Maybe I’ll just rest for a bit…
Marcia: You do, and I’ll box your ears clean off! Let’s go!
Makalov: You gotta be kidding me…

Marcia/Makalov have a conversation too! We didn't see it because the menu didn't have Marcia yet. I guess Makalov's ears are getting boxed...

It's time to end this.

No matter how weak Elincia is, that's a pipe dream at best.

She kicked ass in the Mad King's War. Where were you in that thing, Ludveck? I don't remember Lucia saying your name in Chapter 23.

Elincia doesn't know how to do her duty. She's pretty clear on what it is.

Not for Elincia. For Geoffrey, maybe.

Smarmy little bastard.

And Elincia falls right into his trap. Lucia is too precious for anything else.

Oh, that is it. Nephenee, hold my Physic staff.

Taste the fury of your queen!

I'll be taking those.

Ludveck gives up and surrenders like a coward.

Thanks for the weapon.

Geoffrey: That’s enough, Duke Ludveck! You have no chance of victory. The Royal Knights are here, and we have our queen to lead us.
Ludveck: Ho ho… It’s the valiant Geoffrey. I assume, General, that you have yet to hear about Lady Lucia?
Geoffrey: Lucia? What’s happened?
Ludveck: Well… I could tell you, but what would that gain me? Now, if you were to turn on the queen and grovel at my feet, I might reconsider telling you.
Geoffrey: How dare you, you rotten…

Despicable to the end, I see.

Ludveck: Throwing laguz into the ranks? How very like the queen.

Ludveck: A heron on the battlefield? And I though I’d seen it all… Just as weak as the queen, I imagine.

And the laguz quotes. He actually uses the word "laguz", surprisingly.


Localisation invention. They're half-beasts here.

And with Elincia's movement finished, the map is now over.

Don't worry, you found the Arms Scroll and Astrid got some levels.

So how is the rebel army?

...Oh no. Oh no.

So we need to go have a chat with Ludveck and ask him what he's gone and done with Lucia, then.

It's quite a tale, I need to squeeze in a third part.

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