Friday 24 December 2021

RD Chapter 3-13 Preparations: Hell Destiny

I think, despite the fact we're playing as Daein here, the Apostle's Army is coloured blue and the Daein Army is coloured red on the map.

Her soldiers are at least partially laguz. This is a huge deal.

Sanaki really needs to get to Begnion to attack the Senate. But there's very few options to actually do that other than crushing Daein first.

Which... uh... is also not ideal.

Daein claims a secure position.

And that's about where their list of positives ends. This army is held together on duct tape and prayer.


This is not the same as the word for Blood Pact, but I think it's slightly more than just another name for the same thing? I dunno, I find the idea of naming this chapter after Blood Pacts weird.

Oho. Ohohohoho. Thank you Sephiran!


Bolded my own addition. It is Tormod that delivered this news, and Tormod's name is bolded.

With Sephiran playing the narrative, the senate has so much less power over the people.

And now the people are incensed. The Serenes Massacre is still in living memory, I wonder if some of these Begnions are very concerned about being manipulated into committing a crime against humanity again.

And, of course, Lekain has his hands full dealing with this mess.

Tauroneo has a lot of hope here.


Tauroneo's plan is that the riots against the Senate will be successful and, with the Senate destroyed, the Blood Pact will be destroyed in the process. A plan that doesn't even require them to act!

Pelleas is a mite more cowardly. In this case, I don't blame him. Tauroneo's plan seems like the sort that the Senate totally could reprise on before any benefit could be achieved.

This is a little more worrying. A pact like this is just... well, Begnion would be spiteful and a half. The worst part is, I could totally buy it.

Well, consider that it takes 44 days to kill a thousand people and 100 to kill five thousand, I wouldn't entirely say "slowly".

On the other hand, that is three months...

Well, I don't think anyone would be keen to help after 3-12.

"Why do we have to trust Pelleas, of all people?"

Sanaki, in spite of the damage we've done to her pegasi, is still interested in peace. We've been ignoring her messages, but we do at least know they're here.

Pelleas, for once, has accomplished something!

Pelleas wants Micaiah to witness this. I don't think anything about her specifically helps.

...Micaiah doesn't seem fond of this solution.

But it saves Daein!

...Should we really be putting our faith in a book stashed in a secret room? I suppose a book at all is accomplishment enough...


This book was owned by the previous Kings of Daein, which boosts its credibility in Pelleas's eyes. He does have a point, but it's not a point he has the in-universe knowledge to use as judgment.

Even Tauroneo doesn't like this solution. Maybe it isn't as good as Pelleas thinks it is.

But a bad solution is better than no solution, isn't it?

...Isn't it?

Not really an exaggeration.

This would be pretty nice...

And Micaiah is suddenly second-guessing herself. Is this something she can do?

Turns out Tibarn's lesson did wind up sticking with Micaiah.

This is a bit of a choice in character development for Micaiah. Part 2's dramatic moment is about Elincia putting her people before Lucia, and now Micaiah is taking the opposite action. Not that either position is wrong, but...

Micaiah is that sort of person. This is the sort of thing that having an inexperienced general will lead to- being a general presents challenges, and Micaiah has to go through the jitters of facing her first such challenge in quite possibly the most tense situation she can be in.

It's only human. And it should be avoided where possible. But in the case where it must happen...

Pelleas admires Micaiah's caring soul, and bases a decision on it. They're really doing a good job selling this man as a pretty poor King.

...With that said, that's a little extreme! There are ways of staging a coup without killing the guy in power!

"I admire your caring soul that can't let your friends die in front of you, so I'm going to ask you to kill me yourself!" Genius.

...Pelleas, do you know what a third party is? I'm not actually sure Micaiah counts as such. You have failed contract law into your own death. I hope the Spirit possessing you doesn't get vengeful if you die young or whatever.

It is of immense comfort to Pelleas that suicide is not sufficient to lift the curse, he has to be murdered.

Pelleas must insist on this course of action. And now Micaiah has a choice.

This option list has some interesting properties we'll get into, but I think we should give this idea of Pelleas's a try.

There's no music at all. But there is the sound of wind blowing outside the castle...

Pelleas hands Micaiah a knife with which to do the deed.

As he has done. Your people will be in good hands.

We can hash all this out in the afterlife.

There's no actual handover on the ring, nor even a particular explanation of why this ring is special to one or both of the pair.

We'll just set that to one side while a man is dying.

The camera pans over to that circle window behind Pelleas during this line.

We do not see Micaiah kill Pelleas on screen.

And with that... Pelleas is Dead dead.

...Probably for the best we didn't invite his mother, come to think of it.

This is going to be a bit of a shock...

Almedha actually accuses Micaiah regardless of whether Micaiah had the heart to do it or not. I'm worried about Almedha's opinion on Micaiah.

Micaiah is grieving too much to respond to that. You can also see Almedha and Sothe step forward after Almedha's accusation.

But with that said, the blood pact should now have been unvoked.


We, uh, missed a spot.

...Not good.

We killed Pelleas for nothing.

Well, that's just depressing. Pelleas died the way he lived- with no idea what the hell he is doing and accomplishing less than nothing.


Is that really the note we're going to end the opening skit on? Let's Divine Pulse our way back a few scenes...

This is the events that follow on if you did not choose to have Micaiah obey Pelleas's command.

Pelleas needs the deed done, and asks Tauroneo, whose capacity for refusal is... significantly less.

Tauroneo knows this is a little bit above his pay grade.

But it is not in his nature to question it.

And complies with Pelleas's command.

Pelleas hands the knife to Tauroneo, too.

Pelleas's last words are the same regardless of who is about to do the deed.

If you choose to Refuse his command, the camera is slightly different here...

And Micaiah rather violently changes her mind.

You still get the fade to white. Tauroneo has a complete animation for stabbing with this knife, so I assume this is just to brush away the specifics of how Tauroneo just stabbed Micaiah right here.

So anyway, let's get back to that "Tauroneo just stabbed Micaiah" bit.

Micaiah's survived worse, she can walk it off.

As a casual observer, I still recommend getting a second opinion from Laura.

Micaiah. Stop. Go back. Repeat that sentence. Just how messed up can you get in one sentence?


I don't know what she's saying, but I feel confident the gist is a lot less messed up a thought, even if it is kind of along the same lines.

...Well, I mean, if Micaiah dies, I get a Game Over, I'd say she's pretty important not to lose.

You too, Pelleas? I guess it's not as much of a surprise coming from you.

Micaiah tells him to buckle down for his kingdom.

The option "Refuse his command" is only available on New Game Plus, and this line almost feels like the game tickling the fourth wall about that fact. If you're seeing this outcome, you know for a fact Pelleas's information is false.

Micaiah's Farsight, of course, is kinda pointing her in a helpful direction.


Micaiah doesn't have any sort of "try a better plan" dialogue here, she just wants to fight to the last with all her friends.

Well, so much for walking that stabbing off.

Pelleas's life is spared as a result of choosing to "Refuse his command". The main outcome of this decision is that, on a later date, Pelleas will become a playable character. As a male unit, we won't actually be benefitting from this in any significant way, but there are still some lore nuggets for having Pelleas alive (sadly, we won't get to see all of them because they require using male units, but I will still discuss them). Plus, it's significantly less depressing this way.

Incindentally, if we had chosen to "Pass the burden to another", Tauroneo will admit to becoming the King Killer when Almedha accuses Micaiah, and two lines will be slightly tweaked ("what have I done" and "he asked Micaiah to kill him"). After this opening, the identity of Pelleas's killer will have zero impact on the story.

Jill MVP. As if there was any doubt.

Two Base conversations today, and both of them are the final appearances of some of our non-plot-important team.

Starting with Edward and Leonardo, who have failed to notice they've been on benchwarming duty from the minute there was a bench to warm.

So what is their opinion on what's going on right now?

Considering Leonardo was an attendee of a military school before the Imperial Occupation, this is quite the shift for him. Shame he doesn't really seem to have much in the way of mobility.

Although that would be nice.

...Edward, the twelve-year-old who trained for an Ashnard promotion, is making this decision. I guess the Ashnard promotion was more for the room and board, but still. Edward used to be more excited about his two hands and one sharp blade.

We do still have to worry about Micaiah, though.

...It... it can't be that simple.

Well, with luck...

Edward and Leonardo still have that bond of friendship to go with.

Leonardo procured a sword for Edward's use.

...This raises the question of where your paycheck is coming from, but that's clearly not my responsibility, and as long as it's not costing me anything, I'll continue to not take responsibility for it.

This is true in more ways than one.

Edward does not acknowledge the insult in Leonardo's choice of words.

If they had more to go on, they'd probably be a popular M/M ship. They do grow at the fastest Support speed together.

The Tempest Blade is the equivalent to the Tomahawk for Swords. The comparison to a reckless sword user might be drawn to the name, 1-2 range or shaky accuracy.

"Helping Hand" is taking a look at Laura and Aran.

"Also, the only time I ever had items since I joined this band was that Iron Lance against the Laguz Alliance on Ribahn."

"And a little girl melted it."

"That wasn't MY fault!"

If you're getting to the point you need a lot of Heal charges for that, we're in trouble.

Laura does have a response here, but yeah, this is a nice starting point. Although Aran's largest contribution to the team so far has been as a pack mule.

Laura unloads, and takes a look at the staff Aran spotted.

It was not a staff Laura dropped.

I don't believe we know where this staff came from.

Laura doesn't seem to know what kind of staff it is by inspection.

...Throw it away?

Laura decides the best way to test the functionality of her new toy is to attempt to cast a spell with it.

Aran has fallen asleep standing up.

Oops, clumsy him. Let's leave him to it. He's probably better off dozing here than on the battlefield.

...Wow, he's really out of it.

Ah, that would do it. No, this conversation did not count as a use of the Sleep staff, we still have all three of those. The Sleep Staff will come in handy coming up.

Micaiah/Fiona wasn't ready for A Rank, but I did get this one. For what it's worth.

Today's Bargains. I bought Thoron, Tornado, Blizzard, Physic, and a spare Short Spear. This is the only place to get Tornado and the Silver Longbow, but the latter is just not worth it. Too inaccurate. Stiletto, too, is a questionable purchasing decision- it is equal in might to the Steel Dagger, and while it has more Crit, it is outweighed in this department by the Beast Killer (which has more Might and the same Crit, even when not used against Beast Tribe laguz).

We're going to start BEXP today with Fiona.

Strength and Luck caps met.

Just HP and Skill to go. Not worth the BEXP investment to manipulate that.

Laura got another BEXP level and another bit of a disappointment.

Meg took to BEXP much more favourably. How much so?

HP capped, too. About that much more favourably.

I'm going to give her one of these.

Meg has promoted from wood shield to metal shield! She's also taken off her helmet. My guess is they needed more material for the rest of the armour.

Time for Meg to start gaining Speed again!

Also, as a Marshall, Meg is now allowed to use Axes in addition to her normal weapons.

Hehe, SAD. The weapon caps for a Marshall are SS/S/A, which in this case is applied to Meg in the order Swords>Lances>Axes. The only S Rank melee weapons are the Tempest Blade, Tomahawk and Spear, so an A Rank in these weapons allows everything else. It's a bit of an ask, but I'll see if I can't get B Axes so Meg can lean on the Steel Poleaxe supply and allow the other units to use the Steel Blades.

Honestly, I probably should've kept her on Adept, but she is working on her WEXP, and Adept is detrimental to that outcome.

Fiona gets this back. She's still probably the wisest choice, but this time it's less "so she can contribute at all".

Stun is a 25 Capacity Mastery Skill, and promotion to third tier grants 30 Capacity to all classes. As a result, third tier flying units (Seraph Knights, Dragonlords and Queen Crimea) get the same 25 spare Capacity as infantry units, despite using the more expensive Canto skill. The only other Masteries that cost 25 Capacity are Colossus and Deadeye, and no female units can use those, leaving the unique 30 Capacity limit to Nolan, Boyd, Leonardo, Rolf and Shinon.

...The point of this diversion is that Jill can now equip a 10 Capacity skill in addition to Celerity, and might as well choose Cancel. It is Haar's innate, after all.

Micaiah will bear Paragon. A strange choice, you might say, but one I feel my strategy vindicated. Parity, I'm less sure on, but if it would be of any use, it would be in Micaiah's position.

Time to see what the enemy thinks of us.

Ten thousand. If we take the JP version at it's word, that's actually a fair estimate for the size of our non-Begnion force (5000 Crimeans, 3000 Beasts and 2000 Hawks).


I would like to remind the reader that, according to the numbers given in Part 2 (2000 soldiers with Lucia, 4000 soldiers with Geoffrey, and 3000 soldiers "and growing" with Ludveck), "10000" is a ballpark estimate for the total participation in the entire Crimean Civil War. You've established a numbering system, game, you can't sell us the idea that 10000 is a suicidal defence. The plot does demand that Daein's defence be suicidal, but you had your choice in numbers.


There are still 10000 men in Nox in the JP version, but Ranulf and Skrimir do not think this is an "only" number or anything like that. They've just noticed that, compared to our numbers, that's pretty small, and since we have laguz, we're categorically better. I still don't entirely like the numbers, but the narrative logic feels loads better.

Sanaki continues to be perplexed by Daein's interest in the war. Narratively speaking, there's something happening under the hood that should be helping Sanaki understand what's going on, but I have no idea where that happens relative to the events of the story we see on-screen. I can believe that she's still got no clues to help her.

This whole affair is getting tedious. We can't keep giving Daein inches.

Sorry about this, Daein.

Rafiel asks to join Ike.

He doesn't intend on fighting her, just getting the chance to try and communicate with her.

At least they can say they tried.

Ike gives them the thumbs up.

It's time. The time has come to Hold The Line.

Our opponent lies ahead. And he is massive.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ike with a red circle underneath his feet.

I presume this speech is attempting to cover both the "Pelleas died" and "Pelleas is still alive" outcomes and is doing so weirdly.

See you when we've gathered our courage.

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