Time to head to the world map. A new location has appeared- the flag will help to remind you which place you should be going, but you never have to backtrack to somewhere you've been before.
So here we are. To move around the map, you must click on a place and Eirika will head to it. There are branching paths later, and Eirika will take the smartest path if multiple are available. Not that changing your path matters that much.
If you click somewhere on the map that isn't a place, you get this menu. This is more or less the same menu we get during missions (with Save instead of End Turn), but what do Unit and Status do here?
The Unit menu is basically the same, just allowing you to put all your stat menus in one place. No Conv section, though. It... it can be useful?
This is the Status menu. There are worse things you could see on this screen. Still not exactly the most necessary of things, and honestly I never used it before this.
Click on a place you don't need to be, and you get to manage the items you hold.
For some reason, Seth is listed first. That won't actually get fixed until Chapter 4, when Eirika gets her first force deploy.
Our first new character! Vanessa is very Pegasus Knight in flavour- fast, but weak and frail. We'll have to work around that, especially in these upcoming maps.
Moulder is an all around swell guy with the misfortune of being a male unit on an All Girls run. He didn't make Ephraim route- in hindsight, I should've used him, but I had other plans. He wouldn't have got on the endgame team anyway.
If you click on the location you have to go to next, Eirika navigates over to it, and then the mission starts immediately.
The gameplay power of Moulder and Vanessa well and truly outclass their narrative power, but the plot clearly understands both.
So let's go see what Ephraim's up to. It'll be some time before we find him, but that's our goal.
I think Ide is still part of Renais, it's just less of a village now.
This is all one line, I'm showing off that Eirika's running to Ide during the dialogue. I wish she finished this after the textbox was done.
The idea is that "the protected" are the people of Renais. Not that they're all that protected right now.
...I'm sad now.