Friday 22 April 2022

DQXI Lonalulu: The Mermaid's Curse

We begin today's update leaving the Valor channel for the first time.

This seems to be tricky business. Considering how important this channel is, the fact there's a foggy dangerous place is very concerning, but I'm sure people couldn't control that. Perhaps it's like the Bermuda Triangle.

Erik, not a nautical expert, wonders how worried he should be. When your sailor is yelling, you should be worried.

...Also, what happened to Dave?

At least, whatever Sylvando did seems to have helped out. We are no longer drowning.

Though, uh... where are we?

...Not that helpful.

It's, uh... right outside the Valor channel. It's also on our map.

The Salty Stallion has been run aground, and here we shall remain.

So we need to find something to pass the time.

Oh, don't make me worried any more!

...What kind of story would have a handsome prince on a desert island? Genuine question.

...Considering the Bermuda Triangle is just people making mountains out of molehills of a popular shipping route, I am not as impressed as you want me to be. The island being so untouched by man that an old ship goes unexplored is much more impressive, though.

Mini medal beside the wrecked ship.

Seems fair. Except there's definitely space for something in the middle.

Jade is a little too close to it to be talked to- she's the trigger for some plot.

Someone appears out of the water!

And... she's rhyming. This is by design- this character and her ilk rhyme as their "accent".

We're not who she was waiting for. It's kinda fair to be disappointed there.

And she jumps out of the water to jump on the rock and... that is a tail fin.

There are mermaids! You might be thinking "what do you call the mermen, if DQ has an enemy called 'merman'"? The traditional mermaid design (top half human, bottom half fish) is exclusive to women in this game, but the enemy "merman" is not the male of the species.

...Not going to lie, I can't really say this is exaggerated from how a real human might react if they saw a mermaid.

I... I think she's trying to rhyme "excited" with "fright, it". Rhyme is a little trickier to manage than haiku syllables, especially if you're trying to obey a rhythm.

Incidentally, mermaids appeared in DQ6, and their rhyming speech patterns come from that game.

All right, we're talking to a mermaid, let's ask where we go from here.

So she's gotten herself engaged to a human. This marriage strikes me as... having a ton of problems, but I'm sure there are reasonable answers for the lion's share of them.

...And that's not exactly encouraging. It's certainly the sort of thing that explains why mermaids like to stay out of human business.

...Well, that's one way to answer the question.

Everything sounds good here.

...Unfortunately, it seems her husband-to-be has been leaving her waiting for... longer than expected. Michelle doesn't give us an idea of how long that might've been, but still, someone should go check on him.

And... she asks us instead of doing it herself. There are good reasons for this, but I don't think Michelle knows any of them at this point in the story.

Veronica figures we can hopefully get an Orb out of this.

And that's something Michelle is happy to suggest.

Now then, this option. Of all the "no" options you're given, this one's by far the most popular. She aims a kick at your head, stops just short, and says "Oh, I was just stretching my legs". No other arguments are provided.

...Honestly, no other arguments are necessary.

I considered the possibility that Michelle genuinely doesn't know where Lonalulu is (no part of the proposal process required she head in that direction), but Michelle marking our map here contradicts that. Gameplay-wise, this is a very helpful thing for her to do. Narratively, I kinda like the idea she doesn't know where Lonalulu is to explain the setup to the story.

I don't think we're invited to take this description very seriously. Even if we were, it's not a particularly helpful description.

Erik: So, if we get Michelle and this Kai guy together, we'll be able to make our way down to the kingdom of the mermaids? Cool. If anyone knows whether that pearl that sank to the bottom of the sea is really the Orb we're after, the queen of the mermaids will. Sticking your nose into other people's love lives hardly ever ends well- but I guess this is our lucky day!
Veronica: What IS that man thinking, keeping his darling fiancée waiting for so long? What a heartless rotter!
When we bring him back here, he'd better get down on his hands and knees and apologise for playing with the poor girl's heart. Else he'll have me to deal with!
Serena: What a wonderful story. A mermaid and a man falling in love... Why, it's like something out of a fairy tale!
I can just picture it now. Kai will walk Michelle down the aisle, they'll say their vows... and then... Oh my! (blush)
Sylvando: I've travelled the whole world and come across plenty of characters, but I've never met a mermaid before. This is a big deal for me, honey!
Jade: Come on, Erdward. Let's go and find Kai and bring him back to Michelle.
She said she marked his village on your map, didn't she? Once we're at sea we can get our bearings and set sail for Lonalulu.
Rab: They say the most beautiful thing in the world is either the full moon on a cloudless night, or the face of a mermaid. Well, now that I've seen a mermaid for myself, the moon looks like a dog's breakfast!
This Kai lad must be an absolute dreamboat to have a bonnie lass like Michelle pining after him!

Serena's blushing animation. She'll also kinda sway a little bit when not being talked to. (And yes, Veronica does yell a little when you get her Party Chat line.

Michelle is also nice enough to fix the Salty Stallion.

So then, off we go to Lonalulu. Don't mind the new sword, the last update was contained between that last scene and this.

You actually have to walk a little ways in to get the panaround of Lonalulu. Party Chat also won't update until you do. I acknowledge the odds that my impression of the "sequence breaking breaks Party Chat" might just have been weirdness with this.

"Shell" is what Sylvando calls Michelle. I don't remember this in her introduction.

...Kinda not really fully on board with the swoon.

Sylvando's just happy to be here.

Which is more than can be said of the locals.

Sylvando's noticing an overall lack of activity. Which is either culture shock or a genuine issue.

Erik, how have we gotten this far in and you still think the plight of random towns is not our problem? 

Erik: What did Michelle say this Kai guy was like? A hunky, chunky sailor stuffed full of emotion or something...? What does that even mean? I guess love really is blind- it sounds like she can't remember what her sweetheart looks like!
Remember what Michelle said, Erdward- we mustn't tell anyone but Kai that she's waiting for him. Mermaids are the stuff of legend, but not all of those legends are good, and there are plenty of idiots about who believe everything they read...
This place is awfully quiet for a fishing village. I imagined it would have a bustling market like Gondolia...
Ohhh, I was so looking forward to filling my pockets with pretty pearls to spruce up my circus costume, but there isn't a single specimen to be seen! Now listen, honey, I've seen a lot of towns on my travels, so I know when something isn't right... and something isn't right here, believe you me!
Hmm... I can't see anyone around here who fits Michelle's description of her fiancé. She did say Kai was a fisherman from this village though, didn't she? Well, I suppose there's nothing else for it- we'll just have to ask around. Surely somebody in the village must know where we can find him.
If it's information ye're after, ye're best headed to whatever place people get together. Inns, taverns... or in the case of a wee fishing village like this- the harbour.

All things considered, the welcome girl isn't that interested in whatever serious business is going on. When the welcome girl is distracted, that's when you've got a Problem.

This person does, though. This shop (which isn't even marked on the map, it's not one of the major shops) won't be running because there's a tentacular on the loose.

...Well, that's just rude. Why shouldn't someone be allowed to stay home at night? The family in question is Kai, and the woman in question is his mother.

Well, that'd be one heck of a marriage.

It comes up later, but these aren't loaded cannons. But still, just casually dropping the fact that it's a fact of life a woman fires a cannon every morning.

These chests just keep getting more and more lucrative.

This sparkly spot is the only place in which to acquire rippledrops. It's weird, but there you go.

This is the journal of Sudo Nim, treasure hunter extraordinaire. I came to this village after catching wind of a rumour that a schooner carrying the Rainbough was wrecked somewhere in Erdrea’s southern seas.
In exchange for a couple of my best maps and charts, I enlisted the aid of the finest fisherman here. We dredged near enough the whole blessed ocean, but all we came back with was a few tasty scallops for tea.
So I’ve been spending a quiet evening in the bar enjoying our tasty catch, the village’s local brew and the company of the landlord’s beautiful daughter.
She tells me that my friend the fisherman is engaged to be married. He doesn’t seem too keen on the arrangement, though. I shouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to have his eye on someone else…
But it’s late now and growing dark. I may not have found the Rainbough, but I’ve had a lovely day, and met some even lovelier people. Ahh, the traveller’s life suits me down to the ground!

You know, the story of Sudo Nim is building up to something, but I wonder if this is supposed to be foreshadowing the story of the Town Story we're doing right now. This is particularly relevant, but not necessarily in the way you think.

This gets you the recipes for the Pink Pearl Ring, for a little extra MP, and the Rosary, for MP and MaMend. Maybe good for Serena, not altogether that excellent.

Walk around the counter, and you can talk to NPCs. This one doesn't think too highly of being asked to run the store.

The weapon shop has this interesting item up for sale. I wouldn't bother, though.

As for the Cautery Sword, if we didn't have one from Tickington, we could Forge one with a recipe stolen from the weapon shop.

This shopkeep comments on Kai. Clearly, the thing that made him so attractive to Michelle made him attractive to the other guys too.

...There are kids running Rainbow's End and the Inn?


Ignore me.

The item shop brings thinkincense for purchase, but I think even with the upgrades to the wares, item shops just aren't our problem anymore.

And we can't have that, can we?

...I don't think the enemies that drop pearls are in good enough numbers for us to help in any other way than getting the fisherman out of their bind.

I think that's a little more literal than perhaps she intends.

The villagers really don't seem to think highly of Kai.

Mini medal in the pub area.

Despite his humble beginnings as a farmer’s son, our hero’s winning personality and superior physical strength enabled him to quickly climb the ranks of the Zwaardsrustian Royal Navy.
But when his beloved king fell, he became a pink-masked privateer, striking fear into the hearts of the vilest scum of the seas, and expressing his grief in an incident that soon became infamous the world over.
With the help of a mysterious travelling entertainer friend, he somehow managed to paint the mast of every ship in the inland sea- frigates, freighters, clippers and caravels- a shocking shade of pink.
Even to this day, that bold and brilliant gesture is burnt into the memories of seafarers everywhere, and the name “Dave” into the hearts and minds of admirers everywhere.

Dave's a Zwaardsrustian? Who knew. Why can't we get him in the party?

The Fourth Deadly Denizen: Mermaids

Mermaids are easily recognised, their upper halves taking the forms of human women, and their lower halves those of fish.
Their voices are prodigiously beautiful, and many a man has been sent peacefully to sleep by their dulcet tones, only to be dragged down through the inky depths to have his soul devoured.
Should you ever spy a beautiful woman in the water while at sea, do not call out to her, no matter how tempted you may be.
For she is almost certainly a mermaid, and will want nothing more than to sing you sweetly to sleep- a sleep from which you will never awaken.

...The guy who wrote this book hasn't met a lot of mermaids, has he? He seems to have confused them with sirens (which, to my recollection, are also DQ enemies!)

Heading to the top of the village lets us bump into this old lady. And she has her own cutscene!

I think "Aunt" is affectionate here. This woman doesn't even have siblings.

Ooh boy, exposition fairy tales, my favourite kind!

What a hero. Someone had to get the title, though.

...I'm going to be honest, as bad as arranged marriages usually are, this one is... less promising than usual. At least the two tolerated each other long enough to agree to this.

On the bright side, this is probably fantastic news for the fish.

Sounds to me like this guy was dead anyway.

...Again, this sounds like the mermaid improved the situation. She gets a soul, you get a corpse to bury, everybody wins.

...What part of this sounds like the man lost his soul? I admittedly don't know how mermaids steal souls, but surely she'd get rid of the body sooner than you could hold a funeral.

"He appeared", she says, but she does not say how. I presume by kayak or other small boat.

The wife clearly liked the guy enough to nurse him to health, but this still doesn't necessarily indicate the relationship was affectionate. Although perhaps the fisherman could've communicated his side of the story more clearly.

Like, this whole story is just brushing over what the wife and the kahuna are doing. There's a lot of room for interpretation over how events got this dire.

Banished a fisherman from an island-ish grotto and burned his boat. Because... at that point, do you want him around or not? Either you send him off to marry the damn mermaid or you keep him in the village to rehabilitate him.

And the kahuna who burned his boat. I'm sure that bothered him too.

Honestly, the fact there's a second part to this story is rather telling. I thought that diorama ended rather conclusively.

...You know, there wasn't anything that a ratings board might raise an eye at, but are you sure that story was for children?

She certainly didn't seem to bat an eye.

Ooh, Kai's mother! Although... she does seem pretty anti-mermaid, I wonder if this is going to get in the way of Kai's engagement.

Well, we're definitely going to go have to fight that battle now, haven't we?

...I'm sure we'll be just fine, lady.

Erik: Is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling this giant squid isn't going down without a fight? Fingers crossed it doesn't take the Stallion down with it...
Veronica: What are these people thinking, spreading such a horrible rumour about mermaids? If they'd ever actually met one, they'd know that story couldn't possibly be true. It's a wonder Kai wants to marry Michelle at all if that's the sort of tale he's grown up hearing. It's enough to put you off mermaids for life!
Come on, let's head out to sea and find the fishing fleet. I'd like to hear Kai's side of the story.
Serena: Don't you think that story was a little too realistic for a fairy tale? Those poor children were scared out of their wits.
I wonder why she would tell them such a frightening story... Do the people of this village have something against mermaids?
Sylvando: You've seen her too, right, honey? The little old lady on the cliff overlooking the village, the one who keeps firing that gigantic cannon?
I thought your grandpappy was a one-off, but it seems Rab's in good company- elderly people are so full of life nowadays! When I grow up, I want to be just like them!
Jade: Well, that explains it. The reason Kai couldn't go to meet Michelle was because he had to fight the giant squid and save his village.
No wonder she's got such a soft spot for him- he's quite the hero.
Rab: Reckless, that's what it is! They're fishermen, not fighters- they don't stand a chance against a maddened tentacular.
Come on, laddie, let's head over and give them a hand, shall we? We'd be wise to kit ourselves out for a fight before we set sail, mind.

...That's not the moral of the story at all. The mermaid didn't take away the things the fisherman loved. At most, she made other people take them away on her behalf.

There's also a Tockle up here.

Chateau Felix is a place where lovers of sabrecats can gather. If you completed a quest there in DQ8, you could acquire the ability to summon a sabrecat and ride around on its back as a means of faster travel. As a Pastword, though, it's not that great- we won't be able to so much as accept the quest until much later.

This is the crazy cannon lady. During the day, she lives up on this cliff, and you have to walk around from the north-east part of the map to get up here.

Sylvando bringing her up in Party Chat is a clue that perhaps you should talk to her.

She recognises that her cannons might make a valuable tool to fight the tentacular, and (relatively) freely offers one to this random stranger. Don't worry, it'll be just fine.

...No, seriously, you don't break it or anything.

You are neither required to do this or given any strong suggestion to do this other than the references to crazy cannon lady's behaviour in NPC chat or Sylvando's Party Chat line.

As previously mentioned, the crazy cannon lady doesn't fire actual ammo, but she reckons it'll still be of use. This cannon is also not a key item.

In hindsight, it's probably a good thing I didn't remember to do this until later- imagine the jarring jump if I changed armour as well as sword. This armour is indeed Drasilian in design, and it's rather fitting Erdward gets to wear some.

Ah, hello, we also got this. Quardrabash is basically the thing that outclasses Double-Edged Bash- in most circumstances, you're going to want to use this instead of Double-Edged. It always hits a 2x2 pattern, and this is especially good on the many, many 2x2 forgable grids.

Well, that's convenient.

I'm also going to want this souped up a little bit more.

So anyway, let's sail off to go help our fisherman friends.

...Probably could've waited.

There's some shots of them screaming, but no text box to clue you in as to what is being said. Somehow I doubt it's "I love you".

Now you tell me.

Well then... at least we found the tentacular!

The cutscene ends with the tentacular on our boat, and then starts up here. This is because the kanono cannon event is optional, but it can take you by surprise. This cutscene is also of lower quality... I think. I don't really think there's a difference in cutscene quality in this game- Xenoblade, for example, has full-motion cutscenes and canned animation cutscenes that are visibly different in quality.

At any rate, back to the action, we have a cannon pointed at a squid's face.

I think it's saying "hello, enormous friend!"

The boss fight has begun, and we get a free Confusion on all three targets out of the bargain! Score!

Massive, muscular molluscs that look a lot like squid. Sailors are scared senseless of them, as they're strong enough to sling boats about with ease.

Nature family
1345 HP
20 MP

The tentacular can attack twice, and its chief attacks are Sweet Breath, Chilly Breath, Multifists, and the ability to rock the boat (an AoE attack that can knock you down). I don't seem to have any information whatsoever on what its tentacles are capable of, but from experience, they have the ability to shield the main body from attacks by taking the hit themselves. Tentaculars are actually regular enemies in DQs 3, 8, and 10, and like the King Squid, are just... normal enemies you can run into.

In its confusion, it's capable of slapping itself, and rarely capable of slapping you. It's a good idea to use this opportunity to launch buffing attacks before committing to an offensive.

Unfortunately, Erdward/Jade/Veronica requires Jade to know a specific ability she currently does not know, so I won't be using that.

...I honestly expected this to be Acceleratle. I was mostly going to use it because it was a buff Jade could use (without magic spells, Jade's ability to not attack the enemy is at a premium), but if it's going to be that useless...

This is a buff.

The tenatcular called for help! In 2D Mode, I'm told the tentacles aren't a thing, so it has Squid Kid allies instead. I'm sure this wouldn't help it either.

Might as well!

Jade focuses on the tentacles. Leaving the main body confused for as long as possible is helpful, and I think I just missed out on Jade having an offensive ability to use as her main damage source.

So much for Bang.

Unbridled Blade, though, that's a powerhouse.

Sylvando's been applying Oomphs as necessary.

Go Frizzle! Fairly sure that's a crit Frizzle.

The tentacle goes right back to where it normally sits, but if you launch any attacks, the damage will be redirected to the tentacle correctly.

Even without being Confused, he still misses Sylvando.


That's why I have Hustle Dance, though.

So long, Mr Tentacle.

...Considering no one seems to be acting, I think that tentacle actually got killed by an Erdward parry.

140 damage isn't bad for someone not using an offensive ability.

Erdward carried the day in the end, though. Don't worry, Jade will get Multithrust soon.

Despite putting in the most work, Erdward's the only one without anything to show for it. At any rate, his Skill Tree is going to get weird soon anyway.

Some people put it to some use.

And look, Jade was that close to getting her main skill. Maybe I should've recerted her off that HP bonus in Fisticuffs.

Incidentally, this boss apparently has a lightning weakness, and the Lightning Lance from the Casino is chiefly good here. There's nothing better to fight until we can forge our own.

It was nice knowing you.

Now get the hell off my boat.

We have done a great deed for Lonalulu! And the update is only around half done!

Time for a celebration!

Always after the boss fights. No Party Chat- everyone's somewhere in the party.

Even Dave!

Just two sailors drunkenly praising the other. Better than the alternative.

Erik decides to kick back and relax rather than worry about Kai. To be fair, Kai is probably of the same mind.

It just wouldn't be a party unless there was an attractive young woman crushing on Erik and Erik making no comment on the matter.

...We have a bard here too?

"Aloha 'Oe" is a cultural touchstone of Hawaii. If it's anything similar in Lonalulu, this is high praise.

The song is a farewell song... but much longer. And also not in English.

...Keep at it.

The newlyweds are back together over here.

...I don't know if I want to Confess the progress of my adventure to a nun who sounds like she's going to forget the whole night.

...The squid disappeared to us, but in the narrative, did we get to keep and cook it? Do the tentacles still shield the body from being cooked?

Well, that's a shame.

...No thanks, I have a good deal lined up at-

...Oh right, I don't. I'm sad now.

Well, glad you're happy, Rickston.

...Was this dancer somewhere in Lonalulu before this?

Either way, it seems she's mostly concerned about how antisocial Kai is.

A lot of people seem to bring up the antisocialness.

Wander too far from the pub, and Jade jumps in to join us in looking for Kai proper.

And so is Veronica. Because she just can't find a barkeep who'll serve alcohol to a minor.

Honestly, I could do a lot worse than these two.

Veronica: Kai's a strange one. I thought he'd be enjoying the party with all the other fishermen, but he's nowhere to be seen. I doubt he'll have gone out fishing again so soon after beating the tentacular. He must be somewhere in the village...
Jade: Why isn't Kai celebrating the defeat of the demon squid with everyone else?
I don't mean to speak badly of him, but it would seem he's not the most fun-loving fellow...

Oh wow, the kids have opinions on the party members!

The kids seem to like Serena loads.

...And so are the adults.

...Oh dear, poor Serena. Veronica, maybe you should lend her a hand here.

...I don't think that's the problem.

Kai is not making it through the line.

At any rate, our quest takes us over to meet this particular fisherman, who's been working on his boat rather than having fun with his friends.

He's our man.

So then... let's start talking.

Kainui denies being the man Michelle is looking for.

...Veronica, I think there's a better explanation.

Look, wait for the explanation before we start throwing out insults we can't take back.

Kai would rather not be associated with mermaids, no matter the truthfulness of the accusations.

...OK, things just got... significantly more complicated.

Let's revisit that story and see if we can't see things from the fisherman's perspective.

Veronica, have you considered listening?

This could end poorly.

Leilani remarried. Whatever her feelings on the matter were, they clearly were able to fade over ten years- which, admittedly, says little other than "Kainoa was not her soulmate forever". Considering it was an arranged marriage, that wasn't likely. I wonder if this one was, too.

A lot of storms seem to be involved in this story.

...How old is the kahuna, and why is he on this boat? I'm not thinking particularly highly of this man. At least he's done contributing to the story.

What happened to Leilani, on the other hand... well, if she doesn't even know her father and husband are dead, there's not a lot of room for speculation on the matter.

There's a cool effect of torches being lit in a row here.


Superstitious villagers, why I oughta-

Jade, bonk her, please.

Which is, you know, an incredibly likely story, and infinitely moreso than the "mermaid baby" story.

One gets the impression, moreso from Kai's voice acting, that this is not the first time he has had to dismiss this theory, and nor will it be the last.

One thing to take from "I'll leave the door unlocked" is that Lonalulu really doesn't like going that way. Because if there's one thing you want to do with something you don't understand, it's get the hell away from it.

Veronica: So it wasn't Kainui who promised to marry Michelle, it was his grandfather... How many years must she have been waiting there on the Strand, all alone? Waiting for a man who would never come...
That story was true. All those terrible things really happened to Kai's grandfather. I can hardly believe it. In fact, I don't believe it at all! The Michelle we met would never steal anyone's soul! Still, I don't suppose there's anything we can do about that now. Let's go and see what Kai has to show us. He said we should meet him on Saikiki Beach, on the other side of the church.

Serena watched him go by, and points you in the direction he went.

...It's a long story, and we only heard half of it.

Rab's up here, incidentally.

Talking with this old lady. Hopefully about something helpful.

You can find some Magic Water in a pot back here. Saikiki Beach is a bit of a weird area to visit, and I recommend making sure you nab all the stuff. Also, Erik will detect this with Nose For Treasure before Kai unlocks the door, which is annoying.

Mini Medal in a chest around the cabin, too. Speaking of, Party Chat on Saikiki:

Veronica: Michelle must still be sitting there on the Strand, waiting for the day that Kainoa will finally come back to her. But he never will... I wonder what she would do if she knew the truth?
Jade: So this is Saikiki Beach, the place that Kai's grandfather was exiled to. I wonder what it is that he wants to show us?

Kai has something that should help the story clear up.

This key item is actually one of the most powerful in DQXI's speedrun. It's a long, spoilery story, but the short version is: you can always give this item to Michelle on the Strand and she'll always give you your reward no matter what point in the story you're in. We will be playing the game normally, and so we will turn this in immediately like there is no other time to do so.

I mentioned Kai's voice acting earlier, and there's an important element to it- Kai speaks entirely in a dull, depressed monotone (except for when dismissing the "he's part mermaid" myth). For some, it can feel a little wooden. For others, the woodenness is the point.

...Look, I'll admit it's probably a good option, but it's still not particularly pleasant to perpetuate a false myth.

Kainui is sick of having to deal with the legend of the mermaid, and hopes that, if Michelle is satisfied, there will be no further reason to explore the story and life can go on as normal.

Veronica: What a lonely place Saikiki Beach is... I can't begin to imagine how Kainoa must have felt, living alone in that cabin for all those years.
Jade: What are you going to say if Michelle asks about her fiancé when you hand over that veil, Erdward?
If you tell her the truth- that it's been years since Kainoa passed away- it's sure to come as a shock...

Well then... Next time, we will return the lover's veil, receive a pathway to the underwater kingdom of Nautica, and acquire the Orb therein. Also do some sidequests associated with Lonalulu and Nautica. What do you mean, "why am I revealing this immediately?"

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