Friday 13 May 2022

DQXI Sniflheim: Bewitching Beauty

With Sniflheim back to normal, one quick mention of how things went for Mt. Snowhere of DQ6: when that town was unfrozen, everyone was unaware of a freeze happening in the first place. They had been frozen for fifty years, which made that significant, while these guys were frozen for a few months- they're going to be irritated, but it's not the worst thing in the world.

This was about the reaction of the guy who occupied Mt. Snowhere during the freezing. Well, beyond his guilt for being the person who caused it.

This kid saw Krystalinda, and his mother completely dismisses it. That's how unaware anyone who didn't see the witch is.

The people who did see her are no less confused. From their perspective, a feared enemy showed up, and then... nothing happened.

The guy who was sleeping on the job has gotten a thorough tongue-lashing on the situation.

And the lesson is roundly ignored because the guard doesn't believe him. Just this once, that annoying trope of authority figures not believing fantastic reports got flipped on its head and I am all for this subversion.

...Someone ought to tell them.

...Oh great, we're hearing voices.

It can only be alarming.

...No one else is worried? Hm, I guess there's not much we can do. Time to get the shiny.

At last, we're in Sniflheim Castle. Let's get this Orb.

Veronica: Yesss! Queen Frysabel's going to give us the Blue Orb as a reward for defeating Krystalinda! She said she'd be waiting for us in the throne room. Come on, Erdward- let's go and get it before she changes her mind!
Serena: Sniflheim is back to its sunny old self again, but there's one thing that still bothers me... Why did Krystalinda freeze the city in the first place? Was she simply behaving badly for the fun of it, or did she have some other purpose in mind? I suppose we'll never know...
Sylvando: They weren't lying when they said Sniflheim Castle was the prettiest palace in all Erdrea. It's just so... chic! Just look at these stained-glass windows! I don't know how the Sniflheimers stayed frozen so long- I'm melting at the sight of them!
Jade: The Sniflheimers don't seem to realise they've been frozen solid all this time... Still, they don't seem to be feeling any ill effects. What they don't know can't hurt them, I suppose.
Rab: It's been a fair wee while since last I set foot in this castle. Aye, I reckon it was back when me and auld King Gustaf still had full heads of hair! Happy days...

By the way, it cameod at the end of the last update, but Erik's decided to sit out of the victory lap of Sniflheim. I'm sure he has his reasons.

This "voice in our heads" just keeps getting better and better.

...Do I need to worry about you two as siblings?

Let's, uh...


Well, the game won't let me do anything else, it must be fine.

Actually pretty cute.

Sorry, but I'm taken. Er... twice.

All right, let's have a chat with Frysabel now, and...

...Something's telling me I don't have anything to worry about when it comes to that last joke.

...Well, this is only going to get more complicated.

Turns out Krystalinda has one last trick up her sleeve.

...That's a trick we have to take seriously.

One fairly strong counterargument here is that, well... she doesn't need to trick us any more now the book is open. What's stopping her just... getting out here?

And that random joke in the middle of the dramatic scene had plot-relevance- the voice in the book has a foot to stand on!

Snorri has an idea to help solve this dilemma. If Veronica didn't spot the thread, I'm sure Snorri could've pulled it off back when we knew the Frysabel was a fake.

Now then, as a question, this is an interesting way to not make it an embarassing personal question, but the fact Snorri is so confident this will reveal the fake should give the fake some evidence that there's a trick to the answer.

And the fake falls right for it. I think the most interesting bit, other than the trap involved in the leading question, is that Snorri did not indicate which Frysabel he wanted to speak first.

Snorri says this line in a tone of voice that is very obviously "you're dead wrong, I'm just pretending otherwise to feign politeness."

The true treasure of Sniflheim is the indefatigability of the human spirit. The ability of humans to adapt to even the most hostile of conditions and turn their misery into levity.

Not only is book!Frysabel's answer correct, but it is obviously correct to even the guards standing by.

Every time a fake comes out in one of these deals, they immediately turn into jerks. Not like many such disguised people managed to act polite long enough to evade detection.

Veronica rips off the shawl and the burn mark is still there. That one fireball did a lot of damage to Krystalinda's powers.

Krystalinda decides not to challenge us to a boss fight.

And frees the real Frysabel from the book. You can sort of see her behind Krystalinda's frills, hugging Snorri.

Whatever damage pausing in the middle of the spell did for Snorri, it seems to have actually cost Krystalinda something to overcome. Breaking out wasn't a free action.

And Krystalinda surrenders.

Snorri, rather than Frysabel, declares that Krystalinda be punished- and even then, not with execution, surprisingly. Perhaps death row, one doesn't get the clearest picture from this line, but as Frysabel's tutor, presumably Snorri does have this power.

Frysabel is of another mind about how to deal with Krystalinda, though.

There's actually a brief moment where you're kicked out of the cutscene. I think this is just so you can get reactions.

Veronica: Why would Queen Frysabel protect the witch after all the horrible things she did to her and her kingdom? Could she be under Krystalinda's spell? It doesn't look like it... Well, there's only one thing for it- we'll have to hear the truth from the horse's mouth!
Serena: Queen Frysabel seems to be serious about protecting Krystalinda. She must have a very good reason- I wonder what it could be...?
Sylvando: Her Majesty looks so fierce! She's got the eye of the tiger! Let's find out what's got her so het up, shall we, honey?
Jade: Krystalinda's a master manipulator. She tricked us- perhaps she's tricked Her Majesty, too.
Be careful, Erdward. This could all be part of the witch's plan. Don't let your guard down for an instant!
Rab: First we find out that Her Majesty was the wicked witch in disguise yet again, and now it looks like the real queen's in cahoots with her!
Can somebody please explain to me what in blue blazes is going on around here!?

We can also see what the deal is with everyone on the Sniflheim side. Frysabel's guards are right away focusing on saving Frysabel from danger.

No one has told this guy what's going on.

Sounds like a good idea.

Pay attention, she pretended to be Frysabel and we brought the book with us.

Even Krystalinda is confused what the hell Frysabel is doing. I also like how Frysabel turns her head to look at us in the middle of her dramatic moment.

Her nature to lie? Her nature to be malicious, yes, but while she has done plenty of lying, I think that's not "she's going to lie for the sake of lying" but actually clever tricks.

Krystalinda actually lent Frysabel a helpful ear. Honestly, I'm more impressed Krystalinda actually knew something to teach Frysabel.

On the other hand, Frysabel seems like her main problem was more in her confidence than her knowledge. We're not so clear on her age, but she definitely feels like she wasn't ready to be Queen after Gustaf died. That is definitely something Krystalinda could help with.


I mean... we forgave Vince.

Why not Krystalinda?

For what it's worth, Krystalinda clearly seems fond of Frysabel. She could afford to show it more to make it clear her redemption means something, but I guess that's just her being tsundere rather than unrepentant.

All right, so what was the endgame with freezing Sniflheim?

It was a favour for a friend. Or, well, a guy who showed up and helped Krystalinda once.

Ah, Sniflheim was frozen for three months. What's the significance of that date? Not sure, but we know how long the people have been frozen for, at least. Krystalinda was just happy to have a new friend.


So, uh, yeah, I don't think the player is invited to be the slightest bit surprised by the reveal of who this man is. We haven't seen him for a good long length of time, but considering he's even voiced, I'm not going to dignify the game with the idea that this is not Jasper.

Well, that day must've felt like Christmas to her. Talk about a winter wonderland.

Was Hendrik sent this way to restore Sniflheim? I wonder how Carnelian got the news. We clearly had to walk up and learn that for ourselves, same as a few travelers. Clearly, however he got here, Hendrik is the sort of man who would've done something regardless of his original mission.

...Well then. Clearly there's something going on in the Heliodorian ranks. Do we warn Hendrik about this next time we bump into him? He's gone way too templar to listen to us, but maybe...

Good call. Hendrik was probably more useful to you giving you a hand first. If you had known we would show up and finish off the beast too, perhaps you might've acted differently, but why wouldn't Hendrik serve just as well?

...Perhaps he knew Jormun was friendly? He's a bit dim, but he does know things.

The party is left in the dark on what's going on here because of the lack of convenient visuals and not knowing about the nature of the pendants- but even then, the odds of Hendrik's matching necklace belonging to Jasper are pretty damn high.

Don't strain yourself too hard, grandpa. Maybe let Jade ponder this for a little bit.

And with that, we now have the Blue Orb of Sniflheim. Surprised they didn't get Silver, but the colour co-ordination is all over the place. As for what colour co-ordination I'd do...

  • Red is fine as Heliodor
  • Yellow goes to Gallopolis
  • Green goes to Dundrasil
  • Silver goes to Sniflheim
  • Purple stays in Zwaardsrust
  • Blue goes to Puerto Valor

In DQIII, the Blue Orb was found in the depths of Gaia's Navel, a dungeon that the locals require be visited with only a single character. Depending on which one you picked, you'd have an interesting time in there.

The Orb is just one jewel- the people of Sniflheim are irreplacable. Besides, Frysabel never liked that one anyway.

Best of luck! Glad I don't have to worry about actually becoming a King after all this mess is over.

Between this line and Frysabel's guards being women in skimpy armour, I think we've firmly passed the "subtext" stage of the "Frysabel and Krystalinda are gay" reading. Well, gay for each other, we know Krystalinda is perfectly happy to pursue a male lover, between Jasper and the contents of that book in the Royal Library.

Veronica: Well, it took some doing, but we finally got our hands on the Blue Orb! Not only is Sniflheim saved, but we're another step closer to Yggdrasil! Let's say our farewells to Queen Frysabel and everyone and be on our way, shall we?
Serena: I wonder who the young fellow who freed Krystalinda from the grimoire was...?
And why would he want her to kill Sir Hendrik, of all people? It's all ever so confusing...
Sylvando: Queen Frysabel and Krystalinda have become such good friends. (sigh) I wish I had a bosom buddy like that...
Tee hee! Just kidding! It's you and me, honey- best friends forever!
Jade: Sniflheim has nothing to fear from Krystalinda now. She and Queen Frysabel seem to have become the best of friends.
Rab: Krystalinda's tale about the young man freeing her from the book doesnae bode well, but at least we got our hands on the Blue Orb.
Now, it's high time we were moving on. Lead the way, laddie!

Sylvando, I think you might've missed a bit of the subtext here. When you say "Frysabel and Krystalinda are bosom buddies", that's literal.

Once you get all the Orbs, you get this sudden shot telling you that you're done fetch-questing and should now focus on getting to Yggdrasil at last. If you haven't found the path to this place yet, it also tells you it's that path going east out of the Snaerfelt.

With everything said and done, it seems like Snorri is happy to treat Krystalinda like any other suitor- with extreme suspicion, but no actual effort to hinder them.

This guard is a little less trusting, but even less inclined to act on it.

The legends tell, but, well, can the legends really be trusted? We're believing some old guy who lived centuries ago over a woman who is standing in front of us today?

...Who am I kidding, of course we are.

What is your job?

Krystalinda is now an ordinary NPC standing next to Frysabel here. Well, she'll do things later, but for right now, she's just a slightly more interesting-looking NPC.

And also steering dangerously close to textual references to sexual conduct. Well, considering how she talked about Jasper, not surprising.

Frysabel, as an NPC, is a bit like the Sultan of Gallopolis in that she's not really that invested in being anything other than someone we helped out of a jam.

IE: She's not going to do anything to help. We got a Blue Orb, that's more than enough, I suppose.

...I'm just picturing her with a moving truck full of gaudily decorated suitcases.

Huh, this guy thinks this speaks highly of Frysabel rather than suspicious. This is sort of what I'm thinking, too- not sure how much of it was Frysabel and how much of it was Krystalinda, but Frysabel certainly helped her along.

I mean, she's standing next to it, and also stroking the bottom that does rest on it. Honestly, if we gave the grimoire to the fake Frysabel, would we really be any differently off? I'm sure that situation would be a powder keg ready to ignite, but would Krystalinda do anything evil with Frysabel's face?

...You know, I do kinda wonder how much "Krystalinda has been redeemed" has affected the perception of the Darkspawn in Sniflheim. Do the Sniflheimers now thing the Darkspawn is something to be approached with hope or is now super-evil because of the vigourous armies still after him?

Sniflheim has managed to stay neutral on account of having been frozen. I wonder if Krystalinda just freezes Carnelian if he tries to force Frysabel to lend a hand.

The stress of the workplace drives her to prioritise only one of her job and the state of her room, and, well, one of them is irreplacable...

Erdrea’s far north is a forbidding land of boundless snowfields and freezing, icy winds. To call this an uninviting place would be quite the understatement.
But thanks to one explorer serendipitously losing his way deep within the cold, dark forests there, the incredible Royal Library was discovered.
Scholars and sorcerers from far and wide came to gaze upon the contents of its shelves, crammed from floor to ceiling as they were with the better part of mankind’s collective knowledge.
The area soon became a hub of research and learning, and the nation of Sniflheim grew up around this community of scholars.

...The Royal Library came before the city of Sniflheim? What kind of library was it before that? I feel vaguely concerned.

What woman doesn't have a knife in her dresser? The Nobleman's Knife is unique to this one dresser, and it can beguile Humanoids 8% of the time. It also gives you a little MP if you have it equipped. Far from the best knife around.

And there's also a Tockle admiring his reflection in her mirror. You couldn't get this guy early, he's hidden behind the frozen ice and Magic Key Door.

The Room of Revival is a place I don't know that much about, since it's from DQX, and I had a little trouble finding information on it. To my understanding, the player character of DQX is killed early in the game's story, finds themselves in the Room of Revival, and gets the choice to reincarnate into one of the five races that governs the main bit of customisation. I doubt you get the choice to change which one, and I'm not entirely clear on the differences (other than "there's a strong one and a magic one, at least"), but that's just as much me not knowing how DQ translates to MMO mechanics.

...You may want to start talking to her again, before you lose that claim to Krystalinda.

Mini medal down in the basement back here.

Also one of these nice jewels. These things are like Eyes in that you want as many as you can get your hands on for all sorts of alchemy at all stages of the game.

I almost feel bad for this guy. Almost.

...You, on the other hand, may want to consider checking your facts before scoffing at that tidbit.

We laugh, but why did you forget? It's not like everyone else forgot Krystalinda after the freezing.

I get the idea, I'm leaving now.

A swimsuit magazine in Sniflheim?

...Oh, that kind of swimsuit magazine.

...Why is there always one of these in the corner?

We don't know if Erdwin is Erdwin's Lantern, but if Erdwin had the choice, he apparently would do something to keep Erdrea safe. I wouldn't say turning into the Lantern is that, though- he can see us, but he clearly can't do much to help us. Nah, if Erdwin was the kind of soul to look out for the common man, being the Lantern would be a punishment for him.

That's just... brrr. Good thing it's the only one, or else I might actually start resenting Krystalinda a little more.

This chest had a ruby. There's five of these gems, in red, blue, green, yellow and purple, same as the eyes.

The bunny girls seem just as vigourous here as they are elsewhere in the world. To be fair, the bunny costume is actually pretty covering- I wouldn't call it modest, but I also don't feel too averse to the idea of wearing it. I'd say "in cold weather", but knowing me, I'd be averse to wearing anything to a cold environment- I'd rather stay here in Australia.

This guy's been selling fresh veg, but after three months, it seems he's suddenly become a false advertiser. He has no idea how it happened, but he should probably figure out something to do about it.

This is the dancer we bumped into who was unfrozen outside Sniflheim, way back during the first visit. If we take that timeline as an impression of how long she was out there, I think she's got a lot more than just a single night in the tavern to worry about.

...Yeah, I think that's a you problem. You might want to get on that before you go broke.

That may be true, but bemoaning it won't make it better.

Mini medal back behind this shack.

Puff Puff up in this building. I feel bad about not giving more precise directions- I think I remember struggling to track her down.

To get this Puff Puff, you need to wait until later. You can use the Campsite, but I'm not entirely sure how forgiving she is about taking too long or not being at quite the right time.

...You know, it's kinda hard to be scared of these guys when they don't even recognise the guy they're looking for.

This gives us some of the offensive Platinum recipes- Sword, Greatsword, Lance, and... Claws? Well, can't complain. If you got the Platinum Lance early, this recipe book is actually kinda underwhelming.

Though the individual snowflake is a tiny, beautiful crystal lighter than sparrow’s down, the snowdrift is a vast and crushing mass of ice.
The average house is not designed to support this kind of weight. Many are surprised to learn how easily a few days’ heavy snowfall can crush one flat.
But the buildings of Sniflheim are not so easily laid low. Their unique, slanted roofs displace the snow as it accumulates, causing it to slide safely to the ground below.
This distinctive design, thought by many visitors to be a mere quirk of architecture, is in fact a life-saving technique passed down through countless generations.

I... don't think I ever knew that. Aren't slanted rooves common to most houses? What makes the slant in Sniflheim special? I think these ones are steeper...

...Yeah, sounds like you perhaps ought to get that done sooner, rather than later.

The people are unaware of their freezing, although this nun had a feeling.

Well let's see then.

Now here are some cool purchases. The Icicle Dirk can cast Crackle when used as an item, while the Magic Vestments give a massive 18% damage reduction. I wouldn't recommend purchasing the Vestment, though- the recipe's actually coming pretty soon. You could track down this purchase in this area to buy back before the tentacular, though- right now, the Prince and Princess Robes are actually (mostly) outclassing it but for a few points in elemental resistance.

This girl up here has a grandma who went to L'Academie. The fact she also has a name means it's in your interest to remember she's here.

We can also steal some money from this shop. Because we're trying to avoid coming off as the bad guy, see?

Curse protection in the item shop. I... I get where that's coming from.

This is the diary of Sudo Nim, treasure hunter extraordinaire. In my search for the Rainbough, I had almost made my way to the city of Sniflheim, where I had heard I’d find the greatest minds in Erdrea.
But my plans changed, as plans have a way of doing. On my way, I came across a young man collapsed by the roadside, and nearly buried in heavy snow. I couldn’t just leave the poor lad be- I had to help him!
The poor boy was frightful sick, and delirious with fever. I could scarce make head nor tail of his twaddling, but there was one thing he kept repeating: “Have to get home, have to get home”…
Hearing these words over and over reminded me of how long it was since I’d been back home myself. I’d be lying if I said a pang of homesickness didn’t play a part in making me want to help him.
And so it was that I put my plans on hold. The Rainbough could wait. I made up my mind then and there to get the lad back to his village far away.
At the first inn we stayed at, we met a doctor from the desert who, as luck would have it, was heading the same way. No road is long with good company, as they say, so we decided to journey onward together.

Sudo Nim starts to reconsider his whole "journey" thing. I'm not sure we find out where this kid lives- is he going to Sniflheim, or away from it?

Incidentally, Volume V of this series is actually found in the next town- so, you know, you could've read it before even Volume III.

...When they say "women like bad boys", this is what they mean. They like the ideal of this particular sort of man, and the ugliest cases of this attraction backfiring are when the bad boys can weaponise it. Of course, when it comes to Erik, most women will be lucky to start a conversation.

So then, why hasn't he been helping us in Sniflheim?

Well, I guess that's truly something we'll have to worry about later.

...You know, you're right, I haven't thanked you yet. Thanks for your keen eye, Ronnie!

Jade probably just doesn't want to make him feel bad.


Serena. Mordegon, getting decorated by Carnelian and then whispering all the right words in his ear? Doesn't strike me as his style.

Anyway, it's time for us to move on.

...Less fortunately, it's time for a "comedy", quotation marks, skit.

Rab's... not entirely on the up-and-up when it comes to his relationship with women. Not that this was much of a surprise, considering his chuckles whenever he talked about his retirement, but he is obsessed with these magazines.

And we've got the requisite punchlines to go through.

With that said, though, this bit might actually be genuinely funny. It gets elaborated on in Serena's Party Chat, but I'm just charmed by the way Serena interacts with Rab's dirty laundry.

Jade and Sylvando, of course, are the most vocally critical of the problem. As one might expect.

I don't actually feel like Veronica is judging him too harshly for his interests here- just pointing out how badly he timed the shocking reveal.

It's always the articles. I'm not sure what kind of articles are in the real world equivalents, but apparently the Ogler's Digest is a remarkably old journal- I would actually be interested in finding out what they have to talk about.

Actually reading them, though, I feel like that might be something best left to someone who cares a little more than I do.

Now we get that achievement? I guess now we're done doing story.

Erik: What's that? How come I was hanging out by the gate when you guys were picking up the Orb? Uh... no reason. Just drop it, okay? We've still got plenty to do, you know- so less talk, more action! Let's move out!
Veronica: Yesss! We've finally got our hands on all six Orbs! Let's head over to the First Forest and climb up to Yggdrasil! We just need to cross the Snærfelt and head up into the mountains, and we'll be there in no time! Well? What are you waiting for?
Serena: Rab must be quite the scholar- after all, he wasn't content with just reading the books at the Royal Library, he took one away with him!
It wasn't a spellbook, though... I wonder what it is he's studying? Anatomy, perhaps? I'll ask if I can take a little look once he's finished with it.
Sylvando: I can't get over your grandaddy's choice of reading material! Ooh, it's naughty! It's nasty! It's positively nefarious!
Thank goodness you don't share his interests. If the fate of the world's in your hands, honey, I'd rather those hands were clean!
Jade: Honestly, Rab hasn't changed a bit. I asked him to try his best to be a good role model for you, but chance would be a fine thing.
They say that violence never solves anything, but perhaps just this once...
Rab: Listen, laddie- ye've got this whole mucky magazine business the wrong way round. Those things go for silly money! I wasnae going to read it- I was going to sell it and help fund the restoration of Dundrasil!
Imagine that, eh? Risking personal humiliation, and all to help rebuild the kingdom we love! If ye ask me, you lot owe me an apology!

The thing I love about Serena's approach to Rab's interests is the fact she's so genuinely and honestly clueless about their nature. I'm genuinely not sure if we should tell her.

Interesting Party Chat expressions for Rab and Jade. I feel like that's not the only time Jade does that, but Rab's might actually be unique.

They were frozen, cut them some slack! ...Unless you're selling perishables.

Well... at least you've already got the equipment out.

Oh, neat, the Puff-Puff's already here!

I think this is also a chance for +5 Charm and you can only get one. Either that, or it's always consistent. I think I prefer the latter, actually- of course Erdward's going to sneeze out in Sniflheim.

...You know, yeah, she's not going to get any better without practice! (...So how do real make-up artists practice their craft?)

...Oh dear. You might want to see if the Sniflheimers will recruit you into their military.

So anyway, only after leaving Sniflheim and getting the Rab cutscene do the two Sniflheim Quests open up.

And we start with this Quest, that sees the Vikings as trading partners to Sniflheim. Again, the Vikings that go raiding Sniflheim are in the same port.

Yeah, that's going to suck for keeping the honest. It's hard enough for them to present a good look, the least they can do is honour the promises they make.

As good a reason as any why we're doing it and not this guy.

Hah hah, we get a Pirate's Hat for checking on the raiders.

...You ever wonder why Frysabel got so desperate for confidence that she sought it in the witch terrorising her nation? I think this guy might know a thing or two about that.

This guy we met earlier is our other Quest-giver.

He has been proactive about finding a wife- he's put his money on Krystalinda. Other than the obvious "good luck separating her from Frysabel" (Krystalinda totally would jump for more partners), are you sure your bed's going to be much warmer with an ice witch in it?

You know, like most women ask from their husbands. Eliwood did it, I'm not sure why the rest of you losers can't manage that much.

That is certainly An Idea.

Well, I guess this is the lovelier reward.

Well, all right, let's get you your flower.

That was easy. Now for the delivery the Vikings were supposed to do.

Turns out, the answer is "the Vikings don't know what happened either."

Probably should have spared one to send a message. It's not like Sniflheim is that long of a ways away.

Well, that's a fair reaction. I don't know if the encounter rates are better in the Sniflheim bit of water, but yeah, the stuff in the northern ocean is...

Indeed he is. That's nice and convenient.

...You've been gone for long enough that Sniflheim is worried about you. You may want to consider leaving a note.

"Yes, I'm completely stranded and isolated from my friends and family, but I'm perfectly fine, so there's no need for anyone to be concerned!"

I don't think this is a real kind of urchin, but it's also not a reference to a DQ monster either.

This exchange only gets more hilarious.

If he can get enough, he can more than make up for one tardy supply. On the other hand, what's his plan to get these ones off the island?

Yeah, it looks like this guy's excited about the find too.

...How old was she last time a delivery had to be made?

Not really.

The Pirate's Hat gives Defence, Agility, and 30% paralysis resistance. Not the greatest of prizes.

So then, what about our fan of Krystalinda?

He's well-versed in flower language, I can tell you that much.

Krystalinda rejected him hard, she was just polite enough to not make it obvious.

...I'm not sure she'll understand you've gotten better if you manage that. Won't the flower symbolism still be there?

The prizes are good, though.

Let's take a look at our new recipes.

The Magic Vestments are about what we saw from them earlier.

Magic Armour gives 12% elemental resistance. It may be worth considering making one of these, but not necessarily for Erdward- depends on your Prince's Pea Coat situation.

The Magic Shield gives 5% elemental resistance, and most games usually have it as the first shield that provides anything other than Defence. A few shields might block fire beforehand, but this codifies the need to have resistances as well as defence. You'll want two or three, depending on whether Erdward and Sylvando are using Shields.

...Well then. That's a very interesting story.

Don't ask what happened to those children. It... it didn't end well.

The knights work until setting sun, but a postman's job is never done. Or something like that.

And with that, we're all done in Sniflheim. This is the last Town Story before we head to Yggdrasil, and while it doesn't really feel like a final story, it certainly has a few instances of it. We get to see Veronica's soft side in full force, we get to show Hendrik and Jasper dissenting in the Heliodorian ranks, and we get go a full step beyond redeeming foolish humans and redeem a monster.

Krystalinda joins Faris and Vince at being clear-cut examples of not bearing grudges on those who have wronged you, and her turn is definitely the least expected. Both Faris and Vince had their hearts in the right place the whole time, while Krystalinda was very much a fan of being evil. We can only guess what Krystalinda and Frysabel discussed while they were unattended by either of us, but there were clearly convincing arguments and positions held. Perhaps, once the matter of Hendrik was settled, Krystalinda planned to unfreeze Sniflheim and seize control of it in Frysabel's name? I imagine that, with Jasper running around to check her instead of us, that wouldn't end as well for the Sniflheimers, but Frysabel also objected to being left in the book while Krystalinda used her face- either that, or she merely objected to everyone being ignorant of that fact.

The dissention between Hendrik and Jasper raises more questions than it answers. While it has been clear from Day 1 that Hendrik is a more Lawful opponent than Jasper is, we have never been led to believe that their causes are different before now. Sure, we might've suspected, but Hendrik would more likely object to Jasper's means in cursing Placido than call out his entire goal. The payoff for this moment of showing Hendrik being just as aware of Jasper's treachery as Jasper is prepared to finish his comrade is coming sooner than one might expect, for how long it's been since we last saw Heliodor (back in the ruins of Dundrasil!).

And I have to mention Veronica. This was Veronica's time to shine, and shine she did. Not only does she care for Erdward in a situation where one might otherwise expect Jade to do so, but she also had a keen eye that solved the Sniflheim plot when it was necessary and kept a level head when complications arose. This is one party member I certainly wouldn't want to do without.

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