Friday 20 May 2022

DQXIS First Forest: The Big One

With all six Orbs in hand, we are now allowed to go through these doors. Yes, that is indeed all getting those Orbs did for us.

We have my favourite* type of exposition!

Exposition delivered over a backdrop of tangentially related images done artistically rather than narratively!

*Not actually my favourite type.

Yes, yes, we know about Erdwin. It's next to impossible not to.

...Marked for greatness? With this image... was this from birth?

He went with a party of four.

The other two party members... well, they don't have reincarnations, for certain reasons. They do have successors in the party, however- characters who grew up where they did and learned the same techniques.

One thing that isn't stated here is the relationship Mordegon has to the Dark One Erdwin battled. Is he a reincarnation too, or does he come from someplace different? This question is answered later, by the way.


That's all? "You know that thing you're doing? Keep doing it. So long, good luck."?

Erik: So you're the reincarnation of Erdwin, the Luminary of Legend...and Veronica and Serena are the reincarnations of the holy sage Serenica... I hope Erdwin had a good-looking thief in his posse too. Otherwise I'm going to start feeling like a real spare wheel here...
Veronica: Finally! Father Benedictus has finished giving us his life story, and it's time to head over to Yggdrasil!
We just have to pop through the back doors of the cathedral and we'll be in the First Forest in no time! Come on, let's go and find that altar and offer up those Orbs!
Serena: The First Forest that spreads out beneath Yggdrasil is a very sacred place. It's been many years since anyone was allowed to set foot inside it.
I can't believe we'll be walking on that hallowed ground before long... Dear me, my heart's beating like anything!
Sylvando: Whenever Erdrea's teeter-tottering on the brink of disaster, the World Tree selects a certain somebody to save the day. That's pretty much what Father Benedictus said, right?
How does it feel to be Yggie's special little guy, Erdward? She singled you out for greatness when you were still in your mummy's tummy!
Jade: We're so close... Just one step further, and we'll have the power to defeat the darkness... The power of Yggdrasil...
We're coming for you, Mordegon. You'll pay for what you did that night.
Rab: Erdwin, the Luminary of Legend... Aye, I knew the name, but I'd never seen his picture till now.
Well, they don't call these people the ‘Keepers’ for nothing. They're still holding on to the auld stories, even after a millennium or more has been and gone...

One hilarious thing about that moment is that this is also when the Arborian sidequests open up.

This sidequest gets right to the point.

So what's the catch?

Well, this is a tremendous catch for him, but trivial for us.

...Will more than that inconvenince you?

Meanwhile, this other quest, in a side area of Arboria with a special name and little else (Veronica and Serena played here often as children), promises to be much more depressing.

She wants us to find a Rarefied monster to help her with her sickness.

Of course we get a Charm right after the duplication point.

...Yggdrasil, I hope this works.

Heh. I suppose most people don't fight those anyway.

...On it.

They'd go to hell and back for their buddies the bloodbonnets, but they can't shake the feeling that they often get the cold shoulder in return.

Though they spend a lot of time with their goobonce brethren, it's strictly business, and they're straight out of the door as soon as the day is done. 

Goobonces and bloodbonnets come from DQs 5 and 10 (yes, both of them), and they like to call for help from either of each other. From what I gather, the bloodbonnets (the blue ones with pink caps) can poison you, while the other one has no such tricks. They also have different elemental weaknesses, in a way where that matters- most of your AoE spells are going to work well on one but not the other.

Soaring, slender, snake-like dragons held aloft as if by magic. Legend gas it they came from beyond the eastern edge of the world.

Ethereal serpents are powerful enemies from DQ3 that have one major trick: fire breath. They were a bit of a bigger deal in DQ3, mostly because of one recolour in particular, but here, they're just dragons. You usually only fight one at a time, though- even if this one has a friend.

Mini medal in the dead end.

And a magic circle over here. This is a boomerang with higher power than the Winter's Wing and an MP boost- there's like one instance I can think of where Erik would want that, but it's not the worst choice there.

Anyway, we have a midgame forest dungeon to do!

Erik: Well, here we are. Within touching distance of the World Tree at last. Our whole adventure so far has been leading up to this... There's a heart somewhere inside there that's the source of all life, right? I can't even imagine what something like that might look like. Guess we'll know it when we see it, huh?
Veronica: There really are a lot of strange plants around here, aren't there? It must be all the energy spilling out of Yggdrasil's branches that makes them grow like this.
The forest has been like this since long before we were born. I wonder if the scenery was the same when Erdwin and Serenica were here...?
Serena: With so much greenery around, it's difficult to tell where the path ends and the undergrowth begins. We had better check our map once in a while to make sure we're still on track!
Sylvando: This forest is full of cute little critters, isn't it? Some of them are absolutely adorable!
But don't think they'll be pushovers just because they're easy on the eye. You've been with me long enough to know that the prettiest creatures can be the most ferocious!
Jade: The river that I fell into on that fateful night- the one that took you from my arms... I think Yggdrasil might be its source. Perhaps that was Her plan all along... She carried you to Cobblestone, knowing that you would be safer there than with me...
Rab: Here we are in the First Forest, right beneath Yggdrasil's boughs. This is the closest I've ever been, but soon enough we'll be meeting Her face-to-face! Come on, laddie- that altar's around here somewhere. Let's head on up the hill, and keep our eyes peeled as we go!

Fuzzy green fellows from the First Forest who've found so many World Tree leaves lying around that they've absorbed their life-giving powers.

Pine needlers are new to DQ11, and yes, they do have Yggdrasil Leaves to use on anything nearby. That's their rare drop, though- although you'll want to nab their common drop anyway (it's lambswool). They also have a Multithrust, for what little damage they can muster.

These get funnier and funnier to justify.

This is where the mosstodons are supposed to live. Jowlers, too.

This is important. You can't buy these, and you'll need plenty for those Magic Shields I recommended. Get as many as you can now.

Oh hey, you have Liquid Metals here, too.

Now then... there's a cave tunnel back here that's very important.

Feisty forset-dwelling flirts who like to bat their lashes before striking back while their foes are still flustered.

Fruity succubats are new to DQ11 too, and despite the name, their Puff Puff is only for men, as per usual. They can also try to put you to sleep and beguile you, as well as the Zam spell. What we're really fighting these for, though, is the fact they have Spellbound Boughs in their common drop slot. Nick fast and nick often.

When Veronica hits her party members, she drains MP, too.

The Spellbound Boughs are one thing. This is the greatest treasure one could ask for. It teaches one recipe, and we are going to forge the hell out of it.

Also these are here, too.

All right, time to look at that new recipe.

The zombie slayer is an upgrade over the zombiesbane- in addition to extra Might, this thing has a higher damage bonus against the Undead.

The upcoming stretch of game is so full of Undead that using this sword was the reason I a) bought an Extra Mural from Phnom Nonh and b) reclassed Erdward into a Sword user. If you're playing on No Shopping, you won't be able to get this, but there's a free Zombiesbane coming up so you can fake it.

We'll also need these, too.

That's better. Why are the dinner tray shields good?

Also one of these back in this river.

With their broad wings and six sets of critical-inducing claws, these brutish beasts were built for Luminary-slaying.

 Infanticores come from DQ3, and have a bunch of savage attacks, Fizzle, and Sizzle at their command. These guys have another neat drop to watch out for. Common is the enchanted stone, which is plenty nice, but the rare drop...

Is the skull ring.

30% Dark Resist and Instant Death Resist. 50% at +3. This ring is endgame quality. As a result, it's very difficult to get any bonus ratings on it, but still, 30% is more respectable than any accessory we've gotten so far that can do either. You want as many of these as you can nab, of course, but there'll be more chances later, and we can afford to wait for later. You definitely want one of them now, though.

Demons made when the souls of men who've meet with unjust ends meld with tree trunks. They blaze bright red with rage at their wrongful deaths.

Stump champs are new to DQ11, it turns out- DQ4 didn't go this high. They have Yggdrasil Leaves too, also having them as a rare drop (Spellbound Bough is common). They can also lower your attack, attempt to confuse, and cast Kasnooze to make everything else irritating.

There's the red kale, over in these... fungi? Flowers? Don't really look like either.

There's some of these behind the tree.

Having been raised in running water, these soothing blue relatives of the fright bulb are said to bring peace and tranquillity to all who behold them. 

Sprite bulbs are new to DQ11, and are pretty lovely creatures to have around. Yeah, they have normal attacks, but their only special skill is the ability to spread pallative pollen around, healing everybody in the fight. Including you.

Looks left ...You... can't be serious...

I was expecting that. I think I got the othe one, though.

They suck the happiness from humans and store it up in tiny seeds, which when planted can grow into wish-granting flowers.

...Well, that got dark fast. Wight bulbs are new to DQ11, and they actually have dangerous attacks to back themselves up. They have paralysis and the Ferocious Roar to play with, specifically.

...Yes, it somehow plays ferocious.

Lethal lizards that breathe both fire and ice. How they do so is a mystery, but most foes are floored by their flailing tails before they get that far.

Blue dragons come from DQs 1, 10, and the remakes of 3 and 7. That "can breathe fire and ice" thing works out well for them, but that's also the end of their ability list.

As we get to the very end of the First Forest, where a campsite rests before the Altar we need, we take a pause... because Rab couldn't quite keep up.

Probably a good idea to be rested when we get into Yggdrasil anyway.

So... what the hell are we getting ourselves into?

This song of Serena's comes up pretty frequently in the story, even if I think this is the first time it has appeared in the plot thus far. I think it gets lyrics later, but it's mostly just a song to denote that Serena is playing her harp.

That's what they all say.

Is there any truth to it? Probably not, but it can't hurt to believe.

Well, that depends quite heavily on how Mordegon got Carnelian on his side to begin with.

Oh, and this is definitely the first time this has come up.

Although it's an instrument and it would make sense if the two sisters were both musically adept, Ronnie isn't really gifted in the field. Although, the way she phrases this, I wonder if "the High Priest gave it to me" means "just now, when we were in Arboria".


And now for a moment in the twins' bed.



Serena, don't ask that. Never ask that.

I get the intended meaning, but I don't fully understand what Veronica is trying to say here. What is it about Serena's "slowness" that's going to interfere with their "dying together" thing?


...Moving on. (That cutscene counts as getting this Zoom point, incidentally.)

Erik: There's some kind of heart inside that tree. The source of all life. Man, I can't even imagine what it might look like... But I sure can't wait to find out! Come on, Erdward- let's head on up!
Veronica: Serena and I have a divine duty to usher you safely into Yggdrasil's arms...but once we've done that, you're on your own. ...Tee hee! Only kidding! You won't get rid of us that easily! We're sticking with you whether you like it or not!
Serena: ......Oh! I'm sorry, Erdward. You must think me an awful dimwit, staring into space like that. It's be finally going up to Yggdrasil... It's a lot to take in...
It seems like a lifetime ago that Veronica and I first met you. Everything that happened before that day, and all our adventures since... It's all been leading up to this one special moment...
Sylvando: In the theatre of life, there are no rehearsals. The stage is set in Yggdrasil's boughs- and it's time to make your grand entrance! Just be careful not to fluff your lines, eh?
Jade: I heard Veronica and Serena chatting away in the night when we camped up here. Those two are really very close, aren't they? It's been their sacred duty to protect the Luminary since the day they were born. I can't imagine what it must be like to grow up with such a weighty burden on your shoulders...
Rab: The altar we saw in the vision is somewhere in this forest. We just have to find it and offer up the Orbs, and it's onwards and upwards to Yggdrasil!
Let's get going, laddie. There's something up in those branches that'll let us put auld Mordegon in his place!

We're going straight to the Altar, and it is only much later do I realise that, uh... I didn't turn in the Arboria quests. Not turning in some of the other stuff I have to turn in was intentional, but... I hope that red kale and wishteria are both non-perishable, because it's going to be a while before they get those.

This mini medal could be turned in for a reward if you collected every mini medal there was to collect to this point. I intentionally decided not to do so.

New to Dragon Quest XI S are special Side Stories involving four of our party members, and it's in our interests to now kit them out to prepare for them. Let's have a look at what we're working with:

Sylvando should be equipped with some nice stuff, but of the four characters with side-stories, he's the most self-sufficient. It should go without saying, though, that he should have a really nice Knife and a shield. Swords if you're raising him that way, but Knives can land statuses and those are probably more useful to him. Hustle Dance is still good even if he's the only party member with HP.

Jade should be dressed to kill. Platinum Lance is a no-brainer, and the Belle's Bow will help out her MP issues- she's going to need to endure a few consecutive rounds of combat. You want her to have Vacuum Smash and Multithrust. Hardclaw, if you're using claws, but I think Spears are the way to go, especially with that parry chance.

Erik's a little bit miscellaneous, too, but you will want him to have Boomerangs and whatever single-target option you prefer on him- I suggest Swords, but Knives will do if you're into that sort of thing. And if you have Dual-Wielding, you'll want two of them, too. Dragon Slash is a good idea if you have the room in your build.

Rab has one fight to do, but he has one hard fight to do. In my opinion, Claws are the way to go, but if you prefer Zammle, build him for Heavy Wands- this will give you the upside of having more MP for Moreheal as well as his spells. If you're using Claws, try to see if you can get everything, although your priorities are Hardclaw, Dodge Chance, Crit Chance, and MP-drain, in that order. I wouldn't say no to Hawkeye Claw, either.

Time for us to finally get to that place we've been marching to all this time.

Well, if the Orbs start flying of their own accord, that's a good sign.

And they settle themselves in the six plinths surrounding us. In DQIII, you manually set the Orbs in the plinths, and as a consequence, which Orb went in which plinth wasn't actually set. I don't actually think this formation means anything either- I was holding out for "geography".

A rainbow bridge has appeared. A rainbow bridge harkens back to DQI, where crafting a rainbow bridge to Charlock Castle was the extent of that game's story.

...That bridge was nowhere near as long, though.

I can hardly argue against it.

...She gave us a winding path to traverse, I assume she doesn't mind the wait-

Well, at least we jump cut right to the top. I didn't want to climb that thing anyway.

Veronica: 'Almighty Yggdrasil, source of all life'... I can't tell you how many times I've heard those words, but at long last, I'm going to see Her for myself... Oh, and by the way- every one of these leaves is a person's life, so don't you even think about picking one off!
Serena: My, what a magical place this is! It must have been just the same when Erdwin visited all those years ago.
Just imagine how many leaves must have grown on these branches and fallen to the floor since that day... It really makes you think, doesn't it?
Sylvando: Quick word of advice, darling: when you take centre stage, make sure you puff out your chest and strike a powerful pose. After all, you're the star of the show here. It's time for the Luminary to shine!
Jade: We're so close now. It won't be long before we have the power to defeat the darkness. Just you wait, Mordegon. You'll pay for what you did to Dundrasil. Be afraid- be very afraid! ...... Speaking of which... we are rather a long way from the ground, aren't we? To tell the truth, I'm not especially fond of heights. D-Don't let me fall, will you, Erdward?
Rab: Each and every leaf on the World Tree's boughs represents a person's life, eh? I wonder which one's mine... Let me know if ye see one with a moustache! Hyeh heh!

There's some sparkly spots up here, too. Interesting. That well will take us back down, if... you know, we wanted to do that.

(Oh, you might've noticed, but I've also taken the liberty of taking everyone's costumes off. Except Erik.)

Just casually ignoring Veronica's instructions. There's also some Yggdrasil Dew and a Panacea. Yggdrasil Dew heals everyone in the party when used, and you bet I'm hoarding that worse than the Leaves.

All right. We're here. Let's see what everything we just did was for.


It's a sword.

Honestly, it's smaller than I thought it would be.


Sylv, do not touch the source of all life!

Rab, please do not call it that. Besides, that sounds like something Sylvando would call it.

The Sword of Light has been our objective after all. All Dragon Quest Heroes have a special sword, that only they can wield, but only sometimes is that sword plot-relevant. And honestly, the Sword of Light is probably more plot relevant than any of them except maybe DQV's Zenithian Sword.

Also, while we're talking about the Sword of Light, it bears more than a passing resemblance to Erdrick's Sword, the iconic blade of the Heroes of DQs 1 and 3- it's also in 2, but it got powercrept. Erdrick's Sword snuck in to other games, including DQ9, the remake of 8, and, somehow, Final Fantasy 12 (as the Wyrmhero Blade) and Brave Exvius.

Because we are the Chosen One, saviour of all that is good and...


Sure enough, the Heart of Yggdrasil opens up, and we can step forth and claim ourselves one legacied blade.

You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?

...Because if you did, I wouldn't blame you, either.

You smug bastard.

There's just something... impressive about Sylvando's dumbstruck pointing.

Well, I guess that explains why we haven't heard from him since Gondolia. Which means he saw everything... leading him right to...



Unfortunately, it seems that he is particularly Jade-resistant.

Powerless? Only a fool gives up hope so easily.


Jasper possesses the Dark Orb.

And, unlike Hardin's Darksphere, this one seems to have offensive powers. No, I have no idea where he got it.

Not on your...

...I can't make that sound threatening.

[Although he once embodied the courage and honour represented by the two-headed eagle of Heliodor, Jasper now calls the darkness his master. He bears a shadowed artefact that repels efforts to put an end to his wicked ways.]

??? family
2055 HP
999 MP

This is the part where I confess this form of Jasper doesn't have his own bio. I considered just using Gondolia Jasper's bio, but it seemed ill-fitting, so I made one up- hence the square brackets.

Let's see if we can't put a dent in that power. You can use Erdward just fine here, I chose not to for a sense of continuity.

Erik, you know what to do.

Jade somehow missed four blows in a row.

Sylvando gives the evasion game a try.

While Rab... probably should've gone for Hawkeye claw.

On the plus side, he doesn't seem to be hurting us much.

Something! Anything! WORK!

Sylvando gives us a helping hand.

And Rab hopes for the best. Jade, let's see if we can't get something out of you.

OWOWOW that hurts even more than usual.

...Yeah, this was a Hopeless Boss Fight. DQ has used its fair share of this particular RPG trope. Usually, it's fairly obvious from both context and how "well" you're doing that you're supposed to lose, and this fight was well done in that regard.

That blast was good enough to hit us all.

This cutscene is high enough quality that it's forced Erik into his normal outfit. This isn't a proper cutscene, but it's worth noting as it is.

He's Carnelian's servant.

...Please no.

I have never been gladder in my life to see Hendrik.

...I've also never been glad to see Hendrik thus far, so, you know...

Hendrik has pieced together, on his own, the clues Rab has failed to do- Jasper is evil, and has plotted to have Hendrik murdered. And he has decided the best way to act on that information is dob him in to his King.

Hendrik knows that "when did Jasper turn evil" is a question that has a vast array of interesting answers and a matching set of implications.

All right, now if we can not try to kill us too after the fact, we can-


I suppose it was too much to hope for a last minute save.

Oh boy... that line has never sounded so evil.

Don't worry, Hendrik.

You weren't the only one fooled.

It seems Mordegon has fooled quite a lot of people.

I can't argue with that, lying unconscious on the ground.

And you bend the knee to that swine?

I'd give you a slow sarcastic clap, but...

This sounds like this is going to rapidly become unpleasant.

OK, now we're in a proper cutscene.

That is...

OK, clearly there's supposed to be at least some parallels to... another kind of violation here, but I'm not the person to talk in great detail about that in a game like Dragon Quest. Although DQ is certainly no stranger to it itself.

Mordegon has literally tore the power of the Luminary out of Erdward.



And you mean to tell me Yggdrasil can't tell this has gone on?

So we were supposed to use this to put a stop to Mordegon? Key's behind the lock now.

And... there goes the power of the Luminary. In case we thought we could use that.

Mordegon casts an off-screen spell, and...

Now that is a weapon for the Lord of All Evil. Although it looks just as enthused to be here as the rest of us.

Whatever it is... we're going to feel that tomorrow, Serena.

And Mordegon somehow manages to make a bad situation ten times worse.

So every living being is a leaf on Yggdrasil's branches, huh? Glad that's not literal, by the way, or else Mordegon just wiped out humanity here.

Whatever it is, it seems Veronica's worried about the consequences.

I don't think Mordegon is, though.

Metaphysical consequenes aside, dropping a giant-ass tree on the world is going to have some awful physical consequences to deal with. And then we have Mordegon getting to walk away and do his own dastardly deeds into the bargain.

...Is it too late to go back to my last save and try something else?

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