Thursday 26 May 2022

DQXIS Side Story: The Entertainer

Welcome to Gallopolis! ...It doesn't sound like it's the place to hang around.

Dave: Crikey! I thought Gondolia 'ad it bad, but this place actually seems to 'ave even less life about it! Well, no use whingin' about it- we've got a job to do! This is where that fella told you to come lookin' for new performers for the circus, ain't it? Come on, let's get crackin'! There's bound to be someone around 'ere 'oo still remembers 'ow to raise a smile!
Leader of the Beastly Boys: My parents took me to the circus once, when I was a little boy. I remember me and my pals trying to copy the moves for hours afterwards. It's a real shame they're calling it a day, but at least we're helping them go out with a bang!
Vice-Leader of the Beastly Boys: I'd be more than happy to join the circus if I had any kind of talent, but I don't know a whole lot beyond hoisting mainsails and weighing anchors. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more helpful, but there's bound to be some talented performers around here who'd be more than happy to step in and save the day!
Beastly Boy in Training: Whoa...! This is my first time in Gallopolis, and it's even bigger and more bustling than I expected! It's just a shame everyone looks so miserable, but I suppose it's the same everywhere nowadays...
Priest: The priest who works at the church in Gallopolis is vastly experienced and highly respected. I have the utmost admiration for him. I've always wanted to have the chance to meet him in person, so I'm very glad our journey has led us here.
Callabero: Muchas gracias, Señor Sylvando. If you had not stepped in when you did, that mother and daughter would have been done for. We talk a lot about the way of the caballero in Puerto Valor, but displays of true chivalry are few and far between. Por favor, Señor Sylvando... Teach me everything you know! Teach me to be a chivalrous caballero just like you!

The circus shutting down is kinda causing a bit of a death loop. People are too depressed to go to the circus and keep it in business, the circus shutting down is making people depressed...

..."Short-tempered guards"? As if this situation needed to get any worse.

In front of the church, we can bump into a drummer trying to make a lady smile again. Or rather, brainstorming effective methods.

He's actually one of the people we need to get the circus back up.

With any luck, we should be able to help him figure out the exact trick he needs to pull of to get her feeling better.

And he's happy to accept that exchange.

The game is kinda having a little laugh at your expense with this description. Half because it doesn't really expect you to be able to judge these physical qualities on sight, half because the answer "isn't what you expect". Take "north west part of the city" as the real clue.

No, this isn't his friend, just talking into the NPCs on the way.

...On the other hand, you were potentially spared of living out your last days penniless.

Over here, we can bump into Sylvando's horse from earlier in the game. Hey yeah... what has the plot been doing with her while we've been gallivanting off with Sylvando? Clearly she's picked up a home in Gallopolis.

Sylvando does figure out that Margarita fits the description of the dummer's friend. I can't spot these elements on her design, although I wouldn't be surprised if there's a few NPCs scattered around the horse pen that'll point you in her direction if you're looking around madly for them.

The drummer was not previously aware the horse belonged to Sylvando. Not sure how he managed that one, but I don't think he begrudges it in any way.

Sylvando's dance'll do the trick. Unlike with the weathercow, I understand the precedent here.

The drummer's problems have been as a result of him not being familiar with Margarita's preferences- with Sylvando here to help explain what those are, the drummer's role is more clear.

The Beastly Boys do help out Sylv with this performance. Just them, though. The priest and the caballero are "optional" party members, and so the game kinda sidelines them somewhat compared to the merry men the game gives you.

There's a dance sequence here on screen for Margarita. Sylvando does the animation he does for Hustle Dance, while the other dancers perform more generic dancing animations. Well, Dave performs the dance he does when hit by Sultry Dance.

That got her feeling right!

Sylvando is sure to place the appropriate praise on the drummer, lending him to feel like he can be of assistance to the circus.

That got us one of the necessary talent.

Margarita also has a reward for Sylvando too.

One of the elements of the Side Stories that a first time player- ie, someone playing DQXI for the first time with the Definitive Edition- is going to miss is that there's a few jokes and references scattered throughout that are aimed at people who played the vanilla game and know what the punchline is to some of the references that haven't been explained yet. In this case, Sylvando possessing a dollop of horse manure is one such moment- when he meets Erdward in Act 2, the horse manure plays a role in the plot, as does the description of it as "fragrant".

You can also get some more by talking to Margarita again. There is a reason, other than its appearance in the vanilla Act 2, for Sylvando to possess some, and the game doesn't want you to go without.

This is the guard talking, not Dave. So the whole stable area is shut down, then? I can see why they didn't want Sylvando participating in the horse race, but... they really shut down the whole thing?

The guards also comment on his helpfulness for Faris.

...I don't think this is supposed to be the Circus Novice from earlier? Same model, and I don't think this one's generic, either. Could be a clue.

...Waves vaguely at dress.

The juggling fortune teller in here, whatever it is he's doing, is attracting attention to the establishment, so the pub-owner's happy he's here.

The juggler, for his part, is one of those fortune tellers that reads everything you're up to.

...The crystal balls you are juggling? That's gotta be a safety hazard.

...Why would I be concerned about your life's choices? I don't see any reason for it.

I think your juggling trick is more impressive than Sylvando's, and he juggles knives.

...One time. I haven't seen him hold three knives since he joined the party.

That's nice and convenient.

(Oh yeah, and to prove he's a perfect fit for a circus job, this guy's idle animation involves him stretching his leg and holding it for a few seconds without breaking his juggle. Again, far more impressive than what Sylvando did when we were introduced to him.)

We get the description on a black background, for... reasons. Presumably to make sure you're paying attention.

The ball he's talking about is the same each time, as is the description, as memory tells.

And almost every time, I fall for the "sunset" thing and pick the Yellow one. The correct answer is Red.

Well, that was easy.

Let's go put on a show.

The bartender is prepared to see off his one attraction after the big crash.

From here, we need to head over to the circus and...

Talk to the ringmaster, not this guy.

Fortunately, we can just walk into the tent and find him without too much difficulty.

Sylvando's happy to see him still at work. He must've worked with this ringmaster plenty in his time as a performer, since he knows how he ticks. Not that we meet many ringmasters to compare him to.

Sylvando's ready to lend a hand.

And enough chit-chat, we have a performance to make.

We have an actual cutscene- to an extent- of this final performance ready. There's one cutscene for all the Side Stories, and of course Sylvando's is with his performance.

Not just the Wandering Wonder-

But the rest of the peanut gallery!

The Circus Novice in the background just waving around.

...Does Sylvando know how to perform without the pyrotechnics?

Dramatic pose!

That's as far as the cutscene goes. To be honest, they didn't need more, but perhaps one trick might've been enough.

I've never been certain on where to draw the line between "letting the audience fill their imaginations" and "just not doing a satisfying job", but this is one of those lines that feels more like the latter and not the former.

Here to help!

Sylvando's job is simple- he does the tricks. It's the ringmaster who does all the complicated stuff like filling the seats. This is not a description of which has the harder job, but it does mean Sylvando has less outside concerns to worry about.

Much like Sylvando, the ringmaster believes in the healing power of laughter.

And he takes a moment to stop and talk about the woman who brought that side of him out.

This woman's role is kinda invented wholly for the Side Stories, and as such doesn't come out in the main game anywhere- although through inference, it's possible to place where she went and what she did.

Other than die, of course.

Got married, had a kid, died of "being a mother in a JRPG". You know the drill.

And another of those clues that doesn't make sense unless you've seen the rest of the game- or in this case, an extra clue to those later reveals on top of the ones the game was already lying across Act 1. The idea that the ringmaster is talking about Sylvando's mother is something that a general experience with fiction is likely to draw you to. If you're really keeping in mind what he's saying, you might take note of the fact that she married "a famous knight"- nothing the vanilla game drops is as blatant a clue as that to who Sylvando's father is. Of course, the game kinda goes as if you already know who he is, and as such "she married a famous knight" is in itself a clue that he's talking about Sylvando's mother.

The ringmaster has decided, thanks to Sylvando's inspiring state of being, that he's cancelling that "final performance" part of the package and keeping things up to keep up everyone's spirits. Hopefully the people of Gallopolis are of the same mind.

Sylvando, because he's Sylvando, decides that's how he wants to read that. He's such as optimistic fellow to have around.

...It's also going to need some performers. Period. Who does the ringmaster have other than you three?

...Well, so much for that rivalry with this business in entertaining people.

...You, uh, didn't know two of them before now... did you? We did hire them fresh for this performance?

(The performers he usually has are probably coming out of wherever they went, then, so that might be how he's fuelling this renewed vigour.)

Sylvando is, at the very least, in no short supply of willing volunteers for this. At least "make people smile" is a less dangerous task than "defeat the Lord of Shadows"- although strangely, somehow involving roughly the same amount of monster slaying.

Another three merry members of the band. If you didn't get the caballero before coming here, this is where having too many people for one party would come up- but did you see any fights between the caballero and here?

(I was saying about "same amount of monster slaying?)

Dave: That was your best performance yet, Sylv! It warmed the cockles of me 'eart, it did, seein' all them people smilin' after wot they've been through. Keep this up and we'll 'ave the 'ole world grinnin' from ear-to-ear before we know it! Now, 'ow about we nip over to the 'Otto Steppe to see if there's anyone 'oo needs our 'elp?
Leader of the Beastly Boys: I'm no expert, but that show you put on looked a cut above what you usually get at the circus. I was welling up by the end! Honestly, you're such an inspiration. I just hope I end up half as fabulous as you some day!
Vice-Leader of the Beastly Boys: Ha ha! Look how many of us there are now! Well, the more the merrier and all that! Now lead on, Mister Sylvando! Let's find some more people in need of help!
Beastly Boy in Training: That was my first time at the circus, you know. It was... It was... Well, I don't know how to describe it. I mean, all that jumping and juggling, all those grand entrances and encores... It's safe to say my mind was blown!
Priest: There are those who come to me in the hope of learning what the future holds, but such people are misguided. That is not the role of a priest. No, to know the future, one requires the services of a fortune teller. And as luck would have it, we now count one amongst our number- a most talented one, too, if the rumours are to be believed.
Circus Novice: That circus show was a roaring success! It's been a while since I've seen that many smiling Gallopolitan faces! I know I've still got a lot to learn about showbiz, but at least I've got the best teacher going. Here's to the Great Sylvando!
Drummer: It seems that Margarita's prepared a special gift for you... I'm a little jealous, I must admit. I mean, we're good friends and all, but we don't have a special bond like you two have.
Juggler: I asked my crystal balls what the future had in store for us, and do you know what they told me? They said they had no idea! You know what that means, right? It means we're going to have adventures beyond our wildest dreams! And when it's all said and done- once we've helped all the people who need our help- the world will be at peace again, and Erdrea will be filled with happy, smiling faces!

The Callabero is still talking about the mother and daughter, incidentally. I think we had enough Party Chat to be getting on with as it is.

Yep, the circus being back is as good for the people as everyone else!

This guy is less impressed about losing the person giving him business. Not that he has much he can do about it- he didn't employ him.

Hopefully these guys are in a better mood. Anyway, jump cut time- there's nothing from here to:

The Hotto Steppe! Where else? Viciousness seems to be a state of mind that affects even the good monsters, although it's something that can be fought- with effort.

Dave: Just 'Otto and the 'Otto Steppe to go, and you'll 'ave 'elped everyone 'oo needs 'elpin' in this part of the world! Let's keep our eyes peeled, eh? We're bound to bump into someone else in need of an 'elpin 'and before long!

There's a monster nearby that is being hit by Viciousness that we should look at to find a new friend.

This botanist is trying to lend a hand to a Vicious gnawchid.

The gnawchid can appear in the Laguna, but only in the rain. They don't appear in Act 2, Vicious or otherwise, though.

...Normal plants turning into gnawchids, or gnawchids turning Vicious? Both of those things are terrifying, but one of them says a lot more about you than the other.

...That sounds so helpful! Does it work on all gnawchids, or just Vicious ones?

...And what does "former glory" mean to you?

Well, that's a nice and conveninent mechanical reason to give us horse manure!

We even have a spare for the whole "this comes up in Act 2" thing!

Sylvando, at least, is being tongue-in-cheek when he describes the horse manure as fragrant. This guy probably likes the smell.

The gnawchid is happy with its horse poo and... walks off. That's just how flowers do, I guess, I don't know the etiquette.

I'm sure he will, since Erdward isn't going to be killing any Gnawchids there. For multiple reasons, really.

Just... not the Vicious monsters.

Or well, even them, but first they may need calming down.

That's as good a motive to join up as any!

The botanist can certainly use his skills with botany, all right! Although that's... certainly a phrase.

Cross the tiny little bridge on the way to Hotto, and we are stopped by another party member, with a job for us to do before we get to Hotto- well, the first step is to calm him down.

"Mad", he says, as if he is not being hired to do the same thing we are by these travelers.

...Yeah, what do the people of Hotto eat? Volcanic soil is pretty fertile, although there doesn't really seem to be a place for the crops to be growing. Not that most video games make sure all their towns are self-sufficient. Or even that their villagers all have houses.

That, we can do.

(Minor pedantic note to mention, this monster is merely vicious, not Vicious. Not that the difference means much.)

Time for us to get into an actual fight!

Because this monster is the "boss" of Sylvando's Side Story.

So then, let's take a look at the campsite and see what we've got.

The party I wound up picking for the fight was Botanist/Martial Artist/Juggler/Circus Novice, but you can see the skills you can expect the party when you talk to someone who isn't already there. Here are what the skills are for the Caballero and Drummer- the Caballero will use the skill "Whipping Boy", which is like Forbearance, only it only takes a hit for one target. The drummer will constantly raise Defence and status resistance, but apparently, he can't attack.

I say this as if there is actually a resource describing all of these guys' abilities. There is not.

So here's the monster, and thankfully, he hasn't eaten all the food yet.

These heartless, hulking horrors are responsible for the tragic ends of countless travellers, who they clobber with their clubs.

The gigantes is a stronger variant of the cyclops, and near as I understand it, he's actually the most prevalent version of the design. Although, saying that, the only game it really adds is 5- 2, 8, 9, 10 and the remake of 7 were all covered by the cyclops, too. It was recruitable in 5, though.

The gigantes is a demon-type monster with 1080 HP, if this is just an ordinary gigantes brought to a part of the game where we're not expected to be fighting them as regular encounters. Like the cyclops, all he has is crits and Crackerwhack. Like the cyclops, that's all he needs.

Fortunately, we have an army.

First thing's first, let's make sure our HP stays as high as possible. We're the weak link here.

The Juggler's claim to fame is his spellwork. Propensity to go haywire, too.

Crackerwhack is less scary than it looks in this situation- remember that five of these numbers are completely meaningless. The only HP that matters is ours. Crackerwhack can cause party members to get sat on their bottoms, though, and that does mean something.

The Martial Artist, as martial artists usually do in Dragon Quest, is very good at getting critical hits.

Sylvando reasons, if all the gigantes can do is physical attack, he should be more evasive!

Dave tries a war cry. Didn't work. This is just a normal cry, not a damaging one.

Another crit from the martial artist, because of course he does.

The Botanist's ability is the power to throw around various kinds of plants. This fertiliser that he's chosen is an approximation for the Boom spell.

Oh, of course you go and do that.

That'd be nice, wouldn't it?

The Circus Novice did a Hustle Dance for healing. I was told he could do Attack and Magical Might, too, but perhaps that'd be stepping on the toes of the Beastly Boy in Training. Or he just didn't do it.

Well, the paralysis on Sylvando's knife went off. I imagine he tried something different, but that's as good an outcome as any.

Ironically, coagulant also paralyses monsters. This one didn't work out.

Have you ever Pepped up, and decided the thing you wanted to use your bonuses for was extra healing power? I needed it, but...

And down he goes. That gigantes was the boss of Sylvando's story, complete with "no running" and a boss flash on defeat.

Fortunately, the gigantes probably moved it part of the way for them, considering how close they are to Hotto from here.

The martial artist thanks us for being good people who help out people in need.

And he joins us for real!

There are a fixed number of characters Sylvando can ultimately find, and I have found them all. On my first run, I missed the Callabero, and didn't catch the game trying to warn me I had missed somebody. There is a reward for finding all the party members, of which the only ones you can really miss are the Priest, Callabero and Botanist.

To complete Sylvando's Side Story, all you need to do is enter Hotto.

Dave: Well Sylv, it looks like we've 'elped everyone we can 'round these parts. Time to give ourselves a quick pat on the back, I reckon. Then when we're ready to move on, why don't we go and see old Tetsu over in 'Otto? 'E's the one who got us started with this 'ole 'elpin' people lark, after all. It'd be good to see 'ow 'e's doin' these days!
Leader of the Beastly Boys: I think we've taken care of everyone who needed our help in this area. Maybe it's time for us to head for Hotto? I really want to apologise to Tetsu in person, you see. It was terrible, what we did to him. I don't expect him to forgive us, of course, but still. I need to say my piece.
Vice-Leader of the Beastly Boys: Look how many of us there are now! I can hardly believe it! You probably don't even need my help any more, right? I'm just kidding! Ha ha! I'd never abandon you after what you did for us. Wherever you go, I'll be right behind you! We all will!
Beastly Boy in Training: Where are we headed next, then? Not that it matters, of course- where you lead, I follow!
Priest: I really didn't think I'd ever be able to help so many people and put smiles on so many faces. It's all because of you, of course. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this by myself. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Callabero: I like your hairstyle very much, Señor Sylvando. ¡Me encanta! Perhaps I should try something similar myself. Ay, but I do not have much experience when it comes to style. We caballeros must adhere to a strict dress code at all times. There is not much scope for expressing oneself...
Circus Novice: That's a whole lot of people we've helped! I'm pretty impressed, even if I do say so myself- I didn't think I had it in me! I'd say we've all earned ourselves a break. Why don't we head to Hotto for a nice soak in the bath? We'll get to meet this Tetsu chap while we're there, too. Once we've had a bit of R 'n' R, we'll be ready to hit the road again with a spring in our step!
Drummer: Hooo-ray! We've helped a whole load of people! Let's keep this rhythm going! Boom-ba-doom-ba-wooo! ♪
Juggler: My crystal balls tell me that our next destination should be Hotto... But the final decision is up to you, of course. I'll be right behind you wherever you go!
Botanist: I was terribly shy when I was younger. I found it difficult to talk to people, and spent most of my time chatting to plants... If you'd have told me that I'd end up part of a big group like this, I'd have thought you were mad!
Martial Artist: You really are the Great Sylvando, aren't you? Putting your life on the line to help complete strangers... It's incredible! I want to be just like you one day, and what better way to learn than watching you in action?

If you haven't found everybody, Dave will ask if you really think you've helped everyone you can.

And now we have come to drop in on Tetsu once again!

And introduced to his mother, although she's got the model of someone who won't crop up again.

Any worry she might have had about his errant quest was eclipsed by worry about the World Tree, but now he is back, and all is right with the world. And Tetsu probably doesn't have any plans to leave until the World Tree is solved, if that- what else is he after with Mini Medals?

This is the origin of a phrase that will become more prevalent later. It's a "prequel origin story" sort of feeling.

Sylvando has come to declare his new goal.

We're going to become an official "roam around the world and make people smile" force.

I've been calling him Sylv, but Dave is not quite as comfortable with the merry men following suit.

Although he realises immediately what they're getting at... well, they probably weren't even thinking of that, but it's good to establish early.

These boys are with us forever.

...They, uh, have the best way of showing it.

Sylvando has figured out the name of this group-

The Soldiers of Smile! These people following him are going to stick with him as he keeps travelling over Erdrea.

And they seem right happy with that choice in name.

And also, Tetsu has become a member. He'll crop up in Sylvando's troupe as it appears later, but he doesn't count as a member for the purposes of the Side Story- well, either that or he does, and there's no meaningful difference either way.

Tetsu has also brought more than just his good spirit along for the ride:

He even brought along props!

That's not to say the Soldiers of Smile haven't been at work on their own... at some point. Then again, these two are the Beastly Boys, after saving the Caballero, they took a backseat...

Sylvando is given a new costume. If you found all the members of the Soldiers of Smile, you get this one, the Peerless Parade Costume. If you did not, you get one in Sylvando's usual colours called the Mardi Garb.

Both costumes are available for both outcomes- Sylvando comes with the Mardi Garb regardless, he's just not wearing it if he has the Peerless Parade Costume. And, at a heavy price, it is possible to purchase a Peerless Parade Costume later- getting all the Soldiers of Smile just gets it for you for free.

I'll be entirely honest, I didn't know about the Peerless Parade Costume on the first run I did, so having seen this cutscene with the Mardi Garb, I thought some kind of glitch had happened.

With Sylvando at the helm and everybody else at the wheels-

The world is about to become a brighter place.

(The fact that Sylvando turns up with a legion of adoring men in matching flamingo suits goes unexplained in the vanilla game.)

And Sylvando will keep it up until he finds Erdward.

In Search of Hope, as the first Side Story presented, is... not the mostly fondly looked upon. Entirely ignoring content, the inclusion of these jaunts is non-optional and interrupts the massive narrative moment of Yggdrasil's fall, showing the party members' reactions while leaving Erdward in the lurch. While this is not a particularly bad decision, In Search of Hope is by far the worst foot to present on that front- this Side Story goes on. The later three will take place in one "area" and overall communicate one idea- Sylvando gets three, exploring a massive swathe of the vanilla game. It drags, and it drags upfront.

As for the content itself... it's a Sylvando story. It does an appreciable job of explaining what motivates Sylvando, how he gets into the position he appears in Act 2, and adds a decent selection of call-forwards that don't break the story itself. The remaining three Side Stories are all far more interesting for some reason or another, but in some ways, not necessarily for the right reasons. I'm not quite certain if Sylvando's Side Story was the first one they wrote or the last, but it's clear that different writing philosophies drove each.

The Soldiers of Smile are an interesting game mechanic wasted here, though- there could, or even should, have been more fights to get into with the Soldiers of Smile when you had enough to change around the party. The lack of an ability to really experiment hurts the pacing, since there's nothing really left to do but watch the scenes. With that said, it's not exactly like the rest of the Side Stories are going to have anything as unique- but they certainly don't feel like they do, or at least would.

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