Sunday 3 September 2023

TTYD Post-Chapter 6 Part 2: The Saucy Side of Town

Our first stop with our shiny new Ultra Hammer is, of course, this door we saw earlier.

So what's in the mystery pipe?

Goombella: Omigosh! It's freezing! Where the heck are we, the polar ice cap?
Koops: It's s-s-s-s-so c-c-cold! I wonder where this village is located, anyway?
Flurrie: Why, how absolutely frigid! Where on earth could this outpost be?
Vivian: Brrr! It's freezing here! Where do you think this place is?
Bobbery: Rather frosty, isn't it? Almost freezes one's mustache, eh, old boy?
Ms. Mowz: Oooh, it's so chilly... I wonder where this place is.

...I have no idea, but this is starting to sound like Chapter 7. Let's leave this place until we're ready.

(Incidentally, Chapter 7 won't formally start until you talk to Frankly and learn you have to go here- Mario can't go to the Moon until he learns he needs what he can get here and is able to ask for it.)

So we head back to the Rogueport Under, for there's a leaky pipe in the back here.

Another Shine Sprite above Dazzle's pillar. I always thought there was a Star Panel on one of the roofs, but it doesn't look like it.

You mean to tell me I can't Gulp that?

Picking up another level in BP. All of the Badges! If this was 64, I would have capped HP at 50 with this level up.

Now then, here's a secret I could've done back after Chapter 5, but chose to keep for now.

There's a Boat Panel back here, behind the wall where the pipe to the Pit of 100 Trials is.

If you sail across all five screens, you can access a secret room to the right of the first part of the sewers.

Another room in here, huh? Wow. But what's the significance of it? An undiscovered chamber of purpose unknown... THIS is why I love archaeology! ♥

Full of Spanias and Shine Sprites!

This one requires the Spring Jump, though. So if you come here before Chapter 6, you've gotta come back here later.

Fortunately, I didn't have a number of Shine Sprites where these two changed the number of Rank Ups I could do.

That's a Spunia. Its body is made up of springy discs. Max HP is 12, Attack is 7, and Defense is 2. It may not look like much, but it's pretty tough. It won't come at you with anything too weird, so just hang in there, OK?

The purple Spania on top of that ledge is a Spunia, a powerful variant of Spania that only appears here and in the Pit of 100 Trials. Since it's on such a small ledge, it won't move to attack you, but I'm not sure you can First Strike it easily. Maybe if you move precisely. It has no exciting attacks, and is largely a mini boss up here.

Going for the Multibounce to take out the Spanias rather than Ultra Hammer?

...Well, Goombella's not much help here.

Although Mario is overkill. It's funny now, but we'll have to answer multiples in the Pit.

This moving platform stops so that, at either extreme, you have to do a Flutter on Dr. Agon. Boarding it is the hard part, since you have to land on it while it is on the left, but you also need to do a bit of a runner to get enough distance to alight.

Mario's other Defend Plus was in the Twilight Town storehouse.

Yes, we do have to sail all the way back. Sometimes a warp whistle of some kind would be really appreciated.

Anyway, while we were sailing past, we saw this big Stone Block, and it's time for smashy smashies.

Yes, that was our second free FP Plus.

Now then, to open up the other two warp pipes:

Poshley Heights and Keelhaul Key, now free to access without using the Excess Express or Cortez, respectively. The former is appreciated, but the latter feels kinda redundant. Especially since there's no warp pipe to Glitzville, and the Cheep Blimp feels more time-wastery than Cortez is, ignoring the in-universe time thing.

...In fact, both of these pipes seem to be more useful in cutting out the time passing on board both the Excess Express and Cortez than they do in a utilitarian way.

The Blooper room also has a pipe to cross with Spring Jump.

You'll want to use Bomb on this wall.

The clue is the crack in the wall on the other side. This is the only free copy of Defend Plus P in the JP version.

Now then, if you Spring Jump on the other side...

You can cross a long beam.

To make it to this house at last.

We're down below Rogueport. There's nobody here. Huh! I wonder where they went?

All that's in the house is a Star Piece and more questions than answers. What the hell is this room? No idea. Neither does Goombella.

Time to move on to the Troubles, then.

I forgot the code to my briefcase! I'll be sacked for this for sure! Meet me in front of the Hot Dog Stand in Glitzville!

Starting with... the businessman? I have my reasons.

Namely, that this is a good opportunity to head to Glitzville and acquire a few cooking ingredients.

That's the business Ratooey who was on the train with us. I don't know why, but I just feel like crying when I think of the lives of businessmen.

Including from this Trouble. After Chapter 6, the businessman has been moved over here.

...I think Goombella is looking at it from the Japanese perspective, I'm told their businessmen are spirals of depression compared to ours, who we look on as successful, if a little cold-hearted.

This guy is definitely leaning on the Japanese side, having been so overworked that he flubs up something so basic and yet so critical.

High stakes, comically stupid failure, yeah, this guy is to be pitied.

And then to add another layer to this entire... thing, it turns out he may have some undiagnosed neurodivergence and has used this obsessive-compulsive impulse to derive his code, meaning no one is going to reasonably guess it, but at least one can go check it.

Assuming none of these people have redecorated.

Now we have to go backtracking around the world to count the chairs. Or we can just snap our fingers and will them into existence.

...This is going to be harder than I thought.

At least, I'm assuming your not counting her bedroom?

...Especially if I just overlook the left hand side of this room.

...How much sitting does one socialite need?

...There's only so little I can judge you, you know.

You know, this doesn't rule out a lot of the furniture in these houses. You can sit on a desk, a dresser, a vanity, a bannister...

Anyway, let's pretend we know what we're counting.

...I think he is counting the chairs in Flurrie's bedroom.

The code is 2625. Nironiko in gorowase, possibly, although I'm not sure if that means anything.

He then goes off to try and conduct his business deal.

No, literally, his business deal was just off-screen.

Because yep. The aim was to do a business deal with a hot dog stand. I get the impression this man has been demoted after the Nitro Honey Syrup near-miss (and also racking up an astounding debt on that expense account), but no one seems to have informed him.

I do not pretend to understand the marketing behind fast finger foods at sporting venues. I'd rather steer clear of the whole place.

Mario, you are the worst. This sounds like one of those things you shut up and let him fail at. The vendor said no, he means no. But I guess that doesn't sound convincing to the investors.

Translation: He'll be here the rest of the game because he has a mechanical purpose.

As thanks for our assistance, he gives us a bottle of Hot Sauce. Hot Sauce is good for +1 Atk when consumed, making it only slightly better than Charge by dint of lasting longer than one action. It is necessary to have at least three to acquire all the recipes.

He is here to provide the extras.

...At a token fee. He is a businessman, after all.

Right, time for some recipes.

Starting with your most basic of Point Swap recipes. I didn't need to do this, but it's always good to show it's an option.

And now, on the topic of the Fresh Pasta Bunch. There are four pasta dishes in the game, and one can cook them from one plate of pasta.

You can get Koopasta from cooking the Fresh Pasta and Turtley Leaf, for example, but you would then need another Fresh Pasta to get Spaghetti. The same is true at each stage of the process.

So Hot Sauce + Fresh Pasta and Hot Sauce + Spaghetti work.

Spicy Pasta, in addition to healing you, is also good for giving that +1 Atk buff.

Now then, another element of those Hot Sauces I need to bring up.

For some reason, Inky Sauce is a cooking item one can acquire from mixing Hot Sauce with various liquids. It also... heals a lot? Most people who remember Inky Sauce remember it from SPM, where it was changed to something that enemies could drop, was terrible, and was also a basic cooking ingredient, while TTYD thinks it's an ultimate recipe.

And there are two recipes that require Inky Sauce as an ingredient.

Ink Pasta doesn't have the Atk buff, but it has all that FP healing from the Inky Sauce. It's... it's a choice. I'd just make a Spicy Pasta for practicality purposes.

Anyway, moving on from pasta (Mario must be so disappointed), Point Swap and Slow Shroom is a good recipe to use.

...I'm confused, kitchen.

The Poison Shroom is a classic Mario item introduced in the Lost Levels: It looks almost but not quite like a Super Mushroom, but eat it and you take a hit. This hasn't come back in any of the platformers, but a lot of games that have reason to have traps will like to use it. In this game, it will apply the Poison status ailment... and apparently has a chance to fully heal you?

I'll be using it to... poison a cake popular with dating couples? Sheesh, this cooking stuff gets weird.

The Trial Stew can be eaten only in battle, and it will reduce your HP to 1 and your FP to 0... and then completely refill your Star Power and triple the rate of gaining it. I'm not sure where you're going to use that, though, although I'm sure it pairs great with Double Dip for a Jelly Ultra.

Picked up Hammerman on my way to pick up some goodies.

This is, like, one of the only uses for Dried Bouquets other than "undoing" certain recipes (eg using it on Trial Stew gets you a Poison Shroom, or Zess Dynamite an Egg Bomb). Space Food is a really interesting item, and one I unfortunately forget to show off in the main game because I wanted to touch on an element and then flubbed it when messing with savestates. I may just squeeze it into the update anyway.

Inky Sauce's other recipe requires having a Cake Mix or a Mousse Cake.

Choco Cake! Worse than the ingredients you gave up to make it. How dare they.

Another use for Ultra Shroom...

A somewhat worse outcome. This is the only recipe you can use to get this.

I'm lookin' for somethin'. I can't say exactly what here, but I can tell you in person. I'm waitin' on da west side of Rogueport.

Our next jaunt will take us to visit Frankie, and he wants a backroom deal.

The textdump lists this Trouble before Eve and Goom Goom's. Presumably, someone placed it here remembering the newlyweds returned to Rogueport after Chapter 5 and someone else had to remind them the new Troubles spawn before they return home.

...Is that a comment on Mario's presence as a silent protagonist?

...Yeah, Frankie is not in charge of the ship. Francesca has well and truly stolen his power, and whether that is malicious or sickeningly sweet depends on the writer, but I feel like they were going for the latter.

"Somewhere" in town. It is impressive where.

I'm 100% confident this is a real threat.

The Wedding Ring is in this corner, and overall this Trouble isn't particularly difficult or onerous. Like... at all. In the Japanese version, it is instead found on top of the wall that Gus barricaded. Did you know you could stand on that? Me neither.

Also in the Japanese version, this ring has some improper flags set in it, and if you spawn it and then cancel the Trouble, it doesn't go away. Collecting it will trigger Flags that allow you to complete other Troubles without having done the correct deeds. I assume it's not worth the 30 coins.

Let's give it back to its rightful owner.

Finally! Tube Mode got the minigame! What took so long? Clearly, whoever didn't realise this Trouble didn't work before Chapter 6.

...The state of Frankie's mind about Francesca. He really thinks the world of her.

...I wish them the best of luck... and know in my heart this is going to end in pain. Or worse- Frankie will live his whole life not realising Francesca has played him like a fiddle.

No, I don't think I did.

I need some ingredients for cooking food that savages the tonsils! I need three things:
A Golden Leaf
A Mystic Egg
A Keel Mango
I'm waiting on board the Excess Express for your very prompt help!

Chef Shimi tells you what to bring before you arrive, which is good, because the game knows boarding the Excess Express more times than necessary is really annoying to back out of. So let's go stock up... oh.

That's an Amazy Dayzee. This mystical Dayzee is like, the rarest thing ever. Max HP is 20, Attack is 20, and Defense is 1. Since it has such high HP and runs away really quickly, it's almost impossible to beat. Plus, its lullaby has massive Attack power, so if we're low on HP, we need to scram. You gotta think hard about whether to fight or bolt.

At least on my way to get the Golden Leaf, I found that Amazy Dayzee. They only spawn in formations, never on the field, and yes they can spawn if you're alone.

Couldn't kill it with just Mario, and I needed the turn to Tattle it for the Log.

It didn't stay, but perhaps that was for the best.

...Eh, it's there.

Who knew the bottom of the well connected to this place? This place is totally crazy. I wonder if Doopliss knew about this passage?

This Tattle is used for the room after the Vivian wall, that you Tube Mode through a passage and then Spin Jump to open a way down. Since this is one of the two rooms that can only be accessed after beating Doopliss, Goombella is allowed to identify him by name.

While I was here, I wanted to check in on poor Polly. She was so helpful, why don't we set her free?

This is an underground room in Creepy Steeple. There's a parrot here, but no people. That parrot must get pretty bored with no one around. Think he talks to himself?

Goombella says this as if this were a hint. Part of me wonders if the devs did intend for this room to be visited the first trip, although that would preclude hiding the missing letter "p".

Got hit by one of these guys, and it seemed like a good opportunity to show off Showstopper.

These are the button prompts you get. You can get all face buttons, and it will gradually expand one button at a time until it fills up that whole brown bar.

You know you've done it right if the Garnet Star punches six holes in the enemy before the bright, seizure-unfriendly flashes. Fewer holes mean a lower chance of success, but getting all six means-

...Well, I guess they are undead. Usually it's more effective.


Ah, to be overpowered and not have to care about this crap anymore...

KABOOM! Vengeance!

Something I found here that came as quite a surprise: Ms. Mowz detects the coins enemies drop. So, you know, if you're being harassed by enemies, you're probably not using Ms. Mowz until you've done something about that.

I decide to take the train in reverse this time. Hey, might as well, most people never take the train a second time.

We spawn in Cabin 005 again.

The train is now filled with generic NPCs to spout generic NPC lines about riding a ritzy train. You can sometimes get an adult Yoshi to spawn- the only one in the game- but I did not manage it this time.

That's a passenger on the Excess Express. Not to change the subject, but watching your health abroad is super-important. You wouldn't want to get sick and spoil the whole trip, would you?

Goombella's Tattles seem unrelated to the dialogue, and I'm not even fully sure how the dialogue works- and kinda wonder if the appearance is the only thing that changes about the passengers. That is certainly a great tip, though.

The waitress is done saying interesting things.

Right, let's get this stuff to Shimi.

He lists them again. Which makes me suspect the addition to the notice on the Trouble was a later addition, on realising getting us to go all the way on board the Express would be cruel.

We have to give up each one at a time.

He does, at least, describe each one uniquely.

Hopefully you don't need more. I am not touching Twilight Trail again.

..Yay? I guess it's worth it?

This is a man who values his family above his job. A businessman that puts the Ratooey to shame.

The food on this train is so good, I bet people overeat while traveling. Then they have to go on diets as soon as they get off! That'd be weak!

Goombella, that is so unrelated I struggle to believe you are Tattling the same man.

...I'm no help to you there. Any advice for me?

Everyone has a different reason for traveling, in case you didn't know. Business... Pleasure... Honeymoons... Boy, I guess our reason for traveling is one of the weirder ones, huh?

"We have to go treasure hunting or the world ends", of course.

Y'know, sometimes when I'm on a train, I just stare out the window and spaaaaaace.

Must be the kid of the blue Toad in the dining car.

...I mean... yes, I guess?

I guess you have to have money to be here, right? ...Hard to tell just by looking.

That response at least sounds right.

I'd say good idea, but they both require vastly different skillsets that it might be a good idea to figure it out faster rather than slower.

Riding trains is awesome, no matter how old you are! Who WOULDN'T like it, huh?

Choo choo!

As mentioned, since we're heading from Poshley Heights, the engine car is pointed the other direction. The engine has also changed sides, so this is probably a different car altogether.

Same ol' Engineer, though.

As stated, you can't find the Star Panel in this version of the engine car. I'd say this is proof, but I haven't seen the panel yet.

Ghost T. is still in Cabin 004, and as ghosts go, he is not interested in being any more than any other generic passenger.

His cabin still has its Star Panel.

Heff T. is also still here, despite the fact he has canonically rode the train back to Rogueport and logically he's no longer got a valid ticket.

It turns out the answer is that the doors were not designed to accomodate such a gourmet. I feel like the staff would've figured out how to get around this. Ignoring how it kinda plays Heff T.'s weight for laughs again.

Imagine how awful it'll be if they have to lug you out of the room dead. The train would stink for weeks.

Boy, I just LOVE train travel! The scenery whipping by right in front of you... It's so much better than planes and boats, y'know?

Once again, the tone of the dialogue and the Tattle seem to be in disagreement. Not that I disagree with Goombella, but...

Imagine trying this hard to secure a date with a cute girl and not even making it to bat. The waitress isn't turning him down, she isn't "not noticing him", he just... hasn't gone to the dining car at all.

He's done it enough that he's enjoying the Excess Express inherently and not just a means to an end that is a cute girl. Perhaps that means they have stuff to talk about? I doubt the waitress is too keen to talk about the job on a date.

I wonder how much tickets for this train really cost?

This man is super bankrupt if they're anywhere near as pricey as I've been led to believe.

He's got that announcement down. I assume.

What is it with kids on this train and wanting to be a train employee when they grow up? I guess they figure the people running the train are enjoying the luxury as much as they are? Sadly, that part isn't true.

I wonder what all these folks are gonna do when they get where they're going? Hey, you know what else is cool about train travel? You can just sit and space out!

...I have to ask if Goombella has had too many mushrooms.

The conductor won't let us into the freight car, and leaves us with the suggestion we sleep through the three days.

The first time you head to bed, you get dropped off at Riverside Station, to pick up anything you missed.

Just a quick stop, though.

A second sleep finally dumps us back outside the Express and free to continue the story.

A Return Pipe or a Homeward Shroom would be just lovely right now, you know?

Not only does the restoration effect not last as long, but the broth is so filling you get hit by the Soft status. Avoid.

I'm just now getting to this one?

Also this one. I guess I was saving the Eggs for something important and skipping this.

Doesn't even sell for much.

...Apparently I also got a Honey Super in that batch.

That amount of money is serendipitous.

Time to pick up a few Badges from the Lovely Howz, to spend it all.

Zess Dinner is the weakest of the Zess recipes. It's a Maple Super, even if Mushroom + Horsetail is a far cheaper recipe than Super + Maple.

I needed one for this recipe, though.

Does 4 damage. You can get it from any of the Zess Meals, but please use a Dinner.

Lot of pomp and circumstance for such an inconsequential item. 5 HP/FP, you can't even get this until Chapter 5. The Cookbook is such a weird idea in practice.

I lent a book to Miss Jolene, and now I need it back. And rather quickly. Please meet me in Poshley Heights, would you, you wonderful trouble-solver?

Does she know Mario is going to be accepting it?

Either that or she's just like this to everybody.

She's asking us to get something she lent to Jolene back. Presumably, she did the lending while she was in Glitzville herself.

So she asks us to go pick it up for her. Presumably because she is too rich to do things herself.

Oh, neat. Moving on.

All the way up to Glitzville to chat to Jolene.

Jolene tries to weasel her way out of returning it immediately, but hey, if Toodles insists, what she says goes.

She is happy to give it up in the end.

...Uh, now I have several additional questions. My main one is "so can neither of you buy another copy for yourself?"

Obviously, the follow up question is "what is the deal with this magazine that makes it so salacious?" You might be unsurprised to learn that this magazine had a different cover in the Japanese version- however, you will be surprised to learn the only difference is that the blurry text on the cover saying "wrestle" was instead slightly less blurry Japanese text for "pro-wrestling".

I've got nothing for this.

Although I'm questioning Toodles's request for it.

Ah, finally, got the last Jammin' recipe. At least, I hope that's the last one, not actually sure where else there's Jammin's other than the Deepdown Depot and the final dungeon.

...Wrong pipe. There's an open chest to help tell the two rooms apart, but sometimes I still mess up.

Yes indeed I did, you splendiferous socialite, you.

No elaboration on your end?

But dropping the Boat Mode game on our laps at the same time. Definitely a sign one of these was incorrectly placed, although neither Eve nor Goom Goom could give one to us because of how their stories ended.

...OK, that is indeed an explanation, although now I have several more questions.

Last one down.

Thank goodness that Badge only applies to 1 HP, otherwise that could've cost me. I had to intentionally flub the command to make sure I got a chance.

Got myself a second one.

And was refunded one of the Star Points from the audience.

Turning in two new Member's Cards to Lahla. We've got a lot of time to do in here.

The Gold Card nets you Power Rush, Power Rush P, Hammer Throw and Tornado Jump.

The Platinum Card nets you Quake Hammer, Jammin' Jelly, Ultra Shroom, and Money Money (5 BP). For some reason, this Badge can only be acquired here and from enemy drops for this obscene price. It's been knocked down 2 BP, but also it doesn't always give exactly double coins anymore.

Anyway, time to play the Tube Game. Funny how all Don Pianta's iconography hasn't gone away after he quit, huh?

The Tube Game tasks us with doing a single lap of this obstacle course, with more Piantas rewarded for faster completion times.

You can bet learning to take this corner tight is part of getting a good time.

Of course the freebie is on the other side.

You do get reset if you fall off, but you may just want to reset that if you have save states.

These are moving platforms, and yes it is tense to get off them.

And then we have to deal with slopes and going up and down them to cross abysses.

All in all, a pretty bad first showing.

Didn't even make a profit. Yes, the technical bonus is about not falling off, although I wonder why I still got 3.

That's better.

...Not quite good enough, though...

Less than half a second!

Arfur being a Robbo sympathiser who gave us a Trouble about trying to undercut the Toad Bros' prices.

Probably a good call. I have reason to believe he would seek profit over romance, and he's barely decent enough to be a prize catch on his own merits. He does, at least, express more idealism than 75% of Rogueport's underbelly.

...I know I just accused him of trying to get in your bunny kitty ears just for profit, but please don't interpret that as me putting you down. There's plenty of fish for Boo girls. Hey, I wonder if I can't introduce you two to Bow.

...Once again I am left with the feeling I'm talking past the writers on this one.

The Boat Game is... basically the same as the Tube Game. We must navigate an obstacle course while avoiding things we can crash into and things that will force us to respawn. This time, we only need to do half a lap.

You get a technical bonus if you don't hit those whirlpools. The one on this turn makes that exciting.

So many whirlpools...

Wow, less than half a second behind first place on the first try. Let's see how long that lasts.


I feel like these "record times" shouldn't be getting me any accomplishment.

A perfectly reasonable dream. I know a few girls who'd gladly take nothing more. Alas, capitalism. Also waves vaguely at Rogueport. Don't imagine there's many options outside cutting throats here.

...Again, I feel like introducing you two to Bow is an option that I really wish was on the table. Although I have to wonder if Bow wouldn't Fan Smack the Don seven times over.

...Well, at least there's some enjoyment in it. I was worried.

Trust me, "silly" did not enter my list of thoughts about this.


As much as this is clearly a joke at the idea of RPG protagonists putting down "saving the world" to go partake in gambling parlours, I'm fairly sure she'd say this even if we came back in the postgame. It does look like she does at least have a reaction to it... although it does skirt the line on being potentially "she's telling you to go save the princess so you'll stop flirting with her". TTYD and SPM can go to some very not-Mario places, but this very casual disregard for Lahla's boundaries feels less like the developers being "allowed" to explore these dark places and more like the developers are just not being given a filter and saying some things that just... should not be said. I'm sure no one would've complained if the high scores were just optional, or you got new dialogue from someone other than staff, or if the staff just threw a small meaningless celebration...

I'm just going to bake a cake with one last Cake Mix and pretend that never happened.

I presume you had this ready by the end of last update. One of these days I'll check how you get this Flag.

Frankly has decided that, of all the options, our best one is to shoot ourselves out of a cannon. I mean, I guess we did it in Mario 64...

Koops: Umm... Excuse me? We're using a cannon to reach the moon? Don't we want to live?
Flurrie: Pardon me, sugar? We're to use a CANNON to get to the moon? Is that entirely safe?
Dr. Agon: Whoa! We're using a cannon to blast ourselves to the moon? YEAH! EXTREEEEME!
Vivian: Uh... We're using a cannon to get to the moon? Doesn't that seem... unsafe?
Bobbery: So we're to use a cannon to reach the moon, are we? Sounds capital!
Ms. Mowz: We're using a CANNON to get to the moon? Whatever you say, darling...

Dr. Agon and Bobbery enjoying themselves. Koops may just have the best reaction of them all. "Don't we want to live?" is such a passive way of objecting.

"But it was this or figure out how the X-Nauts get down here, and the people behind the fourth wall tell me I don't know enough about them to investigate."

We don't even know if the cannon is powerful enough to get us that far. Capital. Just capital.

Koops: Um... OK. Well, where is this certain death... er... Fahr Outpost, anyway?
Bobbery: I must say, this Fahr Outpost already sounds like it will be a bother to reach...

Koops, of course, steals the show in this reaction, and is the only party member to still be concerned about our odds of survival. Although Bobbery's reaction seems like he does know a thing or two about our destination...

Fortunately, like Petal Meadows, Boggly Woods and Twilight Town, there's a pipe in the underground we can use.

I'm not sure what the lore reason for this is (although Frankly does allude to the existence of one), but this is largely a mechanical way to tell you to go get that damn Ultra Hammer.

Fortunately, we've beaten him to the punch. I have no idea how you're playing if you have not, although this is not mandatory to trigger this Flag. I'd honestly expect this conversation to be tied to getting the Ultra Hammer.

Two steps ahead of you!

Yes, apparently the Ultra Hammer made for opening the way is hidden here in town. You'll have to figure out how you're going to find it, though, because I don't know. Hmph! Good luck with that. Once you find it, the path to Fahr Outpost will open.

(The dialogue if you haven't found the Ultra Hammer yet. The partner just omits their second line if you haven't.)

Dr. Agon: Yeah! You got it, Prof! Fahr Outpost! Chaaaarge!
Bobbery: Hmm... Yes... I see! Quite so! Destination: Fahr Outpost!

Once more, Dr. Agon and Bobbery are very excited to be shot out of a cannon. I am very concerned about both of them for different reasons.

A pertinent warning, although a bit of an unusual one.

I mean... duh, right? I think this is supposed to be alluding to something we'll see when we get to Fahr Outpost, but this dialogue comes nowhere close to being a clue.

Sometimes I wonder just how helpful of an NPC this guy really is. I feel like at least one of his suggestions could've been avoided for something a bit less video-gamey if we asked someone else rather than trusting him. I mean... shooting ourselves out of a cannon to go to the Moon. Am I 100% sure he's done his due diligence on not dismissing any more reasonable possibilities?

At any rate, we now know our destination is down this pipe, so we'll get the Chapter 7 intro cutscene once we get to the other side.

Next time: You thought Chapter 4 was bad?

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