Saturday 9 September 2023

TTYD Chapter 7 Part 1: The Very Long Build Up

This will, of course, be our climactic run through the X-Naut Fortress. So we're going to spend the first half of the chapter completely ignoring their existence and being put through the wringer on the other major enemy of TTYD.

I believe you don't get a cutscene if you already triggered it through entering the pipe early.

Which is notable because this dialogue is slightly different if you know Fahr Outpost is the destination.

Say, Mario, did you know... Walking in the snow leaves really cool footprints! Thing is, the snow's falling so hard, they totally disappear quickly.

Sadly, not in this game.

Star Panel behind the pipe.

I was sniffing around just in case of secrets behind the foreground trees, and I found this from the Wonky secret instead. Double Dip P (3 BP) can be acquired through other means, but there's only two copies ever.

Shine Sprite is behind this tree in the next room.

Hey, Mario, check it out! I can totally see my breath! Must be really cold, huh? That is just SO awesome! I grew up in a warm place, so this is totally new to me!

At least she enjoys it.

That's an Ice Puff. It's a mean snow cloud that appears in cold areas. Max HP is 9, Attack is 4, and Defense is 0. It swoops down and uses cold breath to attack. Trust me, it's NOT refreshing. That cold breath can freeze us, so try to avoid it. Also, if we touch it when it's storing cold energy, we'll get hurt. Isn't that super-weak? They're vulnerable to fire, so let's try that, maybe.

Ice Puffs add variety to the Ruff Puffs that Dark Puffs did not- these ones will turn into an icy state when charging up. Not even Ice Power can break through it- if they're charging, you must use a non-contact method of dealing damage. The ice breath is rated at 5 Atk and has a chance of Freezing. Otherwise, they have all the usual Puff shenanigans.

And we can take 'em easy. Even if they don't take Zap Tap.

Ooh, free Ice Storm!

Also a Star Piece behind a bush.

That's a Frost Piranha. It's a cool customer with strong ice powers. Max HP is 10, Attack is 5 and Defense is 0. Its biting attack sometimes freezes us, so try to immobilize it first. It's weak against fire attacks, too, so use them as well.

Frost Piranha returns with only one trick: that biting attack. It inherited the chance of freezing, as opposed to the two tricks being separate actions.

Also it's Spiky, but Spike Shield.

Unfortunately, they've lost their weakness to explosions. I think Vivian still works, though- although her only fire element attack is Jinx.

Excellent, Bobbery can hit the guy in the back.

Not that he can finish the job.

Let it blow, let it blow...

...Time for Vivian, then.

OK, I'm fairly sure that isn't actually doing any additional damage. Rude. So is there any actual elemental damage in this game?

...Unrelated note, bad time for that.

At least these guys all spontaneously combusted thanks to Zap Tap and Burn.

Yeah, no better time to take that lesson.

Vivian still feels like a good choice here because of Burn. Goombella isn't exactly a good weed whacker.

Another HP Plus P! Now Bobbery can get to 50 HP if he wanted.

That's 12 BP, not that worth it unless you want to do a lot of Partner meatshielding.

One last Star Piece back here.

And welcome to Fahr Outpost, a place I'm positive is in Nowhere, Russia. Or the closest Mushroomy equivalent.

The most obvious takeaway is that the cannon is not somewhere obvious. Probably for the best out in the cold.

This is part of Fahr Outpost. It's a village full of Bob-ombs. How do they survive out in this cold anyway? Don't their fuses freeze off? You'd think these people would be bitter, living here... But they all look just fine!

Well... I don't think it's the cold that bothers them.

(Also, Goombella does have visible breath. Surprised they went for that.)

Star Piece down behind this wall.

And the Bob-ombs are at least friendly.

...Moustache analysis, huh?

...The worst part is, I don't think he's a million miles away as far as Paper Mario is concerned.

That's Rob, of Fahr Outpost. He can judge personality by a person's facial hair. I've never heard of that sort of talent, personally... He may be lying his little fuse off...

Well, I mean, yeah, it's as accurate as a horoscope, but still.

That's Nob, of Fahr Outpost. He's a frank and refreshing little guy, huh? Y'know, it just struck me that only Bob-ombs live here, huh? I THINK that's Nob...

...How do you know people at all? Probably in your book, but this seems like exactly the sort of place to have a blackout on information.

We will never be allowed in this room, although we will see what is inside it.

Right, so what can you tell me about the cannon?


That's Fred. He's not very freaky for a Fred, though. ...What? Not all Freds are freaky? News to me.

...I am very curious where you got that stereotype from. I know "Freaky Fred" from something, but I am not clear on what that was.

I'm sure there are fans, but I am not one of them.

Sadly, sunset is a phenomenon exclusive to Riverside Station.

That's a Fahr Outpost Bob-omb. No clothes, but do they mind the snow? NO! I grew up in a warm place, so this is like an icebox for me! ...AAAAACHOO!

I mean, she's also entirely face. That can't help the cold resistance.

The obligatory ice level of the game is not that kind of cold, sadly. At least I'm not smashing the ice rink this time.

I love this reaction, though. Tourist destination in the middle of the snow, but it's not a tourist destination for being Rosalina's Ice World.

This is part of Fahr Outpost. There's a shop and an inn here, so that's something... They have a huge, cannonlike monument over there, too. Very Bob-ombish!

This is the part of town people live in.

That's Gob. He says he wants to get bigger. Hey, pal, I hear what you're saying! He built that snowbob just to show how big he wants to grow. Now THAT'S big!

At least Pa-Patch is around that big. I think.

Yeah, that's a reasonable concern. I think you can melt down Bob-ombs, assuming you remember to take out the active ingredient first.

That's a Bob-omb from Fahr Outpost. He's kinda sick of playing in the snow, I think. I'm sure he'd have fun if we took him to Keelhaul Key or Glitzville, y'know?

Why isn't that an option? Funnily enough, Super Mario Odyssey would actually implement something similar to this- although not player driven, entirely driven by the in-universe people involved. Funny to see that, and I'd love to see more of it next time they find the people to make an RPG.

That's a Bob-omb from Fahr Outpost. Why is he digging down into the snow like that? Hmmm... Maybe he's just a deep guy!

Doesn't sound like much of one. He enjoys the place is jut nice to hang out in.

That's a Bob-omb from Fahr Outpost. He seems to be working on something tough... It must be nice to lie in the falling snow and think things over carefully...

I wish I had that kind of time.

Did you notice this was the last Shine Sprite in the game? Because it totally is. We have all 42 of them. Compare this to the last Super Block being before entering Crystal Palace in 64.

That's Swob. He's the type of guy that just says whatever he's thinking, y'know? To be honest, I kinda like people like that.

And yet he isn't blabbing about the mystery cannon.

The first house has nothing but a Star Piece in it.

The shop now has, in addition to Shooting Stars and Stop Watches, Ruin Powder. You could've cooked this before now, but it's the best way to get some for your recipes... if you don't know there's a free one in Pirate's Grotto, it turns out.

That's the manager of Northwinds Mart. You can buy and sell items here. It's so nice and warm inside! Can we just hang out in here until my nose thaws out?

You have a nose!?

Inn Coupon's behind the stairs here. I thought there was a freebie Space Food around here, but I'm not sure if I'm just misremembering.

(It's if we sleep at the inn.)

You gotta hand it to this guy... To come out to even this forsaken place... Talk about totally tenacious... This dude is serious.

I'm not 100% sure I'm willing to praise the dedication when that's the goal.

That's the innkeeper. Hard to tell with Bob-ombs, but I think it's a female. If you get tired around here, definitely swing by this place to rest up. ...I doubt they'll have trouble finding an empty room. I mean, we ARE in the sticks!

The Inn is perfectly normal, except the innkeeper is a Bob-omb Buddy and is also a girl. The Northwind's Mart manager is also a Buddy, and I'm not sure if this is "pink = girl" or just a joke for Dupree to be able to prey on a woman in a former military base (because he sure as hell won't manage it in the X-Naut Fortress).

Time for us to talk to the Mayor, who sounds a lot more like you expected him to.

That's the mayor of Fahr Outpost. He doesn't seem too interested in welcoming us. Maybe Bob-ombs are like, some super-closed-off society or something...

And resolutely denies the request for information about our ticket to the moon.

Goombella pipes up, but this proves to be futile. Now, obviously, we need to do something to defuse the Mayor's concerns, but we have no idea what those are and no one seems too hurried to tell us. So then, how do we find out what to do?

The residents of Fahr Outpost are extremely wary. They feel they can only trust Bob-ombs, and rarely tell the truth to others.

Turns out, despite his earlier suggestion that we were on our own, this is the one puzzle in the game that Frankly will provide a solution to where he himself is not the solution. Goombella has suggested the same thing- that the Bob-ombs won't talk to anyone except one of their own- but her version of the advice was more vague.

The solution to the puzzle is, of course, to talk to the Mayor with Bobbery as the active partner.

Ultimately, there was actually a mitigating factor to this puzzle- in the files of the game, one can find an early design of Bobbery that had him with a military-hued beret and missile turnkey, and if you are being stonewalled by Bob-ombs that seem mildly military, the solution of "bring out my retired drill sergeant Bob-omb" is a lot more natural than bringing out a retired sailor. The retained use of the name "Admiral" Bobbery seems to be a remnant of this idea, but even if he served in the navy (which does not seem to fit the backstory provided by Podley, although it would explain his feats of heroism in Chapter 5), that doesn't necessarily mean his voice holds sway in this ground army.

The change from a military background to a nautical one fits better for Chapter 5- since his justification for joining the party is to be the ship's navigator- and ultimately I think I preferred the Bobbery we got. I'm not sure just the military design would've been enough to make this puzzle more clear, and it's not that terrible. But still, I feel like the early Bobbery design and this puzzle are connected.

Bobbery is exactly the kind of person to push this lie hard since he has spotted it.

(Also, did you catch Bobbery being more generally aware of Fahr Outpost if he was the active partner before now?)

"I haven't called myself a Bob-omb for 20 years, I'm not about to let you start!"

I... hope this worked out for you?

Bobbery didn't care- if he did, he might've mentioned it by now.

This is, indeed, a matter of life and death. We could've found a different means, but of the ideas we have, this is the best one. Nobody tell him it's the only one.

I'm amazed he believed us.

The mayor tells us that, even if they wanted to, they cannot just let us use the cannon. We require something to get it to work.

Goldbob is a higher up in this operation? That rich fob?

Well, OK, I guess him doing it before he got rich and married tracks, but still. I thought Goldbobbington's was an entirely different kind of business. I assume it still is, though- this one can't be doing well if it's literally not doing anything.

The old operator also took the key with him when he left. So, you know, that's a real problem getting in the way and not just paperwork.

We'll have to track both of them down, then.

Fortunately, we know where one of them is. We have also been shown where the other one is, although I wouldn't blame you for forgetting. With that said, you are expected to have remembered.

He'll at least hear us out if we get the permission and the key.

Oh, and one last Star Panel in front of the statue.

Frozen again.

Imagine using Sweet Feast to survive these enemies.

And needing help from something again not long after. This snow path is really terrifying to navigate, a fact that will be important later. The fact we already have to backtrack along it twice is bad enough.

Imagine using Mini Egg offensively. It's buffed additively by powerups- so all Eggs are doing like 2 or 3 damage, rather than 3+2+1+1.

That is a lot of Cake Mixes. I thought I did a ton of them already. I guess that's just how Cake Mix is for cooking.

We saw this recipe in a Trouble a while earlier, but it's finally time for us to make it ourselves. Heartful Cake isn't exactly healing a ton of FP for an item with a negative effect, there.

With the last of the Shines collected and a reason to be back in Rogueport, the last two upgrades can be made and we're done with Merlon.

He doesn't seem to acknowledge the exciting moment.

We still have Star Pieces to gather for Dazzle. All three are later in Chapter 7, of course.

I'm sure there's a coupon queen somewhere who's wrangled this, but this feels really weird.

This Inn is overly long and rarely useful, but it is cool as hell and you may as well do it if you have a Coupon.

Although the partners have been in our pocket the whole animation, sadly.

...And we have to go all the way down, right.

...We get a free meal, too?

"Next time, please pay for it with cash."

...Well, that wasn't as valuable as I expected. Finally, I got what I paid for.

Well, he got an autograph, but still. At least it's these guys being indecisive rather than neglectful- and already they're regretting that arguing.

Although I'm worried they're going to overcorrect. Not like they would've done things right even if they had agreed on what to buy him, but...

Hey, maybe there's money in the budget for both of them to give him the decadent things they each want.

"Well, you see, Dad asked for a full-size train set, when really you wanted a miniature one."

Right, Goldbob, we are finally talking business.

...Why do we expect people to take us seriously when we say that?

Fortunately, since we are the Great Gonzales and the valiant Inspector Luigi, as well as the only one here who gave Bub a birthday present, Goldbob decides that he'll ask few questions and let us get on with it.

Besides, it's not even like Goldbob willingly let it lapse. Presumably, we can get the cannon operating without his direct oversight, so he can go watch the cannon while the wife sits here in Poshley Heights, where it's peaceful and quiet.

...It does?

Good question. For a capitalist. And when it comes to capitalists, you know what the only answer is.

You don't seem to have any coins at all. How utterly preposterous, my lad. Well that won't do, no, no. Why don't you return later with some money, hm?

...Well, OK, other than that, but that's a very funny line in that context.

Something for nothing? Ha! Money makes the world spin! You're a bit naive, I'm afraid. Why don't you come back once you learn a bit about the way of the world, hm?

One coin? Do you mock me? Why not just slap me with your shoe and be done?!? This will not do, no, no. Why don't you come back later, with a new attitude.

64 coins! You seem to be underestimating the value of my services. Well, I just can't abide that. Why don't you come back later, hm?

The cannon does not come back online unless we're willing to invest a more sizable chunk of our wallet in it.

Although he wasn't expecting to hear that. You can say no and leave the conversation, but you do have to say yes if you want to progress in the story.

Multiple times.

...What do I even have left in the game to spend money on? The Lovely Howz is full, Super Luigi isn't exactly being helpful...

The more you ask, the more I consider it.

Trust me, that's now how I ask for a refund.

And yes, he does deduct every single coin in your wallet.

In recognition of our dedication to the cause, Goldbob is willing to part with his rubber stamp. Apparently, it's a manual, but considering how it is fired, I somehow doubt it was fully necessary. Although probably for the better we grabbed it.

Also fortunately, this isn't actually Goldbob deducting every single coin we have.

To his chagrin. But still, we need that money for Luigi's books.

"And trust me, being shot out of a cannon is A-OK!"

All the Goldbobbingtons have switched to more supportive dialogue in response. Huh.

And, before we can go find General White, we get an email.

Of course.

       RDM Issue 6

An unknown businessman (age 30) was taken into custody today by port authorities as he tried to board the blimp carrying large amounts of a volatile red liquid. After a few tense moments, authorities identified the liquid as a spicy condiment, and the businessman was subsequently released. Our RDM reporters were mystified by the following unsolicited comment: "Buy our new Hot Sauce, folks!"

This week, we have the pleasure of introducing the fabulously luxurious shop on the Excess Express, the Sales Stall!

This unique boutique on the exclusive train of the independently wealthy just reeks of money, but perhaps the idyllic landscapes rushing past will loosen your purse strings! Says the impeccably dressed manager of sales: "Come one, come all, be you rich or not at all, to our lovely Sales Stall!" He then announced a double- point sale for all RDM readers! Just show him this screen in the next 15 minutes to double your points on any purchase!

This is it, rookies! You've finally made it to the big leagues! Today's recipe is an advanced-level one. Today, we'll be making Ink Pasta. Just boil Fresh Pasta until perfectly al dente and mix lightly with Inky Sauce. Perfecto! Get ready for gourmet chow tonight!

Can you believe it, dear readers? The next issue will be our last! Don't miss it!

Published by Rogueport
Restoration Committee

Rogueport Today: You mean the businessman caused a holdup by trying to travel with all that Hot Sauce? Not entirely surprised (although surely there are bigger concerns on a blimp compared to a plane), although apparently, the liquid explosives guy was 2006. Was there an earlier joke I missed, or is this riffing on something else?

Shop Reporter: ...The Excess Express shop does double Star Points? Maybe we should've taken the Express back to Rogueport rather than the pipe. We could always use more Boo's Sheets, maybe?

Cooking for Rookies: How helpful, skipping the step where you actually explain how to get Inky Sauce. Still not 100% on how that happens in-universe, which probably stopped them, but Inky Sauce itself seems like a good recipe to slip in here.

Editor's Note: Wait, you're stopping? I mean, yeah, eventually the writers are going to run out of spam, but why, in-universe, is RDM ending? The progression has felt like it was written with Mario/the player first and was ultimately less of "Frankly signing us up for a newsletter" than it first appeared.

Well, he is Ultra Rank now.

It's nice to get Koops to visit his family while we're here in Petalburg.

OK, Koops, it's time for me to teach you my own patented fighting technique! If you can master this skill, you'll be ready for any foe! I like to call it the... Power Shell! Hm? You already know it? Hmmm... So kids grow even without their parents...

I'm not sure when you get this line, but it doesn't seem to be now. I love the fact Koopley knew Power Shell too- unfortunate Koops already made it that far through his notes. Now he's going to ask to learn Shell Slam.

General White is right next to the Peach fan's house, as seen in Chapter 1, and...

Where is General White?

Well then. I am pleased with that news.

Could you be any less sure on what exactly you're trying to tell us?

Head all the way down to Keelhaul Key, as suggested, and Pa-Patch is ready to point us in a new direction.

You get the sinking feeling there's going to be more to this?

Also, these Toads haven't got much in the way of news, it seems.

He's nominally in charge, but it is very definitely a Francesca affair.

Now then, more walking around the sewers.

Might as well pick up some more recipes. The fact the Zess Deluxe isn't the worst thing in the world to cook makes a lot of these mostly filler utilitarianly, but collect them we shall.

The sorts of things we're using all those Cake Mixes on.

The Fire Pop doesn't damage you anymore, which means these two recipes are basically identical. Even the resources invested have about the same cost. Remember how Heartful Cake is 20 FP and softens you? Honey Candy does the same thing without the softening.

Told you there were easier ways to cook this, Luigi.

Presumably, the intent is that he's drowning his sorrows here. He's doing it in the rich town rather than in Rogueport, which is presumably cheaper and closer. I guess he was trying to bump into Goldbob.

...That's... an odd story. I mean, he did come here asking, but your story doesn't really match up.

I'm saving my debut for after I've saved the world, Jolene.

Also, while I was up there, I decided to figure out what Zess T. will say happens if we combine the Hot Dog with the Hot Sauce.


...Well, I guess we had to cook it with something? The Mistake does appear on our cooking log.

And, despite looking like it will give us several diseases, it is somehow more nutritious than the Dried Shroom.

"We turned him away quickly, though. No tourists."

This is slowly getting not funny.

And it turns out we get a dead end for our efforts. This is a mandatory roadblock in the way of fun for everyone who's ever played this game, and yes, despite the Mayor only hinting that he's in Petalburg, you can't just notice he's not there and go right back.

This is the best place to sell Mistakes. Although it's not like you're making them deliberately. Maybe with Mysteries.

Looks like the stage got very angry with us. At least the fight ended with that blast.

What now?

Is this the so-called Great Gonzales? Unh! Well, it's me, your worst nightmare! The new and improved Rawk Hawk! Don't think I forgot you, punk!
I'm reborn, you coward! My training regimen would blow your mind! I'm on the fast track back to the top, and ain't NOBODY gonna get in my way! Rawk!
And still... on rainy days, I feel the bruises your hammer of shame left on this bod, and I feel the RAAAAAGE again!
If you EVER show your face in the ring again, I'll beat you so bad your momma won't even recognise you! Remember the RAAAWK!
   Number 1
   Rawk Hawk

Yeah, yeah, put up or shut up. I've beat you once before and I've only gotten far, far stronger since. Power Lift alone would wipe you into a fine paste.

I was selling the Fire Pop here, since it's more expensive here than anywhere else, and got charmed by the area-sensitive selling dialogue.

All right, so where could we find General White?

Ahhhhhhhhh... The mustached gentleman... Where has he gone to?

This entire thing is indeed a giant joke at our expense. Just sending us to Poshley and Petalburg would've done just fine. Maybe this was supposed to be a world tour? Weird it's before the X-Naut Fortress rather than opening the Door, though. I can appreciate why they have a world tour, but it does get more frustrating because of the setup. Although a world tour would feel more rewarding if the NPCs... actually got to talk about what life is like for them now.

This conversation goes on for a long time. Possibly to make sure that General White gets back inside his house before he's done.

...You don't get to sleep if we don't.

Mario does a combo to nudge him awake.

It doesn't work. If you try again, he'll do it again.

This continues on. So many times.

Yes, that was necessary too.

General White, ignoring his mechanical role, has continued to be extremely depressed about no longer being part of the "shooting the giant cannon" job, and his runaround has been immensely disappointing for him, too.

At which point we tell him we're the guy he's looking for.


This is a pretty neat joke, but it really, really went overboard. I feel just going to Petalburg and back would've worked just fine.

The reason he knows to look for us is because of Merluvlee, incidentally.

"It could also have been 'green', I'm colour-blind."

This has all the makings of your lucky day. Now get into position and try not to wind up in Koopa Bros. Fortress on the way.

Just walking right over his own door in excitement.

Fortunately, the mayor is on board too. I'd hate to see what would happen if he ultimately decided not to go through with this. He'd be the one explaining that to General White, though.

Bobbery preens at that. I think all the partners do it.

Now then... we have to go find that cannon.

That's General White, the Bob-omb. I guess white Bob-ombs are pretty rare. He has a cool mustache, too. He might even give your lip fuzz a run for its money!

It's over on this map, of course.

All of the Bob-ombs in the corners are just as happy to see this happen.

That's the mayor of Fahr Outpost. He seems to trust us now, thank goodness.

Now then, before we get too far into this scene, I want to mention something: I went back to Northwinds and took some inventory items out of storage for intention to use in the X-Naut Fortress. I apparently made my save state to repeat this cutscene to see all the partner versions of it before I did that, so ultimately I turned out to not be able to show the things I intended to show.

Ironically, this isn't even a Point of No Return. Once we get into the X-Naut Fortress, we don't have to do very much before we find the way the X-Nauts get back to Earth and can commandeer it for ourselves. Granted, it's slightly implied that we're not supposed to use it until we're intended to leave, so maybe they wanted it to be a Point of No Return, but they later changed their minds. Possibly because the X-Naut Fortress doesn't have its own shop, perhaps.

I feel like the size of this hatch is a reference to Mario 64. Hatches about this big were where the Bob-omb's cannons were stored, and you could blast around the levels with them. They're not even powerful enough to get us to the top of those little paintings, the Moon is beyond them.

Now, this cutscene is quite possibly my favourite in the game- which makes a welcome reprieve from the tediousness of the General White quest- so if you want to watch it in action yourself, check here.

General White either needs to reread the manual to catch up, or he's been waiting for this moment so long he's got the whole thing memorised. I could believe both.

At any rate, they're not actually loading the cannon yet, but they are preparing to do so.

These three Bob-ombs will be responsible for aiming the cannon.

As they do inside the high-tech bunker. We will see the inside only for this cutscene.

Let's get started.

Ready for launch.

The camera heads out here and a siren plays, to warn anyone that we're about to be shooting a cannon and to clear some space.

About that much space.

I'd at least recommend putting on the music that starts playing here: Fire up the Cannon.

Strangely, we somehow fell down through this bit, too. Try not to think about it.

Or the sheer number of inner shutters. It's a wonder this thing still works.

Some lasers climb into the sky to indicate how high this cannon is going to reach fully loaded. I assume there's a gigantic radius around this outpost that is a gigantic "no fly zone" for any planes. Just don't even bother.

Actual joke from Nintendo Power:

Considering most of the Bob-ombs speak with Russian accents, those of you who grew up in the '60s may feel a bit nervous when you see the enormous weapon rise from a silo. Resist the urge to hide under a desk and tuck your head between your legs.

Back in 2004, that was a very dark joke, but still a joke. Now that the Russians are back in the arms race...

Feel very lucky this thing isn't using live ammo. ...Well, OK, it is using live ammo, but, uh, in the other definition.

...Wonder if it ever actually fired lethal ammo. Surely it had to have killed somebody.

"We've never done it before, but surely it'll work.

The cannon's crosshairs include a bunch of mountains, and then it adjusts... closer to the horizon.

Hey, the Mushroom Kingdom calendar is all kinds of messed up, let's not ask what units they're measuring these in.

(With that said, the distance from the Earth to the Moon is in the ballpark of 384,400 km, so accounting for position on the earth, that range might actually be in kilometres.)

The cannon now points correctly at the Moon.

General White gives, to two decimal places, some important physics corrections to make. They're of the sort that I'm not sure what units we use for those and I'm sure we're not supposed to care other than this is showing General White doing his due diligence.

With all the aiming complete, the time has come for the more comedic portion of proceedings to occur.

How does a village of Bob-ombs fire a cannon?

By stuffing it full of Bob-ombs, of course.

It takes a while for the hatch to close, long enough for a few bubbles to pop up amongst the waiting Bob-ombs.

...Was it always this uncomfortable? I can see multiple reasons this business shut down.

Ignoring the neck thing, they breathe? That hatch is a deathtrap. No wonder they load after aiming.

With the cannon aimed, locked and loaded, there's nothing more to do.

But to fire.

This is the scene the chapter's named after, and damn if they don't shoot the money.

Rosalina watches Mario and Bobbery go past and resolves to come visit us on Earth so we don't do something so phenomenonally stupid next time we want to go to space.

Don't worry, the Bob-ombs are perfectly OK. Although how they got that high is anyone's guess. Isn't the hatch supposed to be shut?

Next time: Besieging the X-Naut Fortress.

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