Welcome to Gallopolis! ...It doesn't sound like it's the place to hang around.
Dave: Crikey! I thought Gondolia 'ad it bad, but this place actually
seems to 'ave even less life about it! Well, no use whingin' about it- we've got a job to do!
This is where that fella told you to come lookin' for new performers for the
circus, ain't it? Come on, let's get crackin'! There's bound to be
someone around 'ere 'oo still remembers 'ow to raise a smile!
Leader of the Beastly Boys: My parents took me to the circus once, when I was a
little boy. I remember me and my pals trying to copy the moves for hours
afterwards. It's a real shame they're calling it a day, but at
least we're helping them go out with a bang!
Vice-Leader of the Beastly Boys: I'd be more than happy to join the circus if I had
any kind of talent, but I don't know a whole lot beyond hoisting mainsails
and weighing anchors. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more helpful, but
there's bound to be some talented performers around here who'd be more than
happy to step in and save the day!
Beastly Boy in Training: Whoa...! This is my first time in Gallopolis, and
it's even bigger and more bustling than I expected! It's just a shame everyone looks so miserable, but I
suppose it's the same everywhere nowadays...
Priest: The priest who works at the church in Gallopolis is
vastly experienced and highly respected. I have the utmost admiration for
him. I've always wanted to have the chance to meet him in
person, so I'm very glad our journey has led us here.
Callabero: Muchas gracias, Señor Sylvando. If you had not
stepped in when you did, that mother and daughter would have been done for. We talk a lot about the way of the caballero in
Puerto Valor, but displays of true chivalry are few and far between. Por favor, Señor Sylvando... Teach me everything you
know! Teach me to be a chivalrous caballero just like you!

The circus shutting down is kinda causing a bit of a death loop. People are too depressed to go to the circus and keep it in business, the circus shutting down is making people depressed...
..."Short-tempered guards"? As if this situation needed to get any worse.
In front of the church, we can bump into a drummer trying to make a lady smile again. Or rather, brainstorming effective methods.
He's actually one of the people we need to get the circus back up.
With any luck, we should be able to help him figure out the exact trick he needs to pull of to get her feeling better.
And he's happy to accept that exchange.