Sunday 19 May 2024

SPM Chapter 8 Part 2: The Chessmaster

The countdown has now started. Pay no attention to the half of the castle we've already gotten through.

...You know, 1-2 didn't have dialogue at the start of it. We really didn't need to re-establish premises when they're just off.

Once again, the game confidently and proudly states we are much less far in in the title card than I feel we should be. Now we're in the interior? I can see the Void outside!

Skellobits have followed us even into Castle Bleck. They seem to like these guys even as the literal legions of hell.

And hey, they're fun to fight.

Oh, that is not the time you want to see that curse.

...Well, so much for Luigi's Super Jump not exactly being a jump.

...I should've taken a shot of my inventory. What do I even have?

Please stay out of my way while I play this song please

At least having the Fast Flower up means I could do it fast.

...Uh, yes?

...How much of this room is just Skellobits?

And now we're using Slow Flower.

And getting those giant coins.

Speaking of coin payouts, Hogarithms are here to help us with that cash problem I totally have:

IE I want more of it.

...Hey, is that a ledge up there?

That's a Sobarribad. It shields itself with a strong barrier... Max HP is 8 and Attack is 4. It also shoots rings of energy from its mouth... You can't break its barrier, but you can flip to get places it might not want you to...

Indeed it is, and up here, we can find the game's only two Sobarribads, the upgraded form of Barribad from the Whoa Zone. It is not a meaningful enemy in any way, and is handily defeated the same way we handled him last time.

At least there's two of them this time. Still, this enemy was kinda funny but way too underutilised. Why not make them platforms?

That is a lot of mirrors. So what's the idea behind-

Oh. Hello, Dimentio. He's taking a very proactive role dealing with us, or at least those clones he makes are.

And also so many tricky jumps to make with Longators making a pain in the ass for you.

This mirror isn't shining like all the other ones. Not that the shine effect is always on.

Huh. Not the only mirror that also exists on the back side. So what's in here?

...Well, that was disappointing.

Never mind, more important.

Right, back we go.

Useful right away!

Flip into 3D before this staircase, and it turns out there's another way forward.

Down here is another hallway of Soopa Strikers. Which... continue to be a bit of a no-sell. I mean, at least put them on platforms to kick down from.

Otherwise they're no match for their own ammo.

More health!

We have a bunch of these rooms, with blocks that hang in the ceiling and taunt you with their mystery functionality.

Only one of them works, and Tippi will be happy to tell you which if you don't want to do trial-and-error.

Lots of doors to investigate in here.

Including this one, which seemed to already be here when I got here.

Nothing but some Red Chomps to be stuck fighting here.

We can fish ourselves out of this situation, but...

Ah. I see.

...Wow, this room goes on for a while. So what's the deal with this room?

Aside from all the Magiblots getting in my way.

Ah. Combo lock. I knew there was a reason to flip into 3D here.

Well, that was necessary.

Now then, back through all these rooms to go up the stairs and see what's next.

No point saving these anymore, this is just free healing.

...Yes, fine, whatever.

Oh, that's rude. At least this isn't before the boss.

...Now that is worthless to me.

Healing anyway, because it is suspicious...

But really it's just some more enemies.

...And a door that leads right back where we started.

To progress past this room, we need to jump in a certain path. The arrows pointing out this path exist only in 3D.

But you might need Luigi's help to get through it.

Lot of 2D jumping -> 3D flipping and so forth.

Also some Skellobombers up here, in case you thought you were done with the monsters downstairs.

Thankfully, the last thing is just to jump straight down.

Another of these mirror rooms. No Dimentios sniping at us this time, though.

...So what's on the other side?

It turns out the answer is "All the Dimentios". These work more like the Dry Bone hordes from TTYD than actual enemies, though.

And because of the floatier jump physics of this game, can be roundly ignored if you so please.

Which is good, these ones had a key.

And yes, like the Dry Bones, you can Hammer them and get rid of them if their exertions on your movements bother you.

Just a T-Rage on this side. Not that it helps on these guys.

...No rewards for getting rid of them all. Or really, any acknowledgement.

...Save Block.

So this is where you were hiding, Dimentio.

Those Mushrooms back in the mirror room were our suspicious boss healing.

Dimentio acknowledges our whole "dwindling party" situation, which also lays a bit of suspicion at his feet for their absences. I... I can't say the idea that he was the one to get rid of them is without merit.

Tippi, in what universe was that going to work?

...I can't believe it.

Never mind. Why did I think I could count on Tippi?

Before we battle with Dimentio, we have one more stretch of level to complete.

And rather than in front of us, it takes us to the side.

Fleep that rift and hit the button and we're warped to where Dimentio has taken us...

...Lineland Road?

Dimentio's game of tag is taking us through the other worlds!

Each area only has one room we really have to worry about, and anything that used to be an exit no longer works.

Everything you remember in the level is still there- including, rather surprisingly, the fact that this room contained a Catch Card hidden behind a Warp Pipe. If you didn't get that earlier, you can find it here.

Instead of using that door, we've gotta Fleep away.

Yes, we will be backtracking through all seven chapters in order. Which map, on the other hand, is all down to Dimentio's whim.

This one was probably the best room to chase Dimentio through. This place was more about doors anyway.

Most of the doors just "will not open", but the doors that used to contain the Rubee-earning rooms are locked even if you come back here outside this place, and they have their usual locked textboxes.

Slim to get to the hidden bank vault, Fleep to get to the next dimension, really wishing there was a hot-swap button...

...Tile Pool? I... I guess at least it isn't Dotwood Tree?

This time, we go left. Not much, but it's something.

Planet Blobule. Probably for the best it wasn't somewhere that required Squirps.

...Caught an off-frame. This is what you're looking for to get the rift. It's very high up, but we're in low-grav, it's fine.

Land of Crag, and that Void is much larger than I have been told. I thought this was supposed to be the smallest of all the Voids, but I'm fairly sure Space's was smaller. I'd say this is a good time to measure the different Void sizes, but Merlee's Mansion didn't have windows.

Luigi just super-jumping over Rawbus.

...That's annoying.

I need to flip into 3D to get to the next rift.

It's down here. Not technically a screen transition!

And yes, World 6 is represented by the World of Nothing rather than one of the many Sammer Guy podiums. Too many doors for Dimentio's liking.

Careful not to overshoot.

Of course it's the Underwhere Road.

...I guess it's not the Overthere Stair, at least.

So are we going to do a Chapter 8 chase?

...Shoutouts to that Underhand about to grab me from through the platform. Rude.

Nah, we're just going to finish up the tag and move on to the next leg of the DImentio encounter.

Luigi is not having fun.

Yeah, I'm going to slap a big ol' "citation needed" on that claim.

...Well, that's getting your secret betrayal plans out of the way surprisingly fast.

...How do you go and justify that one?

...Never mind, that makes total sense. You'd think Chunks and Mimi would be more concerned about this situation.

This seems to be considered an actual reveal for the heroes. We've been taking "Bleck has an end goal" as fact, although once again, this feels far too late for a meaningful motive twist like this one.

...I have several questions about your definition of the word "always". One would be correct in suspecting some foul play is involved, but the real question is how.

Dimentio's continued allegiance is to get in Count Bleck's hair and be a pain in the ass to him. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and get closer to your enemies.

Dimentio then reveals that these three serendipitous events were actually engineered by himself. Something we probably could've seen for ourselves, but when said aloud, make it plain just how deep Dimentio's treachery goes. Or perhaps more accurately, how far his ambitions stretch.

Dimentio has been levelling the playing field. The real question is... who benefits? And how is it him?

...Please do not say that is what Tippi has done.

If you remember back in TTYD, the Shadow Queen thought we were cool enough to offer a place by her side. Dimentio makes a similar offer for us, but you'd be quite mistaken if you thought he respects us any bit as much as the Shadow Queen.

Although for a patina of hilarity, Dimentio almost comes off as But Thou Musting you into the choice... were it not incredibly obvious this guy has anything but our best interests at heart. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but right now, I'm not entirely sure which of these two is my enemy.

Tippi: Mario, wait! Are you sure you can trust him? I don't know if I believe all of this...
Dimentio: ...Don't believe me? But trust, it is the tasty paste that holds civilization together! How does this strike you? Defeat the count and I will give you a very rare card. Does that entice you?

Yeah, remember when Mimi tried to bribe us to get us to go along with her? Yeah, anyone who wasn't convinced earlier is now ready to back the hell away from Dimentio.

Tippi: He's lying... I can feel it! He's trying to trick us and use us for his own ends.
Dimentio: You are like a sad, meager sack that has deflated and lost all of its trust! Perhaps a signed bottle of my fragrance, "Demented, by Dimentio," will sway you? People will stand in ovation whenever you enter a room! Now will you fight with me?

I'll take your word for it? I could believe there being an audience for that scent.

Tippi: Mario! Who do you trust, Dimentio or me? I won't warn you again. If you say "yes" once more, I will not be able to save you. You'll be that psychopath's partner, for better or worse!
Dimentio: You're the hero! Are you going to let little butterfly minds influence your decision? What will it be? Will you help me face Count Bleck?

The final opportunity to back out of the game over route is heavily signposted, and Dimentio shows a shade of his true colours in telling us not to listen to Tippi. Symbolically, Tippi is also the character who presents the best alternative option for dealing with Bleck.

Dimentio: AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Excellent choice, Mario! You are wiser than you look.
Luigi: Uhhh... Bro? Is this really a good idea?
Tippi: I really wish you hadn't done that... Good-bye.
Tippi actually leaves.
Dimentio: Now, let me give you a taste of my scrumptious power, just as I promised.

...Remember these things? Way back in Chapter 5, King Croacus and the Floro Sapiens were using these Floro Sprouts to mind-control the Cragnons. This plot point remained relatively separate from the rest of the game, although Dimentio did mention he was stealing a few. And this is what he had in mind for them- using them on us. For his own sinister purposes.

That sucking sound is your free will being plunged from the toilet of your mind! Now, you are my slave, and you will do my bidding. You will be... fearless! Go and defeat the count! And when he is gone, I will create a new world! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Again, for dramatic effect! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

And unlike last time, they actually work. No luck like the one that died on O'Cabbage's brain. It would be a cunning plan were it not for the fact the plan's basis was asking us to submit.

I can say the same about you. Your chase through all the worlds was not forgotten.

And now we get to the most famous, and possibly the most significant, tweak to the European script. In European slang, particularly British, "to shag" is a verb referring to sexual intercourse, and so they dropped this whole conversation.

Dimentio: I think I'll start with the green one, he looks like a pushover.

They did not exactly pick the most creative of alternatives. Perhaps it was found late and they had to cobble something together.

Luigi: Pushover?! I'll show you who's a pushover!

Part of this is how cool the "shag" version of the line is, but also I do sorta feel like insulting Luigi's ability is the more interesting option, as compared to simply insulting his moustache.

Luigi accepts his job as the guy to hold Dimentio while Mario goes to Bleck alone. We're down our greatest rival, our boldest heroine, and now our most loyal little bro.

And we're not in a game that's giving any of this the weight it deserves.

Luigi: Besides, he called me a pushover, Bro!

...Eh. I don't doubt they make fun of his 'stache, but compared to the rest of his characterisation, this is not a pressure point. It's more accurate that he'll attack anyone who insults him.

Mario actually holds in place longer than he did for Peach. Admittedly, Peach was rather more insistent on him leaving her to her dignity.

Eventually, Mario nods and lets Luigi deal with his own dears.

Although he turns back and looks at his little bro one last time on the way. So long, little bro.

Dimentio allows this to happen, because it's in his interest if Mario succeeds at what he's doing. So much for dealing with us.

...What kind of dodgeballs are those? Dodgeballs are usually pretty visible. The problem is dodging.

That's Dimentio. He's a weird dimensional magician who works for Count Bleck... Max HP is 80 and Attack is 4. Dimentio can flip between dimensions... He can also clone himself. Attacking his double won't do anything to him... Hit the real one, and the double will disappear. Then, he can't clone again for a while...

Dimentio's Tattle hasn't meaningfully changed, because- hey, wait, where are the Pixls? How has Tippi managed to sit out of Tattling Dimentio twice? Technically thrice, if you consider the fact he never fought us in Chapter 7 like O'Chunks and Mimi did in 5 and 6. At any rate, Dimentio hasn't changed his strategy significantly either. He clones himself, teleports around, throws his magic attacks, and tries to lock us in his magic crates.

On the minus side, no Mario and no Pixls gives us fewer options for dealing with Dimentio's attacks. On the plus side, Luigi don't need no "options". Super Jump does exactly what he needs. We win in seven hits, with the upward hits of Super Jump counting as two.

How's that for pushover, you clown?

Go cry in some fancy foreign film.

I love when Luigi gets his day. For everything else this plot point gets... Luigi definitely earns his seat on the four Heroes.

And Dimentio realises he needs to do something with that.

OK, that wasn't necessary, Dimentio. You could've done this outside the box, surely. Unless...

You have something in mind, don't you?

They're going to have a hell of a time justifying what the point of this strategy was.

Now it's Mario's turn to sell the loss of one of our lost Heroes.

Or, well, Tippi. Not even the greater emoting afforded to SPM is enough to actually get Mario to sell it on his own. Not that it would be entirely fitting if he did.

...Although with that in mind, attributing this thought to Mario is rather dark. Even Mario ought to have a few second thoughts.

This may have just been an overshoot for Mario in general, rather than anything in specific.

A frigid wind blew through the dim and drafty corridors of Castle Bleck. Bowser, Peach... and even brave Luigi were gone. Mario was the only hero left. It was up to Mario to stop the dark prophecy. Every world hung in the balance. What thrilling conclusion awaited our hero? Mario ran to the count's inner sanctum, his mustache fluttering in the breeze...

So now it begins where it started. Nobody left but Mario, our favourite Mario characters lost to who-knows-what...

And everyone's asking who the hell Tippi and Count Bleck are and what their deal is.

Tippi is actually going to take a moment to pause and reflect on that.


Where was this pessimism when we lost Bowser? Granted, Peach and Luigi... haven't exactly got as many excuses. But we do come from a world where 1-Ups grow on trees.

If Mario knows one thing about his bro, his princess, and his dragon, it's that it'll take more than a few bumps and scrapes to put them out of commission. Back in the N64/GCN era, the devs flirted with the idea that Bowser is capable of dying, but even then they had no intentions of making it stick- moreso selling just how badly you can push Bowser to no avail. This is the era that gave us Dry Bowser.

Thank you, Tippi. We'll focus on the way forward and keep our heads held high doing it.

...And it seems Mario's unbridled optimism is enough to get Tippi to put some faith in Blumiere. We can turn this around... no matter what it takes.

Finally, we've made it to the Inner Sanctum. Although there'll surely be just as many tricks and traps here as any other. Unlike Chunks, Mimi and Dimentio, though, Bleck is an unknown quantity.

...Although he's got good taste in opening moves.

I don't need to get rid of Poison that badly, though.

...That's a lot of guys coming up.

Apparently I am eating my words, as well as Dried Shrooms.

Also getting a few healing pickups to start us off.

Now then, this room. This room actually stumped me for a little bit.

Tippi suggests the answer lies in 3D, but I can't see much of anything here.

Turns out the answer is that this room, despite the existence of Magiblot enemies, is another room that was added in post to justify the existence of pointing at the screen to find secrets. Huh, even Tippi's clues don't help you realise you need Tippi? That's a layer in uselessness I find hilarious.

This room, with the platforms that move up and down and beams that stop you cold from jumping across in 2D, is a much better application of Tippi's hint.

It's not a long room, and an easy room to figure out when you can always flip, but that hint combination was tricky.

...Where did all the platforms go?

They come back, but there's a gap when there's nothing to cross but patience.

Along the way, there's a pipe you can only see in 3D.

Leading to a room that just kinda... ends.

We'll need to count on Dottie to help us pick up this key. Hope you found the pipe along the way!

Because we'll need it to go forward.

That enormous white beast is a legendary Mega Muth... Max HP is 200 and Attack is 8. They can trample nearly anything... It has a huge amount of HP, so it will be very hard to take down... They are gods among Muths...

The upgraded form of Muth, Mega Muth is kind of a hilarious enemy in context. These things exist to be stronger versions of Muth, of course, there is no question there. It is perhaps not because of their high EXP potential (at 13 Atk, it takes 16 bonks to kill one), either. No, it is the fact that these creatures are statistically superior to Count Bleck himself. Judging only by HP and Atk, the Mega Muth is a stronger foe. An entire hallway of them? Frankly, Bleck has no business leaving his room!

And here I am gathering them all together like a man with no self-preservation instincts. Mario, 1-Ups may exist in the Mushroom Kingdom, but here-

...Never mind, you got things covered.

...Uh, sure.

Sometimes you just want to get rid of the things.

There's also a few of them that hang out in 3D.

Enough that I even used up one of my rations to escape it!

This room is a big one.

By which I mean very big. You see that hollowed out archway?

That's a path to another way forward.

There are more of them than I know what to do with. I wonder if anyone's ever mapped it. I know I didn't have one to count on.

Got one last level before Bleck with the stuff I found on the way.

I even found one of these. This does the bare minimum of being a healing item, but it helps.

...Wow, that's sadistic. I wonder how Mr. I could've done with some creative placement: What happens when you can't run circles around it? Ultimately, though, it suffers from it having a big issue making your life miserable. The occasional laser pulse does not make an enemy scary.

Eat pork!


Wow, I had a lot of cookied items for the road.

If you had to be a Fuzzy, pink wouldn't be a bad color. Still, no one's winning any cuteness contests here.

Got one! Just one to add to the pile, though. At this stage, I'm getting too many randomly selected cards for this to sway the tides.

Another chest, this one with a more valuable prize! This is probably the best thing I could find in here, but I wonder what else is available. I wouldn't be surprised to find a Shooting Star, perhaps...

...Now this is the way forward. No idea where it was, though. Or where I was.

...Already ending, are we?

But we were just getting started...

Next time: The Chaos Heart's Master.

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