Saturday 18 May 2024

SPM Chapter 8 Part 1: The Duel of Queens

After finding every Pure Heart, the band of heroes set off for Castle Bleck. The stakes were high as the ominous void grew larger and the end drew near. Could Mario and friends stave off the inevitable and overturn the prophecy? What strange twist of fate awaited Tippi and Count Bleck? These thoughts plagued the minds of our heroes as the curtain rose on the final act...

Fortunately, that oppressive atmosphere is relatively isolated to the text. We don't have to listen to this out of the characters quite so much.

Remember this place? It's been a while since we've left the room Count Bleck stays in, but this is where Peach and Luigi escaped from. It's time to come back.

...He's gone all out on the decor. I love it.

Not that we can see the detail from this distance. It makes the castle look kinda scary, but I think I prefer the "some detail".

Bowser: Don't you run, Bleck! Your face is about to feel the burn!
Luigi: Yes! Count Bleck is deep inside this castle.

Peach is the only party member to acknowledge she's been here before. Sorry, Bowser, but this time Peach is the cool one.

...Are you going to be like this the whole time?

Time for us to delve into Castle Bleck, which has prepared a suitably nifty ominous theme. Probably a candidate for the best final dungeon theme of the trilogy- the atmosphere of Bowser's Castle and Palace of Shadow were nice, but this one nails both atmosphere and being a bop.

If you switch into 3D, you can get a cool transition of the castle coming into detail on the approach.

You must switch into 3D to actually enter the building, of course.

Hello, Koopatrol. Much like in 64, these guys occupy the last area of the game.

Unlike in 64, they're less "elite enemies" and more "opportunities to sow complete and utter chaos."

...Or would be if they actually killed things. They only do a small amount of damage, and most enemies can survive one hit.

Also found right away- Magiblots. You'll be seeing plenty of them, and they suit the theming.

Magiblots even come to chase us in here!

Goombas? Well, they have been hypnotising the Koopa Troop, and I guess these are either the fresh recruits or they never got around to deploying these guys on the field. Either way, I'm going to assume two of these are Gary and the traitor Goomba from Luigi's intermission.

This is for getting with the "winning team", bastard.

If you want to get up the stairs without being harassed by the soldiers, 3D mode.

Boomerang Bros. have no plan for enemies above them in this game. They're actually kinda terrifying from this position in the platformers, but without that upward arc, they're helpless.


They have a certain fondness for this staircase design.

Incidentally, we have now found the room where Peach made her unsuccessful bid for freedom in her intermission.

It really doesn't go anywhere.

Anyway, so what can we find further up, in the room where we lost the Captain?


This is a Red I. They glare at anyone that walks by... Max HP is ??. Attack is 4. It will shoot sharp glances at any enemy it spots... None of your attacks will work... Try flipping and running around and around it...

Red I is an upgraded Mr. I that appears only in Super Paper Mario. It requires more laps to be sedated, but is otherwise not as impressive. There's a reason these guys didn't stick around, and it's not because they were too weak.

Door's locked on the way forward, so we have to spring jump up and get to that door where Peach came out.

Which allows us to get to where Peach started her Intermission.

...I'll find a use for it.

You, on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. Well, I guess I can drink it now and-

...Never mind.

Ironically, on the other side, we can find something that requires Peach to glide across.

This room is a hallway full of Magiblots and Soopa Strikers.

Peach takes their "let's make this room chaos" and makes sure that chaos doesn't befall her. Out of the way, shellheads!

I'm told that, if glitchhunters discovered a means to get this key during Peach's intermission, event flags would allow shenanigans to ensue. I'm not sure how they plan on managing that, but to be fair, it's just one jump they need to make.

I don't think this room is narrow enough that those Soopa Strikers are still scary in 3D, but they put a few of them in here. You can hear the sounds of their shells bouncing around as you walk around, though, for a layer of paranoia fuel.

No sleeping on the job!

And there goes everything that might been in my way.

Gawbus? Sure, it spontaneously combusts if you breathe enough fire on it.

Fire Bros. on this staircase. They might actually be the scariest enemy you can get because of the way their projectile works.

These torches are the clue to solve a puzzle later in the castle. As such, they're positioned just a bit too high for Bowser's flame to reach conventionally.

I broke the "no Bowser + Carrie" rule to try and light those empty torches anyway, just to see what the game would do if I tried. The answer is "nothing". Question answered, let's jump off Carrie now.

Whee! I think I was already too strong.

...Ultra Shroom now?

Time to waste it by checking out what those noises in 3D were all about. Whoops.

...A Save Block? Something's...

Well, this is the time for the Bowser puzzle, at least...

Oh, have I already got to the end of the stage? Thought there'd be a little more to it, but I suppose I guessed wrong.

Anyway, in this room, there's actually an error in the localised script! Tippi's Tattle on the player (the clue to how to proceed) is replaced with a plea. However, the localisers have confused "ルミエール" (Rumiēru, Blumiere) with "グランエル" (Guran Eru, Grambi), changing the meaning entirely. The EU English team decided to fluff the speech up to make it more appropriate she's addressing this to Grambi, but it remains a bit of a non-sequitur and doesn't flow from Tippi's current train of thought- even if it'd be nice to acknowledge the characters we've "left behind" like Squirps.

You can climb this staircase any way you'd like, but you must be in 3D to get through the door.

As one might expect, the final challenge in Castle Bleck pits us against all three of Team Bleck, and as one might expect (from the general order we have usually battled them in), O'Chunks comes first. Mimi and Dimentio's chapter segments have some level of theming to their respective characters, but I'll be honest, I'm not getting the impression O'Chunks got much of the same. Perhaps the shortness of the chapter reflects O'Chunks's eagerness to bring things to blows, but still.

O'Chunks, Warrior

I'm sure you might, chunklet.

Bowser echoes my sentiment, but chooses the turn of phrase that makes him come off as more than a mite hypocritical. To use your own words against you, "big talk from the chump who gets stomped again... and AGAIN!"

Bowser steps forward, and throws down the claw.

O'Chunks reckons that Bowser is just the guy he'd like to do battle with, and accepts.

...Alone, Bowser?

Peach notices that "alone" part and realises where this is going.

Bowser ain't kiddin'. No Mario, Peach or Luigi, only Bowser will do battle against O'Chunks today.

I think Chunks is trying to say "hurtle", although the fact he's saying this line directly to Bowser does kinda make me feel like he'd consider a "turtle" pun. That's not the part of the sentence where one would fit the word "turtle", though.

...Where and when did you learn to do that? Pity Bowser doesn't have access to the Rump Command. Granted, that wouldn't be a thing until two years later anyway.

...Is it too late to call in Kamek?


That's O'Chunks. He's even bigger and stronger now... How is that even possible? Max HP is 100 and Attack is 4. He can now perform aerial attacks... When you see him in the air, take evasive action... Just keep moving to avoid him. Well, Bowser, now is your chance to settle it with O'Chunks...

O'Chunks has skipped over 80 HP to go right to 100, seeing a 1.5x increase in bulk compared to his 5-4 O'Cabbage battle. Fist Jr. and Slappie have also seen an additional... point of damage. Yeah, 4 Atk is something to sneeze at, and the poor guy really hasn't seen that much to write home about. Growing chunkier hasn't been accompanied by an impossibility of jumping on him, but there was always the option of breathing fire on him. Really, something I learned from a video of putting all the Team Bleck Bosses into a single room was, O'Chunks really wishes his boss fight had higher platforms for him to charge down from. It's that flat line on the ground that's his problem.

And he's still just as vulnerable to Thoreau as ever.

He can fartillery his way down into a massive ground pound.

...I'm on 13 Atk. Which means Bowser 4-shots him. I know it was an occupational hazard of being the one vs one matchup against Bowser, but damn, O'Chunks got jobbed.

And yer naught but an Irishman who thinks he is Scottish.

...Granted, it worked for Jack Churchill.

Oh, not this again.

...Wait, what are we going to do with these guys now that they're done being in the story?

Bowser's happy to tell him to accept his defeat, since he's so awesome that there's no shame in losing to him. Hurriedly smudging the part of his scorecard where it shows he's lost to Mario a certain... number of times, that number... having an alarmingly large number of zeroes...

Don't look at me! You're the one attacking with your farts.

...Was that ceiling always like that.

Nastasia: "So why didn't we make sure the room O'Chunks fought the Heroes was properly built to prevent the roof from falling in?

O'Chunks leaps to his feet and grabs the falling ceiling, holding it up with every last once of his being.

O'Chunks, Warrior kicks back in for this last act.

He's going to sit here and make sure we leave this room alive.

His code of honour reckons that our beating him here earns us the right to actually use that victory. He doesn't like the idea of challenging us to a "heads I win, tails you lose" fight.

Although it may just kill him in the process. Not that he has a history of being keen to avoid that.

Bowser notices O'Chunks's odds of dying here, and decides to lend a hand in kind.

Us three can make it forward. Bowser and Chunks have got this ceiling covered.


I think Peach realises where this conversation is going.

We have to press on, but Peach can tell Bowser is not going to be following us.

You could hold it up all day, all right, but what's your plan for putting it down?

He says this, but animation-wise, O'Chunks is the one who's having a harder time holding the ceiling than Bowser is.

You two are acting like children.


We made it out OK, but we're now down our big, cuddly, overpowered spike turtle.

Peach is ultimately the one to decide to press onward. To be fair, she's the one who's got the most reason to not want to work with Bowser.

And besides, Bowser has, 100% canonically, survived worse by this point in the series. He gets blown up by spiked bombs in Super Mario 64, dumped in lava in Super Mario Bros., and even Paper Mario 64 had him catapulted into the air by the force of an exploding castle.

No wonder the Underwhere can't hold him.

That's the end of the chapter, at least...

An endless labyrinth of mind-boggling turns and deadly enemies... This final journey was more dangerous and trying than our heroes had seen before. Mario and friends kept on without Bowser, who was lost in a duel. There was no time to stop and search for Bowser, or even grieve... Our heroes knew they had to rush toward the final encounter with Count Bleck.

But does anyone else get the feeling he won't be the last?

...You know, not actually sure what this is referring to. Not a ton of "crashes" in this one in particular, even if there's plenty overall.

Apparently, the tremors that permeate Flipside when the Void expands have gotten more prevalent in here.

...Well, if you have control over the elements, maybe, but I don't think being in the centre of the Void protects you from the harmful physical effects. If anything, this is probably the least stable place in the universe.

This seems to be the first time that we're considering that question. I think we've been assuming that he had a plan to live beyond the world's destruction, a plan supported by his minions fighting to create worlds in their own visions (not that we ever see them tell us that). Since he has no plan or even interest in making it beyond his own armageddon, the question of what's on his mind naturally follows.

Finding a way to ask this question sooner might've been a good way to not backload all of the Tippi/Bleck/Timpani/Blumiere development.

Not that "backloading everything" seems to be something the devs have any interest in avoiding.

Part 2 of the castle climb and we're still in the foyer? Better pick up the pace.

We can see more Chapter 8 enemies make sense because of their monochrome tones. Kinda makes all the coloured-in ones feel more out of place- with that said, many of them are Koopa Troop brainwashees, so of course they'd be out-of-place.

Ooh, time to show off one cool thing you can do with the Long-Last Shake!

Since your Flip Gauge is restored to full whenever you get healed, you can stay in 3D as long as you like while you have the refresh effect.

...You know, might as well.

...I have no idea what's going on.

...And it's time for that same sentiment to apply to the plot, because it seems Merlon is capable of following us after all!

Good question. Better question, how did you get here so much faster?

Well, OK, that answers the question Tippi asked. Now I want my answer.

...That's not technically an answer to my question, but it does satisfy my curiosity. It seems everyone's favourite mistress of manipulation is up to her old tricks.

It's Merlon... The descendant of the Ancients who has offered us so much guidance... But what's he doing here?

 Being Mimi, I believe. Now, you could challenge her on her suggestion, but the only thing we can really do is repeatedly talk to her.

Why, what seems to be the problem, hero? Better get to bashing that block!

There's simply no time to dawdle! Hurry up and hit the block!

Perhaps you had better do less thinking and more bashing!

Urgent bashing is required! You must believe me!

You don't believe me?! Look at this beard! Has this beard ever lied to you?!



..................................................................................................................................................Just hit it.

And watch her descend into madness trying desperately to convince you that falling into her trap is a cool and good idea. What kind of idiot do you think I am?

Eventually, however, Mimi pulls out her secret trap card:

We're beholden to Event Flags.

To put it her way, we're not getting an inch past her until we hit the flag that says we fell into her dumb trap. It's not a trap because it's cunning, it's a trap because it's inescapable. Inescapable because the devs decreed that to be the case, and not because of Mimi's skill. It does more to point out the flaws of game design than it does to make Mimi come off as threatening. Especially when she's whining "hit the stupid block!"

After her Event Flag rant, she just resorts to begging we stop wasting everyone's time.

(Just in case, here's the real best line of the set. "Has this beard ever lied to you?" is an awesome line.)

Right, let's just bash the stupid block.

Oh no, we have been fooled. Who could possibly have seen that coming.

Right, what the hell is going on here and how do we get out of it?

Boomer on a cracked wall, it looks.

...Although I am no better informed about what's going on on this side.

...Ah. I see what's going on here.

First off, there's one of these here for you to pick up.

Going in this backroom behind that warp pipe shows us a Carrie puzzle.

I'm not sure what you expected Spike Tops to do in a room that required you to have Carrie to walk over Spikes.

Similar to the Creepy Steeple and its movable stair, it seems we have one pipe and five ports in which to use it with. Of course, we can see four of them just lead to that room with the Thunder Rage.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, we can find a door filled with Fire Bars and Red Magiblots. Almost as if someone knows this is the room we want to be in.

You'll want to hit this block until it stops doing things. And then probably a few more to be sure.

Up and up past that dead-end room we go.

And just the thing we need to get ourselves out of our predicament!

Nice tries, but these items are only so useful. Spare Life Shroom might save my hide in a jam, though.

Nice and conveniently, we can drop back down to that room with the totally unsuspicious block and open the way forward.

Our strategy of flipping into 3D to not bother with the Brothers has been noticed. Not that flipping into 3D themselves makes them as formidable as they are in the second dimension. SPM kinda runs head-first into the reason that Mario's 3D platformers are easier than their 2D equivalents, and nowhere is that more obvious than the enemies that flip dimensions.

Up this staircase, we can find a nice long hallway of nothing but Cursyas.

If you flip into 3D and find the treasure in the room, you get an Ultra Shake for your troubles. I'll try not to use it in hopes of getting a Dyllis Deluxe out of it later, although saying that in the final dungeon is innately hilarious.

Flipping ordinary Koopa Troopas in this room.

They only do 1 damage still, so they're not the greatest at causing chaos, but they can try.

Oh great, this kind of room again.

May as well...

Ooh, Cherbils. Haven't seen those in a while.

...And Peach gets an uncommonly high number of Peaches to drop.

Next up, a long room of feeding Boomer to Shlorps. Almost certainly just as a time-waster rather than an actual threat.

Six bombs later...

Might as well. It didn't help, by it was worth a try.

...So what's in here?

Ah, there it is, thanks, Tippi. It turns out that it's a Chromeba.

Since it's in 3D and we're safe to idle in 2D, I figured I'd just pass the time waiting for it to duplicate for some score.

...Although it is incredibly difficult to use Thoreau to unwind this chaos.

Thunder Rage it is.

This one is our source of the Castle Bleck Key needed to get any further out. Nice and comfy that it's also the funnest enemy to fight- and the first one you find after noticing the locked door on the other end.

...And that's a Save Block.

Mimi tries her trick of "pretend to be one of the Ancients helper NPCs again"- and rather fittingly, this is also an NPC she's already pretended to be.

Even Tippi is only half-fooled. It'd be nice if she saw right through it.

Last time, we figured out it was the real Merlee because she smelled worse. I don't think this is as encouraging as you are framing it.

Translation: This is the exact same question joke they pulled in Paper Mario 64's Chapter 4, except with Mimi as the idiot prepared to take asking us directly at our word.

It would also help her cause if she offered an option that was actually worrying for us to fight. Even the honest answer of "Clubba" goes down like a chump.

...Hey, wait a second, aren't these two the exact same questions that they were in 64?

It totally is! The Mushroom has been upgraded from a normal Mushroom to an Ultra, for multiple reasons, but the second one is absolutely identical.

This one, meanwhile, is new. And that is quite the selection of options. I'm not even 100% sure what the honest answer is.

...OK, 100%, it's Francis, but still.

I would be highly suspicious of Merlee warping into the final dungeon to ask me my weaknesses regardless of whether or not I knew she was Mimi in disguise. I don't trust Merlee enough to forgive this and will gladly suspect her of foul play.

And when we do, it will be with some questions of our own.

The Ultra Shroom in question is the consumable item type, although it stays in place rather than moving side to side like usual. You can pick it up with no bad effects, like the other stationary mushrooms Mimi leaves lying around.

I didn't really want a Thunder Rage, so here's what I can only assume is the Captain. Don't worry, my good man, we'll restore you to normal. I'm sure. Eventually.

If you choose "Francis", there's actually associated dialogue- something that is not true of any of the other enemies, which is a difference from 64. Sure, Pokey's "!!!!!!!" wasn't much to write home about, but nothing?

I dunno, maybe something about Mimi's very obvious trap should've clued you in that Francis would be beamed in? The real surprise, incidentally, is that this is the real Francis, as in the actual character.

At some point while I wasn't watching him, he seems to have gotten out of the hospital and back home. I'm not sure if you can actually see Francis at home- the textdump doesn't really support the idea, but also it'd be hard to track down anyway.

"I have been removed from my home and forced to fight you again for somebody else's amusement, but you know what, I'm gonna take my chances and roll with this!"

That geeky chameleon is Francis. He's a little obsessive about his hobbies... Max HP is 40. Attack is 1. He can also make himself invisible... You can't hit what you can't see, so wait for him to reappear... But he is still there. Look at the floor and find his shadow... Yech... Just looking at him brings back bad memories...

Francis is back and he hasn't changed a bit. 40 HP, at the time made him a 10-8 hit boss if you fought him with Mario or Peach. Now? He takes four hits. If we made it all the way up to 14 Atk (not likely, since I feel overlevelled and I have 13), he'd be three-shot. With that said, it's a lot harder to pick out his shadow in Castle Bleck than it is back in Fort Francis.

Now that we can see his Tattle legitimately, it's time to show the tail end I cut off back in the original fight. Nothing special, just an acknowledgement that Tippi does not like seeing him again for personal reasons, but it would've spoiled the existence of the rematch had I brought it up then.

I am not here long.

Despite our grater power, Francis seems more OK after losing this fight. Then again, it's not like he indicated he was going to the hospital after the first time.

He disappears using his normal powers, which raises the question of how he plans to get out. And, more importantly, if he even knows how to get home. Hopefully Mimi's nice enough to lend a hand.

We did tell Mimi he was our third weakness, Tippi. I swear, you need to have this entire game spelled out for you, despite your stubborn insistence on not telling us the things you know about Bleck.

If you say you hate Cooking Mistakes, you get not just one, but ten of them. Enjoy the inventory kerfuffle!

The thing I'm canonically choosing is Amazy Dayzee. More score always feels nice.

...Although I think it gives money in this game. That wasn't a high score for bopping it.

Mimi throws a fit when we make it through that gauntlet of our greatest weaknesses, as if the idea of staffing it with our actual weaknesses (Bowser, a room full of fifty Hammer Bros. with the elevation advantage, and a room where we have to listen to Merlon and Tippi have a long discussion speculating about things they should already have known for five hours) didn't occur to her.

At this point, Mimi the Copycat decides to drop the pretenses to continue her fit, at which point we can first get a good look at her Chapter 8 design. Rather than use her default look, she'll be using this "day at the beach" dress, complete with "cleavage window" (not that Mimi has any curved lines outside her clothes and face) and shades. I'm not saying she should never have gotten this design at all, but Mimi is going to have this design for the rest of the game, including the ending sequences, and it is going to be incredibly jarring the whole time. Besides, this is the last-ditch attempt to put a stop to Mario before Count Bleck's plans go kaput, what's she doing preparing for her vacation? Save that for the postgame.

How dare we not get wrecked by your incredibly pathetic traps. How dare.

Peach decides she's going to step up and point out that hey, technically speaking, this is a hypocritical argument as well as a very stupid one.

Mimi left behind the concept of shame a long time ago. Trying to talk sense into her with reason is not ending well.

And Mimi reckons, if Peach is going to play the psychological warfare game, then so can she. And she may not be challenging Peach's hypocrisy, but that's certainly an argument with teeth. Not, like, a decisive winning argument, but one we have to stop and really... remind ourselves what she's saying here. She's right- Peach can cast stones all she pleases when Mario and Luigi are at the ready to mop up any offense her target might be dealt. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement between Mario and Peach, and one we kind of tacitly accept because Super Mario is not complicated enough to demand we question it, but it's worth acknowledging.

Of course, the reality of the situation is that "being skilled at witty put-downs" and "being skilled at hand-to-hand combat" are vastly different things, and it's a false equivalence to act as if one needs to necessarily be the latter to be allowed to be former. It's mostly used by people who can't admit they're losing the verbal battle.

With that said, Peach takes the bait. And not foolishly so.

In this game, Peach can back up her rhetoric with results.

And she reckons it's about time Mimi was reminded of that fact.

Luigi, who hasn't spent a ton of time with Paper Peach, asks if she's thought this through. And thus begins my favourite scene in the game.

Peach tells him to sit down, shut up, and let her get on with it.

Quite forcefully, I might add.

Mario looks at Luigi.

Both of them nod.

And both of them back the hell away.

You don't make the quiet, peaceful ones angry. And Peach has never been angry in 20 years.

Mimi's still plenty confident in her ability to outmatch Peach, and scoffs at the display. Her relative immaturity reflects in her failing to read the room and understand what she's just done.

Besides, she still has her spider form. In case you thought you suppressed that memory.

That's Mimi, of course. She seems really set on winning this time... Max HP is ?? and Attack is 4. She has the same moves she had last time. She seems to be faster now. She can also rain down Rubees for a nasty attack... Better use your parasol for protection when that happens... Let's pay her back for all the times she tricked us...

I think the assertion that Mimi is using the same attacks she had in the bathroom back in Chapter 2 tells you all you need to know about how much they expected you to fear her. Peach was the easy counter to her then and she's the easy counter to her now. Mimi's spider form, if you'll remember, is also a count-based monster, and the fact we couldn't use Bowser means nothing anyway. Just remember to use the parasol, and this shouldn't pose too much of an issue.

Unlike her other spider battle, this one does play the much cooler I'm Not Nice battle theme.

Also remember that you need to bounce on Mimi twice to knock off a leg- once to daze her, and a second time to actually do the hit. Flourishing after the first hit is probably a bad idea.

I don't think I remember this attack from the bathroom, though- she grows four Rubees and then whirls around the room like one of Croacus's flower petals. Again, she has no counter-strategy to just being in Parasol form.

Get down from there!

And can't forget the return of Rubee-surfing!

Get out of that!

...Back there, we can see that Mimi's pigtail has fallen off. With the lack of colour in the background, I keep confusing that for Mimi.

Mimi truly did get spanked and spanked hard.

And is fully prepared to pitch her own fit about that.

Another first for our regal princess: gloating. Well-earned gloating, but hardly a habit Peach often indulges in.

Let no one question it again.

Of course, with all these Void quakes around, we're not sticking around to rub Mimi's face in it anymore.

Peach lingers, once again, but this time to tell Mimi to get to safety. She'll gloat, yes, but she's still Peach and helping people comes naturally to her.

Of course, after a showman's display of gloating, Mimi can hardly be blamed for being a bit disbelieving.

...Not again.

...I have to wonder if there's more to this than just "our Heroes keep getting themselves in catastrophes". As we'll see later... I have absolutely no idea what is blocking the door physically. I feel like it's more likely the door just got magically sealed. Perhaps Nastasia or Dimentio is doing their jobs?

Some way or other, while we weren't looking at the room, an abyss appeared for Peach to be holding onto the ledge of. Why isn't she pulling herself up with her other hand?

Because Mimi's keeping that hand full.

...Oh hey look, we can see the corner of the door in this shot!

Mimi refuses to be pitied, and insists she be allowed to fall to her death.

This is not pity. I'm not entirely sure Peach is capable of pity. Peach is doing the right thing because it is the right thing.

...At least Toadsworth was good for something?

Well, hopefully they find Bowser on the way down.

And also a way back up.

Nastasia has been telling Bleck to fix the earthquake issue, but no. At least the Koopa Troop aren't their own soldiers.

Luigi may or may not be acutely aware he's next. There's one more member of Team Bleck to take him out, and I wouldn't fancy being stuck drawing the Dimentio card.

It's not like we can do much for her going back.

Luigi either doing the kind of weird Mario tradition of insisting that Peach is valuable enough to abandon all other objectives over, or desperately trying to stall his turn meeting Dimentio.

Fortunately, he is talked down.

Considering how Peach treated Mimi just now, I suspect she would also punctuate her suggestion with a firm heel in the buttocks. Luigi might be scared of Dimentio, but right now, he might be a shade more scared of Peach.

Sorry, Luigi, but it's gotta be done.

First Bowser and then the fair Princess Peach were lost to the halls of Castle Bleck. Would they ever be seen again? Without his allies, could our hero Mario hope to stand against the evil Count Bleck? The very air in the castle grew heavier and even more ominous with every step. All they could do was plod forward in silence...

Screw fighting Bleck, how am I supposed to go without Glide?

Next time: The depths of depravity.

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