Sunday 28 April 2024

SPM Post Chapter 6 Part 616: Mario Dies and Goes to Hell

So, Dimentio just blew us up.

And Mario wakes up to find himself alone. What corner of hell have we found ourselves in?

Fortunately, we're not alone alone. Just without Peach, Bowser, Tippi, or any of the Pixls.

So yeah. The taverns of Flipside and Flopside were named "The Underwhere" and "The Overthere", and it turns out they were named after things. It's time for us to learn what those things are.

Oh great, we're in New Jersey.

Apparently, the nature of the Underwhere is common knowledge... outside the Mushroom Kingdom. You know, I wonder if there's a reason for this.

You ever wondered where people went when they Game Overed? This is it.

Ladies and gentlemen? Mario has an afterlife.

Saturday 27 April 2024

SPM Post Chapter 6: Getting Your Affairs In Order

...Was "ping" in use back in 2007? This seems like a correct use today, but also a bit more of a modern use than I'd expect from an internet culture that wasn't really "always connected" like today's.

Only Mr. L gets mentioned here. This is a bit of a weird scene, because you can sorta tell what's going on, but that's not actually what is said aloud, so you can miss it if you're only reading the words that are written.

This conversation is clearly written in the light that Count Bleck is aware that Mr. L is gone for good, but if Dimentio included that in his report, Nastasia didn't mention it. Odds are someone involved in writing this line, be it the original writers or just the localisers, didn't know how to write this line, so they just... didn't include it, while keeping the appropriate tone for if it were mentioned.

And Nastasia, what part of your administration was the screwup? You had them under control until Dimentio whispered in their ear while you left the room. Yes, you could've done something, but this is outside the scope of "things you could have actively controlled for within reason."

This extra bit adds to that layer about Mr. L being gone: This is Nastasia mentioning that, in lighter news, Mimi did the same thing and came back alive. No idea what's going to happen to her, but if O'Chunks is any indication, it's not going to be anything too severe. But she probably won't be joining us for Chapter 7.

...What kind of change is Nastasia commenting on?

Bleck feels worse than usual, but "new monocle" kinda feels like a weird comment to make if you're commenting on a change to the dark side.

Nastasia goes and leaves Bleck to his drama.

Monday 22 April 2024

Super Paper Mario Chapter 6: The End of a World

This is a formal reminder that we are still playing a Mario game.

Chapter 6 is not exactly a proper Chapter- the entire story, from start to finish, sets up both the expectation and the delivery that we are going to see the end of a world, a nice way to ensure that the stakes of the story- largely forgettable since we stopped visiting Ancients- have been reinforced. Chapters 3 through 5 are all about their respective settings, with the Void being easy to block out of the sky by the prevalence of interiors and Chapter 4's background. In some ways, the fact that Chapter 6 is going to raise the stakes does colour the story- the Duel of 100 would not be a satisfying chapter if played straight. Instead, the fact you are challenged to complete a fraction of the Duel of 100 is to escalate the anxiety in the player, making them feel like their time is being wasted while disaster descends upon the world they are currently occupying.

King Sammer, and the Mimi duplicate taking him over, presents an interesting use of Mimi compared to her earlier appearance in Chapter 2 and her later one in Chapter 8- even despite her childish temperament and refusal to properly adjust to the face she wears, the fact King Sammer himself is fairly childish and nobody comments on his unusual behaviour means that she passed by completely unnoticed until the penny dropped. By being set in feudal aesthetic Japan, the audience expectation is that the story will be about honourable samurai who follow their ruler, and it turns out that was exactly the wrong move. It seems kind of a shame that the Sammer Guys never really get the chance to reflect on how they managed to let her slip by.

Meanwhile, the World of Nothing is... well, they say "there is no greater fear than imagination", but when it comes to destruction, that adage proves somewhat incapable. Players may be excellent at imagining a place as it collapses, but they are far less good at seeing the remnants of what stood before it. Seeing the World of Nothing- a single flat line dotted with only the occasional Sammer remnant- is a simple statement: This is what being erased looks like. When Count Bleck says he wants to erase all worlds, he truly means that there will be nothing left. Not even ruins. If his promise to his minions of creating new worlds on top of where the old worlds once were was true, then these Worlds of Nothing would be overwritten like old save files to do so. And somehow, despite everything, the game is fully prepared to make this worse.

Mechanically, Chapter 6 sucks. Not only is there a Flipside and a Flopside Pit of 100 Trials, but there's a Duel of 100 as well? In addition to potentially exhausting the player on 100-floor challenges, the Duel of 100 is a far inferior version of the Pit of 100 Trials as well. Each battle is preceded by entering a door, doing a somewhat awkward jump onto a platform, going through preamble, and then starting the fight. This fight will last approximately five seconds before you fade out into a postamble, and then have to walk over to the other door- and then the hop off the platform can get just as awkward. The Pit of 100 Trials understands how to make the idea of a 100 floor dungeon in a platformer work far better, and while the Duel of 100 has some decent jokes and references to make of it, 100 was far too many to make an impact and a lot of them get obscure enough it's hard to pick them out from the original ones. Add that on top of the World of Nothing being a clear "the story impact is all that matters, and the gameplay being terrible is part of the point" sort of area, and it's hard to like playing Chapter 6. At least it's the most memorable one, because of both the Sammer Guys and the World of Nothing. You can't deny story is the selling point here.

Sunday 21 April 2024

SPM Chapter 6 Part 2: All That Remains

After the events of the Void crashing down around us, Tippi reflects on who exactly Count Bleck is.

At least somewhat ignoring the fact the rest of us have been dumped on the ground on Flipside Tower. We're OK, although clearly whatever got us out didn't work quite as well as the Return Pipe normally does.

Tippi is going to continue to do her own reflection, about her role in Count Bleck's story.

Although she recognises him as a person, she still doesn't realise who she is and when they met? At this point, you really are dragging that out.

Hey, Mario was just unconscious. Like, just got up.

I'm with Bowser here. What the hell are you talking about, and why are you talking about it now?

Tippi herself seems out of sorts, which still only somewhat explains her lack of tact.

I was not expecting to dislike Tippi on these grounds...

So what about the 101 Sammer Guys and their families? I don't see a pile of leather and folded steel on top of us.

...Hm... You suppose it survived that?

The doors are supposed to go to the Pure Heart, and the fact the door still works suggests that maybe the same is true of the Pure Heart.

Saturday 20 April 2024

SPM Chapter 6 Part 1: The Oncoming Storm

Under the looming shadow of The Void, the world slowly drifted toward demise. But not all hope was lost: two Pure Hearts had yet to be found. Could our daring heroes find them? Or was the world doomed to be devoured? Mario, Peach, and Bowser ventured through the next door to find out...

Those stakes are getting higher and higher. Or, well, more and more openly discussed. That's... kinda worrying, actually...

Sammer... Guy?

Oh, "samurai!". Looks like we've found the traditional Japanese world.

...And this time, it really does look like it.

...Don't say that out loud, Tippi...

At any rate, welcome to the Sammer Kingdom, the serene land of Japanese architecture broken up by its many, many, many Sammer Guys willing to challenge you to battle.

It really does look nice, though.