Sunday 5 November 2023

SPM Chapter 2 Part 2: Stop Copying Me

Taking a break from Merlee's mansion for Merlee's basement! That's... well, it wasn't the pretty Gloam Valley, I'll tell you that much.

Merlee seems to have brought the Pure Heart with her. Or perhaps more accurately, Mimi locked her up because she had the Pure Heart on her.

The faded text here is not because I skipped it and came back, that is an actually the visual effect in use.

Merlee has the same astral projection powers as the Star Spirits. This time, we'll be using her a bit more actively than the Star Spirits.

Merlee's habit of rhyming everything she says existed in 64 and TTYD, but since you only talked to her when doing the mechanical stuff and one sidequest, you didn't necessarily notice this. Here in SPM, she's the signature character of 2-4. So, we're going to be hearing from her a lot.

Merlee's running away from Mimi, rather than being imprisoned by her. The same result has arisen, though- perhaps she used to be imprisoned and is not anymore, perhaps she escaped to this dead end and Mimi considered her sufficiently cornered by stalemate that she could act as if she had won. Which she could. With impunity.

All we know is that Merlee is somewhere in here. Where? She's hidden. That's the idea.

And to make things worse, we don't necessarily know whether we can trust what we see.

...Merlee, is your rhyming scheme OK?

Well, at least that's a clue. She's far away from here.

Peach has decided to apply that advice right to Merlee herself.

This, though, doesn't really make sense. Nor does it match what Merlee actually said.

She's gone... Was that apparition really Merlee? Why do you suppose she was telling us to be so careful when we find her?

Tippi's version is better. Considering we had to flip into 3D to access the 2-3 Star Block and could only see Peach's version of this line if we switched in a single instant, I guess it makes sense the line was missed on the second draft.

Despite being a new location, Merlee's Basement actually uses the same theme as Merlee's Mansion. This is exactly the sort of theme you wish wasn't droning on this long, and yet you get it across 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4. To add insult to injury.

Fortunately, it won't quite be all we hear in the basement, which is good. Yes, there is a but.

Flip into 3D for a Mushroom.

Super Paper Mario, and honestly all the Paper Marios, don't have consistently good online maps the way many RPGs do, which especially sucks when the gimmick of the dungeon is doors here, there and everywhere. Fortunately, I did wind up finding one for Merlee's Basement: (careful, they use the in-game images of the rooms).

Fortunately, every room is labelled, so if you keep going in circles, read the signs and take note of which doors you've gone in and out of in each room.

Not that this room has options.

...Well, this just got a whole lot more complicated.

Always remember to check the flip blocks.

And score wicked combos on the guy who's duplicating while you're examining the puzzle.

You can honestly make decent headway into the mansion just by going to the hardest-to-reach doors. This is the "midway" point of the basement already, and if you're just interested in progress, just go left now.

I wanted to scope out the rest of this place.

Things only get so good.

It's a Mister I. These bizarre foes can't help but give you the evil eye... Max HP is ??. Attack is 2. It will shoot sharp glances at any enemy it spots... None of your attacks will work... Try flipping and spinning around and around it...

Good thing I did: found one of these guys in room 4. Mr. I is a somewhat remote enemy in the Mario series, but he is, in fact, a Mario regular and not one of the utterly bizarre specimens native to these alternate dimensions that comprise half the bestiary. With that said, these guys appear in Super Mario 64 and then only in the Mario Party games: I guess he's too weird for Mario.

In both Mario 64 and here, it is defeated the same way, by running circles around it until it gets dizzy and disappears. It seems to exist more of a showcase of this new fantabulous "third dimension" than it does being an actual obstacle to overcome.

Right, let's see what's going on here.

Ah, it's Merlee! But there's a door leading further down behind her...

I think one of the most fascinating things about trying to pick out the difference between Merlee and Mimi-disguised-as-Merlee is the subtle veneer of "Mimi is terrible at mimicking Merlee's rhythmic vocal patterns." Even without all the evidence we have to suggest this probably isn't the real Merlee, you'd probably be picking up something weird is going on just by how little these rhymes fit in with the ones Merlee made earlier.

This is the only one where she's managed to squeeze her rhymes into something resembling Merlee's rhythm.

Tippi says the same thing, but cutting out the polite greeting entirely. It's amazing, what you can get just by comparing otherwise bland dialogue that abandons basic opsec again guys

That "and Co." is a desperate attempt to rhyme, but I'm not sure who she's disparaging with that more- Tippi or Peach. Thoreau, of course, doesn't matter.

You had to have a better plan than that. Haven't I already blown up that curse for reasons?

If you attempt to sign at any point, the real Merlee shows up and pulls you out of it. It is, however, fun to watch Mimi get more and more desperate to get you back in her thrall.

Hahaha, I'm not running another second in that damn hamster wheel.

So what, does that heal, like... 200 HP? Even in this game, I'm not getting that high.

(Also, I think that's just a blink frame and not Peach actually getting mad with this.

Breadward is not a Pixl we will ever obtain, nor is it entirely explained what exactly he would do if we acquired him. Somehow, I doubt it will be much of anything but be an adorable loaf of bread.

...Wait, you mean to tell me that is a legitimate meaning of the word "coup"?  You've gotta be kidding me... and also I don't entirely doubt you're trying to do that second definition.


If you make it all the way through, Merlee applauds you for your wisdom in shutting down Mimi.

Mimi has picked up the Shadow Queen's evil purple dialogue boxes. I think they're more common in general here, or maybe that's just because it showed up a lot earlier. Mimi doesn't also have the Shadow Queen's super ominous "I am speaking now" voice bark.

And it's time for us to see Mimi's true form at last:

And that's actually a little bit true: This yellow dress with white polka dots is her "official" design, the one appearing on her official art and Catch Card. Although like all of her dresses, she only actually wears it the once: here in 2-4. Personally, I would've liked her to have also used it in some of her endgame appearances, although that's in part because I don't think the outfit she winds up wearing there fits the situation at all.

When Mimi's got the spotlight, she gets Mimi the Copycat as her theme. Borrowing a little from Merlee's Mansion to suit her duplicitous personality here, I think it's original- and cheeky- enough to stand on its own.

She says, but her actions do not match her words.

And it is at this point that Mimi... gets really, really weird. Like, OK, we're going to get into the idea that the green girl with pigtails I've been calling Mimi's "base form" is not actually her base form, but that's grappling with concepts beyond the main story's scope. Outside of her boss fights, "True Mimi" can be put to one side unless you really want to plunge into the depths of your navel.

By the way, I love Peach's "ready to fight" animation.

At this point, Mimi snaps her neck.

This is a Mario game.

It's about to get a lot worse.

She spins her head around like in The Exorcist, except somehow much worse because she doesn't even spin it like a top (which our minds can mostly handle because necks are supposed to turn in that direction, just not that far).

Peach notices her head lock into place here and realises she should probably take her distance.

As Mimi turns into the spider from The Thing. I'd link you a picture, but it turns out that, as many traumatised children came from this game because of waves vaguely at Mimi, The Thing is far more terrifying.

If you're wondering where her eyes went, viewing the transformation cutscene in 3D (note, cutscenes never play in the in-game 3D system) shows that the eyes extend into the third pair of legs.

Right now, I think we were going to hear a female character react to this either way, although somehow, I feel like both of them are understatements compared to what it is we actually saw. Tippi, from the looks of it, manages just a simple "YUCK!"

Like the Shadow Queen, True Mimi is currently invincible.

Have I mentioned the "running way" plan? Because I think we should consider the benefits of the running away plan. For starters, it puts the most distance between us and the Thing.

Merlee thinks she might be able to dispel the barrier, but only from a little bit closer than that.

This is Mimi... So is this her true form? She'll come after you if you stay too long in any room... And our attacks don't work, so we should keep moving...

Mimi will hunt you down and she will try and murder you. If Mimi currently occupies the same room you do, the music changes from Merlee's Mansion to One Shot, one of two instances where One Shot plays during actual gameplay, and probably my favourite use of the song in the game.

Mimi's attack, other than trying to place her head where you need to put your body, is to throw Rubees at you.

These Rubees can be picked up and Thoreaun, and in general just continue to exist as just big enough for you to stop moving while walking on foot. So she's just as irritating when she misses as hits.

Let's get started on this whole "putting maximum distance between us and the creepy spiderthing."

...Oh, why not, I don't want to deal with this later.

True Mimi is not only a 3D creation, but the inside of her is full of gears. Speculation is free to run rampant on what the fuck this is.

I'm sliding down here with Slim.

That's... a Cursya! This spiteful, evil monster curses everything it touches... Max HP is 1 and Attack is 1. This Cursya's curse slows you down temporarily... You should throw something at it or use an item... Jumping on it would be a bad idea...

Time for us to meet Cursya! There are five colours in the game, each technically a different enemy, and each with their own unpleasant way to make your day worse. This guy just seems to be "Slow". Which, with a chase scene on our hands, is not what we want to hear.

Jumping on it counts as contact, so we need The Only Way To Be Sure.

Of course, it's a little hard to make some distance when we have to solve puzzles and read maps and stuff.

It's right there, just keep one step ahead...

Oh hey, there's a crack in the wall here... wait, is this going to blow up the sign?

This lamp spits fire at you... Watch out...

Can't forget everyone's favourite Mario enemy, the lantern that spits out fire. I don't think this is a true statement.

Yes, Mimi, I hear you, I'm just hunting for secrets.

Like this one.

Room 7's nothing but doors, doors-

and another bombable wall to a secret door.

The secret door just sends you to Room 9, which does have the door we need to escape. We could also get here from Room 8- the third door dumps us all the way back in a one-way door in Room 5.

Of course, as the hardest one to reach, this is the door we want.

That's an Atomic Boo. That is one enormous Boo... Max HP is 10. Attack is 2. It will follow you until you turn around, then it just disappears... It has a lot of HP, so you may want to use an item when your back is turned... Some say this Boo is a huge, massive ball of many smaller Boos...

Oh hey, Atomic Boo came back from TTYD! This is the only one in SPM, and it barely even counts as a mini-boss here. Nor does it do anything Boo doesn't.

At this point, sorta, since it needs two Boomer hits to die, but we have enough space, especially with the parasol shield.

Although he caused me a lot of grief. I actually died in an earlier attempt at this level, which on top of being annoying, cost me a Big Egg recipe ingredient. Those aren't hard to come by later, but still suck.

Hey, a "pointless Tippi room" that I could see existing in the Gamecube version! The fact the stairs still sorta exist before Tippi reveals them hints they probably would've existed the whole time.

And our final stop here in the basement of a woman's personal mansion, at the end of a long and circuitous maze: public bathrooms. The joke about the lack of such spaces in RPGs makes more sense if we consider how ridiculously out of the way they are in this and Dungeon Man in Earthbound (although admittedly, Earthbound has a lot of perfectly accessible toilets too).

Just what I needed!

There's a second one in 3D, if you happen to need it, and a Save Block to tell you there's a boss. Also, the Ladies' apparently has some functionality issues.

The men's room has three stalls, three urinals, and is otherwise a completely pointless room with next-to-nothing of note. Absolutely nothing at all, if all you care about is mechanics.

(Oh yeah, those gender signs, like in all bathrooms, are just for show. Mimi has no compunctions with following you into the mens', nor are you required to be Mario in the mens' and Peach in the ladies'.)

As a surprisingly obscure Easter Egg, it turns out that the stalls all have graffiti in them! You can only read it in 3D.

...And even bad memories might cause a clogging.

This love triangle reappears in the ladies', but I cannot be made to care who is who here.

There's a lot of jokes about Mario entering the ladies' for this game, seemingly forgetting (possibly like the developers themselves) that Peach is here too.

Nothing but stalls in here.

Merlee is in the third one, and you start the ending sequence if you open it.

Excuse me real quick, just reading the grafitti.

A company entirely at odds with the water waste company.

...Which seems to be in Mimi's pocket. I am 100% on team "don't waste water" here, game, don't make me have to say otherwise.

Glad to know the Great Mighty Poo found work after Conker. I think that's all the context I care to have here.

Again, it feels like this triangle is a disaster, and I have no idea who is who. I almost feel like it's also long since been resolved since the graffiti was written.

Both of which are about equal in importance, but about as far apart in difficulty as you can get.

...Am I stuck inside the stall?

Anyway, let's go check in on Merlee.

Who has, in a fit of desperation, plunged into the one place Mimi, a teenage girl childish enough to still be in her vanity phase, would never go.

A public bathroom.

(Honestly, I think Mimi would sooner go in a mens' than a ladies'. How else is she going to recruit for her army of hunks?)

"I try, as hard as it is possible to do
To sound as if I did not just hide in the loo."

We are going to spend the rest of the update in this bathroom, and I think this is the sole acknowledgement of how weird that is.

Mimi is second only to Dimentio in terms of dark magic, and to be honest, I'm not 100% convinced Dimentio wins that fight.

Merlee's magic is... somehow even worse in this game compared to what she could do in the RPGs.

Peach can handle Mimi just fine.

Mimi will appear here no matter where she was in the level. I think most people manage to get away from her, but I dragged her all the way here.

Mimi crawls up close to Merlee, chanting all the while.

And in a flash of magic, resumes her Merlee disguise.

Merlee is not pleased in the slightest. What good is that going to do?

That. Are we really sure the one on the left is Merlee?

We got ourselves a "which one do we bonk?" situation.

...You look exactly alike. And hey, Mimi is nothing if not cute: It is her self-proclaimed best trait!

She is the one delivering more childish insults.

Not that Merlee is any slouch.

The two get into an equally matched fight, although one of them jumps over the other and laughs at her misfortune. This does nothing but make it even less clear which one is Merlee.

Right, then. So which one do we think it is?

Yeah, that one's the fake. Come on, there's cheating at rhymes, and then there's just flat out adding words to the end of your sentence to rhyme.

...So wait, are we doing a competition of some kind...?

Yes we are.

I'm not sure which is funnier: That this is merely an extension of the quiz shows from 64 and TTYD (and an erroneous one, since they have forgotten the 66th Quiz was delivered by the Thwomp quizmaster on the Moon), or that this is the 66th time Merlee has had to relied on the InterNed to pick her apart from an impostor.

I'm told the Italian name of this show is in reference to "There's Something About Mary", but I see little relation between the two ideas other than the theme of deception, nor does it seem to have been any more popular in Italy than it was elsewhere.

(Couldn't even spring for a cool game show theme...)

This is the obvious solution to a "a character and their exact double are in a fight, pick them apart" problem, with one crucial problem: We just met Merlee. And barely know anything about Mimi.

No there isn't. I checked.

Super Paper Mario has acknowledged we don't actually know Merlee well enough to legitimately pick her from Mimi, so has cobbled together a series of joke questions, only some of which will actually give you any information on the real Merlee. While a funny joke in a vacuum, I do kinda hate how personal a few of these questions are. I would have kept the questions entirely jocular and inane, perhaps with a few more questions that can legitimately point you in the right direction with the little information we have (there's a few of those already), or hell, even have a question that could contribute to the speculation on "what the fuck is Mimi?" mystery in hindsight. Prepare for much eyerolling as we try and spare Merlee's dignity as much as possible as one can get.

This one is probably the least interesting question to talk about, but it's exactly the sort of question that should've been on here.

What the hell am I supposed to do with this information?

While looking at the Japanese answers, I noticed this one actually got badly localised.

They provide the same answers in JP literally, but the answers are actually wordplay: Merlee's bear is こぐま (Kuma) while Mimi's demon is こあくま(Koakuma). It's not the worst choice, but hey, it's worth mentioning.

(As an Australian, I am charmed by the suggestion to make Mimi's favourite animal a dropbear.)

This question is "What are you into?" when you select it, which kinda makes the question InterNed actually asks a bit of a bait-and-switch to the player, considering the number of other options that one could've been. I'm not sure if that's on English as a language or the intention of the writers.

Merlee's liking of crystal balls is her one defining trait, appearing in two answers to help point you in the correct direction. Mimi likes TV in JP, too, but her show (ドスコイのから) might have a different genre from the title. It's hard for me to tell.

The InterNed actually has an ending line. I imagine this is just part of progressing in the quiz.

...I can understand the trauma, but... actually, no I'm not going to ask.

Merlee's name is a little weird- in JP, she was the てるてる☆ボーズ (Teru Teru Bozu), a little paper ghost the Japanese hang from the rafters of their house to wish for their preferred weather. This became the basis for Castform in Pokemon.

Still not sure what to make of Mimi's ゲジゲジ☆マンボ.

You don't have to sound so hyped.

So what is your heart's desire? Mine is to get out of this place.

A question that taps into both of their established character traits, too.

Only five questions per run, thankfully. Especially since they don't have anything to do with what you're actually supposed to use as your tell.

The other questions:

Let's make with the asking! Drrrrrrrrumroll, please! When is your birthday?

Merlee: What day did I arrive? Oh yes, March, day 25!
Mimi: I bloomed in May, the 5th was the day!

Few surprises here, although I'm surprised they're using our calendar and not Mario's nonsense one from the RPGs. Even if this is analagous to our time, I feel like both Merlee and Mimi were born before "March" and "May" were codified.

We'd all like to know this next one, am I right, fellas? Drrrrrrrumroll, please! What kind of guy's your type?

Merlee: Hee hee... I love them all, see... Nope! No type for me!
Mimi: Oh, how can I share when... the guy's right there.

This is the sort of question I really hate this segment for jumping for. I... highly doubt Mimi's type is Mario.

Hmm, this one is sort of off the beaten path... What is your favorite smell?

Merlee: Fresh air, I swear!
Mimi: Old cheese, yes, please!

It turns out this one was completely different in JP: This was the "what is your blood type?" question. In Japan, I'm told blood types have the same significance in your life as your star sign internationally, complete with horoscopes about how your personality is determined and your compatibility. In Western cultures, your blood type is only really really going to come to mind if you actually donate blood, so many JP games lose blood type references in translation because the question is going to look super weird otherwise. Especially if that is the game asking your blood type...

(Merlee is Type AB, and Mimi is Type A. Considering Mimi may or may not be an artificial creation, I'm surprised she's not universal recipient.)

Whoo! This question is a little risque, folks! What is the first thing you wash in the bathtub?

Merlee: Not that you should care, but I wash my bangs of hair.
Mimi: I start with the tile mold, then the faucets, hot and cold...

Merlee: "In hindsight, I really have to profess, her answer was an excellent way to say less." While I'm not sure where the washing happens in JP, I think the same pattern- of Merlee answering "correctly" and Mimi "misunderstanding" still happens. Did I mention Mimi's my favourite of Team Bleck? This isn't actually related to why at all, but it's another good reason to add.

Now here's one for the ages! What is your best feature?

Merlee: The lobes of my perfect ears. They got voted by my peers to be "Lobes of the Year."
Mimi: Well, that would have to be my effervescent personality. People seem to love it, see.

I'm not judging, Merlee. Mimi, though... who's telling you your best trait is your personality, and are they currently enslaved by you?

Now then, considering that was, both in-universe and out, a massive joke and a nigh-complete waste of time, what, exactly, are we supposed to be telling the two apart by?

I don't think it's on this shot, but there's actually a fly still circling Merlee. She did just spend a significant amount of time literally in the toilet, she'll smell really attractive to them for a good few days.

Yes, yes, it was incredibly obvious, let's keep going.

They really go all out selling the moment. All this drama is part of the joke, considering a real "are you the real one" question is asked once, answered, and acted on in moments.

Nailed it.

Mimi is a sore loser and will attack us anyway if we dare to not humour her.

Merlee: Oh, my, that's not swell... Really? You couldn't tell? Maybe I was just a fool for thinking you were ultra cool and sent here as fate's tool.
Mimi: Mimimimimimimimimimimimimi... Ha! I'm Mimi, morons! And now that I fooled you, it's time for utter humiliation! Prepare for a shredding!

If you get the answer wrong, you're zapped by lightning, but otherwise unharmed. You're still challenged to Mimi's boss fight either way.

By the way, Mimi's declaration of battle start here is where her boss theme starts playing. This theme is unique to her fight here in Chapter 2, with the rematches we encounter later using a different, much cooler, theme. Considering how close this sounds to Mimi the Copycat, I don't feel like this was a theme they put a lot of time or effort into, but it does mean every Chapter Boss has their own unique boss theme. (It's not the last time Team Bleck is the Chapter Boss, but the way they justify unique themes is less sloppy there.)

She returns to her original state:

And repeats the entire True Mimi animation, in case you weren't traumatised enough from round 1. Peach doesn't bat an eye.

Merlee, when push comes to shove, is not actually all that enthused to be in her presence.

She's still going to help and stuff, she's just not going to look at it.

It's a bit too much effort for Mimi to give chase, especially with us ready to stop her.

That's Mimi. She's a slightly childish shape-shifter that works for Count Bleck... Max HP is ?? and Attack is 1. Just go for the head when you attack... She will briefly stop when she gets hit... That is when you should go on the attack... She might also hang from the ceiling and throw Rubees at you...

Mimi's HP works really weirdly, and while Tippi hints how you're supposed to deal damage, she doesn't exactly do it well, and it wasn't until well into this run that I figured it out. She throws Rubees at you, as she always has, and also has a bunch of tricks involving flinging Rubees everywhere. Peach is definitely the way to go here.

Merlee is cheering in the background, while we start attacking.

And eventually, we land a decisive in.

The fact they have a dramatic moment like this almost make it sound like Mimi Battle was supposed to segue into I'm Not Nice here, but it never does. Honestly, it kinda makes it sound like there's supposed to be more to Merlee's involvement here.

Ah, Bleck really did put a bunch of eggs in this basket.

Well done, Merlee. For the first and last time in the trilogy, your magic did something.

Now then, we can begin in earnest.

So what, exactly, is the deal with this "dealing damage" thing?

What happens is you hit her once to send her reeling, and then hit her again to knock off a leg. She's finished when you knock off all six legs- she's perfectly content to operate with just one.

This is amazingly smug, but since she looks reeling, this is just wasting time.

One of Mimi's attacks is this cascading wave of Rubees across the whole screen. You need to use either Parasol or Slim. Parasol has the side effect of doing a really cool surfing animation as Peach reacts to the recoil of each hitbox separately.

Merlee doesn't seem to have much reason to say this other than why not.

That is a heck of a time to say it, but yes, OF-FENSE! OF-FENSE!

Huh, she has personalised cheeers? Never knew that. It looks limited to "Go, Mario!"/"Go, Peach!" and "Maul, parasol!/"Crash, stache!"

This is the last one of these.

Look at the shenanigans she is doing. Also, funny to see that the stray pigtail in True Mimi actually deatches with one of the legs.

I'm just better.

Another explosion, but this time Mimi shows she survives before leaving.

Also, I continue to enjoy Peach's "bring it" pose.

Next time, bring better insults. Dolt.

Mimi floats up and vanishes using her usual teleportation technique, like any other member of Team Bleck declaring "I'll be back!" after a miniboss battle.

Soft Light playing helps bring the mood back to "we just beat a Chapter."

...We are going to have this conversation in the toilet still?

Now she has more time to devote to her hobbies, like gazing into crystal balls and horoscopes. And, occasionally, doing some magic.

...Did you really have no better rhyme prepared than yup?

I have not touched that book. Merlon's been reading it to me and I've been trusting he knows what he's talking about. He's an expert and he barely understands it, I'm going to act like I've got no chance.

...Um, Merlee. The Light Prognosticus was written to be an instruction manual for Mario to undo doomsday. That is... that is the sole purpose it was written to accomplish. And you're telling me... there is critical information... that your people knew about... that isn't in there? In this case, "you had one job" is, I think, the very literal objection.

This critical information happens to be "There are four members of our final party". I suspect the only reason we are learning this now is that we may actually have to leverage actually knowing this information to convince number three.

Her fondness for rhyming is making this incredibly difficult to read, both as reading material and to try and understand what it's saying.

Mario is definitely one of them, but why Peach and the other two are selected is another matter. Well, OK, one of the Heroes other than Mario does have a critical role to play, but considering Peach was tied up in the instigation of doomsday, I feel like her being part of the group that undoes it isn't so much the universe's cosmic plan as it is internal catharsis. Or at least, should be.

Translation: The last two characters will be recognisable Mario characters.

Since we won't be invited back to the Mushroom Kingdom for recruits, that happens to leave only two candidates running around the story already. They really don't act shy about who these four are.

With nothing else to waste our time talking about, Merlee hands over the Pure Heart so we can get that triumphant conclusion.

Ready the End of Chapter theme. With Boomer and Slim in the party, we can see the Pixl dance more impressively.

Also, the number of little hearts surrounding the big one has gone up. You get an extra one with each Pure Heart you get- there'll be eight of them around the last one.

Princess Peach got a Pure Heart!

...Hey, if you look at the ground, you'll notice she's actually on her toes, so her heels are peeking out from under her skirt. That's not something you usually ever see on her character design- the only time you typically see Peach's feet is when she's dispensed with the dress entirely, or at least in the animations where she hitches the hem up.

Count Bleck's servant Mimi had laid a nasty trap for Mario and friends... But with the help of Merlee, faithful defender of the Pure Heart, the day was won. But who were the other two heroes mentioned by Merlee? With five Pure Hearts yet to be found, Mario knew this adventure had only begun...

That is not a very promising sentence to say after Chapter 2 in a game with eight chapters. That's practically a quarter of your content right there, even if the game is pretty accurate with the statement spiritually.

Next time: We find where they stuck the motion controls.

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