Friday 2 December 2022

SS Chapter 16 Supports

Today's Supports:

  • Ephraim/Myrrh C
  • Dozla/Myrrh C
  • Eirika/L'Arachel B
  • Eirika/Ephraim B
  • Ephraim/Duessel B
  • L'Arachel/Dozla B
  • Ewan/Tethys B
  • Ewan/Dozla B
  • Ewan/Amelia B
  • Eirika/Saleh B
  • Seth/Cormag B
  • Colm/Kyle B
  • Ephraim/Tana A
  • Duessel/Amelia A
  • Duessel/Cormag A
  • Franz/Amelia A
  • Seth/Natasha A
  • Franz/Natasha A
  • Ephraim/Kyle A
  • Franz/Forde A

Ephraim/Myrrh C

Myrrh: …Ephraim.
Ephraim: Myrrh! I’m happy to see you. You’re still so young. Don’t push yourself too hard today, all right?
Myrrh: I won’t… I have a favor to ask. Do you have time for me?
Ephraim: What is it, Myrrh?
Myrrh: …
Ephraim: Don’t be nervous, Myrrh. You can ask me anything.
Myrrh: Ephraim… May I call you… “brother”?
Ephraim: Wha… What? Myrrh… What’s come over you?
Myrrh: …I was watching you and Eirika together. You looked so close.
Ephraim: Of course we’re close. She is my sister, after all.
Myrrh: I envy her. I… wish that I had a brother like you. That’s why I ask… Even if just for this journey… Please be my brother.
Ephraim: I don’t know what to say… I wasn’t expecting you to ask anything like that…
Myrrh: No…? I’m sorry. I should not have asked…
Ephraim: Oh… No, Myrrh… Wait. I’m not saying no.
Myrrh: So, it’s all right?
Ephraim: Uhhh… Sure. Of course. If it will make you happy.
Myrrh: Yes… It does. I’ll come speak with you again soon… Brother.
Ephraim: Oh, my… Eirika… Myrrh… How can I say no to that look? I guess sisters are my weakness.

Don't forget Tana! Ephraim's priorities may be in question, but he has a strong paternal instinct- or rather, a big-brotherly instinct. His first priority is to the three most important women in his life, and to be honest, his position as King is going to make that a weakness rather than a strength.

Dozla/Myrrh C

Dozla: Oh! You there, lassie. Are you lost?
Myrrh: I… I’m not lost. I’m traveling with Ephraim. I’m his… friend.
Dozla: Oho! In that case, you and I are allies, are we not? My name’s Dozla. It’s an honor to meet you!
Myrrh: Uh-huh…
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! You’re a quiet lassie, aren’t you? And you’re so tiny, too. Seeing you takes me back to the days when Princess L’Arachel was a child. Tell me, lassie, how old are you?
Myrrh: … It’s impolite to ask a woman her age. That’s what Ephraim says. I think you’re being rude.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Aren’t you the sassy one! You’re still young. I don’t think you need to worry about age just yet.
Myrrh: And how old are you?
Dozla: Me? I’m all of forty-seven years old.
Myrrh: And I am… 1,200 years old. Roughly.
Dozla: Huh? Gwah ha ha! Stop teasing me, lassie! You don’t have to be shy. Just tell me how old you are.
Myrrh: I did. And I said I’m 1,200… Roughly.

Funny how Ephraim called her a child in his Support. At the age of 1200, she would have seen the original battle with the Demon King (although since we don't understand Magvelian dragon aging, we can't say how mature she is at 400). Fire Emblem loves dragon children with massive lifespans, although I think Myrrh is the turning point where they stop integrating it with the story quite so well- ironic, considering it's the point where they can start developing their characters better.

I'm also interested in the fact Dozla says Myrrh takes her back to baby L'Arachel. It's difficult to imagine L'Arachel as anything other than boisterous, and Myrrh is a far cry from that. I do like to think baby L'Arachel had a refined, reserved edge that she lost as she got older, although I think Dozla is honestly just talking about size.

(Incidentally, when Myrrh says "...friend", I am entirely certain the thing she wants to say is "sister", not "lover" or any equivalent.)

Eirika/L'Arachel B

L’Arachel: Take that! And that and that and that!
Eirika: L’Arachel? What are you doing?
L’Arachel: I’m practicing! I want to be prepared for when those fiends next show up. You never can tell where or when they’ll appear, after all. And if they were to appear and I were unable to prepare a magical attack… Well, I’d like to be ready to whack them with this staff of mine.
Eirika: Ahhh… Don’t you think that’s a bit, well, dangerous? Perhaps you should stop. If monsters appear when I am around, I promise I’ll come to your aid.
L’Arachel: That’s simply no good, Eirika. You know how those monsters can be. I insist that I be able to hold my own, relying on nothing but my skills.
Eirika: I’ve been curious about something, L’Arachel… Why are you so obsessed with fighting monsters?
L’Arachel: …My parents were kind people. I would be like them if I am able. My home of Rausten is so near to Darkling Woods. We experienced many sudden raids. My parents took it upon themselves to defend our people against the monsters.
Eirika: I had no idea…
L’Arachel: Yes, but my parents are gone now. I’ve been told that they passed away when I was but an infant. They… gave their lives defending many helpless people.
Eirika: I’m so sorry.
L’Arachel: Oh, you needn’t be sad. I would not want for that. No, it’s wonderful that they gave their lives battling that filth. I was so young that I do not remember their faces, if I must be honest. However, that does not diminish the pride I feel for what they’ve done.
Eirika: Don’t you feel lonely at the loss of your parents?
L’Arachel: No! Not at all! What do you take me for? Some kind of weakling?
Eirika: No, I see that you are strong indeed, L’Arachel.
L’Arachel: I should say so. But… would you not say that you are strong, too, Eirika? Your father stayed in his castle, fighting the forces of Grado. He had a noble death, don’t you think? Your father was a great man. You must be quite proud of him.
Eirika: Well… yes. He refused to take even one step in retreat from the advancing Grado soldiers. But still… I mean, I… I would have thought no less of him if he had fled. Even if he were no longer a brave king… Still… I would be happier if he were still alive.
L’Arachel: Eirika… I do understand you. Everyone would tell me of my parents’ bravery, of their honor… But I will never see them. I will never know them for myself. Oh, what I would give if I could have met them… just once.
Eirika: L’Arachel…

Eirika is such a good influence on L'Arachel, and L'Arachel only opens up at all around her. We get to see her most vulnerable side here, and the two faces of her trauma: "My parents were great people and I want to be their equal" and "I have no idea who my parents were". And, in addition to merely expositing about it, Eirika gets to share how her own experiences with her lost parent compares- and L'Arachel gets to understand more about her own feelings by facing that.

Eirika/Ephraim B

Eirika: Yaa… Yaa!
Ephraim: Eirika, try taking a deeper step forward when you lunge. Otherwise, you might find it hard to dodge the counterthrust of a foe. That’s why you always want to end a duel with a single blow. Don’t give your opponent the chance to return the attack.
Eirika: Ah, Brother! Thank you for the instruction! I suppose I still have a lot to learn.
Ephraim: No, not at all! Rather, I am surprised at your rapid progress after such a short time! I think you would give me an excellent match were we to spar.
Eirika: You really think so? And yet, I feel… Sigh… If only we lived in a world where such skills were not even necessary.
Ephraim: I see… You’re a peaceful soul. All of this fighting… It must be hard on you.
Eirika: It is… I just pray that this fighting will end as swiftly as possible. No one desires this war. So why must it continue?
Ephraim: …Indeed. And yet there is fighting in every generation. In ancient times, our ancestors fought all manner of evil beast. But once the beasts were subdued, man then fought against fellow man… So we learned from Lyon.
Eirika: I know… But if men understand the futility of fighting, why do they do it? We could gain so much more by cooperation than by conquest.
Ephraim: You may be right… …But I think… I understand why.
Eirika: Why, Brother…?
Ephraim: I pray for peace to return to our fair Renais. I know that war brings only sorrow. And yet, somewhere in my heart… There is a lust for battle that cannot be stilled. It screams within me when I clutch this spear…
Eirika: Brother…
Ephraim: Perhaps it is because I am a man. Perhaps it is because I was raised to fight. I enjoy the practice of my art. I find pleasure in the battle victorious. And the stronger I become… The more strongly the call to arms sounds within my ears. I want to see how great is the skill that I have acquired. It may be crass and low, but I cannot deny it.
Eirika: Brother…
Ephraim: You would disdain me for this?
Eirika: No, I could never… But, Brother, listen. No matter why you fight… Please ensure that this fighting brings good to our people and to our kingdom.
Ephraim: Of course. I am not so far gone as that. And I could not bear to see you cry for our people. Besides, I would fear the judgment of your mighty sword!
Eirika: Brother, I–!
Ephraim: Ha ha! I’m joking, of course!

For all his weaknesses, as a King and as a man, Ephraim is surprisingly competent when it comes to understanding his own weaknesses: He understands that to crave the battlefield is wrong, and that the way he perceives strength, and the acceptance of those around him being tied to such prowess, leads directly to him taking up arms to continue that acceptance. Ephraim may not be the right man for the job, but he at least knows why.

Also, this conversation mentions that among the five countries, somebody is declaring war on somebody else. With the relationships established in the "present" (ie, between Vigarde/Hayden/Fado/Mansel/Ismaire's husband), I have no idea who, though.

Ephraim/Duessel B

Duessel: …
Ephraim: Duessel, do you have a moment?
Duessel: Oh, Ephraim. Of course.
Ephraim: …Were you thinking about Grado just now? You looked distracted. I wonder, was it the wrong decision to send you fighting against Grado?
Duessel: …You’ve no need to worry. My reasons for leaving Grado are my own. It doesn’t matter who I’m fighting. My resolve won’t be weakened.
Ephraim: That is good to hear… Actually, I’m here for a rematch. I have no idea how you beat me last time, but this time, I can do it!
Duessel: Hmm. It looks like you haven’t learned your lesson yet. You know, they used to call me Obsidian. I was one of the Imperial Three. I’m not about to let a young punk like you best me at the spear!

...Well that was a conversation. I don't think we learned anything new about either character. Except that Ephraim lost the match against Duessel from the C Support.

L'Arachel/Dozla B

L’Arachel: Dozla, have you thought of any good plans?
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Prepare yourself for joy, Princess L’Arachel! I, Dozla, have come up with a plan of masterpiece proportions!
L’Arachel: Oh! That is good news! Don’t keep me waiting, Dozla. Let me hear it.
Dozla: Gwah ha! Here goes! All of the heroes from the dawn of time had two names, did they not? So what you need, Princess, is another name. Something with oomph!
L’Arachel: Oh, Dozla! What a splendid idea! An alias would make it easier for the people to remember me. Very well, Dozla, we must come up with a wonderful epithet for me.
Dozla: Hmm… Aha! It’s come to me, Princess L’Arachel! How do you like the sound of “the green-haired battle princess”?
L’Arachel: Um, no. I want something with more force. Something with more…impact. I’ve got it! What do you think of “the beautiful princess of peerless beauty”?!
Dozla: Oh! It’s fantastic! You’re amazing, Princess L’Arachel! What a splendid nickname!
L’Arachel: Of course it is. L’Arachel, “the beautiful princess of peerless beauty”! It has such a nice ring to it. Just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?
Dozla: Gwah ha!
L’Arachel: What we do now is vital to our success, Dozla. It wouldn’t do for me to ride about calling myself by my own nickname. It must be spread about in a nonchalant manner. Dozla, starting now, I want you to refer to me exclusively by my epithet, “L’Arachel, the beautiful princess of peerless beauty,” when you’re among the soldiers. And don’t forget to slip it into everyday conversation, too.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Understood, Princess L’Arachel!

L'Arachel is a bit of a spoiled brat, but at least 50% of this chaos is Dozla's idea. Dozla is certainly bringing L'Arachel high spirits, but she needs literally anyone else to ground her. Even Rennac helps. If only by trying to beg her to pay attention to the rules of reality.

Ewan/Tethys B

Ewan: Hey, Tethys. You’ve been getting pretty chummy with that guy lately.
Tethys: What do you mean, Ewan? Who’s “that guy”?
Ewan: You know, THAT guy. Look, he’s right over there… And that guy waving his sword around… I’d say you’ve been a little too friendly with all of them!
Tethys: Too friendly? I wonder. I think chatting now and again is normal. Wait a minute… Ewan, are you feeling jealous?
Ewan: D-don’t be stupid. That’s not it at all!
Tethys: Hold on. You know, that man told me he found a frog in his boots the other day. And that man woke up to find half his moustache shaved off. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?
Ewan: N-no. This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Tethys: Really?
Ewan: Um, yeah…
Tethys: Ooh! It WAS you, wasn’t it? Ewan, you can’t do things like that. Even if it is kind of funny.
Ewan: But they’re morons! All they do is get you to dance, and then they run around on the battlefield challenging each other to “contests of strength and valor”! They’re dumb braggarts, and I was just taking ’em down a peg. But I’m not jealous!
Tethys: All right, all right. I’ll keep your secret this time, but you must stop!
Ewan: They’re the troublemakers, you know? Oh… OK. I got it. I’ll leave ’em alone. But, Tethys?
Tethys: What is it?
Ewan: I’ll always be here to protect you. I’m not too young for that! So instead of always helping those guys, dance for me once in a while. I know it’ll make me stronger!
Tethys: Ewan…
Ewan: I’ll see you later! You gotta promise to dance for me!

I assume these are random generics and not, say, Moulder, but still. I wasn't expecting Tethys to laugh at Ewan's shenanigans. Not sure I feel entirely comfortable with Ewan's phrasing in the end, though.

Ewan/Dozla B

Dozla: Ho, laddie.
Ewan: Uncle Dozla!
Dozla: So, you’re in high spirits today?
Ewan: Yep! I’m always in high spirits. How about you, Uncle?
Dozla: Oh, I’m doing as well as can be expected. I’m a bit tired, actually. I’m a bit closer to the ground than everyone else, so my legs tire easily. Gwah ha! It would be nice if there were an easier way to move around, wouldn’t it?
Ewan: Oh, that reminds me. I’ve been thinking of something. Do you want to hear about it?
Dozla: What’s this? Have you come up with yet another fabulous idea?
Ewan: Yep!
Dozla: Well, what is it?
Ewan: Coaches! You’re familiar with coaches, right?
Dozla: Uh-huh.
Ewan: And we’ve got a coach in our convoy because it can carry people and supplies.
Dozla: Yeah, they’re useful enough. They’re nice if you’re traveling far with wounded men, children, and whatnot. But without roads, they’re almost useless, and forget about dense forests. Oh, and they can be quite vulnerable in a battle. Not very useful at all, really.
Ewan: Exactly! So I was thinking about coaches that could travel in the air…
Dozla: What’s that? Are you talking about using pegasus knights?
Ewan: That’s what I was thinking at first. But you know, that probably wouldn’t work. I mean, a pegasus can get mighty picky about who it lets ride him, right? I haven’t really thought about how to actually make a flying coach, but… But wouldn’t it be amazing if one really existed? It would be fast, and all that stuff like bad roads and forests wouldn’t matter!
Dozla: Ho ho ho ho!
Ewan: And even if people lived far apart, they could visit one another quickly! What do you think?
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! It’s fantastic! And it would be useful, that’s for sure! Sounds like fun, too. I’d sure love to ride about in a flying coach. Think about it- the land spread out below, glittering dawn skies…and the wind! Ah, it all sounds like a dream.
Ewan: I hope it becomes reality someday.
Dozla: Me, too. I like the way your mind works, laddie. Let’s talk more later.
Ewan: Yep!

Ewan: "What if... we had airplanes?" Treat this kid's ADHD and we've got the industrial revolution on our hands. Or at least stop letting him drink the adult's coffee.

Ewan/Amelia B

Amelia: Ah… Whew. This looks like a good place to take a break.
Ewan: …! …… Boo!
Amelia: AHHHH!
Ewan: Ha ha ha! Amelia, it’s me.
Amelia: Ah! Ewan? Why did you do that? I thought you were one of the enemy!
Ewan: Ha ha ha. We talked about this, remember? How you make it fun? I just wanted to make our meeting here a little more fun.
Amelia: Well, it wasn’t fun for me at all.
Ewan: Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah, Amelia? Do you remember you promised to show me your lance work?
Amelia: Um…yeah. I remember. Well, all right. Here. Watch closely.
Ewan: Oh, I will.
Amelia: …… HA! …YAH!
Ewan: That’s good.
Amelia: AH! …WAH!
Ewan: Neat.
Amelia: …… …YAAAH!!
Ewan: That was great!
Amelia: Thanks.
Ewan: You’re good, Amelia. You’re as good as any of the other knights.
Amelia: Do you mean that? Whew… To be honest, I have been practicing even harder lately. But it was all worth it to hear you say that. Thanks.
Ewan: Really? No, thank you. I like your outfit, too.
Amelia: Huh? Oh, I get it. You’re teasing me again, aren’t you, Ewan? What was it, again? “Making things fun”?
Ewan: Ha ha ha. No, that’s not at all what I was doing.
Amelia: Hmm… I’m not sure I should believe you.
Ewan: Ha ha ha. Princess Eirika has a similar outfit. Is that a popular style?
Amelia: Um…I don’t know. But it’s easy to move in, so…
Ewan: I see. I think it’s cute. Especially that stain right there.
Amelia: Oh… Ewan, you’re such a twit!
Ewan: Ha ha ha.

Dammit, Ewan, you get on the case of people who talk to Tethys in ways you don't like, but you're barely any better talking to girls yourself. Yeah, he's a kid, but still.

Eirika/Saleh B

Eirika: Master Saleh.
Saleh: Princess.
Eirika: What you were telling me about Valega was most enlightening. It sounds as though you align your desires with the world around you. By knowing the vastness of creation around you, you come to know yourself. And then, by transcending your selfish needs, you wish for a better world. What you told me, it helped me rediscover the importance of that unselfish wish. It’s the reason for the war we fight now… The dream of a better world. Because of your Valega, my own conviction was renewed.
Saleh: Ahhh. I’m glad to hear that. …Princess Eirika, you remind me of the warrior princess, Nada Kuya.
Eirika: Nada Kuya?
Saleh: She’s one of Caer Pelyn’s ancient heroes.
Eirika: I’d like to hear about her.
Saleh: I’ve been told she was a strong woman, beautiful and proud. She spoke with the voice of nature, and she lived at one with the earth.
Eirika: But you called her a battle princess…?
Saleh: Well, in ancient times, Caer Pelyn was invaded by a foreign nation.
Eirika: Really?
Saleh: And leading the charge against the invaders was Nada Kuya. She carried a narrow sword made from a fang gifted to her by the dragonkin. With her dragon blade in her hand, she drove Caer Pelyn’s enemies away.
Eirika: Wow… Quite a story. And you think I–
Saleh: Yes. You remind me of her.
Eirika: No, no… When Grado invaded Renais, I was paralyzed. I couldn’t do anything. It is only because of the sacrifices of others that I could even escape.
Saleh: But now, you are here. With your strength, courage, and dignity.
Eirika: Master Saleh…
Saleh: If you achieve victory, the legend will become reality. You will become the Nada Kuya of this age.
Eirika: I see… Yes, I see! I have a reason to fight. I have things to protect. I fight for the future. The future of Renais, the future of my people. Thank you, Master Saleh. Your stories always give me the courage to fight on.
Saleh: I’m glad to hear that.
Eirika: I pray your wisdom guides us through this war.
Saleh: I will do what I can.

Valega and Nada Kuya sounds a lot more interesting than it really turns out to be in practice. This is another case of "I'm not entirely sure which nation is invading here" (we might be talking before the foundation of Grado and etc), and we also have this story about the dragon's fang sword- clearly a reference to the Falchion of Archanea, but as far as we know, no weapons in the modern day match this description. The purpose of the Falchion is also to be used as a dragon-slaying weapon, but Nada Kuya has no need or interest in this. I think it's just meant to be an easter egg plot nugget for fans of Archanea.

Seth/Cormag B

Cormag: Hey, Seth.
Seth: Ah, Cormag. Good timing. I had something I wanted to ask you. Your family, are they all soldiers?
Cormag: Why do you ask?
Seth: Your skill with the spear is amazing. Have you trained since you were a child?
Cormag: No, I come from a long line of dirt-poor farmers. I wielded a plough, not a spear. When we were kids, Glen and I had to chase birds and animals from our fields. We used sticks and stones, and I think that helped with our aim, to be honest.
Seth: Is that so… So why did you join the army?
Cormag: It’s a funny story, really. …The emperor’s caravan passed through our village one day. My brother and I watched the glorious procession from the top of a tree. Then, a stray dog started to harry the horses pulling the emperor’s carriage. We threw rocks to drive off the mutt, but some soldiers decided to arrest us.
Seth: Why? You were trying to help…
Cormag: Yes, well. We didn’t just hit the dog. We got a few of the soldiers as well.
Seth: Ah-ha… So, what happened next?
Cormag: Well, the emperor shows up in the room the soldiers had thrown us. He looks around and, in this very calm but stern voice, says to the soldiers: “What are you men doing, arresting mere children? They were trying to help!” Then, he invites us to dine at his table, and it was a luxurious feast, I tell you! Now, we were just kids. We lacked the basic courtesies. We were just filthy. And we kept droning on about the most idiotic things: chores, the village… But he listened to us intently, and that fatherly smile never left his face. And he said, “You lads are good at driving off dogs with stones… Your skills are wasted in the fields. Let’s see how you fare with spears instead.”
Seth: And that’s how you were recruited.
Cormag: Exactly. It’s difficult to ignore such a commanding presence. But… the emperor changed. I still can’t believe what’s happened.
Seth: …I was born into a family of knights, so it was a given that I should be one, too. I trained in spear and sword. I studied chivalry and swore my oaths of fealty. And because of my hard work, the late King Fado treated me like a second son. …It’s funny. You and I are from different worlds, but we share the same loyalties.
Cormag: True… But King Fado is dead now. And my emperor is the one who killed him… My emperor is as good as dead to me.
Seth: …I already serve a new lord. Cormag, you will find a ruler worthy of your loyalties, too.
Cormag: Yeah, I hope so…

I don't really like this Support for multiple reasons. Usually, a bad Seth Support is because of Seth being a toxic knight of some description, but in this case, while that element is present, I think Cormag is the bigger problem. Throwing rocks at animals to chase them away, while probably necessary for the time (I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, with a massive asterisk) is one thing, but then Vigarde is painted as being a good man for turning them into soldiers. He does seem to at least know how to deal with kids, though. Key word: seems.

And, of course, Seth is all like "aw, you're not all that different from me". It is a little weird that Fado treated him as a second son, though. Especially since they'll try and make this man have romantic chemistry with Eirika.

Colm/Kyle B

Colm: Kyle, big news!
Kyle: What is it this time, Colm?
Colm: It’s about Prince Ephraim.
Kyle: What? What happened?
Colm: He’s just like me!
Kyle: Just like you? In what sense?
Colm: He hates studying, too!
Kyle: And…? That doesn’t seem like news or anything.
Colm: It’s big news for me! And for you, too! The future of Renais is not looking good if he hates studying as much as I do.
Kyle: Don’t worry about it. He might not like studying much, but no one is as bad as you. Besides, if you’re bringing this up to denigrate him, you are in serious trouble.
Colm: Not at all! I’m just worried about Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika.
Kyle: I understand. But this news was really useless. In the future, please only bring me relevant information.

Denigrate him for his information-gathering skills all you please, Kyle, what's he even doing investigating Ephraim anyway? I don't think there's much valuable intel you could get by pointing your own spies at your commander.

And if there is, you have bigger problems.

Ephraim/Tana A

Tana: Hello, Ephraim. Shall we take a break together?
Ephraim: Well, you’re in a better mood today!
Tana: Huh? What do you mean?
Ephraim: Oh, nothing. Never mind. So, uh, what can I do for you?
Tana: Eirika helped me prepare lunch. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m sure it’s delicious. Would you like to eat with me?
Ephraim: …Tana. This is a battlefield. It’s all right to take a break, but let’s not let our guards down.
Tana: … You’re always like that. You’re so stiff and formal and detached all the time.
Ephraim: Tana… What’s the matter with you? You’ve been acting so odd lately.
Tana: Yes, I am acting funny. And it’s all your fault, Ephraim! Whenever I try to talk to you, you always keep your distance! No matter how hard I try, you never open up to me.
Ephraim: That’s not true…
Tana: Is there someone else?
Ephraim: What…?
Tana: It’s just… You never pay any attention to me. You never have… It makes me so sad. All I want to do is be near you more and more.
Ephraim: … Tana, you’re still just a child at heart, aren’t you?
Tana: Ephraim! Don’t talk about me like that…
Ephraim: No, I meant it as a compliment. Because you’re so young, your words have such a simple, honest purity… I do appreciate your affection.
Tana: Ephraim… Do you think you could make more time for me, so we can chat?
Ephraim: Yes… of course. But we don’t have the luxury to stop and chat on the battlefield. We have an obligation to end this war first. Let’s go.
Tana: Yes, all right. I’ll see you later. I’m looking forward to it.

Ephraim is kinda super ace in this conversation: He not only fails to recognise Tana is attempting to court him, he fails to consider the possibility this might be a factor. The ending, then, is less "Ephraim finally does a good" and more "Tana realises Ephraim isn't thinking like her and adjusts her expectations accordingly". I think, ultimately, one or both of them needs to figure out Ephraim's deal in more detail before Tana gets hurt. Preferably both.

Duessel/Amelia A

Duessel: Amelia! There you are.
Amelia: Oh, General Duessel.
Duessel: I’ve been looking for you. And now I’ve found you.
Amelia: Um, wh-what’s happened? I’ve never seen you in such a rush.
Duessel: There’s something I’d like to ask- No, something I’d like to tell you.
Amelia: Er, all right. What is it?
Duessel: I remembered. I told you that I thought I’d seen your face before, didn’t I?
Amelia: Uh, yes.
Duessel: Well, I remembered.
Amelia: Oh, is that it? Please don’t keep me waiting, tell me.
Duessel: …… Amelia. What is your mother’s name?
Amelia: ! …… …My mother…
Duessel: ……
Amelia: My mother’s name is… Melina…
Duessel: And what happened to her?
Amelia: When I was just a child, she was stolen away by bandits. My father had already passed away, so I was totally… sniff…
Duessel: I’m sorry… ……
Amelia: I was left… all on my own… ……
Duessel: …… I was right… You can rest easy, Amelia. Your mother is alive and well.
Amelia: What!?
Duessel: It happened a few years back. I was leading a patrol near the Grado border. We unexpectedly rode up on a group of bandits, and a battle ensued. When we had taken care of the bandits, we rescued a lone female captive. We figured she had been taken from some village, but she was in shock. In fact, her distress was so great, she had forgotten much about herself. Her body was in such a weakened state that she could barely walk. We felt such pity for her that we took her to a peaceful village we knew of. There, we set up a home for her where she could recover and live quietly. Some years later, she was restored to her former vitality. Slowly, she began to recall the lost memories of her past. Only recently did she remember that she had once had a daughter. I took time off from my duties and visited the village where she had lived. But the villagers told me her daughter had left the village some time ago. With no clues as to the girl’s whereabouts, I’d almost given up hope of finding her. And then, in the strangest of places…
Amelia: I-it can’t be! Th-that woman… What is her name?
Duessel: Her name is Melina… Amelia, she’s your mother.
Amelia: What!? Are you… Are you sure?
Duessel: Yes, I am. I see Melina’s face reflected in your own. There’s no mistake. Isn’t it wonderful, Amelia?
Amelia: My… mother… Sniff… Thank you… Thank you…
Duessel: Mm…
Amelia: Sniff… aaa… Aaa…waaaaaaa!!
Duessel: …Amelia…
Amelia: Waa… Thank… you… Waaa… Thank… you… Sniff……
Duessel: I, uh, I’m so happy for you, Amelia… Sniff… Oh, no. Old age must have loosened these dry, old tear ducts… Sniff… sniff…

There's no two ways about this: I love this. In the paired ending, Amelia expresses her gratitude by following in his footsteps, and that's why I like her as a Great Knight: Duessel really went above and beyond to help her mother when, really, she could've just removed her from the bandit's custody, called it a day, and no one would have thought any less of him. While classic FE is filled with uncritical Knights, they still have plenty of people who take the theory of chivalry seriously. Duessel may just be the finest knight in all of Magvel.

Duessel/Cormag A

Duessel: Cormag… I’ve something I want to show you. Here it is. This lance. What do you think of it?
Cormag: My! It has such power! It sends chills down my spine… I am not nearly strong enough to wield a weapon such as this.
Duessel: Hm, you think so? Merely holding this lance makes me tremble with dread. Not overly so, but enough to stop me from wielding it in combat. This lance… It can drive its wielder to madness.
Cormag: Madness, you say?
Duessel: Yes, Cormag. It’s a magic weapon of dark design that’s been in my family for ages. Legend states that the leader of our house must always carry it, but never use it. We are prohibited from wielding it until such a time as madness itself rules the day. It’s part of my legacy, and yet… I… I made a grave error… I allowed Valter to use this lance.
Cormag: You let Valter-
Duessel: Yes… …We were in the middle of a battle. Valter had broken his lance, and when I wasn’t looking he somehow took this one. From that moment, he was changed… He killed everyone- even retreating men. I took the lance from him when I realized what had happened, but it was too late. Madness had awakened within Valter and was coursing through his body. From then on, he hungered only for battle and for blood… It’s not as though Valter was a gentle lamb before, but now his appetite for violence increased many times over. It’s all because of this cursed lance.
Cormag: …… That odd light playing around the point… I thought it looked familiar. It was Valter… It’s the same light Valter had in his eyes on the battlefield. Valter’s insane because of this lance. …… Sir Duessel, if it please you, would you let me have this lance?
Duessel: What? You? B-but…
Cormag: Are you worried that I will end up like Valter?
Duessel: N-no… ……
Cormag: This lance- someone needs to master it. It’s just a feeling I have. A weapon is only as good or evil as the man who wields it. In the hands of someone just, it can be a righteous weapon. In the hands of the wicked, it’s a danger to all. Believe me, I have not been seduced by this lance. I merely want to see it used for the purpose for which it was forged.
Duessel: …… I understand you, Cormag. I’m going to let you have it. I have no son. I had not yet decided to whom I should pass on this legacy. Now I see that leaving it to someone whom I trust and believe in is best. As with me, your admiration of weapons is balanced by a healthy respect. You also have a good eye, and you possess tremendous strength. The day you are able to wield this lance may not be far off at all. If the madness in this lance can be tamed, it may very well be a weapon without equal. …I never had the courage to wield it, but I would love to see it used righteously. …I am entrusting it to you. I hope you will use it one day.
Cormag: I accept your gift, Sir Duessel. I would receive it once this battle is finished and our hearts are calmer. If I were to take it in the heat of battle, I might become Valter the second. It is a possibility that I cannot dismiss.
Duessel: Yes, I see. Cormag… I’m counting on you. I look forward to the day I can see this lance wielded correctly.
Cormag: Understood. Until that time comes, please try not to get yourself killed, General Duessel!
Duessel: Ha!

Valter lore! The main takeaway is that Valter, while always being a bit of a rotten egg, was not exactly someone you could stick in a lineup with Caellach and Riev when he served the Imperial Three on his own merits. I do find the fact that Valter's darkness is magical in origin somewhat strange, though, although it's not really used to excuse him. Cormag expresses a maturity in his approach to the weapon, although we really don't get much of an answer as to what the hell this lance's deal is.

By the way, that lance is not an inventory item Cormag receives at any point in the story. FE isn't at that point yet- and while it technically does do it in 3H, there's a difference between Dimitri/Felix B and Cormag/Duessel A in terms of accessibility even with more modern Support-grinding techniques.

Franz/Amelia A

Franz: Amelia. Can I ask you something?
Amelia: What is it?
Franz: Why did you become a soldier?
Amelia: Hm? …… … Because I was alone.
Franz: Alone?
Amelia: When I was little, I lived in a remote village with my mother. One day… bandits raided our village and took my mother.
Franz: Oh!
Amelia: I had no father… My mother was my only family. She was so sick… and so very weak…
Franz: …
Amelia: When the bandits came… I hid under the bed… I hid there… trembling…
Franz: Amelia…
Amelia: I wanted to protect her! I… wanted to be strong! Even if I couldn’t win… I wanted to fight! To protect the only person dear to me…
Franz: Oh… …… … I see now… Thank you for telling me your story. I want you to know this, Amelia. …My parents are gone, too.
Amelia: You… too…?
Franz: Yes… Well, I do have a brother, though. But I don’t remember my mother. But I swore that I would live my every moment to its fullest. I swore to my parents that I would live a long life for them and be happy. Amelia… You’re living the same way, embracing each passing moment. You believe in yourself, and your faith burns in you, making you shine. I don’t know what it is you plan to do with your life, but as long as we travel the same path, would you let me walk beside you? I have my own path to follow, I know, but… I believe we’re both walking toward the same goal.
Amelia: Franz…?
Franz: You don’t like that?
Amelia: No! That’s not it. I’m… very happy! Franz…!
Franz: Amelia, I’ll protect you.
Amelia: Franz… Thank you… I’m really happy. But… I want to protect you, too. I am a soldier of sorts as well, you know. So… let me be your shield to protect you…
Franz: And I will be your sword and fight for you. From now on. You’re not alone anymore, Amelia.
Amelia: Thank you, Franz.

I appreciate Amelia's mother does get more to her than the Duessel reveal, but really, learning more about Melina here just makes me want the reunion more, and unfortunately, Franz/Amelia A locks you out of Duessel/Amelia A. I think this wasn't the first time Franz/Amelia and Duessel/Amelia started contesting each other. Three Hopes started locking Supports behind other Supports, so I'd expect a modern approach to require Franz/Amelia A to get Duessel/Amelia A (while also allowing multiple A Ranks)- so you know how important Amelia's mum is to her before you get the reveal and heartwarming cry.

Seth/Natasha A

Natasha: General Seth.
Seth: Sister Natasha. How are you?
Natasha: Well, thank you. And you?
Seth: Yes, I’m fine. But it’s only because you’ve been beside me as I’ve fought. You were always the one to heal my broken body.
Natasha: You have that wrong, General. You’re the one constantly rescuing me. When I’m surrounded by enemies, when I’m separated from the others…
Seth: Sister Natasha… Do you plan on returning to Grado someday?
Natasha: …Yes. I must return to the temple. Our people need my services.
Seth: Is that… what you really want?
Natasha: …General Seth…
Seth: Could anything sway you to stay in Renais instead?
Natasha: … General Seth, what are you…
Seth: … I’m sorry. I’m- I’ll be more direct. Sister Natasha… When this war is over would you…come live with me?
Natasha: Oh! But, Seth… I’m a cleric. I’m sworn never to…
Seth: I know you’re a cleric. You’ve given your life over to a divine calling. But would the Everlasting not smile upon the love shared by its creations?
Natasha: …Seth, I- Yes, I believe so.
Seth: I vow upon the sacred oaths you have sworn that I will make you happy.
Natasha: Seth… I hope you keep that promise. I’ll wait for you until this war is finally at an end.
Seth: I will keep my promise, Natasha. I will.

All of Seth's Support chains have something I'm side-eyeing him for, but this one is the only one that isn't really "he's a Knight and Faerghus has gotten me to rethink that"- this is just the plain old disgustingly sexist "I'm a man and my feelings matter more than yours" approach to flirting. When paired with his approach to Eirika, it really doesn't do him any favours. It says a lot when Joshua, who's at least partially doing duties as "the man who treats women badly", has more respect for Natasha than Seth does.

(Also, I don't really think Natasha expresses that she... reciprocates his feelings in any way?)

Franz/Natasha A

Natasha: You’re holding up beautifully.
Franz: Oh, no, Sister Natasha. I’m still such an amateur…
Natasha: You’re serious and focused, Franz. You grow stronger every day, and you’re sure to be a wonderful knight!
Franz: Thank you… But I’ve never excelled in either the spear or sword, and I’m a small man. I’m not much when compared to the likes of our other men.
Natasha: There are many types of knights. Some are strong, some are swift, and others are intelligent. You possess a wonderful talent that no other man can match.
Franz: Me…?
Natasha: Yes. You have a pure heart. It is stronger than any spear, and it possesses its own brand of power. You should have more confidence.
Franz: Sister Natasha… …… A… pure heart… Thank you very much. I’ll take your words to heart and try to be more confident.
Natasha: That’s good.
Franz: Oh, by the way. Here you go…
Natasha: Hm? Oh, that’s-
Franz: Yes, it’s my mother’s comb. I would like it if you chose to keep it with you.
Natasha: Franz…
Franz: I’ve let myself believe that it protected me from harm. Now, I would like to believe that it protects you, too…
Natasha: … Franz, I can’t. This is something you should keep.
Franz: Sister Natasha?
Natasha: You took this comb because you believed your mother was protecting you. This comb embodies all your memories of and feelings for your mother. It should remain in your hands. That’s where it belongs.
Franz: Sister Natasha…
Natasha: But I do thank you… It is a remarkably tender gesture. I’m very happy. … Franz… The only reason I fight on with confidence is because you are with me.
Franz: Well… that’s just not true.
Natasha: No, I’m serious. You see, for me, you are the person who makes me feel… Well, strong. Strong and confident. Your presence is better than a good-luck charm or anything else. I hope that you and I spend more time together, fighting for this just cause.
Franz: Yes! Thank you for all your kind words. I certainly hope so, too.
Natasha: Together, let’s restore peace to all countries, not just Renais and Grado.
Franz: Yes, Sister Natasha. It is a noble cause, and we will bring victory!
Natasha: Then let’s fight. For victory and for friendship.
Franz: Yes, my lady!

See how much more pleasant Franz is to be around? Franz embodies the spirit of Natasha's life's work, and Natasha recognises the strength of that character and enjoys his company as a result. It's not like Natasha has a problem of particularly poor Supports, but still. The fact Seth and Franz are both knights of Renais makes comparing them easy, and when the difference is as stark as this...

Ephraim/Kyle A

Kyle: My lord prince… I must apologize.
Ephraim: Why is that, Kyle? What do you need to apologize for?
Kyle: The other day, I was injured on the battlefield. You raced to my side without a moment’s hesitation. As I lost consciousness, I heard you say something I won’t forget. “Treat this man as you would my own brother. Help him, regardless of cost.”
Ephraim: And why must you apologize for that?
Kyle: I ought to have been the one riding to your aid, my lord. And that you would consider a low-born knight like myself a brother… All these years, I’ve thought of myself as nothing but a loyal retainer. I failed to understand that our bond runs deeper.
Ephraim: …Since I was a child, you’ve taught me how to be a warrior. A prince is raised to be detached. Distant. To rule the people from above. I could not afford to feel any real affection for anyone. Just Seth, Forde… And you, Kyle. You were the only ones. I realize that much separates us, but I still consider you family. Although…you do worry about me too much. And you have to stop snapping at me.
Kyle: Prince Ephraim, when I was injured the other day, I came to a realization. I was wrong. The decision I made you agree to the other day was wrong. You belong on the front lines, like any of the noble warriors of Renais. It will do the men’s morale good to see you fighting at their side. From now on, fight as you must! I will be beside you, and I will protect you as you fight at our side.
Ephraim: Thank you, Kyle. I was so caught in my worry that I couldn’t fight well. And I will make a concession to you as well. I will not be so reckless anymore. I know I have an important position. Are we in agreement, Kyle?
Kyle: We are, my lord. Let’s ride on together!
Ephraim: Sounds good. Kyle… Don’t fall behind!
Kyle: Yes, sire!

Eh... I'm going with "I don't really get the knightly sentiment", but Kyle does recognise that telling Ephraim to be their God-King is neither productive nor appreciated.

Franz/Forde A

Franz: Brother.
Forde: Franz, that was the best fish I ever tasted. Thanks.
Franz: I was feeling guilty a little while I was fishing though. I was off duty, but still… we are in the middle of war. I guess it’s fine. General Seth seemed to like it well enough, too.
Forde: Yup. And as long as everyone’s happy, there’s no harm done.
Franz: … Brother. I’ve realized something.
Forde: Huh? What’s that?
Franz: You are my role model.
Forde: Franz, what’s with you? All of a sudden, you–
Franz: No, it’s not sudden at all. Come to think of it, I became a soldier so I could be like you. And now, I’m going to work harder, so I can be a great knight like you.
Forde: That… That doesn’t make any sense. Have you seen how lazy I am? Seriously. There are MUCH better role models out there for you to hero-worship.
Franz: No, no. You like to act lazy. It’s part of your charm, isn’t it? But once the battle starts, everyone sees how sharp a warrior you are.
Forde: Is that so?
Franz: Yes, it is. And I also know that you like to play the part of the fool for no other reason than to give these weary soldiers a reason to smile.
Forde: …
Franz: And your sword and spear skills surpass those of any knight in the service of Renais, Frelia, or any other kingdom.
Forde: Wow. Your flattery is far more than I deserve…
Franz: The only reason you paint is to acquire a better understanding of geography, so that you can use that knowledge in battle…
Forde: Nah… It’s just a hobby. Don’t give me too much credit.
Franz: I’m not. Think about it. You only paint landscapes, isn’t that true?
Forde: …… …The last portrait I ever painted was of Mother…
Franz: Mother?
Forde: Never mind. Not important. Anyway, I’m shocked. SHOCKED. Yeah, if you need a role model, look to General Seth.
Franz: Of course I admire General Seth. But that’s just admiration. You’re still my role model.
Forde: …Well, I can’t tell you what to think. I just hope you don’t regret this later.
Franz: Don’t worry. I won’t.
Forde: Hm. Whatever you say.
Franz: Yes. So, that’s that. Now, make sure you don’t get yourself killed in a fight. Bye.
Forde: Franz… I need you to survive this war. You and I will go home together. When this war is over, you and I will go home and rebuild our lives.

Franz may be a little off in some respects (I think Forde is right in that avoiding portraits has less to do with cartography and more to do with sentiment), but the principle is there: in being true to himself, Forde is being a better role model than the more "honourable" Seth. And considering what came earlier, I think Franz already has a stronger system of morality than Seth.

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