Friday 2 December 2022

SS Chapter 16 Ephraim: Darling Renais

Ephraim route is now fully identical to Eirika map-wise. After this mission, the only real mechanical clue is Ephraim taking the leading position.

...Screw Taizel in particular today, I guess. Normally they spawn on different routes, at least.

Look at all these Knight's Crests I don't need. Did you notice this run is using none of them? Same is technically true of Orion's Bolt, but there's only one of those.

Interesting thing about Wyvern Knights only needing one weapon is that they have more "spare" room for the Fili Shield. Falcos and Wyvern Lords need lances and swords (well, "need" is a strong word...), so a spot for bow protection is harder to justify.

...What do you mean, Jehanna Hall now sells Barrier staves? If you can justify waiting this long, this is a decent time to grind up healers now that they can be bought at half price.

Knoll, the man who has seen his boss sell his soul, gets a "Maturity" increase. He needs the help with his shaky growths.

Yeah, Tethys gets the Swiftsole again. Meanwhile, Eirika could use the extra Speed from not being weighed down by her swords.

...Wow, Colm. Somebody get this kid an Ocean Seal. Pity Ross is hogging the free one. I didn't buy one in Chapter 14, so Colm will have to go without.

Shouldn't be too much here.

I'm fairly sure the cavalier brigade is also there in Eirika route, they just hadn't filed in yet when I took Eirika's screenshot.

Our opening is all in place. It was basically all Ephraim anyway.

This happens now on Ephraim route too, despite the fact we had her dragonstone for two chapters prior.

Our first divergence occurs when Lyon and Riev come to call on Orson.

Although Orson has submitted to Grado, there is absolutely no mention of Grado actually... ruling Renais in any capacity. They don't recognise the man who has authority over them.

...Although surely Lyon's no street urchin? The man has a crown and a thick purple robe!

You need your eyes checked, you're a terrible guard.

And now Lyon's feeling bad about himself. This can only end badly.

It gets even worse once he's out of earshot in the room.

Although apparently they're still scared of him. I mean, if you can't hear Orson, they can't hear you.

Unless you can hear Orson...

This dovetails into the Eirika route conversation about how creepy Orson is.

I've gotta say, as much as Eirika route comes first, the general flow of this opening setpiece goes much better on Ephraim route. There's less jumping around between scene to scene.

And beyond that, we go from Orson's guards debating the rumours into actually seeing Orson.

And Orson's conversation with the villain happens immediately.

In Ephraim route, since we know Lyon is a villain, Lyon gets to have a chat with the man who's basically him, but exaggerated.

Interestingly, Lyon seems to be the only person on team Evil doing any necromancy. You'd think it'd be someone else giving him his father, but no, Lyon got that power for himself to be disappointed by.

Orson is no more interested in talking to Lyon than he is Riev.

Lyon is a more pleasant individual, though.

For one thing, I'm not entirely certain he intends this as a threat.

Although, in practice, there's not much of a difference between the two, especially when it comes to what Orson has to do in response.

This part, though, sounds a lot more like Riev's threat, although significantly more affable. Lyon's a nicer person, this doesn't say anything about his goals.

Lyon trusts Orson gets his meaning.

And then Orson does his bit about reassuring Monica he's only going away for a little bit. The flow of the various scenes really works much nicer here. While Eirika route was clearly the baseline for the game as a whole, I feel like this chapter got written first for Ephraim.

The ending conversation, where Riev comments on Lyon's inability to be the same person through a conversation, is missing. Mostly because Ephraim route Lyon is able to be the same person through a conversation.

Over on the mechanical side, we start over here, which allows us the option of going north rather than just heading east, but also makes east a horrible plan.

There's still a door here. It would be so much easier if I could just go east.

Also, there's a whole bunch of enemy replacements based on route. While the route split technically ended last map narratively, it ends mechanically with this one.

Some more faces. Kinda wish Lute/Valkyrie L'Arachel got this map, all those Druids.

Orson has got a stat buff and a weapon switch- he's now using a Runesword as his ranged weapon. The Runesword is a magic sword that uses half his Strength, hits Resistance, and uses Nosferatu as a basis for damage: Heals him for the damage dealt, is subject to Dark magic WTA, and is excused from Sword WTA. Unlike the Wind Sword, these rules apply at both 1 and 2 range.

...I think he was scarier with the Spear.

I'll tell you what else was scarier on the other route: Bolting and Purge have been replaced with useless and worthless. No Purge for us, but we can basically ignore these guys.

...Wow, 55 HP. These promoted enemies are actually scary!

Physic staves around.

And a Chest Key, to rob that one chest. You still need a thief for the other three, this is a convenience thing.

Berserk! Now that's a guy to keep an eye on.

Knoll is going to run around this side and score a few hits. He is not going to commit to the attack pictured second, I just want to demonstrate how scary this is for him.

Man needs his speed.

Cormag will be on babysitting duty.

Dodge, Nosferatu hit, either way-

Knoll needed to have some plan.

Eirika's also getting EXP, too, but she can do that reasonably.

And her level ups aren't... awful.

Sometimes, you just need to press on.

And there's a general scurrying around. Although I'm not entirely certain how this turn happened.

Hi, Gerik! Working on your axes?

Kill feed!

Thank you, heavy weapons!

Artur is going to have a lot of work.

I can't really get this kill to Knoll, so Cormag it is!

These two turns go interestingly, since Gerik gets to ferry Knoll up a bit.

Somewhere around there should do.

Innes is briefly concerned about that guy, before remembering he is Innes and smugly defeats him.

His level up is not to my liking.

Gerik makes a friend of one of Knoll's pinatas.

The other one takes him, at least.

Well, that's irritating.

Thankfully L'Arachel had the Restore.

Eirika can go back to stabbing.

Need that.

Unfortunately, I don't have a Javelin on Tana and Innes couldn't reach. Ephraim might've been able to help, but I was hoping this guy would be Innes's lunch.

Flux capacitor... fluxing.

Metis's Tome later and the same old levels. At least the Speed is easier to get.

Hah. So much for WTA.

...Well, I need Skill, too.

This might've been scarier if it wasn't Luna.

Thankfully that won't be a problem again.

The Cavalier reinforcements! And we're actually in more danger from them!

First thing's first, door open.

Eirika needs to go in.

And unfortunately, we're getting the Luna guy, not the priest. Maybe with a Longbow...

Oh hey, it's that guy. This is not a convenient key.

Knoll is having fun up here.

Yeah, this attack is more sensible.

I just love Knoll no-selling Light magic.

Tethys hitting the bulk.

And this guy goes down.

Anything for EXP.

Those guys are splitting up, too. I was hoping they'd all go for one side.

Eirika has a much harder time with these guys than Knoll.

...And is also taking damage, so that applies on both ends.

One Berserk landed. That guy's no longer our problem.

Eirika continues to smash armour units.

And Innes takes the monk.

Door's open.

Meanwhile, on this side.

Kill feeding!

Defence! ...I'm not sure that stat is getting salvaged, though.

...Extra WEXP, I guess? Knoll's not too fussed, to be honest, it's not like he really wants Gleipnir.

(Considering how deep in the game you have to go to get your hands on a Fenrir tome, there's an argument Knoll doesn't need Dark WEXP.)

He does need all the HP he can get.

Now that's an annoyingly positioned Thief. I'll have to pick up the pace to play with him.

These guys continue to be a pain.

And Knoll joins Myrrh in the "actually, I think I'm scared of Luna tomes" club. Ironic, considering he's the one who can use them.

All right, then... you're the west side's problem.

Not that the west side is doing great on that objective.

Especially with Tana positioning herself on this side.

This guy seems more Knoll's speed, although he could just knock us down to 3.

Knoll's going on cavalier duty: time to get some heavier firepower in front.

On their time.

Huh, those Knights are on the move. Less problems for me later?

Those mercs, too. That's more irritating.

The Eclipse tomes begin to fire.

Cormag's even weighing himself down!

You really have to wonder whether the devs expected this stupidity to occur. Eclipse is too common for it to be an intentional joke weapon.

And the swordmasters and druids are on the move.

Ow. OK, maybe the cavalier plan was ambitious...

Somewhat helpful, although some dodge stats would be nice.

Rangers and a Valkyrie. Knoll is about to hate it here.

Sages popped up as reinforcements in the east.

Oh, there's our Purge drop!

Can we panic now?

Fortunately, "close enough" is not close enough. This guy has another turn in him.

Take this Chest Key, Ephraim!

Without the Rapier, Eirika is doing less good on cavalier defence.

But without she must go.

Less guys hanging around, the better.

Joshua gets a Support rank with Gerik at a good time.

Not that he was scared of this guy.

Nor of this one.

Damn, save some competence for the other guys. They need it.

55 HP means litttle if you can't do much with it.


That's a fortunate miss.

This situation is just awkward on multiple levels.

And the prerequisite Eclipse.

Annoying, but at least it isn't Knoll.

...This guy moves.

Artur, I have a sternly worded letter of complaint to write.

First of all, nabbed!

The easy stuff is fine.

Although L'Arachel's getting a lot of Staff rank and relatively lesser Anima.

Tana can help out this front.

That's something I should've checked sooner.

This front is a nightmare.

Thankfully, this one is less so, although it's got stuff like this.

Thank you!

...I guess I got the crit?

Knoll's heading over here now. Artur takes one hit and frankly, it's best this guy get distance from Purge.

Secondary benefit.


Only two Swordmasters? Lame.

Yeah, Artur is doing fine. Wait, he has dodge chance?

Cormag can take the rest of the guys.

That's a hit rate. Not a great one, but...

The Druids are missing, but I don't like their odds.

Thank you for continuing to be Purge bait.

Knoll. The small number means you dodge.

...You have an Armourslayer, Eirika.

I'm not sure this is a good time to make a withdrawal over here.

Although Gerik really hates that guy.

Hammer of competence!

Just what Tana needs right now.

Annoyingly, Tethys can't reach her.

We'll just need to up the defensive game.


Cormag is blocking over here. All Knoll is scared of is Purge.

Again, Armourslayer was the wiser call here.

Joshua forgets he's a Swordmaster and not an Assassin.

Eclipse is so pathetic Knoll is dodging it in his sleep.

In Tellius, Sleeping units were unable to dodge at all. Magvel seems to impose no avoid penalties for dozing off.

What is your problem with Tethys?

Hostile L'Arachel!

This is ridiculous. At least this was on the happy side of the coin flip.

Right, you need to go.

No Siege Tome Artur. Bolting is easier to get for this L'Arachel.

One Sleeper down.

...Spark spark spark

Right, you stay here and play defence.

Cormag will block for Knoll.

Look at all those Chest Keys I brought so I didn't need Rennac or Colm.

Innes takes out the Sleep guy a little late.

Yeah, yeah.

Let's keep the thief at a distance.

Also, we're out of Eclipses up here. These guys may consider moving.

Blocking game sends the Thief to the exit. Not good.

Artur's back!

He could've Restored the whole time if he wasn't the one getting conked out.

...Dangit, I had hopes.

More Defence! Few more points and Knoll might be OK in a fight with weapons.

Why is L'Arachel even standing next to Eirika in this file anyway?

Ross begins looting.

And also the thief is like "ooh, I can get the treasure!" and stops escaping to get closer.

The Druids have begun attacking, but don't seem interested in moving.

They have a Physic guy.

You need to get some of this EXP, too.

Yay, Tethys is helping!

No more of that guy. Also Eirika is standing in between two stationary enemies.

EXP time!

Knoll takes out our errant thief.


Tana stands here, so the druid doesn't kill himself on Artur.

Alternatively, Artur is weak.

Wow, those were big hits.

More Physic!

A big kill for Knoll! One more level up to 20!

Eirika, too. But the EXP on this map is drying up...

There we are, changing up the Support pattern.

Last one.

So long to that guy!

...It would be nice if I had a guy near him.

Cormag takes it.

Yoink. This is also for the EXP.

Knoll abandons level 20 and goes right for the promotion.

Shamen can promote into Druids or Summoners, gaining either Anima magic or this enigmatic "Summon" skill. In contrast to Radiant Dawn, where the game's only Summoner was a boss, there are no hostile Summoners at all in this one. The only way you're seeing a Summoner is if you promote Ewan or Knoll into one.

As alluded to previously, Ewan may promote into a Mage or a Shaman, which gives him four final classes (as opposed to Ross and Amelia, who have two paths into the same class). He can be a Sage, Mage Knight, Druid or Summoner. He starts with anima magic and loses it in Shaman, and apparently he doesn't get it back when Druid learns anima for some reason.

I'm going with team Summoner. The "Summon" skill is really powerful, and works agnostically to Knoll's stats: It is a valid strategy to promote Knoll immediately into Summoner and abandon his combat ability to focus on Summons and staff uses. I want Knoll to take a few rounds of combat, but really, I'll probably be doing this too.

Eirika isn't doing much on her own here.

Huh. Apparently Eirika doesn't get her dialogue on Ephraim route.

That helps.

Right, then, time to meet the Summoner class.

The Phantom Soldier appears whenever Knoll uses the "Summon" skill (which uses up his turn, but gives him 10 EXP). The Phantom is locked at 1 HP and 0 Def/Res, but when his stats are rolled, he gets a bonus to his offensive stats grow based on which unit Summoned him (Knoll's Phantom has 50/50/40/55 growths compared to Ewan's 70/40/20/40, and the Phantom levels up until it reaches the level of his Summoner). He can also spawn with better axes than Iron if he wants- Killers, Tomahawks, the likes. He is also considered a flier, in that he can cross any non-wall tile without penalty at the cost of not getting to benefit from terrain.

We like Phantoms. Although don't let them kill anything, especially not things with drops.

Our Phantom friend won't be doing much to Orson, but he will be giving Knoll EXP for summoning friends and convincing Orson not to hurt Eirika.

Or Cormag.

...Wait, no, that's Tana.

Eirika's scratch is instantly gone.

So long, Phantom! You will be missed until next turn.

Now that is some damage.

...Of course he heals it.

All I wanted was the level 20, though.

Right, let's take this seriously.

...First, we should give Tana a little boost, and...

There we go. That is a combat window.

Face Tana's fangs!


One of the biggest arguments against giving Knoll a Hoplon Guard is that his inventory is full up on Dark magic, Heal staves and preferably a means of self-healing (not that I've been using those). It's worse if you're a Druid and want to use his Anima rank (I wouldn't bother, honestly).

One unfortunate thing about Summoning when you're at the end of the map, there's no way to delete a Summon and make a new one for an infinite EXP fountain like Tethys has. Oh well, Knoll can get plenty of EXP through normal means.

He takes up the final round of healing duties. I love Summoner's dramatic healing animation- it's the same as their attack animation, except they're using a staff instead. Druids have their staff floating beside them like they're too good to hold things anymore now that they've discovered the secrets of elder magic.

Time for a round of Support grinding. I think this is 9 Support pairs that have the capacity to get points.

Knoll has none of his Support partners represented here, so he's free to wander around and find injuries to heal.

More normal Dancer levels.

And a bunch of Support ranks earned.

Our Support pairs. Aside from Innes/L'Arachel, every pairing that is going to A is at B Rank now. I think I did consider/probably should have done B Rank Eirika/Innes instead of Eirika/L'Arachel, not sure why I didn't wind up doing that. The answer for why I didn't is clearly bias.

And we come in to peek on Monica, as per usual. Since the Eirika route version of this scene was already so Ephraim-heavy, there aren't as many differences.

We've actually seen this this time, though, so we understand, a little bit, where Ephraim is coming from. Monica isn't exactly the same as Vigarde, but you can tell a lot about both Lyon and Orson from their mudpuppets.

Namely, that Orson was easily satisfied and clearly needed a better support system from somebody on our side.

This whole scene fits a lot better to Ephraim route, where we see him charging through Grado with nothing but the clothes on his back. Then again, this also applies to Eirika route, where he doesn't get backup. Either way, while Grado's destructive rampage on Renais likely left it with little in practical aid it could've offered Grado, Ephraim chose to leave it in ruins while he focused on Grado directly. Pragmatically, probably the correct move. But still... that's an unknown but probably sizable amount of lives on his head.

There's a bit of a better shot of the light effect, insomuch as there is a "better shot" of it.

Sacred Stone get.

And time for Ephraim route promotions!

Naturally, Ephraim is a king among kings on the battlefield now that he's had some investment. Not by too much, though.

This Eirika is down in Spd/Luck/Res, but up in Str/Skill/Def compared to Eirika route Eirika. -5 Luck is a huge hit to take, but otherwise, this might actually be the better Eirika...

We get to hear about Ephraim talk about who he is and how Fado had nothing but praise for the kind of king he'd become. This is another thing that has a lot of significance to Ephraim route: Namely, how Lyon reacted to this perspective. The plot is never going to criticise Fado on this point, but perhaps it ought to have.

We get our Twins.

And Ephraim talks about them instead of Eirika.

And Ephraim actually has something different to say about them compared to Eirika. Eirika talked about how the Sacred Twins are a last resort and something she does not appreciate being forced to use for the damage they'll cause- an extension of her pacifism and her desire to settle conflicts with words and not weapons. Ephraim, meanwhile, finds himself wondering if a man like him, who has nothing but flaws in his style and his focus, is worthy of wielding them to their fullest extent. Whatever his opinion, he must fight on.

And we get invited to go get Rausten's Stone.

No mention of L'Arachel inviting either twin to her private quarters this time.

Next time: Lyon takes centre stage.

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