We have a lot of fights to do in this update, starting off with one of the more surprising picks:
Faba 1. What, you thought my decision to use Sinister Arrow Raid in Bethany's run was isolated?
Oh come on. I thought Moss was supposed to be immune to Psychic moves!
And there's Nightmare in action. That's not something you're going to see often, cherish it now.
Anyway, now it's time to show off Moss's signature move.
Dang, Moss is cool in that pose.
What else would Incineroar's signature Z-Move be but a wrestling technique? With that said, however, there is something to be said about the matter.
If you're familiar with wrestling acrobatics, you might be able to tell me that Incineroar is not about to perform a moonsault.
This is a 450° splash. The name "moonsault" might have been picked owing to the fact that this is a Dark type technique, making it a pun, but I can't help but observe that the 450° splash is also known as a "firebird" splash. Make Incineroar a bird-themed Pokemon and call this something like the Soaring Fireslam.
It's a Dark type move, so of course it oneshots.
Yeah, that's going to get worse the further this update goes.
Mio does not have SE on Hypno, and is also hitting the better defensive stat.
And also had to go through the sleeping phase.
Fortunately, Mio's also pretty bulky in the Special department, so it's just a matter of waiting for Mio to wake up.
Mio gives a short little preen before she starts, which the visual effect unfortunately blurs, but this is a great Z-Move.
Mio sings a high note, forming a giant sphere of water over her head.
She then slowly, mentally pushes the ball so it's hovering over the other side's head.
...You know, I just noticed that Sinister Arrow Raid doesn't have a pose for Bethany. Most unique Z-Moves have a pose for the Trainer, but Sinister Arrow Raid isn't unique for it. It's just kind of weird.
On cue, Mio lets out a higher high note, exploding the sphere of water, drenching the opponent, and then performing a bow in the splashback. I always love when Mio's ponytail explodes into her siren hair.
I'm still actually slightly impressed that oneshot. It was a Z-Move, yeah, but it had nothing else going for it.
So, what's Ray going to use, if I'm out of starters? The easy suggestion would be to have Ray do Oceanic Operetta and let Noah pull off Pulverising Pancake, but I had a reason for benching Sirehound. So we have to... bend the rules slightly.
Earlier, I mentioned that Lycanroc doesn't get Stone Edge until level 48, and we don't have the TM for Stone Edge yet. However, we get it right after Aether Paradise, so I think we can get away with slipping into the moveset now.
I'll switch back to Rock Slide in the serious fights, but also I'm not even sure Dawn will be helping.
Wow, speaking of blurred titles, that Splintered Stormshards is hard to read. Anyway, Dawn howls at the... sunset? Fitting, for Dusk Lycanroc.
A bunch of splintered stormshards burst from the ground, flying around the target.
Dawn leaps into the air, and all of the stormshards pivot around so that their pointy ends are pointed directly at the target.
Ray claps his hands like a crocodile, and all the stormshards crash down one by one- including Dawn herself.
Faba absolutely deserved a full set of four Z-Moves. That was fun.
Now to fight a real Faba fight. Sue and Robin have the main advantage with Crunch powered by STAB or Strong Jaw, while Shade has Sucker Punch. Justy theoretically has Ghost moves, but doesn't actually have them and is just here for EXP, while Chip and Crysantha are cleanup crews in their own respective ways.
I do have to mention the preliminary fight, mostly because it does play into my strategy.
I went with Sue as the lead over Justy for two reasons. First, Sue is more useful against Faba, and it helps if she has the first turn there. Second, Sue resists both Electric and Fire, and while Justy is immune to Electric, there is no Fire resist there.
By the way, that's the actual Type: Null, not Zoroark.
That Discharge paralysed us both. Irritating.
I went with the Rock Slide. I would like to get rid of the Fire side quickly, so I can switch in Justy.
Not sure what's going to happen with Electabuzz, but it'll happen on its own time.
Like so.
Huh, interesting. Oh well, I don't really need a specific Pokemon on the field at this stage.
Now that that's over, let's get working on Faba himself.
As an aside, Hau's increased focus on his team has him mention his pre-evolution before landing on Aether Paradise, and only switches to his final evolution here. Which means he evolved Dartrix during this raid. And I thought Woodstock evolved late!
Claydol (Ultra Moon): The ancient people who made it apparently modeled it after something that descended from the sky. It fires beams from both arms.
Faba's new lead is the Ground/Psychic type Claydol, the evolved form of Baltoy. IV spread of 30/25/30/25/25/25, using much of the same defensive strategy as Slowbro, we have 252 EVs in HP, the same +Def/-Spd nature of Relaxed, and the moves Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power and Grass Knot. Unlike Slowbro, this Claydol duels to win. Ground, Psychic, Rock and Grass is not a terrible coverage set.
The Ledian has flat 30 IVs, but is otherwise identical to its SM counterpart.
Ooh, free heal. Nifty.
...And Faba opens up with an X Defend. I guess he is a scientist of sorts, but still... lovely.
This is not helping. Although against the Claydol, Raichu's main purpose is to take Earth Power so Sue doesn't have to.
Rock Slide to get rid of that. Screens are the last thing I need.
Pupitar (Ultra Sun): This troublesome Pokémon can't wait to evolve, so it relieves its stress by wildly propelling itself around using compressed gas.
Pupitar is the evolved form of Larvitar, remaining Rock/Ground, but you wouldn't know it from this one. Flat 25 IVs, 252 EVs in Def, and a Bold (+Def/-Atk) Nature, this guy has decided to make an absolute nuisance of itself by knowing only the move Snarl. It will hit both Pokemon on your side for Dark-type Special damage, lowering your Sp. Atk with each hit. Truly, he has reached newfound heights in being annoying.
Yeah, probably better overall to ignore the scary Claydol and turn this into a 2 vs 1. As strange as that might sound.
Especially when I do this. That Raichu was almost down for the count anyway.
...In hindsight, maybe I should've gone with Crunch and let Raichu take that one. It would be nice if Hau could switch in his Noibat, but why would he do that?
Yeah, Snarl was out of targets. Raichu was not getting through that turn.
That'll do for taking hits from the Claydol and beyond.
I went with Chip for the chip. I knew there was a reason I called him that.
That Razor Leaf had ambitions. Unfortunately, not success, but a crit would've been real nice.
Claydol's not a great attacker, so if it doesn't have the advantage, you're probably fine.
Which is good, because what does it mean when Chip's hammer of Adaptability Aqua Tail is doing that much? Dang X Defend.
Spirit Shackle to the rescue!
25/25/25/30/25/30 IVs, same Timid Nature and 252 Spd EVs, moveset has changed to Psychic, Hypnosis, Nightmare and Focus Blast. Focus Blast is a 120 BP Special Fighting move with a 10% chance of lowering Sp. Def, held back by its 70% accuracy. This move is famous among competitive circles, because a lot of Pokemon that learn it want it for the coverage options... which means the law of averages means you're going to see a lot of that 30% miss chance.
Hypno knows better than to rely on it. Although in this situation, Psychic is a better option than Focus Blast.
It's like I've got Oatchi by my side.
For... some reason, Shade wants the Stockpile/Swallow/Spit Up moves. Even if that was how Shade was built, that'st way too many moveslots dedicated to that gimmick. No.
25/30/25/25/25/30 IVs, same 252 Atk EVs and Adamant Nature, moveset has added Waterfall to Aqua Jet, Psychic Fangs and Crunch. Now it has a high-power Water option as well as a priority one!
Not that it matters here-
Rude. Not 100% sure that was necessary, but still rude.
Decidueye finishes up. Hau making a hell of an impact in this run.
Well, that's an uncommonly high, but fortuitous level!
And also the end of the fight. We can see that fortune immediately!
Golurk (Ultra Sun): Some say that ancient people invented Golurk to serve as a laborer. It follows its master's orders faithfully.
You know, I bet they find the existence of Golem weird in hindsight, right? With its evolution to Golurk, Justy's power has significantly increased, as has its bulk. Sadly, still no Ghost moves, but its options remain vast.
So vast I'm forced to make a choice. Heavy Slam is nice, but I deem Golurk just too light for it to outweigh its alternatives. I'd say it was a close race, and it was in a vacuum, but I think I get more benefit from the Punches. Although I do kinda feel like Steel is rare enough on its own...
Oh, pish posh, we've still got two more fights to go.
For SM, Alexandria is the way to go. Also Eunie and Earthwerk if I can make it, but really, Alexandria should almost cover it. Taion and Gonzales will make up the shortfall if necessary.
Although Alexandria is a curious opener for this fight. Hey, free heal.
And Alex does have Rock Slide.
Anyway, now for the real fight.
Electro Ball does wonders on an opponent who's supposed to be slow, as part of his whole gimmick.
Oh, he knew what he was doing. Sadly, Alex has the Amulet Coin, not the Scope Lens.
Although I did manage to land this oneshot.
It may be a Bruxish, but it's one of them now.
And a little splash won't make as much as you're hoping.
...Ah. Come on, Raichu, Electro Ball. Why would you use Psychic on a Psychic-type boss?
Mutters annoyedly.
Clearly I needed to break through Reflect, since Raichu wasn't using its head.
Third verse, same as the second. Maybe I'd have better luck if I aimed Night Slash at Raichu.
OK, I can see why you hypnotised me, but what was Raichu accomplishing?
All of this could have been avoided if you had done your job, I'm sure, Hau.
Now you're just being ridiculous. And delaying the inevitable.
...Of course, that doesn't seem to have been much more effective. Never mind, then.
Look at him. Hau's resorting to Quick Attack. Getting rid of it was definitely the play.
It is only at this point that Hypno thought to try Nightmare. Too little too late.
That took way too long. Is Ray any better?
...With this team, I can see both possibilities being realistic.
Candy first? Rock Slides, and Sand Stream.
This is good for some Sp. Def on Candy, although Gladion'll hate it. Deal with it.
...Or that could happen. Rude. I didn't even realise Magmar had Sunny Day.
Still, that's an... odd spread. I guess Gladion hit the Electabuzz.
Right, I was doing this anyway, I guess it's just time to do it sooner.
Both opponents got cleaned up in one turn, although poor Type: Null found a way to be Burned on the way down. Probably Flame Body.
When it comes to the dogs, Dawn wants the Fire type to stick around, so it's time for the Drill Run to pierce the heavens-
Argh. If it's not one thing it's another.
I don't mind. Penny had the Amulet Coin anyway, as it happens.
...Embargo. On the guy who I'm fairly sure doesn't have Bag items to use.
Allow me to applaud you.
All in all, that fight could've gone better.
At least it didn't count where Faba is concerned.
Sandstorm here's not so great. Claydol's immune. At least it doesn't get a stat buff.
Anyway, you thought my Faba fights were being mean with Noah?
That was two crits. I'm not 100% certain Candy could've taken that if they weren't crits, but it sure wasn't helping!
I wanted to switch in Dawn anyway, but still. I am profoundly annoyed.
Extra annoyed this doesn't even do what I want it too.
I mean, look at this. Why is Raichu even still needed?
Dawn taking this hit is evidence to put on the "Candy could've taken those two attacks if they weren't crits". Still, though, I thought Raichu was supposed to be taking these.
Snarlitar's out. It has the Sp. Def buff from Sandstorm, too.
I think it's time to make headway into this. Dawn's replaced Fire Fang with Crunch, which helps a ton.
And Raichu's doing its best.
It actually took the Earth Power. Snarl was necessary to score the KO.
...Hm, I'm going to allow this.
Especially since the Claydol's already down.
Incineroar's more or less free to do its Darkest Lariat business the way Decidueye did its Spirit Shackle business.
Although this thing is still around.
Not dealing with you...
And Incineroar got this one.
...Right, shoot, final Pokemon's out and I haven't applied the Amulet Coin.
Give me a sec, Hau...
Ooh, that's convenient. Didn't even have to figure out what I was doing with Fake Out blocked.
...Wait, never mind, Bruxish went Strong Jaw. Fake Out was fine.
Anyway, I think I've thought of the perfect way to deal with you two- go clean up all the sand I've left in here.
Guzma next:
Genevieve remains the Pokemon of choice for dealing with Guzma in Ailey's team, and I still remain entirely uncertain as to how that happened.
Ailey's problems with Guzma have reached a serious point. Moss is pulling out the Z-Move to keep things at a manageable level. I'm not sure if Ailey can take Guzma without.
This, at least, is a welcome improvement over our last matchup. This is the sort of situation Sue was put on the team to deal with.
Nemo... that speed isn't doing him favours. We'll try, but it'll prove a bit on the trickier end. Also, somehow, Sue has marginally better bulk.
I remain impressed with my belief in the idea that Consilia is good against Guzma despite all evidence to the contrary.
Hawkeye, of course, is high Atk, high Spd, high Bug resist, and an awesome Acrobatics once that Figy Berry's gone. It's always great to have Hawkeye around.
Right, so now it's Guzma USUM time. So how does the USUM fight improve on the SM fight basically pulling the USUM fight from earlier in time?
Flat 30s, 252 Atk/Def EVs, Adamant Nature, First Impression, Razor Shell, Sucker Punch. Standard USUM Golisopod here.
Those levels are much more intimidating. I know I'm sharing EXP way too thin, but where is this EXP supposed to be coming from...?
Ow. This fight never messes around!
Sometimes I pity the fact Ailey doesn't get Stealth Rocks. I could probably find a spot in Sue's kit if I got desperate enough.
Flat 30s, 252 Atk/Spd EVs... Modest Nature? That's gotta be a typo, considering what else is on this team... Throat Chop, X-Scissor, Storm Throw, and Stone Edge. That new move gives it way too many scary options against his counters. Particularly since it didn't already counter Fire and Flying.
Points and laughs Mold Breaker didn't block Static!
(I'm with ya, Guzma, I hate when that happens too.)
No time for Tailwind, just going all in on damage opportunities.
Ha ha! Paraflinch is always amusing to inflict. Although normally it's done with Serene Grace, there's nothing wrong with doing it without the help.
Flat 30s, 252 HP/Sp. Atk, Adamant Nature (I'm somewhat confident this and Pinsir's Modest are switched), and the moves Thunderbolt, Bug Buzz, Flash Cannon and Energy Ball. That bad Speed stat is its only weakness, because that excellent coverage, high power and strong bulk mean I'm not sure what, if anything, Ailey has in her options that can stand up to one of those hits, oneshot it, or otherwise land a solid oneshot.
And that's why I clicked Inferno Overdrive. Ray has much better odds of being able to tank that sort of power, he'll pull something better off.
So glad that was a oneshot, by the way, otherwise it probably wasn't worth it.
You don't scare me at that level of HP.
Flat 30s, 252 EVs in Sp. Atk/Spd, Modest Nature, and the moves Air Slash, Bug Buzz and Icy Wind. You get what you expect with this thing.
And Sue expects this sort of treatment. Glad I don't need the Eviolite anymore to take this hit.
And this is always a reliable oneshot, somehow. That x4 weakness pulling its weight for sure.
What do you mean, she clearly already knows how to Thrash!
Yeah, sorry bud. You're not challenging Ailey any more. That was a one-time victory to claim.
PRNDL showing off the power of that Eviolite paired with the Steel typing. Good thing Charge Beam is so effective on Guzma.
Pity there's no Eviolite left for Arsena, but Lava Plume should be plenty to make her slot on the team apparent.
Ethel is, in some ways, budget Hawkeye, but in other ways, I think Ethel has the advantage. Especially when it comes to sticking around after the fact. Also an easier Guzma, to an extent, but I like Ethel's odds against USUM Guzma.
Taion looks so... strange in this point in its idle animation. But it can handle the Amulet Coin- Rock Slide is his key to victory. All he needs is to make it in without breaking Defeatist.
Gonzales's main plans are to charge in with Body Slam, or to work up a Rollout combo. After that, I'm not sure.
...I'm fairly sure Eunie's just here for EXP. None of these moves strike me as great for coverage options, that's for sure.
This one... eh, I'm actually a bit more confident with Noah than I was with Bethany, despite the ostensibly lesser quantity of good tools and lack of Switch. I dunno why, I just like this team's vibe, while Sturm was operating on too much of a narrow edge.
This is probably the strangest matchup, especially if you know which one of these two is the one to put your money on.
Didn't get the +1 Sp. Atk, but that is certainly a good number. And didn't even have to worry about First Impression! I resist it, so he didn't see a point in clicking it. Even though it would have been a good chance to break Sturdy.
Hahaha... that Brick Break can oneshot me. One of the benefits to Mold Breaker. Let's get out of this situation.
I love a good read on a switch out, don't you?
...That is a cool shot of Lava Plume photogenically, but it probably wasn't the greatest one here.
Just know it worked.
Right, bringing back PRNDL.
Wasn't a resist, but I'm not sure I had much that wanted to switch in to Razor Shell. And would also have sufficiently scared Golisopod.
Besides, after this, it's just Masquerain that PRNDL still has something awesome on.
Tempting. Real tempting. But this is setup for someone else on the team, and I don't think any opponents I've got in mind for the future are the sorts where this exact tactic will pay dividends.
I go with Ariados as my opening to get Taion into the situation.
Its use of Sucker Punch continues to provide excellent such openings.
And hey, the one it got off before my actual attack didn't even put me in Defeatist!
Nature takes its course.
Taion is just that cool. Deal with it.
That was a rare sentence...
Tsareena remains a surprisingly effective Golisopod counter, although I have been finding myself disappointed with its output recently. At least Trop Kick is worth an Atk drop.
Always good chances to spread Stealth Rock and Sandstorm against Guzma.
Paul is cool, and has a good kit for that Amulet Coin drop. Plus, I could always get Tangling Hair off on Pinsir, and it does resist Vikavolt's whole kit...
One of these days Theodore will change one of its moves.
Krookodile (Ultra Sun): When it spots prey, even at a distance of over 30 miles, it swims through the desert as if it were water, then jumps out and chomps them.
Terri evolved into Krookodile at level 40, and those boons have been remarkably effective. A good Moxie sweep could make her absolutely terrifying.
Scary Face, Rock Slide, and it finally has its STAB, and yet this still feels like an Intimidate bot. Poor Tauros, really.
This is a surprisingly worrying matchup of the Guzma encounter. I'm hoping Vikavolt goes well, but know that's no guarantee.
But still. Do your worst.
That was definitely one's worst. You'd think he'd learn.
See what I mean? I know Trop Kick has to function entirely as a neutral hit and Golisopod is Physically defensive, but this is an utterly demoralising number to see.
At least this is going to go well when the Stealth Rocks go up.
This is a bit worrying, but Alena has her own Special bulk. She can switch out with Baton Pass and-
There's another crit.
At least this is a good opportunity to put Candy on the field.
And get good numbers when she's not the one being crit.
Rocks up.
And Candy took a big second hit. Must've been a Sp. Def drop.
At least this worked.
Sure. Why not? Although I guess that does depend on what I replaced...
Now that is worrying...
Candy took the hit and passed the baton to a fresh Pokemon.
And that was Paul.
Dammit, Paul! This is why I did an Inferno Overdrive with Ailey.
Look at this. Yeah, Paul is fragile, but you tell me where to find a better Ground/Steel in this region. Steelix doesn't count.
Terri? Your move.
Ah, Moxie. Such an effective tactic. Especially on a Jolly natured Pokemon with a fresh evolution.
Sadly, this doesn't give an Atk stage due to Moxie. Terri did not technically do anything.
...Alarming. I am now four Pokemon down.
And I was fully expecting Wiingo to be required to deal with Masquerain on top of this, for some reason. This is going to come down to the wire either way.
I was hoping Wiingo was gonna do a bit more to the Pinsir.
Theodore is not the Pokemon you want to see in this situation.
That... is terrifying.
Let's put a stop to these shenanigans.
...I'm on the edge of my seat and I know this is a successful attempt. How on earth did I pull victory out of this?
Frankly, I'm impressed Theodore's been tanking the Stone Edges.
...Thankfully, that was the last Pokemon I needed. Theodore was not dealing with finishing off something else.
You came close. You came real close to proving yourself.
Before we get to Lusamine, there's a surprising battle to show here- Dulse. This is not because he's tough, but rather because I had a good skit here that's worth showing.
First thing's first, as a reminder, Dulse has switched to a Lax (+Def/-Sp. Def) Nature, and invested hard into Defence. This is also accompanied by an X Defence- Soliera has an X Sp. Defence too, but Ailey's didn't use it. Paul is a good counter to Poipole owing to its immunity to Poison and SE coverage...
In theory. In practice, this is gonna be pulling teeth, and Dulse heals.
Fell Stinger is only doing some work. It's reducing the Speed fine, but that was never an issue.
Even Iron Head's not much better...
Bit the bullet and switched to a Special attacker. No SE, or really anything of note, but it ought to help.
I have Volty prepared for Lusamine, and it happens to be my Lilligant counter. So it's holding a Lum Berry I can lose. Fortunately, I have 999 of them, but it's the principle.
Volty learned this during the Aether invasion, and I learned it as a "it'll be really funny if I can find a good point to click this" move. Zap Cannon is a 120 BP Special Electric move with 50% accuracy, the lowest of all moves, but if it hits, it is guaranteed to inflict Paralysis. It's the basis for the strongest Gigavolt Havoc of a non-unique move at 190 BP (the strongest Gigavolt Havoc is 195 BP using the move Bolt Strike), but clearly, I just needed something strong and something Special.
And Zap Cannon was sure it.
Of all the situations where it'd be funny if I clicked Zap Cannon, I was not expecting "while doing the Aether raid", and especially not against this glorified joke fight against Dulse and his Poipole.
Anyway, now for Lusamine for real.
Lanz continues his job of being a surprisingly effective choice all around, this time using his Steel effectiveness rather than his Ice type. Bit of a shame he's been sitting out most of the game, but he's hit the ground running. Or perhaps rolling around like a ball.
Ethel picked up Lilligant duties, and is overqualified for the job. As soon as the Lum Berry's gone, she's Acrobatics-ing to victory.
You know what's a bad idea? Picking a fight where both sides are mutually destructive, and you have a Speed disadvantage. Eunie is lower levelled and has less Speed EVs compared to Lusamine's Mismagius. How I thought this would go well, I'll never know.
Mirror match! Nimue's job is to deal with Milotic. Someone had to, and with Quiver Dance, I trust her more than PRNDL.
Arsena is the one lucky enough to go for Bewear, relying on the tactic of "Bewear is sorta weak to Fire, and also Flame Body." I don't know how well this strategy is going to work, but I only have so many options.
Daj breaking the Xenoblade character names. Daj is actually going to matter here, too- I might need that Air Cutter for Bewear. Daj is sadly, running up to the chopping block, but there's still gas in the tank.
Here's the when Set mode is going to start getting real exciting- my team needs to be able to handle the switch-in turn this time. Let's see how that goes for Noah.
Lanz is actually a pretty decent point-man for this sort of thing- the Steel type means that I'm probably not taking a ton of damage from anything Lanz is going to seriously fight, and his coverage options do amazing against a variety of opponents. Sure, he has his weaknesses- Fire and Fighting types especially- but that's somebody else's problem.
Lanz is profoundly happy with the way that went.
And also, he's going first. Wasn't expecting that. I guess that's what happens when you dump Sp. Atk that badly.
That's, like, 1/3 damage. Not fantastic, but certainly enough that Lanz might be able to come back in and clean up someone else's messes.
And this one didn't run away!
...Hahaha no. Remember what I said about Lanz being bad on Fighting types? On a list of "situations Lanz doesn't want to be in", Bewear is probably at the top of that list.
Eunie is a much better choice, owing to her, well... complete and total immunity to Bewear's options. No, seriously, there isn't a thing Bewear can do to Eunie.
One does not blame her for changing her options.
Ooh, that's nice. There's just one problem: remember what I said about her Mismagius being faster than mine? I'm a sitting duck for her own Shadow Ball.
Lusamine, what happened here? Did you forget that Ghost was SE on Ghost, or did you just misclick? The idea of an AI misclicking and choosing the wrong option for no apparent reason amuses me, although that sounds like a bit of a terrible idea when given more thought.
Anyway, if it was the "I forgot" thing, here's a reminder.
Ah, that'll be an irritating counter. She basically gets a free status on me.
Might as well switch in someone who wants to be statused.
Or... not? Lusamine, even if Teeter Dance wasn't an option for type coverage (I think Teeter Dance still works on Ghost types?), Stun Spore was not. Now you're trapped in Petal Dance up against something double-resistant to it.
How's that working out?
I decide, if she's stuck in Petal Dance, I might as well switch in Lanz now and bait her into sending out Bewear again. If Ethel was still out, she probably would've sent out Milotic, and I didn't really want her to. Not sure whether I should've stuck to my guns on that or not.
In hindsight, I should've. Petal Dance is a random 2-3 turns of duration, and apparently, Lusamine got the two turn. Also, because she's Own Tempo, there was no message at all about Petal Dance no longer applying- normally, you get the message "They got confused due to fatigue", but since Own Tempo blocks that, there is no replacement message.
Which, I mean, it worked on Lusamine? And to be fair, with Milotic and Bewear being the only opponents left, Lanz's stock isn't exactly great.
Fortunately, Lanz was not necessary to actually land the finishing blow. Maybe I ought to have switched in Nimue and set up on Bewear? Risky strat, that.
Anyway, here's Bewear again.
No, I have not changed my strategy. What, are you going to switch out again?
Apparently not. Oh well, it's an easy fight to win.
Milotic comes out last.
And Nimue switches in.
Ooh, I didn't have to take a turn of damage! Safeguard is... certainly something to have to deal with. I guess this means we can't do the Sleep Powder part of Nimue's shenanigans, but on the other hand, this denies her Marvel Scale.
Not that I was attacking Physically.
Ooh, too many hits and this could get exciting.
Although Leech Seed is playing an effective recovery.
Got in a Quiver Dance, but I am not surviving another Hydro Pump, +1 Sp. Def or no. With that said, I am fine to keep Nimue in.
Milotic was outspeeding Nimue, yes, but only by one point (109 vs 108). With the +1 Spd from Quiver Dance, Nimue now outspeeds and is able to leech enough HP to survive the third Hydro Pump if necessary.
It was not necessary.
(Although with that said, without Leech Seed, that Hydro Pump was actually in two-shot range. Not the world's likeliest two-shot, but still.)
I dunno, I feel Noah would be particularly outspoken about control freak bad parenting. Just a hunch.
You can see the little dents to Paul's PP. Honestly, conserving Iron heads for Clefable is why I switched her out on Dulse. I had hoped Dig would go further, but Paul was never the strongest of fellows.
Volty still has her Lum Berry ready for some shenanigans on Lilligant, although her slow speed might cause problems. We'll try our best.
Finally switched to Brick Break! Fist Jr. has enough bulk that I can expect him to take Fire Punches from Lopunny. Still, though, even with his advantages over SM Crabominable, I'm considering switching to a different Fighting type on the fourth island.
Alena actually has the physical power necessary to back up a strong offensive against Milotic. She even has U-Turn for switches!
Theodore drew the "counter Bewear" card with Will-O-Wisp and Fire on Fluffy, which I'm starting to wonder if I overrated. Clearly I didn't have a better option, though, I don't think Ray is good at Special Attacking.
Ghondor makes a weird cleanup option, but most of his moves have the capacity. Not on Bewear, but I am worried about other matchups, and also Ghondor could use EXP.
Can you tell the contexts of Noah and Ray's fights are different?
Every time I see Paul's terrible HP, I start feeling worried, only to remember Paul's just like that.
Iron Head doing a Lanz-like job. That's encouraging.
Although that is less so. That says a lot about Paul's poor bulk.
Also, on the bottom screen, I noticed we got a stealthy heal before Lusamine proper, and my Iron Heads and Dig are back. Seems a little unnecessary, but I guess my reticence earlier was misplaced? I probably healed myself, too, so that was wasted...
Really? I don't think I've ever seen Lusamine switch out before now, and here she is switching against three of the four kids!
Iron Head won't be doing much here. Nor will Paul.
Right, time for Alena.
...Odd choice. Dragon Pulse is Milotic's only move that is resisted by Paul (well, other than Flail, but Flail doesn't count).
Even odder, she persists at it, despite having Icy Wind for SE on Alena. Who am I to question the whims of RNG, I suppose...
Especially when Alena can land that all-important KO.
Right, Lopunny. She'll be faster than Alena, so I can pull off the free switch.
...Or I could, if Lopunny didn't finish Alena off. Ow.
At least I got my goal of Fist Jr. getting in for free?
Huh. No Fire Punch. Strange.
Although that sure is a healthy amount of damage.
Brick Break did just fine, thankfully.
Hilarious, but Infatuate actually wears off as soon as the target of your affections does, so this lasted all of two seconds.
Ooh, that's clever. I can't switch in Paul- she'll go down instantly to Moonblast, which she's gonna click because Fist Jr. is weak to it.
Looks like it's Ghondor's turn.
Lusamine, read a type chart. Moonblast was surely the best option there!
Ghondor could finish off the last of Clefable's HP, thankfully.
Intereesting options, although ultimately, neither of them had the room. Ghondor might be able to use Screech, but Fist Jr. is not making anything of Iron Defence. Unfortunately.
Lilligant's go.
Would up staying in with Ghondor, oddly. Probably because Ice Punch was a thing.
Well, she predicted a switch. She'd probably have been right, but also I had a lot of confidence in Ghondor. For some reason.
It did not pay off.
Volty it was. What happened to that Lum Berry? Maybe I was baiting out a Petal Dance.
Now then... Bewear. Really wishing I had everything I could for this.
Theodore came in with a lot of extra damage for that switch in to Zen Headbutt.
This entire situation is unpleasant for all involved, especially Theodore.
Will-O-Wisp was probably my best option, and it still means I've got no damage on her.
Phew. At least Theodore gets to launch one attack.
And it was one chunky move.
Now then, finding things that are not weak to Drain Punch to finish that HP.
Volty gives a good choice, and also hits Specially!
Really, you went for Drain Punch anyway? I guess you've got nothing to lose...
Volty clicks Electroweb. Anything to slow her down.
Fortunately, this sort of thing was enough to give the win to Volty. I think I've still got Pokemon left, thankfully, but still. This was not a great situation to be in. Paul sure wasn't inspiring confidence!
Don't give me that. You're the one who needs to brush up on her type chart. You did at least make the kids fight for a win.
Next time: A new island!
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