On top of the official sign designated this as a no-tourist zone, we have a natural sign scratched into wood. Probably Mallow's doing. Now then, for what is often considered the hardest Trial in the game, what have I packed?

I have had Flambebe in the party almost the whole way through Route 8, soaking up EXP so that it could hit level 24 during the Trial. It's not going to seem like much, but this is going to come in handy later.

Feather Dance cannot be understated. Dottie is sure going to be an ace here.

Honourable mentions to Razzly. This might just be a bit too soon for her, though.

No joke, Lord Huggington is going to be one of the most important members of the team. And it won't be because Baby-Doll Eyes- although Baby-Doll Eyes can never go without praise.

I actually considered evolving Zapple now- literally the only reason I am not is to give it Nuzzle at 29. I think this is a bit of a bold plan, but Nuzzle is just good enough for me to try for.

Woodstock is a surprisingly important choice to remember exists- if you've got a Poison type, now is the time to use it.

It turns out that, in all of mainline Pokemon, there is no better time to say this: Welcome to the Jungle.

We've seen the fae fisher, we've seen the not-very-serious fire-dancer, let's see a cook who has absolutely no business looking for her next big dish in the middle of a jungle.
The lot of you have chosen fascinating careers.

Mallow knows good Trial Stew when she sees it.

Probably because she makes so much of it herself.

My Pokemon are.
My stomach, less so.