Saturday 16 March 2024

SPM Post-Chapter 3: Moving On Quick

The villains are convening after Dimentio's report on how he was utterly humiliated by his plan backfiring on him.

Although he doesn't feel very humiliated.

Count Bleck will not allow speculation of his defeat to take hold long, though. He's absolutely convinced that they're going to succeed. Somehow.

Dimentio was not aware the book had any kind of "secret weapon" to use on the heroes, and prods Bleck into explaining himself.

Bleck decides not to. Probably for theatrical reasons rather than any sort of opsec.

We won't actually be fighting any of the three members of Team Bleck next chapter. Bleck is deploying a new opponent for us.

So, uh... what do these three do when it's not their turn?

One by one, they all do their respective leaving animations.

We never get a good closeup of Mimi in this skit, so here's her dress that she only wears for it. This is the first real moment where Mimi's wide wardrobe is being showcased (her non-default dresses before now were both disguises), and I find it funny no attention is drawn to it at all.

Anyway, this isn't about her, Nastasia has something to say.


Well, OK, Nastasia is saying there is still time to call off the Void, but Count Bleck is never going to get away with that.

And Bleck tells her as much. The end of the world shall go on.

Although Nastasia is welcome to no longer be party to it if she so wishes. Where she goes afterwards is not his concern, which is probably why he's so amenable to it.

Disloyalty does not come to Nastasia at all.

This is a plot point picked up in optional backstory content. As far as the main story is concerned, the manner in which Bleck and Nastasia met is no more complicated or interesting than that. I find it rather intriguing, though, considering the timing.

Bleck tells Nastasia she can do whatever she pleases, and wanders off.

Nastasia follows suit. With nobody recognisable left in Castle Bleck, she doesn't have anything to do except errands.

...Excuse me?

Oh, it's you.

...I have absolutely no idea what the Count is "playing at". All we really saw from that conversation is that Bleck is willing to dispense with Nastasia if she is no longer willing to serve, on friendly terms. This does not sound like any part of a cunning plan to subvert his stated goals.

Dimentio's too busy to care any more deeply. As are most of us.

Anyway, over in flashback territory, it seems the whole "tragedy" part of this story is becoming relevant.

Although without context, I'm not entirely sure I want to call this "tragedy" and not "abuse".

The context is... actually, I'm not entirely clear what it is, but we can get the gist of it. It seems that Blumiere's father has done something directly to Timpani to impress on her that she should not be attempting to court his son. Presumably, something that left a physical mark.

And Timpani, rather rightfully, is prepared to take his word rather than attempt to continue to follow her heart.

It's either that or have some strong words with Blumiere's father about why he is so eager to keep Blumiere and Timpani apart.

And a man like that is unlikely to respond nicely to strong words.

Anyway, back to the heroes.

Peach was put through a dating sim and a nerd's stomach, but she seems fine to leave it at "little weird".

...No, nothing you did led to the kidnapping. Except maybe your decision to move to the right. Something that you have done multiple times without being in danger.

Anything for someone in need.

That, she can do.

I don't believe the question is explicitly answered, but yes he is. We'll be dragging him along whether he wants to join or not.

Oh, and by the way, no one else will question it. Like Mario and Peach, Bowser has no reputation, and for some reason, the people of Flipside and the dimension beyond see nothing inherently threatening about the massive spiked turtle shell and horns.

Well... I guess you could say that.

It found us.

How and why it was given to Francis and what happened to the Pure Heart when it was are questions left unanswered. For the most part, it's a level first and a narratively-designed Pure Heart second.

It's a Pure Heart they seemed to have very little personally guarding it. I can only assume that there was, in fact, some kind of magic protection on it requiring strong love to break, because this is the only Pure Heart without someone set to guarding it.

That's the answer the characters go with, at least. I'm happy to let it stand.

Oh, sure, narrative acknowledgement. If Merlon counts as such.

I feel like we're meant to laugh at Bowser's suggestion, but seriously, the only reason we're bothering with not being Bowser/Carrie is because Mario is needed to flip into 3D. And like once or twice a chapter, Peach is needed to fly over a gap.

Merlon may not have the foggiest who Bowser is, but he knows his strength will be his key contribution.

Can't even have a five second break...

This is starting to get a little repetitive, guys. You do have a plot to share with us, right?

With that, we are officially finished up with the Bitlands, as far as the game is concerned.

But there was that loose plot thread hanging...

I believe this guy does offer to share the three tips if you come back and talk to him, but that is now no longer relevant.

Tippi: Can't you see? That's really not necessary. Mario already saved me.
Bowser: What are you talkin' about?! I don't need no more stupid tips, all right?

Of course I get the only boring one.

With Francis gone, his job is much less important.

By which I mean he is now completely redundant.

He does this without recognising that we are the legendary hero that Pixls are destined to follow.

And he is one of the game's three optional Pixls, the easiest to acquire, although not the first accessible.

Barry is... well, to put it bluntly, he's pretty terrible. He's basically the Superguard from TTYD, except SPM is a platformer with no use for such a mechanic. His range is pathetic, his damage is not worth the effort of landing a hit, and he provides little practical benefits against the sorts of enemies we're scared of. In short, I'm never using him.

Yeah... yeah.

That's Barry, the barrier Pixl. He creates an impenetrable barrier around you... Barry got sick of sleeping and wandered around before running into Mario... Barry is a little embarrassed about not knowing that Mario was the legendary hero...

You mean Barry hung around that bush because he was bored? Seems he has been informed who we are now, though.

So yeah, that's the Superguard in action. How many enemies can you think of that you would allow this close?

Huh, is this my first time using the Return Pipe? Can't be, right? I'm honestly kinda glad it doesn't have a "return to position" function: It's far too useful to get back to Flipside to have to deal with that extra mechanic clogging the button.

Let's just get going.

This is to go answer a question I've been having for a while.

And while I was doing it, I got a level up. You really do get score from world traversal, so these can sneak up on you.

My question is, can I ask Bestovius to give Peach and Bowser the flip ability? I would expect him to say no, but does he at least pretend to have a reason why?

The answer appears to be no. And I think that isn't what Watchitt was worried about when he was screaming that.

Back to Flipside with us.

No, he doesn't react differently if Bowser talks to him.

...Don't look out the window anymore.

Merlon is too busy cramming to be much of an interesting NPC.

...The third floor is your date spot? Honestly, Flipside sounds like a bit of a terrible place to live. Unless there's more to the place we can't get to. Although considering the idea behind the third dimension, I almost doubt it.

...Poor old man. Someone's keeping track of this for him, right?



Our lightning tip of the day could almost have been worth something if he wasn't just talking about making Koopa Shells.

Oh, the duplicates are coming.

Well, you see, starts babbling about rarity and artificial value in a complicated matter that I desperately pretend is coherent to anybody involved in the transaction

Anyway, new topic, Catch Card descriptions of the new enemies we met in Chapter 3:

Hammer Bro: Max HP: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 1. This elite Koopa has a hankering for hammers. It mostly likes to sit up high and toss down hammers. One day, it'll take the carpentry world by storm.

I... don't think that's how carpentry works.

Gloomba: Max HP: 2, Attack: 2. A Goomba that thrives in dank, depressing holes. A strict all-mushroom diet makes this guy extra fungal.

But don't worry, Mario's just fine! He eats spaghetti and lasagna in addition to mushrooms!

Koopa Striker: Max HP: 8, Attack: 2, Defense: 1. This Koopa Striker kicks for the love of the game. Its luxurious eyebrows are... Wait a sec... GOOOAAAALLLL!

Toopa Striker: Max HP: 8, Attack: 2, Defense: 1. Toopa Strikers are true team players. Watch out for the no-look shell-to-face assists!

The only thing missing is a net to kick into. I'd joke about how this is more violent than soccer, but the Strikers games show Mario verse soccer is an extreme sport in which the participants wear full body armour.

Bullet Bill: Max HP: 1, Attack: 2. In our hearts, this monster is number one with a bullet. It does have a short fuse, though...

Bill Blaster: Max HP: 5, Attack: 2, Defense: 3. It's a big, burly cannon. Where do all those bullets come from?

What is that Bullet Bill description talking about?

Blooper: Max HP: 1, Attack: 2. Bloopers love to laugh at other Bloopers' bloopers. Nobody wants to end up on the Blooper reel.

Merry Christmas, Dennis Norden. How does a Blooper pratfall?

Bittacuda: Max HP: 10, Attack: 2. This big fish could feed an army! ...Or eat an army.

...Maybe if it were a little bigger, or possibly faster.

Tileoid B: Max HP: 10, Attack: 1. This sticky beast clings to any surface. Caution: it is not blue cotton candy.

Tileoid G: Max HP: 5, Attack: 1. These sticky creatures crawl along walls. They're like living, antigravity tumbleweeds!

Tileoid G got a cool comparison, but I'm bamboozled by B's.

Poison Cherbil: Max HP: 5, Attack: 2. This floating beast attacks with perilous poison gas. I hear it smells awful.

...Does it still smell awful if you don't get hit with the poison? I feel like, if you're smelling it, you're getting ill in some way.

Crazee Dayzee: Max HP: 10, Attack: 2. Crazee Dayzees are cute, but they'll put you to sleep. But sleeping really isn't all that Crazee...

...Probably a JP thing.

Chain Chomp: Max HP: 4, Attack: 1, Defense: 4. Chain Chomps are more bark than bite. But that's not much comfort for the mailman...

Or passing schoolchildren. The story of Chain Chomp's invention is based on Miyamoto having been startled by a dog who lunged and failed to land a bite because of its too-short chain, and knowing that makes Chomp take on a new light.

Lakitu: Max HP: 4, Attack: 1. Lakitu chucks Spinys like coins at a Pianta Parlor. What's its problem? Someone made fun of its glasses.

Spiny: Max HP: 4, Attack: 2, Defense: 3. You DO NOT want to step on this razor-sharp baddie. They're born covered in spiny spines. This makes hugging a Spiny a little... awkward.

Lakitu casually throwing out a sly reference to TTYD with the "Pianta Parlour" comparison. Probably was supposed to be the local casino if it was a casino and not skill-based.

Please do not hug Spiny. He did nothing to deserve it.

Meowmaid: No chore is a bore to this robotic housecleaner! She loves her master with endless devotion. ...Because he programmed her that way.

The ones programmed with his kinks were creepy enough, you didn't need to throw that on us.

SurpriseMeow: Max HP: 1, Attack: 2. It's the latest in feline firepower: a kitty cannon. Check out the visors they're sporting. Classy!

Oh, those are visors? They do look more like that than maid bonnets, but I was starting to second-guess myself.

Meowbombs: Max HP: 1, Attack: 2, Defense: 1. These feline robo-bombs get shot out of SurpriseMeows. Strangely, they don't mind getting blown to meowbits.

Between Bob-ombs and Boomer (surprisingly, I don't think Bob-omb is in this game), "being blown up" seems to be a minor affliction in the world of Mario.

PatrolMeow: Max HP: 5, Attack: 2, Defense: 1. This patrol puss is the hall monitor of Fort Francis. Ever vigilant... and flea resistant!

I'd hope so, because Francis doesn't strike me as the type to do cleaning if his cats could actually get infested.

AirMeow: Max HP: 5, Attack: 2, Defense: 1. This AirMeow guards the skies over Fort Francis. It runs on a volatile mixture of catnip and cooking oil.

I guess that's one way to keep the prices down.

Little annoyed I lost that Big Egg, no need to rub it in. 15 HP, so decent healing, at least.

The girl gushing about her boyfriend gets really lonely to listen to. I'm kinda sad I didn't catch what her boyfriend's up to, but maybe that's for the best.

Hey, pocket-sized artwork, sounds like something you could either get into very easily or be very, very difficult.

...Scratch the trendiness, I think that's not a half bad motif for artistry. I have no idea where to start on it, but I could see something impressive being made from it.

The reality of artistry is that your works simply do not sell without demand. Many other products always have value, especially food and clothing, but if people don't want to buy your art, there's very little you can do to convince them to take it off your hands.

With the advent of the Internet, however, finding the people who want your art is a lot easier.

Right, I've got a lot of stuff, time to make a lot of stuff.

The Thunder Rage cooks into an item that has the effect of the Volt Shroom, for 40 seconds. Probably the more useful effect in this game, although sometimes you come to appreciate that screen damage.

This, I think, is still an offensive item. Er, somehow.

That's a hell of an upgrade over Inky Sauce's pitiful 3 HP.

Doubles Atk for 40 seconds (in case you needed more help killing things), heals 13 HP total over time like a Long-Last Shake, and gives you 1000 points to boot. An awesome item.

Cuts damage in half for 20 seconds. I'm... not sure this is the sort of thing that helps the most common causes of defeat.

There's the whipped group, the congealed group, and the Choco-tastic!

...That is a hell of a generalisation to make. Both because it's wrong about how we met Meowmaids and because it treats "exposure to a Meowmaid" as something inherently nerdy, as opposed to the other flavours of deviancy that are more like to spring forth.

I think tiring of being a nerd is the most realistic of his "but I tired of that" moments.

Found him, bought some nice stuff, intend to buy much more.

That is a feeling I know all too well. Welp. Nothing like cramming to get something on paper.

...Is that a reference to Hoggle, or something else? It may also be Hoggle was referencing something back in TTYD, but still.

Part of me is wondering if this guy will be able to do anything even if Helvetica produces something at all. Deadlines exist for a reason, and I feel like this project's going to be delayed all the way up the pipeline if it's been left this late.

And yes, poor Helvetica might be out of a job.

At least this guy's not worried about anything.

So yeah, Flipside is a town between dimensions, created by the Ancients. You can open up paths to many worlds from here, as the Ancients designed it. And you've seen the white tower in the middle of Flipside, right? It controls the flow of dimensional energy, so it can beam people to worlds. I think that's why the doors to other worlds appear up near the tower. I hear there's another version of the tower... A dark one. I wonder where the dark tower is... Yeah, I admit, I don't know. Do you?

My interpretation of this is that Flipside exists almost entirely as a place the Legendary Hero can use as a base for gathering the Pure Hearts and stopping the Chaos Heart, being dominated by a conduit to access all the necessary worlds where the Pure Hearts are kept and having the minimum amount of sustainability outside that. I'm barely certain why it has people, except maybe to have an inn, a bakery, a shop and all those essential services for the hero's use. The bit about the dark tower has relevance later, only somewhat sure why it's coming up now. It will be relevant after the next chapter, though.

So yeah, the town of Flipside still has so many secrets to hide. I just found this passage not too long ago... "Flip is flop. If you cannot break through in flip, you should try it in flop." Now, I don't know what that means... But I'm sure it'll lead you to something pretty good! So go try it out!

...Another one that's only relevant after next chapter. Was there a mixup somewhere along the way or something?

Something that came up in the Carrie text, but Carrie can float you over water. I'm not 100% sure in which situations this is a helpful ability, but it's there.

...Actually, I think I know exactly where you're intended to use this.

If you use Carrie while underwater, you just get ground movement at the bottom of the body of water.

Flimm's stock for this chapter. Ultra Shroom Shakes, that's a new one on me. Also, Chapter 3 introduced two new things for Flimm to sell you Catch Cards of: the last examples of such enemies.

BigMeow: These robotic cat servants are loyal to their master. They're not designed for battle. But they aren't going to complain about it!

Funnily enough, you can apparently use Catch Cards to capture BigMeows, since they are technically enemies.

SecuriMeow: No chore is a bore to this robotic housecleaner! This Meowmaid model can make advanced decisions.

No more advanced than dropping people who don't know the password down a pit, apparently.

Ooh, that Electro Pop sells for a lot. It does technically turn a profit, but only by 2 coins. We got this T-Rage for free, though.

Anyway, to get the next Heart Pillar, we have to go back out to this part of the Flipside Outskirts and do... something with these Thudley stumps.

Stomp them all into the upright positions, and we can see arrows pointing out the correct solution.

From here, just stomp any post that has a down-pointing arrow.

...Just like that?

Just like that.

...Anyone else feel kinda short-changed?

Next time: There is some more Flipside stuff before we start Chapter 4 proper, but it turns out I can keep the surprise of going to Chapter 4 and also have decent pacing if I hold out.

...Although the complete lack of any sidequests means I really didn't do much in Flipside this session.

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