Saturday 23 September 2023

TTYD Chapter 8 Part 1: Shadow's Call

The final chapter sharing a name with the game is nice and fitting symbolically within the context of itself, although it will always be innately hilarious. In non-English translations, the Chapter is instead titled "the Legendary Treasure" or similar (The Japanese and Italian titles reference the Crystal Stars. In Spanish, it is the far more dramatic "El destino en sus manos".)



Echo... echo... echo... cookie... echo...

Koops: Um... OK, this place is scary... but I guess we don't have a choice, huh? We have to power through and save Peach before things get out of hand! Let's go, Mario!
Flurrie: My, what an unpleasant place... but I suppose we have no choice! We must go onward and save Peach before this situation spirals beyond our control! Let's move on, darling!
Dr. Agon: Whoa, this place is nasty... but we don't have a choice! We've gotta cruise through and save Peach before this whole cataclysm happens! C'mon, Gonzales!
Vivian: Uh... This place is unsettling... but we have no choice! We have to get in there and save Peach before things get any more out of control! Let's go, Mario!
Bobbery: This place is rather ugly... but we haven't a choice in the matter, old boy! We must get in there and save Peach before this hullabaloo goes any further! Let's go, dear boy!
Ms. Mowz: What an unpleasant place... but we don't have a choice in the matter! We have to get in there and save Peach before this gets any more out of hand! Let's go, dearie!

That is one hell of an introduction.

This is the entrance to the Palace of Shadow. It's seen no visitors for 1,000 years... It's so big... It kind of overwhelms you, doesn't it? And that treasure is here... Treasure or no, I don't like the vibe from this place... Maybe it's just my nerves...

The Palace of Shadow is the final dungeon of TTYD, and the sole location we will be exploring for Chapter 8. It's shorter than the other chapters, and admittedly has a bit of an issue of being entirely linear- something maps in TTYD have minorly suffered from but managed to mask in other ways. It's a final dungeon in gameplay mainly, and not one you're expected to have trouble navigating.

The music that plays here is a very ambient sort of track, drawing on the classic 1-2 theme as well as Super Mario World's Castle theme. They really are trying to set a mood, although it's a very impressive aim when the song they're remixing already sounds pretty spooky.

In the very first room, there's just a Stopwatch lying there on the ground.

There's a long stairway connected to this underground lake. Those lights floating in the darkness are really pretty... but also pretty spooky.

Yes, there is, in fact, a lake where the support pillars are going. It will be later possible to fall off in these rooms, and that's what you land in. We can't see it at all in this room, though.

That's a Swoopula. An airborne, bloodsucking, batlike thing. Max HP is 9, Attack is 4, and Defense is 0. As if losing HP wasn't bad enough, this little creep adds yours to its own! How totally, totally gross! Don't let it bite me, Mario!

Starting off down here in the Palace of Shadow, we have Swoopula, the HP-leeching variant of Swooper reappearing from 64. 4 HP leeched in one bite? That is an improvement from 64! It even goes through your Defence, just in case you didn't think it sucked enough... HP.

Shame about Zap Tap, though.

...Also my obscene power level, apparently.

Fortunately for them, they do have a counterstrategy.

Nothing down this one. Huh. Moving on.

...Oh, there's the water. Amazing how I never saw it.

We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a long corridor leading down. This palace sure is big and super-rich-looking, huh? I wonder what kind of people lived here before the place slept for 1,000 years?

We start this curving staircase with a free Shooting Star. So what new enemies can we find here?

That's a Dry Bones. It's a former Koopa whose spirit animates its bones. Eeeeeek! That's so freaky! Max HP is 8, Attack is 5, and Defense is 2. When its HP goes down to 0, it collapses into a pile, but it'll eventually rise again. Fire and explosions will put a permanent end to it getting back up, though. A Dry Bones will sometimes build friends if it feels it's outnumbered. If you don't take them all out close together, they'll just keep coming back. Let's wipe them out all at once, and quick! These things totally freak me out!

Dry Bones makes its reappearance here. Funnily enough, it is still level 30, although this is no longer impressive: Most enemies hover around level 30 here, and Dry Bones is not the best source of Star Points in the area. Offensively, they can throw one bone for 5 damage, or three for 3, and they can also do that summoning thing. Once again, I remain uncertain how Star Points are handled if a fight ends with it just knocked over, not burnt.

You can attack Dry Bones piles with single attacks. I believe Burn damage counts as fire in terms of getting rid of Dry Bones- Shade Fist itself doesn't.

Fiery Jinx does, on the other hand.

Bobbery, of course, is a one-man wrecking crew with Bomb or Bob-ombast, assuming you hit the timing. I think, with my Power Pluses, I should be oneshotting...

Also, it's really funny if you throw a bomb at these guys.

Fiery Jinx doesn't oneshot them with my setup, although the point in Burn damage will get him after he throws his bones.

...Although I do kinda wish I didn't have to face that here.

Sure, that's a good enough reason.

Ding! As annoying as it was to survive the barrage, this is worth it.

...I guess these guys had to come back too.

That's a Bombshell Bill. B. Bill Blasters shoot these things repeatedly. Max HP is 3, Attack is 6, and Defense is 2. Its Attack is high, but its HP is low, so take it out before it takes YOU out! Then again, if you focus on these guys, you'll never win. Smack that B. Bill Blaster!

Bombshell Bill returns almost entirely untouched from 64, except for that 2 Def. Without Power Pluses of some kind, a Jump won't take them out. Otherwise, pretty much everything you have to throw at them will take them out just fine: what can you name that does less than 5 damage in a single hit?

That's a B. Bill Blaster. It fires Bombshell Bills. Sorry about the abbreviation. Max HP is 10, Defense is 4. It's really, really tough. Yeah, hard to hurt this guy. Thing is, if you don't take it out, it'll keep shooting Bombshell Bills at you. So, you gotta figure out a way to beat it, and fast!

The Bombshell Bill Blaster (although apparently it really is called "B. Bill Blaster" in universe) has exactly identical stats to the 64 incarnation, so the only new thing to watch out for is that newfound ability to fire two Bombshell Bills in a single action. Surprisingly, TTYD actually shows more restraint about Bombshell Bills than 64 did- that's a first.

Even in the final dungeon, we are pursued by hecklers. Do you have nowhere better to be?

...OK, Jumping is doing more damage than I thought, but let's not.

That is certainly a damage amount...

Seemed like the time to use Shooting Star. The stars fall faster and all bunched up- it's an animation I don't see as much, because damage stacking makes attack items so much less valuable.


...I think that's the extra power of Jumpman fooling me again.

Must remember: Not immune to fire. Always funny to see Mario enemies famous for being immune to fire get burned here.

This hallway seems fine-

Everything wants to kill me!

Except this guy. Well, OK, he wants to kill me, he just can't.

Ah, a corner. I thought the corner would be on the other side.

Be careful this Badge doesn't fly to the right. I'm not sure how one does that, but do be careful.

All or Nothing (4 BP) was waiting for us in the Palace of Shadow. It can be found as a drop from enemies in the Pit, so it's not technically exclusive, but it is something you're unlikely to get until now, compared to around Chapter 4 in 64. There is no All or Nothing P.

Right, so now that we have even more godlike power, we can...


Learn that apparently there's an Action Command on the second bounce of a Jump. Not wanting to deal with that sort of thing is the reason I don't use Power Bounce. All or Nothing is staying off this time- I'm not dealing with that extra pressure.

Another corner! The other one is fine.

We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a large bridge over the lake here. Those fire bars in the middle are kind of a problem, huh? We'd better avoid them. If you're all sketched out trying to jump them, just use Vivian's Veil ability!

A Save Block here, for whatever reason, before a long platforming sequence around Fire Bars. This is where we can fall into the mystery lake, incidentally. I don't believe any of these Fire Bars are a good idea to Veil to hide from- the delay on rising is not in your favour.

...Is this Mario's first time finding Fire Bars? Well, looks like the money trick still works.

This fire bar can be destroyed, too, although it will desync and get very difficult very fast.

...How did I fall off into this spot?

That's a Phantom Ember. It's an angry spirit born of hatred and confusion. So, um… I'm not too cool with this thing! B-B-B-B-Bleck… Max HP is 10, Attack is 5, and Defense is 0. If it attacks you with spirit flames, you'll catch on fire. Let's send this ghoul back to the grave, OK? P-P-P-P-Please…

Phantom Ember is a stronger variant of the Ember, but still hasn't got 64's ability to copy itself when you hit it back. You'll need Ice Power if you want to deal with them effectively, and they'll be through the Palace on the back of your mind...

But this one isn't going to attack. If he had, both his normal attack and his fireball do 5 damage, although only the fireball pierces and Burns.

Got burned before I could get his pickups, though.

...And I'm forced to walk all the way back.

Right, let's see if we can't get this cleared.

...I'm sure this made sense when I was doing it.

Got one! The other one will be so much easier!

Right. These firebars will be sent down like Bullet Bills, at either floor height or head height.

As I said, Vivian's Veil isn't really the way to go. You can make headway, but these things move fast.

Fortunately, you don't get teleported to the start of the room, just the start of this puzzle.

Just use Tube Mode. It'll get you under the high ones. It's hard to jump over the low ones, but manage it and you'll get through.

What a humongous room... I'd say it was pretty, but even this place feels weird... It's like the whole palace got cursed or something. Did you just say "duh" to me?

Mario, do not outsass the ball of sass. It's very rude.

...Hello. Dull Bones were accompanied by Red Bones, Dry Bones gets his own big brother.

It's about as talkative.

Just a little more terrifying, though.

Instead of the Dull Bones, who try to press you out of the room, the Dry Bones are a little less clear what they want you to do. While Red Bones continues to guard the door (because he's the only way through), our new friend packs his key and runs away.

So we'll have to chase him down.

That's a Dark Bones. It's the baddest of the Bones gang. Max HP is 20, Attack is 5 and Defense is 0. When its HP goes down to 0, it collapses into a pile, but it'll eventually rise again. Fire and explosions will put a permanent end to it getting back up, though. Its HP is high so it's hard to take it down. Like any other Bones, it sometimes builds friends if it feels outnumbered. It's a tough enemy. You better take it and its buddies out all at once.

Dark Bones doesn't seem to have any more offensive power than Dry Bones, but the number of Dry Bones we'll have to deal with makes up for it- Dull Bones' having 1 HP makes them so much easier to clean up. Each Dry Bones is tough enough that we'll want to deal with them, and then we have to take out Dark Bones- who has 2.5x the bulk- before it summons reinforcements or otherwise makes it harder to deal with. Coming in with 12 HP may not have been a smart idea.

I'm sure that's helpful.

I... probably could've planned that first turn better, but I apparently did just fine. Maybe should've put Goombella in front?

Here's a good place to have started.

Bob-ombast is able to take out the Dry Bones in a single blow. I really don't want to have to deal with them longer than necessary.

...Although it seems to have brought down our best friend, that annoying bug that inflicts Confusion. Why am I being punished for a winning strategy, again?

Getting a lot of use out of Sweet Feast in this run.

...Did all those bones knock Bobbery out of it, or did Sweet Feast cure it? I'm not 100% sure, but he's definitely not Confused. Although I might be...

With my power, that 2.5x bulk doesn't mean much. He didn't build reinforcements, so a sitting duck he remained.


All the Dry Bones run off, and we get our key forward.

We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a long hall leading down from here. It kinda feels like the earth is slowly swallowing us as we progress down. Yuck.

Yes. This room is kind of a repeat. Ambience and plotting are this game's strengths. Dungeon design is not.

We're going to see a lot of these on our way down. These and Jammin's.

Also a lot more Bombshell Bill hallways. They had more to squeeze out of them. Just in these rooms, and not even on every straightaway- like I said, restraint.

Even if I don't have a ton of strategic variance in dealing with the cannons either way.

Probably should, though. Fiery Jinx clearly isn't working.

...Nor is jumping. Whoops.

Now here's a Phantom Ember encounter with some chest hair.

For one thing, Goombella finally gets a turn to use Tattle on one.

When I killed the Super Shroom Ember instead of the Power Punch one, I assumed that the Power Punch one would use it on himself and waste his turn. It did not occur to me at all that he could use it on the one that has yet to take an action. Since I was oneshotting anyway, killing literally any other Phantom Ember would probably have been an overall smarter plan.

At least it's not that much extra damage.

Still. You need to go away, and... did I fail a Jump again? No wonder I didn't bring All or Nothing.

Power Shell it is. Doesn't oneshot, but it'll take a lot of doing to manage that.

It's adorable. Also it's not doing a lot of damage.

More HP seems very apt. We never know what we're going to find down here.

...Somehow I get the item they used out of the encounter.

Not actually a oneshot, sadly.

...And not getting the block has done a lot to this guy's damage. Do I have three Damage Dodges on or something?

Another round of Bombshells for this final level.

...And one that just missed. Idiot.

At least I had a use for that Power Punch.

Although Vivian won the fight in the end.

We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There doesn't seem to be anything special here. Still, it has that same gross feeling...even though it's so nice and spacious...

This room is just big and spacious to be big and spacious. It does kinda feel like something is here... but it just isn't.

Pictured: the downside of not killing a Dry Bones with Fiery Jinx. They build their way out of being wiped out at the end of the turn.

...Looks like he still gives Star Points? That's good to know.

But I would really rather they didn't.

...What fell in the audience? It looks like those Koopas didn't appreciate it.

OK, seriously, your aim is amazing. Look at him, he's throwing bones into a pile over some other corpse's head and it's assembling into a proper skeleton. He should get a medal.

Instead he gets a burning.

Now that there are no more enemies to deal with, we can go all the way to the back and pick up these three goodies.

Including a Jammin' Jelly in one block- could've used this earlier...

And, at last, P-Up D-Down P (2 BP). We had its opposite since Chapter 2. This Badge can also be found as drops from enemies in the Pit of 100 Trials, and while it is not the last Badge we have left to acquire, it is the last Badge without descending deeper into the Pit than we already have. This and All or Nothing meet the criteria for TEC's possible assertion that "an extremely rare badge" lies behind the Thousand Year Door, although claiming that the X-Nauts want to open it for either is laughable to the point of insanity.

And now for the tedious rooms.

The torch will either be lit on top or below, and you must enter the room with the lit torch to proceed. There are six of these rooms. 64 had the same puzzle in Bowser's Castle, but it was a memorisation puzzle instead, since they told you the pattern in the room beforehand. This is... this is just tedious.

Thankfully, after that room comes the interesting part of the midpoint of the chapter.

We're going to be spending a lot of time in this area, so might as well get used to it.

Koops: Golly... We get out of one weird room just to find another... It's enormous down here... like an underground city... What is this place?
Flurrie: We depart one bizarre room only to find another... This area is like a massive underground city, hmmm? What is this place?
Dr. Agon: Man, we clear one freaky room just to find another... This area is almost like an underground city, huh? What IS this place?
Vivian: We get out of one strange room just to find another... It's so big... It's almost like an underground city... What IS this place?
Bobbery: Well now, it seems we get past one dodgy room only to find another... This region is rather like an underground city, hm? What IS this place?
Ms. Mowz: Mmm... We get out of one odd room just to find another... It's so huge... like an underground city, almost... What IS this place?

The partners are suitably wowed by the aesthetic. What are they going for? Why was this built? None of these questions and more will be answered, although they make for fertile grounds for speculation.

This is the palace garden... but it feels so cold and icky. It's like time stopped here... We gotta do something about those Chain-Chomps in the middle if we wanna move on. Yeah, that's right... I don't just mean the moving ones...

The bridges are chokepoints, in a way, and we can see, off in the distance, some switches we will eventually need to hit.

That's a Chain-Chomp. I'd hate to get chomped by those teeth. They look nasty. Max HP is 7, Attack is 6, and Defense is 5. Its body is hard, so most attacks won't do much. Plus, you can't damage it with fire and ice attacks. You can freeze it, though. Luckily, it has low HP, so you could take it down with a special move or an item. Chomp-Chomps are like, so super-pumped all the time. Don't they ever get tired?

Quite the jump from 64. Now that they're proper enemies- and set to Chapter 8 difficulty instead of Chapter 2- Chain Chomps are throwing out a lot of power and a lot of bulk. You're only doing one damage with the vanilla Ultra Hammer, and annoyingly, Dr. Agon's Gulp doesn't oneshot a pair.

Even my normal Jump seems to be doing only scratch damage.

Fortunately, scratch damage is all I needed.

...This statue is gigantic. Can anyone in-universe see the stars from down here?

That is a... lot of Chomps.

Bad time to fail the action command on Earth Tremor.

...And this is around the point I realise that I have been massively underestimating Shell Slam not only in this playthrough, but in every playthrough I have ever done.

For now, though, I'm going to get moving. There's something we need to grab first.

We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This seems to be a corridor. I'm observant, huh? Listen, Mario... I know I've said this before, but don't forget that you're not in this alone. You should rely on your partners' abilities if you ever get stuck or anything.

Despite Goombella's Tattle hinting that we'll need Field Moves to advance, this is a long, featureless corridor with a single enemy standing in our way.

That's a Dark Wizzerd. It's a part-machine, part-organic, centuries-old thing. Max HP is 10, Attack is 5, and Defense is 2. It uses magic to attack and to alter your condition, so stay on guard. If there's only one left, it'll multiply itself to confuse you. I know they look totally goofy, but they're actually pretty tough enemies.

That, well, was a Dark Wizzerd, and despite the fact it sounds like a stronger recolour of an enemy called Wizzerd, I can assure you that it is in fact the weakest variety. We will see stronger Wizzerds in the Pit of 100 Trials. With that said, it can shoot laser beams that pierce defence, summon lightning storms, raise its stats, heal itself by 10 HP, and duplicate into five to hide the real one. Wizzerds in general are a dangerous opponent and I'm amazed we finished this one in a mere First Strike. Sadly, it won't actually be until next update we fight them properly.

This is another corridor. I wonder how long these things go on? I'm sure we'll need all of your special skills, AND those of your partners. Don't forget to use your strongest muscle, too... Your noggin! Hee hee!

There's four hallways, each with unique (and ominous) Goombella Tattles, but only four enemies total and a total lack of puzzles.

Although these guys at least entered a formation with numbers.

We're inside of the Palace of Shadow. This is another corridor. Big surprise. We'd better watch below our feet as well as above our heads, know what I mean? But, uh, don't forget the area above your head, too! Does that make any sense?

The third corridor is completely empty, and doesn't even have something to Spring Jump into.

We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There don't seem to be any big puzzles here. We just need to go open that door on the right. That's all. Whee. Exciting.

This is the only Tattle that seems appropriate to the peril we are visiting. There are two Phantom Ember encounters in this room, to make up for the none in the previous one, as well as a Save Block.

We have to backtrack out here for a Heart Block, though. Thankfully, the enemies disappeared for good.

Heart and Save Blocks mean checking up on my Badge setup. Not that I'm changing much of it.

We have a proper boss fight in here.

It's... a recolour of Hooktail. Grifty told stories of there being multiple dragons who once served the demon sealed below- hopefully that means this one can add to that lore!

Once he realises what's going on.

Koops: Ummm... Isn't that Hooktail? I KNOW we beat it before. It coughed up my dad! What's it doing back?
Flurrie: My, what a fearsome dragon... But isn't this Hooktail, whom you said you beat before? Yes, big, with nasty eyes and ripe breath... It sounds just like what you described.
Dr. Agon: Whoa! Now, THAT'S a dragon! Hey, but isn't that Hooktail? I thought you beat it! Yeah, huge, dragonish, gnarly... Sounds just like what you described, dude!
Vivian: Uh... That's a big dragon. But, Mario, isn't that Hooktail, the one you said you beat? Gigantic, with mossy teeth... Yes, this monster fits the bill, all right!
Bobbery: Now who's this dragon fellow? I say, isn't that Hooktail, the thing you beat before? Yes, enormous, with rather grimy toes... Yes, that suits this fellow to a T!
Ms. Mowz: Isn't that Hooktail, dearie? I thought you beat Hooktail... What's it doing here???

Goombella, Koops and Ms. Mowz will mistake him for Hooktail. The other partners, who never met her, will explain that they do know what she looked like from after-the-fact descriptions (which implies we have been regaling the facts of this quest to our companions as we go).

That's because this line is supposed to provoke the ire of this dragon. This is also the "surprise reveal" that Hooktail was female. I didn't think it was worth keeping hidden until now, nor do I really think this line really needs to be funny.

...Does mail get past the thousand-year seal? Seems like a gaping security flaw.

...I guess the idea of these three dragons being interesting beyond merely being related servants of the Shadow Queen was more than I should have expected. Shame.

Of course, the new dragon uses Hooktail's theme as well as the same dramatic opening.

He's been dreadfully bored cooped up behind a thousand-year seal, as well.

That's Gloomtail. I think he's Hooktail's brother. I see the family resemblance… Max HP is 80, Attack is 8, and Defense is 2. He'll bite or stomp you, and he may also breathe poison on you. Great. When his HP gets low, he may throw in some other attacks, as well. Wouldn't surprise me. Especially watch out for his megabreath move, 'cause the word is, it's GNARLY! He also stores power for some attacks, so use Vivian to hide to avoid those.

Gloomtail, who is indeed the older brother of Hooktail and not also secretly a woman, has many of her attacks. The stomp and chomp will hit the front character for 8 damage, his breath lands 8 damage on both characters with a chance of poison (he needs to check out that halitosis), he can call forward an earthquake that deals 10 damage to both characters but can't hit Flurrie and Vivian, and can charge for +8 damage on a Megabreath attack. As far as we are aware, Gloomtail has not been victim to any food poisoning incidents, and must be fought fair-and-square regardless of your Attack FX Badge.

Similarly to Hooktail, you have your choice of attacking her snout or her foot, depending on your preference in timing.

Not that it helps my Spring Jump timing much.

Fortunately, I can handle the block timing. 7 damage even with my Damage Dodges? What's the point of equipping those, then!?

Power Lift it is, and hopefully this time it actually sticks.

Goombella throwing 10 damage a bonk.

And the stomp attack taking a more reasonable amount of damage. I think that is properly accounting for Damage Dodge, so at least I didn't waste the BP.

Can I land a Spring Jump or not?

He won't use the earthquake until you bring his HP down enough.

At which point it'll be his new favourite trick.

The game is taking pity on how badly I'm failing all these and giving me some more FP to keep doing it. Thanks, I guess?

I mean, I did beat your sister. You have no reason to know it's because I exploited her weakness, because that incident didn't happen until after you two got separated. I assume. I mean, did you think your sister was easily beaten, dragon or no?

Once he says this, he's done with the earthquakes.

Megabreath time.

What a time to run out of Power Lift.

Mario does a jump for... much less damage.

Right, Veil, don't fail me now!

...OK, game, I get it, I screwed up Veil once, I need to be given an easy command, apparently. Not that I mind. Much.

Like clockwork.

I... don't think this is intended to be read as a reaction to using Veil to hide from the charge attack, although it is very fitting if it was.

Thankfully, he doesn't seem in the mood to spam Megabreaths.

...Get out.

...Huh. Bucket on his schnozz. How convenient.

That finished him off.

Are we still avoiding "die" in this game? Yes, Gloomtail, that is going to be the end of you.

Hooktail is the only dragon who does any fighting on the front layer. Despite this, there's a whole suite of graphics for the stage assets that appear only in that fight for the various different stages, rather than just the basic C-list stage you start with. These zoomouts come close, at least.

More FP out of beating him.

...You know, one really has to admire the fact that the dragons fall on their backs. Even non-diagetically, getting these guys to rotate in such a way that they don't break the rooms they're in is impressive, even if they're probably ignoring any walls that aren't on-screen.

Like Hooktail, Gloomtail spits something out for us to use.

Just a chest this time, though.

...It's... a Crystal Star? We'll find a use for this, I'm sure.

This is Gloomtail's room. I wonder if he was here for all 1,000 years? Dragons do live a long time, I heard, but dang... Without him in it, there doesn't seem to be anything special about the room.

This is your cue to turn around and leave, but it turns out there's a little bit more to the room.

Did you notice the crack in the wall? It's very subtle.

This isn't a separate loading zone, but it is home to some extra goodies that you can find only here and now.

An Ultra Shroom and a Jammin' Jelly apiece. Wow, I'm filling up. There's loads more to grab soon, best hope I make some room somewhere.

For now, I can spare that.

Anyway, back here, let's start considering this room in greater detail. With Gloomtail a dead end, we have to do something here, clearly.

That something is "throw Bobbery into the mouth of a Chain Chomp statue."

Blowing it up and heading into the background gets us a Boat Panel that we cannot access underneath a statue.

Doing the same thing on the other side gets us a Boat Panel we can access- the second one being how we turn from Boat back to normal.

All that's left is to explore this tower.

How could there be such a huge tower underground? And why was it built...? There seem to be a lot of rooms here...and every one contains a riddle...

This tower is known as the Riddle Tower, and if you thought the courtyard was enticingly cryptic, this place may just be even moreso. It plays this very ominous theme to keep your nerves on end, and there are clues that there's more to this place than how it appears in the final game.

This middle staircase spirals all the way around twice for three floors, and yes we will be going up and down them a lot more than you'd expect.

At the top, we have a planetarium of sorts. I didn't see anything like it in Galaxy.

There's bigger in Good Egg Galaxy.

We need the Star Key in order to make progress here.

...Although we're also going to have to find some more keys for these keyholes.

Let's start methodically, on the bottom floor and work our way around.

There are eight really short puzzle rooms here in the Riddle Tower. Well, OK, five of them are short, one of them is a little longer, and two take way too long in execution if not in theory. Each room has a plaque that tells you how to solve it, and Goombella will give you a hand if it's a little too confusing.

The most important takeaway is that the second line has nothing to do with the puzzle. You assemble all eight "second lines" to construct a new sentence. The first and third lines are the ones explaining what to do.

Does this count as a puzzle room? Probably not.

Nothing in this room.

Like with the Star Stone in 64, the solution is to pass right through the wall.

Key spawns back in the main area.

This room has the only appearance of 64's Metal Blocks in the game. It is this room that takes far too long.

We can smash the Stone Blocks, as usual, but Metal Blocks are impervious to the hammer this time around. We cannot solve anything further than smashing this one block on the left-hand side.

Remember what I said about the second line having nothing to do with the puzzle? If you enter the Riddle Tower and head left immediately, you encounter this room, and the combination of the weird way they describe the solution and the exact choice in second line means you can draw all sorts of meaning out of what is intended to be word salad.

Goombella's Tattle will happily verify that they mean for you to hit the far (beyond) block three times, and then the near (before) block twice. I'm sure everyone figured that one out on their own.

Going up to the second level for new puzzles:

This one about "the shy one" wants you to hide with Vivian.

This one, Bobbery.

This room looks identical to the one on the bottom floor, except the Stone and Metal Blocks have switched places. Also the Metal Block on the left is missing.

Smashy smashy.

This is the last room outside those two Stone/Metal Block rooms, and this one is the most interesting as far as the whole game is concerned.

The solution is to beat up the four Dry Bones in order from weakest to strongest- Dull, Red, Dry and Dark. If you may recall, Red Bones has already appeared in our Tattle collection as trash (or would have had Goombella not Tattled it in Chapter 1). This is the main reason the Riddle Tower feels like it was added in post, in some way.

These two Bones are easily dispatched. Don't use First Attack, just in case.

...This Bones is pretty easy too, come to think of it.

Dark Bones does need a little more persuasion.

Not much more, though.

That's that key successfully acquired.

Going back to the bottom floor, this room has had both Metal Blocks removed as a consequence of hitting the Stone Blocks in the room above.

So we can smash this.

And fortunately, finish up with this room.

We have to go back up to finish in the upper room, though. That's four visits to the two rooms mandatory, unfortunately, and it's not like they're the closest ones to the stairs.

Now for the process of individually placing every single key in each pedestal.

Whatever it is... it did something!

Just... not here.

The first hallway to the east has morphed into a staircase further below. The three hallway rooms are now puzzle rooms befitting Goombella's Tattles, although that does leave the fourth hallway and Gloomtail's room permanently inaccessible. So make sure you grabbed those secret goodies in the back first! There's more to Gloomtail's room we'll go into later.

While on the way down, we can also see that the keyholes have indeed just been turned away from us, not vanished entirely. Which is hilarious.

Now for another boss fight.

There are unused assets for a battle stage that would take place in the Riddle Tower's planetarium room (ie having the massive planetarium as a prop that can fall down), which I suspect would've been intended for these three to ambush us there. They have been moved here presumably so we can enjoy the Heart and Save Blocks. And not have to hike all the way there and back through Boat Mode.

But yes, hello, Beldam. We didn't miss you.

...They also seem to have been joined by Frankly. I... don't get it.

This is the Partner speaking, and there's some variance for each character's address of the Professor and also how they choose to express surprise.

Beldam ignores that and focuses on her glee at having pulled the wool over our eyes. She has done so, but it is not yet obvious how.

For possibly the first time, Beldam is not only playing according to plan, but she's gleeful it's going well.

Yes, I brought out Vivian. That opening line is unique to her- everyone else uses the time to insult Beldam. (Bobbery went with "repellant woman", an insult I have never heard before and feel compelled to find a use for.)

So then, explain to us your ingenious ploy.

So yeah. Remember how suspicious he was acting? Yeah, the Shadow Sirens continue to have access to a shapeshifter and can use that whenever they feel like. And have.

Beldam and Doopliss's dynamic is a complete ripoff of Beldam and Vivian's, but instead of gender identity or competence, Beldam's choice of insult is to do... exactly what Doopliss wanted back in Chapter 4. Now, the fact people aren't calling him by name is an insult and not him using arcane magic. The fact Doopliss put us through hell both narratively and mechanically means it's somewhat funny.

He'll be OK. He's old, so that's a genuine question, but he does turn up somewhere. Although I question where exactly that somewhere is.

All that's left is to awaken that demon, then.

...That was supposed to be an insult, right?

Doopliss is not cool when he does pitch in in Vivian's place, although he is much more in line with the program than Vivian ever was.

Beldam does not appreciate it. Look, it's a little late for me to redeem another one of your ranks, but I will recruit Doopliss if you treat him just as you did Vivian.

There is no question. Vivian all the way through this boss fight. She's got some catharsis to enjoy.

Goombella: Oh, it's the end, all right... but not for us, Beldam! You guys are going DOWN!
Koops: YOU guys are the ones who are done for! Let's settle this, once and for all!
Flurrie: Oh, I do believe it is YOU who will fall today, dear! Let's settle this, hmm?
Dr. Agon: No way we go down, sister! You want a piece of this? Bring it on!
Bobbery: Such balderdash! It's quite obvious you are in for a stomping, so let's have at it!
Ms. Mowz: Oh, I think YOU'RE the ones who will be smarting after this! Let's finish it!

...I think they just lose in comparison to Vivian. Although yes, they do all go with "no you".

Without Vivian, Beldam can't even claim the Shadow Sirens are her lovelies.

Yes, Marilyn, I want to help you, too.

You're not winning that argument.

Beldam, Marilyn and Doopliss all team up, and this is one hell of a boss fight by sheer volume.

They of course use the Shadow Siren theme.

They all have new Tattles, but if you Tattled them in Chapter 2/4, their HP bars are still present here. Despite the Sirens having new stats.

That's Beldam. She's the leader of the Shadow Sirens. Max HP is 30, Attack is 5, and Defense is 0. Her special move is a blizzard blast. If it hits you, you'll totally freeze. She has lots of other tricks up her sleeves, too. I wonder what that plan was that she mentioned? What do you think they're up to?

Beldam has grown the most since Boggly Woods. Her Shade Fist does 5 damage, while her Icy Curse does 6 as well as having a Frozen chance now. In addition to Huge and Shrink, Beldam can now also apply Fast to someone on her team, or Slow (only able to attack every other turn), Poison or Allergic to one of us. Definitely a target to consider taking out first.

That's Marilyn. She's Beldam's sister, another one of the Shadow Sirens. Max HP is 40, Attack is 7, and Defense is 0. She'll attack you directly or use lightning. She also saves up energy for a big attack sometimes. So long as you avoid the brunt of her attacks, she shouldn't be too tough…

Marilyn isn't any more complicated. 7 damage on Shade Fist, 7 Piercing damage on both with Thunder Hex, and the ability to charge up +7 Atk for next turn. She's not really the one to take out first, although it may still feel that way.

That's Doopliss. He's a shapeshifter, and even turned into you once, Mario! Max HP is 40, Attack is 6, and Defense is 0. He may turn into one of us and attack. When he does, he'll have our abilities! Hey, how do you think he became one of the Shadow Sirens? Isn't that... weird? How do you think he stands Beldam's abuse? You think he's all right in the head?

Doopliss has seen offensive buffs, even if his bulk is identical to Chapter 4. He has one trick we didn't see then- when he transforms, he does so using 64's rules, although he is allowed to transform into Mario again as well as one of the seven partners (this is the only time it is possible to fight a hostile Bobbery or Ms. Mowz). Doopliss's Mario can Jump for 6 damage dealt across two blows, while the Partner will do whatever their standard move is- Multibonk (for some reason- at least it works correctly this time), Shell Toss or Power Shell, Body Slam, Ground Pound, Shade Fist (he never applies Burn), Bomb or Love Slap. Although who knows what the damage is until you take it.

This was supposed to be used on the two X-Yuxes, but the Shadow Sirens seem just as fitting.

WRATH OF ZESS T. BE UPON YOU! This is amazing.

Doopliss took an impromptu bath.

...OK, wow, Fiery Jinx is just Zess Dynamite that leaves a burn.

Beldam does not approve of already being on half HP.

Vivian seems to be drawing the Sirens' attentions. Not that I expected anything less.

Of course Vivian gets Frozen.

At least we can laugh at them getting Burn damage.

Nailed it.

No more taunting out of her, though.

Beldam: Are you OK, Marilyn?
Marilyn: Gunhh-hunnhhh...

Beldam is actually capable of the slightest bit of humanity! Turns out she really does like Marilyn.

Beldam: Hey! You! Freak-sheet! Pull it together, will you? Don't make me punish you!
Doopliss: S-S-S-Sorry...

Sympathy gone.

Right, so who is Doopliss going to duplicate today?

Doopliss's Mario impersonation will use the wide-eyed panting version seen in Chapter 4, but his disguises of the Partner are impeccable. It's like we're really fighting the Shadow Sirens again!

Not that Shade Fist is worth much.

I think you misunderstand "hugs" slightly, Marilyn.

Thankfully, Vivian broke out, although I am now worried about the numbers...

Oh, right, I still have Power Lift to apply.

That does so much to make this feel better.

...Did Doopliss shake off Burn by transforming into Vivian? I think that's just something he did by transforming, not by turning into the fire witch in particular. Namely, because Vivian seems just as vulnerable to Burn as Doopliss is.

Fortunately, they both went for Mario, despite Vivian hanging on by a thread.

Mario takes out Vivian- er, Doopliss.

Vivian is a little short of getting Marilyn.

Although fortunately, the same is true in reverse.

Mario Appeals so I can get some extra Star Power.

I think Vivian should be the one to finish it. Even if she missed out on getting the final hit on Beldam.

Her finishing in Danger is so interesting as far as her character is concerned, although of course we do get a mood shift when the Star Points are being awarded.

The Shadow Sirens will sit here dizzy until either the room is reloaded or the final cutscene. Their use as distractions while Grodus forges ahead has elapsed.

This is all you'll get out of them if you Talk to them.

Although your Partner will speak up. Vivian uses the chance for her character arc with them: She feels sorry about the way this went down. Unfortunately, I do have the impression they mean this apologetically rather than Vivian "feeling sorry Beldam's so petty and cruel". Or perhaps "sorry Marilyn is still stuck there". It's based on the ending, moreso than any context.

At any rate, perk up, Vivian, we'll need you in top form as we go ahead. Have a cookie.

If you have a non-Vivian Partner out, they'll simply tell you to leave these guys, with the only difference being what word they use as an insult for the group.

That's Beldam of the Shadow Sirens. Remember? Vivian's sister? I'm totally surprised she followed us all the way out here, though. And what was that plan she was yapping about, huh? This sounds bad...

That's Marilyn. I still can't really get a good read on her, unfortunately. She doesn't seem like such a bad type, if you ask me. ...But who knows for sure?

That's Doopliss, who I guess is a Shadow Siren now... Not a bad Frankly impersonator. Gosh, I hope nothing bad's happened to the REAL Professor Frankly... And why is Doopliss working with the Shadow Sirens, anyway? Too many questions!

Goombella's Tattles for the trio. All raising really good questions- Beldam's cunning plan has more than she was willing to share, Marilyn's hidden heart of gold continues to be an unknown quantity, and why does Doopliss even put up with Beldam's crap? I don't think we ever find an answer to that last one, though. Hopefully Frankly's not too badly hurt.

Next time: Catching up to Grodus.

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