Saturday 8 July 2023

TTYD Post-Chapter 2 Part 1: Image of Peach

An interesting remark about these panels is that, if you save and quit after an intermission break, the panels that appear when you reload the file will be the ones for the character you're about to play- when playing in one sitting, the panels between transitions are the character you just played.

Not sure why it changes, honestly.

Something about the fight with Crump stopped him from reporting to Grodus. I assume it's the part where he was too busy to do anything other than get a world-class thrashing. I say, having missed most of my Action Commands.

You said that on the wrong side of the door, grunt.

Grodus allows this.

...Yeah. That's bad news.

Grodus learns Crump and the Sirens were no match for Mario.

And he starts to consider this. If he can't beat Mario at his own game... what games can he win?

For now, they should focus on beating him in a race for the others. Mario can only take one at a time. The X-Nauts can attempt to seize as many as they can find.

All zero of them.

This is a pretty understated reveal, but it's one that makes the X-Nauts prove to be a more important opponent than any other. They already have a Crystal Star. They can't use its Star Power, as far as I can tell, but we cannot seize the treasure without the X-Nauts playing a crucial role.

And Grodus wants to make sure that won't be the last.

For some reason, this confirms to Grodus that Mario has the map, and he decides the best play is to put a tail on Mario. Wherever he goes next, there will be a Crystal Star there, so someone should consider following him there and trying to do what Crump did in the Tree.

But, you know, better.

Even the guy with the clipboard does the salute. ...Where did the clipboard go?

That is... a line. It is not an unfitting emotion for Grodus, but damn if he didn't come out swinging for Mario.

Peach, meanwhile, has plenty to be feeling anxious about, not the least the possibility that TEC may not be on the up-and-up with this whole deal of theirs.

...I'd comment that they're probably business-as-usual, owing to their routine lack of princess, but that's probably more depressing than the alternative.

I don't think I want to ask that question right now.

The trigger for this one is just a timer this time. You can take a shower if you wish to see the ponytail again. If they can do it on a timer, why not set the first scene on a timer too?

Right, let's just head right to TEC.

We only have TEC's word on that, but it may be that email in the Mushroom Kingdom has a "read at" notification. I don't think my email has that feature, though.

Peach seems... sufficiently reassured.

So what will it be today, TEC?

How about something Peach actively mentioned beforehand?

Of all the Peach intermissions, this is probably the least overall important to the TEC story, but this line sets up a thread that the next intermission will pick up in earnest.

For now, though, this is a completely reasonable situation on both Grodus and TEC's parts, and Peach really has no room to judge TEC for complying with this order. Yes, they are a computer with a crush on Peach, but they are still a computer, and as a prisoner in a high-tech facility, she can't argue with CCTV in her not-bathroom cell. Well, any more than she can argue with the premises, but we know we're not solving those problems in a hurry.

TEC is focused on the initial issue as diagnosed. They are capable of receiving the impulses that constitute love, but have no idea where those impulses come from or what to do with them.

Love, in its most basic form, is the impulse to want to do things with and for the person of your affections, because it makes one or both of you happy to do so.

Although this doesn't explain how TEC acquired these impulses. I don't think they ever dig too deep into the "how" part of this- they're more interested in what TEC does with them.

TEC takes "impulses" a bit more literally, and asks to have such a dance. Just to gather data, I'm sure.

This is a request that, regardless of propriety (this isn't a question of Peach's status as princess, just general common decency), the idea of dancing with a computer that is the wall of its room is...

Laughable. No part of TEC is capable of moving significantly enough to dance. Maybe you could get something decent out of that light fixture on the far left of that screenshot, but I doubt it would work properly afterwards. And it would also limit Peach's movements.

TEC creates an image of Peach and suggests it as a substitute. Now, I'm not saying that Peach could (or would) dance with an image of an X-Naut, and TEC probably knows very few other people with the proportions necessary to dance with Peach... but I do kinda wonder if considering TEC a "male" computer is an unquestionable reading. Yeah, this is 2004 and JP Vivian does not paint a flattering picture, but it would help smooth over a few weird edges of this story. It's why I've gone with they/them for TEC, rather than the conventional he/him.

Regardless of what this says about how TEC sees a relationship with Peach, the fact that it's Peach's image herself is weird enough.

Peach can fake it, at least.

This is a short minigame where you have to press the A, B and X buttons as they appear to progress the dance as they circle around the room. There are 16 inputs, there's a generous timing window for each, and you only need to nail 10. It's not something they expected you to need to try twice at.

TEC: Princess Peach. I still do not understand very well. Will you please dance again?
Peach: All right, fine. As you wish. I'll dance until you see what I've been talking about.

Huh. The fail dialogue is more interesting that I expected, with that in mind.

You can finish the dance at a random part of the room, depending on how the dance plays out. I don't think you have control over it, and I bet it sucks when she finishes at the other end of the room, like this one seems to have done.

TEC enjoyed it.

Before wondering how exactly a computer experiences fun.

I believe that is a valid question to ask regardless. TEC is a machine capable of feeling joy... and yet they have not yet done so. Poor thing.

TEC says that Peach has done enough for them today, although they seem to have made an assumption on Peach's behalf and treated her as if she wished to use the communicator without her suggesting such.

This is not an unreasonable assumption, and in general Peach never makes a request of TEC other than to use the communicator, but it does make a thought I had about a later intermission seem less certain. In this instance, though, I assume TEC wanted to assure Peach that the communicator was doing the function they claim of it.

That visual feedback, always of the utmost importance.

TEC's done for the day, Peach can head off too.

TEC has a long day coming up about trying to figure out what the hell caused this "fun" thing to happen.

Peach: "Point proven."

I mentioned this was a bit of an unimportant intermission overall, and it is. But I wouldn't say it's something you could cut freely- the story needs at least one intermission in which Peach does a purely transactional "give TEC a lesson on love, get an email to Mario out of it" session with TEC, before it can do anything interesting with the concept it has set up for itself. If it jumped from the first intermission straight to the third, the story it wants to tell would be ruined. With that said, I wouldn't blame you for feeling a bit disappointed. This is a story that feels better told if you're going through it with fewer breaks.

Know what's more exciting and less reliant on keeping track of what you remember from last time? Bowser's pointless antics! Bowser's hapless ability to accomplish absolutely nothing is comic relief, but this intermission seems to have been the best time to throw him in to spice up what we've been getting. Three of Bowser's intermissions, one of which is this one, have some extra spice beyond "run around and talk to people", and I feel like the Peach intermissions they are paired with were chosen intentionally, despite the fact it's "every even numbered Chapter."

Bowser is in Petal Meadows, a whole two Chapters behind us, and as such his ability to do anything is... not spectacular.

Bowser's here for Peach, though, so he's not disappointed because he's too late, but because he's too foolish.

Bowser is super, indeed. How super?

Super Bowser Bros.! GWARR!

These side-scrolling levels are rather interesting relics in history, considering what came before TTYD... and what came immediately after. You see, when TTYD came out in 2004, the most recent conventional side-scrolling Mario game was Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, released in 1992. Super Mario World was a SNES launch title, the SNES followed up with the innovative Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island games, and then the N64 taught us that 3D was the way of the future. Seeing Bowser run around in level 1-1 was novel. Hearing that semi-rock remix of 1-1 was a blast from the past of an age gone by.

In 2006, Nintendo would release New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, a game that would bring back the classic 2D formula, and the success of that game would lead to enough sequels and attempts at seizing the magic of that iconic 1-1 opening that the idea of a 2D sidescrolling level with the trappings of 1-1- the theme, the Goomba underneath the row of blocks, the second block in a row of 5 having a powerup- is trite, cliche and uninteresting now. The change in the impact of this cameo is amazing.

Yellow blocks always contain a hunk of meat, and eating meat will cause Bowser to grow in size. I think Bowser has four sizes total, and starts at size two.

X-Nauts will also appear in these stages, and although they run towards Bowser (Goombas tend to run away), they are no more dangerous.

Eat enough meat to grow to size 4, and Bowser temporarily becomes invincible, with the theme to match. Funnily enough, New Super Mario Bros. would use this as its gimmick- as much as the Mega Mushroom was much of a gimmick.

If you can get that second chunk of meat, you've basically won 1-1. You have enough time to touch the flagpole, and if you knock it aside with Bowser's gigantic size, you still enter the win state. Bowser will grab the flagpole and pull it down like SMB Mario if he is small enough- and I like how the raised flag has a star emblem on it. The New series and other modern games where Mario beats levels by lowering flagpoles put Bowser's insignia on the flag he is lowering, so of course Bowser lowers a flag representing his enemy.

Level Clear! Bowser seems to be a bit too big to get in the castle at the end. He doesn't seem to mind.

Greetings, peons.

This Koopa goes right in for the "don't bat an eye".

Before noticing who he is talking to and running away in fear. The people of Rogueport are still scared of Bowser, although this is not by reputation and moreso because he is a giant turtle covered in spikes.

Bowser will torch this village until he finds her, why he oughtta-

(And right after they cleaned out the stench of Hooktail, too.)


You mean to tell me Peach was right there the whole time?

Bowser jumps up and goes into a surprisingly gallant display for Bowser. He doesn't usually go for the noble courtship style.

Yeah, that's about what I'd expect.

"We've been over this for nineteen years. Kindly get into kidnapping position."

Kammy polishes Bowser's ass and assures him that Peach being silent is a good thing.

And Bowser buys it hook, line and sinker. I wonder if Kammy stopped appearing in Mario games because Bowser realised he needed his closest advisor to not be so much of an ass-kisser.

This situation is about to take a turn for the shocking, if you didn't remember who happens to actually live in this house. Which is most players, probably.

The Koopa that normally occupies this dwelling is the guy with Peach posters all over his wall, and he has interpreted Bowser's ramblings as being an attempt to steal his (presumably rare and expensive) prized possession.

He rolls it off his outside window and brings it inside. Really, one wonders who put it over his outside window in the first place.

Now, see, Kamek would never have let him stick his foot so far in his mouth.

I can almost argue this is the lowest Bowser sinks. That would not necessarily be true, though. It is certainly the most humiliating of all his crushing defeats over the course of his intermissions. Many of his later losses are caused by genuine mistakes or him making a valid play and having the outcome backfire in his face in a comedic way. This time, the loss was entirely on him, there was no hope of success no matter what happened, and the way that failure expressed itself was particularly comedic and entirely stupid.

At least we are entertained.

Now that we have witnessed Peach and Bowser make fools of themselves for the amusement of unthinking and semifeeling greater beings, we can head back to Mario and finish off seeing the Punies find peace at last.

...She really doesn't care who she pontificates to, huh? Punio realising he'll be the preferred target.

Petuni offers the most compelling reason to come back, funnily enough.

The Punies and the Jabbies seem to get along, and without the Crystal Star, all they really need to worry about is continuing the existing state of the Tree. It seems like the Tree can handle itself just fine, so long as the Punies don't do anything too weird, so they'll be just fine on their own.

So long, tiny ones!

Goombella: Oh, I'm sure we'll be back again at some point. Yeah, definitely! Take care, guys!
Koops: We'll come back and see you again, I'm pretty sure. But... For now, we gotta go.

Shoutouts for how uncertain they sound about the possibility.

You can also talk to Jabble on the way out, but all he does is bounce. I don't think Jabble ever says anything, nor does he indicate he could.

I don't think any of the talks or Tattles here are too significant.

No matter in which direction you head, you will soon be stopped by Peach's email. I'm going east for reasons.

Koops: Uh-oh! Ohhhh, man! Incoming mail!

I have been surprised at the amount of Koops dialogue I am laughing at. Not always because the writers intended that reaction, but...

Fitting the Peach intermission being a bit of a whimper overall, the email, too, doesn't convey a lot of interesting information to Mario, other than the fact she continues to be fine. She doesn't even know Mario just fought a bunch of X-Nauts and probably has good reason to want this reassurance.

Later emails will come with interesting information for Mario, because the TEC story will reveal them. The pattern demands that there be a Peach email here, but she really didn't have much.

Aw, how nostalgic. And probably speaks to a Mario/Peach dynamic that is more active during peacetime than usually indicated by the series. While Mario and Peach are suggested to be friends while a story isn't happening, they don't really seem to be romantically charged encounters. This line reads more like there is an actual girlfriend on the other end.

Koops: Pretty nice, huh, Mario?
Flurrie: Isn't that precious, Mario?

Mario nods in response. Goombella wishes she were a little taller.

As soon as we got Flurrie, we technically had access to her bedroom.

Including a free copy of Super Appeal P (1 BP)- which, fittingly, makes Flurrie better at doing her actual job during the gameplay.

The reason I waited to come back is that there was a Star Panel back here. I can only imagine this was a cosmic joke on the player, to give them reason to come all the way back here. There also isn't a black hole underneath the panel, like all the other ones- the floor's natural purple tiling stays in place while the panel is in the air. Makes you think this was a late addition.


Star Panel on the way back to the Door. There's no real "here's where I find all the Star Panels"- we only need to look in Rogueport and Chapter 1, so a lot of them will be "I'll grab them while we're exploring the new parts of Town and when we're backtracking to Petalburg".

There's also a copy of Happy Heart P behind this fake wall. There was a peeling tab indicating it we saw earlier.

Star Panels in these rooms. As an interesting note, the instruction manual, when indicating the existence of Star Panels, shows Mario obtaining the one in front of the Black Chest with Koops in the party... while the chest is still shut. I'm not even sure speedrunners can do a sequence break to cause that.

Mappy, mappy, in my hand
Where is the Crystal Star in the land?

All positions where a Crystal Star has already been redeemed will be marked with a star icon. We fill them up in order of these circles.

...Now that is a location.

Well, we know where to look.

But where the hell is that?

Of course, we find ouselves asking Frankly.

Frankly has been doing his own research, and talks about the seal on the treasure- and how the town around it still seems to stand enough that there is a "behind the Door".

Good question. So far, we've been going into this assuming there's treasure behind the door. But that naturally begs the question: who would put treasure there? All three party members ask this question, but I rather like the fact that Goombella asked it here.

Because this is a general gap in Frankly's understanding, and also a vital clue for interpreting some of the more curious elements in the story. I rather like the idea that Goombella, young and fresh-eyed, spots a thread that Frankly had overlooked or long-since assumed was a premise that didn't need challenging.

Frankly apologises for that outburst.

Frankly brings up the major reason this question has never been interrogated at length: We have no idea who is doing the sealing and when in relation to the cataclysm, because people aren't entirely sure what form that cataclysm is even taking.

The version of the legend in the intro is "Darkness filled the skies and the earth roared and shook". Although the difference seems minor, I do think the story wants to place more emphasis on the intro's version.

...I don't know why, but I am amazed at the balls of IS to include an implied "ass" joke in this game, despite all the other plot elements that are clearly IS blatantly disregarding Mario's IP protections.

Koops: Oh, yeah, right...
Flurrie: Oh, yes. How inappropriate.

(Funnily enough, Koops and Flurrie are familiar with the expression Frankly is choosing not to say aloud, while Goombella does not. You'd expect Koops to be the ignorant one- although Flurrie definitely knows.)

Moving on to asking about our destination. They have three slightly different variations on this line for each party member, and yet every single one makes it sound as if the Crystal Star indicator on the map itself is floating, and not describing the fact the location depicted is in the sky and looks to be held up by some kind of rockets.

The answer is the inexplicably floating town of Glitzville. The fact Glitzville is floating in the air has no relevance to the story whatsoever, although I do not begrudge the idea of it (it kinda fits the symbolism) and it's probably at least somewhat to give a reason to go to Frankly- a lot of times, Peach's email will reveal things that Goombella wants to tell Frankly, and getting a new location on the map is just a side mention. Without the former, the story needs the latter to be stronger to justify the visit as anything other than formula.

Glitzville itself is home of the Professional Wrestling circuit of the Rogueport area. Unsure exactly how far along this society is on public awareness of kayfabe (and also, because fantasy rules, how much kayfabe is actually being used), but this is going to be a bit of a mechanically unusual chapter in that there will be very little dungeon exploration.

This feels like the setup to a story about how this sport is corrupt and serves the wealthy elite, but the key takeaway of this description is that Glitzville is a high-class place and visiting the place requires wealth and/or connections. A normal person could go, but it would be a vacation.

And how do people get there?

Flurrie: So, are we just supposed to sprout wings and fly there, darling? Do tell.

Says the wind spirit.

There is a blimp tthat travels from Rogueport. The whole "several times a day" thing seems like a waste compared to the amount of traffic one expects to see, but that's mostly to assure the player that you will always be allowed to use it to go to and from Gltizville. As soon as we have a ticket.

The problematic part of that sentence is "when we get a ticket".

Koops: Well, that doesn't sound hard. Anyone can use these "channels," right? Right?
Flurrie: Oooh! That sounds exciting! A little... on the seedy side. Show me the way!

I like how all three partners have different tones of reaction. Goombella is sick of Frankly's unnecessary theatrics, Koops has no clue what Frankly is about to suggest, while Flurrie knows exactly what Frankly is about to suggest and is excited to participate.

All tickets cross the desk of one Don Pianta, and to Frankly, it seems inevitable that in order to acquire one for ourselves, we will have to somehow get on his good side.

So, you know, we just have to get something from a mob boss.



Now, going to West Rogueport is 100% mandatory. If you haven't given Zess T. her Contact Lens, I think the process isn't too time-consuming, but it will be somewhat annoying.

Of course he would. I wonder how much he knows about what goes on there, though.

Koops: Well, hey, that sounds easy! We just have to talk to this Don Pianta person.
Flurrie: Mmmm... I like the sound of this Don Pianta fellow. I cannot WAIT to meet him!

This sounds exactly like the reaction of the target audience of this game to being told to meet an NPC and hasn't yet been made aware he's a mob boss- or who does know that fact and isn't yet aware of what exactly "mob boss" means in the real world.

Somehow, I doubt all of those are rumours...

Fortunately, we cheated and already know how to do that bit.

Trash can check: We can now get the Tattles of Vivian, Yux, Mini-Yux and Magnus von Grapple. Weird that Yux is included, you can find those in the same place you can find normal X-Nauts- although perhaps something weird is going on in there. This is also, incidentally, the place where the trash can can be an outright spoiler: We get Vivian's Tattle, but not those of Beldam and Marilyn. I don't think it was of much surprise that Vivian was going to defect, with how thick Beldam was laying it, but this confirms it beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is evidence that there was supposed to be a second fight with the Shadow Sirens that included Vivian in the same Chapter she defects in, which would've made the trash can spoiler a little less noticeable.

Who is it now?

...Huh. Interesting. Completing Troubles will sometimes net you an email in reward. These emails will be entirely text- plot emails have the pictures.

What's up, Koops? After you found me, Koops, I found a nice hiding nook at a place called Goomstar Temple. It's so cold my shell is frosty, but it's a great place for hiding.
Obviously, I don't want anyone to find me, but... The thing is, I DO want people to see how good I am at hiding. You see the bind I'm in?
Anyway, spread the word! Come find the wandering Hide-n-Seek Koopa! See ya later... Or not!

Yours, Koopook

The location "Goomstar Temple" is a translation misnomer. The original name of this location was "クリスターしんでん", the Crystar Temple. The translators seemed to have confused "Kurisutaru" for a "Kuribo" pun rather than a reference to the English word Crystal, overlooking the fact he is actually in Paper Mario 64's Crystal Palace. Yup, no one's going to find him there. Until he gets copied by a Duplighost and frozen to death.

...Well then. I possess 6 Shine Sprites now, and that will mean we can freely upgrade everyone in the party to Super Rank as a matter of course from now until we get the means to proceed to Ultra Rank. Perhaps you can skimp out on Flurrie if you want more Ultras when that happens, but she's not that bad...

Flurrie will have 25 HP at Super Rank, and her Body Slam will do 4 damage. She learns Lip Lock, which for 3 HP, will rob the enemy of 4 HP and add it to her own, piercing defence. She'd make a pretty good HP tank if she could keep enemy attention.

Of course we're getting Koops upgraded. Although his utility outside Chapter 2 has kinda waned a bit.

And why not, Flurrie gets it too.

Hey, 25 HP is nothing to sneeze at. It'll be a while before I wind up giving that much to Mario.

Star Panel here.

...And I have so many new Star Pieces in the collection, I'll be able to spare one for Quick Change.

Although whether I'll be fitting it on the build is another matter. This is going to give me huge power, though.

Star Panel in front of Frankly's.

The NPC right outside Frankly's house also happens to be able to point new players in the direction of the clue to get you into Don Pianta's place.

Although he also suggests Mario maybe consider less self-destructive ways to pass the time.

Arfur and Swindell are also more helpful about how to find where the secret is.

...This guy, though, has not gotten any more useful as a hint NPC.

Oh hey, Pierre's gotten more talkative. It is technically the time to talk to him.

I'll take your word for it. If and when you steal something.

...Then again, you were a geologist... wait, no, they're usually not in that kind of business.

Let's have a peek at Ishnail's hint.

I feel less threatened, but also that may just be the stench of incompetence and not actually being less hostile.

Not helped by insults like "jerky-for-brains".

You're just jealous he's lying and cheating better than youse are.

...You can't exactly claim to be a rival gang if you're handing out protection money to them. Sounds more like you're extortion victims with a bullying streak.

I won't actually be permanently paying this, but I will show the conversation if you do.

Because these guys got real excited for some dough.

His base is, of course, over by the Parlor.

Putting you out a further 14 coins on top of the 64 if you take this method of seeing the Don.

"Yellow" is the password, but only in response to the favourite colour question. If you say your moustache is yellow, Peeka still asks the correct question anyway.

Later, losers! Come back when you have time-rewinding powers!

Luigi has come back and is standing here now. He'll usually be pretty easy to find on the plotted path, even if he has some interesting spawns.

As soon as my ship docked on the Pudding Continent, I set out for the volcano. To reach my destination, I spent several days fording through dense jungle... Scary beasts were all over! More than once I thought I was done for, Bro! I may have screamed a bit. To scare them off, you know. But as fate would have it...
A Blooper named Blooey heard me shrieking and found me in this one town. Blooey was on a journey of his own, but he joined me after hearing my tale. Now, Blooey's a madman. Back in his hometown, they call him "White Torpedo"! Yeah, he's a tough guy. Anyway, he helped me fight to Rumblebump Volcano.
This place was all about bubbling lava pools and heat that'd make the sun sweat. AND, the place was lousy with evil traps designed to protect the compass piece.
The scariest one of all was this gigantic, 100-foot-tall statue that stomped around. Now, the weakness of this giant statue, Bro, was a red gem on its forehead... Now, I can jump high, but not high enough to reach this thing by a long shot. So I came up with this plan for Blooey to hit that weak spot! "All you, man!" I said! I waited for a pause in the statue's movements and hucked Blooey up there! And bull's-eye! The White Torpedo saved the day! That jewel got whacked! It was a critical hit, and that stone statue toppled and crumbled into pieces! Once that was done, it was an easy stroll to the room where the treasure was.
Unfortunately, Princess Eclair was nowhere to be found... But I got another piece of the Marvelous Compass, and put it in the base... Now the compass pointed west, to Plumpbelly Village on the Strudel Continent. So I set sails once again and came back here to Rogueport to recharge. That's what happened to me lately, but I'll be heading back out soon...

Blooper Drill to the rescue. That's my bro!

With that said, Blooey here doesn't exactly look pearly white.


Yeah, Luigi's Partners are pretty much here to tell you Luigi played the fool in his quest.

Lucky for you, I'm not a fan of seafood. Especially not life forms with brains in each tentacle.


That's Luigi's Blooper friend, Blooey. It's totally weird to find Bloopers on dry land. He seems peeved, though... I wonder why he looks all fried to a golden crisp?

Although he only usually has the most recent partner out, it seems they're all following him, same as how we're totally being followed by three people now.

We have chosen wisely.

Or, well, we will choose wisely later.

Star Panel down here...

Another payment to Lumpy down. One more to go.

Star Panel here. They usually keep it one to room, which is weird, because I always kinda remember one in front of the gallows.

Also, McGoomba can totally be a pain and stand on this one.


Turns out he starts smelling the stink of your adventures, and from this point onwards, he will always smell something about the story you just did. This time, it's Flurrie, and it's usually the stinkiest thing we did. Although for Chapters 6-8, he gives up on the actual stench theme.

The girl Toad hiding behind this pipe (the framing is lovely) is a theatre fan.

...Left the stage for good? Interesting...

Yes, she does react to Flurrie. I think she is supposed to be talking about Flurrie, but Flurrie always talks about her retirement as temporary. Maybe her departure was a bit more dramatic than she chooses to recall.

Idle rich guy visit, and... well, I guess he wiles away his days, of course he wound up watching his winning ticket fly past. Still, though. Give me the Lucky Day.

...Never mind, there is a Star Panel in front of the gallows.

There are multiple Star Panels per room?

A few more scattered around.

Wonky stories:

The Secret of Boggly Woods:
Deep in Boggly Woods is a spot with a bunch of tree stumps all lined up... If you jump hard on the tenth stump from the left, you'll get something good. Now, I don't know what it is, but I hear it's really good.

The clue for P-Down D-Up P. This was wedged in some post-Chapter 3 hints, I hope it wasn't supposed to be given that late.

The lucky Punies:
There's a place called Boggly Woods somewhere in this world... And there are small beasts named Punies who live there. Ol' Wonky hears that anyone who sees a Puni will have fortune visited upon them... Some people go to Boggly Woods just to catch a glimpse of a lucky Puni...

Worked out for Flurrie, I suppose. Kind of a funny tradition to pop up, but considering what Boggly Woods is like, not an unreasonable one. You're pretty damn lucky to find one at all in the first place.

Spin Panels:
Do you know about these spin panels scattered around the world? When you Spin-Jump a spin panel... It bumps a Star Piece right out of the ground! Score! Problem is, they look just like regular flooring, so it's hard to tell. There's actually one right in front of me, so give it a shot, why don't you?

Nice he acknowledges the one in the room, I suppose.

The Pianta Parlor:
There's a game center on the west side of Rogueport run by Don Pianta. There's a hidden game there that few people know about... Only members are allowed to play this special game. Well, that's what ol' Wonky hears. If you want to try it, you'll have to find a Member's Card somewhere...

Four Troubled souls will be happy to share. Which ones? Secret!

Lahla's private life:
You know Lahla, the cute receptionist at the Pianta Parlor? She never gets too personal from beyond those iron bars, because it's, like, business... But if you get in there and talk with her, she's a totally different person! You should get in there and see how good your game is, Mr. Popular!

...She does not give the impression she is enjoying giving out her personal information, Wonky. How many other of Rogueport's lowlifes have you been sharing this information with?

The Mystic Bag:
You know about the Pit of 100 Trials down here, right? Well, somewhere down there is an item called a Strange Sack. This thing is great. If you've got it, you can hold up to 20 items! And you know what that means, my good friend... Easy adventuring! No adventurer should be without one, take it from ol' Wonky!

INVENTORY UPGRADE! It happens to be on the 50th floor, preceded by some trickier enemies from Chapters 5 and 6. I'm not saying the enemies there don't have weaknesses, especially if you're good with Earth Tremor and Superguarding, but I'm going to be getting my Strange Sack a little later. There's two enemy types that are unpleasant to fight unless you have Badges that counter them.

Monster's weaknesses:
There're a lot of mean monsters in this world, but many have weaknesses. Everybody knows that fire monsters are weak against ice and vice versa... But flying monsters are weak against wind, and they tend to get dizzy easily... And sometimes machine- and cloud-monsters can be easier to freeze than most... I've even heard that it's very easy to put Piranha Plants to sleep... I'd say, try out some new things and see if you can find all monsters' weaknesses.

I'd comment more on a few of these, but damage stacking is such an easy trick, and making sure you have the right means to inflict some statuses or elements so difficult, that usually you want to use the former for dealing with hard fights.

I left this one for a while earlier, but I suppose I might as well grab it. If only to empty the block.

Flurrie this one, and...

You get a shortcut to the Pit of 100 Trials. No going back this way, though. This side of the sewers has a lot of these, doesn't it?

With all these leftovers? Gimme!

...Wait, I don't have Heart Finder yet? I suppose I did have a lot more Star Pieces to spend than I thought. I wouldn't bother with any new drop rate Badges before Chapter 3, though.

...May as well, I'll have to at some point.

Chapter 2's new Badges are:

  • First Attack (1 BP) (100 coins): Allows Mario to beat an enemy that would give no Star Points inherently with a First Strike. Only found in the Lovely Howz, and there's no Spin Attack to match. You don't get coin or item drops this time, as it happens, it's just for overworld convenience. It also doesn't happen to work in the Pit of 100 Trials, obviously.
  • Power Rush (1 BP) (50 coins): Buffs Mario's Attack by 2 in Danger. Most easily obtained here if you just want Badge completion, but later on, it will be infinitely purchaseable from the Pianta Parlor...
  • Pretty Lucky P (2 BP) (150 coins): Lets the Partner occasionally dodge attacks. The easiest way to get one is to buy it from the Lovely Howz, although perhaps at the discounted rate? 150 is steep...

Finally, I notice this is a noticeboard!

New evil society, the X-Nauts, sighted in the Boggly Woods! Silly outfits reported! Could they be linked to organized crime in our fair city?

The setup noticeboard. Someone thought those costumes were silly, huh? Can't say they're wrong, though. The organised crime, though, no. They are organised criminals, perhaps even more dangerous than Don Pianta is, but they are not in league with each other.

Aww. This is Toadette's only appearance outside the tutorials- oh, and she's also in Lucky's guilt-tripping with the Lottery, too.

Three new favours, only one of which is in Boggly Woods. Lahla's favour is... a title.

Will someone please come talk to me? Please? I'm waiting at the pink house in Petalburg.

I didn't have much reason to wait on this one.

Mainly, I wanted to come back when I could pick these up.

The gamer Toad Kid has been playing through TTYD, and he's actually gotten ahead of us! He already knows the plot of the game! I'm not sure if I want him to spill or shut up.

Well, I guess you kinda hope the game you're making elicits that reaction. I'd say he has a point, although the ending isn't exactly the highest high or anything.

Judging by what Luigi's getting up to now, I wouldn't get your hopes up on the writing.

I'm going to need... more than one of these in the near future. I think I sold a bunch, not knowing what's coming up. At least I have the spare funds.

And one of these already in there, I think.

...This may be a comment on places without peace, although it could just as easily be, like, tundras.

You're not going to get much luck in the latter kind of place.

Heh heh, you said civic! Please keep it to a minimum, some people have allergies. And that makes them unhappy.

Good memory, for such a forgetful fellow.

...Wow, Kroop got him to doubt his own senses by accident.

I mean, it sells Mushrooms! Everyone can use Mushrooms!

It's the only place to get Courage Shells, Mr. Softeners and POW Blocks. The former two appear in odd recipes.

Koopley's gone a bit anxious in the time since Koops left, apparently. I sympathise, but it's hard not to comment that this is what Koops has gone through for 10 years. Hopefully it won't take us that long.

I know he's a Luigi fan, but imagine looking at Mario and thinking his accomplishment is being Luigi's brother. How do you even know Luigi outside him being Mario's brother?

Not sure if this is new dialogue, just letting Koops say hey to his family while we're here. Koopley probably needs it more than Koops.

Kroop's Trouble is just to sit here and be talked to.

Like we didn't get enough of that from the Puni Elder.

Let's spare ourselves a lot of wading...

Hoo... To tell you the truth, I've got a few things to say about kids these days. Their tempers are too short for their own good, for one! Makes me want to smack 'em! Why, I was shopping at the Toadstool Bros. Discount Super Shop the other day... I was trying to pay, and my coin purse was stuck closed, and the kid behind me said... "Hey, geezer, wanna pay so we can get out of here before the sun goes down?" Now, I may be a geezer, but sundown was clearly taking longer than I was. Clearly!
...Speaking of sundown reminds me of dating the missus back before she was the missus. Always had to have her home by sundown, yessir. Her pa was an absolute maniac. Yep, I'd keep my eyes on the sun and off the face of my missus. Gentlemanly, eh? Actually, it was sort of awkward. Kind of blinding, in a painful sort of way. Heh! Just thinking about it makes me feel awkward! Heh! Isn't memory grand?
But that's not what I was talking about. Now where was I? Hrrrrrmmmm... Oh! That's right! Kids today! They know nothing about patience, I tell you! I want to stand up and yell: "HEY! YOU PUNKS! BE MORE PATIENT! RIGHT NOW!"
Speaking of which, I think I proclaimed my love for the missus in a loud voice... Yup! She was leaving on a train, and I yelled it from the platform! Like in a movie! Now, err... What was it that I yelled to her? Something about her shell, maybe... Oh. Wait. I think I've strayed from my main point again... Or wait... did I?
Anyhow, me and the missus were madly in love! Head over shells, I tell you! No... Wait, my point was something about kids today, right? Awwww, whatever... Oh, my dear, sweet missus! The way you combed my eyebrows! Such tenderness! ...Huzzuh? Oh, sorry! I got distracted, there. Anyway, you get my point.

...Wow, he had room to ramble. Although I like his story about the missus and sundown. Apparently he went blind because he misunderstood her father's warnings about sundown and kept staring at the sun. I think maybe that Koopa outside had a point about Kroop perhaps not being senile in his old age...

Eh. I've heard worse. Apparently, so has Mario.

And not notice when one of them's gone dozing. Goombella doesn't seem to have nodded off, though.

...Well, I guess we didn't ask for it, and-

We literally get that from checking the bushes outside your house. What a Trouble.

We also get the mention of using Zess T. to make some Koopa Tea out of the Turtley Leaf.

I think we'll be fine.

Our shop inventory is low, and I need someone to help me restock. Please come to the shop in Rogueport Square!

Someone has to do it. At least it's a Rogueport Trouble that doesn't involve illegal activity. Maybe.

Hard enough that you don't sell them yourself! I take it you offer different items to others.

We can buy them from Niff T.- which is what I did, and probably the most sensible option. There's a few from the odd random spot, or you can farm them from drops- a bit of a poor use of time, that option.

You give the shells one at a time.

This is good, at least. It'll be a while before we can get the recipes from it, though.

Simple, although somehow, still questionably legal. I'm sure it's fine, especially compared to some of the stuff I've done already.

May as well brew some of this for the Recipe entry. Felt fitting.

The Pianta Parlor is now having its Grand Opening event! Wheeeeee! Whoever takes this request gets something special from Lahla, the cute kitty Boo! We're waiting on Rogueport's west side, so please come quickly! SMOOCH! ♥

...Grand opening? It'd be neat if the Pianta Parlor was closed until after Chapter 2, I guess... It might require moving Koopook's Card around, though.

So what does Lahla have to offer us?

10 Piantas, as it happens. There's usually a way to get some freebie Tokens in whatever gambling parlours a game has, and I missed out on it being these ones. Again, I feel like Lahla is using her sexual wiles in a way she doesn't enjoy and the game kinda disagrees.

That was a quick Trouble. A few speedrun routes require picking up some Piantas for Badges, and part of me wonders if this Trouble could've shaved off a few coins.

Anyway, I figured that, if she wanted me to play a few minigames, I might as well do some rounds of Plane Game. Managed to get a top score.

...Now that is some distance.

Hey, if I'm getting the high scores, I might as well see how this plays out.

To her credit, at least it's something she enjoys doing she's talking about.

...In this business, wouldn't that be your boss's decision? I suppose jewelry usually is a bit more of a personal decision, but if your appearance is part of your work, I feel like they'd have something to...


Say, where does a Boo wear her jewelry, anyway? She doesn't have most of the body parts humans decorate. Sure, she has "wrists", but those are taken by the Kitty cuffs.

First I'll need to find another minigame to play.

Seems like a good number to leave on, at least.

Next time: Some rather troubling Troubles.

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