Sunday 2 July 2023

TTYD Chapter 2 Part 2: Tree of Elder

Since, of course, the enemies are back, we can show off Body Slam on the way to the Tree.

I said this was the same targeting system Spike used in 64. It's worse, honestly- the cursor you control likes to drift around, and you keep having to make minor adjustments until the attack succeeds. Spike probably had a less forgiving target on small enemies, though.

I can't even get the Stylish on hers. You press A after hitting the ground, and Flurrie preens a little.

...OK, you can't deny Flurrie's stage presence won her that fight.

Thank goodness this one electrified on the ground, where the hammer can hit him.

...Now what?

Oh. The spam begins.

RDM Premiere Issue!

Bringing you all the up-to-the-moment news as it happens!

We now have details of yet another incident at the parlor in west Rogueport. Outraged by the high Pianta prices, Goomfrey (age 30) is suspected of violently shaking the Pianta Changer (age 5), causing the Pianta Changer's alarm to sound, which led to the Pianta Changer ceasing to function for a brief period. The parlor was forced to close down temporarily.
The victim was quoted as saying: "I am a machine. No matter how hard I am shook, I feel no pain. End interview."

Get all the hottest shopping news about all the hottest shopping spots in the world!

If Petalburg's your destination, you can't miss the shop that's been the talk of the town for the last 20 years: Niff T.'s shop! The friendly owner has long been thought to be the most eligible bachelor in town, but word is he's secretly in love with the girl at the inn! The wise and witty shopkeeper had this to say: "You only live once, so enjoy it while you can! Shop now at good old Niff T's shop!"

Interested in cooking but don't know what to cook? Try our chef's delicious suggestions!

Today's Yummy Recipe: Fried Shrooms!
Just season your mushrooms, saute them up, and they're ready for the dinner table!

We hope you enjoyed RDM's premiere issue! You can look forward to future editions coming your way soon!

Published by Rogueport
Restoration Committee

...Granted, these are at least entertaining spam, so I'll allow it. I'm not sure whose idea it was to put a newsletter that pauses your movement for a laugh. Although that does seem appropriate for the tone the game has been adopting.

  • Rogueport Today: The news stories never get mechanically interesting, although I love the "Pianta Changer (age 5)", and the interview with him. Does kinda suggest Don Pianta is on the board of the RRC, but let's be honest: He was probably legitimately a good pick.
  • Shop Reporter: I don't think any of these ever actually talk about their sale prices in a meaningful way, although these do have mechanical benefits later. It's a very small one, and one I wouldn't care to bring up, although I do wind up bumping into it later.
  • Cooking for Rookies: These give you various recipes, although this recipe for Shroom Fry is very questionable in the context of a newspaper giving cooking advice to actual people and not using our more abstracted system. Also kinda funny they're still using the 64 name for Shroom Fry.

Managed to get one more level of BP before going in.

Inside the tree, Jumpman is a bit better a prospect than outside. But I think I overvalued this.

Climb up to this ledge, and use Flurrie to blow away a secret panel to reveal the secret entrance necessary. Don't worry, most Flurrie spots will be clearly signposted, but we knew this one was here thanks to Punio.

If you remember back to when we commented on this entrance, Punio remarked "it's not going to be labelled Secret Entrance". The fact that the entrance is lit up with (monochrome) lights is not commented on, and is purely a joke for the player's benefit. Since it's monochrome, it was probably installed by the Punies, and they feel it is not absurd in any way.

Since we have been put in a cutscene immediately after using Flurrie's field ability, Flurrie is allowed to talk without any other Partner having to take the scene otherwise. I wonder if the game's inability to ensure this is part of the reason Partners can lose out on otherwise important scenes. Then again, Chapter 1 showed they were willing to pull Koops out of our pocket to interact with somebody.

Apparently, Mario doesn't watch much theatre. Despite being in a play once. I wonder if Flurrie could be argued to be any character in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Yeah, the life of a diva outside the spotlight is very much not for everybody, and probably not even something even the divas fully appreciate, merely tolerate.

Getting in touch with nature and the lifestyle of the Punies allowed Flurrie to take a step back from the cut-throat world of stage management and rekindle her inherent passion for the stage.

And Flurrie considers their assistance in this matter valuable enough that she would gladly lend any favour they require. And this is looking like a big favour.

Punio managed to get from the Secret Entrance to the regular entrance, unlocking the door. We never do learn how these two entrances connect, though- not that we could use it if we did. As you can tell from the green LED above it, Punio hasn't just "opened" the door, he has unlocked it, and it can now be freely traversed from either side. You might be forgiven for thinking that, because the door closed behind him, it cannot be entered again without Punio going back through the Secret Entrance.

I'll let Flurrie have a bit of spotlight in the encounters, although I'm going to freely admit she's not going to be doing much in the battles.

Punio got to the entrance of the Great Tree without having checked this opening foyer (which is the same room) and already having noticed its lack of occupants.

He then tries calling for them.

He attracts unwelcome attention.

We just walked through the door like a normal person.

Now, see, these guys figured it out without having to check a drawing of us. What's your excuse, Beldam?

This X-Naut goes right for the kill.

Lord Crump is an idiot in many regards, but he advised wisely on this. These X-Nauts absolutely should report to Crump before they charge in blindly and suffer crushing defeat.

He is quickly convinced otherwise in the promise of glory and possible promotions.

Regrettably, these idiots live to regret their choice.

That's an X-Naut. Says here it's classified as an "enemy combatant." That description stinks... You think it means they're just low-level foot soldiers? Max HP is 4, Attack is 3, and Defense is 0. They drink these potions that make them all big and burly... then they attack! One's easy, but if there's two or more, better watch out! Use special moves and items!

This fight is considered a miniboss. The X-Naut is a Chapter 2 enemy with Chapter 2 stats, although it is a bit of a scary one. They have two different types of 3 Atk tackle, and their potions apply the Huge buff, giving them +2 Atk per swing for two turns. You absolutely should come prepared with some technique for dealing 4 damage in a single blow, and whether that is Power Plus Mario, Super Goombella or Power Plus Super Koops is up to you.

When Jumpman disables your Hammer, they mean the whole option.

Around this point we can start to see my strategy backfire in my face. 3 Jump damage only really helps me against one enemy type, one that isn't enough of a threat to justify the investment, although it will be really good for the boss.

These guys can hurt, even if their charging attack looks pretty amusing.

Brought Flurrie out for the final turn, so she could see the following cutscene. It'll be a bit until Quick Change.

They're clearly sentient enough to host conversations, yes, but they're the X-Nauts, why are we not killing them (or, er, whatever Mario does when a jumped on enemy vanishes into thin air)?

The X-Nauts run away and lock the door behind them.

Well, that seemed to accomplish absolutely nothing. Back to what we came here to find.

I mean... the infestation of X-Nauts seems like a safe bet.

Punio leaps, and notices that there is, in fact, a Puni still here.

Punio's feet are firmly in whatever mouth he has. He does, in fact, have one, even if we never see it.

And Punio throws the Puni in front of us so it can admire us. Come on, man, exercise a little tact.

More Punies appear from the woodwork, and express their doubts in Mario's ability to be of assistance vocally.

Punio notes this as a reason to look more closely at who we have left.

That many Punies.

Punio delivers an optimistic line to try and convince them to come out. Well, I guess we just have to live up to it.

We have... seven, eight...

Before Punio can actually say much more on the topic, he is interrupted by one of the other Punies with names.

Puniper, this rather big Puni. I guess that doesn't make him much of a Puny, but I don't know what to call him instead.

The other Punies with interchangeable designs are not considered unique characters, and even Goombella can't tell them apart.

Punio dismisses his counterargument, and it was a pretty terrible one anyway. Mario is clearly not an X-Naut.

...It would be nice if the Punies acknowledged Flurrie, by the way.

Punio is arguing that the Punies fight alongside Mario. A tempting prospect only in that these guys might be able to swarm the occasional baddie.

Punio must've left for help really early, then, if he's supposed to be ignorant of the consequences of the X-Naut invasion.

It finally sinks in for Punio that nobody else is here for a reason.

The X-Nauts have packed them all neatly away.

And that's personal stakes for Punio.

Punio definitely made the right call, although this is only going to sting the longer it sinks in.

The Crystal Star isn't some ancient object of reverence. The elder knows a little more about it, although the Punies won't miss it if it goes away- they don't know they have it while they do.

It may be hopeless for the Punies, but it's not hopeless for a guy with a big hammer.

Punio may not be of much help, though.

The Jabbies, the Puni's archenemies, have also made themselves hostile. This is not as much of a dynamic as it seems, although unlike usual for evil bad guys, I don't see any reason the X-Nauts would renege on this deal. Sure, they might just blow up the tree (or render it otherwise uninhabitable) because evil, but they only want the Crystal Stars and the residents of the Tree are pretty harmless to anything larger than an ant. The Jabbies may just have their tree yet.

Giving up doesn't sound like the most attractive of alternatives, though.

Punio is just fine with those odds.

Or rather, he's just fine with those odds with the help of all the Punies.

Puniper refuses to lift a finger, and his argument holds more sway over the rest of the Punies. Who so far have been staring all to the side with little interest in the proceedings.

Puniper tells Punio to put up or shut up.

And that's just what we'll have to do. How hard can it be?

Puniper is going to stay here and continue to refuse to help. Because of course he is. Not sure where his friends went.

That's Puniper of the Punies. He sure is big for a Puni. Too bad his head is big, too!

Time to explore the Great Tree. A bit of a different ambience this time, although still as oppressively silent. This door, of course, is locked.

Pipe, less so.

This is an interesting pedestal, Mario. When the Punies stand on the panel, the machine counts them and responds! The ancient Punies must've been really sophisticated... This is totally fascinating!

What a Tattle for this one! We can see a bit of a foreshadowing clue as to its purpose in the screenshot, however- the number 10 on that back pedestal turns into a number 9 when we step on it. Through walking on and off it, it is obvious that Punio is the one who is changing the count.

Punio is not 10 Punies, though, so this direction we go instead.

That's a Yux. Says here it's a creature created in the X-Naut labs. Max HP is 3, Attack is 2, and Defense is 0. According to this, attacks and items won't affect it if it has Mini-Yux around it. So, if any Mini-Yux appear, take those out first. Duh

Yux is the other major member of the X-Naut forces, and they float the slightest bit too high for Koops. These guys are the big reason to make sure you have something giving Mario or Goombella power, you want to be able to oneshot them.

They mostly throw 2 damage rings at you, but I'm told they can also try zapping you for three points of 1 damage. Both attacks ignore your defence. Lots of enemies casually ignoring that.

That's a Mini-Yux. A creature made to protect a Yux, it can split into two. Max HP is 1, Attack is 0, and Defense is 0. These twerps are the reason you sometimes can't do any damage to the main Yux. They're a pain, but you HAVE to beat them before the Yux. Flurrie's pretty effective…

At the end of every enemy turn, Yux will spawn one Mini-Yux. If a single Mini-Yux is alive, its parent Yux is immune to all damage of any sort. If you have no way to keep on top of these, you are in so much trouble.

Annoyingly, they're separate enemies in the Tattle Log.

I... think Yux can only spawn up to two Mini-Yuxes? Later varieties can spawn up to four, but I think this early type is more forgiving.

Flurrie's Gale Force will wipe out all Mini-Yuxes while not taking out the Yuxes, as the ultimate backup plan. You get to keep the Star Points, too.

3 damage per bounce is also useful aimed at Yux, and using Multibounce to deal with them handily. This... is a pretty situational tactic.

But this is one where it applies.

...I am not good at Multibounce.

Thankfully Goombella oneshots this one anyway.

This cutscene triggers just as you enter the room where the Punies are kept.

This grunt is... not enthused about the progress that is being made on the objective.

I find it interesting they can't find what they're looking for. Obviously, the techniques we'll be using to claim the Crystal Star are not available to the X-Nauts, but I feel like they have their alternatives.

A shadowy figure jumps down and shanks the dude.

He barely has time to register the pain.

Anyway, back to those cells.

This old Puni is the elder of the tribe.

She seems a little out of sorts, but at least she's all right.

...I'll take your word for it.

Punio's question is answered for the Elder, although she will be glad to have a long dialogue through the small textbox.

Hrmmmmmmm... Let me think... Where was I? Ah. Yes. Right. Your question. The rest of the Punies unfortunately, are locked away in the other cell. I don't mind telling you... those uncouth, vile goons... just have no consideration whatsoever for the elderly! None! None, I tell you! Honestly, I have to ask... what's a Puni like me supposed to do in a situation like this. I ask you! Please, I want to know. But anyway, Punio, listen... Yes, listen to your elder... I have to say something vital to you. Listen up!

She will loop through this dialogue for about twenty two textboxes.

Which is impressive, since Punio abandons her in three.

Petuni, and every single other Puni there is, is all in one cell, while the elder gets her own. Talk about an efficient use of space, guys.

Incidentally, my issue with the Elder is that her purple antenna, combined with Petuni's pink, implies that Punies have sexual dimorphism in antenna colour. So why the hell are all the other Punies sharing an antenna? Couldn't have hurt to throw in a few more antenna colours, could it?

Petuni has a lot more faith in Punio than anyone else does right now, for obvious reasons.

...She is also so baby that she almost feels like she could walk through the bars without flipping. Couldn't have sprung for an elevated cage, Crump?

All right, so where can we look for that?

The Punies have dialogue if you Paper Mode into their cells, although this of no use to you.

And the two girls are the only Punies that can be talked to. I totally would have made one of the background Punies have a line of dialogue for comic effect.

That's the elder that Puniper mentioned. You gotta be real old to be called "elder"... Being trapped in here can't be good for her health... Let's hurry up and help her!

That's Punio's sister, Petuni. She really cares about her brother. I mean, you can just FEEL her love for him! I feel totally awful that she's all trapped in here. Let's hurry up and help her and the rest of them, OK?

The Elder and Petuni's Tattles. They get unique ones for this room.

As it turns out, the next room over was the place where our friend is currently resting off his unpleasant encounter with...

...Ms. Mowz? Damn, the rat has teeth.

I don't think we need to think too hard on that one.

Koops: Oh! Hey! I know you! Y-You're that one girl... I-I never thought I'd see... Wait, uh... Listen. I mean, not that I'm happy to see you, but... I'll shut up now.
: Excuse me? We must what? Are you a friend of Mario's? Oh, wait... I see. And I most certainly do NOT approve!

I feel Koops is going to have some uncomfortable stories to tell Koopie Koo when he gets home.

Ms. Mowz's Badge hunt has been a bit trickier than the one in Hooktail Castle, owing to the more active effort on the part of her opponents. Our Badge hunt appears to be about as profitable as Hooktail Castle, though- I count four Badges in both.

Ms. Mowz is happy to drop another kiss on Mario on the way over.

Good question. She didn't seem so happy to get in our way this time.

Koops: Aww, AGAIN? Why? How? You're SO lucky, Mario!
Flurrie: Oh, mercy me! Mario! You're popular with all the girls, aren't you?

I'd really rather not be! Mario seems like the type of guy to agree- you don't get that dedicated to a single woman without being the teensiest hint monogamous.

Ms. Mowz doesn't even have to ask to know why we're here, but she's happy to let us have this one, too. Suspicious, but she's not been fond of dealing with active resistance- a race is not to her strengths.

She's got nothing more to add. ...Not even entirely sure why she's here, but they kept the tradition of one appearance from her per Chapter until her time comes.

Koops: Man, she sure is cute.
Flurrie: Well! Don't worry, Mario! I'm not TOO jealous. What a shameless flirt, though!

I do wish you three would be a little less distracted by the sexy, though. Koops, I can get, he's of the right age, but the two girls are just going in on jealousy. Flurrie's might be performative, but could one of you at least be gay if we're stuck with this stupid joke?

That seems like enough time for the X-Naut to get to his feet. So much for Ms. Mowz's combat skill. No wonder she's abandoning the hunt.

Not me this time.

But I'll be glad to hurt you from the front.

This is also technically a mini-boss.

I think the only way you don't one-turn this is if you have P-Down D-Up P on and nothing boosting Mario's Might.

He had the Red Key on him. Looks like the Elder is being rescued first.

Wow, that's loads better than the other chests. Unfortunately, I don't really have anything I want to get rid of in my inventory, so I'll save-scum that and come back for it later, when I've made some space.

Anyway, here we go.

Whoa that's a mood swing.

Punio is not particularly surprised by the jump scare, although he's less certain what provoked it.

We are being purely helpful here.

I think she's talking about Punio leaving to find help in the first place? In context, it sounds more like she's blaming him for leaving the cell doors to look for the keys, which seems a bit more asinine.

Oh great, she's on a roll.

This expectation isn't coming out of nowhere, although I don't think it's ever followed up on. Which is a shame, because Punio would make a good future Elder character.


Apparently, Punio has either been listening to all that, or has a more productive looking face when zoned out.

Oh, picky, picky, picky.

Several hours in, and the Elder finally listens to what's going on.

And off she goes to somewhere more pleasant.

I'm sure she can get back on her own.

Well, we found the Red Key, but I think we'll need to look elsewhere for the Blue.

Have patience! And possibly learn how to use Paper Mode.

The only thing we really can do right now is talk to the Elder, as it happens.

He is impressed that, after several hours, we finally found the Elder. We are not convincing him most of that time was listening to her lecture, are we?

...I can't say those are unreasonable standards.

Although we do know where they are and what we need to do to save them.

Puniper's obstinance comes with the disapproval of the Elder.

She's pretty consistently portrayed as having a head screwed on to her shoulders (if she has shoulders) whenever there are neurons firing in that head of hers, and any argument she makes is reasonable if it's done in less than five minutes.

She has no patience for Puniper's antics and tells him Punio has done enough on his own, the Punies are doing stuff now.

Although she did wind up mishearing Mario's name at some point.

...Let's let it lie, Punio, she's close enough, everyone knows who she's talking about.

Puniper accepts that this is the right thing to do, in the end.

No further objections? Good!

We now have an army of tiny ones! Punio and Puniper will continue to exist as recognisable party members, but the number of Punies we have will start to matter, as well as how they're behaving.

If you might recall the Gamecube's history with small armies of tiny creatures with iconic antennae, you might be having a few choice flashbacks. Don't worry, Pikmin AI isn't as bad as you remember it. These guys have plenty of it, though.

And Punio is glad to hear they've stepped up at last.

Goombella: Hey, if you're done rallying everyone... I have a question. We're looking for this Crystal Star thingamajig... Ever heard of it?
Koops: Umm, while we have your attention, can I ask you something? We're looking for this thing called a Crystal Star... Have you heard of it?

So, saving the Punies is one thing, but if we're going to stop the X-Nauts for good, we must do something to neutralise their objective. Even if we send them packing, they're only going to come back with reinforcements for it.

The Elder, unlike the rest of the Punies, knows of it.


It is a story known only to the elders, and as time has passed, the identity of the stone itself has faded from memory- whether because the original message did not include it or generations of elders getting into their forgetful phase before passing it down, who knows. But they're definitely guarding something that may or may not match the definition of the artifact the X-Nauts are seeking.

The Elder decides that, whether or not Mario is pure-hearted enough, he is definitely more deserving of the Crystal Star than the X-Nauts, and he should probably go and claim it first.

All she knows about how is "go down". We'll be figuring that part out on our own.

And the Elder has one more thing to make sure we can actually make it there.

This is true. Without the Blue Key, there is outright no way to the bottom of the Tree.

This isn't actually related to having all the Punies in our party, but it will be of critical importance in finding the Blue Key. And also for doing stuff once we have all the Punies, too.

This Orb is like Olimar's antenna to Punies- they will be drawn to it like a magnet, gathering in front of whatever pedestal we place it on and worshipping it.

Yes, even Punio and Puniper obey these mechanics.

This is done at the expense of anything else: If the Puni Orb is on a pedestal, all Punies in the room will make their best effort to stand in front of it regardless of what obstacles one might logically find on the way. If they can't get there because path-finding, they'll stay at the closest point they can find.

We never wind up giving this back, incidentally. Funny note.

And with that, we have player control-

I love how she actually almost lets us go on with the gameplay before remembering this one.

This is a completely optional mechanic, and is the game's safety net around any particularly stupid Puni behaviour.

If you really can't find a Puni, you can always come back to the Elder and have her reset the game state so that all Punies are in your party. If you're good at managing your Punies, there is never any reason to use this. If you're less good, this could come in handy at the odd point. Usually, though, whatever you lost your errant Puni on will be just as frustrating the second go around, and the dungeon is a shade too linear for the Punies to be missing in a room you won't backtrack through to check the Elder.

The dialogue for checking in on her. She'll scoff at you if you try and tell her to whistle while having a full party, and she is unable to whistle Punies that are in jail- so no subverting the Blue Key that way. "Just saying hi" will just let her give some encouraging wisdom, while the last option...

Well! I'm shocked! Who makes fun of an old woman like that! Honestly! Why, if I were just ten years younger, I'd show you! Oh, you'd best believe it! I'll have you know that in my younger days I was considered a Puni prize! I had so many suitors, I had to fight them off! Eeeh hee hee hee hee hee! Now that I think about it, there was a particularly fine boy named Punderton...
Two hours later...
...And that's how I became the Puni elder, the leader of the Puni tribe. Now you know my tale, and I know yours, so good luck to you!

I wonder if there actually is any mechanic to all this time passing. Probably not, but best not to tempt it.

That's the Puni elder. She's ancient, but actually peppier than everyone else. No need to worry about her! She'll live to be 150, griping and nagging all the way...

And the Elder's tattle. Sounds like her.

Next time: The Punies shall guide the way.

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