Saturday 13 May 2023

PM Post-Chapter 7: Becoming the Master

We have one last Peach segment to go. Although there's little Peach could tell us- not only are we going right to her, but the game can't tell how we're going to get to Toad Town to set a Twink ambush.

Today, we're starting with an introspective scene on the balcony.

...I'm sorry to say this, Peach, but no you're not. Twink is only visiting us half the time, and usually the half of the time where "directions in which to go" is not the factor in question. Knowing there's a Star Spirit at a location mattered for Dry Dry Desert and Mt. Lavalava on a narrative level, but we were bound to wind up in Koopa Bros. Fortress and Shy Guy's Toy Box, while Lady Bow, Wise Wisterwood and Merle reached out to us for the Star Spirits in Gusty Gulch, Flower Fields and Shiver Mountain.

The player knows. You've told Mario virtually nothing, Twink.

That part, though, there is no argument against.

And hey, if it works, that's all we needed to do, right?

Bowser comes right into Peach's room. This Peach intermission won't have any gameplay- they didn't take away our Sneaky Parasol, and I'm not sure what they could do to make this segment unique in light of that.

Seven chapters in, Bowser has not changed one jot. It'd help her impression of you if you stopped having her thrown back in this room every intermission.

Peach rightfully shuts him down. For all the good it does.

He says this, assuming that he will be able to put a stop to whatever Mario has in mind.

And he's coming now. He has all the Star Spirits.

...We are going to spend this update cleaning out the corners of the world, but still.

Bowser maintains that this invincibility he totally has is more than enough to ensure he'll continue having the upper hand.

And to be fair, it's not like we've figured out how we're going to put a stop to that.

...I am told there are definitions of "raunchy" that are not "sexy", although I am certain that the decision to use it was a joke on the writer's part, although whether that's on parents or on censors is less clear. Probably both.

Bowser's failure to do any such thing is matched only by his confidence that the conversation is going anywhere near "passingly tolerant".

Bowser has now been made aware that, if they have an anti-Mario plan, now is the time.

"There is a chance he could come here using their power" does make sense- Mario needs the Star Spirits' power, literally, in order to gain the height necessary to even get to Bowser's Castle, let alone win the fight. I'm sure he could've thought of something- there are a few flying castles scattered around the Mario RPGs with other solutions to fly up to- but I think there's not a lot of flying things flying around in this game.

Bowser has a real plan, but he figures "why not throw everything and the kitchen sink at him first, wear him out and hit him on the backfoot". It's Mario, Bowser needs every advantage he can get.

She's going to love you for that, I guarantee it.

And Bowser taking the nuclear option on making sure she doesn't get away a second time. I don't think he bothers most of the time, although it does pop up in Super Mario 3D Land... which is another game where Peach tries a breakout.

Twink steps into frame to try and get Peach to safety, with all... waves vaguely.

In case you have been wondering why the hell nobody in the Koopa Troop has been acknowledging the existence of Twink, they canonically don't really think he's actually something worth preparing for. He's kinda trying to do... something to the Koopatrols to get them away from Peach here. It's debatable if the Koopatrols can even notice.

Bowser decides that, helpful or not, he's going to make sure Twink is of zero help.

And that's the story of what they're doing with Peach this time. Poor girl. It gets better after this game.

So then, what does Mr. Mustache have to say to make him stand out from the crowd?

Well, challenge Bowser, pick up a few Badges, and show the Master a few tricks.

Sadly, no. You are the last one, there's not a lot you could've been to be helpful.

Up & Away is another one of the many techniques in Mario's arsenal that can make enemies stop fighting us and leave without giving Star Points. I think it's far more effective than Spook and Hurricane, but I'm not sure by how much, and 2 SP for this feels less worth it than the more easily replenishable FP. That is, if you don't want those Star Points anyway.

...We actually get to go to Star Haven? I guess Bowser went there to steal the Rod, why not us?

This line is a lot cooler in JP, since Star Way is called the Star Road there. This is the same name given to the stars in Super Mario World that can teleport you across Dinosaur Island, and the fact this gets its own dialogue box with highlighting kinda feels like a dramatic wham fitting of a fanservicey reference.

So long. Which one was he again?

We're teleported outside Crystal Palace. So we've gotta walk through Shiver Mountain before we can get back home. Why didn't we get dropped off by the snowmen? I guess this fits with Mamar and Dry Dry Ruins, but still.

At least that means we can grab these on the way out.

Why do I care? I'm not going that way!

...OK, fine, proof of concept, here's a Pebble being used to keep these doors open.

...Well, I guess we're close to a level, we can deal with this.

Merle has dialogue for this, for all the reason you have to go to Starborn Valley after you get the Scarf.

...Thank you for the pressure. Are you planning on doing anything there?

I'm not 100% certain when Jr. Troopa's ice cube disappears, but once he does, he is replaced by two Gulpits.

...Well, it was two Gulpits before I hammered him.

I am just about to get into town, might as well...

...I am close to a level...

May as well.


That was not worth it. How did going back for that kill respawn the Gulpits?

Well, Monstar is no longer defending Starborn Valley, but now the road directly outside your village is infested with Gulpits, a far more terrifying enemy than Monstar ever was.

I don't think you upgraded.

I hope saving the world makes the Gulpits manageable. Since Bumpties are so bouncy, maybe they're not actually as vulnerable to rocks as us fleshy humans are.

At least he's happy with his warehouse.

Look, feel free to disengage with the world if you so please (it's probably the smarter call), but don't be surprised when the world moves on without you. Fortunately, I think I'll be done before you have to do something about this revelation.

Chuck Quizmo can appear in any one of the three maps of Shiver City, although he'd only do so once with his rules of spawning. Since we've got new questions, here he is. I'll show him in a lump later, of course.

Remember the time you nearly arrested me?

The Bumpties do know who Mario is. They just don't realise that I am Mario. The "M" on the cap is now as much of a clue as it seems.

It was a baby turtle.

...Now I say it aloud, that's ridiculous, but no, it was legitimately a baby turtle.

You penguins need to get out more. A lot more.

I've read a few Sherlock Holmes stories as a kid and don't remember the stories that well, but my impression of the detective genre is that, despite detectives actively pursuing known murderers, they aren't actually imperiled that much. Meanwhile, I'm fighting a fire-breathing turtle, which is far cooler, even if technically that turtle is a loser with a history of not killing people when he clearly has the power to.

He's a chump if you know his weaknesses. So, you know, swing him 'round by the tail and ground pound a meteorite into his face. And then chop the bridge he's standing on with an axe.

OK, it's been a while, but why are we only now hearing gossip about the Bumpty who didn't get out of Peach's Castle in time and got captured? Poor guy.

Mario is pretty famous for being an everyman. He's super famous, and so that distinctive cap, moustache and overalls outfit is immediately recognisable, but in person, he still comes off more as an average joe than a superstar sensation.

Your home was the setting for a terrible story, the cool stuff happened just next door. Penguin Patrol needs a better job.

Nah, what's going to happen is that no later game is ever going to reference this particular city again. The Mario franchise doesn't recycle these cities as much as it does the basic Toad Town.

With the ending being about a delicious cake instead of anything steamier. We are aimed at the kids.

All's well that ends well. I think "bygones be bygones" can be just fine with you.

A lot of people suddenly praising us for this. This wasn't the reason we came to Shiver City, though.

But it will certainly help them out! We will rescue that poor Bumpty and bring closure to your little 'berg.

Resting at this Toad House after accomplishing a specific objective gets you a one-time present of an Ultra Shroom and four Mushrooms. Bit of a shame, since we need an infinite source of Ultra Shrooms in JP, but it makes sense.

A lot of people, casually, assume this objective is "beat Chapter 7", since it's unlikely they'll come back to Shiver City to prove otherwise after completing the real objective.

This Ultra Shroom is known, in the rando community, as "Snowman's Gift", since it is set to spawn after giving the snowmen the Scarf and Bucket (obviously, the rando community is more likely to give the snowmen their clothes and then leave Crystal Palace undone even without promise of five potentially necessary items). I'm tickled that the snowmen were happy enough with their new clothes that they gave us an extra reward on top of opening the Crystal Palace for us. It seems to have melted them a bit, though.

I've only rescued her from certain danger a thousand times. Give it a few more years and that's probably literal.

...I always preferred Daisy Yes, but no. She's a busy woman, she has an actual job, as much as that might be pleasant, I'm sure there's no way that can work.

Setting a good standard for the kids, question mark?

This kid realises how ridiculous the idea of doing what Mario does is, for someone who... well, honestly, for Mario too. How such a portly man does all these athletics with no body problems, and how only him seems to be just fine, goes unaddressed. Probably for the better.

He just works, and if the Toads thought about it too much, they might try and get Mario to take breaks.

I think I can grant that wish.

...She actually does follow through on that, and I wonder if the purpose of these NPCs is to set that up. I wish they had a little more to them to lead you in that direction.

It is worth every coin.

"I see her talking to your brother a lot, though."

...Oh great, this NPC heard that "rumour"...

Well, at least he's wrong for the right reasons. Still dead wrong, though.

These Toads have the right spirit. Even if I'm raising an eyebrow a bit at the language.

...Didn't you already say that?

...You know, the battle between Mario and Bowser being like the tides rising and falling is one hell of a metaphor, but one I feel is definitely apt. These big, defining moments would be the big waves of a strong tide.

This Toad skips over Shiver City to talk about our next destination, Star Haven. Which is hardly a place where any tourism is likely to happen, for multiple reasons.

"It would get one visitor ever, but I would be grateful to be at your service, Mario."

Rosalina says yes. Until you realise what it means to be living on cosmic time and not Earth time.

...I can stay for free in any Toad House.

..."Aside from sailing on the stars, it's basically just a cozy little castle town". Are you sure those thoughts flow one to the other?

...No promises. Gravity is a harsh mistress.

...I'd ask about a cooking competition, but that would lead to the odd arrangement of the princess of the kingdom catering for her own rescue party.

On the other hand, that seems to be Peach's natural state.

...You still need to consider what "myself" is going to be. Then again, most Toads seem to do just fine as random NPCs with funny dialogue.

Maybe you'll grow up to be the best Yellow Toad we've ever seen, Josh.

...Right. I forgot that part.

If he thinks going to save the day involves getting help from a cute ghost girl with a badass fan, he would be a) right and b) much more concerned about how helpful him and his tiny little spear is.

All aboard!

Unfortunately, this does not seem to be followed up on. There's some level of postgame, but it doesn't stretch to this particular map.

Eh, he's not as big as he is some of the time. I think the console New Super Mario Bros. games have Bowser drawn far bigger compared to Mario than he is here.

No, that would be Luigi. And/or possibly Spike.

...Don't cry, you're making me tear up.

...You love those Badges, don't you?

You do not need to depend on the Stars. I say as I go on a quest to restore them to working order.

Mario went to the Shiver region to look for the last Star Spirit and discovered the legendary Crystal Palace at the top of Shiver Mountain. This Palace is said to have been built and dedicated to the Star Spirits. Bowser's evil followers, however, had taken it over. Mario put those goons on ice and saved the last Star Spirit! Now, with all of the Star Spirits together, they're on their way to Shooting Star Summit. It's finally time to head for Bowser's Castle! Good luck, Mario!!

Nice and fitting for the "final" notice. There's one more after this, though.

Spirits at All-Time High

Now that Mario has found a way into Bowser's Castle, local folks cannot help but expect that our princess and her castle will soon return. Several shops even appear to be planning "Welcome Home" sales for the return. Everywhere you look, hope shines in people's eyes. Will our fair town return to normal soon?

Yeah, I think that's the note I want things to be ending on.


Three letters today. We haven't actually got them all, which is weird. I wonder what's going on here.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Please understand how I feel! I love you!
Your Bruce

...I missed out on some of the good mail, but I got that? Into the fire it goes.

Dear Spike,
You turncoat!! You're hanging around with Mario! I'll never forgive you, you big traitor! I heard that your real name is Lakilester, too! I never heard such a silly name! I'm gonna call you Lakilester from now on. The only way you could earn my respect now would be to beat... Lord Bowser! Yeah, right! Do that and I'll forgive you!
Flight, of Team Lakitu

...The more and more I read about Spike, the more I wonder if I'm actually coming out of nowhere on the "Lakilester is his deadname" jokes or if there's a genuine parallel to be drawn. It's done with about the same tact afforded to the canonically trans character present in TTYD, though.

Watt, thank the Stars that you're safe! I was so worried! When you first disappeared, we were completely baffled. Nobody would help us and we couldn't find a clue! Then we went to Toad Town and heard about the Toy Box. I was pretty sure you'd be OK in there for a while, but... I was still worried! Please give my deepest thanks to those who saved you! Come home soon!
Your Mother

How the Big Lantern Ghost got his hands on Watt is unmentioned, but I always thought the Hotheads that are her family (sidenote, Watt has a mother!) lived in the Toy Box. Watt got captured from elsewhere in the world? I can only imagine what her mother would think when she comes back having gone toe to toe with the Koopa King.

Letters I missed:


Whaack-oo! This is Whacka!
Mr. Parakarry, from my place in the shadows, I always see you flying above Mt. Rugged. It looks like so much fun, flying on a sunny day! Tell me about it sometime. My wish to the Stars is that you never fall from the sky!
Whacka of Mt. Rugged

I know you have to talk to Whacka with Parakarry to get this- at least, I've been told this- but why I didn't wind up getting it even having done so is another question.


Dear Sushie,
You followed Mario, didn't you? How are you doing? I never expected you'd go with him. I want to hear about you, Mario and everything else, so why don't you come to see me when you finish traveling? If you have a hard time climbing the tree, I'll come down for you.
Raphael the Raven
P.S. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll make anything.
Raphael the Raven and Sushie are acquainted? Now I've seen everything. I wonder if Raphael lent a hand making sure the kids didn't get too roughed up in Jade Jungle...

I wish I had a Toad I could count on. I know full well that Toad would and/or should be Toadette, though.

This joke continues to get slightly upsetting when you remember what Goombario said about him way back when. Your dialogue may change, but your Tattles never do.

Peach. Occasionally Luigi.

And sometimes, that is all I need.

This seems like a good time for that enthusiasm.

And hey, if that enriches the lives of your wife and kids, that's all the world can ask of you. Not everyone needs to be Mario.

Sounds like her. Peach has always been more concerned about Mario's health than her own. Considering Mario dies in three hits in the plaformers, maybe she's got a foot to stand on.

Third coolest, after Bow.

...That might be a healthy way to nudge him off a dangerous choice in career. Make him feel like he's helping by supporting Mario, to help him with his need to feel like he should be contributing, while at the same time giving him a more realistic target for how to spend his time.

According to the vast stores of information I've gathered, there appear to be soldiers called the Koopatrol guarding Bowser's Castle. They're nasty. And moreover, you can't jump stomp on them because they're fitted with special spiked armor. There are creatures called Bony Beetles as well. They can also extend sharp spikes. When you head to Bowser's Castle, I would recommend that you take along a Spike Shield Badge, if you have one.

If only there was a clue where that was. It's in Dry Dry Ruins, and only RNG will have Merluvlee point that out. With that said, both Koopatrols and Bony Beetles have good reasons to be Jumped on, as opposed to the use of other techniques, so the suggestion has merit beyond that.

You know a fellow called Goompa in Goomba Village? In olden times, he used to be a famous fighter. His name is all over the copy of the Fighter's Almanac that I happen to own. He was an unrivaled champion. He'd knock out his enemies one after another using his greatest move, the Multibonk. When he was younger, he traveled the world, looking for someone to challenge him. In fact, Goompa taught the Dojo Master here in town.

Mostly lore in this one. Goompa using the Multibonk to great success is certainly how many of Power Bounce's fans might describe it, but that sounds more like TTYD's Multibonk than Goombario's. Shame about having to Charge it.

In the frozen heights of the north, there's an icy peak named Shiver Mountain. Legend has it that deep in the mountain is a mystical fortress called the Crystal Palace. The existence of the Palace has faded from people's memory. In this day and age, nobody remembers where it is or how to get there. You can see why folks call it a phantom palace. There is hope, though... According to my sources, the famed archaeologist Kolorado has immediate plans to search for and rediscover the legendary crystal structure. How exciting! Ah, to be young and adventurous again!

Already been. Kolorado will love it. If he can avoid going insane from the mirror and the Duplighosts.

...On second thought, no one should go there, those Duplighosts will be devastating.

Just the other day, I was fortunate enough to read the most fascinating book. This book said, and I quote... "...the Evil King chortles, and a sacred rod and seven lights fade into darkness. A lovely maiden rises to the heavens. But lo! A hero clad in red appears and travels the world. He gathers around him eight who are pure of heart. This hero restores the seven lights, and they raise him high into the sky. On the airy heights, the hero clashes with the Evil King. The lovely maiden wishes..." That's how it ended! Somebody had torn out the rest of the pages! Now I'll never know the ending! What kind of no-good tears up books!?! I think I have heard of this kind of story but I'm not sure where I read it...

I have absolutely no idea what that story could possibly be alluding to.

In all seriousness, this seems like Herringway has some serious competition in the field of "books that tell the story of this adventure". Partners in Time has a similar joke of an NPC having found a book that alleges to tell the story of the game currently in progress (with an identical punchline of the book's ending having its pages torn out), although what, exactly, the missing pages are telling us is anyone's guess. "Peach wishes" is one interesting start to that sentence.

Luigi continuing to live vicariously through Mario because he's not allowed to do anything else.

Post-Chapter 7 chalkboard. We're almost done with Star Pieces, and the Badges won't be too far behind. Seems a shame to not bother with Tayce T., but hey.

The last letter Mario receives (and yes, we have received them all this time) is from... the Wise Wisterwood?

Dear Mario, How are you holding up? It's so sunny in Flower Fields. Peace has returned here. Lily's in her own little world, as usual. Rosie is spreading a rumor that you're interested in her. I hear that Petunia is singing your praises across the land. As you know, I can't move from this spot, but I'm content to watch the Bub-ulbs frolic. Good luck to you, Mario. All of Flower Fields is wishing to the Stars that your dreams will come true.
Wise Wisterwood

It makes sense we'd get some sort of checkup letter from Chapter 6 (even if Lily and Rosie are concerning), but nothing with a sense of finality to it?

Somebody said to me that a way will open when you use a scarf and a bucket... What? A scarf for a snowman? Wouldn't it melt him?

...Random, remote clue for how to progress through Chapter 7?

Yesterday, I got stuck in the trapdoor when I was entering my secret room... Have I been using it too much? Or am I putting on weight? I'd better oil it to make it open easier.

If you're getting stuck in that giant floor panel, I think you're using it very weirdly.

...Wow, a lot of people with unique dialogue now.

(Incidentally, we can see Goombaria has returned home, so the Dolly can now be returned if you somehow haven't done so yet.)

We're just here for Goompapa's mail.

"Just a father reading his daughter's mail, what's the harm?" he asks. Then again, Frost T. told us to give it to Goompapa and why, so I imagine that, whatever the address, we can explain why Goompapa is OK to read this.

Luckily, Goompapa seems like he can help explain whatever this is to Goombaria. Although the fact it is a non-trivial task for him says volumes about how helpful Goompapa's help is. Imagine leaving Goombaria to her own devices with whatever this is. That's not a productive way to broaden her horizons, that's a productive way to get her to give up whatever field this is altogether.

Lucky Day (7 BP), the ultimate reward for delivering all fourteen letters in this chain, is a powerful Badge well worth the effort, if you're willing to pay that BP cost. It has the same effect as Pretty Lucky, but instead of a 10% chance of success, it's a 25% chance. Not quite as good as Close Call, but it works all the time. The weakness, of course, is that you never know when that 25% chance is coming your way.

It's-a me, let's a-go, hope the other person lets me get on with it.

"I'll grow a ponytail and get into archaeology!"

I wonder if Goomba Village is supposed to just be the family. It's funny to imagine this line when you know the context.

...You already did.

Despite the Russ T. line, Goompa doesn't seem to be particularly interesting today.

"Hey wait a minute, didn't you say Koopa Koot was done?" It turns out that's not quite true...

But in practice, it is. This is not an official favour, nor will we ever be able to turn this in.

"And if you do, I will give you a coin."

No. Well, OK, Bombette will come back after we beat Bowser, but it will not make him quiet.

Out of the house, you.

Anyway, onto Quizmo. "Penguin" seems to be the term they use for the penguins of Shiver City, despite the fact they are clearly Bumpties, although this may be because of the reference to Cool Cool Mountain- the penguins present in Super Mario 64 are "Penguins", something distinct from Bumpties.

Point is, neither of them are present in Starborn Valley- all you find there are Star Kids, Ninjis, Toads, and Merles.

These questions only appear if you beat Chapter 7, so they're allowed to reference what you have. Eight is the final correct answer. I imagine they didn't give this one sooner so the fact there wasn't a ninth in Chapter 7 wouldn't be a surprise- although Spike was already far too late.

Somehow, I feel like "Twink" is still the best name on this list, despite what the modern internet has done to that word.

Didn't we already get a question about counting Star Spirits? (Question 18.)

If you finish Chuck Quizmo, he has a longer speech prepared.

He's very excited about it. Even though it's clear some of these questions were dynamically chosen. Also shoutouts to "what is my name?"

Why is the weird worm who shows up out of nowhere retiring? It sounded like a good idea at the time. What does he move on to?

...No, this line really comes directly afterwards. OK, now there must be some kind of mistranslation at play.

He does have a cameo in TTYD, although not directly in Mario's presence.

Finally grabbed this.

Because with Quizmo finished, it's time to turn in our Star Pieces.

Merlow's proud of his dad. At least someone's proud of him.

Says the youngest one. I wonder if Merle knows Merlee's set up shop in a desert yet.

The fact that Merlow is the only use case for Star Pieces makes the fact Merlow gives you a Star Piece for his letter incredibly hilarious, and the developers knew they had no choice but to milk it. At least this means this isn't one of the Star Pieces we've already given him.

That's the last Merlow Badge acquired.

Merlow has a complete collection of 160.

Merlow doesn't quite think far enough ahead about the whole "not having any Badges to give". Maybe in the next game.

Now I pack D-Down Jump. Anyway, here we are going all in on power.

It is time for the final battle with the Master.

He's not kidding.

Cover your butts.

He is The Master. He owns the Dojo- and he's the strongest member. Max HP: 99, Attack Power: 10, Defense Power: 1. He may well know a few moves I've never heard of... We can't expect mercy from this guy, so let's take the fight to him.

The Master (Lv. 1) is tied for the highest HP in the game with Final Bowser, an accolade which leaves people calling him stronger than the final boss. I disagree with this assertion- while the Master's attacks do more damage, Final Bowser has tricks that are far more frustrating to deal with, as well as a higher Defence score. The Master has a straight punch that does 10 damage, as well as two nasty tricks that we... won't see later.

For now, it's time to go all in on the D-Down Pound.

Because he's going to go all in on the slide kicks.

16 damage a turn on Mario, that's slightly over 6 turns. The Master wins in five. And I thought I was powerful- then again, I guess I did apply P-Up D-Down.

Do you have anything else to add?

Something occurred to me partway through this battle- Bombette does 6 damage to an opponent with 1 Def, which is higher than Watt's Electro Dash. I think it's time we give the cute bomb something to show off.

All right, the Master's secret trick.

...Less damage than usual? The Master has two combo attacks this time around, a two-hit combo and a three-hit combo. I am told that these do 5+6 and 5+6+7 damage, respectively, although clearly I just took 7 damage from the first hit of a combo- I'm on -1 Def, so this hit should be rated at 6 damage (I suspect the double combo is 6+7). With Zap Tap, combo attacks are purely weaker than his default slide-kick.

This fight was brought down to the wire. Although I imagine all those failed comboes saved me.

So long. You had great strength for one clothed like a genie.

Following in Pokemon's footsteps, the reward for the hardest challenge the game is willing to throw at us is a Diploma. We can't even print this one out!

Super Mario RPG's Dojo, when you beat its master three times, ended in a far more satisfying way: Jinx, humbled by the overwhelming strength of your technique, renamed his dojo in Mario's honour and set himself and his disciple the task of performing a thousand Jumps to adapt Mario's technique into their own.

Cough cough... Mario, you have already proven yourself stronger than me. You should train by yourself out in the wide world. I also need to... keep on training. Wheeze...

Then again, that sounds like it would've killed the Master.

So then, what happens if we brag about our Diploma?

They seem excited.

Job well done. Now to go beat the other big boss.

...Sure you don't want to lend a hand, Master?

All right, time for some cooking. We need some powerful healing items to pack in our inventory.

Such as Tayce T.'s ultimate unique item. I always skip past the unique dialogue for the best recipes, I'm used to skipping the dialogue for normal ones.

Seemed worth it, at least once.

Also consolidated a few of my Ultra healing items into recipe Ultras.

...She considers this a specialty recipe? I get it's got a high healing cost, but that does not look like something that'd be a special recipe. It also doesn't look tasty. Although something that weird is almost definitely healthy...

In contrast, the ultimate FP healing item in the game isn't a "special" recipe.

That's a lot of powerful healing items all around, although I do tend to prefer my Life Shrooms. I'll have time to change my mind before we commit to what we've got, but we have options. A few more HP items might be nice, though...

Our final consultation of the chalkboard. The 80th Badge is found inside Bowser's Castle, so that's everything I planned to collect.

Next time: We take the fight to Bowser.

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