Monday 22 May 2023

PM Battle with Final Bowser: Evil King of the Koopas

A far cry from its glory days, all right.

Since we're here with Mario, this guy is now relevant.

Thankfully, his days of hiding in a closet are drawing to a close.

And we can use this as a Toad House. Admittedly, there was a Heart Block not too far before Junior, but this also covers Star Power.

All the rooms are still here, and lit far more pleasantly than the main lobby, and this is your only chance to see Goombario talk about them.

It's a kitchen. I'm just guessing, but I bet this is where they make the meals. The castle's head chef probably cooks all the meals, don't you think? I wonder what kinds of savory dishes he knows how to make. Hey, Mario... Have you ever eaten here?

...Do you know you're being ironic? Most of the time Mario eats at Peach's Castle, Peach is the one doing the cooking, which makes me suspect either they don't actually hire a full-time cook or Peach is playing the longest through-his-stomach game ever.

It's a dining room. It looks like somebody has eaten here recently. Probably not the princess- they're probably starving her! People always say that the meals served here are delectable. I'd love to eat here sometime.

It's less that they're starving her and more that none of them know how to cook. Living in Bowser's Castle is suffering.

If Peach has put any items in here that Mario hasn't yet taken out, you can do so from this chest as well as the usual one on Shooting Star Summit.

Wow! So many books. If we weren't in the middle of such an adventure, I'd love to read some of these.

At least he's a studious kid. We saw this Life Shroom in the corner during the pre-Chapter 3 intermission, but this is our first chance to grab it for ourselves.

This room doesn't have anything in it, although Goombario will acknowledge the frequent passage of an ash-covered princess wandering through this room.

Wow! This is Princess Peach's room, isn't it? It smells great in here! It's such a cheerful room, just like Princess Peach. I can't believe she was locked up in here for so long, all by herself. She must've been so lonely... We've got to rescue her, right now!!

Peach's room has all the same easter eggs as usual, although it's worth noting you cannot find the secret passage. Not that you need it.

Can't resist a dramatic setpiece, can you Bowser?

Right. We have an answer to you. Hopefully this time it sticks.

Squash us personally now and never earlier. I guess it's no fun if he's still weak.

And we're unstoppable.

It's the Evil King Bowser! Finally, after all this time! Max HP: 50, Defense Power: 1. He has a huge arsenal of attacks, from blowing clouds of fire to jumping on us. Fire Attack: 8, Stamp Attack/Nail Attack: 6. I'm sure he has other attacks that I don't know. Boy, does he look nasty! He's strong enough as it is, but I'm sure he can use that Star Rod to increase his power until he's nearly invincible. Princess Peach needs us! Let's take him, Mario!

Bowser (Lv. 99) has picked up a few new tricks since the first battle, and a lot more base power. His "nail attack" (the claw swipe we saw) will not only do 6 damage, but it also has a chance of Poisoning if not blocked. The stamp attack allows him to take one of your commands away if not blocked. He has a Star Rod shockwave attack that does 4 damage to Mario, 3 to the partner, and I believe always removes any applied buffs- although maybe you get to keep them with a block. He can heal 20 HP. And of course, he may just apply the Star Rod buff.

An interesting note is that Fire Shield will reduce the damage of Bowser's flame breath. Obvious in hindsight, perhaps, but you think of that Badge as being so Chapter 5 that you might not realise this counts.

Doesn't even change to a new song. We'll see what else he's got in his bag of tricks.

This is clearly a fight that's going nowhere fast for him.

He will always use the Star Rod buff on Turn 2.

If you're curious, in addition to the defensive merits (which aren't 'reduce all damage to 0', but the damage reduction does apply to Watt too), all incoming attacks do twice the printed damage- with the exception of the shockwave attack, which will still do 3 damage to the partner (but 8 to Mario).

Star Rod forces a Star Beam.

And Bowser is aghast to realise that, oh crap, Mario has a plan.

Fortunately for him, so does he.

Of course I get the heal.

Well, clearly I've been entered into the damage races, so race I shall.

If you can block his attacks, he's not so bad. Probably the mark of a good final boss, to encourage being good at the blocking.

 Also, he's done.

Now come on, they wouldn't give Star Points for the final boss, would they? The level reference I've been using puts Hallway Bowser at level 0, but judging by these 38 Star Points and my level of 24, he's got to be level 99 or 100.

...Oh yeah, I also got a level up. 40 FP for the final boss. Levels 26 and 27 are a little out of range unless you're grinding Dry Bones or Amazy Dayzees, and 40 FP should be sufficient.

Let's see... Power Plus from Anti Guy, Power Plus from Merlow, All or Nothing from Rowf, and P-Up D-Down from the Crystal Palace.

So yeah, remember how Peach saw something interesting upstairs, back in the Chapter 6 interlude?

That's where we're going.

And clearly whatever he has in mind, he needs to be upstairs. So the best way to see that happen, of course, is to make sure we have to follow him.

Goombario's Tattles here are about the urgency of the situation- they are still tied to rooms, but we can only visit these rooms at this point in the story.

This Save Block is the last one in the game. Use it. Now is also the time for your final preparations.

It's a castle tower. These long spiral stairs go up and up and around and around. Oog... I feel dizzy.

I wish I had the room for D-Down Jump. But even taking off Speedy Spin is no hlep there. Quick Change isn't that great, honestly, but it's helpful enough for my purposes.

So does he have in store at the top of the spiral staircase?

A custom designed battle arena.

It's themed around the Clown Car. And it has a button.

...Hopefully, all that button did was take away the bridge.

So are you.

...Wait, never mind, you can walk off-screen and get the Clown Car. Yeah, we're screwed.

I think it's a little late for that, Peach.

Kammy remembers to pop in and throw out some taunts.

Well... yeah. You threw one yellow block at me and called it a day.

Well, OK, she also summoned the Goomba, Koopatrols and Hammer Bros. in Shy Guy's Toy Box. Give her a little more credit.

So what has Kammy spent her time doing? Building a custom arena... that can power up Bowser.

Kammy has an undercurrent of vanity, and makes sure that it's obvious this thing was her idea.

And she's the one who charges it up.

Welp. I can't say it's not working.

This ominous powerup is accompanied by a change to Bowser's Rage, which will continue on to be Bowser's boss theme.

This thunder-strike is timed so it goes right together with that crescendo after the organ opening.

Kamek: "Big deal. I make him grow giant all the time in the platformers."

The blue fire effect kinda flows weirdly when Bowser walks around. This applies to his physical attacks in the fight, too.

It's the Evil King Bowser! Uh... I think he got bigger. That's not a good sign... Max HP: 99, Defense Power: 2. He has a huge arsenal of attacks, from blowing clouds of fire to jumping on us. Fire Attack: 10, Stamp Attack/Nail Attack: 8 I'm sure he has other attacks that I don't know. Kammy Koopa's mysterious device has somehow beefed up his power even more. That's hardly fair! You should use that Star Beam whenever he uses the Star Rod to increase his power. Oh, you already knew that?

Bowser (Lv. 0) is the final boss fight, and already we can see the improvements Kammy's power has given him. All of his attacks from Hallway phase have been given a +2 Atk buff- although the shockwave will always do 3 to the partner still, his healing move covers him for 30 HP a pop, and he also has an attack where he drops down lightning for 10 damage. I call this guy scarier than the Master, and that's because healing, the shockwave and any status ailments you get hit by if you don't block the Stomp and Claw will mess you up far more than raw damage ever will.

You're going to want to unleash everything you've got.

...Considering he's only got 2 Def and Mario's not using FP, I feel like switching to Bombette instead of Watt. I'd say "girl power", but Watt's a girl too.

Bowser still has this trick, and when it doubles his damage, that counts the +2 damage- ie his fire breath will do 20 all up. He will always use it on Turn 3.

We've seen how this ends, Bowser, we know you're-


What did Kammy do, and how did she manage it? I suppose it was too much to ask the Star Spirits to restore their powers immediately after being captured...

Right... Plan B.

...Does anyone have a Plan B?

Goombario: Oh, we're hurting, Mario! The Star Beam doesn't work!
Kooper: Oh no, Mario! The Star Beam isn't working!
Parakarry: Uh-oh, this is a problem! The Star Beam's ineffective!
Bow: Well, don't just stand there staring at the sky, Mario! The Star Beam doesn't work! Think of something!
Watt: Oh no!! We're in trouble! The Star Beam doesn't work? Oh, that bad monster is gonna beat us up now for sure...
Sushie: Oh, this is no good! The Star Beam doesn't work! What'll we do, Mario!?
Spike: Oh man, just what we need!! The Star Beam's broken! What're we gonna do, man?

As usual, Bow and Watt are the only partners who inject any personality into their lines.

..."Brave Mario"? I don't think I've ever heard that particular interjection used anywhere else in the series. Although I don't think Mario ever usually gets titles. Imagine calling him Sir- it just doesn't fit.

Afraid it's looking that way, Peach.

It was your idea to stand next to her, don't complain.

...Well, hello, Twink! I was wondering where you went.

Well, now we have Peach and Twink! Better than just a captured Peach.

Although we also now have an angry Kammy Koopa. If Twink can't even knock out an old lady Magikoopa, we're not throwing him against Bowser.

Kammy immediately starts a battle sequence with Twink and Peach. Remember, way back before Chapter 1, when Twink set up the Action Command tutorial? The sprite he uses for being in battle is the same one he brings here, and you can tell even without seeing it animated it was designed for this fight first.

Kammy doesn't have her own boss theme- Bowser's Rage has been continuing uninterrupted this whole time.

The battle of the baby and the elderly, which one's less weak?

This fight is entirely scripted. Everyone involved has only one attacking move, Twink doesn't have any Action Commands (Mario has the Lucky Star, remember?) and Kammy will only ever perform one attack.

Hope you don't lose to Bowser after this!

This is also the game's only boss fight with Kammy Koopa. A bit disappointing, since we got a uniquely designed Magikoopa, but on the other hand, Magikoopas in this game always were better buffers than they were attackers...

So much for that first Dash in the cutscene.

Although it definitely feels like Peach should be the leader and Twink the partner to mirror Mario, this fight treats Twink as the leader and Peach as the partner. Well, OK, that's not entirely true- this fight doesn't even let you switch the order Peach and Twink act in.

Peach's Focus action gives Twink a little more of a glow.

And Kammy's only attacking move is to summon a yellow block and drop it on Twink's head. This attack is rated at 4 damage, not that Twink has health to deduct. I understand Kammy only having one attack for a scripted battle, but why is it summoning the yellow block? I suspect somewhere along the like, Kammy got short-changed as a development time issue. I mean, at least spring for the magic blast Magikoopas perform as their bread and butter.

Twink has suddenly managed to land some damage!

...And the yellow Block doesn't hurt so bad...

The only thing that seems to be making an impact is...

...Peach's Focus.

Peach's Focus has been giving Twink +1 Atk/Def.

And now the yellow block doesn't hurt at all. I love how Twink doesn't even break animation.

Kammy has to know this, her plan to give Bowser more power by disrupting the Star Rod to her advantage relies (at least somewhat) on knowing what power she's tampering with. By stealing the Star Rod and brandishing that wishes will no longer be granted, the people of the Mushroom Kingdom have stopped wishing... and the Star Spirits weaken as a result.

But Peach has never been one to shy away from the power of wishes and good feelings. That's the main reason she was ever kidnapped in the first place. (I mean, nowadays, she's kidnapped because she's always kidnapped.)

Kammy has 10 HP, and will always go out the Dash after she notices her attack doesn't work anymore. Any further and it would just be padding. As much as the fight wasn't already padded.

No Star Points or any real celebration the fight's over.

Right, Twink's a little stronger and Kammy is now no longer interested in supporting this fight...

Now we need to throw what we've got at Bowser.

Twink's plan is to have Peach cast Focus on the Star Spirits.

With Peach, and the people of the Mushroom Kingdom, all staring skyward...

That may be just what we need.

Have they kept at it until now? Fortunately, Mario doesn't use any items or risk dying if they have.

Twink Dashes onto Bowser's back, and actually gets him to notice.

Bowser gets very confused, and wanders off to investigate what happened.

And while he does, the Star Spirits feel the power of Peach flowing through them.

Remember, Star Kids can grow to become Star Spirits.

And the Star Spirits had an upwards to go.

Let's-a go!

Eldstar does a hop to bestow this, and then all the Star Spirits follow suit in the second hop.

As a cute little detail, Twink is included in that second group, despite not yet being in formation.

Peach Beam is identical to Star Beam in every way except it works on Final Bowser. I don't think any of the other Star Spirit Powers are better or worse before/after this upgrade, it's just Star Beam Peach has upgraded.

Bowser turns back to Mario, realising he probably should have been paying attention to this.

Starting this phase of the fight kicks the real final boss theme into gear: Bowser, King of the Koopas. This might be one of the coolest riffs ever used for a fight between Mario and Bowser, and there's been no better time to use it.

This song was changed between JP and Int- the international version "has different percussion and a melody played an octave lower". I could not tell you what either of these phrases meant musically, and can barely hear the difference between the two tunes. They're both cool to me.

It's the Evil King Bowser! No more messing around! Max HP: 99, Defense Power: 2. He has a huge arsenal of attacks, from blowing clouds of fire to jumping on us. Fire Attack: 10, Stamp Attack/Nail Attack: 8 I'm sure he has other attacks that I don't know. When he increases his power with the Star Rod, our attacks will be totally useless. When that happens, you must use our ultimate weapon, the Peach Beam! It has the power of everyone's wishes! This is our time, Mario! Let's take this chump! We're coming, Princess!

Bowser has no notable differences between the first phase and this one- and so most of the stuff I said about him earlier applies moreso here, where he'll get the chance to use those attacks. No more surprises in store, though- now we're at the point where we win when Bowser hits 0.

And fortunately, any damage dealt to Phase 1 is still present here. At some point- I'm not sure when- we have also been fully healed.

Yes, the two phases of Bowser have different dialogue for Goombario's Tattle. Yes, the two phases of Bowser share a flag saying you Tattled them to show the HP bar. And yet the Anti Guys that had different weaknesses to Shock do not? (Both phases of Final Bowser have a 0% chance of all statuses- Hallway Bowser could be statused, but around 30% and only if he hasn't used the Star Rod.)

I've gotta be honest, I've never actually been able to notice whether or not Star Beam and Peach Beam have different icons- yeah, I saw Star Beam was all the Star Spirits in a bundle and Peach Beam was Peach wishing, but always suspected one was drawn to look close enough to the other. But no, the two attacks do have unique menu icons.

Twink gets to play centrepiece in the attack. Which is both adorable and awesome.

This was Bowser's Plan B. He is to be commended for at least thinking that far, but he does not have a Plan C.

Well, OK, his Plan C is to try and pull off this awesome final boss fight, and he fights tooth and claw for it.

Watt's Electro Dash matches Bombette's Bomb with far less FP consumption (by which I mean 0), so Electro Dashing Bowser is what people are used to. Bow's Fan Smack shows what happens to bosses without Defence- Watt's Electro Dash shows what happens to bosses with.

He's throwing these out every turn, by the way. Admittedly, this is his strongest attack, but six is still respectable.

This is the other reason to bring Watt to a boss fight. +1 damage adds up over four turns.

Because 12 damage is only mostly impressive. He can heal for 2.5x that amount.

Fortunately, because it is something that speedrunners are very scared of for obvious reasons, Bowser's healing AI is more understood than many of the other bosses (because those other bosses are much easier to defeat before it is relevant for multiple reasons). One thing that can help is to be damaged- Bowser is a bit of a sore loser, and will heal the higher your health is in relation to his on a percentage basis. This is another reason Danger Mario is so popular.

I do less than double the damage he does, and he has double my health. I think this percentage thing is going out well for me. Thankfully, I had a head start.

There's his shockwave attack. It didn't hit me at all, so I can't comment on what it did to my Turbo Charge, but Watt blocked it.

Ooh, got him on the ropes.

Yeah, that wasn't happening. I think, if you're not actively manipulating him for it, you're going to see one. He can't do more than three.

And the fact we have to use two turns of this high power build just to undo that heal speaks volumes as to how Bowser can clutch out a win here.

I mean, to be fair, we can heal ten times, assuming our inventory is full of Ultra Shrooms.

You might laugh at the futility. And it is futile.

But it is a turn Mario isn't attacking.

This is getting risky...

And I'm so close...

Probably should've Outta Sighted. If Watt still had a turn.

But hey, no better time to use these, and it made sure he didn't heal.

I feel like I cheated Bowser, at least a little bit.

Bowser has a bit of an electrical short I didn't catch, and then shrinks back to his normal, still gigantic, size.

And so began the long stretch from this game to... sometime around 2009-2013 when Nintendo, and most of the gaming public, were unable to take Bowser seriously as a character. I mean, where do you go from here but down? 15 years and the most literal deus ex machinas he can pull out of his shell, and it still ends with him face down in the lava pit.

Probably the most prescient of curses.

Victory achieved.

And one last Bow laugh for the road.

You, everyone in the castle, the concept of wishing...

Wait, hold on, how are we getting them out?

More to the point, how are we getting off this?

Bowser wakes up, and realises that oh crap, this is his problem too.

So what is his problem?

"He wasn't supposed to figure out how to short out your Star Rod buff!" Kammy blames the intensity of the battle, but really, I can see how Peach Beam might've interfered with the power circuits on this. Not that I understand how it works.

Well, that's convenient.

...If we survive this.

That's easy for you to say. You have a broomstick.

Bowser has the Clown Car somewhere. That still works, right?

Bowser and Kammy are interrupted before they can pull a villain exit, and are instead catapulted away by the ferocity of the explosion. Many of Bowser's defeats do similar (he more commonly dies of falling into lava, but it's probably the second most popular method), and he always lands somewhere where he can come back.

Anyway, Kammy mentioned Bowser's Castle?

Fortunately, that didn't count Peach's.

I'm going to assume all the prisoners being kept in Bowser's cell blocks were teleported into the castle through whatever magic saved it in the first place. Remember, we do possess the Star Rod right now.

Well, did. It belongs with the Star Spirits. Or possibly the Fountain of Dreams, depending on which of Nintendo's beloved platforming mascots you're playing as.

You're welcome.

...I don't suppose you can get better security on that thing, huh. Bowser got in by sticky-taping Kammy into the story.

And presumably, clean up whatever Bowser did in each of the chapters that we didn't.

And now the Star Spirits get to thank us in turn.

Muskular is as scrappy as his name makes him sound, in the end.

They come back as the hosts of Mario Party 5. Don't know if that counts as "not forgetting your efforts".

It's Bowser. The only thing less killable than the turtle himself is his propensity for mayhem. He can hardly try diplomacy- Toads run around screaming if he so much as enters the room.

And Kalmar proves these guys really didn't need and didn't use separate personalities.

Not a Star Spirit, but I'm not sure when they vote on who gets kicked out to fit him in. I cast my vote for Kalmar.

Twink's... a little less starstruck. Then again, this is high praise from Eldstar.

With nothing left to do but to see this castle land exactly where it started, the Star Spirits jobs here are done.

So long, and see you in Future Dream. I'll be the one playing as Daisy.

At the same time, meanwhile, it is also time for Twink's farewells, for much the same reason.

He's got a big job to do now that he's proved he can do it.

A stellar friend, but a sub-par messenger.

I'm not sure what they were going for here, and I'd rather keep it that way.

So long, Twink! Hook me up when I get to the Comet Observatory.

All the Star Spirits are shown flying away from the castle in different directions, one after the other, with Twink last.

He's the only one who looks back.

Peach's Castle falls underneath the cloud barrier, and that's where we cut away. We don't need to see it fall the rest of the way.

Next time: The ending wrap-up.

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