Saturday 15 April 2023

PM Post-Chapter 5 Part 1: Delicate Flowers

Before we find out what happened to Mario and Kolorado, we must first find out what Peach is up to.

...Really, Twink? That's where we're going?

Not only am I not entirely sure why Twink's commenting now, but Peach has never been a delicate princess even at her most submissive. She's always had that hard edge that the Paper Mario trilogy brings to the forefront somewhere in her character, and even without, a delicate princess would have been severely damaged by Bowser's kidnappings at some point (physically or mentally). I don't think Peach has ever been shown so much as crying when she's been captured- screaming for Mario, yes, but this seems to be a motivational tool more than an expression of displeasure.

Peach also says "I love to be delicate" with an unusual printing that makes it seem like she's sorta sing-songing it, so I do think she's at least kinda pulling his point.

That's right, Twink.

We got this one last time, but didn't have a good chance to return to the chest. In it goes, and that's all three of the Badges Peach can get. Peach can acquire inventory items later on, but if we forget to turn these in, we don't lose that much.

I went to visit the kitchen to see what would happen.

And this is when I learned about how hard it is to get out of the kitchen without being caught.

Our destination is over here, in Bob-omb Battlefield.

Although it seems this room is heavily occupied and there'll be no hiding.

We're not exactly going to have a lot of free rein here, but it does look like these guys are willing to overlook our escape.

Although he will ask for our co-operation.

We don't get an actual "Yes/No" choice, although I imagine a "No" would either be but-thou-musted or result in us being dumped in our room.

Twink suddenly prepares himself for danger...

And it's a gameshow.

"64th" seems to just be a reference to the console's arc number 64. Although I'm suddenly imagining the minions being so bored they've already run this game 63 times.

"Mr Hammer". Because MC Hammer was already taken. (Not that there are no references to the rapper, although that may just be because he did all the the easy jokes you can make out of the word "hammer" first.)

This quiz is very generous with what it allows you to not do. You don't need to answer every question correctly to win, and you don't even have to win to progress the story. If you want to win, you can also win by button-mashing through the quiz, being the first to attempt to answer and answering the first option each time.

If it takes you too long to answer a question, one of the other Koopatrols will attempt to answer the question.

The participation prize will count for something, though.

Half the questions are general questions the game does expect you to know.

And they have some cute animations for the quiz- especially on answering a question, with Peach and Twink having appropriate cheering animations.

The other half of the questions relate to Chapter 6, although the game has forgotten about the element of "Peach is learning this information to give to Mario". Twink's not going to show up in Toad Town, nor do they observe this might be relevant.

I was also too slow to buzz in, so Spiky Tom got an answer.

The Koopatrol in the blue booth never gets the chance to buzz in in this run, but his name is apparently Spiky John.

Aw, cute, he gets a cheer too!

(The distractors would have been "Toad Town" and "Goomba Village.")

That's an interesting phrasing, mostly to make the question harder.

The answer is Chomp. He's also the only one of these enemies that are round... or in Dry Dry Ruins. Maybe if Pokey was an option. Or maybe something round found elsewhere... Boo comes to mind.

I assume he's addressing this to Spiky John.

This is something that sounds nice to know.

Thanks for the help, Spiky Tom!

(The distractors are "Pray" and "Cry". I suppose that's what happens if you don't know how to get to the Flower Gate.)

...From the perspective of Bowser's minions, this is an interesting question. Bowser's crush on Peach is something he shares in his secret diary, and while I'm sure his minions are are least passingly familiar with his intentions to not hurt her, it doesn't really seem like it's an open secret. Yet.

...Then again, Kammy hardly feels like the favourite minion.

This question, in comparison to the others, is easy even without the limitation of "we haven't explored Flower Fields yet".

Come on, man, you've gotta try harder than that.

I think this is at least somewhat hinting to the player to think carefully about their answer- or perhaps "say the first thing that comes to your mind, it'll be the right one".

It's Mario!

This is the correct answer, though. They're Bowser's minions, and although Bowser hasn't become the great leader he will one day be, his minions are still unquestionably loyal. If anything, they ask the question "how can I accomplish Bowser's objectives better than Bowser's orders allow me to?"

(Distractors are "Koopa Bros" and "Mario". Both legitimately cooler people than Bowser, but the "this is an easy one" reminds you who's doing the quizzing.)

Another freebie.

It's not like Mario is famous for variety among the undead.

Memory question?

Ooh, that is a tough question. It is an important one, though.

All of these Flower Fields questions have been telling you about the next area, and all of a sudden the game is reminding you there's a Flower Garden in Toad Town. Have you been gathering those Magical Seeds?

No tension in this question, though. Without a multiplier, the points are obvious.

Let's see... with a five knot cruise with westerly headwind, followed by roughly twenty kilometres drifting down the Lakitu byway... can't say I'm all that with dead reckoning.

Oh. That's a little easier.

Not only is Peach cute and daring, she's also smart. She's coming for you, Zelda!

OK, when I said winning was optional, this is a powerful utility item. And also, if you want to acquire every single recipe in the game, you'll want this Jammin' Jelly. There are only four freebies outside the final dungeon, and this is one of them. Yes, you can use Oinks, but let's be reasonable.

There's a quiz in TTYD, too. There's also a "65th Quiz", and although the Japansese names aren't identical, I think they're close enough that it might be intended as a sequential reference.

We'll want this.

Let's not act like these guys are smarter than Bowser.

...OK, even if you assume she's not going to try to use this to attempt to escape, how is this a "little" prize? It's a literal perfect disguise generator!

Bowser heard the sounds of shenanigans going on and decided he wanted to be part of the fun. I don't think modern Bowser would go for this sort of thing, although considering there's not much the minions can do up here, I can't exactly blame him for taking an interest.

Bowser walks straight over to talk to the minions, and Peach decides now is the perfect opportunity to attempt to escape stage right.

She didn't make it out.

So much for not turning us in for playing your game.

At least we got something that could be useful later.

Anyway, when we last left our intrepid heroes, they had just escaped a horrible death in the mouth of a volcano.

Kolorado is leaving empty-handed.

And Misstar gives him a thorough tongue-lashing for his moment of foolishness. In his defence, he was doomed without your assistance no matter what he did.

I'm fairly sure this is how volcanic islands like Iceland and Hawai'i function- sure, the volcano erupts from time to time, but as long as no one is in the way and the lava drifts away from the habitable places, there's no reason we have to move.

Be disappointed as you please, but be glad you get to go home tonight.

Anyway, Misstar is done being a major character, we're going to go back to the Star Spirit thing.

Smooch is the game's only 3 SP Star Power, restoring Mario for 20 HP. I can't help but feel like the HP restore is kinda low for that Star Power cost, but it is comparable to most easily accessible inventory items. I feel like eating an item will always be better unless you're really desperate, though.

Cute that Misstar's reassuring Mario about Peach. That's what he's in this for, after all.

Kolorado walks home, dejected.

After finishing Chapter 5, the Yellow Yoshi becomes an NPC of interest.

He will ask for cooked items- I believe any item that is not obtainable through any means

I give up the Hot Shroom. I'm not sure what I'm using as my emergency supplies instead, but I obviously have something in mind.

The Melon is Yoshi's favourite fruit. In Yoshi Story, I'm told you must eat 30 Melons to get a high score- although I'm less clear on how that game works to reward this. Here, it's a reasonably cheap 15 HP heal, if you want to go out of your way for it (cook a Mushroom or Fire Flower and you can get these for Fried Shrooms and Spicy Soups). Melons cook into Special Shakes (20 FP) alone (as well as combined with 11 different ingredients), and also have a recipe for Super Soda and Yoshi Cookie (15 HP/FP, with Cake Mix). Special Shakes cook into Healthy Juice (40 FP) if cooked with a Strange Leaf or Dried Shroom.

Good as a reminder. We'll want to find that treasure.

If it's edible, it's gonna be cooked to a crisp.

I agree- you made a reasonable suggestion.

Hopefully you remember that one. Respecting kids is important.

...Of course the kids are that hyper about the erupting volcano. Should we have warned the parents?

We've already done plenty to share. Although I am busy... yeah, I'll consider coming back.

...I don't think I've ever seen someone genuinely use "radical" to mean "cool". There's a lot of modern punchlines where a character saying "radical!" in this way is a joke at their expense for being out of touch. I guess we're not entirely out of the 90s yet...

...Maybe we should take down the pulley before the kids try and sneak in.

...As long as you promise not to get up to mischief.

Says the one who broke down crying for losing everyone else in the jungle.

...On second thought, you at least looked.

I know that bravado from anywhere.

I can handle it.

...I think that is, technically, how volcanoes erupt. It's based on heating up rock to magma, and because magma wants to rise above rocks, it eventually sorts its way to the top of the crust- where we are. I guess that's a danger when fire-spewing magic beasties go crawling under the earth. Wonder if any story has ever explored this with dragons.

Finding the treasure that got blown free is mandatory to complete the game. They really want you to go looking for it.

That could not have been fun. I've heard the (possibly made from wholecloth) story that Napoleon slept through an assassination involving an explosion, but wrote in his journal after the fact that he recalled dreaming about the explosion.

...I mean, there's a moving lava flow right next to your village.

Kinda weird it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be an obvious natural barrier that would prevent it. I'm assuming that the lava takes an easier path than carving through the high plateau that is "the direction of the village", but I'll leave it to an actual vulcanologist to assure me the Yoshis are safe.

But hey, if it erupts multiple times, then we know for sure there's no risk of harm.

I mean, what is the backup plan? Do you have lifeboats, or are we just filing onto the whale and hoping for the best? If the eruption gets this far, I'm not sure where "safe" is.

...Considering it's Mario, this is also an acceptable explanation. I think the "they're heating up the rock to make more magma" is cooler, though. What can I say, science is amazing.

The treasure of the volcano is an artifact for historical value, like the last one. You find it in the room where Sushie was in Jade Jungle. Hey, is that Magical Seed we need for Minh T available yet?

...And this is why we need the Volcano Vase. How nice fo the developers to put it right in front of you on your way to this Bub-ulb. There is no way to miss it.

...You got anything left? I'll take a dried bouquet!

Anyway, Kolorado, take your damn treasure.

I suppose he'll go home and think Mario swiped it in the instant before the volcano erupted, won't he?

Well, historical value or otherwise, what am I going to do with an ancient artifact of a long-dead culture if it's just a vase? I don't need to hold my Fire Flowers.

This, I can use.

Translation: Kolorado probably doesn't know enough about gardening to realise what he's got in his hands.

Probably in the "do not do" section.

And with that, Kolorado is ready to head back home.

And he'll take the whale with us. I'm not sure what happens if you set up the shortcut first and don't let Kolorado take a whale ride home, but he doesn't do anything for the rest of the story, it'll just be kinda weird.

Anyway, speaking of the shortcut, we've got something to prepare for, and this is what I've picked to take with me. Spike Shield is a must.

Hopefully, if you ever do, you come back.

...Jr. Troopa?

Remember all those jokes about swimming to Lavalava Island before we set up the whale? This is the punchline.

No matter when you leave, he'll always be too late to catch you on the way off.

You had to try a little harder than that, buddy.

Jr. Troopa, without thinking, jumps right back in to swim back.

That cutscene was playing Jr. Troopa's theme. It actually switches back to the whale's theme...

Before switching back to Jr. Troopa's theme for this little add-on.

And back to ignoring him.

Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. Probably got a problem with slipping, but still. How much worse can it be than normal boats?

I bet it lasts one chapter.

Anyway, I believe we have a brat to deal with?

And I wouldn't blame you. I don't think I could either.

...Are you sure you're OK for this?

Well, too late for him to change his mind.

Jr. Troopa is a little tired from his bird-brained plan, and it turns out this does apply to the battle.

Although Jr. Troopa 4 technically has 40 HP, he lost 20 of it with that stunt. This is such a great joke that I can hardly begrudge it for drawing such blatant attention to the mechanical implications.

Jr. is hoping this is a handicap he won't have to worry about.

...Now that is something that could make up for his deficiency.

I love the first four fights with Jr. Troopa slowly escalating to this moment. A Flying, Spiky enemy with Defence? Mario would be screwed at the start of the game. I think "recruiting Parakarry" is the point we got an answer to this combination, but rest assured that, had the game let him keep all 40 of his hit points, this fight would have been a nightmare if you didn't have the right Badge setup or Partner upgrades.

It's Jr. Troopa! He swam all the way after us! This kid... he's got guts! Max HP: 40, Attack Power: 6, Defense Power: 1. He still flies but now he has a spike on his head. It'll hurt if you jump on him. He seems tougher this time... Luckily for us, he also looks pretty tuckered out. Well, he should be tired. The little guy swam to Lavalava Island and back! It seems better to attack from a distance with an item or something, rather than attacking him directly.

Jr. Troopa (Lv. 59) has a very limited selection of counterplay options.

  • Parakarry's Shell Shot and Sushie's Squirt, of course, are the obvious ways to go, and probably the best ones at base.
    • Technically, Bombette's Mega Bomb works. If you use this, I judge you harshly.
  • Watt's Electro Dash, of course, is the classic standby. If you have an Ultra Watt, that's 5 damage a turn with no FP.
  • Spike Shield and Hammer Throw are the Badges you can work with. Any Jump Mario has will work with Spike Shield, but you only have the one Hammer Throw.
  • If you have any Attacking items, like Egg Bomb or Thunder Rage, now is the time.
  • If all else fails, use Star Storm.

I went with Spike Shield and Electro Dash.

Apparently. I'm doing it.

Zap Tap is good for some extra points, while you're at it.

20 HP is not a lot. That swim really won the fight more than our planning.

The perfect cherry on top of this joke. There were a number of reasons this was a stupid idea, down to the whole idea of "why is Jr. even trying to fight us so badly?", but the fact that Jr. now realises one of his mistakes was so easy to fix really nails down the tone of the fight.

Well, that's one more of these down.

Thanks for the tip.

Of course you have.

Yeah, I can certainly say it was that. Yoshis are such friendly creatures.

I'm good for now.

...You know, now I say it aloud, I'm sure the whale will not appreciate being the new source of transit between Toad Town and Lavalava Island. At least we'll get a shortcut, but these Toads won't be so lucky.

Don't count on that sticking around.

And hopefully it's not yelling back this time.

Mostly true. I wish it was more so, though.

...Huh. I don't think this gets resolved.

...Oh. We're just in this for the flower joke. He's on his own when it comes to the crush, then.

Hey, we have a cute girl who's just fine with the seeds.

Meanwhile, here's Goomama and Goombaria, making a stop in Toad Town. They do wind up back in Goomba Village by the end of the game, so this is a cute little moment to help the world feel that much more lived in.

"I keep him in my pocket!"

Even Goombaria's keen to see him.

As an interesting side-note, Goombaria, the NPC that appears in Toad Town, has a key difference from Goombaria in Goomba Village: Toad Town Goombaria does not recognise the Dolly if it's still in your inventory. Goombaria will wind up going back home, so that Star Piece has not been lost to you forever, but you will have to wait until she returns to redeem it.

If you pull out Goombario even after talking to them, they'll have their dialogue at the ready.

Mostly Tattling. I'd like to say he can help outside that context, but he, like all partners, is starting to get sandwiched between Bow and Watt. It's worse for him, since he doesn't have another attack to claim a niche.

And you deserve to be.

Doesn't matter. You'll never escape a mother's love. Nor should you want to.

...Although punkin might be pushing it. He's a chestnut, remember?

...I beg your pardon? I kept my nose out of these sibling dynamics.

You're not exactly knocking it out of the park either, Goombario. Is it that hard to at least be pleasant to your sister?

I don't believe you, either, but you don't hear me telling you that.

...Do I get to keep the tan? I don't think Mario actually got this outside this line.

Kids will be kids, apparently.

That would probably be the safe part. The ghosts will scare you, but they won't hurt you.

You're all so ungrateful, you know that?

So much for a place of training. If you turn away such people, how will they learn?

I mean, if being assaulted is so common, why is working at the castle so desirable? Odds are you're going to run around in circles in panic and fear eventually...

I hope you at least get to be a good cook somewhere. And your food is actually eaten from time to time.

I love how willing the Toads are to a) believe this and b) impress the urgency on Mario.

...At least it's a more impressive animation than vanilla Mario? It must be hugely unpleasant for Mario in the context of what "pipes" are outside their advertised function.

...Lava Piranha? That is a long and circuitous description of him.

Although it does allow them to make this impressive leap in logic. Considering she's using magical seeds, I can't exactly say their fears are baseless.

Anyway, mail for you.

I think that's because of me. I'm not altogether sure Parakarry is supposed to get better at his job while on the move.

I wonder if this is supposed to be about the escape to Jade Jungle, but it is perfectly possible to make this delivery before that. I expect the game doesn't really think you're going to bother, so it can get away with letting you believe that.

The Toads, because Toad Town is not bordered by an exciting dangerous area- actually, scratch that, Forever Forest is right there- can't think of anything to match.

So then, how do we continue?

Frost T. is a minor character appearing in Chapter 7, and his job gets some foreshadowing here. Despite how important his job sounds, it doesn't really amount to that much.

If it's just to take his mind off work, I'm sure he won't mind if I wait a chapter and a half.

...True, I guess.

Fice T. is proving his courage in the face of adversity. Kind of funny he's talking about this to Mario, though, a man without fear. Although with that said, we do know Nintendo is planning on making a Luigi game about fear next year...

And steal them from their cultural resting places to put on display in museums.

How do you feel about grave robbing?

...Oh yeah, I had a spare Volt Shroom for a replacement Hot Shroom, didn't I?

These are the last Badges Rowf will ever put out for sale, as it happens.

  • Damage Dodge, we've seen before. This is the second and final copy, allowing for a successful block to reduce incoming damage by 3 total. Absolutely a worthy investment.
  • Mega Quake (3 BP) is a further upgraded version of Power Quake, doing "severe" damage at a cost of 7 FP. At that price, it's just not worth it no matter how much it is. I'm fairly sure it's somewhere in 6-8.
  • Super Smash Charge (2 BP) is an upgraded version of Smash Charge, where Mario uses 4 FP to make his next Hammer attack do +3 damage. Doing 9 damage in two turn is far inferior to doing 6+6 unless the enemy has a lot of Defence, and I feel like D-Down Pound and Electro Dash are better answers to that. Maybe it synergises with Quake Hammer?

...Same thing you did during the Shy Guy takeover. Panic And Fear until I get back.

The sheer bluntness.

Not just good with magic flowers, she's adept with the normal varieties, too!

It's the simple things in life.

...Sure. That's normal, right?

You all have separation anxiety.

An enormous Koopa Troopa has parked himself on Pleasant Path between Koopa Village and Toad Town. The huge creature, who is apparently calling himself Kent C. Koopa, demands coins from every passing traveler. If the traveler refuses, this brute blocks the way with his enormous body. We must stop this extortion as soon as possible! Any ideas would be welcome... For now, we would suggest that you take some coins with you when you go to Koopa Village.

The foreshadowing we saw last time on the back of the noticeboard has come true. Kent C. Koopa is an optional boss for us to fight, and he appears specifically after beating Chapter 5, when Kolorado wants to go home. By the way, the toll is 100 coins.

I bought Princess Peach's photos by mail order, but they were a total rip-off! I paid 100 coins, but I got only three photos, all of which were horribly out of focus! They sure as Sushie weren't beautiful! Give me back my coins, you swindler!
A big fan of Princess Peach

...Pardon? This actually got setup in the noticeboard earlier, but one we missed because we were too busy doing the actual Chapter 5 goals.

We'll send you beautiful photos of Princess Peach. To inquire about this special offer, please send a letter to the following address:
    Toad Town Post Office
    P.O. Box 7144
    Secret Toad
We will accept no complaints or returned goods.

Sorry, dude, that was a scam regardless of whether Peach was still around to photograph.

Bowser's Castle Infiltration Report
I sneaked into Bowser's Castle, pretending to be one of his underlings. Braving the dark, I managed to avoid Koopatrols and Hammer Bros. It wasn't easy to climb up the castle, but spying was a piece of cake. Anyway, I thought the castle was quite well decorated. Isn't it supposed to be gross? I don't want to go there again.
A curious Koopa

Shoutouts to this one, too. Apparently Bowser has taste in interior decor. I always found his castles a bit dully decorated, but never gross.

Four letters today! A lot of people got interested after the crisis last chapter.

Dear Goombario,
How are you, my cute Goombario? We're all doing fine here. I hope your Tattle ability has finally become useful. Stop by whenever you get the chance. We all miss you. Good luck, my little Goomnut! I'll be thinking of you.

Cute enough, although I personally dislike "I hope Tattle is finally being useful". This letter happens to be a massive mistranslation, however.

クリパパから クリオへの手紙    

クリオ 元気か?
パパたちは 元気で やってるよ

おまえのとくいな 『ものしり』は
きっと マリオさんの やくに

おまえも たまには かおを 見せなさい
元気で がんばれ おうえんしてるぞ
             パパ より

This letter is actually from Goompapa. The speculation on how they messed that up is that they confused クリパパ "Kuripapa" with クリババ "Kuribaba"- an embarrassing enough error on its own magnified by the fact Gooma's Japanese name is in fact クリばあ "Kuriba". If nothing else, they at least managed to get the tone of the letter right. Maybe they just wanted Gooma to do something.

(Goompapa appears to be more confident in the usefulness of Tattle, thankfully.)

You must return to me, oh fair and combustible Bob-omb! My heart awaits you in Koopa Village. It burns like a fuse! I will love you forever! Even if you reject me, my love will endure! If I don't see you soon, I'll surely explode, so please hurry! You've ignited my passion! Come back to me, my love!
Your Bruce

No means no. Press me and I will teach Kooper Fire Shell so he can explode you and get you out of his house.

To Lady Bow,
Please return as quickly as possible. I cannot shake the image of you in some sort of danger. It so worries me that I can no longer sleep. When you went with Mario, you told me not to go with you... But now I regret my obedience! I should have gone anyway and protected you from harm! Now all I can do is wish to the Stars with the other Boos that you return safely. Please take care.

Considering the implications of Bow being the owner of the manor and being somewhat young in Boo terms have, I can't exactly blame him for this reaction, but seriously, man. Bow's in no danger. She's already dead. You guys proved even being eaten doesn't kill you.

Dear Watt,
Well, I'm still kickin'. I ain't gonna be bait no more. I reckon I 'preciate the help of you and your buddies. This here letter'll be my thanks, so we're even, all righty? Anyhoo, good luck doing what y'all do. And don't be botherin' me if we meet up agin.

They were really stretching for characters to send Watt mail. Not even the Shy Guys?

Because the last partner is needed to skip from this part of the plot to the ending sequence, duh.

I always win. Eventually. I'll get there when I get there, and not a second sooner.

At least some Toads are still worried about issues on scales that they can actually do something about it on.

Well, that names the Toad girls. Still, though, while perhaps her approach was a little unhealthy, this is not the advice to give to support her.

I think this is just supposed to be flower jokes to supplement the flower-themed chapter coming up.

Yes, this is big news, but considering how far away the place is and how hard it is to get to, I'm not sure who is going to be able to do anything about this.

Not to worry, someone has done just that.

...I like how this Toad thinks this is a thing he has "authority" to do.

And probably done under a more benevolent boss, too.

Sounds like everything is working out well for this family.

...Although it may not look it from this. The honeymoon phase of "my husband gets to stay home" is well and truly over, and he has to learn and learn fast.

Don't worry, your husband's learned to appreciate it. The kids, I'm not so sure on.

Also probably an easier target. I'll be honest, I think your dad's cool too. Although I don't remember if we got told what his job was in the castle.

Eat your Healthy Salads and Jump 1000 times.

...That is good advice, but it does not apply to teaching a kid this age. If you want to be stronger purely for the sake of being stronger, then you will fail when it matters most. You're not old enough to understand what it is you want to be stronger for yet- even adults struggle with that level of self-reflection.

Do you know of the Yoshis that live on Lavalava Island in the South Ocean? Perhaps because their tropical island is so colorful, the Yoshis themselves are of many different colors. It seems they have different personalities, depending on their body colors. They all love food, but Yellow Yoshis seem to really delight in delicacies. Next time you see a Yellow Yoshi, try giving it something delicious. Trust me- it'll be happy.

...Yoshis are different colours because of the tropics? That's not what I expected. I'd also accept "give Yellow Yoshi a treat because it asked for one."

You know a Koopa called Mr. Kolorado, the famous explorer and archaeologist? I have nothing but respect for him. Solving the riddle of the Candy Canes on Pleasant Path, investigating Dry Dry Ruins in Dry Dry Desert, discovering many new facts... these are but a few of his accomplishments. Recently, he found a treasure that proves an ancient civilization once existed on Lavalava Island. According to Mr. Kolorado, a long time ago, people once lived on Lavalava Island. I heard that these people used to live in the holes dug out of the side of the volcano on Lavalava Island. But they they were forced to flee the island because the volcano became very active. Even he couldn't find out what kind of people they were or where they escaped to. Long after these mysterious people left the island, Yoshis and Ravens arrived, and they've lived in harmony ever since.

Russ T. giving us reason to think highly of Kolorado after we do the chapter where this would be relevant. Also a few instances of attributing to Kolorado deeds that were accomplished by others.

...Does the Volcano Vase really prove much of anything listed here? Could it not be Yoshis/Ravens who crafted it?

Do you know a giant Koopa called Kent C. Koopa? A long time ago, it seems this gent lived in Koopa Village. At the time, they say Kent C. Koopa often trained with four village Koopas. Kent C. Koopa was amazingly strong, so he always beat the team of Koopas. Strong as he was, I've heard from some village residents that even Kent C. Koopa had a few weak points, though.

No advice about what Kent's weaknesses actually are, though. You can get those from Koopa Village, at least. Kent is a boss that you really need to know his weak points to win against.

There should be a place called Flower Fields hidden somewhere in the world. A very rare Crazee Dayzee, called an Amazy Dayzee, is said to live there. I heard that this Amazy Dayzee is so timid that it runs away when it sees anyone. If you glimpse it, count yourself lucky. I'd sure like to see it once. Even if you miss it the first time, you might see the Amazy Dayzee if you visit the same place again.

Amazy Dayzees are the Metal Slimes of this game, although they only show up in one place. Most of the time, only in one room, although I'm not sure if that's something that's enforced by the game or that's just the way RNG works out.

Also, we have mail for him.

...I'd be careful answering that, if I were you. Know that can and will probably be used for mischief and reckless endangerment.

...On the other hand, that's a profound train of thought and you should maintain it.

Hopefully the Yoshi Kids use this for as much good as you do.

Luigi's hanging out on a Metal Block.

I never thought I could feel worse about Mario's treatment of Luigi than "I know I'm no good, I don't even want to help anyway", but somehow we have. What did Luigi ever do to deserve this?

Chalkboard. 75% of the Badges are now ours. Shame I'm not showing off how many recipes you can get done in this game and how fast.

One letter, and we're putting Rowf even further down. What is with the order I've been getting my mail in?

How are you, old bean? Smashing, I trust. I'd just like to thank you for helping with that nasty volcano business. Of course, I'm sure you're well aware of my own heroic role in the final fracas. I've lately worried about my dear wife. How she must worry about me as I brave danger! Perhaps it's time I returned home for a while. Feel free to stop by for a spot of tea!

Don't worry, old bean, you did your best. You may not have done anything, but you at least tried.

Your wife might be very happy to see you, hint hint.

I heard that my brother went to Lavalava Island on a tuna. Unbelievable! So unfair!! I... I... I wanna ride on a tuna, too!

...Sadly, might be too late to have that arranged. On multiple counts. I wonder if we can't find an actual tuna.

I heard that some Yoshi kids on Lavalava Island got lost and my brother saved them. I bet Yoshi kids are just about the cutest things around. I'm a bit jealous of my brother.

Eh, not these ones.

Now that Minh T. has updated from "mandatory" to "hard required", a Bub-Ulb has appeared to highlight her.

Imagine starting the hunt for the Magical Seeds now. The one in Toad Town is relatively easy and the one in Lavalava Island was pointed out directly by the narrative, but Mt. Rugged and Forever Forest? You're on your own.

Merlon will tell you they are in those areas, at least, so you're not being forced to search the entire world map.

Fortunately, I have been diligent with gathering the Seeds, so this is all I need to turn in.

With all four seeds turned in, it is time for the magic to happen.

We have a door!

I'll be waiting on this, though- I turned it in because it was there, but there's still other things around Toad Town and the world that I need to check in on first.

Including this. The main purpose of defeating Kent C. Koopa seems to be allowing Kolorado to return home. There's no real reason one needs to pass through Pleasant Path yourself at this stage of the game, although 100 coins won't be easily swallowed if you do.

I can show you one?

Next time: A lot of optional bosses.

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