Friday 30 December 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 20

Today's Supports:

  • Eirika/Ephraim A
  • Ephraim/Myrrh A
  • Saleh/Myrrh A
  • Dozla/Myrrh A
  • Artur/Cormag A
  • Ephraim/Duessel A
  • Cormag/Tana A
  • Vanessa/Syrene A
  • Dozla/Rennac A
  • Natasha/Knoll A
  • Amelia/Ewan A
  • Gerik/Saleh A
  • Seth/Cormag A
  • Syrene/Moulder A
  • Kyle/Syrene A
  • Tethys/Rennac A

Eirika/Ephraim A

Eirika: Just… a bit longer.
Ephraim: Yes, you may be right. There may be an end to this fighting soon. We may yet defeat the evil in this land and return it to the hands of men. Then, Renais may enjoy its former glory.
Eirika: Yes… You will be crowned king of Renais, and I will help you rebuild our land. We will make it a happy and prosperous country, free of conflict. Just as we three used to dream about…
Ephraim: We… three. Lyon was here with us, wasn’t he? We three had so many grand ideas for the futures of our lands.
Eirika: Yes… We talked about a lot. But Lyon…
Ephraim: ……
Eirika: Brother… Brother… please promise that you won’t ever leave me alone. Please... promise…
Ephraim: Of course. I would never leave you. Why would you ever think I could do something like that?
Eirika: Brother…
Ephraim: I know better than anyone how you feel, dear sister. Ever since we were born… No, even before… We two have always been together. And together… we will always stay.
Eirika: Yes, dear brother…

There's a non-zero amount of attention given to the incestuous nature of the twins, and this A Support isn't exactly a million miles away. An interesting factor of the conversation, though, is that it's Eirika worried about Ephraim leaving. I feel the conversation might be a bit more conversant with the versions of Lyon the twins face if it was Ephraim who was anxious about Eirika leaving him. Even if Ephraim is a lot more protective over his emotional side.

Ephraim/Myrrh A

Ephraim: Hey, Myrrh… When this war is over… What will you do? Have you thought about where you will go?
Myrrh: …I’ve lived in Darkling Woods ever since I was a child. I think that I shall spend the rest of my life there.
Ephraim: On your own? Do you have anyone waiting for you in the forest?
Myrrh: I… I am on my own now. But you need not worry. I am a dragon, after all.
Ephraim: …I’ve been thinking, Myrrh. If you would like, you can live with us in Renais.
Myrrh: What?
Ephraim: When this war is over… When we restore peace to Magvel… Eirika and I will be going back to Renais to lead our people. Would you like to live in the castle? With us?
Myrrh: Oh, but… I would not want to inconvenience you.
Ephraim: It’s nothing you need worry about. Castle Renais is a vast place. I’m sure we could spare a room for a small girl like you. And besides, you are my sister, right? Family should stay together, don’t you think?
Myrrh: …But… you must not forget that I am a dragon. I must think about it. I would love to, but… perhaps I shouldn’t, and so… I must think about it.
Ephraim: As you wish.
Myrrh: But… Thank you for the offer. It makes me very happy. Thank you, Brother.

I don't think Myrrh takes him up on that offer. I can't really comment for sure on whether she's needed in Darkling after the game, but I think the possibility she would be is a factor in her choice. Besides, after Ephraim dies, she's probably going back anyway.

Saleh/Myrrh A

Myrrh: ……
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: ……
Saleh: Great Dragon… I know I’m being rude, but I’ve a favor to ask.
Myrrh: What is it?
Saleh: Would you please come to our village?
Myrrh: To Caer Pelyn? But…
Saleh: Dara and the other villagers would be overjoyed to see you. The village is quite spare, but we would do our best to entertain you. You could stay for as long as you wanted…
Myrrh: …Saleh, you made that request on my behalf, didn’t you?
Saleh: No, not at all. I apologize. I have been disrespectful.
Myrrh: No, I’m pleased. However… I doubt I should stay too long.
Saleh: Why is that?
Myrrh: It’s because I’m a dragon. My father explained it to me. We are both human and monster. And because we are both, we are also neither.
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: We have the power of dragons; therefore, we cannot live together with humans… We have the hearts of humans; therefore, we do not belong with monsters. We are outcasts in this world, never a part of either community. And so we live our lives alone, never to be understood by anyone.
Saleh: But there are humans whose actions make them monsters in the eyes of others. I do not think of you as such when there are many worse monsters among my own kind. Regardless, I believe the villagers would be most pleased to have you visit.
Myrrh: Saleh… Thank you. Your words have cheered me up a little. Please wait for my answer. When all of this is finished… When peace returns, I’ll give you my answer then.
Saleh: I understand.
Myrrh: And when I do return to Darkling Woods, I will not be sad. Because of the time I’ve spent with you, the memories you’ve given me, I shall not be lonely. I shall never feel like an outcast again.
Saleh: Lady Myrrh…

Saleh gets to focus a bit more on Myrrh's feelings about the matter, and that is certainly an argument made from Saleh's side. Myrrh talking about the "power" of dragons means a lot more in the context of other FEs, where their longer lifespans and greater martial strength is applied in practice, but Sacred Stones itself offers very little lore on why a dragon might be unwelcome in a human society. Myrrh as a person fits in in the human world. I would not trust her with Dara, though- she'd probably make her Queen of as much land as she could convince people of.

Dozla/Myrrh A

Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Are you all right, lassie? There’s no need to worry. No matter how many enemies pop up, I’ll protect you.
Myrrh: I appreciate it… I do feel safe when you’re nearby… Somehow, you remind me of my father.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! I get that a lot! So tell me, little one, where is your father, anyway?
Myrrh: …My father… ……
Dozla: Er… What’s wrong?! Did I ask something that I shouldn’t have? I-I’m sorry, lassie. Please don’t cry…
Myrrh: I’m not crying… I’m not crying…
Dozla: Ah! What do I do? Wait. Just think. I must have run across something like this before. When Princess L’Arachel was a babe, and she would begin to cry… She would tug on my beard! That would always make her happy. C’mon, lassie, grab a handful of my beard and give it a good, strong yank!
Myrrh: ……You are strange, Dozla.
Dozla: What?
Myrrh: But you were worried about me. That makes me happy. You’re a nice person after all.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! You’ve stopped crying. Hm, that’s a good thing.
Myrrh: Yes. Thank you.

I'm fairly positive Myrrh is talking about her biological father, although the reaction is equally valid about her adoptive father after this chapter. Reminder that any subtext about Morva's death is incidental, since the game can't necessarily guarantee he has died yet.

As an interesting parallel, L'Arachel crying as a baby here is also an effect of her parents' death, not that Dozla observes the connection. Babies love exercising their motor control, although it seems L'Arachel hasn't grown out of some of the less pleasant implications of getting her entertainment from picking on her subordinates.

Artur/Cormag A

Cormag: I should apologize to you, Artur.
Artur: What’s wrong, Sir Cormag? Did something happen?
Cormag: The star-stone amulet that you so generously gave Genarog… It got shattered when an archer attacked us. It’s not all bad, though. That stone stopped the arrow cold. Saved both me AND Genarog, it did. Had that amulet been not there, we wouldn’t be here right now.
Artur: That’s unfortunate, but I’m glad the amulet worked! I’ll have to make a prayer of thanks for the stone’s protection.
Cormag: Well, we owe you, Artur. And it’s not exactly a perfect trade, but… Here.
Artur: What’s this? This… This looks like a wyvern stone!
Cormag: A wyvern stone? Are they rare?
Artur: Yes, very! Where on earth did you…
Cormag: Genarog had it. I didn’t have any idea what it was. I figured maybe you’d know something about it. And it looks like I was right, wasn’t I? You know what it’s worth? Well, like I said, it’s yours. Keep it.
Artur: A-are you sure!?
Cormag: Sure. You don’t mind, now, do you, Genarog?
Artur: Th-thank you… I mean it… Sir Cormag, Genarog… Wyvern stones are like dragonstones, only far more rare. Mages covet them. Having one focuses your powers, refines your magical control. But nobody knows where they come from or how to craft them. There are no more than a handful of wyvern stones in the world today. I never thought I’d even see one, much less hold one in my hands.
Cormag: So it’s a big deal, eh?
Artur: It most certainly is, Sir Cormag. Genarog… I can’t thank you enough. You’ve made one of my dreams come true.
Cormag: I’m glad we were able to help you, Artur.
Artur: I’ll cherish this wyvern stone always. …By the way, Sir Cormag, do you have a dream?
Cormag: …My dream. Hmph… My only dream right now is to undo the damage Grado has done. I want Grado to be a peaceful nation again, ruled by a gentle man.
Artur: I’m sure you’ll see your own dream realized, Sir Cormag. After all, we’re all fighting to make that dream come true. You and Genarog have made my own dream a reality. And you know that I’ll do what I can to make yours real, too.
Cormag: Genarog was right. You are a good lad, Artur. Tell you what. If we do restore peace, you must visit my homeland. And when you do, I think Genarog would like to take you flying.
Artur: I’d love to, Sir Cormag. I look forward to visiting Grado in better times.

Wyvernstones are a bit of an interesting bit of Magvel-crossed-Archanea lore. In Archanea, there are multiple types of dragons, each possessing their own dragonstone. Wyverns that degenerated (long story) became mounts for humans, while other dragons (namely Tiki) could assume wyvern shapes by using wyvernstones. Strictly speaking, Archanea doesn't have something called a "dragonstone", with the word referring to a whole host of like gems- Firestones, Icestones, Wyvernstones, Magestones and Divinestones being the varieties present in FE3.

None of that lore applies here in Magvel, leaving the connection between wyvernstones and wyverns "the thing Cormag rides" ambiguous. Not helping matters is the fact that, back in Chapter 13, Lyon mentioned that there were only two dragonstones in the world (possibly Morva's and Myrrh's), so Artur's assertion that it is wyvernstones that are the rarer find calls into question one or both claims. Considering the insularity of Myrrh's race, I feel like wyvernstones are probably more common than Artur is implying. Although Lyon saying there's only two dragonstones certainly made sure Selena didn't consider abandoning Myrrh's and finding a new one.

Ephraim/Duessel A

Ephraim: Phew…
Duessel: Nicely done, Ephraim. There’s nothing left for me to teach you, it seems.
Ephraim: That’s utter nonsense. I still have much to learn from you, Duessel. I intend to be the greatest spearman Magvel has ever known. I gave up on swords after seeing how they fare against spears. Sword, axe, spear, bow… and even magic. I’ve seen them all. The spear always comes out on top. And I want mine to be the best spear around.
Duessel: Hm… That’s a bold statement. But you may yet be the one who can prove it true, lad.
Ephraim: …I thank you, Duessel. It’s only because of the skills you gave me that I’m alive and here now. Our countries were friends, but you taught me like family…
Duessel: I am a warrior. All I can do is improve my skills and pass them on to a student. And if you best me using the skills that I taught you, well… That’s just the nature of war. The young surpass the old. And I am glad to be fighting at the side of such a worthy student.
Ephraim: Duessel…
Duessel: I know that I’ve been branded a traitor. I’m prepared for that. But I do have one regret… I regret that I betrayed my emperor…
Ephraim: You never betrayed him. You remain as loyal to him now as when you swore your oaths. No, it is Grado who has betrayed the ideals it once held dear. And now, as then, you are my teacher. Nothing has changed. No, you are no traitor. If anything, you are the last true man of Grado.
Duessel: Ephraim… Hm… Yes. A student should not inspire his teacher. Ephraim. Be strong. Remain true. Believe in yourself, and act in accordance with your beliefs. …No matter what happens, be a strong king.
Ephraim: Yes, you needn’t worry about that. Such has been my intention since the day I first held this spear. No matter what the future holds… I’m never going to change. I will let my faith and my beliefs drive my every action as king.

Ephraim and Duessel off being men of the blade. Ephraim's argument that lances are the best weapon holds water, since axes have accuracy issues, but I always preferred axes. Everyone knows it's really magic that's cream of the crop, though.

I feel a teacher should be proud a student had something to teach them, but Duessel is an old man, and set in his ways. Clearly he's not familiar with the modern approaches to teaching.

Cormag/Tana A

Tana: What are you fighting for, Cormag?
Cormag: What makes you ask?
Tana: I saw you fighting earlier… and for some reason, it made me sad.
Cormag: I see. I can think of many reasons why a man would fight. Atonement, revenge, entertainment… For power… For fun… But I don’t know the reason I am fighting anymore.
Tana: Cormag…
Cormag: What more would you expect from a man who’s lost his faith? A man whose emperor has gone mad, whose homeland is collapsing?
Tana: …… What are you going to do when the war is over?
Cormag: I’ll help rebuild Grado, of course, but I’m not sure beyond that. I doubt that I’ll remain in Grado for long, though. They’ve branded me a traitor. I’ll find no home awaiting me there.
Tana: Then why don’t you come to Frelia? You can join us as an airborne knight!
Cormag: And what makes you think a traitor like me would be welcomed in Frelia?
Tana: You’re no traitor, Cormag. You’ve stayed true to your beliefs. That sadness I saw in you comes from your own country’s betrayal of those beliefs. Your sadness runs as deep as your faith in Grado once ran. I want your faith, your strength, and your passion to serve Frelia now.
Cormag: I appreciate the offer, but I cannot reforge the oaths I’ve broken. I’m sorry.
Tana: It’s all right. I understand your feelings. However, if you ever wish to serve your beliefs again, remember my offer.
Cormag: I might just give up this soldiering nonsense and go into woodworking.
Tana: Then I’ll track you down in your woodshop and ask again.
Cormag: You may not look it, but you’re pretty strong willed for a princess. I’ll think about your offer.

Sacred Stones has a lot to say about how Grado has been affected by the sudden turn, and even our strong, silent and dependable Cormag is straining under the weight here. I feel like Tana's suggestion is a bit of a band-aid fix, but anything is better than nothing.

Incidentally, I'm told the Japanese version of this conversation has Cormag consider "disappearing" instead. Most of his endings support this interpretation, which makes me wonder if the Japanese have the phrase "going into the woodwork" to describe disappearing.

Vanessa/Syrene A

Vanessa: Hi, Syrene. Thanks for talking the other day.
Syrene: Are you feeling better now?
Vanessa: Well… It’s not that easy, but I quit comparing myself with you.
Syrene: You might not know this, but there’s something about you I’ve always envied.
Vanessa: About me? What do you mean?
Syrene: You have an inner fortitude that I will never be able to match.
Vanessa: Inner… fortitude?
Syrene: Do you remember when Father collapsed? Mother and I were so panicked that we didn’t know what to do. You were the youngest of us all, but you gathered nuts in your small hands and went to the village to sell them. Then you came home with medicine for him.
Vanessa: Well, I don’t know what to say.
Syrene: When you face a difficult circumstance, your true self emerges. You were very young, but had the presence of mind and ingenuity to help Father. You comforted me and Mother, and you rescued Father. I’ve always respected your strength, and wished for some of it myself.
Vanessa: But… you were the one who joined the Knights at such an early age, and it was you who supported our family.
Syrene: I emulated your strength. I wanted to support my family like you did. It’s always been my goal. And I respect you more than anyone else. I wish you could be as confident in yourself as I am of you. No matter what, you’ll always be all right.
Vanessa: All right, then. I have to tell you! The person I love is–
Syrene: Wait, Vanessa! Wait until the war is over to tell me. When everything is over, bring him home. I’ll go home a little ahead of you, and wait for you two with Father and Mother. We’ll make your favorite meal…  Is that enough to convince you?
Vanessa: Yes. I’ll do my best…  For this war and also for him.
Syrene: That’s my girl. Don’t worry. You’ll be all right.

Syrene may not know who the lucky guy is, but she's hit upon the same reason that guy likes Vanessa- when she's under pressure, she buckles down and gets things done. Syrene is an all-around competent woman, but Vanessa has a greater potential. This is somewhat reflected in their stats, but it's usually Tana who turns out as a great growth unit, which masks Vanessa and her shaky Strength.

It's also an interesting economic question about how valuable those nuts were in comparison to the medicine. We don't have an exact timeframe for how long Vanessa spent gathering these nuts (although I expect it wasn't too long), but this probably suggests the medicine was on the cheaper end and not being hoarded by a greedy doctor.

Dozla/Rennac A

Dozla: You know, Rennac. I was just thinking about something. These battles are tough on an old man like me. I might not make it through to see the end of this.
Rennac: Where did that come from? It better not be an omen.
Dozla: I want to see Princess L’Arachel in her wedding dress one day. That’s my one wish in life: to see her happily wed.
Rennac: Telling me about it isn’t going to make it happen. Trying to find a worthy prince who’s willing to take Princess L’Arachel? That’s no easy task to accomplish.
Dozla: If I end up food for the crows, if I cannot escort the princess home, I want you to take care of her for me.
Rennac: What? Why? No, I won’t do it. You can’t make me! Sorry, but NO! You’re the vassal, old man. I’m nothing more than an escort, a thief. When this war’s over, I’m going to collect my pay and then disappear. You got it? Once Princess L’Arachel settles down, she’ll probably never leave Rausten again. It’s got nothing to do with me.
Dozla: That’s cold, Rennac… I’m disappointed. I’m sure she’ll be so lovely. Princess L’Arachel, the bride… If I gently close my eyes, I can envision what a glorious spectacle it will be.
Rennac: If all you need is someone to listen, I’ll play along. What kind of spectacle?
Dozla: The loving couple exchanging their sacred vows. The joyous citizens of Rausten!
Rennac: “Congratulations, Princess L’Arachel!” “Our condolences, Prince.”
Dozla: The newlyweds will smile and wave as the royal coach passes through the crowds. Can you see the flowers? The silver and gold inlay and the gems glittering in the sun?
Rennac: What? They have a gem-encrusted coach? Now that’s something I must see. I’ll be on the street, waving a flag, then I’ll race up and offer my congratulations!
Dozla: Would you really? That’s happy news. Princess L’Arachel will be so surprised to see you running after them!
Rennac: Yeah, and then she’ll look at me with that smug face and say, “Oh, Rennac. Whatever are you doing here? Come along! Fall in and follow us.”
Dozla: And then Princess L’Arachel will set out across the continent on her honeymoon… I’ve got it! You’ll be her guard on her honeymoon! Fantastic! That’s wonderful!
Rennac: N-no! You’re getting carried away!
Dozla: Now you’re a true vassal to Princess L’Arachel, body and soul. Gwah ha ha!
Rennac: I’ve got a terrible feeling I’ll never get away from Princess L’Arachel…

Aside from the vague implication that Dozla wants Rennac to be the groom in one line, I feel like Dozla never actually specified what gender L'Arachel's spouse would be, Rennac's the only one assuming. It probably isn't supposed to be taken as Dozla preparing for the possibility of L'Arachel bringing home a wife, because heteronormativity, but I'll take what I can get, and Dozla's never doubted the possibility before.

(If it's Eirika, I think she might be able to get Rennac out of this relationship. Although I'm sure Seth is going to have fun as his replacement.)

Natasha/Knoll A

Natasha: Master Knoll…
Knoll: …Still have questions, do you? I have told you all that I know.
Natasha: I’m not sure you did. You said that you could see… ripples of future disasters, is that it? And the greater the disaster, the more clearly you could read it? Does that mean you saw something? Some tremendous disaster to come?
Knoll: ……
Natasha: And in knowing about the disaster, Lyon thought he could prevent it. Could he have… Was he studying the Sacred Stone to find a way to prevent this disaster?
Knoll: And what will you do, now that you know this, too? Haven’t you called such knowledge blasphemous?
Natasha: I… don’t know what to do. If my mentor were here, I think he might be able to guide me. But I’m still so inexperienced. I feel lost in this dilemma.
Knoll: ……
Natasha: But how can I not act on this? If I do nothing, knowing that something terrible will happen… If I could have helped… I… I don’t know what to do.
Knoll: …Within five years, half of Grado will be destroyed.
Natasha: Destroyed?
Knoll: In the southern half of the continent, there will be a terrible quake. The ground will shake violently. The earth will crack open wide. Cities will fall. Fields will burn in the earth’s hot blood. Few will survive. This is what we have foreseen.
Natasha: How- How can this-
Knoll: I advise you to leave Grado. You might be able to escape the disaster if you head north to Renais or Frelia.
Natasha: No… I can’t do that. When this disaster strikes, people will need help and healing. If I could help them even a little by staying behind…
Knoll: You would willingly risk certain death to save a handful of people?
Natasha: If I died serving Grado, I would have no regrets, Master Knoll. Thank you for sharing this. I will make the most of this knowledge.
Knoll: …Spoken like a true cleric. You would drop everything without hesitation just to help others. This is the difference between mages and priests. Knowledge versus sacrifice. Perhaps you might allow me to join you when the time comes…
Natasha: Master Knoll?
Knoll: If I am to honor Prince Lyon’s intentions, I cannot flee this. I am not sure how best I can help, but I do not want anyone to die. Not if, by my action, I can save them.
Natasha: I understand how you feel, Master Knoll… Let our strengths be united, then, for the common good.

Natasha's preparing for the disaster as best she can, although one staff and one friendly face is only going to do so much. Doing as Knoll is and inspiring others to take up the same effort, though? With enough staves, Grado might make it out OK. Asking for help is always a valid call.

Knoll has probably thought far longer and far harder about this question of "knowledge versus sacrifice" after staring the future down the telescope. Consider what knowing the future has done to Lyon, and ask yourself if you could stand in Knoll's shoes.

Amelia/Ewan A

Ewan: Amelia, have you traveled much?
Amelia: Travel? Hm, let’s see… I went from Silva to the capital on my own once. Now that I think about it, I’d never left Grado until now.
Ewan: Oh, really? My teacher- he’s the great sage Saleh from Caer Pelyn- took me out on a training journey for many months once.
Amelia: Where did you go?
Ewan: Lots of different places across Magvel. We went to Renais, Frelia, Rausten, and Jehanna. Oh, and we went to Grado, too.
Amelia: Wow, that sounds great.
Ewan: Yeah, it was a lot of fun! There were so many new things to see. Say, Amelia, I just had an idea…
Amelia: What is it?
Ewan: When this war is over and we’re all at peace, why don’t you and I take a trip together?
Amelia: Huh? Just the two of us?
Ewan: Sure, why not? Does the idea bother you?
Amelia: No, it’s just…
Ewan: There’s so much I want to show you, Amelia. How the dark green forests refract the morning sun into a million burning emeralds. The melancholy spectacle of the sun sinking slowly beyond an endless horizon. The wind gently coercing vast fields of wheat to dance, heroic mountain peaks… Oh, and the gorgeous flower beds that fill your vision with brilliant colors! There are so very many spectacular places in the world. I want to see all of them again… but this time I want to see them with you. When you see them, you’ll really understand how wonderful it is to be alive. The feeling will fill your heart and make you want to sing with joy!
Amelia: That’s so… eloquent, Ewan. …… But I understand what you’re trying to say, and yes. Let’s go! I want to see all of it and more!
Ewan: Great! Then it’s settled. You know what? This gives us something to look forward to while this war goes on. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster.
Amelia: Ha ha. You know, Ewan, being around you fills me with so much energy.
Ewan: And I’m happy when you’re around, too.
Amelia: I’m looking forward to our trip. It’s one more reason for us to work quickly to put an end to this war.
Ewan: Yeah, let’s do what we can, because we’re definitely taking that trip!

Ewan's speaking Amelia's language, although Amelia isn't fully in agreement there. Again, I have to wonder if he's adopting flirting language he's heard to/from Tethys that he hasn't fully understood, or if he just really does happen to have a crush on Amelia. He's clearly learning the things he's supposed to be learning from Saleh.

Gerik/Saleh A

Saleh: Gerik…
Gerik: Hm? What is it, Saleh? You look even more serious than usual.
Saleh: Gerik… You truly despise me, don’t you?
Gerik: Huh?! What?
Saleh: I…
Gerik: …
Saleh: Your friend, I…
Gerik: Don’t say it, Saleh! That was an act of fate. Right? All you did was brush those sparks away from yourself.
Saleh: Gerik…
Gerik: Listen, we’re mercenaries. We end up working together with old foes, and crossing blades with former allies. It’s just part of the job. My friend Zabba died by your act. That much is true. And at that moment, I could think of nothing but avenging him! But after that, you saved my life… We became friends. That’s the truth of it, isn’t it?
Saleh: Yes…
Gerik: I trust you now. You are my friend. I’m not lying to you. I don’t lie to my friends. That’s something I don’t do.
Saleh: And you are my friend. Since that day, it’s you who has saved me time and time again.
Gerik: We’re all human after all. Helping our friends is part of our nature.
Saleh: Gerik… You… You’re a good man…
Gerik: That’s enough of that! You keep that up and I’ll be blushing like a schoolgirl.
Saleh: Ha!
Gerik: Hey! Ha ha ha! I caught a rare glimpse of you smiling. Listen, Saleh, I know we’re risking our lives here, but this war’s not our whole lives. Let’s not do anything stupid. We’re going to get past this. Then you’re going to haul your carcass back to Caer Pelyn and care for the elder!
Saleh: Yes… And you’ll visit, too.
Gerik: Sure. When things calm down I’ll let you throw me a feast. I can’t wait to have Caer Pelyn’s famous mutton stew again.
Saleh: We’ll be waiting for you, Gerik.

Saleh finally sharing a little bit about his own feelings. Turns out he's responsible for a man dying, and regardless of how often Gerik reassures him "sometimes things happen", this has been weighing heavily on Saleh. Probably not so much that it influences the way he acts in other Supports, but definitely the way he treats someone directly affected.

Gerik himself is pretty cool. Yeah, he brushes off a friend's death, but you get the impression it's not the first time he's done it. It hurts, but if he judged people for their hands in it happening, he'd be judging a lot of people who don't necessarily deserve it.

Seth/Cormag A

Seth: Can I have a word with you, Cormag?
Cormag: Oh, Seth. Of course. What can I do for you?
Seth: I’ve been thinking about your story, and I’ve come to a decision.
Cormag: Hm? What are you talking about?
Seth: …Cormag, listen. As general of the Knights of Renais, I’d like to offer you a post.
Cormag: What? You want me to join the Knights of Renais?
Seth: Yes, exactly. I’ve been watching you fight, and I’ve been thinking about this for some time. Since we’ve been speaking, I’ve seen more than just your fighting prowess. I’ve seen that you’re a strong and noble person as well. You are a man I would risk my life fighting beside. Prince Ephraim will be a great king. Would you fight for him with me?
Cormag: I really appreciate it. Thanks, Seth. But… Grado is my home. I can’t trade loyalties to Renais just like that.
Seth: …I knew you would say that.
Cormag: Emperor Vigarde is my only lord. My duty now is to correct the mistakes he has made. That’s why I’m here. I hope you can understand.
Seth: Yes, of course… Still, I’m glad that I met you.
Cormag: Same here, Seth. Now, let’s get this war over with, shall we?
Seth: Yes, and when it’s done, we’ll get together and tell some stories.
Cormag: I’m looking forward to it!

Seth has the same band-aid fix for him, but rather than the impassioned plea that Cormag avert his deadly path, it's more "I see you're a good fighter, come be our knight", and Cormag rejects him outright. He does at least promise to help Grado- this is more than he promises to do to Tana- but the fact Seth doesn't press harder speaks volumes about how much Seth cares about Cormag other than as a knight.

Syrene/Moulder A

Moulder: So… Last night was a new moon. And that means today is the day. I’ve been going mad wondering, Syrene. What is your suggestion?
Syrene: Ah, right you are, Father. It is indeed the promised day. Well, then. On behalf of everyone, I have two words for you. Father Moulder?
Moulder: Y-yes…?
Syrene: Happy Birthday!
Moulder: What? Birthday? Oh… Oh, yes! Why, today is my birthday, isn’t it? But–
Syrene: It is a fine tradition to celebrate one’s birthday, Father. In a war, uncertainty surrounds us every moment of every day. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, let us celebrate life today. That should encourage us all to keep going, wouldn’t you say?
Moulder: Yes, indeed. To share the joys of life is very important. Thank you, Syrene. In this chaos, I would have forgotten my own birthday.
Syrene: You exhaust yourself caring for others, but you pay no attention to yourself. We are all so grateful to you, Father. So many different people came up to me to ask how we could show that gratitude. You are a man of great virtue, and an inspiration to us all.
Moulder: I am touched… At my age, I thought all my happy birthdays were well behind me. I’m a little embarrassed at that…
Syrene: You must remember to take care of yourself, Father. And thank you.

The fact Supports can be grinded infinitely (and the fact the game doesn't have any sort of calendar) means we don't actually learn anything about Moulder's birthday, but it was fun trying to figure out when I wanted to put it for this structure. It says a lot about Syrene's character that she goes out of her way for something like this, though. She's pleasant to be around.

Kyle/Syrene A

Kyle: What’s wrong, Syrene? Are you hurt?
Syrene: No, I’m fine, but I’m worried about my pegasus…
Kyle: Here, let me take a look. Hm. Looks like he’s got a wound here that hasn’t properly healed. I can fix this up for you. It’s nothing serious, but you might want to get him some proper care later.
Syrene: Thanks, Kyle. You’re a lifesaver. It was careless of me not to have noticed the injury.
Kyle: Your pegasus is smart. He may have hidden it from you so as not to worry you. It’s not your fault, Syrene. You shouldn’t worry about it.
Syrene: No, I’m just not fit to be a pegasus knight. I’m so pitiful. If you hadn’t seen that injury, I could have put us both in danger. I could have cost us both our lives.
Kyle: You’re being too hard on yourself. If you were in danger, I would have been at your side in an instant. I’m sure you would do the same, wouldn’t you?
Syrene: …Yes, gladly.
Kyle: We just have to help one another out if something happens. You and I have been friends for over ten years, after all.
Syrene: For over ten years?
Kyle: That’s right, Syrene. You did the same for me back then.
Syrene: …Back then?
Kyle: It was on the day I left Frelia. Near the border, I came upon some bandits harassing a poor merchant. I tried to help him, but I was outnumbered. Badly. When they saw I was a knight, they wasted no time surrounding me. I thought that was it for me, but then, out of nowhere, you show up. You and I drove off those bandits, and you saved my life that day.
Syrene: I see you’ve finished your homework.
Kyle: Oh, so that’s what you wanted me to remember! “Don’t be a hero” indeed!
Syrene: You’d left Frelia before I could give you a going-away present. I went out, hoping to catch up to you, when I saw you surrounded by bandits. You were fighting all those bandits on your own to save that merchant… I’d never seen a knight so dedicated to the protection of the innocent.
Kyle: Going-away present… You’re talking about this, aren’t you?
Syrene: The wooden pegasus I carved for you! …You still have it?
Kyle: Of course I do! After we dealt with those bandits, you said to me, “Keep this, and remember Frelia.” How could I possibly misplace it? I carry it with me as a reminder. As long as I have this, I feel like I’ll always have someone watching over me. Actually, I started collecting wooden figurines since you gave me this. But I always carry this one on me.
Syrene: I’m glad to hear it’s meant so much to you.
Kyle: I’ll treasure it always.
Syrene: …… …Kyle… When we’re all at peace again, won’t you visit Frelia once more?
Kyle: You know… I was thinking about that, too. I think I really missed out by not having Frelian seafood. This time around, I won’t miss it. And I should see some sights, too. Will you show me around, Syrene?
Syrene: Yes, I’d love to. I’ve been told I can fry up a mean fish, too!

Syrene has her own confidence issues to work through? No wonder she looks up to Vanessa, the two are more alike than Vanessa thinks. Probably for the best she keeps that quiet, though, that'd be a devastating panic loop.

The connection between Kyle and Syrene here is such an interesting one, because these two characters don't really feel like they should be talking to each other- one's a random Renais filler knight, the other's a random Frelia filler knight, and yet their backstories are surprisingly cohesive and based on their personalities. This feels like where a Support system truly shines- getting two characters to mesh through unique applications of each other's strengths. Not that this is an easy job.

Tethys/Rennac A

Tethys: Oh.
Rennac: Tethys. I’ve been looking for you. You haven’t been avoiding me, have you?
Tethys: Oh, of course not. Hee hee…
Rennac: The object you spoke of the other day? I have it here. Please take a look.
Tethys: Um. Oh, yes. That. Of course.
Rennac: You forgot what you asked for, didn’t you?
Tethys: That’s, that’s… not true.
Rennac: OK, then take a look. Here it is.
Tethys: Ooh…
Rennac: What do you think?
Tethys: It’s nice. Very pretty.
Rennac: It’s as big as a fist. Notice how the red, white, and blue colors play across the surface of the gems.
Tethys: It really exists.
Rennac: Did you say something?
Tethys: No, nothing. Pay me no mind.
Rennac: Well, I brought it to you as promised. So this proves that I’m worthy, does it not?
Tethys: Yes. I now realize that despite your appearance, you’re a very hard worker. Does that make you a good catch? Hmm… I’m still not convinced.
Rennac: Really? How disappointing. Is there something else you desire?
Tethys: Let me see… There is this…

After 240 turns of this, this is the ending of the hardest Support to build in the game? I'm starting to think Tethys just isn't into him and is trying to get rid of him. Rennac's too competent for that. He'd make a good employee, if he wasn't stuck with a boss that doesn't fully appreciate his skillset or his request for wages. It's almost tragic.

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