Friday 23 December 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 19

Today's Supports:

  • Syrene/Vanessa B
  • Eirika/L'Arachel A
  • L'Arachel/Dozla A
  • Innes/L'Arachel A
  • L'Arachel/Rennac A
  • Tana/Syrene A
  • Innes/Tana A
  • Joshua/Natasha A
  • Joshua/Marisa A
  • Duessel/Knoll A
  • Eirika/Forde A
  • Natasha/Cormag A
  • Joshua/Gerik A
  • Gilliam/Syrene A
  • Ross/Amelia A
  • Ross/Ewan A
  • Ewan/Tethys A
  • Ewan/Dozla A
  • Eirika/Saleh A
  • Colm/Rennac A
  • Colm/Kyle A

Syrene/Vanessa B

Vanessa: Captain… I mean, Sis.
Syrene: You look better, Vanessa. Did you sleep well?
Vanessa: Yes. First time in a long time. Thank you, Sis.
Syrene: I’ve been meaning to ask you…
Vanessa: Yes?
Syrene: You don’t seem to have much appetite lately.
Vanessa: Well, I’ve just been-
Syrene: I told you, Vanessa, I know you too well. So, who’s the lucky guy?
Vanessa: What?! That’s just crazy! I don’t know what you’re talking about!
Syrene: You know I can tell when you’re lying. Plus, you not eating is a dead giveaway. I mean, when’s the last time you said no to a cookie? It’s not a criticism. One of your most charming qualities is how you can outeat anyone. It’s because of someone special, isn’t it?
Vanessa: Well, um…
Syrene: But, Vanessa, first and foremost, you have to take care of yourself. I’ll support you no matter what, but no one is worth losing your health over.
Vanessa: Thank you, I guess. I’ll do my best… Sometimes I think that if I were more like you- you know, a great knight, an attractive woman, and just all-around perfect- I’d have a better chance with him. …Hmmm. That didn’t sound as pathetic in my head as it did out loud.
Syrene: Don’t be silly, Vanessa. You may not know it, but I’m sure that person likes you for who you are.
Vanessa: Do you really think so? I’ve always wanted to be like you. You’ve always been my role model. But, I feel like whenever I finally catch up to you, you’re already gone. You’ve already moved on. I’ll never catch up with you, no matter how hard I try.
Syrene: I’m very proud of you, Vanessa. And as your older sister, I recognize your talent more than anyone else. You should be more confident.
Vanessa: I feel better after opening up to you. It’s hard not to compare myself with you, but I have to get past that.
Syrene: That’s the spirit. And remember, you have to take care of yourself.
Vanessa: Yes, I know. As always, thanks, Syrene.

Considering Innes is off chasing Eirika, I don't exactly blame her for going the "be attractive" route to try and compete with that. I love how well Syrene gets into Vanessa's head, and while Vanessa's fawning over Innes could and probably does come off somewhat poorly, the line "that didn't sound as pathetic in my head as it did out loud" makes the whole thing worth it in my eyes.

Eirika/L'Arachel A

L’Arachel: Eirika… Please hold for a moment.
Eirika: What is it, L’Arachel?
L’Arachel: About what we were discussing earlier… I would not want you to get the wrong idea. I was not saying I was lonely because my parents were dead. I am not that weak, you know? I have never even… cried… when thinking of my parents.
Eirika: I know, L’Arachel. You are a very strong person. We are lucky to have you with us.
L’Arachel: I hope you do not think this all too sudden, but… Here. Look at this.
Eirika: What’s this…?
L’Arachel: This ruby has been in Rausten for generations. It is a valuable gem. I would be honored if… I would like for you to have it.
Eirika: What? No, I couldn’t! It’s far too precious to accept…
L’Arachel: No, I mean it. Please, accept this as a gift. Here. I won’t allow you to refuse.
Eirika: L’Arachel… Thank you. I will treasure it. I so wish I had something to give you in return…
L’Arachel: You needn’t feel that way. Here, I’ve an idea… Once we’ve put an end to all the monstrosities in our lands… Invite me to Renais. Does this plan please you?
Eirika: Yes… certainly. Of course.
L’Arachel: Then we are agreed! Now, you had better not go dying in battle on me. Not until then, at any rate. Do I have your word?
Eirika: Yes…let us both live long enough to look back on this time. I am sure that, when we do look back, it will be as the best of friends.

Sure, Eirika. "Best of friends". Let the historians believe that.

Beyond the sheer gay energy of L'Arachel proposing to Eirika in all but name, I want to draw attention to the opening of the conversation- where L'Arachel tries to reclaim her bravado while exposing her inner self and Eirika lets her do so while telling her she sees her- and the fact that L'Arachel asks to be invited to Renais. She is usually a very self-centered character and focused on her own country of Rausten, as seen with her Innes Supports, so the fact she wants to go to Eirika's country speaks to a strong emotional connection.

L'Arachel/Dozla A

L’Arachel: How is it progressing, Dozla? Is it working?
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! You will be pleased, Princess L’Arachel! Just recently I saw a group of villagers together gossiping. They’d seen a suspicious young woman in fantastic garb riding around at night. And they called that enigmatic woman “the beautiful princess of peerless beauty”!
L’Arachel: Yes! They were most certainly talking about me then. At last, I am becoming known amongst the people of the land. Those three long trips I took around the area were worth the trouble.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! You’re so right, Princess L’Arachel! There can be no doubt that the villagers were appropriately impressed.
L’Arachel: Yet I find it passing strange. How is it that no one has appeared to imitate me? The beautiful banisher of darkness was well enough known, after all. It’s only natural that someone somewhere would have aspired to be like me. The fact that no imitators have appeared has me very worried, I must say.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! How right you are! But you are peerless, Princess L’Arachel, as your nickname says! It would be impossible for anyone to claim your beauty as her own!
L’Arachel: Well, that is true. It certainly was not easy for me, after all. Yet now, I am destined to be remembered in the future as a hero. I wonder how my legend will be passed on after I leave this earth. I am so looking forward to it. “The beautiful princess of peerless beauty,” L’Arachel… Ah… How enchanting. Already, I weep for the world that will one day be robbed of my beauty.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha!
L’Arachel: I must do something spectacular this battle to ensure my name is remembered. Let’s go, Dozla.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Ready as ever, Princess L’Arachel!

L'Arachel's parents are dead, and she has no idea what kind of people they were. She has dedicated her life to making sure her own identity will not meet the same fate. Somewhat misguided? Perhaps. But she's certainly done a good job of that, even if perhaps things aren't quite turning out as she expected. Not sure if that second thing is a her problem or not.

Innes/L'Arachel A

Innes: The Theocracy of Rausten certainly sounds like a spectacular land.
L’Arachel: As does Frelia, much more than I imagined it would. And yet…
Innes: You mean to ask which is the more spectacular? Is that it?
L’Arachel: What? That’s no question at all! Rausten is clearly superior in every way.
Innes: I expected you would say so. But what of the truth? Your opinion is subjective, is it not?
L’Arachel: Well… um… All opinions are subjective, but I’m sure an objective evaluation would yield the same result.
Innes: To prove that, we will need some fair and impartial third in our discussion.
L’Arachel: Indeed! And I have a splendid idea. Let the pair from Renais judge. Surely Ephraim and Eirika can come to a proper decision.
Innes: Of course. I agree completely. I think I should remind the two of all the wonder Frelia holds.
L’Arachel: Then it’s decided. They will visit both of our homes, and we’ll show them such splendor as to leave them breathless. Invitations to tour our two nations will surely have them overjoyed.
Innes: It would only be natural.
L’Arachel: It would be natural. Very well then. Let us deal with this evil and take those two home with us. First and foremost, it is a competition to see whose land is more magnificent!
Innes: I can see this whole affair has you very enthralled. I cannot say where this little competition will lead us… But I am more than happy to go up against you.
L’Arachel: Don’t blame me if you regret our contest later, though. You may be composed before others, but you’ll surely be lonely on your own.
Innes: Be warned yourself. Your words here may prove embarrassing to you later.
L’Arachel: It’s not a problem. This is just another contest in the name of all that is holy and true.
Innes: Ah, very well then.

Innes and L'Arachel's posturing has only gotten ridiculously excessive, with the two left alone long enough. I'm sure Eirika doesn't want to get between two people she likes, and Ephraim would abstain from this mess because he doesn't want to deal with them. Maybe Gerik? I don't think his connection with Innes would get in the way.

L'Arachel/Rennac A

Rennac: …Sigh…
L’Arachel: Don’t you know that it’s rude to sigh when you see someone, Rennac? You may be a fair dancer, but your smooth moves belie your gruff manners. You should learn from me. If you were truly happy, you would not sigh so. Tell me, Rennac, what is it that makes you happy?
Rennac: Makes me happy? Let me see… Uh… I’ve never really thought about it. If pressed, I’d have to say gold.
L’Arachel: Gold, did you say? So if you had gold, you would be happy. Is that it?
Rennac: Well, if you have enough gold, you can buy whatever you desire. Mercenaries work so that they can get paid. It’s why they fight. Knights fight because they have sworn oaths, but there is more… They’ve been promised a certain social status by fulfilling their oaths.
L’Arachel: So, by getting what you desire, you can be happy? Is that it?
Rennac: What do you mean?
L’Arachel: Rather than lament over what you do not possess, you should treasure what you do. That’s a very important lesson to learn, don’t you think? Isn’t that the road to true happiness?
Rennac: Princess L’Arachel… I know you mean well when you say things like that. But coming from someone who has everything, it means very little.
L’Arachel: This has nothing to do with my station in life. And as for you, what need have you of money or fame? You have me! Merely serving me must be the greatest pleasure man can know.
Rennac: So, that’s what this is about, is it?
L’Arachel: Your employer is sweet and lovely. That is something most people dream of having. Surely you cannot aspire to happiness greater than this.
Rennac: …… I’ve always wondered, Princess, how your ego grew so large.
L’Arachel: You complain far too much! Come, Rennac. It’s time to go. Follow me, and try not to lag.
Rennac: Ah, Princess L’Arachel! …Perfect… True happiness? Is this really what happiness feels like?

L'Arachel's ego grew so large because her parents died at a young age and her two remaining guardians (Mansel and Dozla) gave her everything she could ever want to keep her happy in lieu of unpacking her emotional baggage, incidentally.

Rennac makes the more robust argument here, although L'Arachel gestures at an argument that Rennac might benefit from. It's only when she starts assuming what Rennac wants out of life that the argument gets away from her. Spends too long around Dozla.

Tana/Syrene A

Syrene: That food you made the other night was fabulous. The soldiers told me about it.
Tana: Really? They were talking about my food? I was so nervous.
Syrene: You’ve learned the basics well. That’s a solid foundation for all Frelian food. Take care of yourself, milady. I look forward to hearing how your parents respond to your cooking.
Tana: You take care of yourself, too, Syrene. It’s your duty to protect me, right? Then I want you to fulfill your duty and promise to go home with me!
Syrene: I shall do what I can. But the battlefield can be a dangerous place, milady. If something happens to me, see to it that you return home safely.
Tana: Syrene… You’re like a real sister to me. I’ve always admired you. You’ve taught me so much already, and there’s so much more that I can learn from you… So you can’t die. You have to come back home to Frelia with me. No matter what.
Syrene: Princess Tana… I shall never leave your side, milady. But if something should happen to me… If, perchance, I were to… to die, I would die happy knowing you were safe. Please, don’t waste my sacrifice. Make it home, safe, alive, and well.
Tana: I will. I promise. But you have to promise me… Promise that you will do everything in your power to return home with me.
Syrene: I will, Princess Tana. We will return to Frelia together. I promise.

Syrene tries, so hard, to get Tana to appreciate the realistic possibility she might die in war. Tana is having none of it. Gerik put it best, though: Go into battle expecting to die and you will. Not everyone's making it home, but that's no reason to not give it your all to try.

Innes/Tana A

Tana: Oh, Innes! Why can’t you understand!?
Innes: Why can’t you listen to your brother? Why are you always so stubborn!?
Tana: You’re the stubborn one, Innes! Why can’t you understand how I feel? You’re my only brother, and I have no one else on whom I can rely… I don’t want to waste our time together arguing!
Innes: Tana…
Tana: You don’t know how much I envy Eirika and Ephraim their closeness. They understand one another’s thoughts and feelings perfectly all the time! Why aren’t we like that? Why do you never understand me, Innes?
Innes: Tana, wait. I don’t say these things because I hate you.
Tana: That’s a lie! You’re always so mean to me, Innes! You make no effort to understand how I feel.
Innes: That’s not true. I’m still your brother, and I think I know you better than anyone else.
Tana: …Do you mean that, Innes?
Innes: Absolutely. Do you remember the incident with the crown?
Tana: Hm… …Oh! I remember. It was when I was very little, and I lost Father’s crown. He was so angry with me. I thought he would never stop yelling. I was so terrified of his wrath, and I just couldn’t stop crying. I honestly believed Father would throw me in the dungeon! But you searched the castle from top to bottom, and you found the crown. And I remember what you told Father when you brought it back to him: “I took your crown, Father. I wanted to see what it would look like on my head.” I remember how happy I was when I heard Father laughing at your words. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world to have a brother like you.
Innes: I know how you feel better than anyone else. And that’s no lie.
Tana: Innes… I understand now why you said what you said. But please, forgive me for being here, for not going home. I simply wanted to be near you, my beloved brother.
Innes: …You win. I’ll let you stay. But you be sure to apologize to our father when we return home. And don’t worry too much. I’ll be there with you when you do.
Tana: Really? I love you, Innes! You’re the best brother anyone could have!
Innes: And you are quite a handful, Sister.

...All of a sudden I lost some respect for Hayden. I'm detecting a hint of parental favouritism from the way Hayden's so much calmer about Innes claiming credit than Tana. I think Innes does do enough for Tana that the two can be said to have a strong familial connection, but I can't help but wonder whether Tana's closeness to Eirika and Ephraim is somewhat a desire to be around friendlier people. Thank goodness for Syrene.

Joshua/Natasha A

Joshua: Ouch…
Natasha: Joshua, are you all right? Do you need medical atten-
Joshua: Natasha, how did you get here so quickly?
Natasha: ……I just… happened to be in the neighborhood. Are you hurt?
Joshua: Ugh. Yeah… But it’s only a scratch. Still, if you could… take care of it. Please?
Natasha: Yes… ……
Joshua: ……
Natasha: …… …All done.
Joshua: Thanks. ……Say, Natasha. Want to make a bet?
Natasha: On what? If this is another of your little jokes, I-
Joshua: Will I make you happy? That’s what we’ll bet on. Are you in, or what?
Natasha: What?
Joshua: That’s everything I’ve got. I can’t up the ante any more. So how about it? Are you in?
Natasha: Are you… serious?
Joshua: Look into my eyes, and decide for yourself.
Natasha: …… I…
Joshua: “I serve the people,” is that it? Listen, does it make any difference if you serve them in Grado or Renais? You can come with me. It’ll work out, you’ll see. I’ll make it work.
Natasha: Joshua…
Joshua: Natasha.
Natasha: …… ……I will…
Joshua: ……
Natasha: ……accept your wager.
Joshua: You will?
Natasha: What I’m betting is my future. My happiness.
Joshua: Natasha… …I can’t afford to lose this one.
Natasha: You’re right… And I hope from the bottom of my heart that you win.
Joshua: Don’t worry. In a pinch, I never lose. Well, I mean, I lose sometimes. But not this time!
Natasha: At least… you won our last bet.
Joshua: Hm? Oh! Oh, yeah… That you’d fall for me.
Natasha: …
Joshua: …That was easy. This bet, this is going to be a tough one. I’m gonna have to work at it. But knowing that I’ve won one bet already, at least I’ve got that.
Natasha: This war is terrible… but at least it brought us together.

As Joshua goes, this was a surprisingly earnest attempt at engaging with Natasha. This is a man that will do his best, and defines his best as what works with Natasha.

The mention of where they plan to spend that lifetime is curious, though. Grado, of course, will be in need of Natasha in the near future (although Natasha isn't necessarily aware of this), but why Renais out of Joshua? Even ignoring his royal duties, he's still very definitely Jehannan. Interesting retirement plan.

Joshua/Marisa A

Joshua: There!
Marisa: Ho!
Joshua: ……How’s this?
Marisa: Oof…
Joshua: Whew… Looks like I won this time.
Marisa: ……I made a mistake.
Joshua: No, you’re just having a bad day. And it’s not like I had a decisive victory this time. I’d say we’re still just about even.
Marisa: All that matters is that I didn’t win. You won the bet. What do you want me to do?
Joshua: Oh, you remembered our last bet! That makes me happy. All right, here goes…
Marisa: ……
Joshua: I want you to be my partner for a while… How’s that sound?
Marisa: What? Your partner?
Joshua: Don’t get the wrong idea. I just meant for training. And gambling.
Marisa: So, nothing would change…
Joshua: Well, I suppose, but there’s still a point to it all.
Marisa: What’s that?
Joshua: If I train with you, I’m going to become a better swordsman. And if we train together, maybe we’ll each learn something.
Marisa: I could ask nothing better.
Joshua: And there’s something that I want to do soon when the war is over. It’s something that can’t be done in a single day or overnight. You could probably call this the biggest gamble of my entire life. I’m going to have to hone my skills, and I’ll need someone to help me. What do you say, Marisa? Won’t you lend me a hand?
Marisa: I’m good for fighting, and not much else.
Joshua: You think? I doubt that’s true. Well, think about it.
Marisa: …I’ll do it.
Joshua: I know this is a gamble, but… gambling is my hobby.
Marisa: I see that.
Joshua: Well, don’t let me down.
Marisa: I won’t. But try to keep it interesting, all right?
Joshua: Heh. Then I’ll do my best to keep you entertained. And remember what I said… Life is a gamble. You never know what’ll happen. But don’t worry. I’m sure you won’t be bored. Besides, how often do you meet someone you can spar with? Not to mention someone who can actually beat you!
Marisa: I’ll win next time, though.
Joshua: That’s the spirit, Marisa.

...Joshua/Marisa did pretty well for themselves, all things considered. I'm not fully certain what Marisa is doing for Joshua, but Joshua is getting a lot out of his royal heritage and sharing it with Marisa is doing a lot to help her grapple with her upbringing, too.

Duessel/Knoll A

Knoll: ……
Duessel: Knoll.
Knoll: Is that you, General Duessel?
Duessel: You’re tired, aren’t you? Worn to the bone. I understand how you feel, but on the battlefield, this only invites death.
Knoll: You are probably right… And yet that might be best.
Duessel: What are you planning to do from here on?
Knoll: I do not know… I have lost my way. Perhaps I should have been executed in the capital.
Duessel: ……
Knoll: I once studied dark magic alongside Prince Lyon. He was such a gentle soul. You could see it- he was too kind to survive. Prince Lyon dreamt of finding happiness for all of Grado’s citizens.
Duessel: ……
Knoll: And now, Prince Lyon is no more. I have lost everything.
Duessel: I have also lost everything. And we have both lost our ways. We are dead men who have stayed too long away from our graves. But remember, Knoll… You cannot see the future, but you can look back at your past. Look and learn. And remember. What gave your life meaning, and what has taken meaning from you now?
Knoll: ……
Duessel: If you still hold the convictions that guided you in Grado, you can start anew. That… That is what I must do. We may be diminished by our shame, but we are not dead yet, my friend.
Knoll: General Duessel… I am not as strong as you. Still, I believe you are right. I, too, shall search for a new path. A path that guides me to realizing the dreams Prince Lyon once held so dear.

Two loyal men being Faerghus-brained. For Knoll, things are a lot more complicated: His life's work, devoted to Lyon's search for knowledge, turned out not only to be worthless, but actively malicious. Can they still use the power of prophecy without the Demon King? Maybe. But who wants to count on that after how badly it's hurt the people that tried to use it?

Eirika/Forde A

Forde: Princess Eirika.
Eirika: Forde.
Forde: You asked me earlier what I would do when all this fighting ended…
Eirika: I remember…
Forde: Well, I should have asked you, too. What will you do when this fighting ends?
Eirika: Me?
Forde: Yes.
Eirika: I… …I’d like to restore Renais and bring happiness back to her people.
Forde: …Princess Eirika…
Eirika: It is not enough that this war end… that we go home again. It’s not enough that my brother become king. These things aren’t enough to make a good country.
Forde: …
Eirika: People deserve happiness. They are the reason that we rule. Without the people, there can be no Renais.
Forde: To live happily, to be proud of our nation… To restore the happiness of her people…
Eirika: Yes, that is my dream now. It is an abstract goal, and perhaps a little vague, but…
Forde: No, not at all!
Eirika: How so?
Forde: I mean, rebuilding a country, now THAT is an abstract goal. But what you’ve described, that is a wonderful ambition. I’ve never been so proud to serve the kingdom of Renais.
Eirika: Forde…
Forde: I’ve come to a decision! I know I’ve already sworn an oath, but… I want to renew that vow. Please, let me help make your dream come true! I’ll do anything I can to help you… as long as it doesn’t require heavy lifting.
Eirika: Thank you… I’m very grateful to you, Forde. It feels like this war might never end, and our people give in to despair quickly. But thanks to people like you, who smile in the face of sorrow, they can be saved.
Forde: Oh, no. You make too much of it. I’m nothing special. I simply cannot allow myself to worry when there’s fighting to be done. You’re the special one. You have such a profound effect on us all.
Eirika: …Me? How so?
Forde: It is because of you that we can go on. You and the prince are here, risking your lives for the cause. Your guidance, your leadership… It gives us a reason to live as well.
Eirika: A reason… to live?
Forde: Yes… To restore that radiant smile to your own lovely face.
Eirika: Oh!
Forde: I fight to see you smile again, to drive the worry from your face. If I can do that, then I will be more than happy to paint your portrait.
Eirika: Forde…
Forde: We’ll do it together. Every day is another step closer to the end of war. One step closer to making your dream come true.
Eirika: …Agreed!

Neither of them figured out maybe they should put the crown on her head instead of his. Oh well. At least someone's putting in the work.

Natasha/Cormag A

Natasha: …Hello, Cormag.
Cormag: What’s the matter? You’ve got your gloomy face on again.
Natasha: Doesn’t this all get hard for you?
Cormag: This what?
Natasha: …Ever since this started, we’ve been fighting nothing but Grado soldiers. These are our countrymen. Our families…
Cormag: ……
Natasha: Every battle we win, I see only how many casualties we’ve caused. I’m a healer, but to win this, I must turn my back on my countrymen. I have to let them suffer, when all I want to do is help them. But…
Cormag: …But what?
Natasha: Grado is responsible for all of this. Our homeland… Grado has caused so many deaths now. We have no choice but to fight.
Cormag: Ah. You see it now. That’s the sad irony of the battlefield. I ride a wyvern and use my spear to bring low men who should be my allies. We each joined this cause in hopes of bringing Grado to its senses. Our country has set the world on its ear, and it’s up to us to right things.
Natasha: I suppose…
Cormag: … You know something, Natasha? You should never be ashamed of the fact that you’re from Grado. You have no debt to pay, no burden of guilt to bear. Grado was once a magnificent country. Do what you can to restore that glory. It took only a handful of men to turn Grado down the wrong path, but perhaps a mere handful of soldiers can set things right again.
Natasha: I understand, Cormag. I’ll do what I know to be right, no matter what. I feel like a heavy fog has been lifted from my heart. Thank you.
Cormag: Ah, I just wanted to see that lovely smile on your face again. You and me, we’ve got lots to talk about, I think. Let’s do this again.
Natasha: I’d love to.

Cormag is that much more helpful to Natasha's specific plight about Grado. Not only are the people of Grado suffering because of this war, but we're also burning our way through Grado's misguided army- I imagine Chapters 17 and 19's Remnants are a little bit more aware they're not fighting for Grado anymore, but it's not like they'd have much of a choice if they weren't.

Joshua/Gerik A

Gerik: Hey, Joshua, I don’t mind a little friendly gambling with my men, but would you mind not fleecing them too much? It’s demoralizing.
Joshua: Hm? Oh, you’re talking about those guys? Man! They wore me out! They just kept losing and losing and losing, and they still wouldn’t give up! If they’ll risk so much on a bet, they might risk too much in a battle. You’re their commander. You should have a word with them.
Gerik: Ha ha ha… Good point. I’ll talk to the boys. But, Joshua… I’m going to have to win back the money that you took from my men.
Joshua: It’s about time! I’ve been waiting for you to put the challenge to me.
Gerik: Oh, I’ll do more than just challenge you.
Joshua: So if you win, I’ll cough up your men’s money. And if I win…
Gerik: What’s it going to be? Come on, out with it.
Joshua: I want you to join me when this war is over.
Gerik: …That’s all you want? Well, it doesn’t sound like your standard mercenary assignment, but you’ve piqued my interest. This sounds like a big bet. I’m not sure I get what you’re after in all this, but… Fine. You’ve got a bet.
Joshua: Great, then let’s go… How ’bout we flip a coin?
Gerik: That’s it? I’m wagering my life on a coin toss? Eh, why not? Flip it.
Joshua: Heads or tails? What’s your call?
Gerik: …Heads.
Joshua: Which leaves me with tails. …Here it goes… Hup!
Gerik: ……
Joshua: …Ready to see what it is? …Look! It’s tails!
Gerik: I won. Now, let me have the men’s money back.
Joshua: …Wait, you called heads…
Gerik: I sure did. But you cheated. Open your left hand. There- you palmed the coin and swapped in a fake one.
Joshua: …You ARE observant. Not a lot of people can see through that. You’re right. You win. Here, I’ll give you back the money.
Gerik: Ha ha ha. Thanks, Joshua. I’ll get this back to the men.
Joshua: Mind if I ask how you found me out? I like to think I’ve gotten pretty good at that trick.
Gerik: Before I became a mercenary, gambling was my one true love in life. I’ve had to learn how to see through a LOT of tricks in my day.
Joshua: So, wait… You just pretended not to be interested in gambling? You’re really something. You pulled a fast one on me. Today’s not my-
Gerik: Not your lucky day? Don’t say that, Joshua. You were just out of your league is all.
Joshua: I’m starting to think maybe I was. But then again, maybe not… Maybe today was just YOUR lucky day.
Gerik: Ha ha ha… I like your enthusiasm. And I’m glad you appreciate my gambling prowess.
Joshua: I haven’t given up on you yet. When this war is over, let’s have us a quick duel. If I win, you come work for me.
Gerik: You’re on. Just make sure you stay alive until then.
Joshua: Don’t worry. I’m feeling lucky.

And Innes couldn't see through Joshua's scheme. Josh could do worse than get Gerik on his side for his reign. Beholden to red tape as he is, he might already be one of the more influential people on Jehanna, purely because of how many times he's been around the block.

Gilliam/Syrene A

Syrene: Gilliam! I’ll be right there!
Gilliam: Syrene! Don’t be a hero!
Syrene: …Gilliam, you’re always telling me to be careful… You know full well I watch over everyone. It’s what I do. But you… You’re the one who always watches over me.
Gilliam: Syrene…
Syrene: You know why I stay close to you? Just to hear you say that.
Gilliam: …
Syrene: Gilliam…
Gilliam: Is that…all you want to hear me say?
Syrene: What do you-?
Gilliam: Syrene… When this war is over… … … …Let’s get married.
Syrene: …Gilliam!
Gilliam: Don’t answer now. When this war is over… When we get back to Frelia… Wait until then, will you? Wait until then to tell me.
Syrene: Gilliam… You needn’t wait that long. You already know my answer. …But if that is what you want, Gilliam, then yes! …I will wait until the war is over before I give my answer! Gilliam… Good luck.
Gilliam: Syrene… Good luck to you.

Another of our soldiers is putting in an effort to make sure Syrene comes back alive. I think these two had most of their relationship development off-screen, which is nice: We even hear about her from Garcia A. They do a good job establishing these two as a match, too.

Ross/Amelia A

Amelia: Hi, Ross.
Ross: Hey, Amelia. I heard you’re getting better.
Amelia: Yes, I’m getting there.
Ross: Well, it’s a hard road to get to where we think we should be.
Amelia: Yup, that’s true.
Ross: As for me, my father was always the warrior in the family. I’ve always wanted to be just like him. I think I’m just finally starting to get close to that goal. But anyways, how are your parents?
Amelia: Well… I don’t talk about them much…
Ross: Oh! Um… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…
Amelia: No, no. It’s fine. My father has been gone for as long as I can remember…
Ross: ...I see.
Amelia: I was living with my mother, but… But she is…no longer with me.
Ross: I see… Sounds like you’ve had a rough life…
Amelia: Well…
Ross: I’m sorry I brought up something painful.
Amelia: Um…
Ross: Um… I’ve got it! I’ll be your big brother!
Amelia: What in the world are you talking about?
Ross: Your brother! And you’ll be my sister! Yeah! This is the best idea I’ve had in a while! It doesn’t matter that we’re not blood relatives. The army is like a family, so we are like siblings! So it’s decided, then. You’re my little sister from now on. So you’re not alone anymore. You can call me big brother, OK?
Amelia: Um… This is all kind of… sudden. I don’t know if I’m ready to-
Ross: Never mind all that! We’re brother and sister from now on. All right, Sis?
Amelia: How old are you anyway?
Ross: Huh? What’s that got to do with it? You know… Old enough to show you the ropes.
Amelia: Wait a minute… You’re probably the same age as me!
Ross: What?!
Amelia: In fact, I’ll bet I’m a little older…
Ross: Grrrrrr! Be quiet! I said I’m the big brother. It doesn’t matter the exact date we’re born. I’m the big brother. Any way you look at it, I’m the older one!
Amelia: Ha ha! You’re too funny! It’s so cute when you get mad! Hee hee hee!
Ross: Grrrrr.
Amelia: Thanks for the laugh.
Ross: Hmph! When this war is over, I’ll take you to my village.
Amelia: What?
Ross: Haven’t you been listening to anything? We’re brother and sister now, remember?
Amelia: Um, right.
Ross: From now on, you and I are going to share both joy and sorrow as a family. OK?
Amelia: If I didn’t know better, I would think that you were proposing to me. Ha ha ha!
Ross: What! That’s not what I’m talking about at all! You twisted my words up! Just forget it! Anyways, let’s go!
Amelia: Ha ha ha! Thanks… BIG BROTHER! Hee hee!

Boy, is his face going to be even redder when Duessel reveals Amelia's mum is still alive. His heart's in the right place, and they've got to the "sibling fighting" part of the relationship in record time. Although I do have to wonder whether or not one or both of them might sneak in to that romantic angle in time...

(We don't have any proof one way or the other which is the older one.)

Ross/Ewan A

Ewan: Hi, Ross.
Ross: Oh, it’s you again.
Ewan: That brainteaser was fun, huh? Did you get it yet?
Ross: I already told you I didn’t have any fun! If that’s what you consider fun, you must have had a pretty bad childhood!
Ewan: Well, I was an orphan.
Ross: Oh…
Ewan: My sister and I were abandoned when I was really young, before I could even talk. She became a dancer and raised me all on her own. I’m really grateful for her.
Ross: You were an orphan? I-I’m sorry. I had no idea.
Ewan: How could you know? Don’t worry about it. I don’t even remember being abandoned. And because of that, I got a chance to travel around, and meet lots of people. Like you. So, I’m not sad at all.
Ross: I see… Hey, I just had a great idea. Let’s be brothers?
Ewan: Huh?! Like blood brothers? I’m really not into slicing myself up for people I just met.
Ross: No, no, no. Just, you know, brothers! Now call me “Bro,” Bro!
Ewan: Um… OK… Bro.
Ross: Say it like you mean it! Oh, never mind. It’ll just sound forced.
Ewan: I told you so.
Ross: Well, just call me Ross for now. But, you can consider me a brother from now on.
Ewan: What do you mean by that?
Ross: I mean that I will be a friend who you can rely on and trust completely.
Ewan: That’s very kind, considering I really haven’t known you for very long. But thank you. You’re a nice guy, even if you’re not very sharp.
Ross: Hey! No need to insult me! A simple “Thanks, Bro” will be enough!
Ewan: Ha ha ha ha ha. You’re so funny! By the way, do you have a girlfriend?
Ross: W-what! Of course not! Did you forget? We’re in the middle of a war right now! I have to focus on that!
Ewan: Huh. A ha ha ha ha!
Ross: What’s that for? How about you? Do you have one?
Ewan: I have a lot of them!
Ross: What?! A lot of them! Oh well. We’re still pretty young. Better to not get tied down.
Ewan: Good luck, Ross!
Ross: Don’t talk like it’s not your problem, too!
Ewan: Hey, Ross. I think we’re going to be friends for a long time. In fact, I know it.
Ross: OK. Boy, you’re such a laid-back guy…

OK, Ewan probably doesn't understand what a girlfriend is, but I think Tethys needs to have a talk with him.

Also, I'm just imagining Garcia finding out he's adopted two kids while he wasn't looking.

Ewan/Tethys A

Ewan: It’s not such a good idea for you to dance too close to the front lines.
Tethys: Hee hee! Thanks for worrying about me, Ewan. But are you sure it’s not just the jealousy talking?
Ewan: Th-that’s not it at all! It’s dangerous! That’s it!
Tethys: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you know, Ewan… Since you joined up with the army, you really have gotten stronger.
Ewan: I have, haven’t I? So I’m no longer a novice, right?
Tethys: No, you’ve truly grown. I’m glad, but also a little sad.
Ewan: Hmm. So when I’m a full-fledged mage, you’re gonna be sad?
Tethys: I guess so. A little sad, anyways. I’m so much older than you that I’ve always thought of you as a child. That’s why I always thought I had to protect you.
Ewan: You know, at the beginning of all of this I really was treating it like a game. Then I saw the dangers you faced to help everyone. I knew I couldn’t treat it like a game any longer. Battles threaten people’s lives and need to end quickly. That’s why I need to boost my powers. I want to help you and the others. I have to become a full-fledged mage to really do my part. So, don’t be sad. I just want to protect you…
Tethys: Ewan…
Ewan: You’ve been looking after your little brother for so many years. Now it’s my turn to return the favor. I mean, I am the man of the family. So from now on, I’m gonna be helping you out.
Tethys: Thank you, Ewan. Hearing you say that makes me very happy. It proves to me how much you’ve truly grown. But that doesn’t mean you need to rush off on your own or anything. If I thought you didn’t need me anymore, I would feel really sad.
Ewan: There’s no reason to get all weepy. No matter how old I get, you’ll always be my big sister. My one and only.

Not the talk I had in mind. I am kinda concerned about Ewan taking on the whole "man of the family" thing, but Tethys is a pure support class, so it's not like he doesn't have a foot to stand on. But still... considering how dangerous magic is in some FEs, this likely wasn't exactly any less dangerous.

Ewan/Dozla A

Ewan: Ah, Uncle Dozla. Listen to this, will you? I’ve been thinking about something new.
Dozla: Ooh, I can hardly wait.
Ewan: Imagine people far away from each other talking.
Dozla: Far away? You mean, like, if you and I were maybe…100 paces apart?
Ewan: Nope. Farther than that.
Dozla: All right, 1,000 paces!
Ewan: Not even close. Farther still!
Dozla: 10,000 paces? You must be kidding.
Ewan: No, I’m not. And even farther than that! For example… What if one person were in Frelia, and the other person were in Rausten?
Dozla: What?!
Ewan: That’s right! Anyone you could think of, you could talk to. I read about magical devices that could do the same thing, but… Wouldn’t it be better if anyone could do it, and not just mages?
Dozla: Impressive! I think I see it… People could send and receive important messages instantly, is that it?
Ewan: No, even better than that! I’m not talking about just sending messages back and forth. I mean like if they could talk, just like you and I are now! We wouldn’t need messengers at all! It would all happen instantly!
Dozla: I just can’t wrap my head around this one, laddie. It’s too much for me.
Ewan: Great, isn’t it? You could contact your people in Rausten from anywhere, at any time!
Dozla: My, oh my… You’ve got quite an imagination, don’t you? The things you come up with always surprise me, laddie.
Ewan: Ha ha ha. I used to get in trouble for always thinking up these outlandish things.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! That’s a shame, laddie. After all, I’m sure a lot of the things we have now seemed outlandish once. If nobody dreamed, nothing new would ever be created, would it?
Ewan: Uncle Dozla… You always have time to listen to my ideas, Uncle. It makes me really happy.
Dozla: It’s always worth the time to listen to you youngsters and your ideas. It’s sad, but I know people who are so busy that they’ve no time to spare. But me, I’ve got time. As you know, I’m one of Princess L’Arachel’s men. I’m not the brightest fellow around, so she doesn’t give me a lot to do. But that gives me lots of free time, and I’m always happy to spend it with you.
Ewan: Thank you. I think you’re the best, Uncle Dozla!
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! What a nice thing to say. And I think you’re the best, laddie. I think when you’re fully grown, you’re going to be a great and interesting man.
Ewan: Do you really think so?
Dozla: I do. It’s that sparkle in your eyes that convinces me.
Ewan: Yahoo! Ha ha ha.
Dozla: I’m looking forward to the day when I see one of your ideas made reality.
Ewan: And that day will surely come. It’s weird… but there are times when I can almost picture a world like that.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Now that would be something. I’ll have to make sure I live long enough to see it.
Ewan: Yep! And you’ll have to stay my friend, too!
Dozla: Well, of course!

Bored of airplanes, he next devises the concept of a telephone. Honestly, Dozla probably uses the same gears of his brain he uses listening to L'Arachel: both of them are ambitiously rambling about concepts they don't have a firm plan to implement. Ewan's probably not going to actually invent the telephone (unless he tames his ADHD as he gets older), but he'll at least make the first draft and a more focused student is going to pick up the pieces after the fact.

Eirika/Saleh A

Eirika: …
Saleh: …What troubles you, Princess Eirika?
Eirika: Oh, Master Saleh. No, nothing. My mind was somewhere else… Oh, and in the middle of a battle… I’m sorry.
Saleh: Don’t be sorry. I am not going to judge you for how you think or act.
Eirika: Thank you. …I was just remembering my home. I was thinking about the last time Renais was at peace.
Saleh: …
Eirika: There were the most beautiful mountains, the clearest rivers… The scent of wildflowers filled the air. The sky was clear and bright. This was before war scarred the hills and scorched the skies. It was a wonderful place. Every day was filled with hope and possibility. My brother and I would go hunting with Prince Lyon. …I would make lunches for us. Ephraim would tease, but Lyon was happy. I… I miss that time so very much.
Saleh: Princess Eirika… I give you my word that you will once again see the Renais you love restored.
Eirika: Master Saleh… I do hope so. But first, you and I must concentrate on the battle at hand. We must win. Thank you, Master Saleh. Your homeland, Caer Pelyn, was also a most beautiful place.
Saleh: We had nothing special. But, because of that, we had… everything.
Eirika: I didn’t understand that before. Now, I think I know what you mean.
Saleh: I am glad.
Eirika: When we have to fight no more, please, let me visit you in Caer Pelyn. I would like to know more about your home. About Valega and Nada Kuya.
Saleh: You are welcome anytime. Caer Pelyn and I will welcome you with open arms.

That was a Support that existed. We get a bit more insight into the Eirika/Ephraim/Lyon dynamic, but that didn't need any additional development. I get the feeling there was more to Saleh at one point that just isn't there anymore.

Colm/Rennac A

Rennac: Hi there, urchin. I haven’t heard you bragging in a while. I thought maybe you gave up on your big plans.
Colm: I’m more persistent than you think I am. I came to see you because I remembered- Wait, you haven’t noticed yet?
Rennac: Noticed what?
Colm: Ha ha ha! I won!
Rennac: What? Did you actually steal something? Don’t tell me… Aha!
Colm: So you finally noticed! Yes, I secretly stole only the embroidery off your precious jacket. So, how’s that for stealth? That’s some pretty fine thieving, if I do say so myself.
Rennac: I see. The embroidery IS missing. Good work. It’s a little early for a victory celebration, though. The embroidery was of a pony, correct?
Colm: Huh? Yeah…
Rennac: Unfortunately for you, that was a fake. I knew you would try to steal it, so I replaced it with a fake beforehand. The real embroidery is of a phoenix. But I won’t show it to you. Nope, never.
Colm: You! That’s a cheap trick!
Rennac: In this business, anything goes. However, I’m impressed that you got as far as you did. I definitely don’t want you for an enemy.
Colm: Heh heh heh… Same here, I guess. I’m glad that we’re on the same side. Now give me my boots!

Rennac is the greatest and no wonder L'Arachel wants him on her side. Colm's gotten decent too, though. Although I do wonder what that embroidery was tied to.

Colm/Kyle A

Colm: Kyle, I have some useful news!
Kyle: Finally. What is it?
Colm: Heh heh heh… Well, it’s a secret about you.
Kyle: A secret about me? What is it?
Colm: You have a girlfriend! Her name is Meriella! You send letters to her all the time, don’t you!
Kyle: Oh, that. I’ve been meaning to tell you about her.
Colm: I’m so glad to hear that, Kyle. Let me know if you need to talk to someone. Long-distance relationships can be hard. I can’t believe it! Stuffy old Kyle is in love!
Kyle: In love? Me? I think you’re confused. Meriella is not my girlfriend. She is one of my teammates.
Colm: Workplace romance, is it? Say no more. I understand.
Kyle: Just shut up and listen to me. Meriella is the alias we use for Renais knights on undercover missions.
Colm: Alias? Like a secret code?
Kyle: Precisely. We send mail addressed to Meriella, which only the Renais knights know. The contents are always the same: We let them know that Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika are safe. It’s all written in secret code. That’s the letter I was sending.
Colm: Even though we’re in the middle of a war, does it really have to be so complicated?
Kyle: Yes. Better to be safe than sorry.
Colm: I see. Well, would you like me to deliver that letter?
Kyle: No. Every single soldier is important in this war. We need you here.
Colm: Really? You value my service? Neat!
Kyle: Um… Yes. Although you do bring me some pointless tidbits, you have also been a big help.
Colm: Great! This is so encouraging! Until recently, I thought I’d never have any real connection with the knights. But it’s different now. Now, I consider everyone involved in this war, especially the knights like you, to be my friends. I will always fight for my friends!
Kyle: Thank you, Colm. Civilians and knights… Together, we’ll restore peace in Renais.

...You all send it to Meriella? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Not that blabbing to a thief is decent security.

I'm not really sure I get what they're going for with "Civilians and knights working together". Slash I don't want to.

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