Friday 16 December 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 18

Today's Supports:

  • Tana/Syrene B
  • Ephraim/Myrrh B
  • Syrene/Gilliam B
  • Dozla/Myrrh B
  • Saleh/Myrrh B
  • Syrene/Moulder B
  • Syrene/Kyle B
  • Tethys/Rennac B
  • Eirika/Tana A
  • Marisa/Tana A
  • Ephraim/L'Arachel A
  • Joshua/L'Arachel A
  • Gerik/Marisa A
  • Gerik/Tethys A
  • Innes/Gerik A
  • Colm/Marisa A
  • Moulder/Vanessa A
  • Vanessa/Forde A
  • Lute/Knoll A

Tana/Syrene B

Tana: Hello, Syrene! I’m so glad we talked the other night. I had so much fun.
Syrene: I did, too, my lady. I was quite surprised, in fact. The young Princess Tana I once knew has grown so much.
Tana: Y-you think so? Tell me, how have I changed?
Syrene: You’re so serious now. This war has made you serious. You’re not the same princess I remember from my youth.
Tana: I know that I’ve lived a sheltered life being the princess. I know that I’ve taken my family’s wealth for granted. When I saw what the war had done to the people of Renais and Frelia, I knew that I needed to do something to change things. And you know what? You taught me something I never forgot.
Syrene: …I did?
Tana: Yes, that’s right. Your strength and pride as a pegasus knight. Your graciousness and kindness as a human being. Your example is a lesson that has stuck with me, Syrene.
Syrene: I’m honored to hear that I’ve had such an impact on you. You truly are a kind lady. Serving the Frelian royal house has been my greatest joy.
Tana: There’s… another lesson I was hoping you could teach me.
Syrene: If I can help, I would be glad to.
Tana: I’d like you to teach me… cooking.
Syrene: I can make some traditional Frelian dishes, but I’m no gourmet chef… But if you don’t mind, then I’d be happy to teach you what I know.
Tana: Thank you! When I return home to Frelia after this war is over, I hope to cook my parents a proper meal to apologize for running off.
Syrene: I’m sure they’ll be surprised to see how much you’ve grown out here. Surprised and pleased. They’ll certainly forgive you for going off on your own.
Tana: Sometimes, I wonder… I do hope that they forgive me.
Syrene: Of course they will. They’re angry because they’re concerned. If you return safely, they will be relieved, not upset.
Tana: You’re right… Thank you, Syrene. But it can’t hurt to ease their anger with some good food!
Syrene: Right you are, milady. I’ll teach you everything I know about food.

...Wait... does that mean Tana's mother is still alive? Magvel barely bothers to explain why the Renais/Frelia/Grado mothers aren't doing anything, so I assumed they were all dead.

I also really love Tana's strength of character and how well Syrene highlights that part of her.

Ephraim/Myrrh B

Myrrh: Hello… Big Brother.
Ephraim: …Myrrh, don’t you find that to be a little awkward?
Myrrh: …Is it?
Ephraim: I mean… You’re a dragon, correct? And if I’m right, you’re also far older than I am…
Myrrh: That’s correct… So, should I be your big sister?
Ephraim: Well, that doesn’t seem right, either. You look so much younger than I do. That would be odd…
Myrrh: I am… very old. Perhaps “mother”? I… don’t like “grandmother.”
Ephraim: …Let’s not dwell on this. “Sister” will be fine. Well. Did you have something you wanted to ask me?
Myrrh: I did… You see, Brother, I have a favor to ask of you.
Ephraim: Yes?
Myrrh: In the forest… I was always with my father. Even when I slept, he was there, watching over me.
Ephraim: Yes?
Myrrh: So… Brother. Would you… stay with me at night and watch over me?
Ephraim: No! Myrrh, I understand your insecurity, but this simply is not acceptable. Especially when we are on the march.
Myrrh: …
Ephraim: Oh, don’t look so sad. When you see Eirika next, why don’t you ask her? I’m sure she will agree. If you and I are brother and sister, then surely you and she are sisters, too. How does that sound?
Myrrh: Yes… I’ll do that. Thank you, Brother.

Despite Ephraim's general obliviousness when talking to girls his own age, he is aware enough to understand that sleeping with a girl that looks like she's six is improper and reacts appropriately. Either that or Forde and Kyle teased him one too many times back when the team was Ephraim/Forde/Kyle/Myrrh. ...Now that I say that, I wonder what those two think of Myrrh, and what she thinks of them.

Also, C Support only had Myrrh ask to call Ephraim "Brother", "Big Brother" is new to this conversation.

Syrene/Gilliam B

Syrene: Gilliam, how are you doing?
Gilliam: Everything’s fine for now, but- Syrene? You look pale. Are you feeling unwell?
Syrene: I’m fine, Gilliam. Don’t worry about me.
Gilliam: …
Syrene: …
Gilliam: …Syrene. People come to you when they need advice, right?
Syrene: They do, yes. Why do you ask? Don’t tell me you need some advice from me.
Gilliam: Yeah. Can we talk?
Syrene: Oh… well… Of course.
Gilliam: People come to talk to me, too. Must be… the wisdom of age or something. But I don’t know what to say. What do you do if you have no advice to give?
Syrene: That happens all the time. But I’ve learned something… People feel better as soon as they let it out. They just want you to listen. We’re fighting a war. It’s only natural that people get scared and need comfort.
Gilliam: Do you… get scared?
Syrene: …Gilliam. Is this all just an attempt to probe me for my problems?
Gilliam: Oh, er, don’t be–
Syrene: Don’t worry. If I ever have any problems, I’ll be sure to come to you.
Gilliam: …I’m always here.
Syrene: Thanks, Gilliam.

Syrene is quietly one of the coolest characters in the game- I guess coming as the very last character and a low-quality prepromote gets in the way of people being interested in finding out more. I'm kinda surprised people go to Gilliam for advice too, though- at least Syrene exerts an aura of "I will listen to your problems".

Dozla/Myrrh B

Dozla: Hrmph! Princess L’Arachel! Princess L’Arachel! Where are you?
Myrrh: ……
Dozla: Oh, lassie. What luck meeting you here. Do you know where I might find Princess L’Arachel?
Myrrh: …I do not. But that’s not important. Where is Ephraim?
Dozla: If it’s Prince Ephraim you’re after, just follow the sounds of combat! There’s no better way to motivate your troops than to stand by their side!
Myrrh: That L’Arachel person is probably with Ephraim. I saw her next to him speaking to him on quite familiar terms. For some reason, it made my chest feel… funny.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! It must be love!
Myrrh: Love? This feeling is… love?
Dozla: Mm. I’ve tasted the sweet and the sour that life serves up, and I know love. You, my dear, are in love with Princess L’Arachel!
Myrrh: I’m not so sure about that…

The intended joke is obvious, but I find it fascinating that Dozla doesn't even bat an eye at saying a girl has a crush on L'Arachel. L'Arachel only has Supports with one woman, and the main reason I say she's gay and not bi is general vibes, in the way L'Arachel conducts herself around men and the general lack of romantic commitment she gets out of them- especially when compared to how taken she is with Eirika in all scenes, plot and Support. This line, while not technically from L'Arachel's perspective, does add more evidence to the theory L'Arachel is intentionally gay, or at the very least intentionally romantically interested in women.

Saleh/Myrrh B

Myrrh: ……
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: Um…
Saleh: Yes?
Myrrh: There’s something I wanted to ask. You’re from Caer Pelyn. Do you know if my father has ever visited your village?
Saleh: He has. I myself have never seen his noble personage. However, I have heard that Dara met him once when she was young. Some monsters had wandered into Caer Pelyn, and the Great Dragon saved us.
Myrrh: Really? I wonder why my father chose to help you.
Saleh: That, I cannot guess. We poor humans cannot hope to grasp the thinking of the Great Dragon.
Myrrh: … My father has dedicated his life to protecting humans. For the longest time, I could not fathom why he would do this. But now, after spending time with all of you… I begin to understand how he felt.
Saleh: Great Dragon…
Myrrh: I’m sure that I- that I will continue to fight, as he did, for all humanity.
Saleh: I am truly grateful that you feel that way, Great Dragon.

From my impression of the man, I think Myrrh's dad didn't have any motive beyond "I was just passing through". Dara and Saleh are way too unhealthily attached to the idea of him as opposed to the man himself. Poor Myrrh has no idea how to handle that.

Syrene/Moulder B

Moulder: Syrene, you said you’d already learned everything about our little band. Did anyone in Frelia go over the details with you before you left?
Syrene: No, Father. Things were rather hectic in Frelia before we left, as you know. Everything I have learned, I’ve learned on the job, so to speak. People… confide in me, and I learn by observation.
Moulder: Interesting. So, even though you’re new, they know they can confide in you?
Syrene: Yes. The ladies seem most comfortable speaking to me.
Moulder: I understand. Even a man of the cloth is still, at heart, a man. It must reassure them to know that there is another woman to whom they can speak. There are many women among us. If I cannot be “father” to them, please, care for them as a mother.
Syrene: With all respect, Father, I refuse to minister to their needs as a mother would. I am still young and unworthy. I prefer to speak to them as a sister.
Moulder: Ha ha ha ha… Yes, of course. Please excuse me. Help them, then, as a sister would.
Syrene: Yes, Father! Now, may I have a word with you? As their sister?
Moulder: I beg your pardon? Me? What? Has someone… complained about me?
Syrene: Well, I’ll let you know the day after next new moon.
Moulder: Must I wait until then? Is it so terrible that I needs must prepare myself for the news?
Syrene: Rest easy, Father! It’s only a suggestion, not criticism.
Moulder: Hm… What could it be?

Syrene's nature as being easy to confide in comes up again, and there's an interesting intersection between the terminology that feels comfortable to Syrene and the terminology adopted by religion. I am 110% on board with the idea that we stop calling priests "Father", although perhaps that might make the problem worse...

Syrene/Kyle B

Syrene: How are you holding up, Kyle?
Kyle: The war is tough, but my sword arm is strong, and I am well.
Syrene: Mmm. That’s an awfully stuffy response.
Kyle: Stuffy? It’s accurate. Isn’t that enough? But that’s beside the point. I still can’t figure out what you were talking about.
Syrene: Oh, your homework? You’ve been thinking about it all this time? You’re so serious! I was right. You haven’t changed in the slightest. You’ve always been this way. Remember when I tried to show you around Frelia’s castle town? You said, “I’m here to do my duty. Not to sightsee,” and you went back inside. You went home without even trying Frelia’s fabulous seafood! King Hayden thought I’d been remiss in showing you our fair city.
Kyle: I’m sorry about that, Syrene. I had no idea… I was on a special mission to deliver a letter to King Hayden. I didn’t have any time for sightseeing, like I’d said.
Syrene: Are you seriously apologizing for that? It was so long ago!
Kyle: Ha ha ha… You’re right, you’re right. …I know I was only there for three days, but that was a memorable trip. I grew up in landlocked Renais. I’d never seen the ocean. Not before you showed it to me.
Syrene: You didn’t show any interest at all in local culture or cuisine. But when I asked if you’d like to go to the sea, you got so excited!
Kyle: It was intense. I felt so small, standing there, staring at the sea. Looking over the waves, I hoped that I could be that strong, that persistent.
Syrene: I think that’s the only time I’ve ever seen the real you. I know we only spent a half day together, but it was such fun.
Kyle: Really? I’m glad to hear that.
Syrene: Maybe sometime, we can do that again.
Kyle: I’d like that. Let’s use that hope to drive us on. When we’ve restored peace, we’ll go see the Frelian coast again.
Syrene: Yes, definitely.

Kyle and Vanessa are basically the same character on different sides, and Syrene knows all the tricks. Poor kid, though, what's the point of going to a foreign nation if you're not going to stick around for a little bit?

Tethys/Rennac B

Rennac: Ah, the beauteous Tethys. It’s a pleasure to see you again. Well? Have I made an impression on you yet?
Tethys: Well… You seem to be… unobjectionable. Yet you’ve a long way to go, I think.
Rennac: That’s a bit severe, isn’t it? Is there something specific you desire?
Tethys: Oh, well… perhaps you could bring me something?
Rennac: Bring you something? A gift, is that it? Very well. What shall it be?
Tethys: Um…

This Support continues to not be worth the effort of acquiring it. I've gotta wonder if Rennac just wants to find another cute girl after L'Arachel turned out to be... L'Arachel.

Eirika/Tana A

Tana: Eirika, are you all right?
Eirika: I am, thank you, Tana. I always feel better when you’re around.
Tana: I’ve been wondering… Eirika, do you think I’ve grown stronger? I mean, stronger than when I was cooped up in the castle at least?
Eirika: Yes, of course you have.
Tana: Really?
Eirika: Tana, you should have more confidence in your abilities. If I had to rely on my own blade alone, I would not survive. But with you around, I know I can keep fighting.
Tana: You think? I guess I’m still not sure. Still, it is nice to hear you say that. Eirika, we’ll get through this, the two of us. And when we do, let’s sit together and just relax.
Eirika: Sure, Tana. But first, we’ll have to apologize to King Hayden.
Tana: Oh… Father… I wonder if he’s still mad.
Eirika: Yes, you probably should.
Tana: Say, Eirika. Could you…
Eirika: Of course… I understand. You and I will speak to him together. Don’t you worry.

Eirika and Tana's friendship continues to be strong, but I wouldn't really say they cross over into sapphic territory. With that said, this does somewhat fill the checkbox of "the most badass queen has a female knight whom she loves" that Fire Emblem's sorta had as a tradition (despite Tana being neither a knight nor from Renais), and this is the paired ending Eirika gets with a woman.

Marisa/Tana A

Tana: Marisa, is it difficult to improve your swordsmanship?
Marisa: It is. I practice daily. I’ve fought a thousand men and won each time. And still, I have seen only the barest glimpse of what I could achieve.
Tana: Really… Maybe you shouldn’t press yourself so hard.
Marisa: ……
Tana: I can see how dedicated you are to becoming a better swordfighter. But if you focus too much on a lofty goal, you might not notice when you reach it. And I have no doubt you will reach it.
Marisa: ……
Tana: What is it, Marisa?
Marisa: Why do you waste your time speaking with me, Princess?
Tana: Oh, am I not supposed to do that?
Marisa: It’s not a matter of whether you should or should not.
Tana: At first, I thought you were brusque and… maybe a little intimidating, too. But you’re not like that at all. You’re just shy- and a poor conversationalist.
Marisa: A poor- You know, many of my fellow swordsmen still fear me.
Tana: I’m sure they do. Your grace with the sword is something else. But when you’re not fighting, you’re completely different. More pensive. You’re so dedicated to your goal. You have that far-off look in your eyes, like you’re lost in thoughts of love or something like that.
Marisa: You’ve already made up your mind, Princess, so there’s no point in my arguing.
Tana: Then we agree! Oh, but there’s one more thing. Just call me Tana. You don’t have to keep calling me “Princess.”
Marisa: Why?
Tana: We’re friends now.
Marisa: Friends?
Tana: That’s right! So just call me Tana. I don’t want you to worry about royal titles and formality when we talk. You say you’ve dedicated yourself to the sword, but… that doesn’t mean you can’t have a friend or two, does it?
Marisa: ……
Tana: …… Well, Marisa?
Marisa: …… No, that doesn’t sound… bad.
Tana: Great! Boy, I don’t know what I would have done if you’d said no. But there it is. We’re friends now, right, Marisa?
Marisa: As you say, Tana.

Marisa gets a closer relationship with Tana, although still not entirely sapphic. It's a nice window into Marisa as proto-Byleth, though. As much as I tolerate the Gerik/Marisa/Tethys triangle, they don't really do as much with this aspect of Marisa's character as I think they really should.

Ephraim/L'Arachel A

L’Arachel: …
Ephraim: L’Arachel… You don’t have to be so defensive. Why don’t you come talk to me?
L’Arachel: …That depends. You’re not going to try to attack me again, are you? You won’t go ripping the armor from your… well-toned body, will you?
Ephraim: L’Arachel… That was all just a simple misunderstanding. But I apologize if I offended your sensibilities in removing my armor.
L’Arachel: Well, I suppose I can forgive you for this one indiscretion. I wasn’t prepared. I’ve never seen a man’s naked body before…
Ephraim: Naked… I was only showing you the scar on my shoulder, like you asked!
L’Arachel: A naked shoulder is a big deal! I was so shocked. Why, I could hardly sleep at all that night! …
Ephraim: …? What’s wrong, L’Arachel? You seem different somehow.
L’Arachel: N-no. Everything is fine… Please don’t look at me in such a vulgar, leering way. I find it very inappropriate.
Ephraim: Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea. I certainly would never–
L’Arachel: What!? Are you saying that you do not find me attractive?
Ephraim: No! I… What do you want me to say?
L’Arachel: How can you be so calm at a time like this? Don’t you see what you’ve done!? Ahhhh! I’m so frustrated! Don’t you ever forget this, Ephraim! I hope that, someday, some girl comes along and gets YOU all rattled, too!
Ephraim: …I just do NOT get her. She is rather cute, though.

Pictured: the one time Ephraim ever expresses anything close to attraction to anyone. This is also a major conversation in establishing "L'Arachel as gay" in my mind: She feels a lot more like she's treating this conversation the way she thinks women should be reacting to men rather than her own genuine reactions, which leads to contradictions and an inability to healthily engage with Ephraim on his own merits. Of course, this is going through L'Arachel's sheltered perspective on both ends, so who knows what's really going on in that mind of hers.

Joshua/L'Arachel A

L’Arachel: Look, Joshua! I won again!
Joshua: Arrrgh!
L’Arachel: What do you mean, making such rude noises in front of a lady!? You’re slowing down the game!
Joshua: Hold on, give me a break! You got me. I lost. I’ve had enough. It’s just like you said. I shouldn’t gamble anymore.
L’Arachel: Are you quitting on me? Where’s your spirit?
Joshua: …Man. I just don’t get it. Not at all. You must really have some sort of divine powers on your side. I mean, I’ve been fixing every single game, and I still can’t wi–
L’Arachel: Fixing? What do you mean? The game’s not broken. I’m doing fine!
Joshua: Uh… No, I- Nothing. Anyway, I’m all done. I don’t want to play with you anymore. Go take someone else for a ride.
L’Arachel: A ride? Like on a horse? What are you talking about?
Joshua: Look, what I’m trying to say is… You don’t know anything, and you STILL managed to beat me!
L’Arachel: What do you mean, I don’t know anything? Oh! Such disrespect! What do you know, other than gambling? Tell me that!
Joshua: Hm? Let’s see… I know how to survive in a desert, for one thing.
L’Arachel: I think we’re all quite familiar with the hardships of travel by now! If that’s all you’ve got, don’t go around telling me I’M the ignorant one!
Joshua: Aaaah! Enough already! Fine! Fine! I was wrong!!! Anyway, the point is that I’m not gambling with you ANYMORE!
L’Arachel: Oh! He ran away! …Why do they always run away? Who will I play with now? Oh, I have an idea! We can build a gambling hall in Rausten! Yes, I’m brilliant! I simply must bring this up with Uncle next time I see him!

Poor Joshua. The fact L'Arachel doesn't understand social cues has made this conversation go so much worse for both of them, although this was a pretty doomed relationship either way. Pretty badass of L'Arachel's gods to let her win games of chance that were stacked in the house's favour- wonder how that fits into Joshua's worldview inspired by games of chance. That's probably more frustrating than the loss, honestly.

Gerik/Marisa A

Gerik: C’mon, Marisa, don’t be like that.
Marisa: ……
Gerik: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. Are you still mad?
Marisa: I’m mad.
Gerik: Forgive me. I really and truly apologize. Still mad?
Marisa: I’m still mad.
Gerik: Sigh. OK, I get it. What do I have to do to get you to forgive me? I don’t have much gold, but I could get you a snack…
Marisa: You’re the chief. You don’t have to apologize. Just give orders.
Gerik: Well, I know, but I was wrong. I was the bad guy. My crime was not being sensitive to your feelings. I tell you what, I’ll buy you anything you want.
Marisa: You’re soft. Leaders are normally harsher than you. You’re too nice. Too nice to all of us. That’s why…
Gerik: That’s why what?
Marisa: Nothing.
Gerik: Well, I said too much and I’m sorry. You’re fine just the way you are.
Marisa: Really?
Gerik: Yeah, of course.
Marisa: Th-then… If you would… I wouldn’t be mad anymore.
Gerik: Hm? What did you say?
Marisa: Nothing. Forget it.
Gerik: C’mon, it wasn’t nothing. If it’ll put you in a better mood, I don’t have a problem with…
Marisa: Forget it!

Again, these two have good chemistry and an interesting dynamic, but the writing doesn't do them justice at best and feels disgusting at worst. I want to give Marisa a hug.

Gerik/Tethys A

Tethys: Um, Chief, there’s actually one thing I’ve been wanting to ask you.
Gerik: And what’s that?
Tethys: Sorry if this brings up any bad memories, but how’d you get that scar on your face?
Gerik: This? I got this beauty when I had just started out as a mercenary. I was still a novice, but I was feeling pretty good about my swordsmanship. I got to a point where I was arrogant enough to believe no one could best me. Then one day it happened… It’s something I’ve never been able to forget.
Tethys: What happened?
Gerik: It was just another battle. I’d been hired on as another sword and then I met him. He was a knight from some country or another. I had fought knights on several other occasions and had beaten them all. Even though he was a bit tougher, I was sure I’d defeat him in the end. That’s what I thought. But… His strength was beyond me. I may as well have been using a broomstick to fight. I remember thinking, “What a tiny little world I’ve been living in.” He crushed me effortlessly, and the wound he inflicted became this lovely scar.
Tethys: I see…
Gerik: I was truly frightened. It was the first time I’d experienced fear as a mercenary. So this knight saw how scared I was and said, “Go.” He didn’t kill me. He let me escape.
Tethys: …
Gerik: I was humiliated and ashamed. My eyes were finally opened to my own weakness. It goes without saying I lost every shred of self-confidence. I still dream about it sometimes. It wakes me up every time. I’ve never forgotten that knight. He thought I was weak and pathetic.
Tethys: Chief…
Gerik: I was young and stupid. This scar is my punishment.
Tethys: But that knight spared your life. Because of that, good things and better things have happened?
Gerik: What do you mean, Tethys?
Tethys: First of all, Chief, you’re alive. If you had died, all the good times you’ve had since that day, and all the joy you’re sure to have from this day onward, wouldn’t exist. And another thing, because you lived, you made many friends and you met me. I also don’t think that knight thought you were pathetic. I think he saw a young man with his whole life ahead of him. That’s why he let you go.
Gerik: Tethys…
Tethys: Yep. I’m sure that’s it. So try thinking about it in a more positive light.
Gerik: Ha ha ha. You’re right. I was a lot calmer after that. And while I’ve had hard times, there’ve been far more good times. I guess you could say I owe my success as a mercenary to that knight.
Tethys: Yep. You’ve got your knight, and I’ve got my dancer. Thanks to the two of them, the two of us are here now. Say, Chief, why don’t we become like them? I think we should work at being inspirations to other people.
Gerik: Hm… good idea. Thanks, Tethys. I think I’ll sleep soundly tonight.
Tethys: Good. You know, Chief, I’m really happy.
Gerik: Yeah, me, too. I’ve got a life I enjoy and good companions. All that and a wonderful woman to love. Everyone should be so lucky.
Tethys: Oh! Chief!
Gerik: Whoa! … Hey now… This is a battlefield. This isn’t the place for that…
Tethys: No one’s looking…
Gerik: Um… Oh, all right…

Yes, Tethys's eyes are closed this whole part of the conversation, with Gerik's closing for the last line. Tethys does not mess around. Unless you consider this "messing around".

Innes/Gerik A

Innes: Gerik.
Gerik: Eh?
Innes: There’s something I’ve always assumed to be true… Those born to royalty cannot show others any weaknesses or deficiencies. If they’re not perfect at all times, their enemies will take advantage of them.
Gerik: Yeah? So?
Innes: But meeting you has made me rethink that belief. My father told me before I left that I should watch you and learn from you. At the time, I believed there was nothing a mercenary could teach me. Now I know better. I am thankful to both my father and you.
Gerik: That’s enough of that. In my opinion, you’re much finer than I could ever be. The way you live, your manners, and your bearing… I could never pull it off.
Innes: Me? What do you mean?
Gerik: Look at you! You’re full of confidence. You’ve got pride. When I first met you, I thought, “What a high-handed dandy.”
Innes: Did you just call me… a dandy?
Gerik: But that’s just who you are. Being proud is not always a bad thing. You must have worked yourself near to death to preserve that pride. What I mean is that you never make excuses for losing or being beaten up. No matter the pain you face or hardship, you keep on fighting to honor that pride. It’s what defines you, and I can’t say that I don’t admire it.
Innes: It comes naturally. I will be king one day, and I will make Frelia the greatest nation in all the world. It will be a wonderful kingdom of wealth and power. When that day comes, I will command you to become general and lead Frelia’s armies. No, I’ll have you come and ask me to make you general.
Gerik: Ha ha ha! I can’t wait!

These two are a good match, though. Both of them are open to the other's teachings, and both of them flourish as a result.

Colm/Marisa A

Marisa: Colm.
Colm: Hi, Marisa.
Marisa: I was thinking about what you were saying the other day.
Colm: You mean about you not fighting the enemy in front of you, but something else? Is that what you’re talking about?
Marisa: Yes.
Colm: What about it?
Marisa: Do you want to know? What I’m really fighting with?
Colm: Huh? Y-yeah…… If you want to tell me, sure.
Marisa: What I’m really fighting with is…
Colm: …
Marisa: My father.
Colm: Your father?!
Marisa: Well, to be more precise, his shadow.
Colm: Was he a swordsman also?
Marisa: He was one of the most famous swordsmen in Jehanna. He was also a mercenary.
Colm: I see why you’re so good.
Marisa: Ever since I was a child, my father taught me how to live as a mercenary.
Colm: Since you were a kid?
Marisa: The harsh conditions of Jehanna breed strength and ruthlessness. The only way to survive is by being a mercenary.
Colm: Oh.
Marisa: My father is my parent, my teacher, and above all, a mountain I must conquer.
Colm: A mountain?
Marisa: Once I conquer the mountain, I can accomplish anything I want.
Colm: That must be a… big mountain. So, where are you on the mountain? A third of the way up? Halfway up? Or can you already see the summit?
Marisa: …I’m only at the base.
Colm: You still have a long way to go, huh?
Marisa: …Yes. I don’t even know where the summit is yet.
Colm: Well, then, you don’t know how long it will take, do you?
Marisa: I’ll just keep climbing. Even if it takes me forever…
Colm: Oh. I see. Well, good luck. I’m sure you’ll make it to the top.
Marisa: Yes. Someday. For sure. You’re… a nice guy.
Colm: Ha ha ha! Oh, please. You’re embarrassing me.

Well, that's one thing Marisa and Byleth don't have in common. I get that her dad probably thought he was doing Marisa a favour on this one, but no. No you weren't. You fucked up a perfectly good Marisa. Look at her, she's got anxiety.

Moulder/Vanessa A

Moulder: I’m glad to see you well, Vanessa. You do your fellow pegasus knights proud. We are blessed to have you fighting at our side.
Vanessa: You credit us warriors too much, Father. Without healers, we would all be lost. Nothing I say can tell you how much I value your presence here.
Moulder: We are all doing our part in this war. No need to thank me.
Vanessa: I’m serious! Without your help, we would never survive these skirmishes!
Moulder: I’m gratified by that. Thank you.
Vanessa: Father… Thank you again for the other day.
Moulder: Hmm? Oh, you mean that story?
Vanessa: Yes.
Moulder: Ah… You know, you remind me of myself, twenty years back.
Vanessa: Huh?
Moulder: Oh, never mind… …Good luck to you, Vanessa. I don’t know where this will lead, but I’m sure the prince knows your feelings.
Vanessa: Father Moulder, I only aspire to be worthy of his greatness. I expect nothing in return.
Moulder: Are you sure?
Vanessa: …
Moulder: Well, do what you think is best for you. We all carry many burdens… To country, family, duty, honor… However, we are all ultimately free to embrace or reject those burdens. If you find yourself in need of spiritual guidance, speak to me.
Vanessa: Father Moulder, you’re so kind. Thank you. I’m so grateful to have you on the field with me.
Moulder: Vanessa, we fight for the greater good. We fight for our country, for our friends, and… for ourselves.
Vanessa: You’re right, Father. In so many things.

A fairly uninteresting A Rank between two serious characters. Although Moulder teasing Vanessa about her crush on Innes is not necessarily something you'd expect out of him.

Vanessa/Forde A

Vanessa: I think I misunderstood you.
Forde: Yeah? So you understand me now?
Vanessa: I guess so. You’ve been working for me from behind-the-scenes, haven’t you.
Forde: Yes. But don’t worry. I’m used to that sort of misunderstanding.
Vanessa: Well… thank you.
Forde: Heh heh heh. You’re welcome, of course. So, how about all that other stuff?
Vanessa: What do you mean?
Forde: Am I too far a cry from a prince?
Vanessa: Um…
Forde: I felt an energy…
Vanessa: Energy? What are you talking about?
Forde: Everyone has a different type of energy. Some energies can heal hearts, others spread courage. When you first saw me sleeping, I was dreaming of running across a field. I felt this warm energy engulfing me, blowing across my face like a summer wind. It must have been your energy that made me feel that way.
Vanessa: My… energy?
Forde: Would you like to feel my energy, too?
Vanessa: Um… I’ll certainly think about it.
Forde: Wonderful! I’ll be waiting for your answer, Vanessa.

...You might be geting a little too calm there, Forde. Have you been experimenting with... shall we say alternative relaxation practices?

Lute/Knoll A

Lute: ……
Knoll: Lute…
Lute: Can I- I just wanted to say I’m… sorry.
Knoll: Gotten over yourself, have you?
Lute: No, but I’ve been watching you, and I’ve noticed something when you fight. Suffice it to say that I am now convinced that there’s no one better than me.
Knoll: I… see…
Lute: I must have miscalculated your abilities at first. I don’t know why I thought you could have been better. Anyway, I’m sorry that I overestimated your skills. Well, if you’ll excuse me.
Knoll: You know, I think you may have missed the point.
Lute: ……
Knoll: What seems to be the problem?
Lute: …No, nothing. See you…
Knoll: …Oh, hold on. Lute.
Lute: Yes?
Knoll: Why don’t you stay and chat for a moment? Now that I’m not a threat to you, we can relax and talk. If you don’t mind, of course…
Lute: Hm… All right. As long as we’re in agreement about who’s superior around here.

Lute continues to be a bit of a jerk to Knoll. This man has been through far too much to deal with this. It's... kinda weird Lute is so blatantly hateable here- she normally comes off more as just clueless. Feels kinda mean-spirited, especially since she's doing it to Knoll and not someone with more of a self-esteem- Ewan seems like the sort of character who could let Lute pull off this weird one-sided rivalry.

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