Friday 9 December 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 17

Today's Supports:

  • Tana/Syrene C
  • Vanessa/Syrene C
  • Gilliam/Syrene C
  • Saleh/Myrrh C
  • Syrene/Moulder C
  • Syrene/Kyle C
  • Innes/L'Arachel B
  • Duessel/Knoll B
  • Natasha/Knoll B
  • Dozla/Rennac B
  • Lute/Knoll B
  • Colm/Rennac B
  • Neimi/Amelia A
  • Tethys/Marisa A
  • Innes/Vanessa A
  • Eirika/Seth A
  • Eirika/Innes A
  • Joshua/Innes A
  • Ephraim/Forde A
  • Garcia/Dozla A
  • Ross/Gerik A
  • Artur/Tethys A
  • Saleh/Ewan A
  • Forde/Kyle A
  • Lute/Kyle A
  • Moulder/Colm A

Tana/Syrene C

Tana: Syrene!
Syrene: Princess Tana! You’ve put the whole court in an uproar, you know? Running off to fight with this troop without a word to your father?
Tana: I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused, but I’m fine.
Syrene: I was ordered to watch over you and ensure your safe return. I intend to stay by your side and serve as your bodyguard, Princess.
Tana: I’m happy to have you at my side, Syrene. Honestly, I was starting to get a little fed up.
Syrene: Why is that, Princess?
Tana: I saw that letter my father had sent. “Defend Tana to the death”!? Is he serious? The soldiers think so- they won’t leave me alone! I appreciate the concern, but I’d like a LITTLE privacy!
Syrene: Ha ha ha… That does sound like King Hayden. He looked so sad when you left. It was more than I could bear.
Tana: …I know. I feel bad… Hey, Syrene. Doesn’t this remind you of when we were children? When we were together, it was like I finally had an older sister.
Syrene: That was my first assignment after graduating from the academy. I’d been asked to watch over you. It was a huge job for a young knight. But I enjoyed my work. You were always so kind. I miss those days.
Tana: I was so lonely when you got promoted to the pegasus knights. But now, I’m glad to see you’ve risen so high. It means that, even out here in the battlefield, we can spend time together. I want to talk about the old days, about Frelia and my father.
Syrene: Yes, let’s. Shall we go now?
Tana: All right, but don’t forget about tonight!

Hm, I guess I was a little off. But still, Tana's current adventurous streak is thanks to Syrene's influence. Or her lack of it, I suppose.

I guess this explains why Innes got so much help from Hayden to reinforce Chapter 17. Shame they all died, but considering how the survivors are acting, maybe that's for the best. Don't tell Tana that, though.

Vanessa/Syrene C

Vanessa: Captain Syrene!
Syrene: Vanessa! How are you? I was worried about you!
Vanessa: I’m fine, ma’am. Thank you for your concern. Glad to see you doing well too.
Syrene: Vanessa, you know you don’t need to talk like that when we’re alone.
Vanessa: But we ARE on duty.
Syrene: Let me put it this way, then. This is an order from your captain! When we’re alone, you are to speak to me as if we are at home.
Vanessa: Yes, ma’am!
Syrene: Vanessa. Sigh. Did you listen to a word I said?
Vanessa: Y-yes.
Syrene: Ha ha ha! Yes, that’s it! Oh, by the way, I have something for you.
Vanessa: What is it?
Syrene: Here you go. Father wanted me to give it to you.
Vanessa: But this is… The war god Fale’s amulet!
Syrene: Yes, this is a battle amulet. I received one before I left home, too. You were summoned so suddenly that Father didn’t get a chance to give it to you. And Mother wanted to tell you, “Never be apart from this amulet.”
Vanessa: But…
Syrene: She also wanted you to relax and do your best. And to get a good night’s sleep always.
Vanessa: Well, I do try.
Syrene: Maybe others don’t notice, but I know you too well, Vanessa. I know you don’t get enough rest when you feel overwhelmed with responsibility. But, to be at your best, you need to take care of yourself, OK?
Vanessa: Yes, ma’am- I mean, Sis.
Syrene: I’ll be right by your side tonight, so just relax. You need a good night’s sleep.
Vanessa: Thanks, Sis. I sleep better when you’re around.

Syrene's such a good big sis to Vanessa. This Support is also one of the few references to religion in the world of Magvel: the war god Fale is not referenced anywhere else in FE8 or the series, although I suspect it may be intended as a reference to what is now known as Fjalar (ファラ Fala) that the translators of 2004 didn't catch. This is despite, you know, Moulder, Natasha and L'Arachel being big on being figures in their religions. Not even so much as a name?

Gilliam/Syrene C

Syrene: Gilliam, long time, no see.
Gilliam: Syrene. …It’s been a while. You look great.
Syrene: Likewise, Gilliam… … …Heh.
Gilliam: What is it, Syrene? Is there something on my face?
Syrene: Oh, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. You’re still one of the best-looking men in Frelia’s army.
Gilliam: You know I hate it when you tease me. What is that smile about? You’re making me very nervous.
Syrene: You were with me on my first mission as one of Frelia’s pegasus knight elite. Do you remember?
Gilliam: Was I really? I hardly remember. I have a tough time picturing the famous Syrene as a green recruit. That really was a long time ago.
Syrene: Oh, really? What do you mean by that?
Gilliam: Oh, nothing. Nothing. Just that you’ve always been one of Frelia’s finest warriors.
Syrene: Gilliam… This mission matters more to me than that first mission did.
Gilliam: I understand. Much more hangs in the balance if we fail.
Syrene: We won’t fail. I won’t allow it!
Gilliam: Don’t be a hero.
Syrene: Thanks, Gilliam. I’m grateful that you’re here with me.

It seems the affection goes both ways here. I don't really know how old these two are, though, so I can't say how long it's been since they were green. I imagine Syrene has a bit of a cap because of Vanessa- she can't be too much older, although you can stretch it quite a bit.

Saleh/Myrrh C

Myrrh: ……
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: …… Um…
Saleh: May I help you?
Myrrh: Saleh, wherever we go, you’re always at my side. Don’t you ever do anything YOU want to do?
Saleh: I came from Caer Pelyn. I have been entrusted with the honor of being your escort. Protecting you, Great Dragon, gives my life meaning.
Myrrh: Great Dragon? Please, there’s no need to call me that. My father is the great one. I’ve done nothing. I’m not great at all.
Saleh: It is true, Great Dragon, that your exalted father once saved mankind. On that day so long ago, he shielded us from evil. He is our true savior. However, mankind has forgotten that most sacred debt we owe him. I do, as we all must, what I can to atone for that crime of neglect.
Myrrh: ……
Saleh: Great Dragon, does my presence bother you? If it does, please do not hesitate to tell me. I would remove myself at once and not bother you again until needed.
Myrrh: … It’s fine. Do whatever pleases you.
Saleh: …Thank you.

Myrrh, thinking: "Please grow a personality, Saleh."

This is technically the first time we're seeing this information during the blog, I think: the dragon that fought alongside Grado against the Demon King is not Myrrh, but her father. We will meet this man later, although Myrrh's relationship to him is... well, it's difficult to explain why Saleh, Dara, and the rest of Caer Pelyn consider the two interchangeable.

Syrene/Moulder C

Syrene: Father Moulder, you look tired. We’ve been asking so much of you lately…
Moulder: Don’t worry about me. I’m rather more worried about you, Syrene. You had only just been transferred to this unit when we left Frelia. I’d imagine it must be odd not having any familiar faces around.
Syrene: I’ve already learned everyone’s name and field of specialization. Don’t worry about me.
Moulder: Impressive. You’ve been paying attention.
Syrene: To beat your enemy, know your allies. Without knowing the skills of your own men, you can never win a war. I don’t want to die just because I didn’t know what to expect from my troops.
Moulder: I was worried about how well you were integrating into our group. You seem to have matters well in hand, though. I’m proud of you, Syrene. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me anytime.
Syrene: Thank you, Father Moulder. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Huh, Syrene's a fresh transfer? Or maybe Moulder's talking about our party. It does kinda feel like Syrene's new to the Frelians she came with.

Syrene/Kyle C

Kyle: You’re Selena, aren’t you? Commander of Frelia’s pegasus knights?
Syrene: I am. And I know who you are. You are Sir Kyle, cavalier of Renais.
Kyle: I’m honored that you know my name. I don’t believe we’ve met, have we?
Syrene: We met once, about ten years ago or so. You may have forgotten.
Kyle: Ten years ago… Wait, you’re… THAT Syrene!?
Syrene: So, you’ve finally remembered me?
Kyle: Do I ever! I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.
Syrene: Well, Sir Kyle, you certainly have turned out well.
Kyle: Oh, please. Let’s do away with the honorifics, shall we?
Syrene: Of course, Kyle. Ah, you haven’t changed at all. It takes me back.
Kyle: I barely recognized you, Syrene. You look completely changed. I had no idea you’d become a knight- a pegasus knight, no less!
Syrene: That’s nice of you to say. So I’ve grown, have I?
Kyle: You’ve grown a lot. It’s a shame we have to be reunited on a battlefield.
Syrene: You’re right about that. We ought to sit down and talk soon.
Kyle: I’d like that, too, Syrene. But let’s finish off this lot first, shall we?
Syrene: All right, but don’t try to be a hero like last time, all right?
Kyle: A hero? What did I do?
Syrene: Well, that’s your homework. See if you can’t remember.

We get another showcase of Syrene's good head for faces, and this is an excellent concept for a Support for such a character- of course it's likely that Kyle and Syrene met one another in passing, and a non-critical meeting only one of them remembers is such a cute way of setting up the Support. What I'm less fond of is the vague implication Syrene wasn't a knight at the time. I'm a little unclear on Syrene's timeline, although in the context of this chain, Syrene was able to fight at the time, which makes Kyle's surprise feel a little out of place.

Innes/L'Arachel B

Innes: L’Arachel.
L’Arachel: Yes?
Innes: Are you sure you’re supposed to be here? I wonder if you’re truly here with the permission of your superiors.
L’Arachel: Of-of course I am! What gives you the right to speak to me in such a manner?
Innes: Well, I have heard a bit about your wild behavior…
L’Arachel: H-how rude you are! If I were not a holy woman, I would beat you senseless.
Innes: How savage YOU are. Perhaps you could learn self-control by observing Frelia’s pegasus knights. Yes, there’s something I’d like to show you. When the Frelia’s pegasi gather in Walles Forest… It’s a spectacle of such beauty…
L’Arachel: If it is beauty you seek, then Rausten is second to none. Do you know of Rausten’s lofty peak Mount Mimir. I pity those who die without having gazed upon its breathtaking beauty.
Innes: … If you recommend it so highly, then yes, I would indeed like to see it.
L’Arachel: Yes. That would be splendid indeed. But there are many more equally beautiful places in Rausten.
Innes: Then perhaps you should tell me about them for future reference. And in return, I shall take time to tell you about the beautiful places in my kingdom.
L’Arachel: Yes, I would love to hear more.

Innes and L'Arachel are both tsunderes, and their courting rituals match. They only get more ridiculous given time.

And, of course, the origin of "If I were not a holy woman, I would beat you senseless". Eirika route has a Rausten knight just casually blurt out what L'Arachel is doing, which speaks very poorly of Innes's information gathering skills that he's so proud of. Also the fact that Mansel just sends money and reinforcements to L'Arachel when she asks no questions asked.

Duessel/Knoll B

Knoll: We students of ancient magic, along with Prince Lyon himself, were researching certain arcane techniques lost long ago. We were able to reproduce one… phenomenon, but only briefly.
Duessel: ……
Knoll: I should be more concise. Prince Lyon and I pierced the veil that clouds our futures.
Duessel: What? You… could see into the future? How is that possible? What magic is powerful enough to-
Knoll: Time is like the water of a river: it flows ever on, never stopping. Certain disturbances can cause ripples that speed swiftly downstream. If you can see the water, you can read the flow, the ripples, the waves.
Duessel: Hmm…
Knoll: It is possible, General. Possible and, at times, easy. Just think of it: If you knew a storm was coming in advance, you could evacuate everyone in its way. If you could see what was to come, you could help those who might have died. Prince Lyon explained this to us with much joy in his voice and heart. His power would, at long last, be able to help the citizens of Grado.
Duessel: ……
Knoll: We continued our work. There were ceremonies, rituals- such horrors… And then we saw it. In the near future, Grado would be ravaged by catastrophe.
Duessel: A catastrophe? Do you…
Knoll: No, it’s not the conflict in which we are currently embroiled. This event is still in our future. We saw Grado. We saw the earth crumble. We saw our people dying. We saw the shape our future would take.
Duessel: What? That’s madness… Idiocy! I’ve lived a long life, and I’ve never heard of anything like that. Not ever.
Knoll: I am not surprised that you do not believe me, General. We could not believe it, either. We tried to disprove what we had seen. But nothing could shake the vision. In this disaster, Grado would be destroyed. Countless would die. Those who died quickly would be spared the slow horror of starvation. This was when the emperor died, by the way. Lyon was shattered by despair. He devoted himself to research, and then came the Dark Stone…
Duessel: So that’s what happened? Is that when the decision to invade Renais was made?
Knoll: I don’t know. Only one person knows the truth behind that.
Duessel: ……
Knoll: I have told you only the truths I have seen.

The C Support was "I'm about to tell you this, please sit down", incidentally. This was worth the wait, though: This is Lyon's motivation. Don't worry, it isn't wholly locked behind Knoll's Supports, although it's most clearly explained within them. Lyon stepped down the path of dark magic, learned that Grado was doomed to face a natural calamity that would cause untold chaos and strife (expertly foreshadowed with the fact that mild earthquakes are normal in Grado, by the way!). Lyon's heart is too big to not do anything about it... but at the same time, what can Lyon do about it? He'd do anything to have the sort of power to save his people, all right...

Natasha/Knoll B

Knoll: …Our researches ended in miserable failure. Grado’s Sacred Stone was shattered. Prince Lyon, corrupted… And this whole tragedy that unfolds around us even now. It’s true. We mages have triggered this age’s greatest calamity.
Natasha: But why? What was it all for? What did you hope to accomplish with the power of the Sacred Stone?
Knoll: All Prince Lyon wanted was to help people… and we are his servants.
Natasha: Help people?
Knoll: We read of a spell entitled the time shear. It causes, in effect, a hole in time. This spell warps time, punches a hole through cause and effect.
Natasha: ……
Knoll: We lack the knowledge to reproduce this ancient spell today. Prince Lyon, however, was convinced that we could unravel its secret. He felt we could use it to predict- and even prevent- future events.
Natasha: …Prevent… the future?
Knoll: Oh, we dedicated years to studying this spell. You see, the greater the disaster, the farther it sends ripples through time. We learned to read these ripples from the future, hoping to save lives. If we could know when a disaster would strike, we could evacuate people. We could save millions of lives.
Natasha: But… It seems so, so blasphemous. That worldly creatures should take control of fate, it–
Knoll: Are you saying that, knowing the future, we should do nothing? We should simply allow people to die in order to preserve “fate”?
Natasha: I…
Knoll: I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound hostile. Prince Lyon himself was troubled by these same doubts, you see. But we pressed on with our studies. We felt it was our duty, in the interest of all Grado’s people.
Natasha: ……
Knoll: Perhaps we were bitter that we receive no credit for aiding Grado. That we receive no accolades for our research, for the benefit it brings. I do not know. But we pressed on, nonetheless. The misconceptions linking the ancient magics to “evil” die hard and slow. Prince Lyon sought to change that. He wanted, as we all wanted, to prove that our magic had good uses.
Natasha: Prince Lyon would never-
Knoll: With our aid, Prince Lyon predicted a great storm rising in the south. He barred ships from leaving port, and, oh, how the people complained. But the storm came, and the seas raged. We saved countless lives. And Prince Lyon cared not at all if the people loved him for it. He only wanted them to be safe.
Natasha: ……
Knoll: And now, I see it all so clearly. All our research amounts to nothing. All I can do now is lament our hunger for knowledge. Our greed.

The C Support didn't have the same buildup. With that said, however, they took the same reveal from Duessel's chain- that Lyon discovered prophecy and is using it to help his people avoid catastrophe- and looks at it from the other side: like with his experiments with undoing death, Lyon succeeded when he studied seeing the future, and knowing the man who once did so much for Grado's well-being using his powers for evil has got to shake your faith in such an unknowable science.

Dozla/Rennac B

Rennac: Life is… a fickle beast, is it not, old man?
Dozla: Why are you so solemn, Rennac? You can’t win battles if you’ve no hope!
Rennac: This journey has taught me the hollowness and the transience of life’s pleasures. Ah, to what end do we toil on this unforgiving earth? Why do we live?
Dozla: Why do we live? Well, if you’re not alive, then you’re dead, and… Er… if you’re dead, then you can’t eat, and… What was I saying? I think I must be getting hungry. I wonder what’s for dinner. My belly’s a-rumbling!
Rennac: It must be nice to have no worries other than what to eat, old man. And not just you, either. I’m sure that a certain young lady has nothing to worry about, either.
Dozla: What’s that? Do you mean Princess L’Arachel? That girl believes the world will turn out just as she envisions it. I doubt if the word “worry” even has any meaning to her in the first place.
Rennac: What a completely envious position to be in. I may not look it now, but I’m the son of a wealthy Carcino merchant. I believed that you could move the world if you but had the gold. Money was everything, and with money, nothing was beyond my reach! I adored money! I loved money! You see?
Dozla: What good fortune for you that your father was a thriving merchant.
Rennac: That’s just it… There are people who can do anything without any money at all… She’s overbearing and egotistical, yet she has us all jumping through hoops. That’s a skill normal people don’t possess.
Dozla: That’s Princess L’Arachel! She makes the impossible possible! You’re with her because she made a deep impression on you, too, right?
Rennac: A deep impression? It’s more like I’m in shock, and my brain’s been frozen.
Dozla: What? Your brain’s frozen? That’ll never do! Did you forget to wear a hat? Let me at it. I’ll thaw it out.
Rennac: Knock it off! I was speaking figuratively! You know? As in “not literally”? You’re too strong to joke around like that! Stop it!
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Just teasing you!
Rennac: Sigh… What a pair the two of you make… You know, you’re the only one who can keep up with Princess L’Arachel, old man.

I kinda feel like Rennac has the wrong impression of L'Arachel here- he seems to approach L'Arachel's situation as if she is free from hardship- an impression made entirely because of her wealth compared to the wealth he grew up exposed to- when in fact L'Arachel's character is based around her hardships. I don't think Rennac gets too great an understanding of what makes L'Arachel tick in his own Support with her, but it does come off a little harsh on his part.

Lute/Knoll B

Knoll: You must be…
Lute: You must be Knoll. I’ve been researching you. I also plan to find out your Achilles’ heel before too long.
Knoll: …Why would you do something like that?
Lute: Because there’s no one better than me.
Knoll: I’m sorry?
Lute: I said there’s no one better than me. And if there is, I have to stop him. I can’t have you threatening my natural superiority here.
Knoll: Threatening your–
Lute: I’ve seen you. You use magic, and that makes you competition. And you use dark magic, which makes you the enemy of light.
Knoll: That’s a common misconception, actually, about dark mages. And besides, we’re allies here.
Lute: No, not until we make it clear who is superior.
Knoll: Oh, fine…
Lute: What, you think you’re better than me?
Knoll: I never said that! Look, we’re on the same side here. Does it matter who’s better?
Lute: Matter? Of course it matters! How could you possibly think it doesn’t? Personally, I think I’m clearly superior to you. Don’t you agree?
Knoll: Do what you like.
Lute: ……That was close. You were trying to trick me, huh? That’s dirty pool.
Knoll: ……What I’m saying is…
Lute: It’s not safe for me here. I must retreat… for now.
Knoll: ……

...If you're curious what happened to Knoll on the Eirika route file, I think Lute used him in some kind of ritual.

(Also, shoutouts to whichever of the Five Heroes was named Achilles.)

Colm/Rennac B

Rennac: Hey, urchin, have you made any money yet?
Colm: Stop calling me urchin! I heard that your dad is a wealthy merchant in Carcino.
Rennac: Yes. So what? My father is a wealthy merchant, and his son is a thief. Great family, huh?
Colm: If you’re rich, you don’t need to steal. You can just buy whatever you want.
Rennac: You are so green, boy. Greener than the fruit I left out for a month.
Colm: What’s that supposed to mean? I’ve never had dried fruit, so I don’t know what you’re talking about!
Rennac: Oh, that’s too bad. Listen, urchin. Merchants are always stingy. It’s part of who they are. And my father was especially stingy. He gave us nothing for free. We had to work for everything we had. So my brothers and I learned the value of hard work from a young age. And this just happens to be my job. Get it?
Colm: It’s not easy being the son of a merchant, huh? Forced to work from a young age. I had a tough childhood, too. I always had to hunt and garden with my dad. I guess our lives aren’t so different after all, huh.
Rennac: Er, a little hunting and gardening is quite different from actual work. You can see that just by looking at how you and I turned out.
Colm: Well! I’ll show you! Maybe you’ll wake up one morning and find that something important to you is gone! Consider yourself warned, old man!
Rennac: You know, warning people of your plans isn’t really the most effective thieving strategy. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing what you can muster.

I think Colm does have a point: Both of you didn't come from childhoods where stealing was necessary (that would be Tethys-and-Ewan levels of poverty). Colm's thievery was part of him before Renais got ransacked, while Rennac seems to be more of a lockpick-for-hire type deal. That's where the two sorta diverge.

Also, Rennac's dad seems to have been the sort of noble that would've sided with Pablo. I hope we killed him.

Neimi/Amelia A

Amelia: I just noticed something, Neimi. There are a lot of female soldiers traveling with us, aren’t there?
Neimi: You know, you’re right!
Amelia: It’s nice to see. It wasn’t like that in Grado’s army. It makes me feel much more at ease.
Neimi: I was really nervous when I started up, but then I spoke more with the princess…
Amelia: I’ve started noticing that some of the women are getting… friendly with the men. I thought it was, you know, just the camaraderie of the field or whatever. But I’m starting to think that’s not the case, if you know what I mean. I’m starting to think maybe it’s something else entirely.
Neimi: Hee hee hee… So, um… Is there any boy you like?
Amelia: Hm? Why do you ask? Or… is it that you have someone YOU like?
Neimi: I do. He’s someone who’s always watched over me, stood by my side. He used to make me cry, but I… I love him.
Amelia: That’s amazing! You know, I’m a little jealous of you… Have you told him how you feel?
Neimi: Uh-uh…
Amelia: Well, you have to tell him! I’m sure he likes you, too, Neimi.
Neimi: I will. Someday. Not today. But someday, I will.
Amelia: There you go.
Neimi: But you never answered my question!
Amelia: What, me? I… er… I honestly never really spoke to any of the men in Grado’s army.
Neimi: But you’re not in Grado’s army anymore! What about now?
Amelia: Huh? Oh, er, well… I’m… not so sure…
Neimi: Ha! You do, don’t you!
Amelia: Uh… Mm-hm…
Neimi: Don’t worry. I’m sure he likes you, Amelia.
Amelia: Why do you say that?
Neimi: Well, you’re so… You’re so cute, and you’re so nice. How could anyone NOT like you?
Amelia: Neimi… Thanks. That’s really sweet of you. I’m happy to hear you say that!
Neimi: Be sure you tell him how you feel!
Amelia: You, too! I’m not the only one suffering here!
Neimi: Hee hee hee. All right. We’re in this together!

This is the sort of garbage F/F chain simple tests like Bechedel are trying to weed out. Seriously, the two max out by asking what boys they like? Restoration Queen switches this around so that Amelia's twice shy for Neimi and Neimi is ambiguously twice shy back (while still having her connection to Colm, although considering he's Colm, I'd abandon him for Amelia too).

Considering Amelia's says "yes, I do have a boy I like", they must mean Franz, although I never felt that the two had the makings of a canon romance, outside of him being one of her recruitment characters and him coming up in the Duessel chain. But it's definitely clear they had someone in mind- if a character brings up they're in love with somebody other than the person to whom they are speaking in a Support, it's usually a canon or semi-canon bond.

Tethys/Marisa A

Tethys: Tell me, Marisa, have you ever thought about wanting to be reborn?
Marisa: Reborn?
Tethys: You know, coming back as someone else after you die? If you were going to be reborn, what would you like to be? Perhaps a beautiful dancer like me?
Marisa: I’m fine with being me. I can’t imagine anything else.
Tethys: I thought that’s what you’d say. Actually, I thought of lots of things, but really can’t imagine any other life. I guess that means that in spite of all the hardships we’ve faced, we’re really happy.
Marisa: I suppose so…
Tethys: Living in this age means that we face many bad things and then worse things. Yet… We’re alive, so that means we also get good things and then better things, too. In tough times, I sometimes think I’d like to be reborn in another time, but the important thing is to not give up and to live your life to the fullest.
Marisa: When you die, life is over. There’s no such thing as being reborn.
Tethys: Well, you may be right.
Marisa: We only get one chance. So all I can do is keep fighting.
Tethys: After all’s said and done, you truly like who and what you are, right? We have completely different lives, but we have that in common. That and the same man, right?
Marisa: What?! What do you mean?!?
Tethys: You can’t hide it from me. I guess I should ask, do you think you’re hiding it?
Marisa: I-I’m hiding nothing. Nothing at all!
Tethys: What an interesting reaction. Youth is so cute.
Marisa: Wh-why are you smiling?! Ah…
Tethys: Don’t be embarrassed. We’re going to be around each other for a long time. We should talk.
Marisa: I’ve got to go!
Tethys: There’s no need to run away. We may be rivals, but we’re still friends.
Marisa: I’m not running away! I’m just… leaving!

I like the Gerik/Tethys/Marisa triangle a lot more- especially since Tethys is so open to every permutation of it without it being this big conflict within the trio- although it is a bit of a weird ending to a conversation about your purpose in life, where you've been and where you're going. Restoration Queen, of course, smooths this over into Tethys opening up personally to Marisa, which kinda feels like the direction the canon conversation was going anyway if it the writing team was a bit less heteronormative.

Innes/Vanessa A

Innes: What’s wrong? You’re spacing out.
Vanessa: I’m sorry, Prince Innes! Watching you shoot that arrow reminded me of something.
Innes: What’s that?
Vanessa: The time you demonstrated your archery skills at the king’s birthday ceremony. You shot three arrows simultaneously, and hit three different targets… I was so impressed. I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
Innes: Well, even though there were three targets, they were only about an arm length apart. It wasn’t like shooting three enemies in battle. It’s only an exhibition trick.
Vanessa: Even so, you couldn’t have done it without strong accuracy and concentration. It made a very strong impression on me… I’ve admired your skills ever since then.
Innes: Vanessa… Was it my skills you were admiring… or was it me?
Vanessa: What?! Um…
Innes: Just kidding… Kind of. But I’m impressed you remembered it. I had forgotten until just now.
Vanessa: I have… always been watching you… and always been admiring you… I hope that doesn’t sound too creepy.
Innes: I don’t know what to say… I’ve always known you as a knight. A great knight, in fact. But when this war is over, I would like to get to know the other side of you. The woman. …Ahem. Yes. Let’s go, Vanessa. Don’t ever leave my side from now on!
Vanessa: Don’t worry, Prince Innes! I would follow you anywhere!

Vanessa, meanwhile, just comes off as socially awkward. Innes is usually kinda awkward in return, which manifested in a blunt means of asking about her feelings, but compared to Vanessa, he made out like a king. I... do wonder if perhaps Vanessa's rigid approach to knighthood isn't going to lead to any issues when it comes to being Innes's lover.

Eirika/Seth A

Eirika: Seth, do you have a moment? Could you help me practice a bit right now?
Seth: …Princess Eirika. Before I do, there is something I must say to you.
Eirika: Yes, what is it?
Seth: Please forgive my rudeness… Princess, I am merely your subject. Recently, you have been too close to me. It is not becoming of a noble of Renais to fraternize in this way with her subjects.
Eirika: Oh… But I… it’s just that your wound has not yet… I was merely…
Seth: It’s true. The wound I received the day our castle fell has not yet healed… Perhaps it will afflict me to the end of my life. But it would be a mistake to assume you owe me a debt for this wound. This thought should not rest beneath the crown you soon must wear.
Eirika: But still, you suffered for me…
Seth: Lady Eirika. You are a noble of Renais. The nobility should not favor one subject over another. How can they maintain their fealty if you treat one so differently?
Eirika: ……
Seth: You may have to forego such attachments just to defend your country. There will be times when victory in battle demands a sacrifice. If you cannot send your men to die, then you are not fit to rule.
Eirika: …… I understand… Seth… You are correct. I had forgotten my place, and I had forgotten my duty. Please forgive me.
Seth: ……
Eirika: That night… We fled from the soldiers of Grado… You held me tight, keeping me safe from the enemy’s blades… Perhaps…I did feel something more for you then. But… it was improper for a queen of Renais. And with my father dead, I suppose that is my station. I am a queen, and you are a knight in my service. If I do not keep this in mind, then I will never be able to rebuild our kingdom.
Seth: I thank you for your understanding, my lady. Now, if you will excuse me…
Eirika: ……
Seth: Princess Eirika. If you would allow me to say one more thing…
Eirika: Seth…?
Seth: …That night… I felt what you felt. When I held you in my arms as we rode into the night… It was the first time since I was knighted that I forgot my duty. I thought of you not as my queen, but rather as someone I wanted to protect from all harm. I wanted to leave everything behind… To take you far away to someplace where we could be together… Those were my thoughts…
Eirika: Seth…
Seth: Please forgive me. I swear to you that I will never again forget my duty in that way. Now, please excuse me. When I see you next, it will be as a Knight of Renais… And I will lay down my life to protect my queen.
Eirika: Seth…

I remember this chain being disgusting when I first read it and it's somehow a million times worse now. How in Fado's name did this man come out with the "they cheer for the possibility of a better tomorrow" speech? Well, I suppose both do come from a place of sheer pessimism.

This is somehow the fandom choice for Eirika's main ship. Considering how many men on this continent have the hots for her, you'd think people wouldn't be so starved for choice. I wonder, if L'Arachel had a paired ending, whether people would go for that as the true ending or continue to look for Eirika's lover among the men.

Eirika/Innes A

Innes: Eirika. Forgive the intrusion, but I must speak to you at once.
Eirika: Prince Innes? What is it?
Innes: First, just listen to me. Is there… anyone who lays claim to your heart?
Eirika: What? N-no… There’s nobody like that.
Innes: I see. Then let me speak frankly. Eirika, it seems I have fallen in love with you.
Eirika: Wh-what!? This is no place for jokes, Innes! Why would you say something like that?
Innes: This is no joke. I am absolutely serious. These feelings surprise me as well. I don’t know what to do. Fighting at your side all this time, the emotion just exploded within me. I love you. I could not bear to see you in the arms of another.
Eirika: P-Prince Innes! I… I…
Innes: No, Eirika. Do not answer now. I have not yet bested Ephraim. I have not earned the right to woo you.
Eirika: Wha-? Why are you bringing my brother into this?
Innes: With a man like him around, I can see why you show no interest in suitors. If I prove myself his superior, you will surely accept my hand. If I fail, I release any claim to your affection. But I swear it on the depth of my love that I will destroy that man. Eirika, I will expect your answer then. That’s all I have to say.
Eirika: Innes! What an… infuriating man! Why does he have to be so…

This, meanwhile, is basically the same frame of mind Lyon possesses when it comes to the "right" to marry Eirika. Both men find Ephraim to be an obstacle in that process- they have to prove themselves his superior before they feel Eirika would be suitably impressed. This is an element in why I feel the Frelia siblings had the potential to be foils to Lyon. Although this would require a more concrete exploration of why Innes succeeds where Lyon fails in this endeavour.

The real reason Eirika/L'Arachel is canon, of course, is that L'Arachel is so completely and utterly self-deluded in her own sense of superiority that she sees no reason to fight Ephraim to prove herself his superior: it is obvious to even the most common folk that L'Arachel is better already, what would her whacking him on the head with her staff prove?

Joshua/Innes A

Innes: Thanks for waiting. Let’s get started.
Joshua: You can’t be serious. You want to keep going?
Innes: Just flip the coin.
Joshua: …Oh, brother. Your Highness, I have a little admission to make here. You have no chance of winning. The whole thing is rigged.
Innes: Rigged…
Joshua: Yeah. You flip the coin …like this. Then catch it in the hand. I’m the one holding the coin. I can turn it over any way I choose just by moving my palm a bit. Like this.
Innes: Hmm… That’s how you did it… I knew you were up to something. It was straining my disbelief that you could keep winning like that. Strange that I couldn’t catch on to your little trick, though.
Joshua: That’s nice of you to say, but I’m sure you must have suspected. There’s a guy who hangs out near a pub in Jehanna. He’s real smooth. His secret is to mix in just enough losses to make it look plausible. If you ever go there, you’ll know the guy I’m talking about right away.
Innes: Interesting. I’ve never had any experience with this sort of thing. One only has so much time when he’s groomed to become the king, you know.
Joshua: I can imagine. But a king must have a wide range of knowledge, don’t you think? When I was a journeyman, I lost a lot of money to scams like this. I started learning these tricks so they couldn’t be used on me anymore! It’s all rubbish, innit? But it’s not a bad thing to add to your experience.
Innes: I must hand it to you, you have a point. Some things, you can only learn firsthand, on the field.
Joshua: Well, I’ve given away enough of my secrets for one day. I’ll give you back all the money I took you for, so go easy on me…
Innes: Wait.
Joshua: Hm?
Innes: There’s no need to give it back. That I failed to see your trick was my own failing.
Joshua: You serious? All right. Good deal. You’re a good man. Let’s just call this your tuition fee, eh?
Innes: …Wait.
Joshua: Now what? What is it this time?
Innes: We’re still in the middle of the bet. We’ll pick up where we left off.
Joshua: Are you saying… you want to keep going?
Innes: Naturally. You’ve revealed your secrets to me. My luck is bound to change. I feel a winning streak coming on.
Joshua: …Oh, brother. Well, you’re persistent, I’ll give you that much. Call it in the air.
Innes: …Tails.

I like the little bit of self-awareness Innes has about this: we all saw Joshua rigging the toss coming, but the fact Innes's hard-headedness led him straight into running up wager after wager to try and catch him in the act instead of just cutting his losses with knowing Joshua was swindling is a genuine flaw, and one a King like Innes cannot afford. Although not accepting his money back is an honour choice over the pragmatic one Innes prefers, I can see why Innes did it. Although it may be he's figuring out how to get his money back through skill rather than charity.

Ephraim/Forde A

Ephraim: How are you doing, Forde?
Forde: Me? Oh, I’m fine as long as I’ve got a sword in my hand.
Ephraim: …Oh, by the way, Forde. When you have some time, would you show me your painting again?
Forde: You’d like to see it? Why the sudden interest, Prince?
Ephraim: The scene you painted, it’s the Renais we once knew… Those magnificent fields and tranquil farming villages… When I look at it, I can forget, for a second, that we’re on a battlefield. I want to restore the Renais you painted. I want to restore these landscapes that fill me with joy looking at them. I wanted to see the painting again so that I could carry it with me in my heart.
Forde: If you like it, Prince Ephraim, I’d be honored if you would take it.
Ephraim: …Really? Are you sure, Forde?
Forde: Yes, of course. Please take it.
Ephraim: Thank you, Forde! It is truly beautiful. …Did you study painting?
Forde: No. I just… When we were young, I would paint for Franz. …Our father spent much time away, and Franz wept every night, missing him. But I was just a child, too. I didn’t know how to make him stop crying. One day, I showed him a drawing that I’d made of our parents… And Franz stopped crying. I’ve been painting ever since…
Ephraim: …I see…
Forde: …I’ve a thought… In exchange for this painting, there’s something you can do.
Ephraim: …What is it, Forde?
Forde: Once you’ve achieved your goal, once you’ve restored Renais to the way it was… Can I have a vacation?
Ephraim: Is rest all you ever think about? If you want that vacation, earn it!
Forde: Right, right. I’ll just keep risking my life protecting you then, Ephraim.
Ephraim: You do that. I’m counting on you, Forde.

As soon as Forde got Ephraim on the path of something truly profound, Ephraim gets his focus on battle back and tells Forde to continue charging valiantly into the belly of the beast with him. So close, man. Just a bit more effort and you'll become the good King the game claims you are...

Garcia/Dozla A

Garcia: That did not go as well as I had hoped.
Dozla: Well, that’s not entirely true, is it.
Garcia: It would have helped if you hadn’t whacked me in the head with the staff.
Dozla: I didn’t mean to hit you! You just got in the way when I was… conjuring.
Garcia: I still have a lump on my head.
Dozla: I feel badly about it, all right? Besides, I think you’re forgetting that I also healed you with that staff!
Garcia: No, you didn’t! You burned my beard clear off!
Dozla: Oh, yes. That’s right. I’m sorry.
Garcia: Hmph.
Dozla: You have to admit, though, you looked quite dashing without that beard. It took at least ten years off of your appearance. No, at least twenty!
Garcia: You really think so? I can’t stop smelling burnt hair.
Dozla: But, wait! At least give me credit for making it grow back that quickly.
Garcia: … Very well. It grew back nicely. Thank you.
Dozla: You’re welcome!
Garcia: This little foray into other disciplines has certainly taught me a lot.
Dozla: Me, too! After all this, sword fighting should be a piece of cake!

The C and B Ranks were fine enough, with the edit from being about drinking to being about multi-discipline training. The A Rank was slaughtered. What we got was a pure comedy skit. In the original JP, this conversation was a huge exploration of what made Dozla tick: the way he sees L'Arachel not as a radiant commander, but as a child it is his duty to protect. Garcia comments on having that same connection to Ross, although Dozla's very childlike approach to life makes him that much more approachable to "children". The worst part is, the conversation has only one minor reference to drinking, and with how much content survived in C & B, there was no reason this one had to be so brutal in changing course.

...Also, Garcia is the one who lost his beard? I guess he does have more of a beard than I thought he did, but still...

Ross/Gerik A

Ross: Hey, Sir Gerik…
Gerik: What is it, Ross? You seem down today.
Ross: Why is the sword stronger than the axe?
Gerik: What are you talking about? Just use a stronger axe to beat a sword.
Ross: That’s not what I mean! I want to be strong enough to split a silver sword with an iron axe.
Gerik: Your father…
Ross: What about him?
Gerik: He could defeat many swordsmen with just one axe.
Ross: So you’ve seen him in battle?
Gerik: Just once. He was leading a unit of the Renais army. He was swinging his axe at the front line.
Ross: Wow, my dad was really strong, wasn’t he!
Gerik: He was more than just strong. He was like a war god. I have to be honest with you, Ross. I was on his enemy side at the time.
Ross: What?!
Gerik: I was a mercenary hired by the other side. It was a fierce battle against Garcia’s unit, and we ultimately had to retreat. Come to think of it, this is a perfect example of the power of the mind. You see, I was so intimidated by Garcia that I had lost even before I started. That was an unforgettable failure for me. After that, I swore to myself that I would be as strong as him with a sword.
Ross: Wow, I can’t believe Dad beat you down like that! He’s the greatest. But you’re pretty great, too.
Gerik: Someone who lost to your father?
Ross: Yeah! You might have lost that time, but you became a great swordsman because of it! OK. I’m going to stop moping around. From this moment on, I swear that someday I will destroy swords with my axe. You are my witness, Sir Gerik!
Gerik: Truly, you are the son of the warrior Garcia.
Ross: That’s not all! I’m also the best student of the master swordsman Gerik!
Gerik: When did you become my student?
Ross: When I met you! Oh! Enemy detected! I’ll catch you later! Give me another lesson someday, Sir Gerik. I’ll be much stronger by then, and maybe I’ll win a match with you!
Gerik: I believe he will surpass Garcia someday.

Honestly, Ross took Gerik being Garcia's opponent in the past better than I thought. The kid is growing up well. And, considering he's a berserker, you can definitely see where the kid is going to become adept at defeating sword units: we already saw him smashing Heroes in this very mission! (That was a complete coincidence.)

Artur/Tethys A

Tethys: Well, look who’s come to see me! I’m glad to see you showing some initiative. You must be practicing a lot, hm? Well, show me what you’ve got!
Artur: Please! I have a name! I am not a child! My name is Artur! And… I really must protest about becoming a dancer. I have no interest in learning how to dance, do you understand?
Tethys: I’m glad you’re here, because I have something I wanted to tell you.
Artur: Y-you do?
Tethys: I scrubbed my face with manon leaves, just like you said, but look… I got a rash, just like I thought I would. Look here, on my cheek.
Artur: Uh… Maybe you scrubbed too hard?
Tethys: Well, here… Take a look.
Artur: I’m not sure this is the right time. We’re in the middle of a battle.
Tethys: We’ll be fine. It’ll only take a second. We’ll be done in a flash.
Artur: Fine, fine… But let’s be quick.
Tethys: Come on, you’re not looking right. Get closer. Closer… More. Look right around here… See? It’s red, isn’t it?
Artur: …A little, but… it’s not that bad. Whoa!! I-if you turn your head so suddenly like that… your face is… It’s so close to my…
Tethys: Hm mm mm. You’re blushing. Are you all right, child?
Artur: I-I’m fine, but… Every time you’re around, my heart…
Tethys: Starts thumping?
Artur: Y-yes…
Tethys: To tell you the truth, you look just like my first love.
Artur: Is… Is that so?
Tethys: But he moved, and I never saw him again. Oh, it brings back such memories… He and I couldn’t have been much older than, say, ten.
Artur: …Are you telling me I look like a ten-year-old child?
Tethys: Yep. Those sparkling eyes are totally him.
Artur: … I see… I know someone who looks like you, too.
Tethys: Oh, really? Who would that be?
Artur: …My mother. She called me “child” when I was little, just like you do now. I used to like that then, but now that I’m older…
Tethys: …Oh… A bit of a mama’s boy, are you, Artur?
Artur: Excuse me? Mama’s boy?
Tethys: Tee-hee… Very well. I shall mother you. Call me “mom,” child.
Artur: … Er… I… I’m not sure about this. Besides, I used to call her “mother,” not “mom,” so…
Tethys: I’m only kidding. I just love teasing you. However, I am serious about you becoming a dancer. Your good looks and graceful movement tell me you have the talent… You would make a fine partner. Just think about it, will you?
Artur: Oh, I forgot- that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I don’t want to- …Er, excuse me. Tethys, would you wait up for me!?

...I am concerned about Tethys on more levels than I was before this conversation. Is that really why you want to be courting Artur, miss?

Saleh/Ewan A

Saleh: Ewan.
Ewan: Oh, Teacher.
Saleh: Ewan… If something happens to me, take all my scrolls and magical items, and… keep them for your own.
Ewan: What? Why would you say that?
Saleh: This conflict has grown bitter. I’m not sure I’ll see it to its end. And… if something does happen, I want you to care for Dara. Watch over her and Caer Pelyn.
Ewan: Oh, come on! There is no way anything is going to happen to you, Teacher! And besides, if you weren’t around, I would have no clue what to do.
Saleh: Ewan… Don’t underestimate yourself. One day, you will surpass me.
Ewan: Huh? Really? Do you mean that, Teacher?
Saleh: It all hinges on your own efforts.
Ewan: I won’t let you down!
Saleh: Only those who choose magic can handle it. And you are special even among them… Be confident. You have a rare gift that others can never duplicate.
Ewan: Teacher… If you really mean that, then there’s no way I’m going to let you die.
Saleh: Ewan…
Ewan: I’ll be at your side protecting you. If the two of us combine our power, we can get through anything that arises!
Saleh: Whew… Protect… me? I had no idea until this moment how dependable you’ve become.
Ewan: Right! That’s because I’m the great sage Saleh’s number-one student!
Saleh: Well spoken, Ewan. Come on, follow me. I’ll use this war to teach you every last bit of the magic I know. My dear, sweet student.
Ewan: Sounds good, Teach!

Ewan's a good boy. Saleh kinda gives him a bit of a blank check to get as big of a head as a child could get, and Ewan doesn't even consider the possibility- his awesome teacher is just as cool as the magic he's learning, and if he's the greatest mage in Magvel, well, that just means he can save him.

No wonder the kid wears bright colours even in the Druid and Summoner classes.

Forde/Kyle A

Kyle: Whew…
Forde: What’s wrong, Kyle? You’re the one who looks tired this time.
Kyle: Oh, Forde. It’s you. I was just lost in thought for a moment. I figured that I could use a little breathing room. I guess that’s why you paint your landscapes, isn’t it?
Forde: That’s right. You see it now? Everyone needs a little space to think, even on the battlefield.
Kyle: Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to approve of painting during a battle. What if the younger soldiers started to copy your example? However, I see your point. Everyone needs a way to clear one’s head. So… How long have you been doing those drawings, anyway?
Forde: ……
Kyle: What’s the matter? Forgotten when you started?
Forde: … I started drawing and painting when my mother died.
Kyle: Really?
Forde: When I was young, I won a tournament for training swordsmen…
Kyle: I remember that. I took second place.
Forde: She seemed far more pleased at a picture I’d drawn of her than at my victory. She kept that picture near her always, and she looked at it often. She rejoiced more in my skill with the brush than in my skill with the sword. I never understood why… Not until recently, at any rate.
Kyle: Your mother was very kind. I remember that about her. I’m sorry that she fell ill while you were so young.
Forde: I feel lucky- I have my memories of her, after all. Franz, though… He was too little to talk or even walk. That’s why I kept that picture of her hanging in our home.
Kyle: So that’s the story behind that picture in your house… I didn’t realize you drew it. I remember watching you practice swordplay when we were little. I wanted to be like you, and I was irritated that I didn’t practice more. I got so upset with myself when I lost the tournament to you. That’s why I work so hard to keep practicing and improving my skills.
Forde: …I didn’t know…
Kyle: ……
Forde: Oh, man. It’s not like me to get this introspective. What is it about you that makes me talk so much? Come on, let’s go.
Kyle: Heh. All right. Oh, and, Forde…
Forde: What?
Kyle: When this whole war is over, teach me how to paint.
Forde: Yeah, all right. Fine. But we both have to get out of here alive first.
Kyle: It’s a deal.

Aww. I like the connection Kyle gets to Forde about this tournament, and it's such an excellent way to tie Forde's passive approach to combat in with his painting beyond just "he prefers the brush to the sword". This is a man who could pave the way to a more peaceful lifestyle to Magvel at large.

Lute/Kyle A

Kyle: Hooo… What a fight! How are you holding up, Lute?
Lute: No problem, sir. I could keep this up all day!
Kyle: That’s good to hear. But don’t push yourself… You’re vital to my strategy!
Lute: Of course I am! There’s no one better than me!
Kyle: I’d have to agree. This would be a lot harder without you along. This might seem forward, but… What do you do when you’re not, well, fighting in wars?
Lute: Me? Oh, I’m a student of magic.
Kyle: I guessed that much. What I mean is, do you have any hobbies?
Lute: Hobbies?
Kyle: That’s right. Take me, for example. I like to collect carved figurines of animals. I have a small collection of them back home at Renais. How about you?
Lute: Does monk-watching count?
Kyle: Monk-watching? What are you talking about? Maybe I should ask a different question. Do you have any favorite foods?
Lute: Out of everything I’ve had, curry of dried toad is my favorite.
Kyle: Er… right… Do you enjoy cooking?
Lute: I don’t cook much, but I’m sure I’d be good at it. I mean, I can cook with a single word, no fire necessary!
Kyle: Ha!
Lute: I’m sorry?
Kyle: Ha ha ha ha ha! I never get bored talking to you. I can’t explain it, but I find you so refreshing!
Lute: Really? I like talking to you, too.
Kyle: …… Lute.
Lute: Yes, sir?
Kyle: Why don’t you come to Renais once the war is over?
Lute: Why not? No objections.
Kyle: Ha! No objections? That’s your answer? Well, all right, then. Let’s focus on getting through this war first, though.
Lute: Yes, sir.
Kyle: I’m glad to have you with us.
Lute: Me, too, sir.

...Lute lives in Renais already, Kyle. Joking aside, this is kind of a huge nothing pairing, and Kyle really shows off by how much. If Lute brings up her monk-watching, it's just not happening. Kyle's hobby of collecting animal figures does come up in another chain, though, for some cool continuity.

Moulder/Colm A

Colm: Yawn… Oh. Let me guess. You want to hear what I’ve been reflecting on.
Moulder: Exactly. Although… I noticed that you look sleepy. Are you well?
Colm: I… was up late last night thinking about everything. I couldn’t sleep well.
Moulder: That’s unfortunate. Did you have so much that you regretted doing? Hm. Well, let me hear it. Tell me what’s on your mind.
Colm: All right, well, here goes.
Moulder: Hmmmmm… That’s…
Colm: How’s that? I’m doing good, aren’t I?
Moulder: I’d say so. You’re going over your every action, from waking to sleep.
Colm: Well, that’s what you told me to do.
Moulder: Well done, my lad! I’ve never heard so much thought go into what you’ve done before! Compared with the salted pork, your transformation is impressive! It’s a little extreme, but……
Colm: But the funny thing is… I’ve started noticing all these things about me I didn’t know before. I keep saying, “That was wrong” and “I’ll do better next time.” So… I’m not repeating the same mistakes over and over.
Moulder: I had noticed that your behavior has significantly improved of late. You look sleepy now, but your face seems far more peaceful as well. It seems that you’re finally growing up, thanks to these quiet moments.
Colm: Heh… You know, I think that’s the first nice thing you’ve said to me!
Moulder: You’re coming along just fine. But… go easy on yourself, all right?
Colm: How come?
Moulder: If you stay up all night thinking about your day, you’ll make yourself sick. You’ve already mastered the art of learning from your own experiences. I don’t want you falling into old habits because of a little illness. I have high expectations of you, my son.
Colm: Thank you, Father Moulder. I’m glad that you do. It’s only your expectations that have made me become a better man.

At least Moulder got through to him. Although I've never seen "in one ear and out the other" do so much damage on the way through.

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