Friday 18 November 2022

SS Chapter 14 Supports

Today's Supports:

  • Innes/L'Arachel C
  • L'Arachel/Rennac C
  • Dozla/Rennac C
  • Seth/Cormag C
  • Colm/Rennac C
  • Tethys/Marisa B
  • Joshua/Natasha B
  • Joshua/Marisa B
  • Artur/Tethys B
  • Eirika/Forde B
  • Ephraim/Forde B
  • Joshua/Gerik B
  • Moulder/Vanessa B
  • Vanessa/Forde B
  • Colm/Marisa B
  • Saleh/Ewan B
  • Ross/Garcia A
  • Ross/Lute A
  • Gilliam/Garcia A

Innes/L'Arachel C

L’Arachel: Well, hello.
Innes: Imagine meeting you here.
L’Arachel: Yes… You know, I believe this is our first chance to speak privately. I am L’Arachel of the Theocracy of Rausten. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Innes: I believe you already know my name. I am Innes, prince of Frelia.
L’Arachel: Speaking of Frelia… Oh, I remember, the seafood was delicious there.
Innes: Yes. I would agree that the fish of my homeland is not unpleasant.
L’Arachel: Yes. However it does not compare with that of my home, Rausten.
Innes: Is that so? I know not what fish your country has to offer, but I have a hard time imagining they could be that much tastier than our own.
L’Arachel: Your doubt is not surprising. Once this war is over, you must come and visit Rausten. I think it best if you try a wide variety of our fish for yourself.
Innes: That’s a good idea. I will most certainly do so. And perhaps you have not tasted all the fish Frelia has to offer. To be sure, you should visit again. Perhaps a culinary exchange is in order. It may be you change your opinion.
L’Arachel: We’ll see. Very well, I accept your invitation. I will visit your country once more and taste your national dishes.

L'Arachel and Innes have one thing in common: They both have massive egos. Their Support, correspondingly, is one gigantic contest measuring such. It is glorious.

L'Arachel/Rennac C

L’Arachel: Just a moment, Rennac.
Rennac: Yipes!
L’Arachel: And what do you mean, “yipes”? Is meeting me honestly such an unpleasant affair?
Rennac: It’s just that my job becomes difficult when noisy people like you are about.
L’Arachel: Noisy? How rude! Couldn’t you have said showy? Or flamboyant, perhaps!?
Rennac: But that would be lying. You really are noisy. Do you even realize that you were yelling just now?
L’Arachel: Yell? Me!? Why, I never! You’ve gone too far! Rennac, you would do well to remember that your number-one priority is guarding me.
Rennac: That’s not the case anymore. These people respect my abilities and value my skills.
L’Arachel: Very well, I grant that you’ve made yourself useful out here. However, sir, you know nothing about how to treat a lady! You would do well to refine yourself.
Rennac: Now, who’s being rude? I happen to be quite the gentleman. For instance, I have some small renown as a fabulous dancer.
L’Arachel: You? A dancer? I wonder if you’re not merely flattering yourself…
Rennac: You don’t think I can dance? Then test me! You’ll see how well I can dance! Come on, get down off your horse.
L’Arachel: Me? Dance with you? Do you believe I would dance with a commoner? Please, our stations would never permit it.
Rennac: It’s not a matter of station. If you permit us to dance, you would see. Unless… Wait a minute, maybe YOU’RE the one who can’t dance!
L’Arachel: Rennac! You overstep yourself! All right! If you dare speak such blasphemies, then I have no choice! When next we meet, I will test your vainglorious boast myself! But remember, my dancing with one such as you is a rare occasion. Because it will be so special, I expect you to be most grateful. Got it!?
Rennac: Yeah, yeah. I get it.
L’Arachel: Very well. I suggest you devote yourself to practicing while you’ve the time.
Rennac: Now, you’re the one who’s gone too far! I’m going to make you eat your words.

Meanwhile, we get to see the way L'Arachel treats Rennac up close and, well... she has absolutely no idea what to make of him. It's like those stories of sheltered nobles meeting their first commoner, but these two have known each other for way too long for that to still be adorable. Rennac also challenges L'Arachel's ego multiple times, even if he only means to once.

Dozla/Rennac C

Rennac: Ah… Why has fate chosen to treat me so cruelly?
Dozla: Ah, Rennac. You look so pleased to have been reunited with Princess L’Arachel. I’m glad we’re all in one piece!
Rennac: You haven’t changed, Dozla. Your ability to misread people still ruins all conversation. I am lamenting, old man! I am raging against my horrible misfortune! You’re a vassal sworn to serve Princess L’Arachel. You’re supposed to be here. I, however, am not. I’m temporary. Got it? I’m an employee! I am NOT a vassal!
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! You’re just as interesting as ever. You’re still hard to follow, but…
Rennac: This is not a conversation for you to enjoy, and it’s not at all hard to follow! It’s not that I don’t enjoy being in this army, but traveling with her again… I mean, I haven’t even been properly paid for the last job.
Dozla: Oh, so it’s about money, is it? In that case, you’ve no worries, Rennac. All you have to do is see Princess L’Arachel safely back to Rausten. Once that’s done, His Majesty will pay you any amount you desire.
Rennac: That’s what I heard the last time, but do you have any idea how much I desire? When he hears it, His Majesty may very well explode!
Dozla: Hmm, so about 1,000 gold pieces?
Rennac: Huh? You can’t even buy a proper blade for that price!
Dozla: What, 5,000 then?
Rennac: You’ve got the wrong number of zeroes, old man.
Dozla: Oh, my apologies. So you want 500 gold, eh?
Rennac: No! That’s smaller! It cannot get smaller! I want more! It’s 50,000! 50,000 gold! And I’ll bend 50,000 ears to get it if I have to! Someone must listen!
Dozla: Oh, right. I understand! You need 50,000 ears, is that it? Very well, when we return to Rausten we’ll get 50,000 people together! Wait…that’s 100,000 ears. Well anyway, you’ll have all the ears you need!
Rennac: It’s just a figure of speech, old man. Bah! I was a fool to complain.

It is Dozla's job to listen to the incoherent ramblings that come out of L'Arachel's mouth and translate them into actionable sentiments that make L'Arachel happy. Dealing with Rennac, whose businesslike approach makes him disinterested in doing the same, is an exercise in trying his best to pretend otherwise. And this also leads to a very irritated rogue, although thankfully our army is giving him a bit of help on that front.

...1000 gold not being enough to buy a proper sword? He's got his eyes on those Silvers.

Seth/Cormag C

Cormag: You’re pretty good with a spear.
Seth: Thank you. I don’t think I’ve introduced myself. I’m the leader of the Knights of Renais–
Cormag: I know you. Of course I know you. You’re General Seth, the Silver Knight.
Seth: …Yes, that’s right. And you are Cormag, the renowned wyvern rider of Grado.
Cormag: If the legendary Silver Knight knows my name, I can’t be doing too bad, huh?
Seth: You and your brother, Glen, are famous even among the Knights of Renais. We have no wyvern riders in Renais, and your stories are favorites among the men. I’ve been watching your combat style since you joined our forces.
Cormag: Oh, is that so? Well, tell me: what do you think?
Seth: I’d love a chance to spar with you.
Cormag: Not a chance. I could never beat you.
Seth: So you say, but I can see in your eyes that you’ll never accept failure.
Cormag: Heh… And all this time, I thought you were just another loyal dullard. Guess I was wrong. We should chat some more sometime.
Seth: Yes, I think I’d like that. Perhaps once things have eased up. I’m looking forward to it, Cormag.
Cormag: Sure thing.

Of his Support partners, I think Cormag might be the one who's closest to Seth in terms of rank and personality- most of his other pairs aren't his equals, but Cormag is. It's also cool hearing lore about Cormag and Glen, although I wonder if their story mentioned Valter back when those three fighting together was a thing.

Colm/Rennac C

Colm: Hey, you! I know your secret.
Rennac: Huh? My secret?
Colm: You’re a thief, too, aren’t you? Do you think that’s acceptable behavior for someone in the princess’s entourage?
Rennac: Ha ha ha! Where’d you learn a big word like entourage, boy? Not that it’s any of your business, but Her Highness already knows about my… hobbies. You’re not, by any chance, trying to threaten me, are you? That’s funny. I never thought I’d be reprimanded by a boy!
Colm: Hey, old man, don’t you talk down to ME! I’m not a boy. I’m Colm! And I’m not threatening you, either. I was just surprised that you’re a thief because you dress so nicely.
Rennac: I assume you’re in the same trade. Those rags are a dead giveaway. Well, you may not take any pride in your appearance, but I’m different. Do you see this jacket? It has silk embroidery, a trend that I started in Carcino. Where are the stitches, you ask? They’re on the inside of the jacket. But I’m not going to show you. The truly cultured man cares about every detail. It would be a waste of my time to even try to explain it to a poor urchin like you.
Colm: Why are you bragging about something so lame? And I’m not a poor urchin! Man, I’ve never met anyone as annoying as you!
Rennac: Oh, don’t be so sensitive, little urchin. If you want to be like me, make more money. Improve your skills. The name of the game is making money. Money is all that matters. It’s your only way out. Work hard and escape from poverty.
Colm: First of all, I don’t want to be like you! Second of all, I’ll show you!
Rennac: Well, don’t pull a muscle, little urchin!

Rennac's made an annoying fan. I'm amazed how level a head he keeps, although considering L'Arachel, I'm not entirely surprised Colm is small potatoes.

Tethys/Marisa B

Marisa: Tethys. Are you right-handed?
Tethys: Will wonders never cease? You actually started a conversation.
Marisa: When you dance, you often begin by putting your right foot forward.
Tethys: Now I’m really amazed. I can’t believe you noticed. But footwork in dancing has nothing to do with being right- or left-handed. Dancing is a way of expressing feelings through body movement. All of one’s experiences are incorporated and displayed in the way one dances.
Marisa: Experiences? What kind of experiences?
Tethys: That, my dear, is my little secret. Mine may be a bit unique, though. My life’s taken some odd turns, but it’s because of them that I started dancing. And when I’m dancing, I’m happy.
Marisa: Hmmm. Your dances give people courage. Dancing suits you.
Tethys: Doesn’t it, though? All the mercenaries tell me that, too. Now that you understand my dancing, you’re truly a member of Gerik’s team.

Marisa being her usual neurodivergent self. She's pretty comfortable around Tethys, so she peppers her with so many questions without skipping a beat.

Joshua/Natasha B

Natasha: Oh! Aaaaaah!!!
Joshua: Watch out! Nngh!! An arrow!? Did someone set up a trap for us? Or is there someone here? An archer? Where is he?
Natasha: Joshua! You saved me. Thank goodness you were near.
Joshua: Yeah, well… I just happened to be in the neighborhood is all.
Natasha: You make light of it, but I truly appreciate that you were nearby.
Joshua: Well, uh… Are you all right?
Natasha: I’m fine, thank you. But it’s only thanks to you, Joshua. You saved me. I’ll try to be more attentive to my surroundings.
Joshua: Yeah, well… It’s not always easy, you know? Especially when you’re working. You concentrate pretty hard when you’re doing your healing thing. Just focus on your work, and I’ll keep an eye on you. Sound fair?
Natasha: Oh, no… I couldn’t ask you to spend all your time protecting me.
Joshua: What, you don’t want me to?
Natasha: It’s not that at all! I rather like– … Um, never mind.
Joshua: …… Say, you want to make a bet?
Natasha: Another… bet? Right here? In the middle of this battlefield? What did you intend to bet on this time?
Joshua: That you’re gonna fall for me, sooner or later.
Natasha: What!?
Joshua: I’m betting yes, personally.
Natasha: Oh… This isn’t the time for jokes… I-I just don’t know.
Joshua: Hey, don’t go running off! Sigh… I wasn’t even joking…

Poor Natasha. Despite its fondness for including women of the cloth, Fire Emblem has very little restraint when it comes to shipping them with people- as one might find pretty obvious looking where the series went after this. What I'm surprised about is that Natasha, normally one of the more pious clerics in the series, is the one to initiate this crush. I had forgotten Natasha had feelings for Joshua by this point- I remembered this conversation as Joshua doing more of the initiating.

Joshua/Marisa B

Joshua: Oh… Tsk!
Marisa: …!
Joshua: Dang…! There!!
Marisa: Ha! …
Joshua: Whew… After a match like that, I can be happy with a tie!
Marisa: ……
Joshua: You’re better than I thought.
Marisa: You’re not too bad yourself.
Joshua: Heh… Thanks. But remember, I was at a slight disadvantage, so…
Marisa: I must admit, I did hold you at a slight disadvantage. However, we are closely matched, despite our incompatible styles. I simply couldn’t land a decisive blow. But it was all worthwhile. After all, I’ve learned, and that is worth far more than any wager.
Joshua: I see. You’re a quick one, aren’t you? How did you get that good?
Marisa: Fighting is all I have.
Joshua: You live for the sword, eh? I prefer rolling the dice to swinging the sword, you know?
Marisa: …Why is that?
Joshua: Whew… I thought you’d never ask. You’re asking how I got hooked on gambling, right? Let me see… There’s not much to tell. I guess by the time I realized it, it was already too late. I’d grown bored of everything before I discovered gambling. But then I saw it- gambling was like life, in short little bursts. Life itself is just one big gamble! That’s how I see things.
Marisa: I see. … I don’t know anything about gambling, but it was a good duel. We must try this again soon.
Joshua: What, with no wager? That doesn’t sound very fun.
Marisa: Suit yourself.
Joshua: You mean that? Then we’ll have another bet. I’ll win next time. See you later.
Marisa: See you.

I think the opening involves the two portraits sliding around the screen to approximate a fight scene. Interesting that Joshua describes his love for gambling being driven by being bored of life. I don't think he's lying, but I wonder what was going on in his life when realisation struck: He's had a lot of ups and downs to compare to in his history.

Artur/Tethys B

Tethys: Do you remember the dance steps I showed you the other day, child? No? I’ll show them to you again. Pay attention, as you’ll be going next.
Artur: Tethys, we’re in the middle of a battle. Can’t this wait until later?
Tethys: My, aren’t we confident! No, we can’t have that. We have to practice. I refuse to have a partner who’s too lazy to practice daily.
Artur: No, you’re not following me. I’m not your partner. I don’t want to- Would you please stop calling me “child” in front of everyone!
Tethys: What’s wrong with looking young? After all, you have such lovely skin. May I… touch your cheeks?
Artur: Oh… Ah, normally, people wait for an answer before they start… er… well, touching me. Um… Would you please stop?
Tethys: Amazing! It’s like velvet to the touch! You have such smooth skin!
Artur: Er… Excuse me… Ah… I really must protest… P-please… S-stop…
Tethys: Tell me… What’s your secret?
Artur: I… I don’t have any secrets! Oh… You meant my skin. Well, I just rub manon leaves on after I wash.
Tethys: Manon leaves? Those scratchy things? I always thought they would just leave a rash. Hm. Maybe I should try… I’ll see you later, child. I’ll be checking up on your progress, so be sure to practice those steps.
Artur: …Huh? But… But I don’t want to be a dancer… I… Sigh…

Personal space, Tethys, personal space. She's spent too much time around Gerik and Marisa. She's probably been like this to those two multiple times and the most she's gotten back is "please wait your turn for a shower" from Gerik.

Eirika/Forde B

Forde: Princess Eirika! Good to see you.
Eirika: Ah, Forde. Yes, it’s good to have you fighting at my side again. It’s only because of your skill that I’m fighting here today.
Forde: Well, we all seem to be deep in this fight, milady…
Eirika: Yes, there’s no pulling back now.
Forde: So it would seem. My lady, leave the fighting to us soldiers. Even if there be an unholy hail of arrows, we would ride into them for your sake.
Eirika: Ha ha… Why, thank you, sir knight! …Say, Forde.
Forde: Yes?
Eirika: What will you do when all this fighting is over?
Forde: When the fighting is over? Hm… Good question. Well… I suppose I’ll return to Renais… and take a very, very long nap.
Eirika: That does sound like you. And then?
Forde: Then? I would like to return to my painting, I think.
Eirika: You paint?
Forde: Yes, milady. I paint. In the past, I’ve tried to be quiet about this little hobby of mine. However, quite a few of our group have unearthed my hidden secret.
Eirika: Is that so? Well, I’d love to view your work sometime.
Forde: Ah, I’d be honored. It’s hardly worthy of such an audience, but I’d be glad to show it to you.
Eirika: I look forward to it. Oh! And…
Forde: Yes?
Eirika: Would you ever consider… doing a portrait of me?
Forde: I’m sorry?
Eirika: Is that distasteful to you?
Forde: No! No… It’s just that I so rarely do portraits.
Eirika: So, it would be a bother?
Forde: Not at all! A bother? Really. This request comes from my princess. I’d be more than happy to.
Eirika: Thank you, Forde.

Eirika being her usual kind self. Making sure Forde is doing things because he wants to, on multiple fronts.

Ephraim/Forde B

Ephraim: So, Forde… Not goofing around today, are you?
Forde: Of course not! I never fool around in a battle.
Ephraim: …Yes, but only in battle. Next to Franz, you seem like you’re always half asleep.
Forde: You surely understand how difficult it is to be compared with one’s siblings. Next to you, the princess seems so kind and thoughtful. And caring, too!
Ephraim: I see your point. Yes, it’s rough being held to your sibling’s standards.
Forde: Isn’t it, though? So let’s stop all this and get back to the fighting.
Ephraim: …Although…
Forde: Hm? What is it, Prince Ephraim?
Ephraim: …Eirika has never been far from my side- in good times and bad. Without her…I’m not sure I could lead my people back from this disaster.
Forde: …I think I understand what you mean, Prince. When we lost our parents, I was shattered. Franz helped me get back on my feet. If I didn’t have his help then, I don’t know where I’d be today…
Ephraim: We are who we are now because they have always stood by us. …Let’s end this war quickly, Forde. For them. Especially for them.
Forde: …Yes.

I love the sheer gall of Forde going "it's not fun being compared to your sibling all the time, so knock it off". It's nice to hear Ephraim appreciating Eirika, at least.

Joshua/Gerik B

Joshua: Hey, Gerik.
Gerik: Is that you, Joshua? So, I hear you like to gamble.
Joshua: You hear right. Care to try your luck?
Gerik: Ha ha ha. I’ll pass. But tell me, why do you like gambling so much?
Joshua: I’ve got my reasons. Mostly, I just like to believe in my own luck.
Gerik: Luck?
Joshua: Oh, yeah… See, you can have all the skill in the world and still have a bad day. It doesn’t take much for the most fortunate man around to have a fall. A royal family at the height of their power gets betrayed, and that’s the end. It’s life really, innit?
Gerik: Hmm… You’ve got a point there. But you know, Joshua, you don’t want to use luck as an excuse. Don’t blame luck if you lose a fight. Blame yourself, but not luck. Renais didn’t fall because of bad fortune. It was malice that did it. You’re right- there’s good luck and bad, but it’s no excuse for failure.
Joshua: Well, that’s a good point you’ve got there. But I think I’ll just keep believing in my luck for now.
Gerik: Whatever works for you. If you’re an even match against someone, sure, luck is a factor. But you’re not counting on luck alone, are you? You’re a fine swordsman, and that isn’t all luck’s doing there.
Joshua: You are far too observant. We’re lucky you’re on our side.
Gerik: That’s the best compliment a mercenary can get.
Joshua: Call it a hunch, but I think this is the start of a long friendship.
Gerik: You think so, huh? I wonder if that’s just a lucky guess.
Joshua: Well, I’m a lucky guy.

Getting the closest one can possibly get to talking about Joshua's royal lineage without needing to actually talk about it. The fact he's specifically worried about the royal family being "betrayed" makes me feel like Carlyle actually did try and push him out of the family, but Carlyle's tack was "I've done a lot of work for you, my Queen, and I deserve a kiss in thank you" rather than gaslighting her himself.

I find Joshua's approach fascinating. Every battle has an element of luck to consider, and even the greatest tactician can't mitigate all of it. But at the same time... we mitigate luck for a reason. We turn the tides in our favour because some things just can't be left to chance.

Moulder/Vanessa B

Moulder: Well, do you have time for that story I promised?
Vanessa: Certainly, Father.
Moulder: It was over ten years ago, when the prince was just a child. There was a ceremony at the castle, with a trick archer of sorts.
Vanessa: A trick archer?
Moulder: Yes. He was a very famous and undeniably skilled archer from abroad. He was to shoot a tiny target that had been placed in the distance. However, in the middle of the show, someone stopped him from shooting.
Vanessa: Oh, no… It wasn’t–
Moulder: Yes, it was young Prince Innes. He said, “That’s not far enough! Move the target back farther!” Then, he insisted on trying himself.
Vanessa: That’s so like him!
Moulder: Isn’t it? King Hayden tried to stop him, but… Well, you know how he is. He doesn’t listen to anyone. And so, it became a contest between our prince and this foreign archer.
Vanessa: So, what happened?
Moulder: First, they established the ground rules. Each person was to shoot at the target. If both arrows hit, they increased the range. They simply continued to move the target back until one person missed the mark.
Vanessa: Sounds simple enough.
Moulder: Ah, but the two were evenly matched. Every shot was a perfect bull’s-eye. The crowd cheered, and the target moved ever farther back… But then it came to the turning point. The foreign archer said, “This is no test. Let’s move the target back more.” It seemed like bravado, but the archer actually had a clever tactic in mind.
Vanessa: Clever? How so?
Moulder: They had been shooting for some time, and the archer’s arms had grown weary. Precision archery is far more taxing than the battlefield, you see. So even though he was a skilled archer, he was at the limits of his endurance. He was still hitting the mark accurately, but his arm was quivering more and more. Everyone knew that the prince was on the verge of victory.
Vanessa: I don’t understand. They were shooting at the same target, shot for shot, right? Why would moving the target make any difference?
Moulder: Yes, they were still shooting at the same target. However, the archer suggested that they move the target much farther away… Much farther than any child Innes’s age could hope to loose an arrow to.
Vanessa: Oh, that IS clever!
Moulder: Even the archer, with his trained arms, was firing at his maximum range. In fact, he almost missed the target! Then, it was the prince’s turn.
Vanessa: And…?
Moulder: It was clearly too far away for the young prince to hit the target. But His Highness was undeterred. He drew his string and fired up into the sky. The arrow did not merely hit the target. No, it was a perfect bull’s-eye! You see, the prince arced his shot to extend his range beyond its limits. To hit a target this way requires incredible skill, but the prince did it. And then he turned to the archer and said, “Shall we move the target back farther?” The archer looked so crestfallen. He admitted defeat, and it was settled.
Vanessa: That’s amazing…
Moulder: That it is.
Vanessa: Thank you very much, Father Moulder! That’s incredible! I’m even more–
Moulder: More… what?
Vanessa: Oh… No, nothing.
Moulder: I’m glad you liked the story. Keep up the good work, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Yes, sir!

That is 100% what Innes would do. Apparently, even at a young age, Innes was already a promoted Sniper and had Sure Shot in his back pocket. This is the one time Sure Shot will ever be useful.

...So where's this archer from? Huh, guess there are countries in this world outside the main five and Carcino.

Vanessa/Forde B

Vanessa: Oh, look who’s actually awake today.
Forde: You must be one of Frelia’s pegasus knights.
Vanessa: I’m Vanessa.
Forde: Yeah, that’s right. Vanessa. I’m Forde. Nice to meet you. By the way, what do you mean by me being awake?
Vanessa: Just the other day, I was flying by and saw you lying on the ground. I thought you were hurt, but when I got closer, I saw that you were just sleeping! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so disgusted that I just left you there. But then I started to worry about enemies spotting you, so I went back. By the time I got back to where you were, you were already gone.
Forde: I catch them off guard that way and then attack. That’s my strategy.
Vanessa: I seriously doubt that.
Forde: Ha ha ha! But anyway, thanks for your concern.
Vanessa: You really don’t stress or plan much, do you? So different from our prince…
Forde: The prince of Frelia? Ah, you mean Prince Innes. I think he’s almost 100 percent stress. But I’m sure he’s quite the ladies’ man. I bet you have a crush on him, too. You’re blushing, so I must have hit a nerve!
Vanessa: I-I don’t! I didn’t say anything!
Forde: A romance between a prince and his knight? What scandal! What intrigue! It’s all right, though. You can love anyone you like. You must have lots of competition, seeing how he is a prince. It’s much easier to date someone you can be yourself around. Someone like, say, me would be ideal for you. What do you say?
Vanessa: Um… Let’s go, Titania. We’ve wasted enough time here.
Forde: You don’t have to run away like that! OK, see you! Watch out for those archers!

Yeah, I don't really blame you for not being aware, but Vanessa is probably more herself around Innes than she is around Moulder and such.

...Innes as a ladies' man, though? Sure, perhaps, for the ladies who don't talk to him.

Colm/Marisa B

Colm: Oh, hi, Marisa! I’m sorry for what I said the other day. I figured out that you were the scary woman I was talking about. I’m Colm. Nice to meet you.
Marisa: OK. So, what did you want from me?
Colm: Oh, nothing special. I just wanted to meet the famous swordswoman. I was going to challenge you to a match, but I’ve seen you fight and know how good you are. You’d beat me senseless.
Marisa: I’ll accept a match with you anytime.
Colm: Well, I don’t know how else to say this. You’re scaring me.
Marisa: Scaring?
Colm: Yeah. It sounds funny, but you never look at the enemy… I mean… you don’t care about the enemy at all.
Marisa: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Speak English.
Colm: I mean… Even when the enemy is right in front of you, you aren’t even looking at him. You’re fighting something else.
Marisa: Something else?
Colm: I’m not that smart, and I don’t know much about swords. So I can’t say exactly who or what it is you are really fighting.
Marisa: I see.
Colm: Um… What I mean to say is good luck in all your battles. Um… That’s it. See you later!
Marisa: The enemy… I’m really fighting?

Oh wow, Marisa really is the Ashen Demon before Byleth made it cool. Trust me, there's no goddess in her head this time.

Saleh/Ewan B

Ewan: Teacher.
Saleh: What is it, Ewan?
Ewan: Do you remember a few years ago when you went to visit Commander Gerik? That was when I met you and followed you back to Caer Pelyn. I never said thank you for taking me in, Teacher. I’ve never regretted it.
Saleh: I remember it clearly. I kept thinking, “What have I gotten myself into”?
Ewan: If that’s the way you felt about it, why did you let me be your student?
Saleh: Your eyes.
Ewan: My eyes?
Saleh: You had a spark in your eyes. I knew that I saw an exceptional talent for magic in those eyes.
Ewan: Wow. That’s really something. I would never have guessed.
Saleh: I’m sure, as your training progresses, that you will feel your power grow.
Ewan: I’ll train even harder, then! Back when I first started, I… thought you were kinda scary.
Saleh: Me?
Ewan: Well, you don’t really talk much. I always thought you were angry with me, and I didn’t know why.
Saleh: All that because I was so silent all the time?
Ewan: Yep. But after a while, I figured out it was just the way you were.
Saleh: Ewan, you can never find truth in words, spoken or unspoken. Truth lives within the heart.
Ewan: But other people can’t see what’s inside your heart, can they?
Saleh: If you can trust one another, you can see. And you will understand.
Ewan: Oh! Is that how it works? I think I get it now. But talking is so important in building friendships, isn’t it? We use words to communicate things like feelings and ideas. But all that stuff, it’s just on the surface. Does that mean that if people use their hearts, they can communicate without using words?
Saleh: That’s right.
Ewan: You really are great, Teacher. You teach me by making me teach myself, and I mean more than just magic… …Remember how angry you were at me that one time? Back when I took out that magic tome?
Saleh: …… I wasn’t angry that you took the tome out with you. It’s that you took it with you without asking and went for a stroll. And then you stopped to play in the river…
Ewan: That’s right. Then I dropped it and SPLASH!! Right in it went… It wasn’t in the water long, but those pages were totally illegible…
Saleh: That utter carelessness- No, your lack of consideration. That’s what made me angry.
Ewan: I’m s-sorry. But I never took any books with me when I went to the river after that.
Saleh: And there were other things, as well.
Ewan: Oh, you don’t mean… that? Oh, yeah. Ha ha ha.
Saleh: Unbelievable… I’ve never had a student so troublesome as you.
Ewan: But I promise to be much more careful in the future!
Saleh: Is there even a shred of truth in those words?
Ewan: Y-yikes!
Saleh: You rascal…

A realistic reaction to being Ewan's teacher. If the kid wasn't so interested in magic, there's no way he'd have learned anything. Also, Ewan talking so much lets him trip over an actually interesting idea without realising it, in the way we communicate with one another using words as opposed to feelings.

Ross/Garcia A

Garcia: Ross.
Ross: What is it, Dad?! Ow… Ow! Ow! What are you doing? That hurts! You’re crushing my shoulder!
Garcia: Ross…
Ross: What’s wrong, Dad?
Garcia: Ross… I’m going to be sentimental for a moment. Bear with me.
Ross: Huh?
Garcia: You may be almost grown, but you’re all I’ve got in this world. It’s true that your skills have improved, but don’t act foolishly.
Ross: Huh?
Garcia: There’s no greater tragedy than when a parent must bury his child. Do you see where I’m going with this?
Ross: Yes… I understand. It’s just weird to hear you talking like this… I guess I have been getting a big head. No one is invincible.
Garcia: Yes, that’s right. And when you start to think you are, that’s when you’re the most vulnerable.
Ross: I was just all puffed up when you said I had improved. I’ll be careful from now on. I haven’t told this to anyone, but I guess dads can see these things.
Garcia: No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my son.
Ross: Yes, and I’ll always look up to you!

Garcia really is the best dad for his son. Even if the two wind up on more battlefields in the end, Garcia will always be doing what he should've done from the start and look out for his little rascal.

Ross/Lute A

Ross: Yo, Lute.
Lute: Hi, Son-of- I mean- Ross.
Ross: Hey, you remembered my name finally!
Lute: Because I’m good.
Ross: Huh?
Lute: Are you here to insult me today?
Ross: Where’d you get that from?! You are as strange as ever.
Lute: Thank you very much.
Ross: That wasn’t a compliment! Have you always been like this?
Lute: You mean, have I always been brilliant? Well, I’ve been me. So, yes. I’ve been surrounded by books for as long as I can remember.
Ross: You studied magic since you were a kid?! Did you do anything for fun?
Lute: Well, there’s my monk-watching habit.
Ross: Huh? Never mind. How about your mother and father?
Lute: I don’t have any memory of my parents. But according to my grandmother, they are traveling in distant lands.
Ross: Oh… So you have a grandmother. What is she like?
Lute: She’s like an elegant goldfish that’s been sun-dried with a wildflower.
Ross: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lute: OK then. So long.
Ross: Hey! Hey, Lute!
Lute: Yes?
Ross: You may be a great mage, but you don’t seem to be physically strong. So, from now on… Well… I’ll be at your side to protect you.
Lute: Well, that’s very kind. But you know that the more likely scenario is that I’ll be protecting you.
Ross: That’s not what you’re supposed to say! You’re just supposed to say “Yes”!
Lute: OK. Yes.
Ross: Man… I might not seem that tough now, but someday I will grow up to be a man as strong as my dad. You wait and see!
Lute: OK. I’ll look forward to it. But I won’t get my hopes too high. Disappointment is a cruel mistress.
Ross: You! Grrr! I’ll show you!

They tried so hard. This does feel a little more comphet, though- I don't think Ross and Lute would even be able to stand the other's company in the tsundere fashion. Plus, it's not really good practice to tell a man who's about to ask you out that you routinely peep on another guy.

...Are Lute's parents dead, or legitimately travelling overseas? I could believe both. The way Lute acts, her parents were bound to have been a little science-focused and forgotten they had a daughter to pursue their research. Fortunately, Lute has the opposite problem with kids.

Gilliam/Garcia A

Gilliam: Garcia…
Garcia: ! Oh, Gilliam…
Gilliam: Sorry to bother you. You just seem to have something on your mind.
Garcia: I do. I was… I was just thinking about my son, Ross.
Gilliam: Ah, Ross. He’s a good lad.
Garcia: It’s… a wonderful feeling to have a son, Gilliam. I was so happy to learn I had a boy who could follow in my footsteps. Do you have children?
Gilliam: Oh, no… You know what the life of a soldier is like.
Garcia: Aye, I remember it well. But I still found a wife. Don’t you have anyone?
Gilliam: I- Well, to be honest… There is someone I’ve had my eye on, but what do soldiers know of love? I don’t know how to win a woman’s heart.
Garcia: Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, don’t take it too hard. These are tough times for romance. As time passes, the world will change. No, WE will change it. Wait for your time. When the world changes, people change. Soldiers change. Just wait.
Gilliam: …You’re right. When this war ends, I’ll be ready to face a different type of battle.
Garcia: Yes. And when you do wed, you must be sure to invite me and my boy. It will be a great celebration.
Gilliam: Yes, of course, my friend.

Gilliam's romantic interest is a character we haven't met yet, but we will meet later. Garcia got another good line about how proud he is of his boy (even if, annoyingly, they're mutually exclusive).

Between Garcia and some of Fodlan's biggest assholes, Fire Emblem has a lot of military men who are never at home with their families, and one thing I do have to wonder is what did these women ever see in them? This conversation comes the closest to acknowledging the absurdity of Garcia having got so far as a wife and son while being too focused on Renais's future.

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