Friday 18 November 2022

SS Chapter 14 Ephraim Part 1: Losing Your Mind

Ephraim's big final climax will be in Grado Keep. This is the more usual castle design, I think it's used for every capital other than Jehanna. And Carcino, of course.

Like Eirika, there's an ambush. Unlike Eirika, Taizel has all the shops we could ever need.

We start with Cormag getting his Whip.

The choice between Wyvern Lord and Wyvern Knight is basically the same as the choice between Falco and Wyvern, when it comes down to it: Do you want Swords or Pierce? Cormag's higher Con means that element of the decision isn't included, so really, the real question is "do you want Cormag to take after Glen or Valter"?

There's no question. Also, Cormag is the main story's only Wyvern Lord, for whatever that's worth.

Yay? We're not using these on Valter, we learned that lesson the hard way.

She... wasn't gone that long.

That's what we're praising her for post-humously? ...OK, it's not like she has a breadth of positive traits to choose from instead.

Well, OK, YMMV on the "innocent", but her loss was definitely regrettable and we are working on this for her sake.


I'd pretend we're not talking about Lyon and Vigarde here, but I would be lying.

Ephraim appears on this map we've been seeing every intermission up until now. Once again, it's not actually an explorable map, it's just window dressing. We're also going to be done seeing it, for the most part: Since Ephraim is about to capture it, all the villain stuff has to go elsewhere.

...Also, is it just me, or have the four non-main character spots been filled by our four Grado characters?

One time, long ago... it was peaceful.

It was a time where Ephraim bettered himself both with the lance and without.

There's always an edge of "the invading army was previously friendly" in Fire Emblem, but nowhere does it sting so keenly as it does in Magvel, where Eirika and Ephraim reminisce at length and in detail about their memories of a friendly Grado. This game isn't a full analysis of FE's premise like Tellius or Fodlan, but that doesn't mean it can't use some of its traditions to the fullest.

Right on cue, flashback time!

Lyon is teaching Ephraim history, because the poor guy really isn't grasping it.

OH HO! Magvel's Fire Emblem is the Sacred Stone of Grado, although we are under no illusions the thing was anything less than Capital I Important before now. Starting with Magvel, the Fire Emblem of the setting began to be called something else, only being dubbed "Fire Emblem" in a dramatic exposition shot- although the original Fire Emblem, Archanea's, got a free pass in Awakening.


Can I read it please?

I think we're meant to scoff at Ephraim here, but "the lettering is too small" is a valid complaint. Who knows, for all his talent on the battlefield, Ephraim might have undiagnosed need of vision correction. Or possibly just a run-of-the-mill learning disability.

Besides, I think small lettering gives eyestrain to even those with perfect vision.

...It's never the good kind when they just say "discipline you" instead of describing the punishment.

Yep. Some kind of undiagnosed learning disability. I wonder if being treated as the perfect boy is hurting him here.

...Why not get into teaching, Lyon?

Well, OK, that's a good reason: Lyon kinda feels like the student leading the teacher when it comes to Ephraim.

The man is everything Lyon wishes he was. The problem is that Lyon doesn't realise he's a prize catch too- and if anything, his better qualities are the more desirable ones. That would, again, be because most people are quicker to praise Ephraim than Lyon.

...The poor kid really needs to brush up on the proper conduct where women are concerned. Is it really so bad if Eirika kicks his ass?

Ephraim knows his sister learned from the best, and there is no way Lyon can beat her without putting in all the effort he can.

You're not going to beat her with that attitude. Eirika has you beat several times over.

Myrrh goes in for a comforting gesture.

Before being caught off guard by a tremor. It's hard to catch them, and it turns out my attempt at doing so was a really bad frame- there was no movement in it at all.

And now for a scene with Myrrh, the cute little girl, as opposed to Myrrh, Great Dragon.

Although I wonder if she knows why this is happening.

Ephraim doesn't really care about the what or why. Just move on with your day.

Myrrh changes the topic.

...Ephraim, this is not nearly enough information to make such a guess on. Which is probably a good indicator it may be incorrect.

He then elaborates by stating, comically clearly, that Vigarde is Definitely The Man Whose Fault This Is.

Speaking of how Vigarde is the man whose fault this is...

Here he is being his non-talkative self.

Lyon takes the opportunity to have a soliloquy about whether "we're" doing the right thing. With what we know of what Lyon is doing, this could refer to anything, but it's otherwise strange for Lyon to be claiming credit for Vigarde's warmongering.

...Come again, mate?

Lyon wishes, as he always had, that he was stronger. Better. Ephraim-er.

A soldier interrupts his soliloquy to report the incoming attackers.

Sprite redraw!

...Writing up the blog posts in the order I am doing so, it just occurs to me that this is the first time Ephraim route sees this sprite. This sprite is incredibly meaningful and we are going to become well acquainted with it, but for whoever does Ephraim route first, this scene is going to be confusing and a gut punch all in one.

He doesn't appreciate the redraw being called attention to.

...Come again, Lyon? Yeah, by this point, there is no question that the Lyon running around today's Magvel is not the same Lyon Eirika and Ephraim knew. Eirika route is going to keep the player in suspense one or more chapters longer (depending on what you consider the formal reveal), but the way Ephraim route is so casually open about this fact is definitely an indication you're supposed to see Eirika's story first.

Lyon, although definitely someone calling shots, is still subservient to the Grado chain of command, and has to make Vigarde order people around. Vigarde does so without question. Yeah, Lyon may not be in control of the army, but he controls the army.

Right, no more of that guy, Lyon can be on his own again.

Vigarde will be our boss today.

Our big dramatic siege will have our army divided in twain, with two routes up to the throne. This is definitely the more dramatic castle siege mission in comparison to Eirika's siege on Jehanna Hall, although the gimmick isn't a million miles away. This sort of mission- where the characters besiege the evil emperor's castle unaware of the fact their quarry no longer requires it- is a staple of Fire Emblem, although it is missing from Eirika route.

There aren't actually any rooms in those blank spaces. What you see is what you get.

And we see some pretty scary stuff. The Longbow hallway is much more isolated, but much harder to counter in turn. And that's some heavy guards on those Doors.

We're going to be bitter enemies of the clergy this map.

And here, flanked by two even meaner druids, is the big bad boss himself.

Emperor Vigarde, the climactic evil puppet Emperor. Although wow, that's a spoilery description of the man! We'll discuss in greater detail the implications of that fact after the map, I'm not sure why it's referenced here. High Strength, high HP/Def, and not entirely godawful Speed/Luck to make up for it. This isn't the kid gloves we had with Tirado. As a nuclear option, he is only allowed to hit us 15 times before he's a sitting duck. Not that the 13% chance he ignores our attack is particularly helpless.

Our "friends" the clergy. Silence and Sleep. One of those is more annoying than the other, though.

The Druids both have Berserk, on the other hand. Because having fun was for Eirika route.

This guy has the stealable Body Ring. Despite having a thief this time, I forget he does so and his Longbow is irritating.

Opening gambit, Cormag smears a shaman into the ground.

...Looking at this team I've put together, I can't help but feel like I'm heavy on certain types of characters. I imagine this is the side with Silence on it.

Meanwhile, Gerik gets Tethys.

We're going to be getting him to his promotion if possible.

He's a big boy.

Unfortunately not quite fast enough to secure a rampage here.

So much for WTA.

Rennac shows up back here. Fortunately, he likes to beeline for the treasure closest to us.

With that said, L'Arachel is on the opposite side of the map.

Oh hey, he's talking about the Member Card! He's also not affiliated with Grado this time. Although he's a red unit, so they'll pay no mind to the man openly robbing them blind. You really have to wonder why Thieves get away with that.

Colm's helping!

...Well, OK, Skill could come in handy.

That is rather a lot of lances.


...Maybe Tana should've taken this one.

She gets these soldiers in the corner instead.

Meanwhile, here's Ross breaking WTD without Garcia Support. Yeah, I think this kid doesn't need his old man hanging around anymore. Which is good, because we're about to push him out of the party for lack of space.

The sheer amount of favouritism Gerik is getting in this formation.

He is getting all the EXP.


Garcia continues to follow along.

Gerik will be getting along just fine.

Now that's a sturdy level.

What is with all the anti-armour weapons? ...OK, yeah, we're about to fight Vigarde, not a horrible idea.

Now that's about how I expect a fight with an axeman to go for a lance user.

I'm amazed he still gets 19 Hit.

There's a chest up here. No stopping him nabbing that, although it does limit our options for getting his Member Card. Eirika route was more able to consider killing him for it.

More reinforcements on the side, although they're not doing better on WTA.

And I realise I should probably have a plan for these guys.

This is a plan. Although wow, something lives a round with the Ross.

Meanwhile, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, something dies to undertrained Garcia.

Garcia can also handle the Soldiers.

Ross decides not to Hatchet and just smashes this guy with an Iron.

...He's also done with the Hatchet.

I notice I never actually emptied Tethys's inventory after last map. Whoops. Not that it matters.

She'll just be holding an item for Joshua to grab a Key with.

And here's a key on this side. If I attacked the Knights from any other square in 1-2 range, Longbows would begin to retaliate.

Colm can't open the door from here anyway.

So Tana creates a safe space.

CORMAG SMASH! (Before you ask, this square is also safe- I just couldn't kill the knight who started the turn occupying it from it, for obvious reasons.)

Colm got "bait the Longbowman" duties. For some reason.

Ephraim's here for Support.

Here is Garcia counter-killing. He doesn't get animations, as the backup squad, but rest assured he's getting overtime.

Tana gets a level I'd expect from Cormag, except it has Resistance in it.

Amazing, what a difference these two have.


Longbow baited.

Oh, this'll be just fi-

(You cannot hear it, but I am incredibly annoyed.)

Watch Gerik be just fine!


I think I'm scared now.

All right, so we have to somehow get the hell out of this situation with... I have no idea who.

Aww, the status updates are adorable. Still terrified, still not sure how to get out of this.

Not actually listed on this screen, but Talk, Support and Visit are also not available to Silenced characters.

This is why this is extra concerning. Natasha is Restoring somebody, and squares from which to do so are at a premium. Keep in mind Artur is not attacking this turn: Either Natasha Restores Cormag and Artur stays Silent, or Natasha Restores Artur and Artur turns around and Restores Cormag. Leaving Cormag to his own devices is not an option.

I do not have the luxury of being choosy about who kills people.

Natasha goes for Cormag.

And there's a switcheroo so Tana can take the front.


What do you mean, Colm forgot to bring a Lockpick? There's no two ways around it, that's just sloppy of me. I blame literally every single other FE that doesn't have Lockpick items.

This can only end fantastically.

...I should perhaps have given more thought to the possibility that Natasha gets Silenced.

Meanwhile, on the side where nobody is statused.

A reminder of Garcia's stats. That's a Speed score worth writing home about.

Ross opens the door, and now he is melee range of his friends.

Joshua attacks this guy with a Silver, because apparently I sent the Armourslayer home. I always forget to use those.

Joshua has his ways.

And there's that Door Key Tethys prepared him for.

Gerik has his own ways of not using an Armourslayer.

Now I'm just showing off.

Wow, some Resistance!

Garcia still holding up somehow.

Cormag doing just fine on this front.

And Ross having fun with this guy. Although this still frame fails to sell the sheer splendour that is the GBA Berserker crit. Ross throws his axe into the air, and then it spins around in place for two whole seconds before Ross grabs it and slams it into the enemy.

Oh, that guy has Luna. False alarm.

This side is going just fine.

I was kinda hoping the Longbow Sniper might investigate this side...

Natasha takes a hit. Because Garcia can fight these enemies, Natasha is just fine.

Told you I should've considered it. I think Natasha is fine, though...

Rennac approaches.

Gerik's luck with status effects had to run out sometime. At least they both went for one target.

(It should be noted you can only be afflicted with a single status ailment at one time: If Gerik was asleep, the Berserk guy would have to target someone else.)

I finally check the range on Berserk guy. Interesting, Natasha's square is out of range.


Maybe I shouldn't have opened the door, but I need the Bishop dead.

So long, jerk.

This can only end badly. Fortunately, I don't think I'll be worried about what either side can do- I'd just rather not bother.

The last thing I need is enemies.

This side still has a Restore staffbot!

...And one who may want to consider working on that Magic, despite all the other great stats.

Gerik gets the Knight Garcia didn't quite finish.

And Joshua opens the door.

Not that everyone's going far.

Gerik is so smug in this frame.

There are more of them now.

Perfect time to... run away? Well, Ross did drop the Hatchet, although that was probably pretty broken already. Still need someone to deal with them if I want the treasure, though.

That was Pierce, the mastery skill of Wyvern Knights. You glow, and then you stab the enemy as if they had zero Defence. In American copies of the game, Wyvern Knights were bugged, and if you used Pierce and then did another attack immediately following, you would stab your enemy while the HP bar was still depleting and the game would hang. All other attacks, in all versions, intentionally stop the animation while the HP bar depletes, or otherwise waits until the HP bar is done before any new attacks are performed.

I'm playing on the European version, and it looks like they fixed that problem: Wyvern Knights wait to let the HP bar drain after a Pierce hit as one would expect.

...I have no idea what Tana is doing right now, but I like to think she's just rapidly bonking the poor knight on the head.

Garcia continuing to pretend he's a frontliner.

And some people vainly pretending they can deal with the two badasses.

Rennac's going south. This is L'Arachel's cue she needs to head that way too.


Oh, that's just mean.

...Also I don't have any Restore users over here, that's bad.

Right, everyone leave Colm's range in an orderly fashion.


I'll need it, I guess.

Natasha goes down too, even though I'm fairly sure she's in more danger from those shamen.

Colm would probably rip her to shreds, though.

Cormag and Ephraim can make it out of dodge, although annoyingly, Colm is covering the square I'd like Cormag on.

Thank Latona for small mercies.


Garcia can't afford to be on naptime, he's barely competent enough as is.

...Although I don't suppose this guy is much threat.

Unfortunately, Gerik can't do much on his turn without the boost.

Remember how this guy has a Body Ring I want to steal? Yeah, this is when I forget. Garcia tries to help me out here, but it doesn't work.

I think he's out of Sleep casts now, but I am irritated.

And Joshua is less so. 42 HP on a Swordmaster.

Shine on.

...Huh, I think Artur wasn't out off range. Still, though, this isn't his worst choice.

This is a strangely alarming premonition...

Colm is still getting EXP for all this fighting, don't worry about that.

Also, Joshua apparently disagreed with this guy.

More and more of these.

And L'Arachel wasn't done dodging.

Joshua was, though.

Thank you, Tana, there is no way Colm survived if Tana got hit.

Artur and Cormag start heading back north, a decision I feel was misinformed in hindsight. Who's dealing with the Shamen?

If I wanted to, at this point I could just swallow the cost of recruiting Rennac with Ephraim and make my life about a million times easier. This is foreshadowing.

Oh, and the Ephraim recruitment, since it's clear I'm taking L'Arachel route again:

Ephraim: You there, hold.
Rennac: Huh? …You’re a man. Sorry, pal, but I’m not interested in men.
Ephraim: What are you doing here in the castle? You seem to be weighed down a bit. Helping yourself to the treasure?
Rennac: Ha! I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Now, wait a minute… You couldn’t be… Aren’t you Prince Ephraim?!?
Ephraim: Hm? I’m Ephraim, but…
Rennac: I-I thought so. You’re the one they call the Beast of Renais… I’ve heard tales of how you’ve looted and pillaged your way across the land…
Ephraim: What?
Rennac: H-Hold on! Calm down! You won’t get any treasure by killing me. If you want these goods, it’ll cost you. 10,000 gold.
Ephraim: 10,000 gold?
Rennac: Yeah… Is that too high? Fine, then you get my sword as well. I’ll join your army. So that’s me and the treasure for only 9,980 gold! What do you say?
Ephraim: You know, I have no idea how I got pulled into this conversation. 9,980 gold, eh? I haven’t decided yet…
[Prompt to pay]
Ephraim: Here’s 9,980 gold. Is this sufficient?
Rennac: Huh? M-may I really take it?
Ephraim: Sorry? You set the price yourself, didn’t you? Now that I’ve hired you, I intend to get my money’s worth.
Rennac: You..aren’t going to stab me once I’ve taken your money, are you? Once the fighting’s all done, you won’t burn me at the stake or anything?
Ephraim: …What rumors are these people spreading about me?

Another appearance from the rumours people are spreading about Boar Mode Ephraim, but from the male perspective this time. Interesting how Rennac joining Ephraim is depicted as an act of self-preservation as opposed to Eirika's more relaxed tone, despite Eirika being up-front about the fact L'Arachel is still in this army (a fact Ephraim doesn't mention because he doesn't realise Rennac needs to know this).

Also, if Ephraim decides not to pay:

Ephraim: Sorry, but I don’t actually have the gold to hire you.
: What? You’re lying now, aren’t you? Rumor has it you’ve stored away so much gold, you groan from its weigh…
[Ephraim leaves]
: Whoa! H-hold on a moment! You’re not going to kill me just because you can’t afford my price, are you?

Yay, exact kills!

Also, L'Arachel gets the dance. Time to begin the dangerous part.

...Also Garcia fighting armours. It's tough going and ow that smarts.

At least Joshua gets the kill.

And L'Arachel starts going down to intercept Rennac.

While on low HP.

Into a horde of shamen.


She's L'Arachel, she'll be fine.


You met Colm.

Yeah, please die now.

Colm hits Artur, who, thankfully, is still Silenced.

Why is Natasha going east? I guess north is still pretty scary...

Hey, Artur not holding a staff in his battle animations.

And Artur getting that last point of EXP for a level up. And a good one, too.

More shamen up here. It's like the whole cult is here.

ARTUR IS DONE BEING SILENCED! Times like this I wish this was Tellius and I had Shove.

Cormag begins the Javelin spamming.

And Tana picks up Natasha, because I really am running out of spaces to put her.

Ephraim reckons around here is safe. She needs to be on the field to run out her Silence timer.

That's enough out of you.

Colm will pick up the chests Rennac is too full on inventory to do so.

Garcia is... actually, he's probably just running the hell away.

Joshua can handle these mages fine.

Well, him and Gerik.

...That's my axe situation?

(Also, Ross had a Hand Axe the whole time he didn't have the Hatchet. I wonder what I was thinking there.)

L'Arachel, about to enter the Flux of a lifetime.

Fortunately Cormag is helping.

A lot.

Remember what I said about low HP?

Artur is taking the north shamen here.

And these two are not dealing well with the mages.


All those Shamen, heading L'Arachel's way... and Rennac is right there...

Natasha is done.

Right, time to start dealing with you.

Cormag notices this situation is rapidly turning bad.

Also, these guys no longer have a healer. So, you know, it's just as bad dealing with the mages here.

I have so many things I need to have stop being problems.

And this is the least of them.

At least I can solve it now.

Artur, standing here, is doing a good job shielding Colm. At least if he aims at the other Shaman.

...I have absolutely no idea what this plan is supposed to do.

...Also, did I not send Artur north to shield Colm after all?

I am clearly going absolutely crazy over how badly the status ailment phase went.

The least L'Arachel could've done is Vulnerary. This turn took me ages to manufacture.

Plus this.

This was just fine, though.

Also this Sniper. He's standing out of Hand Axe range, because of course he is.

Next time: How do I get out of this situation while keeping the run of this map intact?

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