Friday 11 November 2022

Chapter 13 Supports

Today's Supports:

  • Eirika/L'Arachel C
  • Joshua/L'Arachel C
  • Natasha/Cormag C
  • Ewan/Dozla C
  • Amelia/Ewan C
  • Ross/Ewan C
  • Gerik/Saleh C
  • Eirika/Tana B
  • Amelia/Duessel B
  • Ross/Gerik B
  • Duessel/Cormag B 
  • Eirika/Innes B
  • Joshua/Innes B
  • Innes/Vanessa B
  • Franz/Amelia B
  • Forde/Kyle B
  • Moulder/Colm B
  • Neimi/Artur A

Eirika/L'Arachel C

L’Arachel: Good day to you, Princess. What a funny thing that we should meet here! It is providence, I tell you!
Eirika: L’Arachel, it is NOT providence. It is not even a coincidence. We agreed to meet here when we planned out our battle strategy. Wait… Don’t tell me that you don’t remember that!
L’Arachel: We planned this? I suppose I simply don’t usually worry about such trifling details. And here we are, so I suppose that our plan must be working.
Eirika: I suppose you’re right.
L’Arachel: Still, divine providence or not, isn’t it strange and wonderful? A beautiful princess traveling with such a ragged bunch as this… You could have told me much sooner, you know!
Eirika: My apologies. Necessity demanded that I conceal my identity at the time.
L’Arachel: Oh, it is no longer any worry. To be honest, I believe I had figured out your ruse from the very moment we met. I said to myself, “This lovely woman could only be of my own superior breeding.” After all, you could never truly fool a woman with my keen mind.
Eirika: My. How… impressive.
L’Arachel: There is something about nobility that simply cannot be hidden from its kin! Why, Eirika, certainly you must have felt the same thing upon seeing me? You surely saw a refinement and grace of carriage surpassing that of common folk?
Eirika: Err… Aheh… Yes, why… the very first time I met you, I could see that you… You were very far from common.
L’Arachel: Exactly. Far from common. I could not have put it better myself. It’s simply impossible to travel incognito these days.

As mentioned, L'Arachel does act as if Eirika knows she's a noble in her C Support, although she does also act as if Eirika would've recognised that innately. As cool of a character as L'Arachel is to think about, she does unfortunately have a streak of believing in right to rule and the inherent superiority of nobility that goes unchallenged.

Although frankly, I think that's the least of our problems.

Joshua/L'Arachel C

Joshua: So, is today my lucky day? Or… Tails, hm? Oh, well. Luck’s just not on my side today, I guess.
L’Arachel: Oh, may I ask what you are doing?
Joshua: Hm? Oh, I was just checking my luck. Looks like today is not set to be one of my better ones.
L’Arachel: That’s not good! Perhaps if you gave up that coin for some good, honest prayer… I have no need of luck, you see, for I benefit from divine grace!
Joshua: That sounds nice. I’d love to have a bit of that myself. All right, let’s have a quick bet to see which is better. We’ll test your divine grace against my good old luck.
L’Arachel: Oh, I could never give in to such a vile sin. Gambling is a pox, a boil upon the fair skin of mankind.
Joshua: That’s going a bit far, don’t you think?
L’Arachel: Gambling corrupts the masses, and I’ll have none of it. Which is the more noble: to earn your keep or to swindle it? And besides, this is a battlefield, not a gambling hall. No, I simply will not indulge in such spiritual pollution here.
Joshua: Oh, you’re really making too much of a big deal out of it. This is just a coin toss. You can flip a coin just about anywhere. Let’s see… Well, heads or tails? What is it?
L’Arachel: Since you refuse to resist the evils of temptation… I shall have to teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget. Heads!
Joshua: I knew you’d come around! Right, so let’s see here… Hey! It’s heads! You really are lucky!
L’Arachel: Huh? I won? Well, of course I won! I shouldn’t be so surprised. It was fate. One as blessed as I could never lose at something so base as gambling.
Joshua: Great, so let’s keep going. How about putting some money down this time? 100 gold coins?
L’Arachel: That’s fine. Anything I win will, of course, fund only noble causes.
Joshua: That’s my girl… Are you ready? Heads or tails, what’s your call?
L’Arachel: Heads. What else?

L'Arachel sounds like she's spewing platitudes from a textbook here, because Joshua managed to convince her to give up her righteous ways and fall into the "sin" of gambling on a coin toss with ease. With that said, L'Arachel is winning the toss...

Natasha/Cormag C

Cormag: Oh, great. Perfect timing. You’re a priestess, aren’t you?
Natasha: Y-yes. I am. How may I–
Cormag: Sorry, I’m in a bit of a hurry here. Uh, could you heal this little guy for me?
Natasha: Heal…who? Do you mean that kitten?
Cormag: Yeah, what’s the matter? Can’t you do kittens?
Natasha: No, that’s not it. It’s just, I was a little surprised to–
Cormag: Whatever. Doesn’t matter. If you can heal him, hop to it!
Natasha: Oh, yes… Sorry. …There. He should be fine now. Aren’t you a lucky little kitty? This sweet man saved you!
Cormag: Sweet man? Me? Heh. Lady, you don’t know me. But thanks for saving him.
Natasha: Not at all. I couldn’t let the little guy suffer.
Cormag: The name’s Cormag. I’m glad I ran into you.
Natasha: I’m just glad I could help. My name is Natasha.
Cormag: Well, I owe you one for saving the cat. If you need any help, just call out, and I’ll be here.
Natasha: I shall remember that, Cormag.

It occurs to me that Felix/Mercedes in Three Hopes is basically this joke, except Felix gets used as a punchline. I think Cormag comes out looking a lot more dignified here.

The main reason I was using Natasha in the main run was because of the original plan to show this conversation in-game, for no particular reason other than it was hilarious.

Ewan/Dozla C

Dozla: Hello, laddie.
Ewan: Oh, hi! Uh…
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! The name’s Dozla.
Ewan: I’m Ewan. It’s nice to meet you, Dozla, sir!
Dozla: Aren’t you a little bundle of energy? I bet you’re a regular troublemaker. So, what were you so lost in thought over? You having any problems?
Ewan: Nope, nothing. I don’t have any problems. I was thinking of something interesting. You want to hear about it?
Dozla: Sure. Tell me everything.
Ewan: Well, I was thinking of how much fun it would be if I could do something…
Dozla: Uh-huh.
Ewan: Some battlegrounds are full of plants and stuff, but others are dreary and dead.
Dozla: Yeah.
Ewan: If a place like that were suddenly filled with beautiful colors, it’d be neat, right? Like if it could suddenly become a flower garden?
Dozla: Ho ho, a battleground becoming a lovely flower garden? Aye, that would be nice. It would help heal the hearts and minds of the soldiers. But how would you do it? Do you have some sort of magical powers or something?
Ewan: Yeah, I do, but I’ve decided that wouldn’t be the best way. If I did that, people would be more impressed by the magic than by the flowers. I think it would be better to make it something that anyone could do and enjoy.
Dozla: Oh… It’s all too difficult for me to follow, but it sure sounds like a nice dream. If you could pull it off, I’m sure people would really enjoy it.
Ewan: Ha ha… I haven’t really thought much about how I would do it. I was just thinking how nice it would be, that’s all.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! That’s fine. That’s what young people are supposed to do. Many great things come from the daydreams of youth.
Ewan: Really? Do you think so? All right! I like you, mister.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Is that so?
Ewan: Yep. And I’m going to call you Uncle Dozla from now on! It’s about time for me to get going. I’ll talk to you later, Uncle Dozla!
Dozla: All right, laddie! Till next time!

This conversation doesn't really get any deeper than this for either of them. Ewan is just being an inventor, and describing things that blows the mind of the swords-and-sorcery era Dozla while being things that modern humans find unremarkable today. Although this one is the least impressive- I think he's just describing gardening.

Amelia/Ewan C

Ewan: Hey! What’s your name?
Amelia: Me? I’m Amelia.
Ewan: Ah. Amelia… My name’s Ewan. Hi!
Amelia: Hi, Ewan. It’s nice to meet you. So, are you fighting with us?
Ewan: Yep, I am. I’m a mage.
Amelia: Really? You look like you’re only about my age. That’s neat.
Ewan: Ha ha! Ah, I’m nothing special compared to my teacher. You want to see some magic?
Amelia: H-here? Now? But… isn’t that dangerous?
Ewan: Oh, don’t worry. Magic isn’t just for combat. For example… Voila! It can do stuff like this!
Amelia: Wow… They’re so pretty! All those little lights, spinning around together… Is this really magic?
Ewan: This? This is magic used to make girls happy.
Amelia: Hm? Ah! Oh, Ewan, stop teasing.
Ewan: Ha ha ha.
Amelia: Ha ha.
Ewan: You should show me how good you are with your lance sometime.
Amelia: Huh? Um, all right. But… I’m sure you’d be bored.
Ewan: That’s not true. And even if it were, it’s simply a matter of how you make it fun.
Amelia: How you… make it fun?
Ewan: Uh-huh. Like this war, for example. Well, Amelia, I’ll see you later!
Amelia: Hey! …… Ewan sure moves at his own pace… How you make it fun? Hmm… That seems like a good rule to live by, when you think about it.

I wonder if Ewan learned anything about wooing girls from Tethys. That would make one Jehannan character with actual game. He doesn't seem to have learned why one might want to do that.

Ross/Ewan C

Ross: Here you are. I finally tracked you down.
Ewan: Hi. Um. Who are you?
Ross: I’m Ross. You?
Ewan: I’m Ewan.
Ross: Hey, Ewan. Nice to meet you. I’ve been looking for someone around my age. Let’s hang out sometime, OK?
Ewan: Sure, but do we have to wait until “sometime”? How about now?
Ross: What are you saying? We’re in the middle of a battle!
Ewan: The others are fighting well, so the two of us won’t make much difference. Besides, even though I just started using magic the other day, I’m pretty good. If something does happen, we’ll be OK.
Ross: Well, I’m pretty confident in my skills, too. But, you know- how to put this delicately- it’s the matter of morale.
Ewan: You certainly are dedicated. That’s a surprise.
Ross: Hey!
Ewan: Why don’t you prove your dedication by answering this brainteaser?
Ross: Like a riddle? Sounds fun!
Ewan: Yes. It’ll be really fun to watch you struggling to come up with an answer. Ha!
Ross: Hey! What’s that supposed to mean? Well, whatever. Let’s do it.
Ewan: OK, here it is. Ross, do you know what a balance is?
Ross: Of course I do! Who doesn’t? It’s a type of scale with small plates on both sides to put weights. When both sides are the same weight, it balances. So that was the riddle? Easy!
Ewan: Ha ha ha! You’re too funny! No, that was just the setup for the brainteaser. Here’s the real question. Assume there are 25 pebbles.
Ross: Pebbles?
Ewan: Yes, they’re really small. As small as peas. They are all the same color and shape. In this group, there’s one pebble that’s lighter than all the other pebbles.
Ross: And I must tell you the way to find that pebble?
Ewan: Of course not. What kind of challenge is that? The question is, how many times do you need to use the balance to find that one rock?
Ross: How many times? Uh… It’s not… 24, is it?
Ewan: What?! Oh! Ha ha ha ha ha! That’s the first time I’ve heard that one! I see. So you were thinking that you’d measure the pebbles one by one! That’s great, Ross! You’re too funny!
Ross: That’s not a compliment, is it. You think I’m an idiot!
Ewan: That’s not true. Actually, it is. Ha ha ha! And did I mention how perceptive you are, too?
Ross: Oh, you! Just you wait! I’ll figure it out! I just need some time to think about it.
Ewan: The anticipation is killing me.

The solution to this brainteaser appears in the B Support, so in the interests of letting you feel clever, I'll let you chew on it (or look it up) until then.

...I'm not sure how fun it'll be to watch him squirm if you're not actually going to watch him while he works, Ewan.

Gerik/Saleh C

Gerik: Hello, Saleh!
Saleh: Gerik…
Gerik: Imagine! You and me fighting together. Life’s full of surprises, isn’t it?
Saleh: I suppose so.
Gerik: So, what do you think of our commander?
Saleh: I’m here. There’s your answer.
Gerik: Good point. You know this job seems to have more meaning than any of my previous ones. And it’s not because it deals with the continent and all the nations and all that. I simply want to accomplish my employer’s goals. That’s my prime motivation.
Saleh: I think it will all work out. As long as you and I are here…
Gerik: Ha ha ha! Well said. No one can touch us, is that it? I do imagine with us in the field we’ll win most battles, eh? Can’t get overconfident, though.
Saleh: Mm. ……
Gerik: Huh? What is it?
Saleh: Gerik… Do you…
Gerik: Do I what?
Saleh: Nothing… Pay me no mind.
Gerik: C’mon, now. What is it?
Saleh: Forgive me. It’s nothing…
Gerik: All right… Well then, let’s get going. When there’s a break in the fighting, we should get together for a meal.
Saleh: Very well. We’ll eat to our mutual good fortune…
Gerik: Yes, to luck!

I'm sure that is nothing. This one might be one of Saleh's more interesting Supports to keep an eye on.

Eirika/Tana B

Tana: Oh, Brother… I’m going to get you for this, Brother…
Eirika: What’s wrong, Tana? Has something happened to Innes?
Tana: My brother is so cruel! Listen to what he said to me! He told me that I was just in everyone’s way… He said I should just go back home to Frelia…
Eirika: Oh, dear…
Tana: I’m so depressed. He’s always like that, too. He just makes fun of me and insults me and teases me. I hate him so much!
Eirika: Tana, your brother has a strange way of showing his concern… But he IS concerned about you. You can see that, can’t you?
Tana: Yes, but…
Eirika: Even my brother gets angry at me when I put myself at risk, even for a good cause. Your brother is harsh and rough of speech, but he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
Tana: Well… I suppose you’re right.
Eirika: Why don’t we go speak with him later? I’ll be right beside you.
Tana: Ah… all right. But, Eirika… I still envy you.
Eirika: Me?
Tana: You and Ephraim as so close… You understand one another. It must be…so nice I wish my brother and I shared that kind of connection.
Eirika: Well, we are twins, you know. I think that makes us slightly different from normal siblings.
Tana: But you two never fight or anything, do you? How do you two maintain such a close relationship?
Eirika: I… Well… Isn’t that normal for twins?

If you don't do any grinding, you'll get this Support no earlier than when Innes joins the party even on Eirika route- and on Ephraim route, Innes joins the party at the same time as Eirika. In fact, I think Innes telling Tana to go home is an actual conversation you can get on both routes, through a Talk.

It's funny to think that, for all Innes's tactical prowess and Ephraim's social cluelessness, it's Ephraim who's more open to his sister doing as she pleases. Perhaps Innes just overthinks all the ways Tana can potentially mess up and doesn't consider just letting her try.

Amelia/Duessel B

Duessel: Amelia.
Amelia: General Duessel.
Duessel: It seems like you’ve grown quite comfortable with the spear.
Amelia: Yes, sir! I have, sir. Thank you.
Duessel: You did well to choose the spear as your weapon. It suits your height well. It also extends your reach and enables you to strike with force. More force, even, than a sword could bring to bear in a battle. All weapons have their own unique characteristics. You’re familiar with the idea that some weapons are strong against others?
Amelia: Isn’t that what they call… the weapon triangle?
Duessel: Yes, it is. And from the looks of things, your affinity for the spear is quite good. If you continue to practice, you should continue to improve and grow stronger.
Amelia: Really? Ah, that makes me happy.
Duessel: Mm. To begin with, the spear is quite a deep weapon… Yet the attacks comprise three surprisingly simple movements. Right step, left step, and thrust.
Amelia: Right step, left step, and thrust… I’m following you.
Duessel: Excellent. But listen, Amelia.
Amelia: Y-yes?
Duessel: Because they are so simple, they are easy to learn but tough to perfect. They are the strongest and most pure of techniques. When you practice them, practice perfecting each gesture. And remember, the spear is a subtle and powerful weapon.
Amelia: Yes, sir!
Duessel: Now it goes without saying that other weapons have their good points, too. Swords are easy-to-use, all-purpose weapons, and axes possess devastating strength. You should learn to use each weapon type. If you can master them all, you’ll be an unstoppable force. That is, of course, if you can overcome your own natural affinities. To begin with, you should work on mastering one weapon type. Then you can gradually change weapons until you can use them all. That’s what I have done, you understand. That’s called being multi-proficient. I’d like to tell you more about different weapons, but that lecture must wait.
Amelia: …Wow… General Duessel, you know so much about weapons, don’t you? I didn’t even realize how caught up I’d become. All right!
Duessel: What is it? Where are you rushing off to?
Amelia: I want to practice the things you’ve told me about. The basics- right, left, thrust. Right?
Duessel: Mm, that’s correct. But… I’m happy to see you so enthused, but do you have any reason to rush so?
Amelia: Um, well… There’s someone- one of the Knights of Renais- to whom I do not want to lose.
Duessel: Ah.
Amelia: It’s not that we’re going to fight, or that I want to defeat him or anything… It’s just that we’re kind of keeping track of the other’s progress, and… It’s just a thing we do.
Duessel: I see. I think that should prove to be a good source of motivation then. Get to it.
Amelia: Yes, sir! Oh… I think I’ll, um, go and practice over there… I’d be nervous in front of you, so I’m going to practice on my own. I’ll be back to show you later.
Duessel: All right. Understood.
Amelia: Great! See you later!
Duessel: Ha ha… Such energy. I feel energized just being around her. She’s just a girl now, but someday she’ll be a woman of grace and beauty. …Oh, that face… where have I… ……!! Wait… could it be? Yes! I remember now! That’s definitely it. Amelia! Amelia! Where could she–

Huh, she actually ties her motivations to Franz? That's surprisingly involved for a character who can even die independently! Unfortunately, pursuing Franz/Amelia too closely can potentially lock you out of the powerful Duessel/Amelia A Support, leaving you clueless as to where Duessel recognises Amelia from.

Ross/Gerik B

Gerik: Ross, didn’t you say that you wanted to go on an ocean voyage to train yourself? The sea is a great place to train because it strengthens both the mind and body.
Ross: Have you ever been on a voyage?
Gerik: Of course. I’ve escorted many commercial ships before. It’s embarrassing, but I got seasick for the first few days. That was very painful. But I got used to it in a few days. It was a long trip. Nature was more brutal than the enemies who pursued us. But after the voyage ended, I realized that I grew up a lot. The sea is an amazing combination of brutality and expansiveness.
Ross: Now I definitely want to go on a sea voyage.
Gerik: By the way, Ross, how’s your injury from our last session?
Ross: Oh, that little thing? It healed right up!
Gerik: Ha ha ha… You sure are tough, boy!
Ross: Sir Gerik?
Gerik: Yes?
Ross: What should I do to be strong like you?
Gerik: That’s a tough question… I would have to say that it’s all in the mind.
Ross: Mind?
Gerik: If your desire to win is stronger than your opponent’s, you’ve already won. Your mind is your most important weapon.
Ross: Come to think of it, I have noticed that. At our last lesson, before we even started, I was thinking that I could never win. I guess it was like admitting defeat before even trying. All right! You’ve convinced me! I’ll start strengthening my mind as well as my axe skills. Thank you, Sir Gerik. I can’t wait until our next lesson!
Gerik: His energy is refreshing, but I must teach him patience next time.

This is definitely an Eirika route conversation- Ross would already have been on the sea for Ephraim route. I always imagine Ross, Amelia and Ewan spending some time on the high seas after the war's over, being heroes all in one big group in their own separate ways.

Duessel/Cormag B

Cormag: Sir Duessel.
Duessel: Well met, Cormag. I’m impressed by your skills.
Cormag: They’re still far below yours, General Duessel. By the way, I have a favor I’ve been meaning to ask of you.
Duessel: What is it? Please tell me.
Cormag: Your stories tell of a small lance you carry like a treasure. May I see it?
Duessel: Stories, you say? Am I the subject of stories now? Interesting. Here is the lance you’re talking about. Examine it at your leisure.
Cormag: It… It really is… It’s a Gavaleus…
Duessel: Oh! You’ve heard of Gavaleus, have you? You must know quite a bit about the crafting of weapons. This is one of Gavaleus’s final works. I have quite a collection of weapons, but this is among the most beautiful of them. While it can be used in battle, I would never dull its shine with blood or dirt. If I ever use this lance, I vow that it will be only in my own final hour.
Cormag: It shines as though it could light up the soul of its wielder. You’re right. I would hesitate to stain its beauty with blood, too.
Duessel: Ah, so you grasp what I mean? Cormag, you have a discerning eye.
Cormag: Thank you. And yet, I know that I will never be your equal, General Duessel.
Duessel: Come, now. You know, your brother asked to see this lance once as well.
Cormag: My brother?
Duessel: Yes. You two are so alike. His comments mirror your own almost exactly.
Cormag: Is that so?
Duessel: For warriors, our weapons are our lives. I’m glad to know you understand that. Someday, you’ll be a splendid wyvern knight to equal your brother.

Gavaleus doesn't seem to be any significant figure in Fire Emblem... in general, really. Maybe it's supposed to be related to Gradivus, the legendary lance of Archanea, but really this is mostly to establish the fact Duessel carries around lances he doesn't use. Much like Amelia, the real meat of this chain is all in the A...

Eirika/Innes B

Innes: …What are you doing?
Eirika: What is it now, Innes?
Innes: …I told you I was going to protect you.
Eirika: Right.
Innes: And yet, whenever an enemy shows himself, you rush in and attack! …Everyone’s going to think you’re the one protecting me.
Eirika: Well, I can’t help you with your image problems, Innes. You’re an archer, while I have to fight up close.
Innes: That is unacceptable. I said that I would protect you, and I was being quite sincere.
Eirika: And I appreciate that. It’s nice to know that, when I cross swords with the enemy, you’re never far from me, with your bow close at hand.
Innes: Eirika… You are so kind… You’re so different from that… brother of yours.
Eirika: No, not as much as you think. Maybe you only see him as a warrior, as competition, but he is a fine and gentle man, capable of great compassion.
Innes: …If you say so. I suppose I cannot doubt it if it comes from your lips.
Eirika: Prince Innes, please, try to befriend my brother. I know he would want this as well. I don’t know why you dislike him. When I am alone with him, he is so kind.
Innes: Forgive me, but I can bear no more of this talk. When I see you look that way, I feel only jealousy for this Ephraim.
Eirika: What–?
Innes: He is… a hard man to forgive. Perhaps there is only one way to settle this.
Eirika: Prince Innes…?

Savage. But it's the second half of the conversation that interests me more. The game is incredibly interested in the idea that men cannot find themselves worthy of courting Eirika until they have bested Ephraim- more image problems, really- and Innes is not the only character who defines himself significantly on this count.

Joshua/Innes B

Innes: Tails.
Joshua: …Heads again. That’s ten losses in a row.
Innes: I don’t care. Next bet. Double or nothing. Tails.
Joshua: Shouldn’t you stop soon? Maybe you’ve got the cash back home, but you’re on the road. And I’m willing to bet you’re not carrying that much on you.
Innes: No, keep going. I don’t feel like quitting on a bad streak.
Joshua: Fine, fine… But then can we call it quits? You’ve let me win enough, and I don’t want to bleed you dry.
Innes: No. I won’t let you leave, not while you’re still ahead. Hurry up. We don’t have the luxury of time here.
Joshua: What’s that saying? The cooler the head, the hotter he bets? Something like that. And you seem pretty cool most of the time. I guess the old saying is true.

Either he's really trying to prove Joshua's cheat or he really can't be trusted in a gambling hall. At least Joshua has a buffer for all the bets he loses in his other chains.

Innes/Vanessa B

Vanessa: Your skills are so polished now! I bet you could shoot down a drop of rain!
Innes: You flatter me, Vanessa, but my skills aren’t quite there yet. But I’ve noticed that you have improved quite a bit since this war started.
Vanessa: Oh! Thank you, sir.
Innes: You make me confident in battle.
Vanessa: Me?! Oh… Er…
Innes: Yes, you! With such a skilled knight at my side, I feel secure and can be my best in battle.
Vanessa: Oh…
Innes: Besides…
Vanessa: Yes?
Innes: I can always sense you trying to protect me at any cost. Normally, I don’t need any help, but you are the exception. I’m grateful for your help.
Vanessa: Thank you very much! It is my duty to protect you at any cost!
Innes: Ha ha ha. Your duty, huh. That’s fine, Vanessa. No need to worry about risking your life. I’m pretty unstoppable with you beside me.
Vanessa: You’ll have to use a spatula to peel me off your side!

And yet Eirika doing the same thing emasculates the man. It's probably the fact Vanessa is a knight first and woman second while Eirika is a woman first and combatant second.

Franz/Amelia B

Amelia: Oh, Sir Franz!
Franz: Amelia, hello. Call me Franz.
Amelia: What? But…
Franz: We are rivals, right? There’s no need for the formality of titles.
Amelia: Oh, of course not, sir!
Franz: Ha ha ha… You did it again.
Amelia: Well, then… I got it, Franz.
Franz: Good.
Amelia: Ha ha… I’m not used to being so casual.
Franz: Can I ask you, what do you think of this war?
Amelia: What?
Franz: I still don’t understand why Grado chose to invade Renais. Grado and Renais were allies. Their royal families were close friends. Why, Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika are friends with your Prince Lyon. I detect something funny here. I simply cannot believe a friendship so strong could end so abruptly. How many lives have been destroyed by such a seemingly random turn of events? Perhaps the prince and princess know more of the truth, but…
Amelia: I…
Franz: Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to besmirch your homeland’s name.
Amelia: No, it’s all right. I wonder what drives Grado’s ambitions now, too. I was born in a rural village and raised in Grado’s countryside. Ever since I was a little child, I took pride in my home’s origins. Grado, of course, is named after the legendary hero who saved all of Magvel. I thought I lived in a country that believed in justice and peace. But this war… It’s something different than all that.
Franz: Amelia… I’m sorry. This war must be especially painful for you…
Amelia: I’ll be fine, Franz. But thank you, though. It was wrong of Grado to invade Renais. Nothing can justify it. Grado has no right to destroy whole nations, ruin people’s lives. This is all so… so wrong! I began this war as a soldier in Grado’s armies. But now… I just want to believe… I want to believe in justice! I want to know I’m doing the right thing!
Franz: Amelia… I understand it all very well. Your love of your homeland… Your sense of justice, of honor… If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know. We are rivals, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also be friends, right?
Amelia: Franz… Thank you.
Franz: I won’t let you down.
Amelia: No, neither will I!

Wow, that's neat- Amelia actually references the fact that Grado was the leader of the five Legends. That came up in the intro, but Grado's group is very light on actual influence over the modern story. We don't know anything about the rest of the group barring the Rausten hero- and it's not exactly like we know more about Grado than their name (we don't even get a pronoun!)

Forde/Kyle B

Forde: Yaaaaaaawn… Oh, why am I so sleepy?
Kyle: Forde! Are you falling asleep on the battlefield!? What is wrong with you, man!?
Forde: What are you so fired up about? You’re really ruining my nap.
Kyle: You have no sense of self-preservation, do you? What is wrong with you? You lack even the common sense of an infant, you know that?
Forde: Oh, you’re one to talk. When you were a baby, you were planning out strategies to take over the nursery. You were stuck up then, and you’re stuck up now. And STILL the ladies liked you!
Kyle: You leave them out of this! Women have nothing to do with it.
Forde: They don’t? Oh, come on! Isn’t it important to have an heir to carry your standard when you’re gone? Take your sister, Mia- she married into a nice Frelian family, didn’t she? I’m just curious who would ever settle for such an uptight knight as you. You ever think about that? You think you might meet her in this war?
Kyle: That’s not what I’m here for!
Forde: Ha ha ha ha. Of course not. But I bet you’re still a ladies’ man, huh? I know you- you’re a perfect gentlemen, always nice to the ladies. I remember when you were little, you were always the first to help when you saw a little girl crying. You would go running up to lend a hand. I still remember how impressed I was that you would do that. It was cool.
Kyle: I just could never turn my back on someone in need. It is what’s expected of a knight.
Forde: Yeah, but you weren’t a knight yet!
Kyle: Well, it’s… expected of someone who aspires to be a knight, too!
Forde: You’ve got an answer for everything! But, I have to admit, you’ve also got my respect. You’re a good guy.
Kyle: ……
Forde: Wow! Now you’re embarrassed.
Kyle: Forde!

Well, I guess I should've expected that, but wow. Official confirmation it's not just princesses who get married off in Magvel. Also a Mia one game earlier than the playable character- FE9 Mia would tear these two's heads off for this conversation.

Moulder/Colm B

Moulder: Colm. Did you do what I asked of you?
Colm: Of course, Father Moulder! In fact, I’ve set aside a little time each night to reflect on my day’s deeds!
Moulder: Good. I’m glad to hear you’ve taken my suggestion to heart. Might I inquire as to what manner of thing you’re reflecting on?
Colm: Well, I reflected on how hungry I was, and so I packed some extra salted pork today.
Moulder: Did you say… salted pork?
Colm: Yes. See, on reflection, it had been a while since I’d had salted pork.
Moulder: …What about the day before?
Colm: Hm… The day before… Oh, yeah! I was reflecting on how much walking we’d done, and I realized I needed new shoes. I figured, next chance I get, I’d go out and steal me a new pair!
Moulder: Colm… I’m not sure you understand what it is I asked you to reflect upon.
Colm: You told me to think about what I’d done during the day and to reflect on it.
Moulder: I told you to think over the things you did and feel sorry for having done. I wasn’t talking about what you wanted to eat or whether you needed new shoes! That is not the point of all this!
Colm: Did it ever cross your mind that… maybe I haven’t done anything I’m sorry about?
Moulder: Don’t be foolish! Think back on the things you’ve done during the day. Then, think about the troubles you caused and vow not to repeat them! Do you understand me now? This is for your own sake! I’ll come back in a few days. Keep thinking!
Colm: …I thought that whole self-reflection thing was going a little too well. Fine, Father. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.

Right lesson, wrong teaching method. You're not going to get anywhere with Colm unless you show him the harms he is bringing about. Preferably on Neimi's face.

Neimi/Artur A

Artur: Neimi!
Neimi: Artur…
Artur: Look, I found it! Here…
Neimi: Oh…
Artur: I’ve been asking around since the last time we spoke. I found out that our convoy master had found a mirror lying on the ground. When I asked to see it, imagine my delight when I saw it was your mirror!
Neimi: …Sniff… I’m so… so happy!
Artur: …You know, when I was looking for your mirror, I was reminded… I had a similar experience when I was young. It’s why I chose to be a monk.
Neimi: What happened?
Artur: One day, when I was just a little boy, I had lost a toy, and I was crying. I lived near a monastery, and one of the monks saw me sitting there weeping. He spent his day trying to find out why I was so sad and to cheer me up. It was so trivial- that toy was nothing but a trinket, but to me, it had value. I later found out a friend of mine had taken it without asking, but… Anyway, I was very happy that someone had stopped to show so much concern. To everyone else, I was just a petty child weeping over a toy. To this monk, however, I was a sad and lost soul, crying out in need. He was so kind, and he spent so much of his day on a child’s tears. I admired his attitude, even then. It was then that I realized that I could honor his deed by becoming a monk.
Neimi: And… that’s why…
Artur: Yes, that’s why. Oh! Your mirror! Here you go.
Neimi: Oh…… I’m… really happy…
Artur: Ah. Just as I thought.
Neimi: What?
Artur: Your smile is delightful. It’s a vast improvement on those tears. The heavens themselves must have wanted to see that smile and conspired to help me find your mirror.
Neimi: Thank you, Artur… I’m so grateful.
Artur: No, Neimi. I’m grateful to you. Talking to you makes me feel at peace. I feel like…some of the others make light of me from time to time.
Neimi: Oh, that’s only… It’s just because you’re so honest and pure of heart. Someone I know… teases me a lot, too. All the time, he teases me.
Artur: I see… I’m sorry to hear that.
Neimi: Well, it’s not that he’s all bad. He can be very kind, but… But you’re kind, too, Artur.
Artur: Thank you. You know, when you meet someone, that person reflects back at you like a mirror, revealing within them the emotions that you project. Angry people bring out the anger within others, just as sullen, hopeless people bring out nothing but the sorrow within all those to whom they speak. Do you know why so many people seem kind to you, Neimi? It is because you yourself are a kind person. You bring that out in others.
Neimi: Oh, Artur… That’s so kind- I mean… Er… Thank you.
Artur: Please, Neimi, always hold that kindness close to your heart.
Neimi: I will…

That's really nice, on Artur's backstory and how he holds himself today. Perhaps a little focused on making the girl smile because pretty, but Artur knows the true value in a girl's smile is knowing that you've made that girl's day.

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