Sunday 6 November 2022

Chapter 12 Supports

Today's Supports:

  • Artur/Cormag C
  • Ephraim/L'Arachel C
  • Eirika/Saleh C 
  • Gerik/Tethys C
  • L'Arachel/Dozla C
  • Innes/Gerik C
  • Colm/Marisa C
  • Colm/Kyle C
  • Garcia/Dozla C
  • Saleh/Ewan C
  • Tethys/Ewan C
  • Ephraim/Tana B
  • Neimi/Amelia B
  • Franz/Forde B
  • Lute/Kyle B
  • Artur/Lute A
  • Seth/Garcia A

Artur/Cormag C

Artur: So this is a wyvern…
Cormag: Hey, what’s going on here? Don’t get too close now. It may look calm now, but it’s got a dangerous side. Like me.
Artur: S-sorry! Oh, the name is Artur.
Cormag: I’m Cormag. Nice to meet you.
Artur: You, too, Sir Cormag. It’s a pleasure.
Cormag: So… Interested in wyverns, are you?
Artur: It’s not so much interest as it is, well, fascination, if you will. The way how they fly in the sky at will… and their powerful limbs. I’ve seen them from a distance before, but I’ve never seen one up close… Do you think it would mind if I were to touch it?
Cormag: Nah, go right ahead. But wyverns can be proud. They won’t warm up to anyone they think unworthy. Took me three years before this one would let me ride on his back. Oh, he hated me at first. Always snarling and snatching at me… I don’t know how many times he threw me when I tried to ride him.
Artur: R-really? Maybe I should keep my distance then.
Cormag: No, he seems to like you.
Artur: How do you know?
Cormag: He hasn’t tried to eat your face yet, for one thing. Maybe he can sense your, what’d you call it, fascination? Yeah, maybe it won’t take too long for you two to be friends.
Artur: Hm. Well then, it’s very nice to meet you, Sir Cormag’s Wyvern?
Cormag: His name’s Genarog. Next time you’re around, come say hi.
Artur: Thanks. I will!

Fire Emblem GBA likes characterising the mounts, and wyvern riders are no exception. We'll get to learn more about Genarog as Artur's chain progresses- I don't think he comes up for anyone else, but he might get a mention.

Like with Vanessa and Tana, Cormag may promote into a Wyvern Knight and stop riding Genarog. I suspect the increased emphasis on class fluidity is what caused characters to stop bringing up identifiable mounts.

Ephraim/L'Arachel C

L’Arachel: Oh, Ephraim! Why are you here? Do you not have somewhere to be?
Ephraim: I’m sorry? What do you mean?
L’Arachel: Why don’t you go fight someone or break down a wall or something?
Ephraim: We all have our roles to play in this battle. I’m waiting for the right moment.
L’Arachel: Are you speaking honestly with me? Are you not simply making an excuse so that you have time to chat with me?
Ephraim: …There’s no glory in dragging out a war without good reason.
L’Arachel: It does me good to hear that. If you or any of your good men are injured, come to me at once. I’ll wait for you here, and I’ll heal your wounds swiftly.
Ephraim: Yes, well, that’s why you’re here, isn’t it? We’re counting on you. We fight with confidence only because we have your healing skills.
L’Arachel: Naturally! And today, I will serve you as well as I can, as always. Watch for me!
Ephraim: She seems so reliable… and SO assertive! Are women of Rausten all like that?

L'Arachel is rather quick to assert her boundaries with Ephraim, while any such barriers fade away quickly around Eirika. I can't help but feel like L'Arachel is more gay than bi, even if she hasn't explored her feelings on these matters. L'Arachel does kinda have some chemistry with other men, but Ephraim is not one of them.

Speaking of Ephraim and L'Arachel's weak chemistry, that final line of Ephraim's is one of the few instances in the entire game where Ephraim ever expresses interest in the opposite sex. He's a very asexual character in turn, and the game is going to try and ship these two people.

Eirika/Saleh C

Eirika: Master Saleh!
Saleh: …
Eirika: Master?
Saleh: …
Eirika: …
Saleh: … …Oh, I’m sorry, Princess Eirika.
Eirika: It’s all right. Were you… praying?
Saleh: Not exactly. It’s called Valega.
Eirika: Valega?
Saleh: Yes.
Eirika: What is it? Is it something to do with Caer Pelyn’s cultural history?
Saleh: Yes, in a sense. Think of it as a kind of wish. A very pure wish. It is a wish that expands far beyond individual desire.
Eirika: I see. I don’t claim to understand, but it sounds very interesting. If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear more about it later.
Saleh: If you like.
Eirika: Yes, I would.

I think my "Buddhism" guess was closer than I know. I don't entirely know whether Buddhism has an equivalent to Valega or if they're drawing on some other religious rite. It sounds like something Buddhism might practice.

Gerik/Tethys C

Gerik: Tethys. How are you feeling?
Tethys: Oh, Chief. Things are as fine as one could expect. But I’ve been dancing so much I’ve worked up quite a sweat. At this rate I may even lose a few inches off of my waistline. Who knows, maybe my figure will be even more alluring than before.
Gerik: Ha ha ha! Well, I’m not sure that’s even possible, but keep up the good work. Your dancing has had quite a restorative effect on the troops.
Tethys: Really? I’m happy to hear it. I must keep dancing then, mustn’t I? Oh, I almost forgot, Chief. I have good news, and then I have better news.
Gerik: What’s the good news?
Tethys: I hear today’s meal is one of your favorites, herbed stew.
Gerik: Oh, that is good news! It’s been quite a while since I’ve had any. And the even better news?
Tethys: In this next battle, you’ll get your hands on some sort of an incredible treasure.
Gerik: A treasure?
Tethys: Yes, that’s right, some sort of treasure.
Gerik: Ha ha ha! I see. I don’t know what it might be, but I can’t wait for it. Nor for today’s meal.
Tethys: I’m going to continue dancing a bit longer so as to work up a healthy appetite.
Gerik: So tell me, Tethys, when did you first start dancing?
Tethys: Oh… Well, that would have been…
Gerik: Hm? What’s the matter?
Tethys: Um, well… Yes, it was long ago. Back when Ewan was still young.
Gerik: What is it, Tethys?
Tethys: …I’m sorry, Chief. I’ll explain it another time. Can we drop it for now?
Gerik: Tethys…

Gerik and Tethys are strong coworkers, and while I think Tethys does have an interest in Gerik, she can keep things fairly professional- as much as she can when her job is being an alluring dancer. With that said, that also includes keeping to herself when it comes to her personal life and not-particularly-luxurious childhood. Something she's more forthcoming about with Marisa.

L'Arachel/Dozla C

L’Arachel: Oh, I cannot believe it. There is something very wrong with this world.
Dozla: Hm?! What is it? What’s happened, Princess L’Arachel?
L’Arachel: Hello, Dozla. Listen to this. The other day, I paid a visit to a nearby village. I found something inconceivable there. Not one of them had ever heard of the beautiful banisher of darkness before.
Dozla: What?! Even with your anonymous campaign to rid the world of monstrosities? I cannot fathom how those people could be so uninformed!
L’Arachel: Last night, I was so distraught that I quite nearly drowned my pillow in tears. This will never do, Dozla. I must be more famous. The entire world must know of my legend. The troubadours must be made to sing my praises far and wide.
Dozla: And I’m sure they will!
L’Arachel: The five heroes who banished evil… My own sacred ancestor… Oh, to be like them… I so long to be praised by the masses, too.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! And you shall be, Princess!
L’Arachel: But I get the feeling that we’re going to have to change our methodology. Appealing to the common people is of the utmost importance. First and foremost, we need a plan of action. A means to win their hearts. Please, Dozla, I want you to think of something, too.
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Leave it to your trusted Dozla!

This conversation, this chain, is the core of L'Arachel's characterisation, the key to understanding the method to her madness. This and her Eirika chain, too. L'Arachel wants to be remembered, and that is her only objective. Unfortunately, as she has learned, she needs to have a better plan than... well, quite frankly, "no plan" is probably a better plan than what she has.

Dozla, for his part, doesn't act as anything more than a shallow yes-man. As far as L'Arachel as a character goes, I kinda get where Dozla is coming from, but I don't think my interpretation is supported by canon text on his part. He just really wants to see L'Arachel happy. And I'm not entirely sure if he's being knowingly sarcastic when he says "Even with your anonymous campaign to rid the world of monstrosities?"

Innes/Gerik C

Gerik: Hey, Prince! How’s it going?
Innes: Gerik… I’m sorry you had to see that ugly side of me.
Gerik: Huh? What do you mean?
Innes: At Renvall, when you stayed by me. If not for your loyalty, I would have fallen into the hands of those mercenaries.
Gerik: Ah, well, that’s my job, innit? But what’s your point? This is unlike you, Prince.
Innes: I’ve guided men into battle countless times before that day. I’ve always tried to be a model commander, to guide others by my example. But…I found that many of my soldiers wanted a less severe example to follow.
Gerik: Ha ha ha…
Innes: But you’re different. I’ve known that from the day we first met. How do you stay so composed in the heat of battle?
Gerik: I don’t know how to answer that… I suppose it’s just in my nature. Long discussions on the battlefield, however, are not. Let’s go already.
Innes: Ahh…


The game doesn't seem to care about Carcino enough to name the place Innes made his last stand, because it sure wasn't Renvall- that's on the other side of the continent! It looked like a capital building, too.

Colm/Marisa C

Colm: Hey, you! Have you seen a scary-looking woman?
Marisa: …Scary-looking woman? Is she your sister?
Colm: NO. I don’t have any sisters. The woman I’m talking about was beautiful, but also very scary. Have you seen someone who fits that description?
Marisa: I don’t think so. Beautiful but very scary… What do you mean by that?
Colm: Well, I’m not exactly sure, either. I just heard from one of Gerik’s mercenaries that there is a woman sword fighter here. Apparently, she’s very talented and was hired for an unbelievable sum.
Marisa: A woman sword fighter??
Colm: Rumor is that if you speak to her without thinking, she’s likely to attack you out of nowhere!
Marisa: Is that so.
Colm: Maybe her face is scarred from fighting. Yeah, that’s probably it! She’s beautiful, but has a very sad past behind that scar. And that’s why she’s so scary!
Marisa: A scarred face? A sad past?
Colm: Or maybe it’s because her lover was killed, and she’s trying to avenge him. That seems equally plausible, doesn’t it? Anyway, if you see her around, would you tell her that I was looking for her? See ya.
Marisa: Well, I’m the only female sword fighter here. I guess he was looking for me. He is so clueless…

I guess it says a lot about Colm that he doesn't realise Marisa looks scary? I'm not entirely fond of what his mind jumped to, but I'm sure Marisa enjoyed being the more socially aware one.

Colm/Kyle C

Colm: Kyle, do you have a minute?
Kyle: What is it, Colm?
Colm: Well… It’s about Princess Eirika.
Kyle: Is something the matter with her?
Colm: It was a while ago, but when she went to bed, she was…
Kyle: What happened after she retired to her room? Colm, don’t toy with me. Just tell me!
Colm: The princess looked like she was having trouble falling asleep. She kept pacing.
Kyle: Having trouble falling asleep?
Colm: Yup.
Kyle: That’s not good. It’s very important for her to get enough rest during this tough march. This war has been very hard for Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika. I’m sure she’s probably spent a few nights worrying, but–
Colm: Hey! I just remembered that I have this secret remedy my mother used to make. It started off as a freckle cream, but it turns out that it works pretty well with insomnia, too.
Kyle: Really. That’s a good idea. I’m sure Prince Ephraim and Lady Eirika would love to have something like that.
Colm: OK, then. I’ll give it to her next time I see her. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Kyle: All right, Colm.

At some point, Colm is appointed Kyle's spymaster. I don't get it either. This is one of those Supports that's first on the chopping block, really.

Garcia/Dozla C

Garcia: You must be Dozla.
Dozla: That’s right! Who are you?
Garcia: My name is Garcia. Sir Dozla, I’ve been hearing a lot about you lately.
Dozla: Only good things, I hope! Ha ha ha! I’ve heard of you, too, Sir Garcia. Mostly about your incredible strength! Hey, would you mind lifting this boulder? Just kidding! Ha ha ha!
Garcia: Ha ha. It’s not a big deal. Are you normally this… energetic?
Dozla: Well, I stuffed myself, so I’m feeling pretty great!
Garcia: You can’t fight on an empty stomach. Eating is very important to keep up your strength. Especially breakfast. I’ve heard that in some cultures, they call breakfast “first break.”
Dozla: What’s that? What do they break?
Garcia: A fast.
Dozla: A fast what? Huh? Speak plainly! I don’t understand all this talking in circles.
Garcia: We don’t eat anything while we sleep, so it’s as if we are fasting. So, the meal you eat in the morning breaks that fast. This means that breakfast is an especially important meal.
Dozla: Huh. Who would have thunk it? The only thing I consumed this morning was knowledge!
Garcia: What do you mean?
Dozla: Just that I make it a point to learn other disciplines. You have to if you want to grow as a fighter.
Garcia: I completely agree. Young men in this army are strong in their specific fields, but weak in others. The art of complete training has been lost on the younger generation, I’m afraid.
Dozla: Yes, that’s right! Back in our day, fighters had to learn many disciplines in case they had to fill in for a wounded teammate. I’ve always wanted to learn archery. The delicate precision is the opposite of fighting with an axe.
Garcia: Me, too. Why don’t we meet sometime and study it together?
Dozla: That’s a great idea!

Garcia/Dozla is one of the biggest victims of the localisation of this game. There don't seem to be too many hiccups in common knowledge (mostly just minor stuff), but this is back when Nintendo was in this phase where they were allergic to the concept of beer, so anything that so much as alluded to the stuff had to go. Garcia/Dozla JP is a support entirely about Garcia and Dozla becoming drinking buddies, so it got rewritten to Garcia and Dozla becoming training buddies in INT.

In C Support, they still talk about breakfast being important, and also the pun "breaking fast" (they explicitly mention using another country's word for it, which makes me think they're explicitly using the English pun still), and Dozla mentions he drowned himself in ale this morning instead of eating- and Garcia is amazed he's holding his liquor after the fact. They promise to go drinking together, since no one else in the army seems to be too talented at that.

Saleh/Ewan C

Saleh: ……
Ewan: Teacher!
Saleh: …… Oh, Ewan!
Ewan: You were practicing Valega, weren’t you? “To know the harmony of heaven and earth, body and spirit”…right?
Saleh: Yes, you are correct.
Ewan: Um… "To contemplate oneself"… And… what was the rest?
Saleh: “To contemplate the world and to envision all creation. Thus, to be enlightened.”
Ewan: Oh, that’s right. Doesn’t it get to be a bother finding a quiet place like this, though?
Saleh: Contemplation takes time, Ewan. It doesn’t matter where, so long as you do it.
Ewan: Oh… Well, if Valega is an important part of Caer Pelyn’s culture and history, I think I might give it a try.
Saleh: Really? And I wonder how many days you’ll last at that.
Ewan: Heh. I guess you’re right. Knowing the harmony of the heavens sounds tough. Do you have anything easier I could practice in the meantime?
Saleh: Hm. Let me think. Your skill level is still quite low, but…
Ewan: Thanks, Teacher. I remember when you first decided to teach me some magic. I was so excited that I went out and practiced over and over again.
Saleh: You must pace yourself. Using too much magic can drain both body and soul.
Ewan: Yeah. Boy, I know that. After that time, I was so tired that I couldn’t stay awake. I was so tired that I slept for a full day. I woke up in bed…
Saleh: Technically, it was two days.
Ewan: Oh, so that was you who carried me home?
Saleh: Mm-hm.
Ewan: Now that I think about it, no one else would have bothered! Thank you.
Saleh: Ewan, don’t push yourself too hard. Magic is no game.
Ewan: I know, and don’t worry!

At least Ewan is self-aware about the fact he has zero patience and keeps bouncing around from idea to idea when it doesn't interest him.

Tethys/Ewan C

Ewan: Hey, Tethys! Check out my magic!?
Tethys: Ewan! How many times am I going to have to say it? This isn’t a field trip. Please promise me you’ll behave.
Ewan: Oh, you don’t have to worry about me. But since I’m here, I’d like to be of use. Otherwise I’m just in the way. You gotta let me do something.
Tethys: You have a point, but you’re still too young.
Ewan: Too young? I’m not a child anymore! I can look after myself!
Tethys: What are you talking about? You’re not a full-fledged mage, are you?
Ewan: Well, no, not yet. But someday I’m gonna be one of the best mages ever! These soldiers recognize my talent. That’s why I’m here on the battlefield. Just watch me! You wouldn’t say that I’m too young or inexperienced if you saw me!
Tethys: Wait! Ewan, wait up! Oh, he’s gone… Only a child would say something like, “Just watch me.”

Fortunately, this over-excitement doesn't translate to gameplay, or it'd be impossible to train the boy.

Ephraim/Tana B

Tana: Ephraim, do you remember when we first met?
Ephraim: …Ah, of course! It was at Castle Frelia, wasn’t it? Eirika and I had been invited to visit for your birthday celebration.
Tana: Oh, I’m so glad you remembered!
Ephraim: King Hayden seemed so delighted that we’d come to visit. I think that was the first time I met Innes, too.
Tana: So, Ephraim, what did you think of the dress I was wearing?
Ephraim: I… Hm… I’m sorry, but I don’t think I got a good look at it at the time. Perhaps you don’t remember, but as soon as I arrived, Innes challenged me. We ended up having an archery match right when the party began. I think Innes won that match.
Tana: Do you remember my hair? I was so happy with it!
Ephraim: Your… hair? Uh… Well, right after our archery match, Innes challenged me to the spear. I think I won that match!
Tana: I’ll bet you don’t even remember what I said afterward!
Ephraim: Er, Innes can be persistent. After spears, we moved on to jousting. That time, I think it was…
Tana: Oh, you! You only remember what happened with my brother! You don’t care about me at all, do you!?
Ephraim: Oh, no, no! That’s not true. It’s just…
Tana: Fine! Why should I care about you when you can’t even be bothered to care about me? You just keep having fun with my brother and don’t pay me any mind at all!
Ephraim: Tana, wait a minute! Hey! Don’t go off on your own! …What is she so upset about?

Tana may have set the bar a little high even if Ephraim was at all interested in upholding his end of the deal. I'm not sure either of them is dealing with this matter appropriately, and it doesn't really help sell Ephraim's major pairing. Ephraim gets four female pairings, with L'Arachel and Tana both ending in disaster and Myrrh being more brotherly than romantic. Any wonder there's a niche for Ephraim/Eirika?

(Ephraim's gay ships have a similar issue where the chemistry is either not sparking or a firmly platonic relationship, which is why I'm leaning towards ace Ephraim rather than gay.)

Neimi/Amelia B

Neimi: Amelia, can I ask you a question? Why did you become a soldier?
Amelia: Hm? Well… It’s… I wanted… to become strong.
Neimi: Strong? What do you mean?
Amelia: All my life, I’ve felt helpless, like I needed someone to defend me. I didn’t want to feel like that anymore. But what about you, Neimi? What are you fighting for?
Neimi: I’m not really sure how I wound up getting involved in this whole war. It just…sorta turned out that way, you know?
Amelia: It doesn’t matter how you wound up here. Your skill with the bow is amazing, Neimi. I’m not sure how to put this, but… You seem more battle ready than most of the trained soldiers I’ve met.
Neimi: Hmm mm mm… Thanks. My grandpa taught me everything I know.
Amelia: Really?
Neimi: We used to go hunting together when I was little… Oh! That reminds me! I used to have a pet fox, a little kit I found out hunting one day.
Amelia: Wow! A fox kit? I’ve never seen one before. Was it cute?
Neimi: He was adorable! So small, and he had such soft and fluffy fur. It was so cute watching him try to run his fastest on those short little legs.
Amelia: Tee hee.
Neimi: What about you? Did you ever have any pets?
Amelia: Me? Well, I don’t– Oh! I did! I used to have a little pet bird.
Neimi: Oh, what kind?
Amelia: Hm. Well, she had beautiful feathers, I remember that. They were all blue and yellow and orange. She used to sing to me.
Neimi: She was a songbird? That sounds nice.
Amelia: It was. Whenever I felt lonely, she would sing her song to cheer me up. I let her go when I left my village and joined Grado’s army.
Neimi: That’s so sad… I think I’d like to get another pet when this war is all over.
Amelia: Really?
Neimi: Definitely. You should get one, too. Once this war is over, I mean. When everything is at peace again, we should each get a pet.
Amelia: That sounds great! And then we can have our pets visit one another.
Neimi: I’d like that.
Amelia: Me, too.

I forgot they got this in vanilla, I thought this was Restoration Queen's work. I guess that says a lot about where the game takes the A Support as opposed to the fans.

Neither version really picks up on that "why Amelia wants to fight" thing. That's Duessel's job.

Franz/Forde B

Franz: Brother… Are you painting again?
Forde: Hm? Yes, well… it’s a hobby. You fish, don’t you?
Franz: Yes.
Forde: What do you like about fishing?
Franz: Well… it’s different than hunting for other animals. More patient. And yet, when I hold a fishing pole, I feel my spear arm is getting stronger.
Forde: When you’re off duty, you should stop thinking about spears and swords.
Franz: …There’s more…
Forde: Yeah?
Franz: I feel at peace.
Forde: …Hm. Fishing sounds nice. Lets you relax, purge your heart of the battlefield.
Franz: Yes, exactly.
Forde: And that is important, isn’t it? In battle or in daily life, you just have to stop and rest, right? Hey, you should take a break sometime and go fishing around here!
Franz: Ha! In the middle of a war? You can’t be serious. How could I possibly do that?
Forde: Hey, I’m not saying you should go right in the middle of a battle. Do it when you’re off duty. Maybe you can help replenish our food supplies.
Franz: Really?
Forde: Sure, yeah. You go catch us a big fish, and I’ll eat it. It’s a deal!
Franz: Huh? Oh… right.
Forde: Now, I’ve something to look forward to.
Franz: Hm… Was this all just about you getting some fresh fish to eat?

Franz, I think Forde was serious about you getting in some relaxing time. Although yes, the fact he gets a free fish in the bargain is tempting.

Lute/Kyle B

Kyle: Lute.
Lute: Yes, sir.
Kyle: I was right about you. You’ve been a great help to us all.
Lute: Well, of course I have! I told you there’s no one better than me!
Kyle: Magic is an incredibly powerful force, isn’t it? Sturdy armor, tough hide, it makes no difference to magic. I’m in awe of it.
Lute: You’re not so bad yourself. You’re an incredible fighter.
Kyle: Thanks.
Lute: Have you trained a lot?
Kyle: Yep. When I was young, there was a lad I hated losing to. Every day, I trained harder and harder in hopes of defeating him.
Lute: So what happened? Did you finally beat him?
Kyle: Uh… Not as such, no. But I haven’t lost to him in a while, either. We’re evenly matched. I think we force one another to improve.
Lute: I see. It’s always good to have someone against whom you measure yourself. Aren’t you glad you have this personal adversary?
Kyle: Uh-huh. You know, I think this is the longest conversation we’ve had.
Lute: Really?
Kyle: Well, uh… Not to sound rude, but I didn’t take you as the kind to be interested in others.
Lute: No, it’s not rude at all. I just… got a little interested in you.
Kyle: I see. Keep up the good work.
Lute: Yes, sir.

I think we're meant to take this as Forde, Ephraim's usually written as being more skillful than his attendants.

...Meanwhile, we have Kyle on disaster duty. I think they just really didn't get him much of a personality to stretch out over five chains.

Artur/Lute A

Artur: Hello, Lute.
Lute: ……
Artur: What is it? You look like you have something on your mind.
Lute: Oh. No. I was just thinking about monsters.
Artur: Monsters?
Lute: Yes. All these monsters are our enemies, I know, but… they’re not all bad, are they?
Artur: What are you talking about?
Lute: They’re kind of cute, don’t you think? I mean, like those revenants, for example.
Artur: It’s fair to say I will never understand your tastes. Besides, I thought you enjoyed using them as, well, magic practice.
Lute: Oh, I do. I do indeed. I use my magic to rip them to shreds… with love, of course.
Artur: Your way of expressing love is somewhat frightening…
Lute: Do you think so? Thank you.
Artur: No… That wasn’t a compliment. … Should I, ah, expect you to attack me with magic, too?
Lute: Hm? Why would I attack you with my magic?
Artur: You don’t get it?
Lute: No. Your strange logic baffles even my brilliant, brilliant mind. That’s why I’m curious.
Artur: Really? You don’t get it?
Lute: No, I don’t!
Artur: You really don’t?
Lute: Stop that!
Artur: I’m just giving you a hard time, Lute. All right. I’ll just come straight out and say it.
Lute: Finally!
Artur: It’s because I like you.
Lute: What!?
Artur: In fact, I love you, and I’m hoping perhaps that you love me.
Lute: Oh! Oh!!!
Artur: Now, do you understand?
Lute: Er… Um… A-according to “A Young Girl’s Primer to Nazonian Magic,” that most ancient tome long sought by, er, the terrible Demon King himself… it’s not uncommon for a party to assign feelings of… er, love to the reanimated hordes they confront on the battlefield, and considering my incredible brain and the remarkable skills I–
Artur: Lute?
Lute: Well, that is… What I mean is…
Artur: What’s wrong with you? I don’t often see you lose your cool.
Lute: Th-that’s because…
Artur: Yes?
Lute: Well… My books don’t tell me anything about how to deal with love! So…
Artur: Heh… Heh heh heh… Ha ha ha ha!!!
Lute: I’m sorry. I’m a little out of my depth when it comes to love.
Artur: No, you’re not. Love needs no textbooks. Just be yourself, and listen to your feelings.
Lute: Is… that all I need to do?
Artur: I promise.
Lute: … Er, excuse me…
Artur: Yes?
Lute: Well, er…
Artur: Yes?
Lute: I’m glad…you’re here.
Artur: I am, too, Lute.

I don't think any of us expected anything less. Poor Lute. At least Artur has all the patience he needs to help Lute deal with this.

Seth/Garcia A

Seth: Garcia.
Garcia: Ah, General Seth!
Seth: You seem much recovered from your poor spirits the other day. In fact, you seem quite energetic!
Garcia: I’ve finally accepted that I’m only ever truly alive when I’m fighting!
Seth: Ah, now that is the great Garcia I remember from my youth! Yes, all hesitation is gone from your face. You’re in rare form!
Garcia: Yes, and that hesitation is gone for good, I dare say. Except…
Seth: Yes?
Garcia: To tell you the truth… I am not ashamed of the life I’ve lived. I’m not sorry that I abandoned my old life to raise my son.
Seth: Sir Garcia…
Garcia: That decision made me who I am now. It’s time I embraced both of these aspects of my past.
Seth: …
Garcia: I can only say this in hindsight, but… It is not so bad to have a family.
Seth: Garcia, I can see it in your eyes. You don’t need to tell me.
Garcia: Heh… I see! Well then, Seth. There is only one solution for it! You should marry! It will do you good to have a family to go home to.
Seth: Ah, Garcia… You may be right, but I’m afraid it will take me some time to get there…

This conversation. Just... this conversation. Seth and Garcia acting as if Garcia's responsibility to his son and peaceful lifestyle he took up in penance for abandoning his wife was something to be ashamed of. Garcia has grown as a man, but he's really not selling that he's the one who's better off in the exchange. It's also saying plenty about Seth that he does not engage with this argument at all. This is the tipping point on why I hate Seth in particular.

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