Friday 14 October 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 7

Today's Supports:

  • Joshua/Natasha C
  • Seth/Natasha C
  • Seth/Franz B
  • Vanessa/Lute B

Joshua/Natasha C

Joshua: Hey, I’ve been hearing good things about you lately. Everyone’s real happy you’ve been helping to heal them.
Natasha: Really? That’s nice to hear. I do what little I can, but I’m glad if I’ve been helpful.
Joshua: Oh, you have been, rest assured. You don’t just mend flesh. Your smile eases all our pain. So, I may have lost our bet… but everything seems to have turned out for the best, right?
Natasha: Joshua… I just do what I can to help and to stay out of everyone’s way.
Joshua: I’m just saying, you’ve saved a lot of lives out there. We’ve got other healers, I know, but you’re more than that. You’re special. I may be the most cynical of our lot, but even I can see that.
Natasha: Joshua… You’re far too kind.
Joshua: Don’t be so humble. You deserve the praise.
Natasha: If… if you say so.
Joshua: Well, I do. So keep it up.
Natasha: I’ll do what I can.
Joshua: …Nice smile.

Despite some of the more... forward advances Joshua makes in Chapter 5, he keeps his praises for Natasha tame and focused on the parts of her personality that Natasha likes too. Although it's clear he's interested in her in ways that nuns usually don't reciprocate, he wants to treat Natasha appropriately and tries his best to make sure he meets her on that front.

Seth/Natasha C

Natasha: Oh, General Seth, how do you do?
Seth: …Sister Natasha, good day to you. I appreciate the care you give our wounded, but be sure to care for yourself, too. I heard about what happened the other day. It could have turned out badly…
Natasha: I’m sorry to have worried you. When I see an injured person, I must help. I seldom think of the consequences to myself. I shall be more careful in the future.
Seth: Grado doesn’t know what they’ve lost, Natasha. You’re indispensable to us. If you were injured, our entire strategy could be slowed or lost altogether. Take care of yourself first, and worry about us later.
Natasha: Seth, you are the one who is indispensable, far more than I am. You race into danger, acting as a decoy or rescuing people alone. You’re the one who is reckless. I wish you would watch yourself.
Seth: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I’d been causing you so much worry. I promise to be less reckless. But you, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
Natasha: Yes, General. May you be guided to safety.

Seth, meanwhile, is... well, he's Seth. It's only really towards the end of this Support that things start geting strange. I'm not entirely sure what Seth and Natasha have in common to make a Support at all, really.

At least he's realising he shouldn't have dismissed Natasha as a citizen of Grado?

Seth/Franz B

Franz: General!
Seth: Ah, Franz. Every time I see you, you’re getting better and better. Your parry is a little stiff, but you are clearly improving.
Franz: Are you serious? Do you really think so, sir?
Seth: …Why is it that, when I compliment you, you always ask me that?
Franz: Oh, so sorry… I appreciate your praise, sir. I mean, you’re General Seth, the Silver Knight. You’re my hero.
Seth: Hahaha… No more flattery, Franz. Please.
Franz: But, General, it’s true! Do you remember when Grado’s forces overran Castle Renais? Despite grave injuries, you outcharged the enemy, broke their lines, and escaped. And then, you delivered the princess, on your own, to Frelia safely. If I were you, I doubt I could have survived such a challenge… You are the only person I know who can make impossible feats possible.
Seth: What pressure you put on me! How can I possibly fail now? You would lose all faith in me! Ah, but, Franz, you’re still young. You will grow into a remarkable warrior, I have no doubt. Be confident. I’m counting on you. Train your mind and hone your skills.
Franz: Really? Do you really think so, General?
Seth: …Franz… That’s enough.
Franz: Oh, right! Sorry, sir!
Seth: All right, back into the fray! Let’s go, Franz!
Franz: Yes, General! And remember, I’ve got your back!

...The only one who could've got Eirika to safety? I suppose Valter would probably have shredded Franz to pieces, but still, I'm not entirely sure Seth survived that because of anything he did. If anything, he survived that encounter despite his actions.

Vanessa/Lute B

Lute: Titania.
Vanessa: Um… No.
Lute: I meant…Vanessa, right?
Vanessa: I’m happy to know that I’ve made such a strong impression on you, Lute. … So, what can I do for you?
Lute: It’s common knowledge that pegasi have strong resistance to magic. I developed a new counterattack to that power, but it still needs refining. I guess what I’m saying is… Can I try it out on Titania?
Vanessa: What?! No! Of course not!
Lute: I was joking.
Vanessa: Sigh. You said it with such a straight face… You definitely had me fooled.
Lute: Thank you! That’s so sweet of you to say.
Vanessa: It wasn’t a compliment! Besides, you really don’t seem like someone who has much of a sense of humor.
Lute: Is that right?
Vanessa: Yes… And it seems like your magic is the real thing. When you defeated the enemy the other day, I saw a sharp flash of magic from above.
Lute: Gee, I wonder why that happened…
Vanessa: Because… you’re good?
Lute: Why, yes! You are 100 percent correct! For once.
Vanessa: My point is, we don’t have enough mages in Frelia, so we’re counting on you. When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a pegasus knight like my sister. I was also interested in magic, but I just didn’t have the talent.
Lute: Well, you are a great pegasus knight, so it’s worked out fine. Besides, I am also interested in becoming a pegasus knight.
Vanessa: Where are you in your training?
Lute: I’m at 98 levels out of 158 levels total.
Vanessa: That’s very impressive… Anyway, let’s just do our best out there, shall we?
Lute: Of course.

I think the "98/158 levels" thing is a non-sequitir. At any rate, as much as I see where Vanessa's coming from with not letting Lute practice what I assume is Aircalibur on Titania, I'd say the exercise has its benefits- namely, devising counter-strategies to enemy Aircaliburs. Or at least, it would if Magvel had the Aircalibur tome- it's not in this game. I'm also not sure Lute was serious when she said it was a joke. As hard as it is to figure out what I'm saying in that sentence.

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