Tuesday 4 October 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 4

Today's Supports:

  • Eirika/Seth C
  • Artur/Lute C
  • Seth/Garcia C 
  • Gilliam/Moulder C
  • Neimi/Gilliam C 

Eirika/Seth C

Eirika: Seth.
Seth: What brings you, Princess?
Eirika: How fare you, Seth? Ever since the castle fell you have been protecting me, despite your own injuries…
Seth: Would that I could have served you better, my lady… You were not meant to see such things. But my wound has closed up, and it does not affect my lance arm…
Eirika: Wait. Show it to me. Look. The wound has closed, but it has not yet fully healed.
Seth: ……What made you think of this, my lady?
Eirika: Your fighting is as superb as ever, Seth. But when you raise your lance, I see a flicker of pain on your face, as if you were merely enduring it… But it only lasts a moment. Perhaps it is all just my imagination…
Seth: Your Highness, please put your mind at ease. My wound has healed. There is no reason to worry.
Eirika: I would that were so, Seth. Please do not overextend yourself. I beg this of you. Without you, I may not be able to continue this quest…
Seth: You praise me too much, my lady…

Eirika/Seth tries to be the heterosexual endgame for Eirika, but Seth being Seth, it doesn't go well for him. At least Eirika is trying.

Artur/Lute C

Lute: Hm… I wonder if… Oh, I see…
Artur: What are you doing, Lute?
Lute: Oh! I was just observing this chemida beetle.
Artur: You haven’t changed at all, have you, Lute?
Lute: What do you mean?
Artur: You spent most of your time sequestered in your room, studying your books. On the rare occasion you went outside, you were paralyzed with fascination.
Lute: Of course! There are so many fascinating things to be learned from nature! There are a great many books out there, and I have read most of them, of course. But I’ve found that what is written can differ greatly from how things truly are. Take this chemida beetle, for example. I’ve been reading from “The Glossary of Falibrian Entomology” lately. According to the glossary, their wings fall off once they reach maturity. However, I have just found an adult beetle whose wings still work perfectly! Exceptions do exist to the rules my books outline. This is a rare specimen. I wonder, should we take it back with us?
Artur: Sigh… I hope this isn’t another of your pranks.
Lute: My… pranks?
Artur: Do you remember when I loaned you my copy of “Lux Aeterna”? You replaced my bookmark with the tail of a sedgel lizard. You scared ten years off my life, I swear it!
Lute: Did I do that?
Artur: And! Knowing full well that I have a… mild… fear of spiders, you caught a small army of them and unleashed them in my room!
Lute: I thought that if I immersed you in the thing you feared, maybe you might be able to overcome your fear entirely! And I went to a lot of trouble trying to catch those spiders!
Artur: …Why would you do that?
Lute: Well, I did get a bit of a kick out of the experience myself. Why? Did it bother you?
Artur: YES! Oh, don’t worry about it. At least you did it because you cared about me, right? I’ll just accept it as the best gesture of kindness you can manage, Lute.

Now, see, this is probably the conversation that should've been picked to sell the player on the Support system. Sure, Lute's a troll, but from a position of good faith and her friendship with Artur truly feels like it's going somewhere.

Seth/Garcia C

Seth: Sir Garcia. Your fighting form remains impeccable, despite your years of retirement. Fantastic… How I admire you.
Garcia: No, General Seth, I still have a long way to go. I’ve lost so much time.
Seth: Sir Garcia…
Garcia: No, no honorifics. I gave up my title years ago so I could raise my son. I’m old and rusty, General. The man I am now is not fit for such fine company.
Seth: …
Garcia: But listen, General. I’m not finished yet!
Seth: What do you mean?
Garcia: I’m telling you… I’m not yet done! This is not the end of me!
Seth: …He has a warrior’s heart. Is it pride that keeps him from accepting his limitations? I’m afraid that we have awakened an incredible warrior.

Seth is the character that brings out the worst in Garcia, but to his credit, Garcia's not exactly a character who's content to hang up the axe for an indeterminate "forever". He's happy to be back.

Gilliam/Moulder C

Moulder: Gilliam, did you hear something?
Gilliam: No, Moulder. I didn’t hear a thing.
Moulder: Was it just in my head? Hm. That can’t be good.
Gilliam: Moulder, you’ve been working yourself too hard. You should rest.
Moulder: No, I’m not tired in the slightest. I’m fine. I cannot believe you don’t hear it! Is something wrong with your ears?
Gilliam: Moulder, please. I know I’ve seen many battles, but I’m younger than you are. My hearing is fine.
Moulder: Then why can’t you hear it? I’m starting to worry about that noise.
Gilliam: Your ears are playing tricks on you.

This conversation's probably one of the first ones I'm showing you that really makes it feel like you're supposed to be reading these things all in one lump, rather than as the narrative progresses. It's... It's not really satisfying at all on its own. Not that it needs to be, as part of a chain of three conversations, but still...

Neimi/Gilliam C

Neimi: Gilliam… Gilliam! Sir Gilliam!
Gilliam: Be quiet, Neimi! Someone will hear you!
Neimi: Oh… I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you there’s a scratch on the left side of your armor.
Gilliam: Oh, that’s nothing. My armor’s covered in scratches. This one, I got defending Border Mulan in a siege years back. And this one goes back to my very first fight as a knighted soldier. Each of these is a story. Each one is a mark of pride.
Neimi: Yes, but I’m worried about this one near the glide clip. I can repair it. Just… don’t go anywhere!
Gilliam: Neimi, don’t go off by yourself! We’re in the middle of battle! One false step, and our strategy could be ruined- you might create an opening! You put not only yourself but all of us in peril when you do that!
Neimi: Oh! I didn’t mean to- …Sniff…
Gilliam: Don’t cry, Neimi. Save your energy for fighting.
Neimi: Y-yes, sir! I’m… I’m sorry.
Gilliam: Listen. This is my armor. I take good care of it myself. Don’t worry about other people’s armor. Worry about yourself. Understood?
Neimi: …Yes, you’re right. I’m so sorry… Sorry for… for messing around.
Gilliam: I… do appreciate your concern. If you see something, bring it to my attention, and I’ll fix it.
Neimi: I will! Thank you, Sir Gilliam!

See, Neimi's trying to be legitimately helpful! I'm not sure what a glide clip is, but it sounds like there's genuine concern that scratch might actually lead to an embarassing incident later. She's a really nice lass to have around.

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