Saturday 1 October 2022

SS Supports: Chapter 3

Supports in the GBA games are... well, to put it politely, utterly divorced from the story logic. You can grind Supports as much as you feel is appropriate from every map you complete, unlocking the whole chain for a pair before we've even reached the end of the first "Act". I will be trying (and probably failing) to adopt a narrative "flow" to Supports so I can show them off in a more progressive form rather than dumping the whole chain down at once, starting with a handful of C Supports.

Today's Supports:

  • Neimi/Colm C
  • Seth/Franz C
  • Franz/Gilliam C
  • Neimi/Garcia C

 Neimi/Colm C

Colm: Neimi.
Neimi: Oh, hi, Colm… How are you doing?
Colm: This is no time for pleasantries! You need to concentrate in battle!
Neimi: I was just being polite…
Colm: I never thought I’d see you on the battlefield.
Neimi: Well, I might not be the best, but when something needs to be done… I do it.
Colm: It’s amazing how war affects people. I mean, look at you. You’re a bumbling crybaby, but even you’ve pulled yourself together temporarily.
Neimi: Uh…
Colm: When we were little, you followed me everywhere, tripping and crying…
Neimi: Oh! Sniff… Why are you always so mean? Waaa!
Colm: And now look at you! You’re still following me everywhere, tripping and crying, but now you’re doing it on the battlefield. Will you PLEASE stop your boo-hooing?
Neimi: Sniff… OK… I’ll try…
Colm: Man, you can’t do anything without me, can you! And stop crying!
Neimi: But… Sniff…
Colm: What is it?!
Neimi: You’re the one who’s… making me cry.
Colm: Ugh!

For the very first Support they give you to tell you the mechanic is there (because you sure as hell ain't finding this on your own!), this does not highlight Colm's good side and make you feel like collecting Supports is going to be narratively worth your time.

Seth/Franz C

Franz: General!
Seth: Franz. How are you holding up?
Franz: Fine. I may be young, but I’m every bit a Knight of Renais. I’ll fight to the end to protect the princess, just like you, sir!
Seth: Good, good! That’s the spirit! You know, you’re looking much improved from when we set out.
Franz: Hm. Do you really think so, General?
Seth: Oh, definitely. You seem much more sure of yourself. All doubt has left your face. By the time you reach my age, you’ll be the finest spear- and swordsman around.
Franz: Honestly? Sir, do you really believe that?
Seth: …I do… But we are in a battle right now, Franz. Concentrate on the enemies before you, and don’t get too cocky.
Franz: Yes, sir!!! You know I’d never let you down, sir!
Seth: Don’t be too eager for success. Know your limits.
Franz: Yes, sir!

In the GBA games, Support conversations can only be watched on the battlefield. PoR, Awakefates, and 3H put Supports in the Base phase, which is without a doubt the better choice, but since the devs were still experimenting on the GBA, on the battlefield we are stuck. Some Supports, like this one, acknowledge the setting, but eventually, they kinda forget.

Franz/Gilliam C

Franz: Say, Sir Gilliam, can I ask you a question?
Gilliam: What is it, Franz?
Franz: Are you disturbed about fighting with me?
Gilliam: Why would you say something like that?
Franz: You and I are from different lands. We have different backgrounds… I thought that might’ve made you feel uncomfortable.
Gilliam: Blast. I don’t need to answer that.
Franz: Sir Gilliam!
Gilliam: Listen: I’m here by my king’s order, and by his order alone. I’m well aware that we have diverse backgrounds and experiences. I don’t care who I pair up with. You can’t always have your own way. That’s just how it works in Frelia. It’s luck of the draw, you follow? Do they let you swap partners until you find that special someone back in Renais?
Franz: Oh, no! No, no, no… That’s not what I meant. It’s just… I was worried that I might be slowing you down with my lesser skills.
Gilliam: Franz, you’re wasting your time worrying when there are better things to be done.
Franz: Like what?
Gilliam: Like training, of course. Quit your worrying and show me how good a Knight of Renais can be.
Franz: I could ask for nothing better. Please!

...Franz, who told you that? That's... that's horrifying. No.

National identity in FE games can get weird sometimes. Technically speaking, there isn't supposed to be much of it in the sword and sorcery era, but writers just can't seem to imagine a world without.

Neimi/Garcia C

Neimi: Sir?
Garcia: …
Neimi: Sir…Garcia…?
Garcia: Don’t come near me right now, Neimi!
Neimi: Oh! I-I’m sorry! I was just… wondering what you were doing.
Garcia: I’m preparing myself for the battle. Please don’t come near me right now.
Neimi: Are you trying to get psyched?
Garcia: Yes. To prepare myself for battle, I visualize the enemy in front of me. Then, during battle, I can focus all my attention on them. If you want to survive this war, you must focus all your attention on the enemy.
Neimi: I-I see. Please excuse me now!
Garcia: Wait!
Neimi: Y-yes, sir?
Garcia: I apologize for yelling at you.
Neimi: That must be how he became such a brilliant warrior! I must go focus now…

You know, it'd make total sense that Garcia's tactics are still a little rusty. When he was actually a soldier, he probably did this in a less peculiar way to attract less attention. That, and Neimi is kinda more curious than her comrades.

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