Friday 1 October 2021

Supports: Chapter 24

Welcome back to Crimea, and time to meet the Crimeans who have been hanging around underground!

Today's Supports:

  • Ike/Ranulf C
  • Lethe/Ranulf C
  • Mordecai/Ranulf C
  • Tormod/Calill B
  • Reyson/Tanith B
  • Oscar/Tanith B
  • Oscar/Janaff B
  • Ike/Lethe A
  • Titania/Boyd A
  • Tormod/Devdan A
  • Marcia/Gatrie A

C Supports

Ike/Ranulf C

Ranulf: Hey, Ike. Isn’t it a little late to be training?
Ike: I haven’t had a chance to train today. I try to swing a sword every day, even if it’s just for a little while. It helps me focus and keeps me calm. Plus it’s good practice. Haaaa! Kyaaaaa!
Ranulf: I see. So your strength doesn’t just come from your bloodline. It’s also a result of your persistence. No wonder you grow more powerful every time I see you… Nice. Very nice…
Ike: Haaaaa! And one and… Hiyaaaa!
Ranulf: Oh, sorry. I’m interrupting you. I’ll see you la–
Ike: Wait. What do you want? I assume you came out here to tell me something.
Ranulf: Not really. I’m just being a mother cat… No matter how many times we tell you to take it easy, you’re always working. I thought you might take a break if I came over and talked to you, but… I can see that you’re still crazy. I’ll go now.
Ike: You think I’m crazy? How so?
Ranulf: Well…a little crazy, yeah! I’ve never worked for a leader who’s as blunt and straightforward as you. It’s pretty shocking to have a commander who doesn’t care what anyone thinks, no matter how powerful they are.
Ike: Well, that’s just my style. I don’t have to be like someone else, do I?
Ranulf: Why are you so confident? I don’t get it. Normal beorc just do what people tell them and try not to make a fuss. But not you. I heard you even yelled at the apostle!
Ike: Yeah, that wasn’t my brightest moment.
Ranulf: Then again, worrying about a beorc like this is definitely not normal laguz behavior. I guess I’m a fish out of water myself… Wait, did I just call myself a fish?
Ike: Wha–? Ha ha! You’re a cat, remember!? I thought you ate fish. Ha ha ha!
Ranulf: Hey! I made you laugh! That’s good. That’s a good first step.
Ike: Fine, fine! I’ll take a break. Um… so what do I do now? Am I supposed to drink tea or something?
Ranulf: Tea is good. And eat something. Oh, and maybe you should take a… catnap! Wha ha ha ha!

Ike and Ranulf also have an ending together, same as Ike and Soren. Rather than focus on Ike's nonjudgemental side, Ranulf is all about Ike's complete stoicism and diligence. I think I should wait on the whole chain before I make a preference for one or the other, though.

Lethe/Ranulf C

Ranulf: Hey there, Lethe.
Lethe: Ah, Ranulf. Glad you could finally join us.
Ranulf: Yes, the tide has finally turned. How are you holding up, Lethe? You and Mordecai have shouldered all of the burden until now. I’m glad I can finally take some of the responsibility.
Lethe: Apologies are meaningless unless they are backed up with deeds.
Ranulf: Ha! I see you’re as friendly as ever. By the way, have you finally warmed up to this band of mercenaries?
Lethe: …In my own way. But there is still some occasional friction. I know they are beasts of habit, but must they always wear so much armor? They overwhelm our noses with the stink of iron and make it difficult to sniff out the enemy.
Ranulf: Well, there’s nothing you can do about that. You could go to Ike and ask them to fight in the buff, but you won’t have much luck.
Lethe: And their eyes are so useless! I’m amazed the species has lived this long. Being blind in the dark is lethal.
Ranulf: There’s nothing they can do about that, Lethe.
Lethe: I suppose not. Still, they’ve done better than I expected.
Ranulf: I’m glad to hear they haven’t completely let you down. You had quite the tragic look on your face when you first learned you’d have to travel with Ike and his merry band!
Lethe: Pah! Can you blame me?

Some good ol "Lethe hates the beorc" moments here. Lethe's gotten better beforehand, but she's still frustrated by the beorc's racial disadvantages. Because of course those exist.

Also, please don't ask Gatrie to fight in the buff.

Mordecai/Ranulf C

Ranulf: Heya, Mordecai! What’s up, ya’ big cat?!
Mordecai: Ranulf! It’s been a while.
Ranulf: Yes, it has. Thanks for all your work. I heard about how fiercely you’ve fought alongside these mercenaries.
Mordecai: Is that so? I am glad to help. Ike is a good beorc… strong and loyal. He is worth fighting for.
Ranulf: Did you have a chance to get to know some of the other mercenaries?
Mordecai: Some. Grrr… I have a question, Ranulf. Do I speak well in this tongue?
Ranulf: You’re fine, Mordecai. Sure, you have an accent, and you tend to growl a lot, but the beorc can understand.
Mordecai: These words are hard to me. As a cat, I need no hard words. One roar is enough for all the forest to understand.
Ranulf: That may be true, but the beorc can’t begin to understand the nuance of our roars. We would only scare them.
Mordecai: Yes. You are right. There are good beorcs here. Scaring them would be… bad.

Ranulf is a great commander for Mordecai. He's been working for Lethe to join the beorc back in Gallia, but Ranulf's Lethe's boss. Though really, I think Mordecai is better off in the forest. Maybe he's supposed to be a diplomat to Lethe's bodyguard.

B Supports

Tormod/Calill B

Calill: Oh, my heavens! Tormod! Aaaah! Enough! That’s enough! We’re done for today.
Tormod: Oh, come on! Teach me more magic! I won’t catch the drapes on fire again, I promise!
Calill: No way! By the goddess, I’ll be lucky to get out of here with my eyebrows still affixed to my forehead.
Tormod: But I can do better! I know it! I already learned fire, thunder, and wind!
Calill: Yes, yes, I’ll admit that you’re a quick learner. And, truth be told, you have a lot of raw talent.
Tormod: Yeah, I knew it!
Calill: But you lack discipline! You’re impatient. And rash. You can learn new spells all day, but you won’t truly master any of them until you know each one intimately.
Tormod: You’re just mad because I’m more talented than you! You don’t want me to learn anything because you know I’m the best!
Calill: Oh, why did I ever agree to this… Now listen here, child. And listen well. If you keep up this half-baked spell casting, you’re going to have a serious accident someday.
Tormod: An accident?
Calill: Magic doesn’t react well when miscast. I’ve seen fingers get blown off… And you’ll be lucky if it’s just a finger! Sometimes it’s an arm or a leg… And in really unfortunate cases, it can take a life!
Tormod: Heck! I’m not afraid!
Calill: I didn’t say YOUR fingers or YOUR life!
Tormod: What? You?
Calill: Me, Commander Ike, anyone! We can’t afford to have you overshoot our enemies and rain death down on us instead!
Tormod: …
Calill: Tormod, magic is unlike any other weapon. It does not forgive. If you lose concentration… If you hesitate… If you fail to respect it… People will die. Friends…will die.
Tormod: I’m sorry.
Calill: Then study the basics. After all, you don’t want to be a burden to your friends do you?
Tormod: No!

That seems to have gotten through to him. Calill might have her flaws, but she's been teaching Tormod rather well. Tormod/Calill is a good lesson in the dangers of improper use of magic in the world of Tellius.

Reyson/Tanith B

Tanith: Your Highness.
Reyson: Tanith.
Tanith: It looks like you’ve healed quite nicely from that wound you sustained in our last battle.
Reyson: …
Tanith: I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, Your Highness, but I feel it’s reckless for you to join us on the battlefield. Several soldiers from my retinue have complained that, when they try to protect you, you charge headlong into danger. Please, stay out of harm’s way and allow us to guard you. Your behavior endangers us all.
Reyson: I will remain on the battlefield until Commander Ike tells me he no longer has need of my powers. No one else may command me.
Tanith: But, Your Highness–!
Reyson: That having been said, I appreciate your concern. But again, I need no bodyguards. Now stop following me!
Tanith: …If it weren’t for that imperial order, he’d need a bodyguard to protect him from ME.

Well, Tanith's found her limit in regards to how much Reyson sass she's willing to take. Apparently Tanith's aid is too restrictive for Reyson, presumably because they don't quite respect how Reyson chooses to act.

Oscar/Tanith B

Oscar: Tanith, I must say, the charge you lead the other day was spectacular.
Tanith: We are knights of Begnion, after all. Anything less than a direct charge, knight against knight, would sully the honor of our apostle and our motherland.
Oscar: I’d heard stories of your bravery before, but to see you in action was incredible! To see so many pegasus knights swooping onto the battlefield at once, it was like seeing the sun break through the clouds.
Tanith: You over-romanticize us.
Oscar: Oh, no, milady. It was a sight to behold. But, and do not take offense at this, might I share an observation with you? It strikes me that your strategy works only if you have the superior numbers.
Tanith: Admittedly, in most battles, Begnion has the advantage of numbers. I can’t recommend this tactic in our current campaign.
Oscar: I agree. Our army is constantly undermanned. Sometimes, it’s a struggle just to get the basic necessities! It goes without saying that we’ll never have access to all the resources that Begnion enjoys.
Tanith: Well, you seem to understand how to fight well enough with few numbers. Tell me, what would you do?
Oscar: We take advantage of our individual soldiers’ strengths. Where you would overwhelm your foe with numbers, we cannot risk the losses. We cannot afford to lose a single soldier, even if his sacrifice brings us victory. After all, we might win a battle that way, but we will not be able to last out the war. Do not let honor drag you into a duel you cannot win. Dishonor is better than death if withdrawing means you live to fight again.
Tanith: Retreating from a fight is not an easy thing to do, but I must admit, your words make sense given our numbers.
Oscar: And I would hate to lose your strength to preserve something as intangible as honor.
Tanith: But you know, the pegasus knights can be stubborn. I’m not sure even I can convince them to change their tactics.
Oscar: Then I’ll help you convince them. Maybe my experiences will be all the proof they need.
Tanith: You’d do that?
Oscar: Yes, of course. I don’t have even half the experience you do, but if there’s any chance I can help, I will.
Tanith: Oh, I think you can be quite persuasive. You know, you’re not what I expected from a mercenary.
Oscar: I’m glad to have surprised you then, milady.
Tanith: We should be going. You’d best keep up with me. I have no intention of waiting for you and your horse!
Oscar: Well, perhaps I’ll have to surprise you a second time!

Hopefully the Begnions will listen to a common mercenary like Oscar. This is a very important lesson to keep in mind, and one surprisingly relevant to this mission.

Oscar/Janaff B

Oscar: Uh… hey there.
Janaff: Yes?
Oscar: We meet again! Ha ha! Haaa… Uh… sorry about the other day. I don’t have much… experience talking to laguz, so… Hey, is there anything you don’t understand about our company?! Maybe I can help!
Janaff: No, not particularly. Why?
Oscar: Well, I just thought… I mean, I have a young brother that’s just about your age… …Come on, Oscar, get it together… Um… Wow, you laguz are just so incredible! I mean, even a small kid like yourself can fight so–
Janaff: Did you just call me a child?!
Oscar: W-what’s wrong?
Janaff: See here! I’m not a child! I’m over 100 years old!
Oscar: Wha…? A hundred… years…?
Janaff: I don’t know how old you are, but no one calls me a child to my face and lives to tell about it! Don’t you EVER call me that again! Got it, human!?
Oscar: Oh yeah, got it! Totally! Look, I’m really…
Oscar: Darn it, Oscar! Stupid! So stupid! Now you’ve really ticked him off! Man, what was I thinking? Now I have to go apologize. Again! Probably screw that up, too… Aaargh! So stupid!

Janaff is older than Ulki. I am not kidding. Poor Oscar, though, but then again, I don't know how old some of the beorc are. I do know how old Oscar is, though, and the answer might surprise you.

A Support

Ike/Lethe A

Lethe: Hello, Ike.
Ike: Hey, Lethe! You ready to punish me some more?
Lethe: You’re taking to my training with remarkable skill. I need to keep up.
Ike: You think so? Wow. A compliment from Lethe… Now that’s a big deal!
Lethe: What’s that supposed to mean? You’re not still holding a grudge about our first meeting, are you?
Ike: No, nothing like that. It’s just… You’re powerful, you know? If you compliment me, that means something.
Lethe: Bah! You give me too much credit. …Um… Say, Ike?
Ike: What?
Lethe: When this war is over, you should… Why don’t you come to Gallia? I mean, not like I care, but–
Ike: Gallia?
Lethe: Right! Well, you could learn even more if you trained in Gallia. It’s hard living for a beorc. But if you can handle it, you could take the swordsmanship that runs in your blood to another level.
Ike: Only if you’re my sparring partner!
Lethe: Meh… Well, if you that’s what you want… I guess I’d be all right with that.
Ike: Then life in Gallia may not be so bad.
Lethe: Oh? Well, good. It’s settled then. Come see us whenever you’re ready. I might even… look forward to it.
Ike: You have my word.

Lethe could not be more classic tsundere if she tried. How aware of this, I don't know, but honestly, this might be the most interested in a woman Ike gets in his As.

I was going to say something about "I think Ike has more Supports with men than women", but 4 men to 3 women is matched by Eliwood and Ephraim. Not remarkable in the slightest.

Titania/Boyd A

Boyd: Titania! I couldn’t find you anywhere! With all the war councils and everything, I never get to see you anymore.
Titania: Hello, Boyd. You know, your recent performance has been superb. I can’t even chew you out for old time’s sake.
Boyd: I don’t want you to yell at me again. That’s not why I’m here. I just… Is there anything you want, Titania?
Titania: I can’t think of anything in particular. Why do you ask?
Boyd: We got a big reward the other day, you know? So I wanted to buy you something. As thanks for helping me.
Titania: Aha! Now that you’re a true warrior, you’ve learned some chivalry as well!
Boyd: Heh. So, name it. Anything. New chain mail? Gauntlets? How about a killer axe?
Titania: Thanks for the offer, Boyd. But you earned that money. You should spend it on yourself.
Boyd: Don’t you get it!? I want to give you a gift!
Titania: Boyd? What are you–
Boyd: Every time I look at you, Titania… I think that you’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen!
Titania: Uh… Um, thank you, Boyd… But I… Look, you and me, we’re–
Boyd: You’re like a really nice mom or something! Um… I mean…
Titania: …
Boyd: Wait, that’s not… Oh, man… Look, that’s not what I meant. I mean, it is, but–
Titania: Boyd?
Boyd: Yeah?
Titania: How old do you think I am?
Boyd: Well, let me see… Are you… younger than my mother?
Titania: …Um…
Boyd: …Yeah… Um… I gotta go!
Titania: Boyd! Wait up!

This is why I've been so hesitant to call Titania Mist's substitute mother, even though she really is. Well, that and Titania has latent feelings for Greil that make it awkward to describe her that way. I wonder what Titania's objection to a romantic relationship with Boyd would have been if not age, though. Perhaps chain of command?

Tormod/Devdan A

Tormod: Aaaahhhhhh…
Devdan: Don’t sigh, Tormod. It will only make you more depressed.
Tormod: Oh, hello, Devdan.
Devdan: So Devdan did not startle you? That’s a bit of a letdown!
Tormod: It’s just not fair. It’s like you were born with a lance in your hand. How can I compete with that?
Devdan: Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve got a lot of talent, Tormod.
Tormod: Please don’t flatter me. I know how it really is. Maybe I’m not cut out for magic…
Devdan: Everyone has a tough time learning.
Tormod: Maybe I’m just not any good.
Devdan: Learning something new takes patience. If you’re always in a rush to get better, you’ll overlook important lessons.
Tormod: Important lessons?
Devdan: Think back on the first time you used magic. How did you feel?
Tormod: How did I feel? I was happy… and excited. I’d never felt anything like it.
Devdan: Devdan knows that it felt good when you started making progress in your training… Right?
Tormod: Yes… it was fun.
Devdan: Why do you think that was?
Tormod: I was happy because… Well, because I was getting stronger. I had the power to protect people.
Devdan: Never forget how that felt. Keep that attitude, and you’ll continue to improve.
Tormod: … Thanks, Devdan! You’re always teaching me something important!
Devdan: Mua ha har hee ho hee hoo! It is Devdan’s responsibility to pass on knowledge to the next generation. And you know what? You give Devdan something in return, too…
Tormod: I do?
Devdan: Hope. There’s always something worth fighting for.

A nice, pleasant Devdan Support. He actually gets some teaching right here. Now if only his other chains were so pleasant.

Gatrie/Marcia A

Marcia: Heya, Gatrie.
Gatrie: …
Marcia: What’s the matter, big fella? You’re looking down.
Gatrie: It’s better if you don’t talk to me at all, Marcia. Don’t even give me a second look. I’m nothing but dirt. I’m worse than dirt… I’m… sludge!
Marcia: Oh, boy… This is about the other day, isn’t it? When you got beaten down by–
Gatrie: Don’t remind me! I was such a fool! I can’t believe I let you see me get smacked around like that. I might as well throw in the towel now. I’m just a big loser…
Marcia: No you’re not! So Ike beat you that time. Big deal! Ike beats everybody! I was still impressed by your all-or-nothing attitude.
Gatrie: Really!?
Marcia: Really! You’re both fierce fighters. Hey, what do you say to being my training partner one of these days? I want both you and Ike to teach me some of your fighting skills
Gatrie: Of course!
Marcia: Great! It’ll be a hoot! I’m looking forward to it! See you later!
Gatrie: …I was feeling angry at Ike for humiliating me like that… But maybe it will all work out after all. Until later, my sweet Marcia!

OK, Gatrie has gotten back into the "not sure I'm down with this" box on Marcia Support. Marcia's nice and encouraging, though. Even if I'm not sure Gatrie is the man to ask about training.

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