Sunday 29 August 2021

Supports: Chapters 8-11

So how are we gonna deal with Supports? Supplementary updates! This first update will be a bit of a block update, because so few Supports get added each chapter, but starting with Chapter 12, there'll definitely be enough food for each mission. As for why I waited until now when Supports started becoming available Chapter 8? Script is funny for the first one you're supposed to get.

Today's Supports:

  • Ike/Oscar C
  • Ike/Soren C
  • Titania/Rhys C
  • Ike/Titania C
  • Mist/Rolf C
  • Titania/Boyd C
  • Ike/Oscar B


Chapter 8 


Ike/Oscar C

Ike: Hey, Oscar, can you spar with me for a sec… Wait! Where are you going?
Oscar: Sorry, Ike! No time! I have to prepare the evening meal today.
Ike: You? Where’s Mist?
Oscar: She’s off practicing with her staff. It’s been a while since I cooked. I hope I haven’t lost my touch.
Ike: I haven’t had one of your suppers in ages! I’m looking forward to it.
Oscar: Really?
Ike: Yeah, of course! You’re a great cook! Why do you ask?
Oscar: Well… I never knew that. Mist, Shinon, and Rhys were the only ones who ever commented on the subtle spices and flavors that I use… I mean, my brothers are used to my cooking, and Soren hates everything. I think he’d stop eating if he could… Sure, Commander Greil, Titania, Gatrie, and you ate everything on the plate. But… I feel like you’d eat anything.
Ike: Oscar, I didn’t just shovel the food into my mouth. I enjoyed it! I really did! Remember the first day that Mist took over your cooking duties? Just thinking about it makes me ill… Ha! Even my father was having trouble choking it down! But I think Mist is finally starting to get the hang of it.
Oscar: Just like you’re training to improve your swordsmanship, Mist is training to improve her culinary skills. You should give her more support. Hearing someone say “Delicious!” is the best encouragement a cook can get.
Ike: I see… Then I’ll make sure to say “Delicious!”
from now on.
Oscar: Ha ha! Thanks.

Hm, I guess Mist's improvement was before the game. Anyway, despite taking place before Chapter 8, there's reference to her practicing her staffwork already. That's supposed to come as a surprise to Ike in Chapter 9!


Chapter 9


Ike/Soren C

Soren: So that’s how much we spent… Supplies are running low. We need dried meat, fresh fruit… Ike? Are you listening?
Ike: Huh? Oh, sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.
Soren: I would have never guessed.
Ike: Sorry, Soren. Look, could you run the report by me again?
Soren: You’re tired, Ike. You need rest. Go find a cot somewhere.
Ike: You can tell?
Soren: Of course. When you’re not feeling well, your left eye twitches.
Ike: That’s…odd. I never noticed.
Soren: Get some sleep. I can manage things for a few hours.
Ike: Well, I am pretty beat…
Soren: Go.
Ike: You know, Soren? You’re not nearly as insensitive as the others say. Deep down, you’re a big softie.
Soren: Excuse me?
Ike: Oh, nothing. I’m going.
Soren: Mmm. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.

Soren knows Ike so well. I honestly feel like characters like Tharja, who'd say something like that to be creepy, have ruined my ability to tell when it's just honestly getting to know one another well.

Titania/Rhys C

Titania: How are you feeling, Rhys?
Rhys: Good. No fevers or shaking today! Thanks for asking.
Titania: You know, I was just thinking about the first time we met. It was almost a year ago to this very day.
Rhys: Was it really…? Oh, you’re right! My, time does fly.
Titania: Of course, I don’t remember much of the initial encounter, since I was unconscious and bleeding! Ha! Remember that? I don’t know why we didn’t bring a healer with us that day… Fighting bandits without a staff? Not smart!
Rhys: It was lucky that I found you. I didn’t usually venture that deep into the forest, but I was short on medicinal herbs.
Titania: Yeah, those bandits were a rough lot… Their stomping ground was right near your village, actually. It’s all coming back to me now… They were tougher than I’d thought. We took most of them out with ease, but one fled into the woods and I gave chase. Big mistake. My horse got hung up in the undergrowth, and that bandit got the drop on me… At least Shinon hit him before I was killed.
Rhys: Gatrie and Shinon were both really worried when they brought you back to my parents’ house.
Titania: Really? I didn’t know that. Hmm… I didn’t think Shinon ever worried about anyone… But they stayed with me until my wounds were healed, I remember that. You know, if it wasn’t for your good work, I wouldn’t have been able to use an axe anymore! I really appreciate it.
Rhys: No, I should thank you. You convinced Greil to hire me! And now I can send money back to my parents. They’re both so old, and I’m their only source of income.
Titania: Your parents were very kind. Especially your mother… And she made that great wildberry pie! To repay their kindness, I will protect their only son no matter what.
Rhys: Oh, I appreciate that, Titania!

Some detail in how Rhys came to be a member of the Greil Mercenaries! I thought this information was in an Info conversation, but I guess it only could be a Support in this game, since Info is more Ike's domain. Radiant Dawn has more Info conversations that don't include Ike.


Chapter 10


Ike/Titania C 

Titania: Hey, Ike. Training?
Ike: Yeah. You too, huh? Hey, do you want to spar? I learn a lot when we team up.
Titania: Really? I’m glad to hear that. I thought you no longer needed my lessons.
Ike: What are you talking about? You’re the one who put the finishing touches on what swordsmanship I inherited from my father.
Titania: Hmm. I’m honored to hear you say so.
Ike: I mean it.
Titania: But the talent you inherited from your father is one of a kind. I want you to cherish it.
Ike: Huh… Hey, Titania? When did you meet my father? You used to be a Crimean knight, right?
Titania: That’s right… But it’s a long story, and we need to train! Get ready! Focus!
Ike: Fine…

I'll have the full scripts for Supports I cover in the main updates here, but my thoughts are mostly going to be in those main updates.

Mist/Rolf C

Mist: Rolf! Oh, there you are!
Rolf: Mist! Were you looking for me?
Mist: Yes. I’ve been meaning to talk to you. We haven’t had a chance to talk since that day we fought for the first time.
Rolf: I’m glad you’re safe… Somehow, we’re both still alive.
Mist: Yes…we’ve been so lucky.
Rolf: My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking so badly that I almost shot an arrow into Boyd’s backside.
Mist: Tee hee! Good thing you didn’t, or he would have given you a smacking! I was so…scared. I heard yelling… screaming… and the most awful howls of agony. I felt dizzy and sick.
Rolf: I wasn’t scared at all. Maybe I was a little nervous… But by the end, I was almost hitting my targets!
Mist: You weren’t even a little scared?
Rolf: No way. I can’t wait for the next battle. I’ll fight better next time. You’ll see. I’ll feather a horde of slobbering enemies! See you later, Mist. I’ve got to go practice!
Mist: Oh, Rolf! Rolf…

Oh dear, Rolf's only been in one fight and he's already dehumanising. He is twelve. This is why child soldiers are war crimes- imagine what it's like for five year olds!


Chapter 11


Titania/Boyd C

Boyd: Ninety-eight… Ninety-nine… One hundred! Done! Bleh. What’s the point in swinging an axe by myself? I should probably try to find Ike… But maybe a quick nap first-
: Boyd!
Boyd: Aaah! Titania!
Titania: Where do you think you’re going? Are you blowing off your training again?
Boyd: No! I’m not slacking, I swear! I was just… uh… going to work out with Ike! You know me– I’m all about the fighting!
Titania: Boyd, I know that training is tough. But if you make light of it, you’re closer to death than you ever want to be. You’re a mercenary. When you’re confused or exhausted during a long battle, instincts make all the difference.
Boyd: But, Titania… I just can’t get into training when I don’t have a partner.
Titania: Can’t get into it? Boyd? Don’t make me chew you out again.
Boyd: Joking! I-I’m just joking! What I just said? All a joke! Ha ha! Ha? Haaaaa… Oh, I’m just dying to do some practice swings! Hyaaa! Boy, training is so much fun! Isn’t that right, Titania!? Whooo! I loooove training!
Titania: Darn it, Boyd, why are you so lazy? You’re a natural fighter, you know that? You could even be a better fighter than me if you just put your mind to it. Anyway… keep practicing.

Ah, Boyd is lazy, that's why his stats are so variable. Titania's point is good, but it doesn't really make their work that much more palatable, in all honesty.

Ike/Oscar B

Oscar: How’s it going, Ike?
Ike: Oh, hey, Oscar. I’m fine… Actually, I’m kind of worried about something.
Oscar: Can I help?
Ike: Well, I was trying to figure out how we should fight the laguz bird tribes.
Oscar: That’s odd… I was just thinking about the same thing. When they turn into their true selves, we are forced into a kind of battle that is difficult for us.
Ike: You’re right about that. The laguz are so strong. I’ve even seen them shatter boulders with a single blow. I feel like our weak points are as visible as a lit torch for the bird tribes. What’s more, my sword is useless if they take to the sky…
Oscar: My advice is to keep engaging them. The more we fight, the more we learn. Of course, it won’t be easy.
Ike: No, but I’m sure we can do it. That’s a good idea! Thanks.
Oscar: Ah… Well…sure. You’re pretty amazing, Ike. You know that?
Ike: Hey, come on now. You’re the guy with all the experience and talent.
Oscar: Everything I have accomplished comes from hard work and practice. You’re the son of Commander Greil. You have…natural talent. I’d follow you anywhere.
Ike: Uh…wow. Thanks, Oscar…

No, this isn't a realistic fear for Ike when we get to Chapter 11 either. I feel like this conversation was designed for Chapter 13 and shifted here for some reason.

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