Sunday, 23 February 2025

Pokemon Sun Aether Paradise 2: Rotten Tree

On leaving the main building of Aether Paradise, we are confronted with the sight of Hau and Gladion with a bunch of Skull Grunts. In the short time it took me to experiment to see if the front door was open, Gladion has knocked out two Skull Grunts. Impressive, considering Gladion has not yet formally defected from Team Skull.

He then barrels down this long path to get to the guy at the other end to his own theme. The Skull Grunt closest to the other end, that guy on the left, shrugs as he goes by, the only one to be on screen long enough to emote.

Yeah, I don't think that formal resignation is going to be required.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Pokemon Sun Aether Paradise 1: Rotten Branch

Gladion is the one to take us back to Aether Paradise from Malie. I'm sure he won't be too annoyed we need the Malie PC.

In SM, they don't show the boat you use, but rather the camera pans away from Gladion in this wide shot of the horizon. At night time, the moon is depicted, and... I think the phase of the moon is actually accurate to what it was when I was recording? I'm not 100% sure how to figure the difference between a waxing and waning half moon in terms of "which side of the moon is supposed to be illuminated".

Right, let's get going. And yes, that map is going to be useless for most of the update.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Pokemon Alola Bonus: Darkinium Z

Well, we've got six fights this time, three with Gladion, and three with Nanu. Much like with Guzma and Plumeria, Gladion is more terrifying in USUM than he is in SM, and we'll be seeing more of Ray and Ailey than we will of Noah.

Pokemon Sun Darkinium Z: Grand Trial of Ula'ula Island

Nobody outside the Aether House. Encouraging. I think.

Still gonna prepare my team. Sorta. Murphy has an Expert Belt and Haruka an Amulet Coin. I only expect to use half of these.

You're welcome. Then again, I think they were trying to get me and you lot were just collateral. I'll just grab Lillie and we'll be on our way.

...Hau, don't tell me you're being used as a human climbing frame. You're 11, you're too young for this joke.

Hau, it's OK, you don't have to smile every minute of every day.

Now, what's the bad news?

Well then.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Pokemon Sun Po Town: Washed Up Over Twenty

Route 17 is a route afflicted with perma-rain, and the same conditions await us in Po Town proper. Since the introduction of Sliggoo in XY, the devs like having some way to reliably get Sliggoo's evolution by having a route permanently raining, and this is a good place to go here. Tapu Village is also fairly decent itself, although I have seen it clear up.

...Below? There's a mountain on the east side, but Po Town doesn't go under it.

Citation needed. Although presumably, what matters is you not picking fights, not other people picking fights with you.

I presume this is as opposed to fighting things out, although in this neighbourhood, the point feels either missed or muddled.